Exodus 35:21-35

  21 G2532 And G5342 [2brought G1538 1each] G3739 what G5342 [3offered G1473 1their G3588   G2588 2heart]. G2532 And G3739 the ones which G1380 it seemed G3588 good in G5590 their soul G1473   G5342 brought G850.4 a choice portion G2962 to the lord G1519 for G3956 all G3588 the G2041 works G3588 of the G4633 tent G3588 of the G3142 testimony, G2532 and G1519 for G3956 all G3588 the G2716.2 upkeep G1473 of it, G2532 and G1519 for G3956 all G3588 the G4749 [2apparels G3588   G39 1holy].
  22 G2532 And G5342 [3brought G3588 1the G435 2men] G3844 from G3588 the G1135 women G3956 every thing G3739 which G1380 seemed good G3588 in their G1271 thought. G5342 They brought G4973 seals, G2532 and G1801.1 ear-rings, G2532 and G1146 rings, G2532 and G1708.1 wreaths, G2532 and G4018.5 right armbands -- G3956 every G4632 item G5552 of gold.
  23 G2532 And G3956 all G3745 as many as G5342 brought G850.4 choice-portions G5553 of gold G2962 to the lord, G2532 and G3956 all G3739 which G2147 was found G3844 by G1473 them G5192 of blue, G2532 and G4209 purple, G2532 and G2847 scarlet, G2532 and G1040 linen, G2532 and G1192 skins G2919.1 of rams G2062.3 being dyed red, G2532 and G1192 skins G5191 of blue -- G5342 they brought.
  24 G2532 And G3956 everyone G3588   G851 removing G3588 the G850.4 choice-portion G694 silver G2532 and G5475 brass, G5342 brought G3588 the G850.4 choice-portions G3588 to the G2962 lord . G2532 And G3844 from G3739 whomever G2147 [3was found G3586 2wood G767.1 1incorruptible] G1519 for G3956 all G3588 the G2041 works G3588 of the G3904 preparation -- G5342 they brought.
  25 G2532 And G3956 every G1135 woman G4680 wise G3588 in G1271 considering G3588 with the G5495 hands G3514 to spin, G5342 brought G3514 works being spun -- G3588 the G5192 blue, G2532 and G3588 the G4209 purple, G2532 and G3588 the G2847 scarlet, G2532 and G3588 the G1040 linen.
  26 G2532 And G3956 all G3588 the G1135 women G3739 to whom G1380 it seemed good G3588 in G1271 their consideration G1473   G1722 with G4678 wisdom, G3514 spun G3588 the G2359 hair G3588 of the G122 goats.
  27 G2532 And G3588 the G758 rulers G5342 brought G3588 the G3037 stones G3588   G4665 of emerald, G2532 and G3588 the G3037 stones G3588 for the G4138.1 filling G1519 in G3588 the G2036.1 shoulder-piece, G2532 and G1519 for G3588 the G3051 oracle,
  28 G2532 and G3588 the G4916.3 compositions, G2532 and G1519 for G3588 the G1637 oil G3588 of the G5544.1 anointing, G2532 and G3588 the G4916.3 composition G3588 of the G2368 incense.
  29 G2532 And G3956 every G435 man G2532 and G1135 woman G3739 which G5342 brought G3588   G1271 their consideration, G1473   G1525 entering G4160 to do G3956 all G3588 the G2041 work; G3745 as many as G4929 the lord ordered G2962   G4160 them to do G1473   G1223 through G* Moses -- G5342 [4brought G3588 1the G5207 2sons G* 3of Israel] G850.4 the choice-portion G2962 to the lord .
  30 G2532 And G2036 Moses said G*   G3588 to the G5207 sons G* of Israel, G2400 Behold, G342.1 God has called G3588   G2316   G1537 by G3686 name G3588   G* Bezaleel G3588 the G3588 son G* of Uri, G5207 son of G* Hur, G1537 of G3588 the G5443 tribe G* of Judah.
  31 G2532 And G1705 he filled G1473 him G4151 with [2spirit G2304 1divine] G4678 of wisdom, G2532 and G4907 understanding, G2532 and G1989.1 of higher knowledge G3956 of all things;
  32 G752.2 to supervise construction G2596 according to G3956 all G3588 the G2041 works G3588 of the G752.3 construction; G4160 to prepare G3588 the G5553 gold, G2532 and G3588 the G694 silver, G2532 and G3588 the G5475 brass,
  33 G2532 and G3038.1 to cut G3588 the G3037 stone, G2532 and G2716 to manufacture G3588 the G3586 wood things, G2532 and G4160 to produce G1722 with G3956 every G2041 work G4678 of wisdom.
  34 G2532 And G4264 [3assistance G1065 1indeed G1325 2 God gave] G1722 in G3588 the G1271 considering G1473 to him, G5037 and also G2532   G3588 to G* Aholiab, G3588 to the G3588 son G* of Ahisamach, G1537 of G5443 the tribe G* of Dan.
  35 G2532 And G1705 he filled G1473 them G4678 with wisdom G4907 of understanding G1271 in considering G3956 all things, G4920 to perceive, G4160 to make G3588 the G2041 works G3588 of the G39 holy place, G2532 and G3588 the G5307 woven works, G2532 and G4164.3 embroidered works; G5306.1 to weave G3588 with the G2847 scarlet G2532 and G3588 with the G1040 linen; G4160 to make G3956 every G2041 work G752.3 of construction G2532 and G4163.1 embroidery.
  21 G2532 και G5342 ήνεγκεν G1538 έκαστος G3739 ων G5342 έφερεν G1473 αυτών G3588 η G2588 καρδία G2532 και G3739 οις G1380 έδοξε G3588 τη G5590 ψυχή αυτών G1473   G5342 ήνεγκαν G850.4 αφαίρεμα G2962 κυρίω G1519 εις G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3588 της G4633 σκηνής G3588 του G3142 μαρτυρίου G2532 και G1519 εις G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G2716.2 κάτεργα G1473 αυτής G2532 και G1519 εις G3956 πάσας G3588 τας G4749 στολάς G3588 του G39 αγίου
  22 G2532 και G5342 ήνεγκαν G3588 οι G435 άνδρες G3844 παρά G3588 των G1135 γυναικών G3956 πας G3739 ω G1380 έδοξεν G3588 τη G1271 διανοία G5342 ήνεγκαν G4973 σφραγίδας G2532 και G1801.1 ενώτια G2532 και G1146 δακτυλίους G2532 και G1708.1 εμπλόκια G2532 και G4018.5 περιδέξια G3956 παν G4632 σκεύος G5552 χρυσούν
  23 G2532 και G3956 πάντες G3745 όσοι G5342 ήνεγκαν G850.4 αφαιρέματα G5553 χρυσίου G2962 κυρίω G2532 και G3956 πας G3739 ω G2147 ευρέθη G3844 παρ΄ G1473 αυτώ G5192 υάκινθος G2532 και G4209 πορφύρα G2532 και G2847 κόκκινον G2532 και G1040 βύσσος G2532 και G1192 δέρματα G2919.1 κριών G2062.3 ηρυθροδανωμένα G2532 και G1192 δέρματα G5191 υακίνθινα G5342 ήνεγκαν
  24 G2532 και G3956 πας G3588 ο G851 αφαιρών G3588 το G850.4 αφαίρεμα G694 αργύριον G2532 και G5475 χαλκόν G5342 ήνεγκαν G3588 τα G850.4 αφαιρέματα G3588 τω G2962 κυρίω G2532 και G3844 παρ΄ G3739 οις G2147 ευρέθη G3586 ξύλα G767.1 άσηπτα G1519 εις G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3588 της G3904 παρασκευής G5342 ήνεγκαν
  25 G2532 και G3956 πάσα G1135 γυνή G4680 σοφή G3588 τη G1271 διανοία G3588 ταις G5495 χερσί G3514 νήθειν G5342 ήνεγκαν G3514 νενησμένα G3588 την G5192 υάκινθον G2532 και G3588 την G4209 πορφύραν G2532 και G3588 το G2847 κόκκινον G2532 και G3588 την G1040 βύσσον
  26 G2532 και G3956 πάσαι G3588 αι G1135 γυναίκες G3739 αις G1380 έδοξε G3588 τη G1271 διανοία αυτών G1473   G1722 εν G4678 σοφία G3514 ένησαν G3588 τας G2359 τρίχας G3588 τας G122 αιγείας
  27 G2532 και G3588 οι G758 άρχοντες G5342 ήνεγκαν G3588 τους G3037 λίθους G3588 της G4665 σμαράγδου G2532 και G3588 τους G3037 λίθους G3588 της G4138.1 πληρώσεως G1519 εις G3588 την G2036.1 επωμίδα G2532 και G1519 εις G3588 το G3051 λογείον
  28 G2532 και G3588 τας G4916.3 συνθέσεις G2532 και G1519 εις G3588 το G1637 έλαιον G3588 της G5544.1 χρίσεως G2532 και G3588 την G4916.3 σύνθεσιν G3588 του G2368 θυμιάματος
  29 G2532 και G3956 πας G435 ανήρ G2532 και G1135 γυνή G3739 ων G5342 έφερεν G3588 η G1271 διάνοια αυτών G1473   G1525 εισελθόντας G4160 ποιείν G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3745 όσα G4929 συνέταξε κύριος G2962   G4160 ποιήσαι αυτά G1473   G1223 διά G* Μωυσήν G5342 ήνεγκαν G3588 οι G5207 υιοί G* Ισραήλ G850.4 αφαίρεμα G2962 κυρίω
  30 G2532 και G2036 είπε Μωυσής G*   G3588 τοις G5207 υιοίς G* Ισραήλ G2400 ιδού G342.1 ανακέκληκεν ο θεός G3588   G2316   G1537 εξ G3686 ονόματος G3588 τον G* Βεσελεήλ G3588 τον G3588 του G* Ουρί G5207 υιόυ G* Ωρ G1537 εκ G3588 της G5443 φυλής G* Ιούδα
  31 G2532 και G1705 ενέπλησεν G1473 αυτόν G4151 πνεύμα G2304 θείον G4678 σοφίας G2532 και G4907 συνέσεως G2532 και G1989.1 επιστήμης G3956 πάντων
  32 G752.2 αρχιτεκτονείν G2596 κατά G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3588 της G752.3 αρχιτεκτονίας G4160 ποιείν G3588 το G5553 χρυσίον G2532 και G3588 το G694 αργύριον G2532 και G3588 τον G5475 χαλκόν
  33 G2532 και G3038.1 λιθουργήσαι G3588 τον G3037 λίθον G2532 και G2716 κατεργάζεσθαι G3588 τα G3586 ξύλα G2532 και G4160 ποιείν G1722 εν G3956 παντί G2041 έργω G4678 σοφίας
  34 G2532 και G4264 προβιβάσαι G1065 γε G1325 έδωκεν G1722 εν G3588 τη G1271 διανοία G1473 αυτώ G5037 τε και G2532   G3588 τω G* Ελιάβ G3588 τω G3588 του G* Αχισαμάχ G1537 εκ G5443 φυλής G* Δαν
  35 G2532 και G1705 ενέπλησεν G1473 αυτούς G4678 σοφίας G4907 συνέσεως G1271 διανοίας G3956 πάντα G4920 συνιέναι G4160 ποιήσαι G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3588 του G39 αγίου G2532 και G3588 τα G5307 υφαντά G2532 και G4164.3 ποικιλτά G5306.1 υφάναι G3588 τω G2847 κοκκίνω G2532 και G3588 τη G1040 βύσσω G4160 ποιείν G3956 παν G2041 έργον G752.3 αρχιτεκτονίας G2532 και G4163.1 ποικιλίας
    21 G2532 CONJ και G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν G1538 A-NSM εκαστος G3739 R-GPM ων G5342 V-IAI-3S εφερεν G846 D-GPM αυτων G3588 T-NSF η G2588 N-NSF καρδια G2532 CONJ και G3745 A-DPM οσοις G1380 V-AAI-3S εδοξεν G3588 T-DSF τη G5590 N-DSF ψυχη G846 D-GPM αυτων G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν   N-ASN αφαιρεμα G2962 N-DSM κυριω G1519 PREP εις G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GSF της G4633 N-GSF σκηνης G3588 T-GSN του G3142 N-GSN μαρτυριου G2532 CONJ και G1519 PREP εις G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα   N-APN κατεργα G846 D-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και G1519 PREP εις G3956 A-APF πασας G3588 T-APF τας G4749 N-APF στολας G3588 T-GSN του G40 A-GSN αγιου
    22 G2532 CONJ και G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν G3588 T-NPM οι G435 N-NPM ανδρες G3844 PREP παρα G3588 T-GPF των G1135 N-GPF γυναικων G3956 A-NSM πας G3739 R-DSM ω G1380 V-AAI-3S εδοξεν G3588 T-DSF τη G1271 N-DSF διανοια G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν G4973 N-APF σφραγιδας G2532 CONJ και   N-APN ενωτια G2532 CONJ και G1146 N-APM δακτυλιους G2532 CONJ και   N-APN εμπλοκια G2532 CONJ και   N-APN περιδεξια G3956 A-ASN παν G4632 N-ASN σκευος   A-NSN χρυσουν G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NPM παντες G3745 A-NPM οσοι G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν   N-APN αφαιρεματα G5553 N-GSN χρυσιου G2962 N-DSM κυριω
    23 G2532 CONJ και G3844 PREP παρ G3739 R-DSM ω G2147 V-API-3S ευρεθη G1040 N-NSF βυσσος G2532 CONJ και G1192 N-NPN δερματα G5191 A-NPN υακινθινα G2532 CONJ και G1192 N-NPN δερματα   N-GPM κριων   V-RPPNP ηρυθροδανωμενα G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν
    24 G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSM πας G3588 T-NSM ο   V-PAPNS αφαιρων   N-ASN αφαιρεμα G694 N-ASN αργυριον G2532 CONJ και G5475 N-ASM χαλκον G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν G3588 T-APN τα   N-APN αφαιρεματα G2962 N-DSM κυριω G2532 CONJ και G3844 PREP παρ G3739 R-DPM οις G2147 V-API-3S ευρεθη G3586 N-NPN ξυλα   A-NPN ασηπτα G1519 PREP εις G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF κατασκευης G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν
    25 G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSF πασα G1135 N-NSF γυνη G4680 A-NSF σοφη G3588 T-DSF τη G1271 N-DSF διανοια G3588 T-DPF ταις G5495 N-DPF χερσιν G3514 V-PAN νηθειν G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν G3514 V-RMPAP νενησμενα G3588 T-ASF την G5192 N-ASF υακινθον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G4209 N-ASF πορφυραν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G2847 A-ASN κοκκινον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G1040 N-ASF βυσσον
    26 G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NPF πασαι G3588 T-NPF αι G1135 N-NPF γυναικες G3739 R-DPF αις G1380 V-AAI-3S εδοξεν G3588 T-DSF τη G1271 N-DSF διανοια G846 D-GPF αυτων G1722 PREP εν G4678 N-DSF σοφια G3514 V-AAI-3P ενησαν G3588 T-APF τας G2359 N-APF τριχας G3588 T-APF τας   A-APF αιγειας
    27 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G758 N-NPM αρχοντες G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν G3588 T-APM τους G3037 N-APM λιθους G3588 T-GSF της G4665 N-GSF σμαραγδου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APM τους G3037 N-APM λιθους G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF πληρωσεως G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF επωμιδα G2532 CONJ και G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN λογειον
    28 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF συνθεσεις G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G1637 N-ASN ελαιον G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF χρισεως G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF συνθεσιν G3588 T-GSN του G2368 N-GSN θυμιαματος
    29 G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSM πας G435 N-NSM ανηρ G2532 CONJ και G1135 N-NSF γυνη G3739 R-GPM ων G5342 V-IAI-3S εφερεν G3588 T-NSF η G1271 N-NSF διανοια G846 D-GPM αυτων G1525 V-AAPAP εισελθοντας G4160 V-PAN ποιειν G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3745 A-APN οσα G4929 V-AAI-3S συνεταξεν G2962 N-NSM κυριος G4160 V-AAN ποιησαι G846 D-APN αυτα G1223 PREP δια   N-GSM μωυση G5342 V-AAI-3P ηνεγκαν G3588 T-NPM οι G5207 N-NPM υιοι G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ   N-ASN αφαιρεμα G2962 N-DSM κυριω
    30 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν   N-NSM μωυσης G3588 T-DPM τοις G5207 N-DPM υιοις G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G2400 INJ ιδου   V-RAI-3S ανακεκληκεν G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G1537 PREP εξ G3686 N-GSN ονοματος G3588 T-ASM τον   N-PRI βεσελεηλ G3588 T-ASM τον G3588 T-GSM του G3774 N-PRI ουριου G3588 T-ASM τον   N-PRI ωρ G1537 PREP εκ G5443 N-GSF φυλης G2448 N-PRI ιουδα
    31 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ενεπλησεν G846 D-ASM αυτον G4151 N-ASN πνευμα G2304 A-ASN θειον G4678 N-GSF σοφιας G2532 CONJ και G4907 N-GSF συνεσεως G2532 CONJ και   N-GSF επιστημης G3956 A-GPN παντων
    32   V-PAN αρχιτεκτονειν G2596 PREP κατα G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF αρχιτεκτονιας G4160 V-PAN ποιειν G3588 T-ASN το G5553 N-ASN χρυσιον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASN το G694 N-ASN αργυριον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον G5475 N-ASM χαλκον
    33 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAN λιθουργησαι G3588 T-ASM τον G3037 N-ASM λιθον G2532 CONJ και G2716 V-PMN κατεργαζεσθαι G3588 T-APN τα G3586 N-APN ξυλα G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-PAN ποιειν G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DSN παντι G2041 N-DSN εργω G4678 N-GSF σοφιας
    34 G2532 CONJ και G4264 V-AAN προβιβασαι G1065 PRT γε G1325 V-AAI-3S εδωκεν G846 D-DSM αυτω G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G1271 N-DSF διανοια G846 D-DSM αυτω G5037 PRT τε G2532 CONJ και   N-PRI ελιαβ G3588 T-DSM τω G3588 T-GSM του   N-PRI αχισαμακ G1537 PREP εκ G5443 N-GSF φυλης   N-PRI δαν
    35   V-AAI-3S ενεπλησεν G846 D-APM αυτους G4678 N-GSF σοφιας G2532 CONJ και G4907 N-GSF συνεσεως G1271 N-GSF διανοιας G3956 A-ASN παντα G4920 V-PAN συνιεναι G4160 V-AAN ποιησαι G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GSN του G40 A-GSN αγιου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G5307 A-APN υφαντα G2532 CONJ και   A-APN ποικιλτα   V-AAN υφαναι G3588 T-DSN τω G2847 A-DSN κοκκινω G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DSF τη G1040 N-DSF βυσσω G4160 V-PAN ποιειν G3956 A-ASN παν G2041 N-ASN εργον   N-GSF αρχιτεκτονιας   N-GSF ποικιλιας
HOT(i) 21 ויבאו כל אישׁ אשׁר נשׂאו לבו וכל אשׁר נדבה רוחו אתו הביאו את תרומת יהוה למלאכת אהל מועד ולכל עבדתו ולבגדי הקדשׁ׃ 22 ויבאו האנשׁים על הנשׁים כל נדיב לב הביאו חח ונזם וטבעת וכומז כל כלי זהב וכל אישׁ אשׁר הניף תנופת זהב ליהוה׃ 23 וכל אישׁ אשׁר נמצא אתו תכלת וארגמן ותולעת שׁני ושׁשׁ ועזים וערת אילם מאדמים וערת תחשׁים הביאו׃ 24 כל מרים תרומת כסף ונחשׁת הביאו את תרומת יהוה וכל אשׁר נמצא אתו עצי שׁטים לכל מלאכת העבדה הביאו׃ 25 וכל אשׁה חכמת לב בידיה טוו ויביאו מטוה את התכלת ואת הארגמן את תולעת השׁני ואת השׁשׁ׃ 26 וכל הנשׁים אשׁר נשׂא לבן אתנה בחכמה טוו את העזים׃ 27 והנשׂאם הביאו את אבני השׁהם ואת אבני המלאים לאפוד ולחשׁן׃ 28 ואת הבשׂם ואת השׁמן למאור ולשׁמן המשׁחה ולקטרת הסמים׃ 29 כל אישׁ ואשׁה אשׁר נדב לבם אתם להביא לכל המלאכה אשׁר צוה יהוה לעשׂות ביד משׁה הביאו בני ישׂראל נדבה ליהוה׃ 30 ויאמר משׁה אל בני ישׂראל ראו קרא יהוה בשׁם בצלאל בן אורי בן חור למטה יהודה׃ 31 וימלא אתו רוח אלהים בחכמה בתבונה ובדעת ובכל מלאכה׃ 32 ולחשׁב מחשׁבת לעשׂת בזהב ובכסף ובנחשׁת׃ 33 ובחרשׁת אבן למלאת ובחרשׁת עץ לעשׂות בכל מלאכת מחשׁבת׃ 34 ולהורת נתן בלבו הוא ואהליאב בן אחיסמך למטה דן׃ 35 מלא אתם חכמת לב לעשׂות כל מלאכת חרשׁ וחשׁב ורקם בתכלת ובארגמן בתולעת השׁני ובשׁשׁ וארג עשׂי כל מלאכה וחשׁבי מחשׁבת׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  21 H935 ויבאו And they came, H3605 כל every H376 אישׁ one H834 אשׁר whose H5375 נשׂאו stirred him up, H3820 לבו heart H3605 וכל and every one H834 אשׁר   H5068 נדבה made willing, H7307 רוחו his spirit H853 אתו   H935 הביאו they brought H853 את   H8641 תרומת offering H3068 יהוה the LORD's H4399 למלאכת to the work H168 אהל of the tabernacle H4150 מועד of the congregation, H3605 ולכל and for all H5656 עבדתו his service, H899 ולבגדי garments. H6944 הקדשׁ׃ and for the holy
  22 H935 ויבאו And they came, H582 האנשׁים   H5921 על   H802 הנשׁים and women, H3605 כל as many as H5081 נדיב were willing H3820 לב hearted, H935 הביאו brought H2397 חח bracelets, H5141 ונזם and earrings, H2885 וטבעת and rings, H3558 וכומז and tablets, H3605 כל all H3627 כלי jewels H2091 זהב of gold: H3605 וכל and every H376 אישׁ both men H834 אשׁר that H5130 הניף offered H8573 תנופת an offering H2091 זהב of gold H3068 ליהוה׃ unto the LORD.
  23 H3605 וכל And every H376 אישׁ man, H834 אשׁר whom H4672 נמצא was found H854 אתו with H8504 תכלת blue, H713 וארגמן and purple, H8438 ותולעת and scarlet, H8144 שׁני and scarlet, H8336 ושׁשׁ and fine linen, H5795 ועזים and goats' H5785 וערת skins H352 אילם of rams, H119 מאדמים and red H5785 וערת skins, H8476 תחשׁים and badgers' H935 הביאו׃ brought
  24 H3605 כל Every one H7311 מרים that did offer H8641 תרומת an offering H3701 כסף of silver H5178 ונחשׁת and brass H935 הביאו brought H853 את   H8641 תרומת offering: H3068 יהוה the LORD's H3605 וכל and every man, H834 אשׁר whom H4672 נמצא was found H854 אתו with H6086 עצי wood H7848 שׁטים shittim H3605 לכל for any H4399 מלאכת work H5656 העבדה of the service, H935 הביאו׃ brought
  25 H3605 וכל And all H802 אשׁה the women H2450 חכמת that were wise H3820 לב hearted H3027 בידיה with their hands, H2901 טוו did spin H935 ויביאו and brought H4299 מטוה that which they had spun, H853 את   H8504 התכלת of blue, H853 ואת   H713 הארגמן and of purple, H853 את   H8438 תולעת of scarlet, H8144 השׁני of scarlet, H853 ואת   H8336 השׁשׁ׃ and of fine linen.
  26 H3605 וכל And all H802 הנשׁים the women H834 אשׁר whose H5375 נשׂא   H3820 לבן heart H853 אתנה   H2451 בחכמה in wisdom H2901 טוו spun H853 את   H5795 העזים׃ goats'
  27 H5387 והנשׂאם And the rulers H935 הביאו brought H853 את   H68 אבני stones, H7718 השׁהם onyx H853 ואת   H68 אבני and stones H4394 המלאים to be set, H646 לאפוד for the ephod, H2833 ולחשׁן׃ and for the breastplate;
  28 H853 ואת   H1314 הבשׂם And spice, H853 ואת   H8081 השׁמן and oil H3974 למאור for the light, H8081 ולשׁמן oil, H4888 המשׁחה and for the anointing H7004 ולקטרת incense. H5561 הסמים׃ and for the sweet
  29 H3605 כל every H376 אישׁ man H802 ואשׁה and woman, H834 אשׁר whose H5068 נדב   H3820 לבם heart H853 אתם   H935 להביא brought H3605 לכל for all manner H4399 המלאכה of work, H834 אשׁר which H6680 צוה had commanded H3068 יהוה unto the LORD, H6213 לעשׂות to be made H3027 ביד by the hand H4872 משׁה of Moses. H935 הביאו to bring H1121 בני The children H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H5071 נדבה a willing offering H3068 ליהוה׃ the LORD
  30 H559 ויאמר said H4872 משׁה And Moses H413 אל unto H1121 בני the children H3478 ישׂראל of Israel, H7200 ראו See, H7121 קרא hath called H3068 יהוה the LORD H8034 בשׁם by name H1212 בצלאל Bezaleel H1121 בן the son H221 אורי of Uri, H1121 בן the son H2354 חור of Hur, H4294 למטה of the tribe H3063 יהודה׃ of Judah;
  31 H4390 וימלא And he hath filled H853 אתו   H7307 רוח him with the spirit H430 אלהים of God, H2451 בחכמה in wisdom, H8394 בתבונה in understanding, H1847 ובדעת and in knowledge, H3605 ובכל and in all manner H4399 מלאכה׃ of workmanship;
  32 H2803 ולחשׁב And to devise H4284 מחשׁבת curious works, H6213 לעשׂת to work H2091 בזהב in gold, H3701 ובכסף and in silver, H5178 ובנחשׁת׃ and in brass,
  33 H2799 ובחרשׁת And in the cutting H68 אבן of stones, H4390 למלאת to set H2799 ובחרשׁת and in carving H6086 עץ of wood, H6213 לעשׂות to make H3605 בכל any manner H4399 מלאכת work. H4284 מחשׁבת׃ of cunning
  34 H3384 ולהורת that he may teach, H5414 נתן And he hath put H3820 בלבו in his heart H1931 הוא he, H171 ואהליאב and Aholiab, H1121 בן the son H294 אחיסמך of Ahisamach, H4294 למטה of the tribe H1835 דן׃ of Dan.
  35 H4390 מלא Them hath he filled H853 אתם   H2451 חכמת with wisdom H3820 לב of heart, H6213 לעשׂות to work H3605 כל all manner H4399 מלאכת of work, H2796 חרשׁ of the engraver, H2803 וחשׁב and of the cunning workman, H7551 ורקם and of the embroiderer, H8504 בתכלת in blue, H713 ובארגמן and in purple, H8438 בתולעת in scarlet, H8144 השׁני in scarlet, H8336 ובשׁשׁ and in fine linen, H707 וארג and of the weaver, H6213 עשׂי of them that do H3605 כל any H4399 מלאכה work, H2803 וחשׁבי and of those that devise H4284 מחשׁבת׃ cunning work.
  21 H935 [H8799] And they came, H376 every one H834 whose H3820 heart H5375 [H8804] was stirred, H7307 and every one whom his spirit H5068 [H8804] made willing, H935 [H8689] and they brought H3068 the LORD'S H8641 offering H4399 to the work H168 of the tent H4150 of meeting, H5656 and for all his service, H6944 and for the holy H899 garments.
  22 H935 [H8799] And they came, H5921 both H582 men H802 and women, H3605 as many as H5081 were willing H3820 hearted, H935 [H8689] and brought H2397 bracelets, H5141 and earrings, H2885 and rings, H3558 and necklaces, H3627 all jewels H2091 of gold: H376 and every man H5130 [H8689] that offered H8573 offered an offering H2091 of gold H3068 to the LORD.
  23 H376 And every man, H4672 [H8738] with whom was found H8504 blue, H713 and purple, H8144 H8438 and scarlet, H8336 and fine linen, H5795 and goats' H119 [H8794] hair, and red H5785 skins H352 of rams, H8476 and badgers' H5785 skins, H935 [H8689] brought them.
  24 H7311 [H8688] Every one that offered H8641 an offering H3701 of silver H5178 and brass H935 [H8689] brought H3068 the LORD'S H8641 offering: H4672 [H8738] and every man, with whom was found H7848 shittim H6086 wood H4399 for any work H5656 of the service, H935 [H8689] brought it.
  25 H802 And all the women H2450 that were wise H3820 hearted H2901 [H8804] spun H3027 with their hands, H935 [H8686] and brought H4299 that which they had spun, H8504 both of blue, H713 and of purple, H8144 H8438 and of scarlet, H8336 and of fine linen.
  26 H802 And all the women H3820 whose heart H5375 [H8804] moved H2451 them in wisdom H2901 [H8804] spun H5795 goats' hair.
  27 H5387 And the rulers H935 [H8689] brought H7718 onyx H68 stones, H68 and stones H4394 to be set, H646 for the ephod, H2833 and for the breastplate;
  28 H1314 And spice, H8081 and oil H3974 for the light, H4888 and for the anointing H8081 oil, H5561 and for the sweet H7004 incense.
  29 H1121 The sons H3478 of Israel H935 [H8689] brought H5071 a willing offering H3068 to the LORD, H376 every man H802 and woman, H834 whose H3820 heart H5068 [H8804] made them willing H935 [H8687] to bring H4399 for all manner of work, H3068 which the LORD H6680 [H8765] had commanded H6213 [H8800] to be made H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses.
