Psalms 64:8 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  8 H3956 So they shall make their own tongue H3782 [H8686] to fall H7200 [H8802] upon themselves: all that see H5074 [H8709] them shall flee away.

Numbers 16:34

  34 H3478 And all Israel H5439 that were around H5127 [H8804] them fled H6963 at the cry H559 [H8804] of them: for they said H776 , Lest the earth H1104 [H8799] swallow us up also.

1 Samuel 31:3-7

  3 H4421 And the battle H3513 [H8799] went heavily H7586 against Saul H3384 H582 H7198 [H8688] , and the archers H4672 [H8799] hit H3966 him; and he was grievously H2342 [H8799] wounded H3384 H582 H7198 [H8688] by the archers.
  4 H559 [H8799] Then said H7586 Saul H5375 H3627 [H8802] to his armourbearer H8025 [H8798] , Draw H2719 thy sword H1856 [H8798] , and thrust me through H6189 with it; lest these uncircumcised H935 [H8799] should come H1856 [H8804] and thrust me through H5953 [H8694] , and abuse H5375 H3627 [H8802] me. But his armourbearer H14 [H8804] would H3966 not; for he was exceedingly H3372 [H8804] afraid H7586 . Therefore Saul H3947 [H8799] took H2719 a sword H5307 [H8799] , and fell upon it.
  5 H5375 H3627 [H8802] And when his armourbearer H7200 [H8799] saw H7586 that Saul H4191 [H8804] was dead H5307 [H8799] , he fell H2719 likewise upon his sword H4191 [H8799] , and died with him.
  6 H7586 So Saul H4191 [H8799] died H7969 , and his three H1121 sons H5375 H3627 [H8802] , and his armourbearer H582 , and all his men H3117 , that same day H3162 together.
  7 H582 And when the men H3478 of Israel H5676 that were on the other side H6010 of the valley H5676 , and they that were on the other side H3383 of Jordan H7200 [H8799] , saw H582 that the men H3478 of Israel H5127 [H8804] fled H7586 , and that Saul H1121 and his sons H4191 [H8804] were dead H5800 [H8799] , they forsook H5892 the cities H5127 [H8799] , and fled H6430 ; and the Philistines H935 [H8799] came H3427 [H8799] and dwelt in them.

Job 15:6

  6 H6310 Thy own mouth H7561 [H8686] condemneth H8193 thee, and not I: yea, thy own lips H6030 [H8799] testify against thee.

Psalms 9:3

  3 H341 [H8802] When my enemies H7725 [H8800] are turned H268 back H3782 [H8735] , they shall fall H6 [H8799] and perish H6440 at thy presence.

Psalms 22:7

  7 H7200 [H8802] All they that see H3932 [H8686] me mock me H6358 [H8686] : they shoot out H8193 the lip H5128 [H8686] , they shake H7218 the head, saying,

Psalms 31:11

  11 H2781 I was a reproach H6887 [H8802] among all my enemies H3966 , but especially H7934 among my neighbours H6343 , and a fear H3045 [H8794] to my acquaintance H7200 [H8802] : they that saw H2351 me without H5074 [H8804] fled from me.

Psalms 52:6

  6 H6662 The righteous H7200 [H8799] also shall see H3372 [H8799] , and fear H7832 [H8799] , and shall laugh at him:

Psalms 59:12

  12 H2403 For the sin H6310 of their mouth H1697 and the words H8193 of their lips H3920 [H8735] let them even be taken H1347 in their pride H423 : and for cursing H3585 and lying H5608 [H8762] which they speak.

Psalms 140:9

  9 H7218 As for the head H4524 of those that surroundeth me H5999 , let the mischief H8193 of their own lips H3680 [H8762] cover them.

Proverbs 12:13

  13 H7451 The wicked H4170 is snared H6588 by the transgression H8193 of his lips H6662 : but the just H3318 [H8799] shall come out H6869 of trouble.

Proverbs 18:7

  7 H3684 A fool's H6310 mouth H4288 is his destruction H8193 , and his lips H4170 are the snare H5315 of his soul.

Jeremiah 18:16

  16 H7760 [H8800] To make H776 their land H8047 desolate H5769 , and a perpetual H8292 H8292 [H8675] hissing H5674 [H8802] ; every one that passeth H8074 [H8799] by it shall be astonished H5110 [H8686] , and shake H7218 his head.

Jeremiah 48:27

  27 H3478 For was not Israel H7814 a derision H4672 [H8738] to thee? was he found H1590 among thieves H1767 ? for since H1697 thou hast spoken H5110 [H8709] of him, thou didst leap for joy.

Nahum 3:7

  7 H7200 [H8802] And it shall come to pass, that all they that look H5074 [H8799] upon thee shall flee H559 [H8804] from thee, and say H5210 , Nineveh H7703 [H8795] is laid waste H5110 [H8799] : who will bemoan H370 her? Where H1245 [H8762] shall I seek H5162 [H8764] comforters for thee?

Matthew 21:41

  41 G3004 [G5719] They say G846 to him G2560 , He will miserably G622 [G5692] destroy G846 those G2556 wicked men G2532 , and G1554 [G5695] will let out G290 his vineyard G243 to other G1092 vinedressers G3748 , who G591 [G5692] shall render G846 him G2590 the fruits G1722 in G846 their G2540 seasons.

Luke 19:22

  22 G1161 { And G3004 [G5719] he saith G846 to him G1537 , Out of G4675 thy own G4750 mouth G2919 [G5692] will I judge G4571 thee G4190 , thou wicked G1401 servant G1492 [G5715] . Thou knewest G3754 that G1473 I G1510 [G5748] was G840 an austere G444 man G142 [G5723] , taking up G3739 what G5087 0 I laid G3756 not G5087 [G5656] down G2532 , and G2325 [G5723] reaping G3739 what G4687 0 I did G3756 not G4687 [G5656] sow:}

Revelation 18:4

  4 G2532 And G191 [G5656] I heard G243 another G5456 voice G1537 from G3772 heaven G3004 [G5723] , saying G1831 [G5628] , Come G1537 out of G846 her G3450 , my G2992 people G3363 0 , that G4790 0 ye be G3363 not G4790 [G5661] partakers G846 of her G266 sins G2532 , and G3363 0 that G2983 [G5632] ye receive G3363 not G1537 of G846 her G4127 plagues.

Revelation 18:10

  10 G2476 [G5761] Standing G3113 afar G575 off G1223 for G5401 the fear G846 of her G929 torment G3004 [G5723] , saying G3759 , Alas G3759 , alas G3173 , that great G4172 city G897 Babylon G2478 , that mighty G4172 city G3754 ! for G1722 in G3391 one G5610 hour G2064 0 is G4675 thy G2920 judgment G2064 [G5627] come.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.