  30 H4872 And Moses H559 [H8799] said H1121 to the sons H3478 of Israel, H7200 [H8798] See, H3068 the LORD H7121 [H8804] hath called H8034 by name H1212 Bezaleel H1121 the son H221 of Uri, H1121 the son H2354 of Hur, H4294 of the tribe H3063 of Judah;
  31 H4390 [H8762] And he hath filled H7307 him with the spirit H430 of God, H2451 in wisdom, H8394 in understanding, H1847 and in knowledge, H4399 and in all manner of workmanship;
  32 H2803 [H8800] And to make beautifully H4284 wrought works, H6213 [H8800] to work H2091 in gold, H3701 and in silver, H5178 and in brass,
  33 H2799 And in the cutting H68 of stones, H4390 [H8763] to set H2799 them, and in carving H6086 of wood, H6213 [H8800] to make H4284 any manner of skilful H4399 work.
  34 H5414 [H8804] And he hath put H3820 in his heart H3384 [H8687] that he may teach, H171 both he, and Aholiab, H1121 the son H294 of Ahisamach, H4294 of the tribe H1835 of Dan.
  35 H4390 [H8765] He hath filled H2451 them with wisdom H3820 of heart, H6213 [H8800] to work H4399 all manner of work, H2796 of the engraver, H2803 [H8802] and of the skilful workmen, H7551 [H8802] and of the embroiderer, H8504 in blue, H713 and in purple, H8144 H8438 in scarlet, H8336 and in fine linen, H707 [H8802] and of the weaver, H6213 [H8802] even of them that do H3605 any H4399 work, H2803 [H8802] and of those that make beautifully H4284 wrought work.
Vulgate(i) 21 egressaque omnis multitudo filiorum Israhel de conspectu Mosi 22 obtulit mente promptissima atque devota primitias Domino ad faciendum opus tabernaculi testimonii quicquid in cultum et ad vestes sanctas necessarium erat 23 viri cum mulieribus praebuerunt armillas et inaures anulos et dextralia omne vas aureum in donaria Domini separatum est 24 si quis habuit hyacinthum purpuram coccumque bis tinctum byssum et pilos caprarum pelles arietum rubricatas et ianthinas 25 argenti et aeris metalla obtulerunt Domino lignaque setthim in varios usus 26 sed et mulieres doctae dederunt quae neverant hyacinthum purpuram et vermiculum ac byssum 27 et pilos caprarum sponte propria cuncta tribuentes 28 principes vero obtulerunt lapides onychinos et gemmas ad superumerale et rationale 29 aromataque et oleum ad luminaria concinnanda et ad praeparandum unguentum ac thymiama odoris suavissimi conponendum 30 omnes viri et mulieres mente devota obtulerunt donaria ut fierent opera quae iusserat Dominus per manum Mosi cuncti filii Israhel voluntaria Domino dedicaverunt 31 dixitque Moses ad filios Israhel ecce vocavit Dominus ex nomine Beselehel filium Uri filii Hur de tribu Iuda 32 implevitque eum spiritu Dei sapientiae et intellegentiae et scientiae omni doctrina 33 ad excogitandum et faciendum opus in auro et argento et aere sculpendisque lapidibus et opere carpentario quicquid fabre adinveniri potest 34 dedit in corde eius Hooliab quoque filium Achisamech de tribu Dan 35 ambos erudivit sapientia ut faciant opera abietarii polymitarii ac plumarii de hyacintho et purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso et texant omnia ac nova quaeque repperiant
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 21 obtulerunt mente promptissima atque devota primitias Domino, ad faciendum opus tabernaculi testimonii. Quidquid ad cultum et ad vestes sanctas necessarium erat, 22 viri cum mulieribus præbuerunt, armillas et inaures, annulos et dextralia: omne vas aureum in donaria Domini separatum est. 23 Si quis habebat hyacinthum, et purpuram, coccumque bis tinctum, byssum et pilos caprarum, pelles arietum rubricatas, et janthinas, 24 argenti, ærisque metalla, obtulerunt Domino, lignaque setim in varios usus. 25 Sed et mulieres doctæ, quæ neverant, dederunt hyacinthum, purpuram, et vermiculum, ac byssum, 26 et pilos caprarum, sponte propria cuncta tribuentes. 27 Principes vero obtulerunt lapides onychinos, et gemmas ad superhumerale et rationale, 28 aromataque et oleum ad luminaria concinnanda, et ad præparandum unguentum, ac thymiama odoris suavissimi componendum. 29 Omnes viri et mulieres mente devota obtulerunt donaria, ut fierent opera, quæ jusserat Dominus per manum Moysi. Cuncti filii Israël voluntaria Domino dedicaverunt. 30 Dixitque Moyses ad filios Israël: Ecce, vocavit Dominus ex nomine Beseleel filium Uri, filii Hur de tribu Juda, 31 implevitque eum spiritu Dei, sapientia et intelligentia, et scientia et omni doctrina, 32 ad excogitandum, et faciendum opus in auro, et argento, et ære, 33 sculpendisque lapidibus, et opere carpentario, quidquid fabre adinveniri potest, 34 dedit in corde ejus: Ooliab quoque filium Achisamech de tribu Dan: 35 ambos erudivit sapientia, ut faciant opera abietarii, polymitarii, ac plumarii, de hyacintho ac purpura, coccoque bis tincto, et bysso, et texant omnia, ac nova quæque reperiant.
Wycliffe(i) 21 and offride with moost redi soule and deuout the firste thingis to the Lord, to make the werk of the tabernacle of witnessyng, what euer was nedeful to the ournyng, and to hooli clothis. 22 Men and wymmen yauen bies of the armes, and eeryngis, ryngis, and ournementis of `the arm niy the hond; ech goldun vessel was departid in to the yiftis of the Lord. 23 If ony man hadde iacynt, and purpur, and `reed selk twies died, bijs, and the heeris of geet, skynnes of rammes maad reed, and of iacynt, 24 metals of siluer, and of bras, thei offeryden to the Lord, and trees of Sechym in to dyuerse vsis. 25 But also wymmen tauyt yauen tho thingis, whiche thei hadden spunne, iacynt, purpur, and vermyloun, 26 and bijs, and the heeris of geet; and yauen alle thingis by her owne fre wille. 27 Forsothe princes offeriden stoonys of onychyn and iemmes, to the `cloth on the schuldris, and to the racional, and swete smellynge spiceries, 28 and oyle to the liytis to be ordeyned, and to make redi oynement, and to make the encense of swettist odour. 29 Alle men and wymmen offeriden yiftis with deuout soule, that the werkis schulden be maad, whiche the Lord comaundide bi the hond of Moyses; alle the sones of Israel halewiden wilful thingis to the Lord. 30 And Moises seide to the sones of Israel, Lo! the Lord hath clepid Beseleel bi name, the sone of Hury, sone of Hur, of the lynage of Juda; 31 and the Lord hath fillid hym with the spirit of God, of wisdom, and of vndurstondyng, and of kunnyng, and with al doctryn, 32 to fynde out and to make werk in gold, and siluer, and bras, and in stoonys to be grauun, 33 and in werk of carpentrie; what euer thing may be foundun craftili, the Lord yaf in his herte; and the Lord clepide Ooliab, the sone of Achymasech, of the lynage of Dan; the Lord tauyte bothe `with wisdom, that thei make the werkis of carpenter, of steynour, and of broiderere, of iacynt, and purpur, and of `reed selk, and of bijs, and that thei make alle thingis, and fynde alle newe thingis.
Tyndale(i) 21 And they went (as many as their hartes coraged them and as many as their spirites made them willynge) and broughte heueoffrynges vnto the Lord, to the makynge of the tabernacle of wytnesse and for all his vses and for the holy vestmentes. 22 And the men came with the wemen (euen as manye as were willynge harted) and brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges and girdels and all maner Iewels of golde. And all the men that waued waueoffrynges of golde vnto the Lorde 23 and euery man with whom was founde Iacyncte, scarlet, purpull, bysse or gootes hayre or red skynnes of rammes or taxus skynnes, brought it. 24 And all that houe vpp golde or brasse, brought an heueoffrynge vnto the Lorde. And all men with whom was founde sethim wodd mete for any maner worke or seruyce, brought it. 25 And all the wemen that were wise herted to worke with their handes, spanne, and brought the sponne worke, both of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpull and bysse. 26 And all the wemen that excelled in wysdome of herte, spane the gotes hayre. 27 And the lordes brought Onix stones and settstones for the Epod, and for the brest lappe, 28 and spyce and oyle: both for the lightes and for the anoyntyng oyle and for the swete cens. 29 And the childern of Israel brought wyllynge offrynges vnto the Lorde, both men ad women: as many as their hartes made the wyllynge to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had commaunded to make by the hande of Moses. 30 And Moses sayde vnto the childern of Israel: beholde, the Lorde hath called by name Bezabeel the son of Vri the son of Hur of the trybe of Iuda, 31 and hath fylled him with the sprete of God, with wisdome, vnderstodinge and knowlege, euen in all maner worke, 32 ad to fynde out curyous workes, to worke in golde, syluer and brasse: 33 and with grauynge of stones to sett, and with keruynge in wodd, and to worke in all maner of sotle workes. 34 And he hath put in hys harte the grace to teach: both him and Ahaliab the son of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan 35 hath he fylled with wisdome of herte, to worke all maner of grauen worke: they are also broderers and workers with nedle, In Iacyncte, scarlet, purple and bysse, and are weuers that can make all maner worke, and can deuyse sotle workes.
Coverdale(i) 21 & euery one brought the gift of his hert: & all that they wolde of fre will, the same brought they for an Heue offerynge vnto the LORDE for ye worke of the Tabernacle of witnesse, & for all the seruyce therof, & for the holy vestimetes. 22 Both men & wemen that were of a wyllynge hert, brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges & gyrdels, and all maner Iewels of golde: Euery man also brought golde for Waue offerynges vnto the LORDE. 23 And who so euer foude by him yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, whyte sylke, goates hayre, reed skynnes of rames, and Doo skynnes, brought it. 24 And who so euer houe vp syluer & brasse, brought it for ye Heue offerynge vnto the LORDE. And who so euer founde Fyrre tre by him, brought it for all maner of worke of the Gods seruyce. 25 And soch wemen as were wyse herted, spanne with their hades, and brought their sponne worke of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte sylke. 26 And soch wemen as had hye vnderstondinge in wysdome, spanne goates hayre. 27 As for ye prynces, they brought Onix stones, and set stones, for ye ouerbody coate, and for the brestlappe, 28 and spyces, and oyle for ye lightes, and for the anoyntinge oyle, and for swete incense. 29 Thus the children of Israel brought fre wyllynge offerynges, both man and weme, for all maner of worke, that the LORDE had commaunded by Moses, to be made. 30 And Moses saide vnto the childre of Israel: Beholde, ye LORDE hath called by name Bezaleel ye sonne of Vri, ye sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda, 31 & hath fylled him wt the sprete of God, that he maye haue wysdome, vnderstondinge, & knowlege for all maner of worke, 32 to worke connyngly in golde, syluer & brasse, 33 to graue precious stones & to set them, to carue in wodd, to make all maner of connynge workes, 34 and hath geue instruccion in his hert, both him and Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of ye trybe of Dan. 35 These hath he fylled wt wysdome of hert, to make all maner of worke, to carue, to broder, to worke with nedle worke, with yalow sylke, scarlet, purple and whyte sylke, and with weeuynge to make all maner of worke, and to deuyse connynge workes.
MSTC(i) 21 And they went — as many as their hearts couraged them and as many as their spirits made them willing — and brought heave offerings unto the LORD, to the making of the tabernacle of witness and for all his uses and for the holy vestments. 22 And the men came with the women — even as many as were willing hearted — and brought bracelets, earrings, rings and girdles and all manner jewels of gold; and all the men that waved wave offerings of gold unto the LORD; 23 and every man with whom was found jacinth, scarlet, purple, bysse or goats' hair or red skins of rams or taxus' skins, brought it. 24 And all that hove up gold or brass, brought a heave offering unto the LORD. And all men with whom was found sethim-wood meet for any manner work or service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted to work with their hands, span; and brought the spun work, both of jacinth, scarlet, purple and bysse. 26 And all the women that excelled in wisdom of heart, span the goats' hair. 27 And the lords brought onyx stones and setstones for the ephod, and for the breastlap, 28 and spice and oil: both for the lights and for the anointing oil and for the sweet cense. 29 And the children of Israel brought willing offerings unto the LORD; both men and women, as many as their hearts made them willing to bring, for all manner works which the LORD had commanded to make by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, "Behold, the LORD hath called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah, 31 and hath filled him with the spirit of God: with wisdom, understanding and knowledge, even in all manner work; 32 and to find out curious works, to work in gold, silver and brass, 33 and with graving of stones to set, and with carving in wood, and to work in all manner of subtle works. 34 And he hath put in his heart the grace to teach: both him and Oholiab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan 35 hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of graven work. They are also broiderers, and workers with needle, in jacinth, scarlet, purple and bysse; and are weavers that can make all manner work, and can devise subtle works.
Matthew(i) 21 And they went (as many as their hartes coraged them & as many as their spirites made them wyllynge) and brought heue offringes vnto the Lorde, to the makyng of the tabernacle of wytnesse & for all hys vses & for the holy vestimentes. 22 And the men came with the wemen (euen as many as were wyllyng harted) and brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges & gyrdels & all maner Iewels of golde. And al the men that waued waue offrynges of golde vnto the Lorde 23 and euery man wyth whom was found iacincte, scarlet, purpull, bysse or gootes heare or red skynnes of rammes or taxus skynnes, brought it. 24 And all that haue vp golde or brasse, broughte an heueoffrynge vnto the Lord. And all men wt whom was found sethim wood mete for any maner worke or seruyce, brought it. 25 And al the wemen that were wyse herted to worke wt their handes, spanne, & brought the sponne worke, both of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpul and bysse. 26 And all the wemen that excelled in wysdome of herte, spanne the gotes hayre. 27 And the Lordes brought Onix stones and set stones for the Epod, and for the brest lappe, 28 and spyce & oyle: both for the lyghtes and for the anoyntynge oyle & for the swete cens. 29 And the chyldren of Israel brought willynge offrynges vnto the Lorde, both men & wemen: as many as their hartes made them wyllynge to brynge, for all maner workes whych the Lorde had commaunded to make by the hande of Moses. 30 And Moses sayd vnto the chyldren of Israel: behold the Lorde hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Dry the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iuda, 31 and hath fylled him wyth the spirite of God wyth wysedome, vnderstandyng and knoweledge, euen in al maner worcke, 32 & to fynde oute curious worckes, to worcke in gold, siluer, and brasse: 33 and wyth grauynge of stones to sett, & with keruynge in wodd, and to worcke in al maner of sottle workes. 34 And he hath put in his hert the grace to teach: both him & Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan 35 hathe he fylled with wisdome of hert, to worke al maner of grauen worke: they are also brotherers and worckers wyth nedle. And Iacyncte, scarlet, purple, and bysse, and are weauers that can make all maner worcke, and can deuise sottle worckes.
Great(i) 21 And euery one came (as many as theyr hertes coraged them, & as many as their spretes made them wylling) & brought a present for the Lord, to the making of the tabernacle of witnes, and for all his vses, and for the holy vestimentes. 22 And they came both men & wemen (euen as many as were willing harted) and brought bracelettes, and earinges, ringes and chaynes, which iewels were all of golde: & all the men brought a waue offeryng of golde vnto the Lord. 23 And euery man, with whom was founde yelow sylk, purple, scarlet, whyte sylk, and goates hearre and redd skynnes of rams & taxus skynnes, brought them. 24 All that dyd heue vp an oblacyon of golde and brasse, and brought an heue offering vnto the Lorde. And all men with whom was found sethim wod for any maner worke of the ministracyon, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wyse herted dyd spynne with theyr handes, and brought the sponne worke both of yelow sylke, purple, scarlet and whyte sylk. 26 And all the wemen whom their awne hert moued, span goates hearre wisely. 27 And the Lorde brought onix stones, & stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brestlappe, 28 and spyce and oyle for lyght and for the anoynting oyle and for the swete cens. 29 And the children of Israel brought a willyng offeryng vnto the Lorde, both men and wemen: as many as had willing hertes to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had commaunded to be made, by the handes of Moses. 30 And Moses sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: beholde, the Lorde hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Uri the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda, 31 & hath fylled hym with the sprete of God, in wisdome and vnderstanding, in knowledge, and in all maner worke, 32 to fynde out curious workes which are made in golde, syluer and brasse. 33 In the crafte of stones to set them: and in caruynge of wodd to make any maner of sotle worke. 34 And he hath put in his harte that he may teache: both he and Aholiab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan. 35 Them hath he fylled with wysdome of herte, to worke all maner of grauen, and sotle, and nedle worke in yelowe sylke, and purple, in scarlet, and whyte sylke, and in weuynge. And to do all maner of worke and sotle feates.
Geneva(i) 21 And euery one, whose heart encouraged him, and euery one, whose spirit made him willing, came and brought an offring to the Lord, for the worke of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and for all his vses, and for the holy garments. 22 Both men and women, as many as were free hearted, came and brought taches and earings, and rings, and bracelets, all were iewels of golde: and euery one that offered an offring of gold vnto the Lord: 23 Euery man also, which had blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine linen, and goates heare, and rammes skinnes died red, and badgers skins, brought them. 24 All that offered an oblation of siluer and of brasse, brought the offring vnto the Lord: and euery one, that had Shittim wood for any maner worke of the ministration, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted, did spin with their hands, and brought ye spun worke, euen the blewe silke, and the purple, the skarlet, and the fine linen. 26 Likewise al the women, whose hearts were moued with knowledge, spun goates heare. 27 And ye rulers brought onix stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brest plate: 28 Also spice, and oyle for light, and for the anoynting oyle, and for the sweete perfume. 29 Euery man and woman of the children of Israel, whose hearts moued the willingly to bring for all the worke which the Lord had commanded the to make by the hand of Moses, brought a free offring to the Lord. 30 Then Moses sayde vnto the children of Israel, Beholde, the Lord hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Vri, the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iudah, 31 And hath filled him with an excellent spirit of wisdome, of vnderstanding, and of knowledge, and in all maner worke, 32 To finde out curious workes, to worke in golde, and in siluer, and in brasse, 33 And in grauing stones to set them, and in karuing of wood, euen to make any maner of fine worke. 34 And he hath put in his heart that hee may teach other: both hee, and Aholiab the sonne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan: 35 Them hath he filled with wisdome of heart to worke all maner of cunning and broidred, and needle worke: in blewe silke, and in purple, in skarlet, and in fine linnen and weauing, euen to do all maner of worke and subtill inuentions.
Bishops(i) 21 And euery one came, as many as their heartes couraged them, & as many as their spirites made them wyllyng, and brought an heaue offering for the Lord, to the makyng of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his vses, & for the holy vestmentes 22 And they came both men and women, euen as many as were wyllyng hearted, and brought bracelettes and earinges, ringes and chaynes, whiche iewelles were all of golde: & all the men brought a waue offeryng of golde vnto the Lorde 23 And euery man with whom was found blewe silke, purple, scarlet, whyte silke, and Goates heere, & red skynnes of Rammes, and Taxus skynnes, brought them 24 All that dyd heaue vp an oblation of golde and brasse, brought an heaue offering vnto the Lorde: and all men with whom was founde Sittim wood for any maner worke of the ministration, brought it 25 And all the women that were wyse hearted, dyd spinne with their handes, and brought the spun worke, both of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, & white silke 26 And all the women that excelled in wisdome of heart, spun Goates heere 27 And the lordes brought Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brestlap 28 And spyce, and oyle for lyght, & for the anoynting oyle, & for the sweete incense 29 And the chyldren of Israel brought a willing offeryng vnto the Lorde, both men & women, as many as had willing heartes, to bryng for all maner workes, whiche the Lorde had commaunded to be made by the handes of Moyses 30 And Moyses sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: beholde, the Lord hath called by name Besaleel ye sonne of Uri, the sonne of Hur, of the tribe of Iuda 31 And hath filled hym with the spirite of God, in wisdome and vnderstanding, in knowledge, and in all maner worke 32 To finde out curious workes, which are made in golde, siluer, and brasse 33 In the crafte of stones to set them, and in caruing of wood to make any maner of subtile worke 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teache, both he and Ooliab, the son of Achisamech, of the tribe of Dan 35 Them hath he filled with wysdome of heart, to worke al maner of grauen, and brodered, & needle worke, in blew silke and purple, in scarlet and whyte silke, and in weauyng, and to do all maner of worke and wittie deuises
DouayRheims(i) 21 Offered firstfruits to the Lord with a most ready and devout mind, to make the work of the tabernacle of the testimony. Whatever was necessary to the service and to the holy vestments, 22 Both men and women gave bracelets and earrings, rings and tablets: every vessel of gold was set aside to be offered to the Lord. 23 If any man had violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, fine linen and goats' hair, ramskins dyed red, and violet coloured skins, 24 Metal of silver and brass, they offered it to the Lord, and setim wood for divers uses. 25 The skilful women also gave such things as they had spun, violet, purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, 26 And goats' hair, giving all of their own accord. 27 But the princes offered onyx stones, and precious stones, for the ephod and the rational, 28 And spices and oil for the lights, and for the preparing of ointment, and to make the incense of most sweet savour. 29 All, both men and women, with devout mind offered gifts, that the works might be done which the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses. All the children of Israel dedicated voluntary offerings to the Lord. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel: Behold, the Lord hath called by name Beseleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Juda, 31 And hath filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom and understanding, and knowledge, and all learning, 32 To devise and to work in gold and silver and brass, 33 And in engraving stones, and in carpenters' work. Whatsoever can be devised artificially, 34 He hath given in his heart: Ooliab also, the son of Achisamech, of the tribe of Dan: 35 Both of them hath he instructed with wisdom, to do carpenters' work, and tapestry, and embroidery in blue and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine linen, and to weave all things, and to invent all new things.
KJV(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered, offered an offering of gold unto the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD's offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the LORD hath called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 And to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work. 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD's offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the LORD hath called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 And to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work. 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work.
  21 H935 And they came [H8799]   H376 , every one H834 whose H3820 heart H5375 stirred him up [H8804]   H7307 , and every one whom his spirit H5068 made willing [H8804]   H935 , and they brought [H8689]   H3068 the LORD'S H8641 offering H4399 to the work H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H5656 , and for all his service H6944 , and for the holy H899 garments.
  22 H935 And they came [H8799]   H5921 , both H582 men H802 and women H3605 , as many as H5081 were willing H3820 hearted H935 , and brought [H8689]   H2397 bracelets H5141 , and earrings H2885 , and rings H3558 , and tablets H3627 , all jewels H2091 of gold H376 : and every man H5130 that offered [H8689]   H8573 offered an offering H2091 of gold H3068 unto the LORD.
  23 H376 And every man H4672 , with whom was found [H8738]   H8504 blue H713 , and purple H8144 , and scarlet H8438   H8336 , and fine linen H5795 , and goats H119 ' hair, and red [H8794]   H5785 skins H352 of rams H8476 , and badgers H5785 ' skins H935 , brought [H8689]   them .
  24 H7311 Every one that did offer [H8688]   H8641 an offering H3701 of silver H5178 and brass H935 brought [H8689]   H3068 the LORD'S H8641 offering H4672 : and every man, with whom was found [H8738]   H7848 shittim H6086 wood H4399 for any work H5656 of the service H935 , brought [H8689]   it .
  25 H802 And all the women H2450 that were wise H3820 hearted H2901 did spin [H8804]   H3027 with their hands H935 , and brought [H8686]   H4299 that which they had spun H8504 , both of blue H713 , and of purple H8144 , and of scarlet H8438   H8336 , and of fine linen.
  26 H802 And all the women H3820 whose heart H5375 stirred [H8804]   H2451 them up in wisdom H2901 spun [H8804]   H5795 goats' hair .
  27 H5387 And the rulers H935 brought [H8689]   H7718 onyx H68 stones H68 , and stones H4394 to be set H646 , for the ephod H2833 , and for the breastplate;
  28 H1314 And spice H8081 , and oil H3974 for the light H4888 , and for the anointing H8081 oil H5561 , and for the sweet H7004 incense.
  29 H1121 The children H3478 of Israel H935 brought [H8689]   H5071 a willing offering H3068 unto the LORD H376 , every man H802 and woman H834 , whose H3820 heart H5068 made them willing [H8804]   H935 to bring [H8687]   H4399 for all manner of work H3068 , which the LORD H6680 had commanded [H8765]   H6213 to be made [H8800]   H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses.
  30 H4872 And Moses H559 said [H8799]   H1121 unto the children H3478 of Israel H7200 , See [H8798]   H3068 , the LORD H7121 hath called [H8804]   H8034 by name H1212 Bezaleel H1121 the son H221 of Uri H1121 , the son H2354 of Hur H4294 , of the tribe H3063 of Judah;
  31 H4390 And he hath filled [H8762]   H7307 him with the spirit H430 of God H2451 , in wisdom H8394 , in understanding H1847 , and in knowledge H4399 , and in all manner of workmanship;
  32 H2803 And to devise [H8800]   H4284 curious works H6213 , to work [H8800]   H2091 in gold H3701 , and in silver H5178 , and in brass,
  33 H2799 And in the cutting H68 of stones H4390 , to set [H8763]   H2799 them, and in carving H6086 of wood H6213 , to make [H8800]   H4284 any manner of cunning H4399 work.
  34 H5414 And he hath put [H8804]   H3820 in his heart H3384 that he may teach [H8687]   H171 , both he, and Aholiab H1121 , the son H294 of Ahisamach H4294 , of the tribe H1835 of Dan.
  35 H4390 Them hath he filled [H8765]   H2451 with wisdom H3820 of heart H6213 , to work [H8800]   H4399 all manner of work H2796 , of the engraver H2803 , and of the cunning workman [H8802]   H7551 , and of the embroiderer [H8802]   H8504 , in blue H713 , and in purple H8144 , in scarlet H8438   H8336 , and in fine linen H707 , and of the weaver [H8802]   H6213 , even of them that do [H8802]   H3605 any H4399 work H2803 , and of those that devise [H8802]   H4284 cunning work.
Thomson(i) 21 And when they had brought an offering to the Lord for all the works of the tabernacle of the testimony, and for all its appurtenances, and for all the holy garments, 22 then the men brought from their wives; every one as it seemed good brought seals and pendants and rings and necklaces and bracelets and all sorts of jewels of gold. 23 And when they had all brought their offerings of gold to the Lord, then every one who had cotton or skins of blue or rams' skins dyed red brought 24 them; And every one who had made a dedication of silver or brass brought them as offerings to the Lord; and they who had incorruptible timber did the same. 25 And when they had brought materials for all the works of the service, then every woman skilled in spinning brought blue and purple and scar let and cotton thread; 26 and all the women who had understanding and skill spun the goats' hair. 27 And the chiefs brought the smaragdine stones and the stones to be set in the ephod and the oracle, 28 and the materials both for the anointing oil and the compound incense. 29 And when all the Israelites, men and women, whose understanding prompted them to promote all the works which the Lord had by Moses commanded them to make, had brought an offering to the Lord, 30 then Moses said to the children of Israel, Behold God hath called by name Beseleel the son of Ourius the son of Hur of the tribe of Judas 31 and filled him with a divine spirit of wisdom and understanding and skill in all things 32 to execute all works of architecture and to work up gold and silver and brass 33 and to cut stones and to model wood and to perform every kind of curious workmanship. 34 He hath indeed qualified him and Eliab the son of Achisamach of the tribe of Dan 35 and hath filled them with wisdom, knowledge and skill to know how to make all the works of the sanctuary, and to weave the embroidery and tapestry with scarlet yarn and cotton thread; to execute every kind of work in architecture and embroidery.
Webster(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart excited him, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD'S offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought bracelets, and ear-rings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold; and every man that offered, offered an offering of gold to the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 24 Every one that offered an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD'S offering: and every man with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise-hearted spun with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart moved them in wisdom spun goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breast-plate; 28 And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a willing offering to the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel, See, the LORD hath called by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 And to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of curious work. 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the skillful workmen, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise curious work.
  21 H935 [H8799] And they came H376 , every one H834 whose H3820 heart H5375 [H8804] was stirred H7307 , and every one whom his spirit H5068 [H8804] made willing H935 [H8689] , and they brought H3068 the LORD'S H8641 offering H4399 to the work H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H5656 , and for all his service H6944 , and for the holy H899 garments.
  22 H935 [H8799] And they came H5921 , both H582 men H802 and women H3605 , as many as H5081 were willing H3820 hearted H935 [H8689] , and brought H2397 bracelets H5141 , and earrings H2885 , and rings H3558 , and necklaces H3627 , all jewels H2091 of gold H376 : and every man H5130 [H8689] that offered H8573 offered an offering H2091 of gold H3068 to the LORD.
  23 H376 And every man H4672 [H8738] , with whom was found H8504 blue H713 , and purple H8144 H8438 , and scarlet H8336 , and fine linen H5795 , and goats H119 [H8794] ' hair, and red H5785 skins H352 of rams H8476 , and badgers H5785 ' skins H935 [H8689] , brought them.
  24 H7311 [H8688] Every one that offered H8641 an offering H3701 of silver H5178 and brass H935 [H8689] brought H3068 the LORD'S H8641 offering H4672 [H8738] : and every man, with whom was found H7848 shittim H6086 wood H4399 for any work H5656 of the service H935 [H8689] , brought it.
  25 H802 And all the women H2450 that were wise H3820 hearted H2901 [H8804] spun H3027 with their hands H935 [H8686] , and brought H4299 that which they had spun H8504 , both of blue H713 , and of purple H8144 H8438 , and of scarlet H8336 , and of fine linen.
  26 H802 And all the women H3820 whose heart H5375 [H8804] moved H2451 them in wisdom H2901 [H8804] spun H5795 goats' hair.
  27 H5387 And the rulers H935 [H8689] brought H7718 onyx H68 stones H68 , and stones H4394 to be set H646 , for the ephod H2833 , and for the breastplate;
  28 H1314 And spice H8081 , and oil H3974 for the light H4888 , and for the anointing H8081 oil H5561 , and for the sweet H7004 incense.
  29 H1121 The children H3478 of Israel H935 [H8689] brought H5071 a willing offering H3068 to the LORD H376 , every man H802 and woman H834 , whose H3820 heart H5068 [H8804] made them willing H935 [H8687] to bring H4399 for all manner of work H3068 , which the LORD H6680 [H8765] had commanded H6213 [H8800] to be made H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses.
  30 H4872 And Moses H559 [H8799] said H1121 to the children H3478 of Israel H7200 [H8798] , See H3068 , the LORD H7121 [H8804] hath called H8034 by name H1212 Bezaleel H1121 the son H221 of Uri H1121 , the son H2354 of Hur H4294 , of the tribe H3063 of Judah;
  31 H4390 [H8762] And he hath filled H7307 him with the spirit H430 of God H2451 , in wisdom H8394 , in understanding H1847 , and in knowledge H4399 , and in all manner of workmanship;
  32 H2803 [H8800] And to make beautifully H4284 wrought works H6213 [H8800] , to work H2091 in gold H3701 , and in silver H5178 , and in brass,
  33 H2799 And in the cutting H68 of stones H4390 [H8763] , to set H2799 them, and in carving H6086 of wood H6213 [H8800] , to make H4284 any manner of skilful H4399 work.
  34 H5414 [H8804] And he hath put H3820 in his heart H3384 [H8687] that he may teach H171 , both he, and Aholiab H1121 , the son H294 of Ahisamach H4294 , of the tribe H1835 of Dan.
  35 H4390 [H8765] He hath filled H2451 them with wisdom H3820 of heart H6213 [H8800] , to work H4399 all manner of work H2796 , of the engraver H2803 [H8802] , and of the skilful workmen H7551 [H8802] , and of the embroiderer H8504 , in blue H713 , and in purple H8144 H8438 , in scarlet H8336 , and in fine linen H707 [H8802] , and of the weaver H6213 [H8802] , even of them that do H3605 any H4399 work H2803 [H8802] , and of those that make beautifully H4284 wrought work.
Brenton(i) 21 and they brought an offering to the Lord for all the works of the tabernacle of witness, and all its services, and for all the robes of the sanctuary. 22 And the men, even every one to whom it seemed good in his heart, brought from the women, even brought seals and ear-rings, and finger-rings, and necklaces, and bracelets, every article of gold. 23 And all as many as brought ornaments of gold to the Lord, and with whomsoever fine linen was found; and they brought skins dyed blue, and rams' skins dyed red. 24 And every one that offered an offering brought silver and brass, the offerings to the Lord; and they with whom was found incorruptible wood; and they brought offerings for all the works of the preparation. 25 And every woman skilled in her heart to spin with her hands, brought spun articles, the blue, and purple, and scarlet and fine linen. 26 And all the women to whom it seemed good in their heart in their wisdom, spun the goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought the emerald stones, and the stones for setting in the ephod, and the oracle, 28 and the compounds both for the anointing oil, and the composition of the incense. 29 And every man and woman whose mind inclined them to come in and do all the works as many as the Lord appointed them to do by Moses — they the children of Israel brought an offering to the Lord. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel, Behold, God has called by name Beseleel the son of Urias the son of Or, of the tribe of Juda, 31 and has filled him with a divine spirit of wisdom and understanding, and knowledge of all things, 32 to labour skillfully in all works of cunning workmanship, to form the gold and the silver and the brass, 33 and to work in stone, and to fashion the wood, and to work in every work of wisdom. 34 And God gave improvement in understanding both to him, and to Eliab the son of Achisamach of the tribe of Dan. 35 And God filled them with wisdom, understanding and perception, to understand to work all the works of the sanctuary, and to weave the woven and embroidered work with scarlet and fine linen, to do all work of curious workmanship and embroidery.
Brenton_Greek(i) 21 Καὶ ἤνεγκαν ἕκαστος, ὧν ἔφερεν ἡ καρδία αὐτῶν, καὶ ὅσοις ἔδοξε τῇ ψυχῇ αὐτῶν, ἄφαίρεμα· καὶ ἤνεγκαν ἀφαίρεμα Κυρίῳ εἰς πάντα τὰ ἔργα τῆς σκηνῆς τοῦ μαρτυρίου, καὶ εἰς πάντα τὰ κάτεργα αὐτῆς, καὶ εἰς πάσας τὰς στολὰς τοῦ ἁγίου. 22 Καὶ ἤνεγκαν οἱ ἄνδρες παρὰ τῶν γυναικῶν, πᾶς ᾧ ἔδοξε τῇ διανοίᾳ, ἤνεγκαν σφραγῖδας, καὶ ἐνώτια, καὶ δακτυλίους, καὶ ἐμπλόκια, καὶ περιδέξια, πᾶν σκεῦος χρυσοῦν. Καὶ πάντες ὅσοι ἤνεγκαν ἀφαιρέματα χρυσίου Κυρίῳ, 23 καὶ παρʼ ᾧ εὑρέθη βύσσος· καὶ δέρματα ὑακίνθινα καὶ δέρματα κριῶν ἠρυθροδανωμένα ἤνεγκαν. 24 Καὶ πᾶς ὁ ἀφαιρῶν ἀφαίρεμα, ἤνεγκαν ἀργύριον καὶ χαλκόν, τὰ ἀφαιρέματα Κυρίῳ· καὶ παρʼ οἷς εὑρέθη ξύλα ἄσηπτα· καὶ εἰς πάντα τὰ ἔργα τῆς παρασκευῆς ἤνεγκαν. 25 Καὶ πᾶσα γυνὴ σοφὴ τῇ διανοίᾳ ταῖς χερσὶ νήθειν, ἤνεγκαν νενησμένα, τὴν ὑάκινθον, καὶ τὴν πορφύραν, καὶ τὸ κόκκινον, καὶ τὴν βύσσον· 26 Καὶ πᾶσαι αἱ γυναῖκες, αἷς ἔδοξε τῇ διανοίᾳ αὐτῶν ἐν σοφίᾳ, ἔνησαν τὰς τρίχας τὰς αἰγείας. 27 Καὶ οἱ ἄρχοντες ἤνεγκαν τοὺς λίθους τῆς σμαράγδου, καὶ τοὺς λίθους τῆς πληρώσεως εἰς τὴν ἐπωμίδα, καὶ τὸ λογεῖον, 28 καὶ τὰς συνθέσεις, καὶ εἰς τὸ ἔλαιον τῆς χρίσεως, καὶ τὴν σύνθεσιν τοῦ θυμιάματος. 29 Καὶ πᾶς ἀνὴρ καὶ γυνή, ὧν ἔφερεν ἡ διάνοια αὐτῶν εἰσελθόντας ποιεῖν πάντα τὰ ἔργα, ὅσα συνέταξε Κύριος ποιῆσαι αὐτὰ διά Μωυσῆ, ἤνεγκαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ἰσραὴλ, ἀφαίρεμα Κυρίῳ. 30 Καὶ εἶπε Μωυσῆς τοῖς υἱοῖς Ἰσραήλ, ἰδοὺ ἀνακέκληκεν ὁ Θεὸς ἐξ ὀνόματος τὸν Βεσελεὴλ τὸν τοῦ Οὐρίου τὸν Ὤρ, ἐκ τῆς φυλῆς Ἰούδα, 31 καὶ ἐνέπλησεν αὐτὸν πνεῦμα θεῖον σοφίας καὶ συνέσεως, καὶ ἐπιστήμης πάντων, 32 ἀρχιτεκτονεῖν κατὰ πάντα τὰ ἔργα τῆς ἀρχιτεκτονίας, ποιεῖν τὸ χρυσίον καὶ τὸ ἀργύριον καὶ τὸν χαλκὸν, 33 καὶ λιθουργῆσαι τὸν λίθον, καὶ κατεργάζεσθαι τὰ ξύλα, καὶ ποιεῖν ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ σοφίας. 34 Καὶ προβιβάσαι γε ἔδωκεν ἐν τῇ διανοίᾳ αὐτῷ τε, καὶ τῷ Ἐλιὰβ τῷ τοῦ Ἀχισαμάχ, ἐκ φυλῆς Δάν. 35 Καὶ ἐνέπλησεν αὐτοὺς σοφίας, συνέσεως, διανοίας, πάντα συνιέναι ποιῆσαι τὰ ἔργα τοῦ ἁγίου, καὶ τὰ ὑφαντὰ καὶ ποικιλτὰ ὑφᾶναι τῷ κοκκίνῳ, καὶ τῇ βύσσῳ, ποιεῖν πᾶν ἔργον ἀρχιτεκτονίας, ποικιλίας.
Leeser(i) 21 And they came, every man whose heart stirred him up; and every one whom his spirit made willing, brought the Lord’s offering for the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, the men with the women; whoever was willing-hearted, brought bracelets, and earrings, and finger-rings, and tablets, all kinds of ornaments of gold, and every man that offered an offering of gold unto the Lord. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet yarn, and linen thread, and goats’ hair, and rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and copper brought it as the Lord’s offering; and every one with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise-hearted spun with their hands, and they brought that which they had spun, of the blue, and of the purple, and of the scarlet yarn, and of the linen thread. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats’ hair. 27 And the princes brought the onyx stones, and the stones for setting, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 And the spice and the oil, for lighting, and for the anointing oil, and for the incense of spices. 29 Every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the Lord had commanded to be made, by the hand of Moses, even that brought the children of Israel as a free-will offering unto the Lord. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the Lord hath called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Chur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 And to devise works of art, to work in gold, and in silver, and in copper, 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in the carving of wood, to make any manner of work of art. 34 And to teach hath he put in his heart, both to him, and to Aholiab, the son of Achissamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He hath filled them with wisdom of heart, to execute all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the designing weaver, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet yarn, and in linen thread, and of the weaver, of those that do every species of work, and of those that devise works of art.
YLT(i) 21 and they come in—every man whom his heart hath lifted up, and every one whom his spirit hath made willing—they have brought in the heave-offering of Jehovah for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they come in—the men with the women—every willing-hearted one—they have brought in nose-ring, and ear-ring, and seal-ring, and necklace, all golden goods, even every one who hath waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah. 23 And every man with whom hath been found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and linen, and goats' hair, and rams' skins made red, and badgers' skins, have brought them in; 24 every one lifting up a heave-offering of silver and brass have brought in the heave-offering of Jehovah; and every one with whom hath been found shittim wood for any work of the service brought it in. 25 And every wise-hearted woman hath spun with her hands, and they bring in yarn, the blue, and the purple, the scarlet, and the linen; 26 and all the women whose heart hath lifted them up in wisdom, have spun the goats' hair . 27 And the princes have brought in the shoham stones, and the stones for settings, for the ephod, and for the breastplate, 28 and the spices, and the oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the spice perfume; 29 every man and woman (whom their heart hath made willing to bring in for all the work which Jehovah commanded to be done by the hand of Moses) of the sons of Israel brought in a willing-offering to Jehovah.
30 And Moses saith unto the sons of Israel, `See, Jehovah hath called by name Bezaleel, son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 31 and He doth fill him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all work, 32 even to devise devices to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 and in graving of stones for settings, and in graving of wood to work in any work of design. 34 `And to direct He hath put in his heart, he and Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; 35 He hath filled them with wisdom of heart to do every work, of engraver, and designer, and embroiderer (in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in linen), and weaver, who do any work, and of designers of designs.
JuliaSmith(i) 21 And they will come, every man whose heart lifted him up and every one whose spirit impelled him, and they brought the offering of Jehovah to the work of the tent of appointment, and for all its work, and for the garments of the holy place. 22 And they will come, the men with the women, all of a willing heart, they brought rings, and ear-rings, and seals, and globules of gold, all vessels of gold: and every man who lifted up a waving of gold to Jehovah. 23 And every man with whom was found cerulean purple, and red purple, and double scarlet, and byssus, and goats' hair, and skins of rams made red, and tahash skins, brought 24 All lifting up an offering of silver and brass, brought the offering of Jehovah: and all with whom was found acacia wood for all the work of the service, brought 25 And every woman wise of heart spun with her hands, and they will bring the winning, the cerulean purple, and the red purple, the double scarlet and the byssus. 26 And all the women whose heart was lifted up in wisdom, spun goats' hair. 27 And the chiefs brought stones of onyx, and stones of filling up for the ephod, and for the breast-plate. 28 And spice and oil for the light and for the oil of anointing, and for the incense of aromatics 29 Every man and woman whose heart impelled them to bring for all the work which Jehovah commanded to be done by the hand of Moses, the sons of Israel brought a voluntary gift to Jehovah. 30 And Moses will say to the sons of Israel, See, Jehovah called by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And he will fill him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all work; 32 And to invent works of skill, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 And in working stone for filling in, and in working wood, to work in all work of works of skill. 34 He gave in his heart to teach, he and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He filled them with wisdom of heart, to do all the work of engraving, of inventing, and variegating in cerulean purple, and in red purple, and in double scarlet, and in byssus, and of weaving, and of those doing all work, and of those devising works of skill.
Darby(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart moved him, and every one whose spirit prompted him; they brought Jehovah`s heave-offering for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women; every one who was of willing heart brought nose-rings, and earrings, and rings, and bracelets, all kinds of utensils of gold: every man that waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah. 23 And every man with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and byssus, and goats` [hair], and rams` skins dyed red, and badgers` skins, brought [them]. 24 All they that offered a heave-offering of silver and copper brought Jehovah`s heave-offering. And every one with whom was found acacia-wood for all manner of work of the service, brought [it]. 25 And every woman that was wise-hearted spun with her hands, and brought what she had spun: the blue, and the purple, and the scarlet, and the byssus. 26 And all the women whose heart moved them in wisdom spun goats` [hair]. 27 And the principal men brought the onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 and the spice, and the oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the incense of fragrant drugs. 29 The children of Israel brought a voluntary offering to Jehovah, every man and woman whose heart prompted them to bring for all manner of work, which Jehovah, by the hand of Moses, had commanded to be done. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel, See, Jehovah has called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 31 and he has filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, 32 and to devise artistic things: to work in gold, and in silver, and in copper, 33 and in cutting of stones, for setting, and in carving of wood, to execute all artistic work; 34 and he has put in his heart to teach, he and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: 35 he has filled them with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work of the engraver, and of the artificer, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in byssus, and of the weaver, [even] of them that do every kind of work, and of those that devise artistic work
ERV(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, [and] brought the LORD’S offering, for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all the service thereof, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, [and] brought brooches, and earrings, and signet-rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man that offered an offering of gold unto the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats’ [hair], and rams’ skins dyed red, and sealskins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD’S offering: and every man, with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, the blue, and the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats’ [hair]. 27 And the rulers brought the onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 and the spice, and the oil; for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a freewill offering unto the LORD; every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the LORD hath called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 and he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 and to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 and in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all manner of cunning workmanship. 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of workmanship, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any workmanship, and of those that devise cunning works.
ASV(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, [and] brought Jehovah's offering, for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all the service thereof, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, [and] brought brooches, and ear-rings, and signet-rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man that offered an offering of gold unto Jehovah. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' [hair], and rams' skins dyed red, and sealskins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought Jehovah's offering; and every man, with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise-hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, the blue, and the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats' [hair]. 27 And the rulers brought the onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 and the spice, and the oil; for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a freewill-offering unto Jehovah; every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work, which Jehovah had commanded to be made by Moses.
30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, Jehovah hath called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 and he hath filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 and to devise skilful works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 and in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all manner of skilful workmanship. 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of workmanship, of the engraver, and of the skilful workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any workmanship, and of those that devise skilful works.
  21 H935 And they came, H376 every one H834 whose H3820 heart H5375 stirred him up, H7307 and every one whom his spirit H5068 made willing, H935 and brought H3068 Jehovah's H8641 offering, H4399 for the work H168 of the tent H4150 of meeting, H5656 and for all the service H6944 thereof, and for the holy H899 garments.
  22 H935 And they came, H5921 both H582 men H802 and women, H3605 as many as H5081 were H3820 willing-hearted, H935 and brought H2397 brooches, H5141 and ear-rings, H2885 and signet-rings, H3558 and armlets, H3627 all jewels H2091 of gold; H376 even every man H5130 that offered H8573 an offering H2091 of gold H3068 unto Jehovah.
  23 H376 And every man, H4672 with whom was found H8504 blue, H713 and purple, H8144 and scarlet, H8336 and fine linen, H5795 and goats' H352 hair, and rams' H5785 skins H119 dyed red, H5785 and H8476 sealskins, H935 brought them.
  24 H7311 Every one that did offer H8641 an offering H3701 of silver H5178 and brass H935 brought H3068 Jehovah's H8641 offering; H4672 and every man, with whom was found H7848 acacia H6086 wood H4399 for any work H5656 of the service, H935 brought it.
  25 H802 And all the women H2450 that were H3820 wise-hearted H2901 did spin H3027 with their hands, H935 and brought H4299 that which they had spun, H8504 the blue, H713 and the purple, H8144 the scarlet, H8336 and the fine linen.
  26 H802 And all the women H3820 whose heart H5375 stirred H2451 them up in wisdom H2901 spun H5795 the goats' hair.
  27 H5387 And the rulers H935 brought H7718 the onyx H68 stones, H68 and the stones H4394 to be set, H646 for the ephod, H2833 and for the breastplate;
  28 H1314 and the spice, H8081 and the oil; H3974 for the light, H4888 and for the anointing H8081 oil, H5561 and for the sweet H7004 incense.
  29 H1121 The children H3478 of Israel H935 brought H5071 a freewill-offering H3068 unto Jehovah; H376 every man H802 and woman, H834 whose H3820 heart H5068 made them willing H935 to bring H4399 for all the work, H3068 which Jehovah H6680 had commanded H6213 to be made H3027 by H4872 Moses.
  30 H4872 And Moses H559 said H1121 unto the children H3478 of Israel, H7200 See, H3068 Jehovah H7121 hath called H8034 by name H1212 Bezalel H1121 the son H221 of Uri, H1121 the son H2354 of Hur, H4294 of the tribe H3063 of Judah;
  31 H4390 and he hath filled H7307 him with the Spirit H430 of God, H2451 in wisdom, H8394 in understanding, H1847 and in knowledge, H4399 and in all manner of workmanship;
  32 H2803 and to devise H4284 skilful works, H6213 to work H2091 in gold, H3701 and in silver, H5178 and in brass,
  33 H2799 and in cutting H68 of stones H4390 for setting, H2799 and in carving H6086 of wood, H6213 to work H4284 in all manner of skilful H4399 workmanship.
  34 H5414 And he hath put H3820 in his heart H3384 that he may teach, H171 both he, and Oholiab, H1121 the son H294 of Ahisamach, H4294 of the tribe H1835 of Dan.
  35 H4390 Them hath he filled H2451 with wisdom H3820 of heart, H6213 to work H4399 all manner of workmanship, H2796 of the engraver, H2803 and of the skilful workman, H7551 and of the embroiderer, H8504 in blue, H713 and in purple, H8144 in scarlet, H8336 and in fine linen, H707 and of the weaver, H6213 even of them that do H3605 any H4399 workmanship, H2803 and of those that devise H4284 skilful works.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and brought the LORD'S offering, for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all the service thereof, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought nose-rings, and ear-rings, and signet- rings, and girdles, all jewels of gold; even every man that brought an offering of gold unto the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and rams' skins dyed red, and sealskins, brought them. 24 Every one that did set apart an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD'S offering; and every man, with whom was found acacia-wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise-hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, the blue, and the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought the onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 and the spice, and the oil, for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a freewill-offering unto the LORD; every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work, which the LORD had commanded by the hand of Moses to be made. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel: 'See, the LORD hath called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And He hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship. 32 And to devise skilful works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 and in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all manner of skilful workmanship. 34 And He hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath He filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of workmanship, of the craftsman, and of the skilful workman, and of the weaver in colours, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any workmanship, and of those that devise skilful works.
Rotherham(i) 21 and they brought in––every man whose heart lifted him up,––and, every one whose spirit made him willing, brought in the heave–offering of Yahweh, for the construction of the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 Yea they brought in––the men with the women,––all who were willing–hearted, brought in––bracelets and nose–ornaments, and rings, and buckles, all manner of jewels of gold, even every man who waved a wave–offering of gold unto Yahweh. 23 And, every man with whom was found––blue and purple and crimson, and fine linen and goat’s–hair,––and rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins, brought them in. 24 Every one who would heave a heave–offering of silver, or bronze, brought in the heave–offering of Yahweh,––and, every one with whom was found acacia wood, for any construction for the service, brought it in. 25 And, all the women who were wise–hearted, with their hands, did spin,––and brought in that which they had spun––the blue, and the purple, the crimson, and the fine linen. 26 And, all the women whose hearts lifted them up with wisdom, span the goat’s–hair. 27 And, the princes, brought in the onyx stones and the setting stones,––for the ephod, and for the breastpiece; 28 and the aromatic spices, and the oil,––for giving light, and for anointing oil, and for the fragrant incense. 29 [In the case of], every male and woman, whose heart made them willing, to bring in for any construction which Yahweh had commanded them to make, by the hand of Moses, [in their case] did the sons of Israel bring in a free–will offering unto Yahweh.
30 And Moses said unto the sons of Israel––See! Yahweh hath called by name,––Bezaleel, son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 and filled him with the spirit of God,––in, wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge, and in all manner of execution; 32 to devise skilful designs,––to work in gold and in silver, and in bronze; 33 and in the cutting of stones for setting, and in the cutting of wood,––to work in any manner of skilful workmanship. 34 To teach also, hath he put in his heart, [the heart of] him, and of Oholiab––son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; 35 hath filled them with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of workmanship––of cutter, and deviser, and embroiderer, in blue and in purple, in crimson and in fine linen, and of the weaver,––workers of any manner of workmanship, and devisers of skilful designs.
CLV(i) 21 then every man whose heart prompted him entered, and everyone whose spirit made him willing brought Yahweh's heave offering for the work of the tent of appointment and for all its service and for the holy garments. 22 The men entered along with their wives, all with a willing heart. They brought clasps and pendants and rings and plaited ornaments, every article of gold. So did every man who would wave a wave offering of gold to Yahweh. 23 And every man with whom was found blue, purple and double dipped crimson, cambric and goats' hair, reddened rams' hides and azure hides, they brought them. 24 All raising up a heave offering of silver and copper brought Yahweh's heave offering. All with whom was found acacia wood for all the work of the service, they brought it. 25 Every woman wise of heart spun with her hands, and they brought the spinning, the blue, the purple, the double-dipped crimson and the cambric. 26 All the wives whose heart prompted them with wisdom spun the goats' hair. 27 The princes, they brought the onyx stones and the filling stones for the vestment and for the breastplate, 28 also the aromatics and the oil for the luminary and for the anointing oil and for the incense of spices. 29 Every man and woman whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work which Yahweh had instructed to do by the hand of Moses, the sons of Israel brought as a voluntary offering to Yahweh. 30 Moses said to the sons of Israel: See! Yahweh has called by name Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, of the stock of Judah;" 31 and He is filling him with the spirit of Elohim, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all workmanshi. 32 even to design designs, for work in gold, in silver and in copper, 33 and as a lapidary for filling and as an artificer in wood for work with all workmanship of designs. 34 And the ability to direct He put into his heart, for him and Aholiab son of Ahisamach, of the stock of Dan. 35 He filled them with wisdom of heart to do all the work of the artificer and brocade designer and embroiderer in blue, in purple, in double-dipped crimson and in cambric and weaving, executors of all work and designers of designs.
BBE(i) 21 And everyone whose heart was moved, everyone who was guided by the impulse of his spirit, came with his offering for the Lord, for whatever was needed for the Tent of meeting and its work and for the holy robes. 22 They came, men and women, all who were ready to give, and gave pins and nose-rings and finger-rings and neck-ornaments, all of gold; everyone gave an offering of gold to the Lord. 23 And everyone who had blue and purple and red and the best linen and goats' hair and sheepskins coloured red and leather, gave them. 24 Everyone who had silver and brass gave an offering of them to the Lord; and everyone who had hard wood, such as was needed for the work, gave it. 25 And all the women who were expert with their hands, made cloth, and gave the work of their hands, blue and purple and red and the best linen. 26 And those women who had the knowledge, made the goats' hair into cloth. 27 And the rulers gave the beryls and the cut jewels for the ephod and the priest's bag; 28 And the spice and the oil for the light, and the holy oil and the sweet perfumes. 29 The children of Israel, every man and woman, from the impulse of their hearts, gave their offerings freely to the Lord for the work which the Lord had given Moses orders to have done. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel, See, the Lord has made selection of Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he has made him full of the spirit of God, in all wisdom and knowledge and art of every sort; 32 As an expert designer of beautiful things, working in gold and silver and brass; 33 Trained in the cutting of stones and the ornamenting of wood and in every sort of handwork. 34 And he has given to him, and to Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the power of training others. 35 To them he has given knowledge of all the arts of the handworker, of the designer, and the expert workman; of the maker of needlework in blue and purple and red and the best linen, and of the maker of cloth; in all the arts of the designer and the trained workman they are expert.
MKJV(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom His spirit made willing. They brought Jehovah's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all His service, and for the holy garments. 22 And the men came in together with the women, as many as were willing-hearted, bringing bracelets and earrings, and rings and ornaments, all jewels of gold. And everyone who offered waved a wave offering of gold to Jehovah. 23 And everyone with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and bleached linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 24 Everyone lifting up an offering of silver and bronze brought Jehovah's offering. And everyone with whom was found acacia-wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And every wise-hearted woman spun with her hands. And they brought spun yarn, blue, and purple, scarlet, and bleached linen. 26 And all the women whose hearts were lifted up in wisdom spun goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod and for the breast-pocket. 28 And they brought spice and oil, for the light and for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense. 29 The sons of Israel brought a willing offering to Jehovah, every man and woman whose heart made them willing to bring for all kinds of work which Jehovah had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said to the sons of Israel, See, Jehovah has called the son of Uri the son of Hur, by the name Bezaleel, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And He has filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all kinds of work, 32 and to devise designs, to work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze, 33 and in the cutting of stones to set, and in carving of wood, to make any kind of skillful work. 34 And He has put in his heart that he may teach, he and Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He has filled them with wisdom of heart to work all kinds of work; of the smith, and of the skillful worker, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in bleached linen, and of the weaver, of those who do any work, and of those who work out artful work.
LITV(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart was lifted up, and everyone whose spirit made him willing. They brought the offering of Jehovah for the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 And the men came in together with the women, everyone willing of heart. They brought in bracelets, and nose rings, and rings, and ornaments, every gold article, and every one who waved a wave offering of gold to Jehovah. 23 And everyone with whom blue was found, and purple, and crimson, and bleached linen, and goats' hair, and rams' skins dyed red, and dugong skins, they brought. 24 Everyone rising up with an offering of silver and bronze, they brought the offering of Jehovah; and everyone with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, they brought. 25 And every wise-hearted woman spun with her hands; and they brought spun yarn, blue, and purple, and crimson and bleached linen . 26 And all the women whose hearts were lifted up in wisdom spun the goats' hair . 27 And the leaders brought the onyx stones, and stones for the setting, for the ephod and for the breast pocket, 28 and the spice, and the oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the incense of the perfumes. 29 And every man and woman whose hearts made them willing to bring for all the work which Jehovah commanded to be done by the hand of Moses; the sons of Israel brought a willing offering to Jehovah. 30 And Moses said to the sons of Israel, Behold! Jehovah has called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And He has filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in intelligence, and in knowledge, and in all workmanship, 32 and to devise designs, to work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze, 33 and in cuttings of stones for finishings, and in carving of wood, to work in all workmanship of design. 34 And He has put in his heart to teach, he and Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, 35 He has filled them with wisdom of heart, to do every work of a smith, and an artisan, and an embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and in crimson, and in bleached linen, and a weaver; doers of every work and devisers of designs.
ECB(i) 21 and they come - everyone whose heart is lifted and every man whose spirit volunteers: and they bring the exaltment of Yah Veh to the work of the tent of the congregation and for all his service and for the holy clothes. 22 And they come, both men and women, all whose heart volunteers: and bring hooks and noserings and rings and beads, all instruments of gold, and every man who waves a wave of gold to Yah Veh: 23 and every man with whom they find blue and purple and scarlet and white linen and goats and reddened skins of rams and skins of badgers, brings them: 24 and every man who exalts an exaltment of silver and copper brings the exaltment of Yah Veh: and every man with whom they find shittim timber for any work of the service, brings it: 25 and all the wise hearted women who spin with their hands bring their spinning, of blue and purple and scarlet and white linen: 26 and all the women whose heart lifts in wisdom spin goats. 27 And the hierarchs bring onyx stones and stones - fillings for the ephod and for the breastplate 28 and spice and oil for the light and for the anointing oil and for the incense of aromatics. 29 The sons of Yisra El bring a voluntary to Yah Veh - every man and woman whose heart volunteers to bring all the work Yah Veh misvahed to be worked by the hand of Mosheh. 30 And Mosheh says to the sons of Yisra El, See, Yah Veh calls by name Besal El the son of Uri the son of Hur of the rod of Yah Hudah; 31 and he fills him with the spirit of Elohim in wisdom, in discernment and in knowledge and in all his work: 32 and to fabricate fabrications; to work in gold and in silver and in copper; 33 and in the engraving of stones, to fill them; and in engraving of timber to work any work of fabrications: 34 and he gives in his heart to direct - he and Oholi Ab the son of Achi Samach of the rod of Dan: 35 he fills them with wisdom of heart, to work all work of the engraver and of the work of a fabricator and of the embroiderer in blue and in purple, in scarlet and in white linen and of the weaver - workers of every work and they who fabricate fabrications.
ACV(i) 21 And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him up, and everyone whom his spirit made willing, and brought LORD's offering, for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all the service of it, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought brooches, and earrings, and signet-rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold, even every man who offered an offering of gold to LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and rams' skins dyed red, and certain skins, brought them. 24 Everyone who offered an offering of silver and brass brought LORD's offering, and every man, with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women who were wise-hearted spun with their hands, and brought that which they had spun: the blue, and the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought the onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate, 28 and the spice, and the oil, for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The sons of Israel brought a freewill offering to LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work, which LORD had commanded to be made by Moses. 30 And Moses said to the sons of Israel, See, LORD has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, 32 and to devise skilful works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 and in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all manner of skilful workmanship. 34 And he has put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He has filled them with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of workmanship, of the engraver, and of the skilful workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of those who do any workmanship, and of those who devise skilful works.
WEB(i) 21 They came, everyone whose heart stirred him up, and everyone whom his spirit made willing, and brought Yahweh’s offering for the work of the Tent of Meeting, and for all of its service, and for the holy garments. 22 They came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought brooches, earrings, signet rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man who offered an offering of gold to Yahweh. 23 Everyone with whom was found blue, purple, scarlet, fine linen, goats’ hair, rams’ skins dyed red, and sea cow hides, brought them. 24 Everyone who offered an offering of silver and bronze brought Yahweh’s offering; and everyone with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 All the women who were wise-hearted spun with their hands, and brought that which they had spun: the blue, the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen. 26 All the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats’ hair. 27 The rulers brought the onyx stones and the stones to be set for the ephod and for the breastplate; 28 with the spice and the oil for the light, for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a free will offering to Yahweh; every man and woman whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work, which Yahweh had commanded to be made by Moses. 30 Moses said to the children of Israel, “Behold, Yahweh has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of workmanship; 32 and to make skillful works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, 33 in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all kinds of skillful workmanship. 34 He has put in his heart that he may teach, both he and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He has filled them with wisdom of heart to work all kinds of workmanship, of the engraver, of the skillful workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of those who do any workmanship, and of those who make skillful works.
  21 H935 They came, H376 everyone H834 whose H3820 heart H5375 stirred him up, H7307 and everyone whom his spirit H5068 made willing, H935 and brought H3068 Yahweh's H8641 offering, H4399 for the work H168 of the Tent H4150 of Meeting, H5656 and for all of its service, H6944 and for the holy H899 garments.
  22 H935 They came, H5921 both H582 men H802 and women, H3605 as many as H5081 were H3820 willing-hearted, H935 and brought H2397 brooches, H5141 earrings, H2885 signet rings, H3558 and armlets, H3627 all jewels H2091 of gold; H376 even every man H5130 who offered H8573 an offering H2091 of gold H3068 to Yahweh.
  23 H376 Everyone, H4672 with whom was found H8504 blue, H713 purple, H8144 scarlet, H8336 fine linen, H5795 goats' H352 hair, rams' H5785 skins H119 dyed red, H8476 and sea cow H5785 hides, H935 brought them.
  24 H7311 Everyone who offered H8641 an offering H3701 of silver H5178 and brass H935 brought H3068 Yahweh's H8641 offering; H4672 and everyone, with whom was found H7848 acacia H6086 wood H4399 for any work H5656 of the service, H935 brought it.
  25 H802 All the women H2450 who were H3820 wise-hearted H2901 spun H3027 with their hands, H935 and brought H4299 that which they had spun, H8504 the blue, H713 the purple, H8144 the scarlet, H8336 and the fine linen.
  26 H802 All the women H3820 whose heart H5375 stirred H2451 them up in wisdom H2901 spun H5795 the goats' hair.
  27 H5387 The rulers H935 brought H7718 the onyx H68 stones, H68 and the stones H4394 to be set, H646 for the ephod H2833 and for the breastplate;
  28 H1314 and the spice, H8081 and the oil H3974 for the light, H4888 for the anointing H8081 oil, H5561 and for the sweet H7004 incense.
  29 H1121 The children H3478 of Israel H935 brought H5071 a freewill offering H3068 to Yahweh; H376 every man H802 and woman, H834 whose H3820 heart H5068 made them willing H935 to bring H4399 for all the work, H3068 which Yahweh H6680 had commanded H6213 to be made H3027 by H4872 Moses.
  30 H4872 Moses H559 said H1121 to the children H3478 of Israel, H7200 "Behold, H3068 Yahweh H7121 has called H8034 by name H1212 Bezalel H1121 the son H221 of Uri, H1121 the son H2354 of Hur, H4294 of the tribe H3063 of Judah.
  31 H4390 He has filled H7307 him with the Spirit H430 of God, H2451 in wisdom, H8394 in understanding, H1847 in knowledge, H4399 and in all kinds of workmanship;
  32 H2803 and to make H4284 skillful works, H6213 to work H2091 in gold, H3701 in silver, H5178 in brass,
  33 H2799 in cutting H68 of stones H4390 for setting, H2799 and in carving H6086 of wood, H6213 to work H4284 in all kinds of skillful H4399 workmanship.
  34 H5414 He has put H3820 in his heart H3384 that he may teach, H171 both he, and Oholiab, H1121 the son H294 of Ahisamach, H4294 of the tribe H1835 of Dan.
  35 H4390 He has filled H2451 them with wisdom H3820 of heart, H6213 to work H4399 all kinds of workmanship, H2796 of the engraver, H2803 of the skillful workman, H7551 and of the embroiderer, H8504 in blue, H713 in purple, H8144 in scarlet, H8336 and in fine linen, H707 and of the weaver, H6213 even of those who do H3605 any H4399 workmanship, H2803 and of those who make H4399 skillful works.
NHEB(i) 21 They came, everyone whose heart stirred him up, and everyone whom his spirit made willing, and brought the LORD's offering, for the work of the Tent of Meeting, and for all of its service, and for the holy garments. 22 They came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted, and brought brooches, earrings, signet rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold; even every man who offered an offering of gold to the LORD. 23 Everyone, with whom was found blue, purple, scarlet, fine linen, goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, and sea cow hides, brought them. 24 Everyone who did offer an offering of silver and bronze brought the LORD's offering; and everyone, with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 All the women who were wise-hearted spun with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, the blue, the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen. 26 All the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats' hair. 27 And the leaders brought the onyx stones, and the stones to be set, for the ephod and for the breastplate; 28 and the spice, and the oil for the light, for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a freewill offering to the LORD; every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by Moses. 30 Moses said to the children of Israel, "Look, God has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 and to make skillful works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, 33 in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all kinds of skillful workmanship. 34 He has put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He has filled them with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of workmanship, of the engraver, of the skillful workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of those who do any workmanship, and of those who make skillful works.
AKJV(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold to the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD's offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a willing offering to the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel, See, the LORD has called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he has filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 And to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work. 34 And he has put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them has he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work.
  21 H935 And they came, H3605 every H834 one whose H3820 heart H5375 stirred H3605 him up, and every H834 one whom H7307 his spirit H5068 made willing, H935 and they brought H3068 the LORD’s H8641 offering H4399 to the work H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation, H3605 and for all H5656 his service, H6944 and for the holy H899 garments.
  22 H935 And they came, H582 both men H802 and women, H5081 as many as were willing H3820 hearted, H935 and brought H2397 bracelets, H5141 and earrings, H2885 and rings, H3558 and tablets, H3605 all H3627 jewels H2091 of gold: H3605 and every H376 man H5130 that offered H2091 offered an offering of gold H3068 to the LORD.
  23 H3605 And every H376 man, H834 with whom H4672 was found H8504 blue, H713 and purple, H8144 and scarlet, H8438 H8336 and fine linen, H5795 and goats’ H119 hair, and red H5785 skins H352 of rams, H8476 and badgers’ H5785 skins, H935 brought them.
  24 H3605 Every H7311 one that did offer H8641 an offering H3701 of silver H5178 and brass H935 brought H3068 the LORD’s H8641 offering: H3605 and every H376 man, H834 with whom H4672 was found H7848 shittim H6086 wood H3605 for any H4399 work H5656 of the service, H935 brought it.
  25 H3605 And all H802 the women H2450 that were wise H3820 hearted H2901 did spin H3027 with their hands, H935 and brought H4299 that which they had spun, H8504 both of blue, H713 and of purple, H8144 and of scarlet, H8438 H8336 and of fine linen.
  26 H3605 And all H802 the women H834 whose H3820 heart H5375 stirred H2451 them up in wisdom H2901 spun H5795 goats’ hair.
  27 H5387 And the rulers H935 brought H7718 onyx H68 stones, H68 and stones H4394 to be set, H646 for the ephod, H2833 and for the breastplate;
  28 H1314 And spice, H8081 and oil H3974 for the light, H4888 and for the anointing H8081 oil, H5561 and for the sweet H7004 incense.
  29 H1121 The children H3478 of Israel H935 brought H5071 a willing H3068 offering to the LORD, H3605 every H376 man H802 and woman, H834 whose H3820 heart H5068 made them willing H935 to bring H3605 for all H4399 manner of work, H834 which H3068 the LORD H6680 had commanded H6213 to be made H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses.
  30 H4872 And Moses H559 said H1121 to the children H3478 of Israel, H7200 See, H3068 the LORD H7121 has called H8034 by name H1212 Bezaleel H1121 the son H221 of Uri, H1121 the son H2354 of Hur, H4294 of the tribe H3063 of Judah;
  31 H4390 And he has filled H7307 him with the spirit H430 of God, H2451 in wisdom, H8394 in understanding, H1847 and in knowledge, H3605 and in all H4399 manner of workmanship;
  32 H2803 And to devise H4284 curious H6213 works, to work H2091 in gold, H3701 and in silver, H5178 and in brass,
  33 H2799 And in the cutting H68 of stones, H4390 to set H2799 them, and in carving H6086 of wood, H6213 to make H3605 any H4284 manner of cunning H4399 work.
  34 H5414 And he has put H3820 in his heart H3384 that he may teach, H171 both he, and Aholiab, H1121 the son H294 of Ahisamach, H4294 of the tribe H1835 of Dan.
  35 H4390 Them has he filled H2451 with wisdom H3820 of heart, H6213 to work H3605 all H3605 manner H4399 of work, H2796 of the engraver, H2803 and of the cunning H2803 workman, H7551 and of the embroiderer, H8504 in blue, H713 and in purple, H8144 in scarlet, H8438 H8336 and in fine linen, H707 and of the weaver, H6213 even of them that do H3605 any H4399 work, H2803 and of those that devise H4284 cunning work.
KJ2000(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD'S offering to the work of the tabernacle of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and necklaces, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet stuff, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and bronze brought the LORD's offering: and every man, with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he has filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 And to devise artistic works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze, 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of skillful work. 34 And he has put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them has he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the skillful workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise artistic work.
UKJV(i) 21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, brought them. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD's offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate; 28 And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. 29 The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses. 30 And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the LORD has called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 And he has filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 And to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work. 34 And he has put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them has he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work.
  21 H935 And they came, H376 every one H834 whose H3820 heart H5375 stirred him up, H7307 and every one whom his spirit H5068 made willing, H935 and they brought H3068 the Lord's H8641 offering H4399 to the work H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation, H5656 and for all his service, H6944 and for the holy H899 garments.
  22 H935 And they came, H5921 both H582 men H802 and women, H3605 as many as H5081 were willing H3820 hearted, H935 and brought H2397 bracelets, H5141 and earrings, H2885 and rings, H3558 and tablets, H3627 all jewels H2091 of gold: H376 and every man H5130 that offered H8573 offered an offering H2091 of gold H3068 unto the Lord.
  23 H376 And every man, H4672 with whom was found H8504 blue, H713 and purple, H8144 and scarlet, H8336 and fine linen, H5795 and goats' H119 hair, and red H5785 skins H352 of rams, H8476 and badgers' H5785 skins, H935 brought them.
  24 H7311 Every one that did offer H8641 an offering H3701 of silver H5178 and brass H935 brought H3068 the Lord's H8641 offering: H4672 and every man, with whom was found H7848 acacia H6086 wood H4399 for any work H5656 of the service, H935 brought it.
  25 H802 And all the women H2450 that were wise H3820 hearted H2901 did spin H3027 with their hands, H935 and brought H4299 that which they had spun, H8504 both of blue, H713 and of purple, H8144 and of scarlet, H8336 and of fine linen.
  26 H802 And all the women H3820 whose heart H5375 stirred H2451 them up in wisdom H2901 spun H5795 goats' hair.
  27 H5387 And the rulers H935 brought H7718 onyx H68 stones, H68 and stones H4394 to be set, H646 for the ephod, H2833 and for the breastplate;
  28 H1314 And spice, H8081 and oil H3974 for the light, H4888 and for the anointing H8081 oil, H5561 and for the sweet H7004 incense.
  29 H1121 The sons H3478 of Israel H935 brought H5071 a willing offering H3068 unto the Lord, H376 every man H802 and woman, H834 whose H3820 heart H5068 made them willing H935 to bring H4399 for all manner of work, H3068 which the Lord H6680 had commanded H6213 to be made H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses.
  30 H4872 And Moses H559 said H1121 unto the sons H3478 of Israel, H7200 See, H3068 the Lord H7121 has called H8034 by name H1212 Bezaleel H1121 the son H221 of Uri, H1121 the son H2354 of Hur, H4294 of the tribe H3063 of Judah;
  31 H4390 And he has filled H7307 him with the spirit H430 of God, H2451 in wisdom, H8394 in understanding, H1847 and in knowledge, H4399 and in all manner of workmanship;
  32 H2803 And to devise H4284 skillful works, H6213 to work H2091 in gold, H3701 and in silver, H5178 and in brass,
  33 H2799 And in the cutting H68 of stones, H4390 to set H2799 them, and in carving H6086 of wood, H6213 to make H4284 any manner of skillful H4399 work.
  34 H5414 And he has put H3820 in his heart H3384 that he may teach, H171 both he, and Aholiab, H1121 the son H294 of Ahisamach, H4294 of the tribe H1835 of Dan.
  35 H4390 Them has he filled H2451 with wisdom H3820 of heart, H6213 to work H4399 all manner of work, H2796 of the engraver, H2803 and of the skillful workman, H7551 and of the embroiderer, H8504 in blue, H713 and in purple, H8144 in scarlet, H8336 and in fine linen, H707 and of the weaver, H6213 even of them that do H3605 any H4399 work, H2803 and of those that devise H4284 skillful work.
EJ2000(i) 21 And they came, every man whose heart stirred him up, and every one whose spirit made them willing, and they brought the LORD’s offering for the work of the tabernacle of the testimony and for all his service and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought chains and earrings, rings and bracelets, and all jewels of gold; and anyone that offered an offering of gold unto the LORD. 23 Every man who had blue or purple or scarlet or fine linen or goats’ hair or red skins of rams or badgers’ skins brought them. 24 Anyone that offered an offering of silver or brass brought the offering unto the LORD; and every man, with whom was found cedar wood, brought it for all the work of the service. 25 And all the women that were wise hearted spun with their hands and brought that which they had spun: blue or purple or scarlet or fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart lifted them up in wisdom spun goats’ hair. 27 And the princes brought onyx stones and the stones to be set for the ephod and for the pectoral; 28 and aromatic spice and oil for the light and for the anointing oil and for the aromatic incense. 29 Of the sons of Israel, men and women, all that had a willing heart to bring for all the work, which the Lord had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses, brought a voluntary offering unto the LORD. 30 ¶ And Moses said unto the sons of Israel, See, the LORD has named Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in intelligence, in science, and in all manner of workmanship; 32 to invent and devise, to work in gold and in silver and in brass, 33 and in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work. 34 And he has put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 And he has filled them with wisdom of heart to work all manner of work of the engraver and of the cunning workman and of the embroiderer, in blue and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver: that they may do any work, and invent every design.
CAB(i) 21 And they brought an offering to the Lord for all the works of the tabernacle of witness, and all its services, and for all the robes of the sanctuary. 22 And the men, even everyone to whom it seemed good in his heart, brought from the women, they brought seals and earrings, finger rings, necklaces and bracelets, every article of gold. 23 And all as many as brought ornaments of gold to the Lord, and with whomsoever fine linen was found; and they brought skins dyed blue, and rams' skins dyed red. 24 And everyone that offered an offering brought silver and brass, the offerings to the Lord; and they with whom was found incorruptible wood; and they brought offerings for all the works of the preparation. 25 And every woman skilled in her heart to spin with her hands, brought spun articles, the blue, purple, scarlet and fine linen. 26 And all the women to whom it seemed good in their heart in their wisdom, spun the goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought the emerald stones, and the stones for setting in the ephod, and the oracle, 28 and the compounds both for the anointing oil, and the composition of the incense. 29 And every man and woman whose mind inclined them to come in and do all the works as many as the Lord appointed them to do by Moses — they the children of Israel brought an offering to the Lord. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel, Behold, God has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 31 and has filled him with a divine spirit of wisdom and understanding, and knowledge of all things, 32 to labor skillfully in all works of cunning workmanship to form the gold and the silver and the brass, 33 and to work in stone, and to fashion the wood, and to work in every work of wisdom. 34 And God gave increased understanding, both to him, and to Eliab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan. 35 And God filled them with wisdom, understanding, and perception, to understand to work all the works of the sanctuary, and to weave the woven and embroidered work with scarlet and fine linen, to do all work of curious workmanship and embroidery.
LXX2012(i) 21 and they brought an offering to the Lord for all the works of the tabernacle of witness, and all its services, and for all the robes of the sanctuary. 22 And the men, even every one to whom it seemed good in his heart, brought from the women, [even] brought seals and ear-rings, and finger-rings, and necklaces, and bracelets, every article of gold. 23 And all as many as brought ornaments of gold to the Lord, and with whoever fine linen was found; and they brought skins [dyed] blue, and rams' skins dyed red. 24 And every one that offered an offering brought silver and brass, the offerings to the Lord; and [they] with whom was found incorruptible wood; and they brought [offerings] for all the works of the preparation. 25 And every woman skilled in her heart to spin with her hands, brought spun [articles], the blue, and purple, and scarlet and fine linen. 26 And all the women to whom it seemed good in their heart in their wisdom, spun the goats' hair. 27 And the rulers brought the emerald stones, and the stones for setting in the ephod, and the oracle, 28 and the compounds both for the anointing oil, and the composition of the incense. 29 And every man and woman whose mind inclined them to come in and do all the works as many as the Lord appointed them to do by Moses—[they] the children of Israel brought an offering to the Lord. 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel, Behold, God has called by name Beseleel the [son] of Urias the [son of] Or, of the tribe of Juda, 31 and has filled him with a divine spirit of wisdom and understanding, and knowledge of all things, 32 to labor skillfully in all works of cunning workmanship, to form the gold and the silver and the brass, 33 and to work in stone, and to fashion the wood, and to work in every work of wisdom. 34 And [God] gave improvement in understanding both to him, and to Eliab the [son] of Achisamach of the tribe of Dan. 35 And [God] filled them with wisdom, understanding [and] perception, to understand to work all the works of the sanctuary, and to weave the woven and embroidered work with scarlet and fine linen, to do all work of curious workmanship [and] embroidery.
NSB(i) 21 Those who were willing and whose hearts moved them brought their contributions to Jehovah. The gifts were used to construct the tent of meeting, to pay other expenses, and to make the holy clothes. 22 All willing, men and women alike, brought all kinds of gold jewelry: pins, brooches, earrings, signet rings, and pendants. They offered these gifts of gold to Jehovah. 23 Those who had violet, purple, or bright red yarn, fine linen, goats’ hair, rams’ skins dyed red, or fine leather brought them. 24 Those who could give silver or copper brought it as their contribution to Jehovah. Those who had acacia wood that could be used in the construction brought it. 25 All the skilled women brought fine linen thread and thread of blue, purple, and red wool, which they made. 26 They also made thread of goats’ hair. 27 The leaders brought different kinds of jewels to be sewn on the special clothes and the breast piece for the high priest. 28 And the spice and the oil for the light, and the holy (anointing) oil and the sweet perfume (balsam oil). 29 The people of Israel, every man and woman whose hearts were willing, gave their offerings freely to Jehovah. This was for the work that Jehovah gave Moses orders to have done. 30 Then Moses said to the sons of Israel: »Jehovah has called by name Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur of the tribe of Judah. 31 »He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship. 32 »He is a master artist familiar with gold, silver, and copper. 33 »He knows how to cut and set stones and how to work with wood. He is an expert in all trades. 34 »Jehovah also gave Bezalel and Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan the ability to teach others. 35 »Jehovah made these men highly skilled in all trades. They can do the work of jewelers, carpenters, and designers. They know how to embroider violet, purple and bright red yarn on fine linen. They know how to weave yarn on a loom. They can do all kinds of trades. They are master artists.
ISV(i) 21 and every person whose heart moved him and all whose spirits prompted them, brought an offering to the LORD for constructing the Tent of Meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 Both the men and women came—all whose hearts prompted them—and brought brooches, earrings, rings, pendants, and all kinds of gold jewelry. Every person presented a wave offering of gold to the LORD.
23 Everyone who had blue, purple, and scarlet material, fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, and dolphin skins brought them. 24 Everyone who could give an offering of silver and bronze brought it as a contribution for the LORD. Also all who had acacia wood for any use in the work brought it.
25 Every skilled woman spun with her hands, and brought what she had spun: blue, purple, and scarlet material, and fine linen. 26 All the women who were skilled artisans spun the goat hair.
27 The leaders brought onyx stones and stones to be set in the ephod and the breast piece, 28 spices and oil for the light and for the anointing oil and the aromatic incense. 29 Each Israeli man and woman whose heart was prompted brought something as a freewill offering to the LORD for all the work that the LORD had commanded them to do through Moses.
30 Craftsmen for Building the TentMoses told the Israelis, “Look, the LORD has called Uri’s son Bezalel, grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, 31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, and with knowledge of all kinds of work, 32 to make artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, 33 to cut stones for setting, to carve wood, and to engage in all kinds of artistic work. 34 And he has given both him and Ahisamach’s son Oholiab from the tribe of Dan the ability to teach. 35 He has equipped them to do all kinds of work done by an engraver, designer, embroider in blue, purple and scarlet material and in fine linen, or as a weaver. They were able to do all kinds of work and were skilled designers.
LEB(i) 21 And they came—every man whose heart lifted him and every man whose spirit impelled him—they brought Yahweh's contribution for the work of the tent of assembly and for all its service and for the holy garments. 22 And they came, the men in addition to the women, all who were willing of heart; they brought brooches and jewelry rings and signet rings and ornaments—every variety of gold object—every man who waved a wave offering of gold for Yahweh, 23 and every man with whom was found blue and purple and crimson yarns and fine linen and goat hair and red-dyed ram skins and fine leather brought it. 24 All who were presenting a contribution of silver and bronze brought Yahweh's contribution, and all with whom was found acacia wood for all the work of service brought it. 25 And every woman who was skilled of heart with her hands they spun, and they brought yarn—the blue and the purple, the crimson and the fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart lifted them with skill spun the goat hair. 27 And the leaders brought the onyx stones and stones for mountings for the ephod and for the breast piece 28 and the balsam oils and the oil for light and for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense. 29 Every man and woman whose heart impelled them to bring for all the work to be done that Yahweh had commanded by the agency of* Moses—the Israelites* brought freely to Yahweh. 30 And Moses said to the Israelites,* "See, Yahweh has called by name* Bezalel the son of Uri the son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah. 31 And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and with skill* and with knowledge and with every kind of craftsmanship, 32 and to devise designs, to work with the gold and with the silver and with the bronze, 33 and in stonecutting for setting and in cutting wood, for doing every kind of design craftsmanship. 34 And he has put it in his heart to teach—he and Oholiab the son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan. 35 He has filled them with skill of heart to do every work of a craftsman and a designer and an embroiderer with the blue and with the purple, with the crimson yarns and with the fine linen and a weaver; they are doers of every kind of craftsmanship and devisers of designs.
BSB(i) 21 And everyone whose heart stirred him and whose spirit prompted him came and brought an offering to the LORD for the work on the Tent of Meeting, for all its services, and for the holy garments. 22 So all who had willing hearts, both men and women, came and brought brooches and earrings, rings and necklaces, and all kinds of gold jewelry. And they all presented their gold as a wave offering to the LORD. 23 Everyone who had blue, purple, or scarlet yarn, or fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, or articles of fine leather, brought them. 24 And all who could present an offering of silver or bronze brought it as a contribution to the LORD. Also, everyone who had acacia wood for any part of the service brought it. 25 Every skilled woman spun with her hands and brought what she had spun: blue, purple, or scarlet yarn, or fine linen. 26 And all the skilled women whose hearts were stirred spun the goat hair. 27 The leaders brought onyx stones and gemstones to mount on the ephod and breastpiece, 28 as well as spices and olive oil for the light, for the anointing oil, and for the fragrant incense. 29 So all the men and women of the Israelites whose hearts prompted them brought a freewill offering to the LORD for all the work that the LORD through Moses had commanded them to do. 30 Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship, 32 to design artistic works in gold, silver, and bronze, 33 to cut gemstones for settings, and to carve wood, so that he may be a master of every artistic craft. 34 And the LORD has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others. 35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and as weavers—as artistic designers of every kind of craft.
MSB(i) 21 And everyone whose heart stirred him and whose spirit prompted him came and brought an offering to the LORD for the work on the Tent of Meeting, for all its services, and for the holy garments. 22 So all who had willing hearts, both men and women, came and brought brooches and earrings, rings and necklaces, and all kinds of gold jewelry. And they all presented their gold as a wave offering to the LORD. 23 Everyone who had blue, purple, or scarlet yarn, or fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, or articles of fine leather, brought them. 24 And all who could present an offering of silver or bronze brought it as a contribution to the LORD. Also, everyone who had acacia wood for any part of the service brought it. 25 Every skilled woman spun with her hands and brought what she had spun: blue, purple, or scarlet yarn, or fine linen. 26 And all the skilled women whose hearts were stirred spun the goat hair. 27 The leaders brought onyx stones and gemstones to mount on the ephod and breastpiece, 28 as well as spices and olive oil for the light, for the anointing oil, and for the fragrant incense. 29 So all the men and women of the Israelites whose hearts prompted them brought a freewill offering to the LORD for all the work that the LORD through Moses had commanded them to do. 30 Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship, 32 to design artistic works in gold, silver, and bronze, 33 to cut gemstones for settings, and to carve wood, so that he may be a master of every artistic craft. 34 And the LORD has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others. 35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and as weavers—as artistic designers of every kind of craft.
MLV(i) 21 And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him up and everyone whom his spirit made willing and brought Jehovah's offering, for the work of the tent of meeting and for all the service of it and for the holy garments.
22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing-hearted and brought brooches and earrings and signet-rings and armlets, all jewels of gold, even every man who offered an offering of gold to Jehovah. 23 And every man, with whom was found blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and goats' hair and rams' skins dyed red and certain skins, brought them. 24 Everyone who offered an offering of silver and brass brought Jehovah's offering and every man, with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it.
25 And all the women who were wise hearted spun with their hands and brought what they had spun: the blue and the purple, the scarlet and the fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats' hair.
27 And the rulers brought the onyx stones and the stones to be set, for the ephod and for the breastplate, 28 and the spice and the oil, for the light and for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense. 29 The sons of Israel brought a free-will offering to Jehovah, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work, which Jehovah had commanded to be made by Moses. 30 And Moses said to the sons of Israel, See, Jehovah has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 31 And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship, 32 and to devise skillful works, to work in gold and in silver and in brass, 33 and in cutting of stones for setting and in carving of wood, to work in all manner of skillful workmanship.
34 And he has put in his heart that he may teach, both he and Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He has filled them with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of workmanship, of the engraver and of the skillful workman and of the embroiderer, in blue and in purple, in scarlet and in fine linen and of the weaver, even of those who do any workmanship and of those who devise skillful works.

VIN(i) 21 and every person whose heart moved him and all whose spirits prompted them, brought an offering to the LORD for constructing the Tent of Meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments. 22 All willing, men and women alike, brought all kinds of gold jewelry: pins, brooches, earrings, signet rings, and pendants. They offered these gifts of gold to the LORD. 23 Everyone who had blue, purple, and scarlet material, fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, and dolphin skins brought them. 24 Everyone who could give an offering of silver and bronze brought it as a contribution for the LORD. Also all who had acacia wood for any use in the work brought it. 25 Every skilled woman spun with her hands, and brought what she spun: blue, purple, and scarlet material, and fine linen. 26 And all the women whose heart lifted them with skill spun the goat hair. 27 The leaders brought onyx stones and stones to be set in the ephod and the breast piece, 28 And they brought spice and oil, for the light and for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense. 29 Each Israelite man and woman whose heart was prompted brought something as a freewill offering to the LORD for all the work which the LORD had commanded them to do through Moses. 30 And Moses said to the Israelites, "See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri the son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah. 31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, and with knowledge of all kinds of work, 32 to make artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, 33 to cut stones for setting, to carve wood, and to engage in all kinds of artistic work. 34 "the LORD also gave Bezalel and Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan the ability to teach others. 35 He hath filled them with wisdom of heart to do every work, of engraver, and designer, and embroiderer (in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in linen), and weaver, who do any work, and of designers of designs.
Luther1545(i) 21 Und alle, die es gerne und williglich gaben, kamen und brachten das Hebopfer dem HERRN zum Werk der Hütte des Stifts und zu alle seinem Dienst und zu den heiligen Kleidern. 22 Es brachten aber beide, Mann und Weib, wer es williglich tat, Hefte, Ohrenrinken, Ringe und Spangen und allerlei gülden Gerät. Dazu brachte jedermann Gold zur Webe dem HERRN. 23 Und wer bei ihm fand gelbe Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot, weiße Seide, Ziegenhaar, rötlich Widderfell und Dachsfell, der brachte es. 24 Und wer Silber und Erz hub, der brachte es zur Hebe dem HERRN. Und wer Föhrenholz bei ihm fand, der brachte es zu allerlei Werk des Gottesdienstes. 25 Und welche verständige Weiber waren, die wirkten mit ihren Händen und brachten ihr Werk von gelber Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot und weißer Seide. 26 Und welche Weiber solche Arbeit konnten und willig dazu waren, die wirkten Ziegenhaar. 27 Die Fürsten aber brachten Onyx und eingefaßte Steine zum Leibrock und zum Schildlein 28 und Spezerei und Öl zu den Lichtern und zur Salbe und zu gutem Räuchwerk. 29 Also brachten die Kinder Israel williglich, beide Mann und Weib, zu allerlei Werk, das der HERR geboten hatte durch Mose, daß man's machen sollte. 30 Und Mose sprach zu den Kindern Israel: Sehet, der HERR hat mit Namen berufen den Bezaleel, den Sohn Uris, des Sohns Hurs, vom Stamm Juda, 31 und hat ihn erfüllet mit dem Geist Gottes, daß er weise, verständig, geschickt sei zu allerlei Werk, 32 künstlich zu arbeiten am Gold, Silber und Erz, 33 Edelstein schneiden und einsetzen, Holz zimmern, zu machen allerlei künstliche Arbeit. 34 Und hat ihm sein Herz unterweiset samt Ahaliab, dem Sohne Ahisamachs, vom Stamm Dan. 35 Er hat ihr Herz mit Weisheit erfüllet, zu machen allerlei Werk, zu schneiden, wirken und zu sticken mit gelber Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot und weißer Seide und mit Weben, daß sie machen allerlei Werk und künstliche Arbeit erfinden.
  21 H376 Und H834 alle, die H7307 es gerne und H935 williglich gaben, kamen H935 und H5375 brachten H8641 das Hebopfer H3068 dem HErrn H4399 zum Werk H168 der Hütte H4150 des Stifts H5656 und zu alle seinem Dienst H6944 und zu den heiligen H899 Kleidern .
  22 H935 Es brachten H3820 aber H582 beide, Mann H5921 und H802 Weib H5081 , wer es williglich tat H2885 , Hefte, Ohrenrinken, Ringe H3605 und H2397 Spangen H376 und H3627 allerlei gülden Gerät H935 . Dazu brachte H2091 jedermann Gold H5130 zur Webe H3068 dem HErrn .
  23 H376 Und H4672 wer bei ihm fand H5795 gelbe Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot, weiße Seide, Ziegenhaar H935 , rötlich Widderfell und Dachsfell, der brachte es.
  24 H5178 Und H3701 wer Silber H6086 und H935 Erz hub, der brachte H7311 es zur Hebe H3068 dem HErrn H4672 . Und wer Föhrenholz bei ihm fand H935 , der brachte H4399 es zu allerlei Werk H5656 des Gottesdienstes .
  25 H2450 Und welche verständige H802 Weiber H3820 waren H3027 , die wirkten mit ihren Händen H935 und brachten ihr Werk von gelber Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot und weißer Seide.
  26 H802 Und welche Weiber H2451 solche Arbeit konnten H3820 und willig dazu waren H5795 , die wirkten Ziegenhaar .
  27 H5387 Die Fürsten H935 aber brachten H7718 Onyx H68 und H4394 eingefaßte H68 Steine H646 zum Leibrock und zum Schildlein
  28 H1314 und Spezerei H8081 und Öl H3974 zu den Lichtern H4888 und zur Salbe H7004 und zu gutem Räuchwerk .
  29 H3820 Also brachten die H1121 Kinder H3478 Israel H376 williglich, beide Mann H3068 und H802 Weib H4399 , zu allerlei Werk H3068 , das der HErr H6680 geboten H935 hatte H935 durch H4872 Mose H834 , daß H3027 man H6213 ‘s machen sollte.
  30 H1121 Und H4872 Mose H559 sprach H1121 zu den Kindern H3478 Israel H7200 : Sehet H3068 , der HErr H8034 hat mit Namen H7121 berufen H1212 den Bezaleel H1121 , den Sohn H221 Uris H2354 , des Sohns Hurs H4294 , vom Stamm H3063 Juda,
  31 H4390 und hat H7307 ihn erfüllet mit dem Geist H430 Gottes H2451 , daß er weise H8394 , verständig H1847 , geschickt H4399 sei zu allerlei Werk,
  32 H2803 künstlich H6213 zu H2091 arbeiten am Gold H3701 , Silber H4284 und H5178 Erz,
  33 H68 Edelstein H2799 schneiden H4390 und H6086 einsetzen, Holz H6213 zimmern, zu machen H4284 allerlei künstliche Arbeit .
  34 H5414 Und H3820 hat ihm sein Herz H294 unterweiset samt Ahaliab, dem Sohne Ahisamachs H4294 , vom Stamm H1835 Dan .
  35 H2803 Er H4390 hat H3820 ihr Herz H2451 mit Weisheit H6213 erfüllet, zu machen H4399 allerlei Werk H2796 , zu schneiden H2803 , wirken H7551 und zu sticken H707 mit gelber Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot und weißer Seide und mit Weben H3605 , daß H6213 sie machen H4399 allerlei Werk H4284 und künstliche Arbeit erfinden.
Luther1912(i) 21 Und alle, die es gern und willig gaben, kamen und brachten das Hebopfer dem HERRN zum Werk der Hütte des Stifts und zu allem ihren Dienst und zu den heiligen Kleidern. 22 Es brachten aber beide, Mann und Weib, wer's willig tat, Spangen, Ohrringe, Ringe und Geschmeide und allerlei goldenes Gerät. Dazu brachte jedermann Gold zum Webeopfer dem HERRN. 23 Und wer bei sich fand blauen und roten Purpur, Scharlach, weiße Leinwand, Ziegenhaar, rötliche Widderfelle und Dachsfelle, der brachte es. 24 Und wer Silber und Erz hob, der brachte es zur Hebe dem HERRN. Und wer Akazienholz bei sich fand, der brachte es zu allerlei Werk des Gottesdienstes. 25 Und welche verständige Weiber waren, die spannen mit ihren Händen und brachten ihr Gespinnst, blauen und roten Purpur, Scharlach und weiße Leinwand. 26 Und welche Weiber solche Arbeit konnten und willig dazu waren, die spannen Ziegenhaare. 27 Die Fürsten aber brachten Onyxsteine und eingefaßte Steine zum Leibrock und zum Schild 28 und Spezerei und Öl zu den Lichtern und zur Salbe und zum guten Räuchwerk. 29 Also brachte die Kinder Israel willig, beide, Mann und Weib, zu allerlei Werk, das der HERR geboten hatte durch Mose, daß man's machen sollte. 30 Und Mose sprach zu den Kindern Israel: Sehet, der HERR hat mit Namen berufen den Bezaleel, den Sohn Uris, des Sohnes Hur, vom Stamme Juda, 31 und hat ihn erfüllt mit dem Geist Gottes, daß er weise, verständig, geschickt sei zu allerlei Werk, 32 kunstreich zu arbeiten an Gold, Silber und Erz, 33 Edelsteine zu schneiden und einzusetzen, Holz zu zimmern, zu machen allerlei kunstreiche Arbeit. 34 Und hat ihm ins Herz gegeben, zu unterweisen, ihm und Oholiab, dem Sohn Ahisamachs, vom Stamme Dan. 35 Er hat ihr Herz mit Weisheit erfüllt, zu machen allerlei Werk, zu schneiden, zu wirken und zu sticken mit blauem und rotem Purpur, Scharlach und weißer Leinwand, und mit Weben, daß sie machen allerlei Werk und kunstreiche Arbeit erfinden.
  21 H376 Und alle H834 H3820 , die H7307 H5375 es gern H5068 und willig H935 gaben, kamen H935 und brachten H8641 das Hebopfer H3068 dem HERRN H4399 zum Werk H168 der Hütte H4150 des Stifts H5656 und zu allem ihrem Dienst H6944 und zu den heiligen H899 Kleidern .
  22 H935 Es brachten H5921 aber beide H582 , Mann H802 und Weib H3605 , wer’s H5081 H3820 willig H2397 tat, Spangen H5141 , Ohrringe H2885 , Ringe H3558 und Geschmeide H2091 und allerlei goldenes H3627 Gerät H5130 . Dazu brachte H376 jedermann H2091 Gold H8573 zum Webeopfer H3068 dem HERRN .
  23 H376 Und wer H4672 bei sich fand H8504 blauen H713 und roten H8144 H8438 Purpur, Scharlach H8336 , weiße Leinwand H5795 , Ziegenhaar H119 , rötliche H352 H5785 Widderfelle H8476 H5785 und Dachsfelle H935 , der brachte es.
  24 H3701 Und wer Silber H5178 und Erz H8641 H7311 hob H935 , der brachte H8641 es zur Hebe H3068 dem HERRN H4672 . Und wer H7848 H6086 Akazienholz H4672 bei sich fand H935 , der brachte H4399 es zu allerlei Werk H5656 des Gottesdienstes .
  25 H2450 H3820 Und welche verständige H802 Weiber H2901 waren, die spannen H3027 mit ihren Händen H935 und brachten H4299 ihr Gespinnst H8504 , blauen H713 und roten H8144 H8438 Purpur, Scharlach H8336 und weiße Leinwand .
  26 H802 Und welche Weiber H2451 solche Arbeit konnten H5375 H3820 und willig H5375 dazu waren H2901 , die spannen H5795 Ziegenhaare .
  27 H5387 Die Fürsten H935 aber brachten H7718 H68 Onyxsteine H4394 und eingefaßte H68 Steine H646 zum Leibrock H2833 und zum Schild
  28 H1314 und Spezerei H8081 und Öl H3974 zu den Lichtern H8081 H4888 und zur Salbe H5561 und zu gutem H7004 Räuchwerk .
  29 H935 Also brachten H1121 die Kinder H3478 Israel H5071 willig H376 , beide, Mann H802 und Weib H4399 , zu allerlei Werk H3068 , das der HERR H6680 geboten H3027 hatte durch H4872 Mose H6213 , daß man’s machen sollte.
  30 H4872 Und Mose H559 sprach H1121 zu den Kindern H3478 Israel H7200 : Sehet H3068 , der HERR H8034 hat mit Namen H7121 berufen H1212 den Bezaleel H1121 , den Sohn H221 Uris H1121 , des Sohnes H2354 Hurs H4294 , vom Stamme H3063 Juda,
  31 H4390 und hat ihn erfüllt H7307 mit dem Geist H430 Gottes H2451 , daß er weise H8394 , verständig H1847 , geschickt H4399 sei zu allerlei Werk,
  32 H4284 H2803 kunstreich H6213 zu arbeiten H2091 an Gold H3701 , Silber H5178 und Erz,
  33 H68 Edelsteine H2799 zu schneiden H4390 und einzusetzen H6086 , Holz H2799 zu zimmern H6213 , zu machen H4284 allerlei kunstreiche H4399 Arbeit .
  34 H3820 Und hat ihm ins Herz H5414 gegeben H3384 , zu unterweisen H171 , ihm und Oholiab H1121 , dem Sohn H294 Ahisamachs H4294 , vom Stamme H1835 Dan .
  35 H4390 Er H3820 hat ihr Herz H2451 mit Weisheit H4390 erfüllt H6213 , zu machen H4399 allerlei Werk H2796 , zu schneiden H2803 , zu wirken H7551 und zu sticken H8504 mit blauem H713 und rotem H8144 H8438 Purpur, Scharlach H8336 und weißer Leinwand H707 , und mit Weben H6213 , daß sie machen H3605 allerlei H4399 Werk H4284 und kunstreiche Arbeit H2803 erfinden .
ELB1871(i) 21 Und sie kamen, ein jeder, den sein Herz trieb; und ein jeder, der willigen Geistes war, brachte das Hebopfer Jehovas für das Werk des Zeltes der Zusammenkunft und für all seine Arbeit und für die heiligen Kleider. 22 Und die Männer kamen mit den Weibern; ein jeder, der willigen Herzens war, brachte Nasenringe und Ohrringe und Fingerringe und Spangen, allerlei goldene Geräte; und jeder, der ein Webopfer an Gold dem Jehova webte. 23 Und ein jeder, bei dem sich blauer und roter Purpur fand, und Karmesin und Byssus und Ziegenhaar und rotgefärbte Widderfelle und Dachsfelle, brachte es. 24 Jeder, der ein Hebopfer an Silber und Erz hob, brachte das Hebopfer Jehovas; und jeder, bei dem sich Akazienholz fand zu allerlei Werk der Arbeit, brachte es. 25 Und alle Weiber, die weisen Herzens waren, spannen mit ihren Händen und brachten das Gespinst: den blauen und den roten Purpur, den Karmesin und den Byssus. 26 Und alle verständigen Weiber, die ihr Herz trieb, spannen das Ziegenhaar. 27 Und die Fürsten brachten Onyxsteine und Steine zum Einsetzen für das Ephod und für das Brustschild, 28 und das Gewürz und das Öl zum Licht und zum Salböl und zum wohlriechenden Räucherwerk. 29 Die Kinder Israel, alle Männer und Weiber, die willigen Herzens waren, um zu all dem Werke zu bringen, das Jehova durch Mose zu machen geboten hatte, brachten eine freiwillige Gabe dem Jehova. 30 Und Mose sprach zu den Kindern Israel: Sehet, Jehova hat Bezaleel, den Sohn Uris, des Sohnes Hurs, vom Stamme Juda, mit Namen berufen 31 und hat ihn mit dem Geiste Gottes erfüllt, in Weisheit, in Verstand und in Kenntnis und in jeglichem Werke; 32 und zwar um Künstliches zu ersinnen, zu arbeiten in Gold und in Silber und in Erz, 33 und im Schneiden von Steinen zum Einsetzen und im Holzschneiden, um zu arbeiten in jeglichem Kunstwerk; 34 und zu unterweisen hat er ihm ins Herz gelegt, ihm und Oholiab, dem Sohne Achisamaks, vom Stamme Dan. 35 Er hat sie mit Weisheit des Herzens erfüllt, um jegliches Werk des Künstlers und des Kunstwebers und des Buntwirkers zu machen, in blauem und rotem Purpur und Karmesin und Byssus, und des Webers; derer, die allerlei Werk machen und Künstliches ersinnen.
ELB1905(i) 21 Und sie kamen, ein jeder, den sein Herz trieb; und ein jeder, der willigen Geistes war, brachte das Hebopfer Jahwes für das Werk des Zeltes der Zusammenkunft und für all seine Arbeit O. seinen Dienst; so auch [V. 24]; [36,1.3.5] und für die heiligen Kleider. 22 Und die Männer kamen mit den Weibern; ein jeder, der willigen Herzens war, brachte Nasenringe und Ohrringe und Fingerringe und Spangen, allerlei goldene Geräte; und jeder, der dem Jahwe ein Webopfer an Gold webte. 23 Und ein jeder, bei dem sich blauer und roter Purpur fand, und Karmesin und Byssus und Ziegenhaar und rotgefärbte Widderfelle und Dachsfelle, brachte es. 24 Jeder, der ein Hebopfer an Silber und Erz hob, brachte das Hebopfer Jahwes; und jeder, bei dem sich Akazienholz fand zu allerlei Werk der Arbeit, brachte es. 25 Und alle Weiber, die weisen Herzens waren, spannen mit ihren Händen und brachten das Gespinst: den blauen und den roten Purpur, den Karmesin und den Byssus. 26 Und alle verständigen Weiber, die ihr Herz trieb, W. alle Weiber, die ihr Herz trieb in Weisheit spannen das Ziegenhaar. 27 Und die Fürsten brachten Onyxsteine und Steine zum Einsetzen für das Ephod und für das Brustschild, 28 und das Gewürz und das Öl zum Licht und zum Salböl und zum wohlriechenden Räucherwerk. 29 Die Kinder Israel, alle Männer und Weiber, die willigen Herzens waren, um zu all dem Werke zu bringen, das Jahwe durch Mose zu machen geboten hatte, brachten eine freiwillige Gabe dem Jahwe. 30 Und Mose sprach zu den Kindern Israel: Sehet, Jahwe hat Bezaleel, den Sohn Uris, des Sohnes Hurs, vom Stamme Juda, mit Namen berufen 31 und hat ihn mit dem Geiste Gottes erfüllt, in Weisheit, in Verstand und in Kenntnis und in jeglichem Werke; 32 und zwar um Künstliches zu ersinnen, zu arbeiten in Gold und in Silber und in Erz, 33 und im Schneiden von Steinen zum Einsetzen und im Holzschneiden, um zu arbeiten in jeglichem Kunstwerk; 34 und zu unterweisen hat er ihm ins Herz gelegt, ihm und Oholiab, dem Sohne Achisamaks, vom Stamme Dan. 35 Er hat sie mit Weisheit des Herzens erfüllt, um jegliches Werk des Künstlers und des Kunstwebers und des Buntwirkers zu machen, in blauem und rotem Purpur und Karmesin und Byssus, und des Webers; derer, die allerlei Werk machen und Künstliches ersinnen.
  21 H5375 Und H935 sie kamen H376 , ein H834 jeder, den H5656 sein H3820 Herz H7307 trieb; und ein jeder, der willigen Geistes H935 war, brachte H8641 das Hebopfer H3068 Jehovas H168 für das Werk des Zeltes H4150 der Zusammenkunft H4399 und für all seine Arbeit H6944 und für die heiligen H899 Kleider .
  22 H5921 Und H582 die Männer H935 kamen H802 mit den Weibern H376 ; ein H3820 jeder, der willigen Herzens H935 war, brachte H5141 Nasenringe und Ohrringe H2397 und Fingerringe und Spangen H3605 , allerlei H2091 goldene H3627 Geräte H3068 ; und jeder, der dem Jehova H8573 ein Webopfer H2091 an Gold H5130 webte .
  23 H376 Und ein H8504 jeder, bei dem sich blauer H713 und roter Purpur H4672 fand H5795 , und Karmesin und Byssus und Ziegenhaar H352 und rotgefärbte Widderfelle H8476 und Dachsfelle H935 , brachte es.
  24 H8641 Jeder, der ein Hebopfer H3701 an Silber H5178 und H935 Erz hob, brachte H8641 das Hebopfer H3068 Jehovas H6086 ; und H7848 jeder, bei dem sich Akazienholz H4672 fand H4399 zu allerlei Werk der Arbeit H935 , brachte es.
  25 H802 Und alle Weiber H2450 , die weisen H3820 Herzens H935 waren H2901 , spannen H3027 mit ihren Händen H8504 und brachten das Gespinst: den blauen H713 und den roten Purpur, den Karmesin und den Byssus.
  26 H5375 Und H802 alle verständigen Weiber H3820 , die ihr Herz H2901 trieb, spannen H5795 das Ziegenhaar .
  27 H5387 Und die Fürsten H935 brachten H7718 Onyxsteine H68 und Steine zum Einsetzen für das Ephod und für das Brustschild,
  28 H1314 und H7004 das Gewürz und H8081 das Öl H3974 zum Licht H4888 und zum Salböl und zum wohlriechenden Räucherwerk.
  29 H1121 Die Kinder H3478 Israel H376 , alle Männer H802 und Weiber H3820 , die willigen Herzens H935 waren H4399 , um zu all dem Werke H935 zu bringen H3068 , das Jehova H3027 durch H4872 Mose H6213 zu machen H6680 geboten hatte H3068 , brachten eine freiwillige Gabe dem Jehova .
  30 H4872 Und Mose H559 sprach H1121 zu den Kindern H3478 Israel H7200 : Sehet H3068 , Jehova H1212 hat Bezaleel H1121 , den Sohn H221 Uris H1121 , des Sohnes H2354 Hurs H4294 , vom Stamme H3063 Juda H8034 , mit Namen H7121 berufen
  31 H1847 und H7307 hat ihn mit dem Geiste H430 Gottes H4390 erfüllt H2451 , in Weisheit H8394 , in Verstand H4399 und in Kenntnis und in jeglichem Werke;
  32 H5178 und H6213 zwar um Künstliches zu H2091 ersinnen, zu arbeiten in Gold H3701 und in Silber und in Erz,
  33 H6086 und H2799 im Schneiden H68 von Steinen H6213 zum Einsetzen und im Holzschneiden, um zu arbeiten in jeglichem Kunstwerk;
  34 H3384 und zu unterweisen H5414 hat er H3820 ihm ins Herz H171 gelegt, ihm und Oholiab H1121 , dem Sohne H4294 Achisamaks, vom Stamme H1835 Dan .
  35 H2451 Er hat sie mit Weisheit H3820 des Herzens H4390 erfüllt H4399 , um jegliches Werk H707 des Künstlers und H6213 des Kunstwebers und des Buntwirkers zu machen H8504 , in blauem H713 und rotem Purpur H3605 und Karmesin und Byssus, und des Webers; derer, die allerlei H4399 Werk H6213 machen und Künstliches ersinnen.
DSV(i) 21 En zij kwamen, alle man, wiens hart hem bewoog, en een ieder, wiens geest hem vrijwillig maakte, die brachten des HEEREN hefoffer tot het werk van de tent der samenkomst, en tot al haar dienst, en tot de heilige klederen. 22 Zo kwamen dan de mannen met de vrouwen, alle vrijwilligen van hart; zij brachten haken, en oorsierselen, en ringen, en spanselen, alle gouden vaten; en alle man, die een gouden beweegoffer den HEERE offerde, 23 En alle man, bij wien gevonden werd hemelsblauw, en purper, en scharlaken, en fijn linnen, en geiten haar, en roodgeverfde ramsvellen, en dassenvellen, die brachten ze. 24 Allen, die een hefoffer van zilver of koper offerden, die brachten het ten hefoffer des HEEREN; en allen, bij welke sittimhout gevonden werd, brachten het tot alle werk van den dienst. 25 En alle vrouwen, die wijs van hart waren, sponnen met haar handen, en zij brachten het gesponnene, de hemelsblauwe zijde, en het purper, het scharlaken, en het fijn linnen. 26 En alle vrouwen, welker hart haar bewoog in wijsheid, die sponnen het geiten haar. 27 De oversten nu brachten sardonixstenen en vulstenen, tot den efod en tot den borstlap; 28 En specerijen en olie, tot den luchter en tot de zalfolie, en tot roking welriekende specerijen. 29 Alle man en vrouw, welker hart hen vrijwillig bewoog te brengen tot al het werk, hetwelk de HEERE geboden had te maken door de hand van Mozes; dat brachten de kinderen Israëls tot een vrijwillig offer den HEERE. 30 Daarna zeide Mozes tot de kinderen Israëls: Ziet, de HEERE heeft met name geroepen Bezaleël, den zoon van Uri, den zoon van Hur, van den stam van Juda. 31 En de Geest Gods heeft hem vervuld met wijsheid, met verstand, en met wetenschap, namelijk in alle handwerk; 32 En om te bedenken vernuftigen arbeid, te werken in goud, en in zilver, en in koper, 33 En in kunstige steensnijding, om in te zetten, en in kunstige houtsnijding; om te werken in alle vernuftige handwerk. 34 Hij heeft hem ook in zijn hart gegeven anderen te onderwijzen, hem en Aholiab, den zoon van Ahisamach, van den stam van Dan. 35 Hij heeft hen vervuld met wijsheid des harten, om te maken alle werk eens werkmeesters, en des allervernuftigsten handwerkers, en des borduurders en hemelsblauw, en in purper, in scharlaken, en in fijn linnen, en des wevers; makende alle werk, en bedenkende vernuftigen arbeid.
  21 H935 H8799 En zij kwamen H376 , alle man H834 , wiens H3820 hart H5375 H8804 hem bewoog H7307 , en een ieder, wiens geest H5068 H8804 hem vrijwillig maakte H935 H8689 , die brachten H3068 des HEEREN H8641 hefoffer H4399 tot het werk H168 van de tent H4150 der samenkomst H5656 , en tot al haar dienst H6944 , en tot de heilige H899 klederen.
  22 H935 H8799 Zo kwamen H582 dan de mannen H5921 met H802 de vrouwen H3605 , alle H5081 vrijwilligen H3820 van H935 H8689 hart; zij brachten H2397 haken H5141 , en oorsierselen H2885 , en ringen H3558 , en spanselen H2091 , alle gouden H3627 vaten H376 ; en alle man H2091 , die een gouden H8573 beweegoffer H3068 den HEERE H5130 H8689 offerde,
  23 H376 En alle man H4672 H8738 , bij wien gevonden werd H8504 hemelsblauw H713 , en purper H8144 H8438 , en scharlaken H8336 , en fijn linnen H5795 , en geiten H119 H8794 [haar], en roodgeverfde H352 H5785 ramsvellen H8476 H5785 , en dassenvellen H935 H8689 , die brachten ze.
  24 H8641 Allen, die een hefoffer H3701 van zilver H5178 of koper H7311 H8688 offerden H935 H8689 , die brachten H8641 het ten hefoffer H3068 des HEEREN H7848 H6086 ; en allen, bij welke sittimhout H4672 H8738 gevonden werd H935 H8689 , brachten H4399 het tot alle werk H5656 van den dienst.
  25 H802 En alle vrouwen H2450 , die wijs H3820 van hart H2901 H8804 waren, sponnen H3027 met haar handen H935 H8686 , en zij brachten H4299 het gesponnene H8504 , de hemelsblauwe H713 [zijde], en het purper H8144 H8438 , het scharlaken H8336 , en het fijn linnen.
  26 H802 En alle vrouwen H3820 , welker hart H5375 H8804 haar bewoog H2451 in wijsheid H2901 H8804 , die sponnen H5795 het geiten [haar].
  27 H5387 De oversten H935 H8689 nu brachten H7718 H68 sardonixstenen H68 H4394 en vulstenen H646 , tot den efod H2833 en tot den borstlap;
  28 H1314 En specerijen H8081 en olie H3974 , tot den luchter H4888 H8081 en tot de zalfolie H7004 , en tot roking H5561 welriekende specerijen.
  29 H376 Alle man H802 en vrouw H834 , welker H3820 hart H5068 H8804 hen vrijwillig bewoog H935 H8687 te brengen H4399 tot al het werk H3068 , hetwelk de HEERE H6680 H8765 geboden had H6213 H8800 te maken H3027 door de hand H4872 van Mozes H935 H8689 ; dat brachten H1121 de kinderen H3478 Israels H5071 [tot] een vrijwillig offer H3068 den HEERE.
  30 H559 H8799 Daarna zeide H4872 Mozes H1121 tot de kinderen H3478 Israels H7200 H8798 : Ziet H3068 , de HEERE H8034 heeft met name H7121 H8804 geroepen H1212 Bezaleel H1121 , den zoon H221 van Uri H1121 , den zoon H2354 van Hur H4294 , van den stam H3063 van Juda.
  31 H7307 En de Geest H430 Gods H4390 H8762 heeft hem vervuld H2451 met wijsheid H8394 , met verstand H1847 , en met wetenschap H4399 , namelijk in alle handwerk;
  32 H2803 H8800 En om te bedenken H4284 vernuftigen arbeid H6213 H8800 , te werken H2091 in goud H3701 , en in zilver H5178 , en in koper,
  33 H2799 H68 En in kunstige steensnijding H4390 H8763 , om in te zetten H2799 H6086 , en in kunstige houtsnijding H6213 H8800 ; om te werken H4284 in alle vernuftige H4399 handwerk.
  34 H3820 Hij heeft hem ook in zijn hart H5414 H8804 gegeven H3384 H8687 [anderen] te onderwijzen H171 , hem en Aholiab H1121 , den zoon H294 van Ahisamach H4294 , van den stam H1835 van Dan.
  35 H4390 H8765 Hij heeft hen vervuld H2451 met wijsheid H3820 des harten H6213 H8800 , om te maken H4399 alle werk H2796 eens werkmeesters H2803 H8802 , en des allervernuftigsten H7551 H8802 [handwerkers], en des borduurders H8504 en hemelsblauw H713 , en in purper H8144 H8438 , in scharlaken H8336 , en in fijn linnen H707 H8802 , en des wevers H6213 H8802 ; makende H3605 alle H4399 werk H2803 H8802 , en bedenkende H4284 vernuftigen arbeid.
Giguet(i) 21 Bientôt ils revinrent, apportant, chacun au gré de son cœur, en oblation au Seigneur, des dons pour tous les travaux du tabernacle du témoignage, pour ses accessoires et les vêtements saints. 22 Et les hommes apportèrent, chacun au gré de son cœur, des joyaux d’or de leurs femmes: des cachets, des boucles d’oreilles, des anneaux, des attaches de tresse et des bracelets. Et tous ceux qui avaient de l’or en apportèrent comme oblation au Seigneur; 23 Ceux qui avaient du lin, des toisons bleues, des toisons de béliers teintes en rouge, en apportèrent aussi. 24 Parmi ceux qui faisaient ainsi leurs offrandes, d’autres apportèrent de l’argent on de l’airain, comme oblation au Seigneur; ceux qui avaient des bois incorruptibles, et ce qu’il fallait pour les travaux auxquels on se préparait, en apportèrent. 25 Toute femme adroite et intelligente, habile à filer, apporta des fils d’hyacinthe, de pourpre, d’écarlate et de lin. 26 27 28 29 3031 32 33 34 35
DarbyFR(i) 21 Tout homme que son coeur y porta, et tous ceux qui avaient un esprit libéral, vinrent et apportèrent l'offrande de l'Éternel pour l'oeuvre de la tente d'assignation, et pour tout son service, et pour les saints vêtements. 22 Et les hommes vinrent avec les femmes: tous ceux qui avaient un esprit libéral apportèrent des anneaux de nez, et des pendants d'oreille, et des anneaux, et des colliers, toutes sortes d'objets d'or, et tout homme qui offrit une offrande tournoyée d'or à l'Éternel, 23 tout homme chez qui se trouva du bleu, et de la pourpre, et de l'écarlate, et du coton blanc, et du poil de chèvre, et des peaux de béliers teintes en rouge, et des peaux de taissons, les apporta. 24 Tout homme qui offrit une offrande élevée d'argent et d'airain, apporta l'offrande de l'Éternel; et tout homme chez qui se trouva du bois de sittim pour toute l'oeuvre du service, l'apporta. 25 Et toute femme intelligente fila de sa main, et porta ce qu'elle avait filé: le bleu, et la pourpre, et l'écarlate, et le fin coton; 26 et toutes les femmes habiles et que leur coeur y porta filèrent du poil de chèvre. 27 Et les princes apportèrent les pierres d'onyx et les pierres à enchâsser pour l'éphod et pour le pectoral; 28 et les aromates, et l'huile pour le luminaire, et pour l'huile de l'onction, et pour l'encens des drogues odoriférantes. 29 Les fils d'Israël, tout homme et toute femme qui eurent un esprit libéral pour apporter pour toute l'oeuvre que, par Moïse, l'Éternel avait commandé de faire, apportèrent une offrande volontaire à l'Éternel. 30
Et Moïse dit aux fils d'Israël: Voyez, l'Éternel a appelé par nom Betsaleël, fils d'Uri, fils de Hur, de la tribu de Juda; 31 et il l'a rempli de l'esprit de Dieu, en sagesse, en intelligence, et en connaissance, et pour toute espèce d'ouvrages; 32 et pour faire des inventions, pour travailler en or, et en argent, et en airain; 33 et pour tailler des pierres à enchâsser, et pour tailler le bois, afin d'exécuter des dessins en toutes sortes d'ouvrages; 34 il a mis au coeur d'enseigner; et à lui et à Oholiab, fils d'Akhisamac, de la tribu de Dan, 35 il les a remplis de sagesse de coeur pour faire tout ouvrage de graveur et d'inventeur, et de brodeur en bleu et en pourpre, en écarlate et en fin coton, et tout ouvrage de tisserand, faisant toute espèce de travail, et inventant des dessins.
Martin(i) 21 Et quiconque fut ému en son coeur, quiconque, dis-je, se sentit porté à la libéralité, apporta 1'offrande de l'Eternel pour l'ouvrage du Tabernacle d'assignation, et pour tout son service, et pour les saints vêtements. 22 Et les hommes vinrent avec les femmes; quiconque fut de coeur volontaire, apporta des boucles, des bagues, des anneaux, des bracelets, et des joyaux d'or, et quiconque offrit quelque offrande d'or à l'Eternel. 23 Tout homme aussi chez qui se trouvait de la pourpre, de l'écarlate, du cramoisi, du fin lin, du poil de chèvres, des peaux de moutons teintes en rouge, et des peaux de taissons, les apporta. 24 Tout homme qui avait de quoi faire une offrande d'argent, et d'airain, l'apporta pour l'offrande de l'Eternel; tout homme aussi chez qui fut trouvé du bois de Sittim pour tout l'ouvrage du service, l'apporta. 25 Toute femme adroite, fila de sa main, et apporta ce qu'elle avait filé, de la pourpre, de l'écarlate, du cramoisi, et du fin lin. 26 Toutes les femmes aussi dont le cœur les porta à travailler de leur industrie, filèrent du poil de chèvre. 27 Les principaux aussi de l'assemblée apportèrent des pierres d'Onyx, et des pierres de remplages pour l'Ephod et pour le Pectoral; 28 Et des choses aromatiques, et de l'huile, tant pour le luminaire, que pour l'huile de l'onction, et pour le parfum composé de choses aromatiques. 29 Tout homme donc et toute femme que leur coeur incita à la libéralité, pour apporter de quoi faire l'ouvrage que l'Eternel avait commandé par le moyen de Moïse qu'on fît, tous les enfants, dis-je, d'Israël apportèrent volontairement des présents à l'Eternel. 30 Alors Moïse dit aux enfants d'Israël : voyez, l'Eternel a appelé par son nom Betsaléel, fils d'Uri, fils de Hur, de la Tribu de Juda; 31 Et il l'a rempli de l'Esprit de Dieu en sagesse, en intelligence, en science, pour toute sorte d'ouvrages. 32 Même afin d'inventer des dessins pour travailler en or, en argent, en airain; 33 Dans la sculpture des pierres précieuses pour les mettre en œuvre; et dans la menuiserie, pour travailler en tout ouvrage exquis. 34 Et il lui a mis aussi au cœur, tant à lui qu'à Aholiab fils d'Ahisamac, de la Tribu de Dan, de l'enseigner; 35 Et il les a remplis d'industrie pour faire toute sorte d'ouvrages d'ouvrier, même d'ouvrier en ouvrage exquis, et en broderie, en pourpre, en écarlate, en cramoisi, et en fin lin, et d'ouvrage de tissure, faisant toute sorte d'ouvrages, et inventant toute sorte de dessins.
Segond(i) 21 Tous ceux qui furent entraînés par le coeur et animés de bonne volonté vinrent et apportèrent une offrande à l'Eternel pour l'oeuvre de la tente d'assignation, pour tout son service, et pour les vêtements sacrés. 22 Les hommes vinrent aussi bien que les femmes; tous ceux dont le coeur était bien disposé apportèrent des boucles, des anneaux, des bagues, des bracelets, toutes sortes d'objets d'or; chacun présenta l'offrande d'or qu'il avait consacrée à l'Eternel. 23 Tous ceux qui avaient des étoffes teintes en bleu, en pourpre, en cramoisi, du fin lin et du poil de chèvre, des peaux de béliers teintes en rouge et des peaux de dauphins, les apportèrent. 24 Tous ceux qui présentèrent par élévation une offrande d'argent et d'airain apportèrent l'offrande à l'Eternel. Tous ceux qui avaient du bois d'acacia pour les ouvrages destinés au service, l'apportèrent. 25 Toutes les femmes qui avaient de l'habileté filèrent de leurs mains, et elles apportèrent leur ouvrage, des fils teints en bleu, en pourpre, en cramoisi, et du fin lin. 26 Toutes les femmes dont le coeur était bien disposé, et qui avaient de l'habileté, filèrent du poil de chèvre. 27 Les principaux du peuple apportèrent des pierres d'onyx et d'autres pierres pour la garniture de l'éphod et du pectoral; 28 des aromates et de l'huile pour le chandelier, pour l'huile d'onction et pour le parfum odoriférant. 29 Tous les enfants d'Israël, hommes et femmes, dont le coeur était disposé à contribuer pour l'oeuvre que l'Eternel avait ordonnée par Moïse, apportèrent des offrandes volontaires à l'Eternel. 30 Moïse dit aux enfants d'Israël: Sachez que l'Eternel a choisi Betsaleel, fils d'Uri, fils de Hur, de la tribu de Juda. 31 Il l'a rempli de l'Esprit de Dieu, de sagesse, d'intelligence, et de savoir pour toutes sortes d'ouvrages. 32 Il l'a rendu capable de faire des inventions, de travailler l'or, l'argent et l'airain, 33 de graver les pierres à enchâsser, de travailler le bois, et d'exécuter toutes sortes d'ouvrages d'art. 34 Il lui a accordé aussi le don d'enseigner, de même qu'à Oholiab, fils d'Ahisamac, de la tribu de Dan. 35 Il les a remplis d'intelligence, pour exécuter tous les ouvrages de sculpture et d'art, pour broder et tisser les étoffes teintes en bleu, en pourpre, en cramoisi, et le fin lin, pour faire toute espèce de travaux et d'inventions.
  21 H376 Tous ceux H5375 qui furent entraînés H8804   H3820 par le cœur H834   H7307 et animés H5068 de bonne volonté H8804   H935 vinrent H8799   H935 et apportèrent H8689   H8641 une offrande H3068 à l’Eternel H4399 pour l’œuvre H168 de la tente H4150 d’assignation H5656 , pour tout son service H899 , et pour les vêtements H6944 sacrés.
  22 H582 Les hommes H935 vinrent H8799   H5921 aussi bien H802 que les femmes H3605  ; tous ceux H3820 dont le cœur H5081 était bien disposé H935 apportèrent H8689   H5141 des boucles H2885 , des anneaux H3558 , des bagues H2397 , des bracelets H3627 , toutes sortes d’objets H2091 d’or H376  ; chacun H5130 présenta H8689   H8573 l’offrande H2091 d’or H3068 qu’il avait consacrée à l’Eternel.
  23 H376 Tous H4672 ceux qui avaient H8738   H8504 des étoffes teintes en bleu H713 , en pourpre H8144 , en cramoisi H8438   H8336 , du fin lin H5795 et du poil de chèvre H5785 , des peaux H352 de béliers H119 teintes en rouge H8794   H5785 et des peaux H8476 de dauphins H935 , les apportèrent H8689  .
  24 H7311 Tous ceux qui présentèrent H8688   H8641 par élévation une offrande H3701 d’argent H5178 et d’airain H935 apportèrent H8689   H8641 l’offrande H3068 à l’Eternel H4672 . Tous ceux qui avaient H8738   H6086 du bois H7848 d’acacia H4399 pour les ouvrages H5656 destinés au service H935 , l’apportèrent H8689  .
  25 H802 Toutes les femmes H2450 qui avaient de l’habileté H3820   H2901 filèrent H8804   H3027 de leurs mains H935 , et elles apportèrent H8686   H4299 leur ouvrage H8504 , des fils teints en bleu H713 , en pourpre H8144 , en cramoisi H8438   H8336 , et du fin lin.
  26 H802 Toutes les femmes H3820 dont le cœur H5375 était bien disposé H8804   H2451 , et qui avaient de l’habileté H2901 , filèrent H8804   H5795 du poil de chèvre.
  27 H5387 Les principaux H935 du peuple apportèrent H8689   H68 des pierres H7718 d’onyx H68 et d’autres pierres H4394 pour la garniture H646 de l’éphod H2833 et du pectoral ;
  28 H1314 des aromates H8081 et de l’huile H3974 pour le chandelier H8081 , pour l’huile H4888 d’onction H7004 et pour le parfum H5561 odoriférant.
  29 H1121 Tous les enfants H3478 d’Israël H376 , hommes H802 et femmes H834 , dont H3820 le cœur H5068 était disposé H8804   H935 à contribuer H8687   H4399 pour l’œuvre H3068 que l’Eternel H6680 avait ordonnée H8765   H6213   H8800   H3027 par H4872 Moïse H935 , apportèrent H8689   H5071 des offrandes volontaires H3068 à l’Eternel.
  30 H4872 ¶ Moïse H559 dit H8799   H1121 aux enfants H3478 d’Israël H7200 : Sachez H8798   H3068 que l’Eternel H7121 a choisi H8804   H8034   H1212 Betsaleel H1121 , fils H221 d’Uri H1121 , fils H2354 de Hur H4294 , de la tribu H3063 de Juda.
  31 H4390 Il l’a rempli H8762   H7307 de l’Esprit H430 de Dieu H2451 , de sagesse H8394 , d’intelligence H1847 , et de savoir H4399 pour toutes sortes d’ouvrages.
  32 H2803 Il l’a rendu capable de faire H8800   H4284 des inventions H6213 , de travailler H8800   H2091 l’or H3701 , l’argent H5178 et l’airain,
  33 H2799 de graver H68 les pierres H4390 à enchâsser H8763   H2799 , de travailler H6086 le bois H6213 , et d’exécuter H8800   H4399 toutes sortes d’ouvrages H4284 d’art.
  34 H5414 Il lui a accordé H8804   H3820   H3384 aussi le don d’enseigner H8687   H171 , de même qu’à Oholiab H1121 , fils H294 d’Ahisamac H4294 , de la tribu H1835 de Dan.
  35 H4390 Il les a remplis H8765   H2451 d’intelligence H3820   H6213 , pour exécuter H8800   H4399 tous les ouvrages H2796 de sculpture H2803 et d’art H8802   H7551 , pour broder H8802   H707 et tisser H8802   H8504 les étoffes teintes en bleu H713 , en pourpre H8144 , en cramoisi H8438   H8336 , et le fin lin H6213 , pour faire H8802   H3605 toute espèce H4399 de travaux H2803 et d’inventions H8802   H4284  .
SE(i) 21 Y vino todo varón a quien su corazón estimuló, y todo aquel a quien su espíritu le dio voluntad, y trajeron ofrenda al SEÑOR para la obra del tabernáculo del testimonio, y para toda su obra, y para las santas vestiduras. 22 Y vinieron así hombres como mujeres, todo voluntario de corazón, y trajeron cadenas y zarcillos, anillos y brazaletes, y toda joya de oro; y cualquiera ofrecía ofrenda de oro al SEÑOR. 23 Todo hombre que se hallaba con cárdeno, o púrpura, o carmesí, o lino fino, o pelo de cabras, o cueros rojos de carneros, o cueros de tejones, lo traía. 24 Cualquiera que ofrecía ofrenda de plata o de bronce, traía al SEÑOR la ofrenda; y todo el que se hallaba con madera de cedro, la traía para toda la obra del servicio. 25 Además todas las mujeres sabias de corazón hilaban con sus manos, y traían lo que habían hilado: cárdeno, o púrpura, o carmesí, o lino fino. 26 Y todas las mujeres cuyo corazón las levantó en sabiduría, hilaron pelos de cabras. 27 Y los príncipes trajeron piedras de ónice, y las piedras de los engastes para el efod y el pectoral; 28 y la especia aromática y aceite, para la luminaria, y para el aceite de la unción, y para el perfume aromático. 29 De los hijos de Israel, así hombres como mujeres, todos los que tuvieron corazón voluntario para traer para toda la obra, que el SEÑOR había mandado por medio de Moisés que hiciesen, trajeron ofrenda voluntaria al SEÑOR. 30 Y dijo Moisés a los hijos de Israel: Mirad, el SEÑOR ha nombrado a Bezaleel hijo de Uri, hijo de Hur, de la tribu de Judá; 31 y lo ha llenado del Espíritu de Dios, en sabiduría, en inteligencia, y en ciencia, y en todo artificio, 32 para proyectar inventos, para obrar en oro, y en plata, y en bronce, 33 y en obra de pedrería para engastar, y en obra de madera, para trabajar en toda invención ingeniosa. 34 Y ha puesto en su corazón para que pueda enseñar, así él como Aholiab hijo de Ahisamac, de la tribu de Dan. 35 Y los ha llenado de sabiduría de corazón, para que hagan toda obra de artificio, y de invención, y de recamado en cárdeno, y en púrpura, y en carmesí, y en lino fino, y en telar; para que hagan toda labor, e inventen todo diseño.
ReinaValera(i) 21 Y vino todo varón á quien su corazón estimuló, y todo aquel á quien su espíritu le dió voluntad, y trajeron ofrenda á Jehová para la obra del tabernáculo del testimonio, y para toda su fábrica, y para las sagradas vestiduras. 22 Y vinieron así hombres como mujeres, todo voluntario de corazón, y trajeron cadenas y zarcillos, sortijas y brazaletes, y toda joya de oro; y cualquiera ofrecía ofrenda de oro á Jehová. 23 Todo hombre que se hallaba con jacinto, ó púrpura, ó carmesí, ó lino fino, ó pelo de cabras, ó cueros rojos de carneros, ó cueros de tejones, lo traía. 24 Cualquiera que ofrecía ofrenda de plata ó de metal, traía á Jehová la ofrenda: y todo el que se hallaba con madera de Sittim, traíala para toda la obra del servicio. 25 Además todas las mujeres sabias de corazón hilaban de sus manos, y traían lo que habían hilado: cárdeno, ó púrpura, ó carmesí, ó lino fino. 26 Y todas las mujeres cuyo corazón las levantó en sabiduría, hilaron pelos de cabras. 27 Y los príncipes trajeron piedras de onix, y las piedras de los engastes para el ephod y el racional; 28 Y la especia aromática y aceite, para la luminaria, y para el aceite de la unción, y para el perfume aromático. 29 De los hijos de Israel, así hombres como mujeres, todos los que tuvieron corazón voluntario para traer para toda la obra, que Jehová había mandado por medio de Moisés que hiciesen, trajeron ofrenda voluntaria á Jehová. 30 Y dijo Moisés á los hijos de Israel: Mirad, Jehová ha nombrado á Bezaleel hijo de Uri, hijo de Hur, de la tribu de Judá; 31 Y lo ha henchido de espíritu de Dios, en sabiduría, en inteligencia, y en ciencia, y en todo artificio, 32 Para proyectar inventos, para trabajar en oro, y en plata, y en metal, 33 Y en obra de pedrería para engastar, y en obra de madera, para trabajar en toda invención ingeniosa. 34 Y ha puesto en su corazón el que pueda enseñar, así él como Aholiab hijo de Ahisamac, de la tribu de Dan: 35 Y los ha henchido de sabiduría de corazón, para que hagan toda obra de artificio, y de invención, y de recamado en jacinto, y en púrpura, y en carmesí, y en lino fino, y en telar; para que hagan toda labor, é inventen todo diseño.
JBS(i) 21 Y vino todo varón a quien su corazón estimuló, y todo aquel a quien su espíritu le dio voluntad, y trajeron ofrenda al SEÑOR para la obra del tabernáculo del testimonio, y para todo su servicio, y para las santas vestiduras. 22 Y vinieron así hombres como mujeres, todo voluntario de corazón, y trajeron cadenas y zarcillos, anillos y brazaletes, y toda joya de oro; y cualquiera ofrecía ofrenda de oro al SEÑOR. 23 Todo hombre que se hallaba con cárdeno, o púrpura, o carmesí, o lino fino, o pelo de cabras, o cueros rojos de carneros, o cueros de tejones, lo traía. 24 Cualquiera que ofrecía ofrenda de plata o de bronce, traía al SEÑOR la ofrenda; y todo el que se hallaba con madera de cedro, la traía para toda la obra del servicio. 25 Además todas las mujeres sabias de corazón hilaban con sus manos, y traían lo que habían hilado: cárdeno, o púrpura, o carmesí, o lino fino. 26 Y todas las mujeres cuyo corazón las levantó en sabiduría, hilaron pelos de cabras. 27 Y los príncipes trajeron piedras de ónice, y las piedras de los engastes para el efod y el pectoral; 28 y la especia aromática y aceite, para el alumbrado, y para el aceite de la unción, y para el perfume aromático. 29 De los hijos de Israel, así hombres como mujeres, todos los que tuvieron corazón voluntario para traer para toda la obra, que el SEÑOR había mandado por medio de Moisés que hicieran, trajeron ofrenda voluntaria al SEÑOR. 30 ¶ Y dijo Moisés a los hijos de Israel: Mirad, el SEÑOR ha nombrado a Bezaleel hijo de Uri, hijo de Hur, de la tribu de Judá; 31 y lo ha llenado del Espíritu de Dios, en sabiduría, en inteligencia, y en ciencia, y en todo artificio, 32 para proyectar inventos, para obrar en oro, y en plata, y en bronce, 33 y en obra de pedrería para engastar, y en obra de madera, para trabajar en toda invención ingeniosa. 34 Y ha puesto en su corazón para que pueda enseñar, así él como Aholiab hijo de Ahisamac, de la tribu de Dan. 35 Y los ha llenado de sabiduría de corazón, para que hagan toda obra de artificio, y de invención, y de recamado en cárdeno, y en púrpura, y en carmesí, y en lino fino, y en telar; para que hagan toda labor, e inventen todo diseño.
Albanian(i) 21 Kështu tërë ata që ishin të shtyrë nga zemra e tyre dhe tërë ata që ishin të shtyrë nga fryma e tyre, erdhën për t'i sjellë ofertën e tyre Zotit për veprën e çadrës së mbledhjes, për të gjitha shërbimet e tij dhe për rrobat e shenjta. 22 Erdhën burra dhe gra, ata që kishin zemër bujare, dhe sollën me vete kapëse, vathë, unaza me vulë dhe byzylykë, lloj lloj xhevahiresh prej ari; gjithkush i solli ndonjë ofertë prej ari Zotit. 23 Dhe të gjithë ata që kishin stofa ngjyrë vjollce, të purpurt, flakë të kuqe, ose li të hollë, apo lesh dhie, ose lëkura dashi me ngjyrë të kuqe, ose lëkurë baldose, i sollën. 24 Kushdo që mund të bënte një ofertë prej argjendi o prej bronzi, e solli ofertën e shenjtëruar për Zotin; dhe kushdo që kishte dru prej akacieje për ndonjë punë të caktuar për shërbimin, e solli. 25 Të gjitha gratë e zonja torën me duart e tyre dhe prunë fillin ngjyrë vjollcë, të purpurt dhe flakë të kuqe, si dhe li të hollë. 26 Dhe të gjitha gratë që ishin të shtyra nga zemra e tyre dhe kishin zhdërvjelltësi, torën lesh dhie. 27 Krerët e popullit sollën gurë oniksi dhe gurë për t'u ngallmuar në efodin dhe në pektoralin, 28 aroma dhe vaj për ndriçim të shandanit, vaj për vajosjen dhe për temjanin aromatik. 29 Të gjithë bijtë e Izraelit, burra e gra, që ishin të shtyrë nga zemra për t'i çuar diçka për tërë veprën që Zoti kishte urdhëruar të bënin me anë të Moisiut, i çuan Zotit oferta vullnetare. 30 Moisiu u tha bijve të Izraelit: "Shikoni, Zoti i thirri me emër Betsaleelin, birin e Urit, birin e Hurit, nga fisi i Judës, 31 dhe e mbushi me Frymën e Perëndisë, me dituri, me zgjuarsi, me njohuri dhe me gjithfarë aftësish, 32 që të mund të krijojë vizatime artistike, të punojë arin, argjendin dhe bronzin, 33 të gdhendë gurë për t'u ngallmuar, për të punuar drurin dhe për të kryer çdo lloj punimi artistik. 34 I ka shtënë gjithashtu në zemër aftësinë për të mësuar të tjerët, atij dhe Oholiabit, birit të Ahisamakut, nga fisi i Danve. 35 I mbushi me diturinë e zemrës për të kryer gjithfarë punimesh të gdhendësit, të vizatuesit, të qëndistarit dhe të endësit, në ngjyrë vjollce, të purpurt, flakë të kuqe, dhe prej liri të hollë, i aftë për të kryer çdo lloj punimi dhe për të krijuar vizatime artistike.
RST(i) 21 И приходили все, которых влекло к тому сердце, и все, которых располагал дух, и приносили приношения Господу для устроения скинии собрания идля всех потребностей ее и для священных одежд; 22 и приходили мужья с женами, и все по расположению сердца приносили кольца, серьги, перстни и привески, всякие золотые вещи, каждый, кто только хотел приносить золото Господу; 23 и каждый, у кого была шерсть голубого, пурпурового и червленого цвета, виссон и козья шерсть, кожи бараньи красные и кожи синие, приносил их; 24 и каждый, кто жертвовал серебро или медь, приносил сие в дар Господу; и каждый, у кого было дерево ситтим, приносил сие на всякую потребность для скинии ; 25 и все женщины, мудрые сердцем, пряли своими руками и приносили пряжу голубого, пурпурового и червленого цвета и виссон; 26 и все женщины, которых влекло сердце, умевшие прясть, пряли козьюшерсть; 27 князья же приносили камень оникс и камни вставные для ефода и наперсника, 28 также и благовония, и елей для светильника и для составления елея помазания и для благовонныхкурений; 29 и все мужья и жены из сынов Израилевых, которых влекло сердце принести на всякое дело, какое Господь чрез Моисея повелел сделать, приносили добровольный дар Господу. 30 И сказал Моисей сынам Израилевым: смотрите, Господь назначил именно Веселеила, сына Урии, сына Ора, из колена Иудина, 31 и исполнил его Духом Божиим, мудростью, разумением, ведением и всяким искусством, 32 составлять искусные ткани, работать из золота,серебра и меди, 33 и резать камни для вставливания, и резать дерево, и делать всякуюхудожественную работу; 34 и способность учить других вложил в сердцеего, его и Аголиава, сына Ахисамахова, из колена Данова; 35 он исполнил сердце их мудростью, чтобы делать всякую работу резчика и искусного ткача, и вышивателя по голубой, пурпуровой,червленой и виссонной ткани, и ткачей, делающих всякую работу и составляющих искусные ткани.
Arabic(i) 21 ثم جاء كل من انهضه قلبه وكل من سمّحته روحه. جاءوا بتقدمة الرب لعمل خيمة الاجتماع وكل خدمتها وللثياب المقدسة. 22 وجاء الرجال مع النساء. كل سموح القلب جاء بخزائم واقراط وخواتم وقلائد كل متاع من الذهب. وكل من قدم تقدمة ذهب للرب. 23 وكل من وجد عنده اسمانجوني وارجوان وقرمز وبوص وشعر معزى وجلود كباش محمّرة وجلود تخس جاء بها. 24 كل من قدم تقدمة فضة ونحاس جاء بتقدمة الرب. وكل من وجد عنده خشب سنط لصنعة ما من العمل جاء به. 25 وكل النساء الحكيمات القلب غزلن باياديهنّ وجئن من الغزل بالاسمانجوني والارجوان والقرمز والبوص. 26 وكل النساء اللواتي انهضتهنّ قلوبهنّ بالحكمة غزلن شعر المعزى. 27 والرؤساء جاءوا بحجارة الجزع وحجارة الترصيع للرداء والصدرة 28 وبالطيب والزيت للضوء ولدهن المسحة وللبخور العطر. 29 بنو اسرائيل جميع الرجال والنساء الذين سمّحتهم قلوبهم ان ياتوا بشيء لكل العمل الذي امر الرب ان يصنع على يد موسى جاءوا به تبرّعا الى الرب 30 وقال موسى لبني اسرائيل انظروا. قد دعا الرب بصلئيل بن أوري بن حور من سبط يهوذا باسمه. 31 وملأه من روح الله بالحكمة والفهم والمعرفة وكل صنعة 32 ولاختراع مخترعات. ليعمل في الذهب والفضة والنحاس 33 ونقش حجارة للترصيع ونجارة الخشب. ليعمل في كل صنعة من المخترعات. 34 وجعل في قلبه ان يعلم هو وأهوليآب بن أخيساماك من سبط دان. 35 قد ملأهما حكمة قلب ليصنعا كل عمل النقّاش والحائك الحاذق والطرّاز في الاسمانجوني والارجوان والقرمز والبوص وكل عمل النسّاج. صانعي كل صنعة ومخترعي المخترعات.
ArmenianEastern(i) 21 եւ ամէն մէկը բերեց իր սրտից բխածը. նրանք Տիրոջն էին նուիրաբերում այն ամէնը, ինչ անհրաժեշտ էր վկայութեան խորանի, նրա կահաւորանքի, բոլոր սրբազան զգեստների համար: 22 Բոլոր տղամարդիկ, ում մտքով ինչ որ անցնում էր, բերեցին: Ոմանք՝ իրենց կանանց թանկագին քարերը, գինդերը, մատանիները, ծամակալները, մանեակներն ու ամէն տեսակ ոսկէ զարդեր: Բոլոր տղամարդիկ իրենց ունեցած ոսկէ իրերը նուիրաբերում էին Տիրոջը: 23 Ամէն տղամարդ, ում մօտ կային կապոյտ, ծիրանի եւ կարմիր գոյնի մանուած թելեր, նրբահիւս բեհեզ, այծի մազ, խոյերի կարմիր ներկուած մորթիներ, կապոյտ ներկուած մորթիներ, բերում էր: 24 Նուիրաբերողները արծաթէ ու պղնձէ նուէրներ էին բերում Տիրոջը: Ում մօտ կահոյքի համար պիտանի կարծր փայտ կար, բերում էր: 25 Բոլոր շնորհալի կանայք իրենց ձեռքով կապոյտ, ծիրանի ու կարմիր գոյնի թելեր ու բեհեզ էին հիւսում եւ նուէր բերում: 26 Բոլոր կանայք յօժարակամ այծերի մազ էին մանում հմտութեամբ: 27 Ցեղապետները բերում էին զմրուխտէ քարեր, վակասի ու լանջապանակի համար անհրաժեշտ քարեր, 28 խնկերի համար համեմունքներ, լուսաւորութեան համար ձէթ ու օծութեան իւղ: 29 Բոլոր տղամարդիկ ու կանայք յօժարակամ գալիս էին կատարելու այն բոլոր գործերը, որ Տէրը պատուիրել էր անել Մովսէսի միջոցով: Իսրայէլացիները նուէրներ էին մատուցում Տիրոջը: 30 Մովսէսն ասաց իսրայէլացիներին. «Տեսէ՛ք, Աստուած ընտրել է յատկապէս Յուդայի ցեղից Բեսելիէլին՝ Ուրիի որդուն, որը որդին էր Ովրի: 31 Աստուած նրան լցրել է ամէն ինչի համար անհրաժեշտ աստուածային իմաստութեան ոգով, հանճարով եւ գիտութեամբ, 32 որպէսզի նա ամէն մի գործ կատարի հմտութեամբ, մշակի ոսկին, արծաթն ու պղինձը, 33 տաշի թանկարժէք քարերը, մշակի փայտը եւ ամէն մի գործ կատարի վարպետօրէն, որովհետեւ Տէրը նրան իմաստութիւն է պարգեւել, 34 ինչպէս որ Դանի ցեղից Աքիսամի որդի Եղիաբին, 35 որոնց իմաստուն միտք պարգեւեց, որպէսզի սրանք սովորեն ու կատարեն սուրբ գործի համար անհրաժեշտ ամէն տեսակ գործեր՝ ոստայնանկութիւն անեն կապոյտ, ծիրանի ու կարմիր ներկուած թելերով եւ բեհեզով, նկարեն, քանդակեն»:
Bulgarian(i) 21 И дойдоха -- всеки човек, когото подбуждаше сърцето му, и всеки, когото разполагаше духът му -- и донесоха принос на ГОСПОДА за направата на шатъра за срещане и за всяка негова служба, и за светите одежди. 22 Дойдоха мъже с жените, всички, които имаха желание в сърцето си, и принесоха гривни, обици, пръстени, мъниста и всякакви златни неща; както и всички, които принесоха движим принос от злато на ГОСПОДА. 23 И всеки, у когото се намираше синьо, мораво, червено, висон, козина, червенобоядисани овчи кожи и язовски кожи, ги донесе. 24 Всеки, който принесе възвишаем принос от сребро и бронз, донесе приноса на ГОСПОДА; и всеки, у които се намираше акациево дърво, за всякаква работа на службата, го донесе. 25 И всички жени, които имаха мъдро сърце, предяха с ръцете си и донасяха изпреденото -- синьото, моравото, червеното и висона. 26 Всичките жени, чието сърце ги подбуждаше с мъдрост, предяха козината. 27 А първенците принесоха ониксовите камъни и камъните за влагане на ефода и на нагръдника, 28 и ароматите, и маслото за осветление, и за маслото за помазване, и за благоуханния тамян. 29 Израилевите синове принесоха доброволен принос на ГОСПОДА, всеки мъж и жена, които имаха сърдечно разположение да принесат за всяко дело, което ГОСПОД заповяда чрез Мойсей да се направи. 30 И Мойсей каза на израилевите синове: Ето, ГОСПОД повика по име Веселеил, сина на Урий, син на Ор, от юдовото племе, 31 и го изпълни с Божия Дух в мъдрост, разум, знание и всякакво изкуство, 32 за да измисля художествени изделия, да работи злато, сребро и бронз, 33 да изсича камъни за влагане и да изрязва дърво, и да работи всякаква художествена работа. 34 И Той вложи в сърцето му да поучава, на него и на Елиав, сина на Ахисамах, от дановото племе. 35 Изпълни с мъдрост сърцето им, за да работят всякаква работа на резбар, на изкусен майстор и на везач в синьо, в мораво, в червено и във висон, и на тъкач -- на онези, които вършат каквато и да било работа и измислят художествени изделия.
Croatian(i) 21 A onda svatko koga je srce vuklo i duša poticala dođe noseći svoj prinos u čast Jahvi za gradnju Šatora sastanka, za svaku službu u njemu i za posvećena odijela. 22 Strčaše se muževi i žene: svi koje je srce vuklo donesoše zapinjača, naušnica, prstenja, narukvica, ogrlica i svakovrsna zlatnog nakita; svi koji bijahu zavjetovali kakvu zlatninu u čast Jahvi. 23 Svi kod kojih se našlo ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana, učinjenih ovnujskih koža ili finih koža donesoše svoje. 24 Nadalje, svatko tko je mogao dati kakav dar u srebru ili tuču donese to kao prinos u čast Jahvi. Svatko u koga se našlo bagremova drva za upotrebu u bilo kojem poslu, donese ga. 25 Sve žene koje su bile vješte prele su svojim rukama i donosile što bijahu oprele: ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana. 26 Sve opet žene koje je njihovo srce poticalo zbog njihove vještine prele su kostrijet. 27 Glavari su donosili oniksa i drugoga dragog kamenja za umetanje u oplećak i naprsnik; 28 pa mirodije i ulje za svjetlo, ulje za pomazanje i miomirisni tamjan. 29 I tako Izraelci - svi ljudi i sve žene koje je srce poticalo da pridonesu bilo što poslu koji je Jahve po Mojsiju naredio da se izvrši - donesoše to kao dragovoljan prinos u čast Jahvi. 30 Potom reče Mojsije Izraelcima: "Vidite! Jahve je po imenu pozvao Besalela, sina Urijeva, od koljena Hurova a iz plemena Judina. 31 Njega je napunio duhom Božjim, dao mu umješnost, sposobnost i razumijevanje u svim poslovima: 32 da zamišlja nacrte i da radove izvodi od zlata, srebra i tuča; 33 da reže dragulje za umetanje; da urezuje u drvetu i da umješno radi svaki posao. 34 Njemu i Oholiabu, sinu Ahisamakovu, od plemena Danova, udijeli i sposobnost da poučavaju druge. 35 Obdari ih umještvom u svakom poslu rezbarskom, krojačkom, veziljskom i tkalačkom; oni tkaju tkanine od ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana, sposobni su u svakom poslu i vješti u nacrtima.
BKR(i) 21 A přišli, každý muž, kteréhož ponuklo srdce jeho, a každý, v němž duch jeho byl dobrovolný, a přinesli obět pozdvižení Hospodinu, k dílu stánku úmluvy a ke vší službě jeho, i k rouchu svatému. 22 Přicházeli muži i ženy, každý, kdož byl ochotný v srdci, a přinášeli spinadla, a náušnice, a prsteny, a záponky z pravých rukou, všelijaké nádobí zlaté, a kdožkoli obětoval obět zlata Hospodinu. 23 Každý, kdož měl postavec modrý a šarlat, a červec dvakrát barvený, a bílé hedbáví a kozí srsti, a kůže skopců na červeno barvené, a kůže jezevčí, přinesl to. 24 Kdokoli obětoval obět stříbra a mědi, přinášeli to za obět pozdvižení Hospodinu; každý také, kdo měl dříví setim, ke všelikému dílu služebnosti, přinášeli je. 25 Ano i všecky ženy vtipné rukama svýma předly, a přinesly, co napředly, postavec modrý a šarlat, a červec dvakrát barvený a bílé hedbáví. 26 Všecky pak ženy, kterýchž ponuklo srdce jejich, aby předly uměle, předly srsti kozí. 27 Knížata pak přinášeli kamení onychinové, a jiné kamení k vsazování do náramenníku a náprsníku, 28 Též vonné věci a olej k svícení, a k oleji pomazání, a k vonnému kadidlu. 29 Každý muž i žena, v nichž ochotné srdce jejich bylo k tomu, aby přinášeli potřeby ke všelikému dílu, kteréž byl přikázal dělati Hospodin skrze Mojžíše, přinášeli synové Izraelští obět dobrovolnou Hospodinu. 30 Tedy řekl Mojžíš synům Izraelským: Pohleďte, povolal ze jména Hospodin Bezeleele, syna Uri, syna Hur, z pokolení Judova. 31 A naplnil ho duchem Božím, moudrostí, rozumností i uměním všelijakého řemesla, 32 Aby vtipně smysliti uměl, jak by se co dělati mělo na zlatu a stříbru a mědi, 33 I v řemeslném strojení kamenů k vsazování, i v díle od dřeva, aby dělal všelijakým řemeslem vtipným. 34 Dal nadto v srdce jeho i to, aby učiti mohl on i Aholiab, syn Achisamechův z pokolení Dan. 35 Naplnil je moudrostí srdce, aby dělali všelijaké dílo tesařské a řemeslné, i krumpéřské a vytkávané z postavce modrého a šarlatu, a červce dvakrát barveného, a bílého hedbáví, a aby dělali všelijaké dílo a vymýšleli vtipné věci.
Danish(i) 21 Og de kom, hver Mand, hvis Hjerte førte ham dertil, og hver den, hvis Aand frivillig drev ham dertil, de fremførte Offergave til HERREN, til Forsamlingens Pauluns Gerning og til alt Arbejdet dermed og til de hellige Klæder. 22 Og de kom, Mændene saa vel som Kvinderne, hver som var villig i Hjertet, de frembare Hægter og Smykker og Ringe og Kæder, alle Haande Guldtøj og hver Mand kom, som havde ladet en Gave af Guld røre for HERREN. 23 Og hver Mand, hos hvem der fandtes blaat uldent og Purpur og Skarlagen og hvidt Linned og Gedehaar og rødlødede Væderskind og Grævlingeskind, de førte det frem. 24 Hver som havde en Offergave af Sølv og Kobber, de bragte den frem som en Offergave til HERREN; og hver, hos hvem Sithimtræ fandtes til noget Slags Arbejde, de førte det frem. 25 Og hver kvinde, som var viis i Hjerte, spandt med sine Hænder, og de fremførte det, de havde spundet: Blaat uldent og Purpur, Skarlagen og hvidt Linned. 26 Og alle Kvinder, hvis Hjerte bevægede dem dertil, og som havde Forstand derpaa, spandt Gedehaarene. 27 Men Fyrsterne bragte Onyksstene og Stene til at indfatte, til Livkjortlen og til Brystspannet, 28 og Urterne og Olien til Lysning og til Salveolien, og til vellugtende Røgelse. 29 Hver land og Kvinde af Israels Børn, hvem deres Hjerte drev til frivilligt at bringe noget til al den Gerning, som HERREN ved Mose havde befalet at udføre, bragte en frivillig Gave til HERREN. 30 Og Mose sagde til Israels Børn: Ser, HERREN har kaldet ved Navn Bezaleel, en Søn af Uri, som var en Søn af Hur, af Juda Stamme. 31 Og Guds Aand har opfyldt ham med Visdom, med Forstand og med Kundskab, og det til alle Haande Gerning; 32 og til at udtænke Kunstværker, at arbejde i Guld og i Sølv og i Kobber; 33 og til at udskære Stene til at indfatte, og til at udskære Træ, til at gøre alle Haande kunstig Gerning; 34 og han har givet i hans Hjerte Visdom til at undervise andre, baade ham og Oholiab, Ahisamaks Søn, af Dans Stamme. 35 Han har opfyldt dem med Visdom i Hjertet til at gøre alle Haande Gerning, deres, som udskære, og deres, som virke, og deres, som stikke i blaat uldent og i Purpur, i Skarlagen og i hvidt Linned, og Væveres, deres, som gøre alle Haande Gerning og udtænke Kunstværker.
CUV(i) 21 凡 心 裡 受 感 和 甘 心 樂 意 的 都 拿 耶 和 華 的 禮 物 來 , 用 以 做 會 幕 和 其 中 一 切 的 使 用 , 又 用 以 做 聖 衣 。 22 凡 心 裡 樂 意 獻 禮 物 的 , 連 男 帶 女 , 各 將 金 器 , 就 是 胸 前 鍼 、 耳 環 ( 或 作 : 鼻 環 ) 、 打 印 的 戒 指 , 和 手 釧 帶 來 獻 給 耶 和 華 。 23 凡 有 藍 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 紅 色 線 , 細 麻 , 山 羊 毛 , 染 紅 的 公 羊 皮 , 海 狗 皮 的 , 都 拿 了 來 ; 24 凡 獻 銀 子 和 銅 給 耶 和 華 為 禮 物 的 都 拿 了 來 ; 凡 有 皂 莢 木 可 做 甚 麼 使 用 的 也 拿 了 來 。 25 凡 心 中 有 智 慧 的 婦 女 親 手 紡 線 , 把 所 紡 的 藍 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 紅 色 線 , 和 細 麻 都 拿 了 來 。 26 凡 有 智 慧 、 心 裡 受 感 的 婦 女 就 紡 山 羊 毛 。 27 眾 官 長 把 紅 瑪 瑙 和 別 樣 的 寶 石 , 可 以 鑲 嵌 在 以 弗 得 與 胸 牌 上 的 , 都 拿 了 來 ; 28 又 拿 香 料 做 香 , 拿 油 點 燈 , 做 膏 油 。 29 以 色 列 人 , 無 論 男 女 , 凡 甘 心 樂 意 獻 禮 物 給 耶 和 華 的 , 都 將 禮 物 拿 來 , 做 耶 和 華 藉 摩 西 所 吩 咐 的 一 切 工 。 30 摩 西 對 以 色 列 人 說 : 猶 大 支 派 中 , 戶 珥 的 孫 子 、 烏 利 的 兒 子 比 撒 列 , 耶 和 華 已 經 題 他 的 名 召 他 , 31 又 以   神 的 靈 充 滿 了 他 , 使 他 有 智 慧 、 聰 明 、 知 識 , 能 做 各 樣 的 工 , 32 能 想 出 巧 工 , 用 金 、 銀 、 銅 製 造 各 物 , 33 又 能 刻 寶 石 , 可 以 鑲 嵌 , 能 雕 刻 木 頭 , 能 做 各 樣 的 巧 工 。 34 耶 和 華 又 使 他 , 和 但 支 派 中 亞 希 撒 抹 的 兒 子 亞 何 利 亞 伯 , 心 裡 靈 明 , 能 教 導 人 。 35 耶 和 華 使 他 們 的 心 滿 有 智 慧 , 能 做 各 樣 的 工 , 無 論 是 雕 刻 的 工 , 巧 匠 的 工 , 用 藍 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 紅 色 線 , 和 細 麻 、 繡 花 的 工 , 並 機 匠 的 工 , 他 們 都 能 做 , 也 能 想 出 奇 巧 的 工 。
  21 H3820 凡心裡 H5375 受感 H7307 H5068 和甘心樂意 H935 的都拿 H3068 耶和華 H8641 的禮物 H935 H4399 ,用以做 H4150 H168 H5656 和其中一切的使用 H6944 ,又用以做聖 H899 衣。
  22 H3605 H3820 心裡 H5081 樂意 H5921 獻禮物的,連 H582 H802 帶女 H935 ,各將 H2091 H3627 H3558 ,就是胸前鍼 H5141 、耳環 H2885 (或作:鼻環)、打印的戒指 H2397 ,和手釧 H935 帶來 H5130 H3068 給耶和華。
  23 H376 H4672 H8504 藍色 H713 、紫色 H8144 H8438 、朱紅色線 H8336 ,細麻 H5795 ,山羊毛 H119 ,染紅 H352 的公羊 H5785 H8476 ,海狗 H5785 H935 的,都拿了來;
  24 H7311 凡獻 H3701 銀子 H5178 和銅 H3068 給耶和華 H8641 為禮物 H935 的都拿了來 H4672 ;凡有 H7848 皂莢 H6086 H4399 可做 H5656 甚麼使用的 H935 也拿了來。
  25 H3820 凡心中 H2450 有智慧 H802 的婦女 H3027 親手 H2901 紡線 H4299 ,把所紡的 H8504 藍色 H713 、紫色 H8144 H8438 、朱紅色線 H8336 ,和細麻 H935 都拿了來。
  26 H2451 凡有智慧 H3820 、心裡 H5375 受感 H802 的婦女 H2901 就紡 H5795 山羊毛。
  27 H5387 眾官長 H7718 H68 把紅瑪瑙 H68 和別樣的寶石 H4394 ,可以鑲嵌 H646 在以弗得 H2833 與胸牌 H935 上的,都拿了來;
  28 H1314 又拿香料 H5561 H5561 做香 H8081 ,拿油 H3974 點燈 H4888 ,做膏 H8081 油。
  29 H3478 以色列 H1121 H376 ,無論男 H802 H834 ,凡 H3820 甘心 H5068 樂意 H935 H5071 禮物 H3068 給耶和華 H935 的,都將禮物拿來 H6213 ,做 H3068 耶和華 H4872 藉摩西 H6680 所吩咐的 H4399 一切工。
  30 H4872 摩西 H3478 對以色列 H1121 H559 H3063 :猶大 H4294 支派 H2354 中,戶珥 H1121 的孫子 H221 、烏利 H1121 的兒子 H1212 比撒列 H3068 ,耶和華 H8034 已經題他的名 H7121 召他,
  31 H430 又以 神 H7307 的靈 H4390 充滿了 H2451 他,使他有智慧 H8394 、聰明 H1847 、知識 H4399 ,能做各樣的工,
  32 H2803 能想出 H4284 巧工 H2091 ,用金 H3701 、銀 H5178 、銅 H6213 製造各物,
  33 H2799 又能刻 H68 寶石 H4390 ,可以鑲嵌 H2799 ,能雕刻 H6086 木頭 H6213 ,能做 H4284 各樣的巧 H4399 工。
  34 H5414 耶和華又使 H1835 他,和但 H4294 支派 H294 中亞希撒抹 H1121 的兒子 H171 亞何利亞伯 H3820 ,心裡 H3384 靈明,能教導人。
  35 H3820 耶和華使他們的心 H4390 滿有 H2451 智慧 H6213 ,能做 H4399 各樣的工 H2796 ,無論是雕刻的工 H2803 ,巧匠的工 H8504 ,用藍色 H713 、紫色 H8144 H8438 、朱紅色 H8336 線,和細麻 H7551 、繡花的工 H707 ,並機匠的工 H6213 ,他們都能做 H2803 ,也能想出 H4284 奇巧的工。
CUVS(i) 21 凡 心 里 受 感 和 甘 心 乐 意 的 都 拿 耶 和 华 的 礼 物 来 , 用 以 做 会 幕 和 其 中 一 切 的 使 用 , 又 用 以 做 圣 衣 。 22 凡 心 里 乐 意 献 礼 物 的 , 连 男 带 女 , 各 将 金 器 , 就 是 胸 前 鍼 、 耳 环 ( 或 作 : 鼻 环 ) 、 打 印 的 戒 指 , 和 手 钏 带 来 献 给 耶 和 华 。 23 凡 冇 蓝 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 红 色 线 , 细 麻 , 山 羊 毛 , 染 红 的 公 羊 皮 , 海 狗 皮 的 , 都 拿 了 来 ; 24 凡 献 银 子 和 铜 给 耶 和 华 为 礼 物 的 都 拿 了 来 ; 凡 冇 皂 荚 木 可 做 甚 么 使 用 的 也 拿 了 来 。 25 凡 心 中 冇 智 慧 的 妇 女 亲 手 纺 线 , 把 所 纺 的 蓝 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 红 色 线 , 和 细 麻 都 拿 了 来 。 26 凡 冇 智 慧 、 心 里 受 感 的 妇 女 就 纺 山 羊 毛 。 27 众 官 长 把 红 玛 瑙 和 别 样 的 宝 石 , 可 以 镶 嵌 在 以 弗 得 与 胸 牌 上 的 , 都 拿 了 来 ; 28 又 拿 香 料 做 香 , 拿 油 点 灯 , 做 膏 油 。 29 以 色 列 人 , 无 论 男 女 , 凡 甘 心 乐 意 献 礼 物 给 耶 和 华 的 , 都 将 礼 物 拿 来 , 做 耶 和 华 藉 摩 西 所 吩 咐 的 一 切 工 。 30 摩 西 对 以 色 列 人 说 : 犹 大 支 派 中 , 户 珥 的 孙 子 、 乌 利 的 儿 子 比 撒 列 , 耶 和 华 已 经 题 他 的 名 召 他 , 31 又 以   神 的 灵 充 满 了 他 , 使 他 冇 智 慧 、 聪 明 、 知 识 , 能 做 各 样 的 工 , 32 能 想 出 巧 工 , 用 金 、 银 、 铜 制 造 各 物 , 33 又 能 刻 宝 石 , 可 以 镶 嵌 , 能 雕 刻 木 头 , 能 做 各 样 的 巧 工 。 34 耶 和 华 又 使 他 , 和 但 支 派 中 亚 希 撒 抹 的 儿 子 亚 何 利 亚 伯 , 心 里 灵 明 , 能 教 导 人 。 35 耶 和 华 使 他 们 的 心 满 冇 智 慧 , 能 做 各 样 的 工 , 无 论 是 雕 刻 的 工 , 巧 匠 的 工 , 用 蓝 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 红 色 线 , 和 细 麻 、 绣 花 的 工 , 并 机 匠 的 工 , 他 们 都 能 做 , 也 能 想 出 奇 巧 的 工 。
  21 H3820 凡心里 H5375 受感 H7307 H5068 和甘心乐意 H935 的都拿 H3068 耶和华 H8641 的礼物 H935 H4399 ,用以做 H4150 H168 H5656 和其中一切的使用 H6944 ,又用以做圣 H899 衣。
  22 H3605 H3820 心里 H5081 乐意 H5921 献礼物的,连 H582 H802 带女 H935 ,各将 H2091 H3627 H3558 ,就是胸前鍼 H5141 、耳环 H2885 (或作:鼻环)、打印的戒指 H2397 ,和手钏 H935 带来 H5130 H3068 给耶和华。
  23 H376 H4672 H8504 蓝色 H713 、紫色 H8144 H8438 、朱红色线 H8336 ,细麻 H5795 ,山羊毛 H119 ,染红 H352 的公羊 H5785 H8476 ,海狗 H5785 H935 的,都拿了来;
  24 H7311 凡献 H3701 银子 H5178 和铜 H3068 给耶和华 H8641 为礼物 H935 的都拿了来 H4672 ;凡有 H7848 皂荚 H6086 H4399 可做 H5656 甚么使用的 H935 也拿了来。
  25 H3820 凡心中 H2450 有智慧 H802 的妇女 H3027 亲手 H2901 纺线 H4299 ,把所纺的 H8504 蓝色 H713 、紫色 H8144 H8438 、朱红色线 H8336 ,和细麻 H935 都拿了来。
  26 H2451 凡有智慧 H3820 、心里 H5375 受感 H802 的妇女 H2901 就纺 H5795 山羊毛。
  27 H5387 众官长 H7718 H68 把红玛瑙 H68 和别样的宝石 H4394 ,可以镶嵌 H646 在以弗得 H2833 与胸牌 H935 上的,都拿了来;
  28 H1314 又拿香料 H5561 H5561 做香 H8081 ,拿油 H3974 点灯 H4888 ,做膏 H8081 油。
  29 H3478 以色列 H1121 H376 ,无论男 H802 H834 ,凡 H3820 甘心 H5068 乐意 H935 H5071 礼物 H3068 给耶和华 H935 的,都将礼物拿来 H6213 ,做 H3068 耶和华 H4872 藉摩西 H6680 所吩咐的 H4399 一切工。
  30 H4872 摩西 H3478 对以色列 H1121 H559 H3063 :犹大 H4294 支派 H2354 中,户珥 H1121 的孙子 H221 、乌利 H1121 的儿子 H1212 比撒列 H3068 ,耶和华 H8034 已经题他的名 H7121 召他,
  31 H430 又以 神 H7307 的灵 H4390 充满了 H2451 他,使他有智慧 H8394 、聪明 H1847 、知识 H4399 ,能做各样的工,
  32 H2803 能想出 H4284 巧工 H2091 ,用金 H3701 、银 H5178 、铜 H6213 制造各物,
  33 H2799 又能刻 H68 宝石 H4390 ,可以镶嵌 H2799 ,能雕刻 H6086 木头 H6213 ,能做 H4284 各样的巧 H4399 工。
  34 H5414 耶和华又使 H1835 他,和但 H4294 支派 H294 中亚希撒抹 H1121 的儿子 H171 亚何利亚伯 H3820 ,心里 H3384 灵明,能教导人。
  35 H3820 耶和华使他们的心 H4390 满有 H2451 智慧 H6213 ,能做 H4399 各样的工 H2796 ,无论是雕刻的工 H2803 ,巧匠的工 H8504 ,用蓝色 H713 、紫色 H8144 H8438 、朱红色 H8336 线,和细麻 H7551 、绣花的工 H707 ,并机匠的工 H6213 ,他们都能做 H2803 ,也能想出 H4284 奇巧的工。
Esperanto(i) 21 Kaj venis cxiuj homoj, kiujn tiris la koro; kaj cxiu, kiun inklinigis lia spirito, alportis la oferdonon por la Eternulo, por la arangxo de la tabernaklo de kunveno kaj por gxia tuta servado kaj por la sanktaj vestoj. 22 Kaj venis la viroj kaj la virinoj; cxiuj, kiujn inklinigis la koro, alportis bukojn kaj orelringojn kaj ringojn kaj kolringojn, diversajn orajn objektojn; kaj cxiu alportis oran oferdonon al la Eternulo. 23 Kaj cxiu, cxe kiu trovigxis blua teksajxo, aux purpura, aux rugxa, aux bisino, aux kapra lano, aux sxafaj feloj rugxaj, aux antilopaj feloj, alportis. 24 CXiu, kiu oferis argxenton aux kupron, alportis la oferdonon por la Eternulo; kaj cxiu, cxe kiu trovigxis akacia ligno por cxia bezono de la servado, alportis gxin. 25 Kaj cxiu virino, kiu havis ian kompetentecon, sxpinis kaj alportis sxpinitan lanon bluan kaj purpuran kaj rugxan kaj bisinon. 26 Kaj cxiuj virinoj, kiuj havis deziron kaj kompetentecon, sxpinis kapran lanon. 27 Kaj la princoj alportis sxtonojn oniksajn kaj sxtonojn enkadrigeblajn por la efodo kaj por la surbrustajxo, 28 kaj la aromajxon kaj la oleon por lumigi kaj por la sankta oleo kaj por la bonodoraj incensoj. 29 CXiu viro kaj virino el la Izraelidoj, kiujn inklinigis ilia koro alporti por cxia laboro, kiun la Eternulo per Moseo ordonis fari, alportis oferon al la Eternulo. 30 Kaj Moseo diris al la Izraelidoj:Jen, la Eternulo vokis per la nomo Becalelon, filon de Uri, filo de HXur, el la tribo de Jehuda; 31 kaj Li plenigis lin per Dia spirito, per sagxo kaj prudento, kaj scio kaj per cxia arto, 32 por pripensi ideojn, por labori el oro kaj el argxento kaj el kupro, 33 kaj por cxizi sxtonojn por enkadrigo, kaj por cxizi lignon, por fari cxian artistan laboron. 34 Kaj Li donis al li la kapablon instrui, al li kaj al Oholiab, filo de Ahxisamahx, el la tribo de Dan. 35 Li plenigis ilin per kompetenteco por farado de cxia majstra laboro, por cxia talenta brodado sur teksajxo blua kaj purpura kaj rugxa kaj sur bisino, por teksado de cxia laborajxo kaj pripensado de ideoj.
Finnish(i) 21 Ja tuli jokainen, jonka sydän kehoitettiin, ja jolla oli hyvänsuopainen henki, ja toivat ylennysuhrin Herralle, seurakunnan majan tarpeeksi, ja kaikkeen sen palvelukseen, ja pyhiin vaatteisiin. 22 Ja tulivat sekä miehet että vaimot, kaikki, joilla oli hyvänsuopainen sydän, ja toivat rannerenkaita, korvarenkaita, sormuksia ja solkia, ja kaikkinaisia kultaisia astioita; toi myös joka mies kultaa häälytysuhriksi Herralle. 23 Ja jokainen toi, joka tyköänsä löysi sinisiä, ja purpuraisia, ja tulipunaisia villoja, ja kallista liinaa, ja vuohenkarvoja, punalla painetuita oinaan nahkoja, ja tekasjim-nahkoja. 24 Jokainen joka hopiaa ja vaskea ylensi, hän sen toi ylennysuhriksi Herralle. Ja jokainen, joka tyköänsä löysi sittimipuita, hän toi niitä kaikkinaiseksi Jumalan palveluksen tarpeeksi. 25 Ja kaikki taitavat vaimot kehräsivät käsillänsä, ja toivat kehräyksensä sinisistä, ja purpuraisista ja tulipunaisista villoista, ja kalliista liinasta. 26 Ja ne vaimot, jotka senkaltaisia töitä taisivat ja siihen olivat hyväntahtoiset, kehräsivät vuohen karvoja. 27 Mutta päämiehet toivat onikin kiviä, ja kiinnitettyjä kiviä, päällisvaatteesen ja rintavaatteesen. 28 Ja hyvänhajullisia yrttejä, ja öljyä valkeudeksi, ja voidellusöljyksi, ja yrttein suitsutukseksi. 29 Ja niin Israelin lapset toivat hyvällä mielellä, sekä miehet että vaimot kaikkinaiseen tarpeesen, niinkuin Herra Mosekselle käskenyt oli että tehtämän piti. 30 Ja Moses sanoi Israelin lapsille: katsokaat, Herra on kutsunut Betsaleelin nimeltä, Urin pojan, Hurin pojanpojan, Juudan suvusta, 31 Ja täyttänyt hänen Jumalan hengellä: taidolla, ymmärryksellä ja tiedolla kaikkinaiseen työhön, 32 Ja taitavasti ylösajattelemaan sitä, mitä tehdä taidetaan kullasta, hopiasta ja vaskesta, 33 Taitavasti kaivamaan ja sisälle kiinnittämään kalliita kiviä, veistämään puita, ja tekemään taitavasti kaikkinaista visua työtä; 34 Ja on antanut taidon hänen sydämeensä opettaa: ynnä Oholiabin Ahisamakin pojan kanssa Danin suvusta. 35 Ja on täyttänyt heidän sydämensä taidolla, tekemään kaikkinaista visua työtä, kaivamaan, kutomaan ja neulomaan sinisiä, ja purpuraisia ja tulipunaisia villoja, ja kallista liinaa, niin että he tekevät ja ylösajattelevat kaikkinaisia, taitavasti.
FinnishPR(i) 21 Sitten he tulivat takaisin, jokainen, jonka sydän häntä siihen vaati, ja jokainen, jonka henki oli siihen altis, ja toivat antinsa Herralle ilmestysmajan valmistamista varten ja kaikkea siinä vietettävää jumalanpalvelusta varten ja pyhiä vaatteita varten. 22 He tulivat, sekä miehet että naiset, jokainen, jonka sydän oli siihen altis, ja toivat solkia, korvarenkaita, sormuksia ja kaulakoristeita, kaikkinaisia kultakaluja-jokainen, joka toi Herralle kultaa heilutusuhriksi. 23 Ja jokainen, jolla oli punasinisiä, purppuranpunaisia ja helakanpunaisia lankoja, valkoisia pellavalankoja, vuohen karvoja, punaisia oinaannahkoja tai sireeninnahkoja, toi niitä. 24 Ja jokainen, joka voi antaa anniksi hopeata ja vaskea, toi annin Herralle. Ja jokainen, jolla oli akasiapuuta, toi sitä kaikkinaisten töiden valmistamista varten. 25 Ja kaikki taitavat naiset kehräsivät omin käsin ja toivat kehräämänsä punasiniset, purppuranpunaiset ja helakanpunaiset langat ja valkoiset pellavalangat; 26 ja kaikki naiset, joiden taidollinen sydän heitä siihen vaati, kehräsivät vuohenkarvoja. 27 Mutta päämiehet toivat onyks-kiviä ja muita jalokiviä kasukkaa ja rintakilpeä varten, 28 ja hajuaineita ja öljyä seitsenhaaraista lamppua varten sekä voiteluöljyksi ja hyvänhajuiseksi suitsutukseksi. 29 Kaikki israelilaiset, miehet ja naiset, joiden sydän oli altis ja vaati heitä tuomaan jotakin niitä töitä varten, joita Herra Mooseksen kautta oli käskenyt tehdä, toivat vapaaehtoisen lahjan Herralle. 30 Ja Mooses sanoi israelilaisille: "Katsokaa, Herra on nimeltään kutsunut Besalelin, Uurin pojan, Huurin pojanpojan, Juudan sukukunnasta, 31 ja on täyttänyt hänet Jumalan hengellä, taidollisuudella, ymmärryksellä, tiedolla ja kaikkinaisella kätevyydellä 32 sommittelemaan taidokkaita teoksia ja valmistamaan niitä kullasta, hopeasta ja vaskesta, 33 hiomaan ja kiinnittämään kiviä ja veistämään puuta, tekemään kaikkinaisia taidokkaita töitä. 34 Hänelle ja Oholiabille, Ahisamakin pojalle, Daanin sukukunnasta, hän on myös antanut kyvyn opettaa muita. 35 Nämä hän on täyttänyt taidollisuudella tekemään kaikkinaisia töitä, jommoisia tekevät seppä, kuvakudosten tekijä, kirjokankaiden kutoja, joka valmistaa punasinisiä, purppuranpunaisia ja helakanpunaisia kankaita ja valkoisia pellavakankaita, sekä muu kankuri, ne, jotka valmistavat kaikkinaisia töitä ja sommittelevat taidokkaita teoksia."
Haitian(i) 21 Apre sa, tout moun ki te soti pou bay ak tout kè yo, ki te vle fè ofrann, tounen vin jwenn li. Yo te pran nan sa yo genyen, yo pote ofri bay Seyè a pou fè Tant Randevou a, pou fè tout bagay yo bezwen pou sèvis li ansanm ak rad seremoni yo. 22 Tout moun ki te soti pou bay ak tout kè yo pou fè ofrann, fanm kou gason, yo vini, yo pote zanno, bag, kolye, braslè ak tout kalite bijou an lò. Chak moun te pote bijou an lò yo te mete apa pou Bondye. 23 Tout moun ki te gen bon twal siperyè koulè ble, koule violèt osinon koulè wouj, twal fen blan, twal pwès fèt ak pwal kabrit, po belye tenn koulè wouj, ou ankò po bazann, tout moun ki te gen bagay sa yo lakay yo pote yo vini. 24 Tout moun ki te vle ofri ajan ak kwiv devan Seyè a, yo te pote l', yo te leve l' devan Seyè a. Tout moun ki te gen bwa zakasya lakay yo ki te ka sèvi nan travay la te pote l'. 25 Tout fanm ki te gen ladrès te file fil koulè ble, violèt ak wouj, ak twal fen koulè blan, epi yo pote yo vini. 26 Tout fanm ki te soti pou fè kichòy ak tout kè yo te fè twal pwès ak pwal kabrit, yo pote yo vini tou. 27 Chèf yo menm te pote pyè oniks ak lòt pyè pou yo gani jile ak plastwon prèt la, 28 ansanm ak epis santi bon ak lwil pou lanp sèt branch lan, lwil yo sèvi pou mete moun apa pou Bondye, ak lansan santi bon. 29 Se konsa tout moun pèp Izrayèl ki te soti pou bay kichòy ak tout kè yo pou travay Seyè a te di Moyiz ba yo lòd fè a, fanm kou gason, yo te pote ofrann yo te vle fè bay Seyè a. 30 Moyiz di pèp Izrayèl la: -Gade. Seyè a chwazi Bezaleyèl, pitit Ouri a, pitit pitit Our, nan branch fanmi Jida a. 31 Li mete lespri l' sou li an kantite pou l' ba li ladrès, konesans ak bon konprann pou l' fè tout kalite travay atizan yo konn fè a, 32 pou l' konn fè bèl desen, pou l' fè travay an lò, an ajan ak an kwiv, 33 pou l' travay pyè tankou òfèv yo konn fè a, epi pou l' konn moute yo, pou l' travay bwa, pou l' ka fè tout kalite travay atizan konn fè. 34 Bondye ba li don pou l' moutre lòt moun metye sa yo. Se menm jan an tou pou Owoliyab, pitit Ayisamak, nan branch fanmi Dann lan. 35 Seyè a ba yo konesans ak ladrès pou yo ka fè tout kalite travay atizan ka fè, desen sou bwa, bon twal koulè ble, violèt ak wouj, twal fen blan. Wi, li ba yo ladrès pou yo ka fè tout metye, pou yo ka fè tout kalite bèl bagay.
Hungarian(i) 21 És eljöve mindenki, a kit a szíve indíta, és a kit lelke hajt vala, és hozának áldozatot az Úrnak, a gyülekezet hajlékának készítéséhez, és annak minden szolgálatához, és a szent ruhákhoz valókat. 22 És jövének férfiak és asszonyok együtt, mind, a kit szíve indított, hozának kapcsokat, függõket, gyûrûket, karpereczet, mindenféle arany eszközöket; a férfiak is, mind a kik aranyból hoztak áldozatot az Úrnak. 23 És minden ember, kinek a mije vala, hozott kék, bíborpiros, és karmazsinszínû, és [lenfonalat], kecskeszõrt, veresre festett kosbõröket és borzbõröket. 24 Minden, a ki ezüstöt vagy rezet vihetett, felhozá azt áldozatul az Úrnak, és a kiknél sittim-fa találtaték a szolgálat különbözõ szükségeire, felhozák azt. 25 Az asszonyok közûl pedig mind, a kik ahhoz értettek, saját kezeikkel fonának, és felvivék azt a mit fontak, a kék, és a bíborpiros, és a karmazsinszínû, és a [lenfonalat]. 26 Azok az asszonyok pedig, a kik ahhoz értettek, fonának kecskeszõrt. 27 A fõemberek pedig hozának ónix köveket, foglalni való köveket az efódhoz és a hósenhez. 28 Illatozó szert is és olajat, a mécsbe és a kenethez, és fûszereket a füstöléshez. 29 Minden férfi és asszony, a kit szíve önként indíta, hogy áldozzon az egész munkára, melyet az Úr parancsolt Mózes által, hogy véghez vigyenek: [mind] önként hoztak ajándékot az Úrnak az Izráel fiai. 30 És monda Mózes az Izráel fiainak: Ímé az Úr név szerint hívta el Bésaléelt, a Húr fiának Urinak fiát, a Júda nemzetségébõl. 31 És betöltötte õt Istennek lelkével, bölcseséggel, értelemmel és tudománynyal minden mesterségben: 32 Hogy tudjon kigondolni mindent a mit aranyból, ezüstbõl és rézbõl kell csinálni; 33 És foglalásra való köveket metszeni, és fát faragni; és minden mesterséges munkát végezni. 34 Azontúl alkalmatossá tette arra is, hogy tanítson, mind õ, mind Aholiáb az Akhiszamák fia, a Dán nemzetségébõl. 35 Betöltötte õket bölcseség lelkével, hogy tudjanak mindenféle faragó, és kötõ, és hímzõ munkát készíteni, kék és bíborpiros, karmazsinszínû és lenfonálból, és takácsmunkát, a kik készítenek ilyenféle munkát és kigondolnak mestermûveket. [ (Exodus 35:36) Azért Bésaléel és Aholiáb, és mindazok a bölcs férfiak, kiknek az Úr bölcseséget és értelmet adott, hogy meg tudják csinálni a szent [hajlék] szolgálatához való minden eszközöket: csinálják meg egészen úgy, a mint az Úr parancsolta. ]
Indonesian(i) 21 dan siapa saja yang tergerak hatinya, membawa persembahan kepada TUHAN untuk melengkapi Kemah TUHAN. Mereka juga membawa semua yang diperlukan untuk ibadat dan bahan untuk pakaian imam. 22 Siapa saja yang mau, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, datang membawa peniti hiasan, anting-anting, cincin, kalung, dan segala macam perhiasan emas untuk dipersembahkan kepada TUHAN. 23 Setiap orang yang mempunyai kain linen halus, kain wol biru, ungu atau merah, kain dari bulu kambing, kulit domba jantan yang diwarnai merah, atau kulit halus, mempersembahkan barang itu. 24 Setiap orang yang dapat menyumbangkan perak atau perunggu, membawanya untuk TUHAN. Begitu juga dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai kayu akasia untuk pekerjaan itu. 25 Para wanita yang pandai memintal membawa benang linen halus serta benang wol biru, ungu dan merah yang telah mereka buat. 26 Mereka juga memintal benang dari bulu kambing. 27 Para pemimpin membawa permata delima dan permata-permata lain untuk ditatah pada efod dan tutup dada. 28 Mereka juga membawa rempah-rempah dan minyak untuk lampu, minyak upacara dan dupa yang harum. 29 Semua orang Israel dengan sukarela membawa persembahan mereka kepada TUHAN untuk pekerjaan yang diperintahkan TUHAN melalui Musa. 30 Kemudian Musa berkata kepada orang Israel, "TUHAN telah memilih Bezaleel anak Uri, cucu Hur, dari suku Yehuda 31 dan menganugerahi dia dengan kuasa-Nya. Allah memberi dia pengertian, kecakapan dan kemampuan dalam segala macam karya seni, 32 untuk membuat rancangan yang memerlukan keahlian, serta mengerjakannya dari emas, perak dan perunggu; 33 untuk mengasah batu permata yang akan ditatah; untuk mengukir kayu dan untuk segala macam karya seni lainnya. 34 Kepada Bezaleel dan Aholiab, anak Ahisamakh dari suku Dan, TUHAN memberi kepandaian untuk mengajarkan keahlian mereka kepada orang lain. 35 Mereka diberi kepandaian dalam segala macam pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh ahli pahat, perancang dan ahli tenun linen halus, wol biru, ungu dan merah, dan kain lain. Mereka adalah perancang yang ahli dan dapat melakukan segala macam pekerjaan.
Italian(i) 21 E tutti coloro, il cui cuore li sospinse, e il cui spirito li mosse volenterosamente, vennero, e portarono l’offerta del Signore, per l’opera del Tabernacolo della convenenza, e per ogni servigio di esso, e per li vestimenti sacri. 22 E tutte le persone di cuor volenteroso vennero, uomini e donne; e portarono fibbie, e monili, e anella, e fermagli; ogni sorte di arredi d’oro; oltre a tutti coloro che offersero al Signore offerta d’oro. 23 E ogni uomo, appo cui si trovò violato, o porpora, o scarlatto, o fin lino, o pel di capra, o pelli di montone tinte in rosso, e pelli di tasso, ne portò. 24 Chiunque potè offerire offerta d’argento, e di rame, ne portò per l’offerta del Signore; parimente ciascuno, appo cui si trovò legno di Sittim, per qualunque opera del lavorio, ne portò. 25 E tutte le donne industriose filarono con le lor mani, e portarono il filato del violato, e della porpora, e dello scarlatto, e del fin lino. 26 Tutte le donne ancora, il cui cuore le sospinse ad adoperarsi con industria, filarono il pel di capra. 27 E i principali del popolo portarono pietre onichine, e pietre da legare, per l’Efod, e per lo Pettorale; 28 e aromati, e olio, per la lumiera, e per l’olio dell’Unzione, e per lo profumo degli aromati. 29 Così tutti coloro d’infra i figliuoli d’Israele, così uomini come donne, il cui cuore li mosse volenterosamente a portar ciò che faceva bisogno per tutto il lavorio, che il Signore avea comandato per Mosè che si facesse, portarono offerte volontarie al Signore. 30 E MOSÈ disse a’ figliuoli d’Israele: Vedete, il Signore ha chiamato per nome Besaleel, figliuol di Uri, figliuol di Hur, della tribù di Giuda. 31 E l’ha empiuto dello Spirito di Dio, in industria, in ingegno, in sapere, e in ogni artificio; 32 eziandio per far disegni da lavorare in oro, e in argento, e in rame, 33 e in arte di pietre da legare, e in arte di lavorar di legno, per far qualunque lavorio ingegnoso. 34 E anche ha messo nell’animo suo il sapere ammaestrare altrui; e con lui Oholiab, figliuol di Ahisamac, della tribù di Dan. 35 Egli li ha empiuti d’industria, da far qualunque lavorio di fabbro, e di disegnatore, e di ricamatore in violato, in porpora, in iscarlatto, e in fin lino; e di tessitore; e di artefice in qualunque lavorio e disegno.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 21 E tutti quelli che il loro cuore spingeva e tutti quelli che il loro spirito rendea volenterosi, vennero a portare l’offerta all’Eterno per l’opera della tenda di convegno, per tutto il suo servizio e per i paramenti sacri. 22 Vennero uomini e donne; quanti erano di cuor volenteroso portarono fermagli, orecchini, anelli da sigillare e braccialetti, ogni sorta di gioielli d’oro; ognuno portò qualche offerta d’oro all’Eterno. 23 E chiunque aveva delle stoffe tinte in violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, o lino fino, o pel di capra, o pelli di montone tinte in rosso, o pelli di delfino, portava ogni cosa. 24 Chiunque prelevò un’offerta d’argento e di rame, portò l’offerta consacrata all’Eterno; e chiunque aveva del legno d’acacia per qualunque lavoro destinato al servizio, lo portò. 25 E tutte le donne abili filarono con le proprie mani e portarono i loro filati in color violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, e del lino fino. 26 E tutte le donne che il cuore spinse ad usare la loro abilità, filarono del pel di capra. 27 E i capi dei popolo portarono pietre d’onice e pietre da incastonare per l’efod e per il pettorale, 28 aromi e olio per il candelabro, per l’olio dell’unzione e per il profumo fragrante. 29 Tutti i figliuoli d’Israele, uomini e donne, che il cuore mosse a portare volenterosamente il necessario per tutta l’opera che l’Eterno aveva ordinata per mezzo di Mosè, recarono all’Eterno delle offerte volontarie. 30 Mosè disse ai figliuoli d’Israele: "Vedete, l’Eterno ha chiamato per nome Betsaleel, figliuolo di Uri, figliuolo di Hur, della tribù di Giuda; 31 e lo ha ripieno dello spirito di Dio, di abilità, d’intelligenza e di sapere per ogni sorta di lavori, 32 per concepire opere d’arte, per lavorar l’oro, l’argento e il rame, 33 per incidere pietre da incastonare, per scolpire il legno, per eseguire ogni sorta di lavori d’arte. 34 E gli ha comunicato il dono d’insegnare: a lui ed a Oholiab, figliuolo di Ahisamac, della tribù di Dan. 35 Li ha ripieni d’intelligenza per eseguire ogni sorta di lavori d’artigiano e di disegnatore, di ricamatore e di tessitore in colori svariati: violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, e di lino fino, per eseguire qualunque lavoro e per concepire lavori d’arte.
Korean(i) 21 무릇 마음이 감동된 자와 무릇 자원하는 자가 와서 성막을 짓기 위하여 그 속에서 쓸 모든 것을 위하여, 거룩한 옷을 위하여 예물을 가져 여호와께 드렸으니 22 곧 마음에 원하는 남녀가 와서 가슴 핀과, 귀고리와, 가락지와, 목거리와, 여러가지 금품을 가져 왔으되 사람마다 여호와께 금 예물을 드렸으며 23 무릇 청색, 자색, 홍색실과, 가는 베실과, 염소털과, 붉은 물 들인 수양의 가죽과, 해달의 가죽이 있는 자도 가져 왔으며 24 무릇 은과 놋으로 예물을 삼는 자는 가져다가 여호와께 드렸으며 무릇 섬기는 일에 소용되는 조각목이 있는 자는 가져 왔으며 25 마음이 슬기로운 모든 여인은 손수 실을 낳고 그 낳은 청색, 자색, 홍색실과, 가는 베실을 가져 왔으며 26 마음에 감동을 받아 슬기로운 모든 여인은 염소털로 실을 낳았으며 27 모든 족장은 호마노와 및 에봇과 흉패에 물릴 보석을 가져 왔으며 28 등불과, 관유와, 분향할 향에 소용되는 기름과, 향품을 가져 왔으니 29 마음에 원하는 이스라엘 자손의 남녀마다 여호와께서 모세의 손을 빙자하여 명하신 모든 것을 만들기 위하여 물품을 가져다가 여호와께 즐거이 드림이 이러하였더라 30 모세가 이스라엘 자손에게 이르되 `볼지어다 여호와께서 유다 지파 훌의 손자요 우리의 아들인 브사렐을 지명하여 부르시고 31 하나님의 신을 그에게 충만케 하여 지혜와 총명과 지식으로 여러가지 일을 하게 하시되 32 공교한 일을 연구하여 금과 은과 놋으로 일하게 하시며 33 보석을 깎아 물리며 나무를 새기는 여러가지 공교한 일을 하게 하셨고 34 또 그와 단 지파 아히사막의 아들 오홀리압을 감동시키사 가르치게 하시며 35 지혜로운 마음을 그들에게 충만하게 하사 여러가지 일을 하게 하시되 조각하는 일과, 공교로운 일과, 청색, 자색, 홍색실과, 가는 베실로 수 놓은 일과 짜는 일과 그 외에 여러가지 일을 하게 하시고 공교로운 일을 연구하게 하셨나니
Lithuanian(i) 21 Ir atėjo kiekvienas, kurio širdis buvo sujaudinta ir kiekvienas, kurio dvasioje buvo noras, ir atnešė Viešpačiui auką Susitikimo palapinei statyti, ko reikia jos tarnavimui ir šventiems rūbams. 22 Vyrai ir moterys, kurių širdyse buvo noras, davė sagtis, auskarus, žiedus, apyrankes­įvairius auksinius daiktus. Visi aukojusieji atnešė auksą kaip auką Viešpačiui. 23 Kas tik turėjo mėlynų, raudonų ir violetinių siūlų, plonos drobės, ožkų vilnų, raudonai dažytų avinų kailių, opšrų kailių, 24 sidabro ir vario ir akacijos medžio, tinkamo įvairiems daiktams, atnešė ir paaukojo Viešpačiui. 25 Sumanios moterys davė, ką buvo suverpusios: mėlynų, raudonų, violetinių ir plonų lininių siūlų. 26 Moterys, kurių širdys buvo sujaudintos, sumaniai suverpė ožkų vilnas. 27 Kunigaikščiai atnešė onikso akmenėlių ir brangiųjų akmenų efodui ir krūtinės skydeliui, 28 kvepalų, aliejaus lempoms, patepimo aliejui ir kvapniems smilkalams. 29 Vyrai ir moterys, kurių širdyse buvo noras, aukojo, kad būtų atlikti darbai, kuriuos Viešpats jiems įsakė per Mozę. Visi izraelitai aukojo Viešpačiui laisva valia. 30 Tada Mozė vėl kalbėjo: “Viešpats pašaukė vardu Hūro sūnaus Ūrio sūnų Becalelį iš Judo giminės, 31 pripildė jį Dievo dvasios, išminties, sumanumo, pažinimo ir amato išmanymo 32 padaryti įvairių meniškų dalykų iš aukso, sidabro ir vario, 33 taip pat iškalti akmenį ir drožti medį­visus menininko darbus padaryti. 34 Ir Jis įdėjo sugebėjimą mokyti į jo ir Ahisamako sūnaus Oholiabo iš Dano giminės širdis. 35 Juos apdovanojo išmintimi atlikti raižytojo, įgudusio audėjo ir siuvinėtojo iš mėlynų, raudonų, violetinių ir plonų lininių siūlų darbus, kad jie meniškai padarytų kiekvieną darbą”.
PBG(i) 21 I przyszedł każdy mąż, którego pobudziło serce jego, i każdy, w którym dobrowolny był duch jego, przynieśli podarek Panu do robienia namiotu zgromadzenia, i do wszelkiej potrzeby jego, i na szaty święte. 22 Przychodzili tedy mężowie z niewiastami, każdy, kto był ochotnego serca, przynosili zapony, i nausznice, i pierścienie, i manele, i wszelakie naczynia złote, i ktokolwiek przynosił ofiarę złotą Panu. 23 Każdy też co miał hijacynt, i szarłat, i karmazyn dwa kroć farbowany, i biały jedwab, i sierść kozią, i skóry baranie czerwono farbowane, i skóry borsukowe, przynosili. 24 Ktokolwiek ofiarował podarek srebra i miedzi, przynosili na ofiarę Panu, każdy też, co miał drzewo sytym, na wszelaką potrzebę ku usłudze przynosili. 25 I wszystkie niewiasty dowcipnego serca rękami swemi przędły, a przynosiły co naprzędły, hijacynt, i szarłat, karmazyn dwa kroć farbowany, i biały jedwab. 26 A wszystkie niewiasty których pobudziło serce ich umiejętne, przędły sierść kozią. 27 Przełożeni zasię przynosili kamienie onychiny, i kamienie do osadzania naramiennika i napierśnika. 28 Także rzeczy wonne i oliwę do świecenia, i na olejek pomazywania i na wonne kadzenia. 29 Każdy mąż i niewiasta, w których ochotne serce było do ofiarowania, na każdą robotę, którą rozkazał Pan czynić przez Mojżesza, przynosili synowie Izraelscy ofiarę dobrowolną Panu. 30 Zatem rzekł Mojżesz do synów Izraelskich: Oto, wezwał Pan z imienia Besaleela, syna Urowego, syna Churowego, z pokolenia Judy, 31 I napełnił go Duchem Bożym, mądrością, i umiejętnością wszelkiego rzemiosła; 32 I ku dowcipnemu wymyślaniu, cokolwiek może być urobione ze złota, i z srebra, i z miedzi; 33 Do rzezania kamienia ku osadzeniu, i na wyrobienie drzewa, do czynienia wszelakiej roboty zmyślnej. 34 Dał nadto do serca jego, aby uczyć mógł inszych, on, i Acholijab, syn Achysamechów z pokolenia Dan. 35 Napełnił je mądrością serca, aby robili wszelakie rzemiosło ciesielskie, i haftarskie, i tkackie z hijacyntu, i z szarłatu, z karmazynu dwa kroć farbowanego, i z białego jedwabiu tkacką robotą, aby robili każdą robotę dowcipnie wymyślając.
Portuguese(i) 21 E veio todo homem cujo coração o moveu, e todo aquele cujo espírito o estimulava, e trouxeram a oferta alçada do Senhor para a obra da tenda da revelação, e para todo o serviço dela, e para as vestes sagradas. 22 Vieram, tanto homens como mulheres, todos quantos eram bem dispostos de coração, trazendo broches, pendentes, anéis e braceletes, sendo todos estes jóias de ouro; assim veio todo aquele que queria fazer oferta de ouro ao Senhor. 23 E todo homem que possuía azul, púrpura, carmesim, linho fino, pelos de cabras, peles de carneiros tintas de vermelho, ou peles de golfinhos, os trazia. 24 Todo aquele que tinha prata ou metal para oferecer, o trazia por oferta alçada ao Senhor; e todo aquele que possuía madeira de acácia, a trazia para qualquer obra do serviço. 25 E todas as mulheres hábeis fiavam com as mãos, e traziam o que tinham fiado, o azul e a púrpura, o carmesim e o linho fino. 26 E todas as mulheres hábeis que quisessem fiavam os pelos das cabras. 27 Os príncipes traziam pedras de berilo e pedras de engaste para o éfode e para o peitoral, 28 e as especiarias e o azeite para a luz, para o óleo da unção e para o incenso aromático. 29 Trouxe uma oferta todo homem e mulher cujo coração voluntariamente se moveu a trazer alguma coisa para toda a obra que o senhor ordenara se fizesse por intermédio de Moisés; assim trouxeram os filhos de Israel uma oferta voluntária ao Senhor. 30 Depois disse Moisés aos filhos de Israel: Eis que o Senhor chamou por nome a Bezaleel, filho de Uri, filho de Hur, da tribo de Judá, 31 e o encheu do espírito de Deus, no tocante à sabedoria, ao entendimento, à ciência e a todo ofício, 32 para inventar obras artísticas, para trabalhar em ouro, em prata e em bronze, 33 em lavramento de pedras para engastar, em entalhadura de madeira, enfim, para trabalhar em toda obra fina. 34 Também lhe dispôs o coração para ensinar a outros; a ele e a Aoliabe, filho de Aisamaque, da tribo de Dan, 35 a estes encheu de sabedoria do coração para exercerem todo ofício, seja de gravador, de desenhista, de bordador em azul, púrpura, carmesim e linho fino, de tecelão, enfim, dos que exercem qualquer ofício e dos que inventam obras artísticas.
Norwegian(i) 21 Og de kom enhver hvis hjerte drev ham til det; og enhver hvis ånd tilskyndte ham, kom med gaver til Herren til arbeidet på sammenkomstens telt og til all tjeneste der og til de hellige klær. 22 De kom både menn og kvinner: Enhver som hadde hjertelag til det, kom med spenner og ørenringer og fingerringer og kulekjeder, alle slags saker av gull; og likeså kom enhver som vilde vie en gave av gull til Herren. 23 Og enhver som eide blå og purpurrød og karmosinrød ull og fint lingarn og gjetehår og rødfarvede værskinn og takasskinn, kom med det. 24 Enhver som vilde gi en gave av sølv eller kobber, kom med sin gave til Herren; og enhver som eide akasietre til noget av det som skulde arbeides, han kom med det. 25 Og enhver kvinne som var kunstforstandig, spant med sine hender, og de kom med det de hadde spunnet, blå og purpurrød og karmosinrød ull og fint lingarn. 26 Og alle kvinner hvis hu og evner drev dem til det, spant gjetehårene. 27 Og høvdingene bar frem onyksstenene og de andre edelstener til å sette på livkjortelen og på brystduken, 28 og krydderiene og oljen til lysestaken og til salvings-oljen og til den velluktende røkelse. 29 Enhver mann og kvinne av Israels barn hvis hjerte drev dem til å gi noget til det store verk som Herren ved Moses hadde befalt å gjøre, de kom med det som en frivillig gave til Herren. 30 Og Moses sa til Israels barn: Se, Herren har kalt Besalel, sønn av Uri, Hurs sønn, av Juda stamme; 31 han har fylt ham med Guds Ånd, med visdom, med forstand og med kunnskap og med dyktighet til alle slags arbeid 32 og til å uttenke kunstverker, til å arbeide i gull og i sølv og i kobber 33 og til å slipe stener til innfatning og skjære ut i tre, til å utføre alle slags kunstverker. 34 Og forstand til å lære andre har han gitt både ham og Oholiab, Akisamaks sønn, av Dans stamme. 35 Han har fylt dem med kunstnergaver, så de kan utføre alle slags treskjæring og kunstvevning og utsydd arbeid med blå og purpurrød og karmosinrød ull og fint lingarn og almindelig vevning - utføre alle slags arbeid og uttenke kunstverker.
Romanian(i) 21 Toţi cei cu tragere de inimă şi bunăvoinţă au venit şi au adus un prinos Domnului pentru lucrarea cortului întîlnirii, pentru toată slujba lui, şi pentru veşmintele sfinte. 22 Au venit îndată bărbaţii şi femeile, toţi cei cu tragere de inimă, şi au adus belciuge de nas, inele, cercei, brăţări, salbe şi tot felul de lucruri de aur; fiecare a adus prinosul de aur, pe care -l închinase Domnului. 23 Toţi cei ce aveau ştofe (materii) văpsite în albastru, în purpuriu, în cărmiziu, in subţire şi păr de capră, piei de berbeci văpsite în roş, şi piei de viţel de mare, le-au adus. 24 Toţi cei ce puteau aduce prin ridicare un prinos de argint şi de aramă, au adus prinosul Domnului. Toţi cei ce aveau lemn de salcîm bun pentru lucrările rînduite pentru slujbă, l-au adus. 25 Toate femeile iscusite au tors cu mînile lor, şi au adus lucrul lor, şi anume: tort văpsit în albastru, în purpuriu, în cărmiziu şi in subţire. 26 Toate femeile cu tragere de inimă şi iscusite au tors păr de capră. 27 Fruntaşii poporului au adus pietre de onix şi alte pietre pentru efod şi pieptar; 28 mirodenii şi untdelemn, pentru sfeşnic, pentru untdelemnul ungerii şi pentru tămîia mirositoare. 29 Toţi copiii lui Israel, bărbaţi şi femei, pe cari -i trăgea inima să ajute la lucrul poruncit de Domnul prin Moise, au adus Domnului daruri de bună voie. 30 Moise a zis copiilor lui Israel:,,Să ştiţi că Domnul a ales pe Beţaleel, fiul lui Uri, fiul lui Hur, din seminţia lui Iuda. 31 L -a umplut cu Duhul lui Dumnezeu, duh de înţelepciune, pricepere, şi ştiinţă, pentru tot felul de lucrări. 32 I -a dat putere să născocească planuri, să lucreze în aur, în argint şi în aramă, 33 să sape în pietre şi să le lege, să lucreze lemnul cu meşteşug, şi să facă tot felul de lucrări meşteşugite. 34 I -a dat şi darul să înveţe pe alţii, atît lui cît şi lui Oholiab, fiul lui Ahisamac, din seminţia lui Dan. 35 I -a umplut cu pricepere, ca să facă toate lucrările de săpătură în piatră, de cioplitură meşteşugită, de lucrat la gherghef şi de ţesut materii vopsite în albastru, în purpuriu, în cărmiziu şi in subţire, să facă tot felul de lucrări şi născociri de planuri.
Ukrainian(i) 21 І приходили кожен чоловік, кого вело серце його, і кожен, кого дух його чинив щедрим, і приносили приношення Господеві для роботи скинії заповіту, і на кожну працю його, і на священні шати. 22 І приходили ті чоловіки з жінками, кожен щедросердий, і приносили гачка, і носову сережку, і персня, і сережку, всякі золоті речі, та все, що людина приносила, як золото приношення для Господа. 23 І кожна людина принесла, що хто мав: блакить, і пурпур, і червень, і віссон, і вовна козина, і баранячі начервоно пофарбовані шкурки, і шкурки тахашеві. 24 Кожен, хто жертвував срібне та мідяне приношення, приносив Господнє приношення, і кожен, хто мав, поприносили акаційне дерево, на всяке зайняття коло тієї роботи. 25 І кожна мудросерда жінка пряла руками своїми, і приносила пряжку: блакить, і пурпур, і червень, і віссон. 26 І всі жінки, кого вело їхнє серце, пряли козину вовну. 27 А начальники поприносили каміння оніксу, і каміння вставлення для ефоду та для нагрудника, 28 і пахощі, і оливу на освітлення, і для оливи помазання, і для запашного кадила. 29 Кожен чоловік та жінка, кого їхнє серце схиляло приносити для кожної праці, яку Господь наказав робити рукою Мойсея, Ізраїлеві сини приносили добровільний дар для Господа. 30 І сказав Мойсей до Ізраїлевих синів: Дивіться, Господь назвав на ім'я Бецал'їла, сина Урієвого, сина Хура, Юдиного роду. 31 І наповнив його Духом Божим, мудрістю, розумуванням, і знанням, і здібністю до всякої роботи 32 на обмислення мистецьке, на роботу в золоті, і в сріблі, і в міді, 33 і в обробленні каменя, щоб всаджувати, і в обробленні дерева, щоб робити в усякій мистецькій роботі. 34 І вклав в його серце, щоб навчав, він і Оголіяв, син Ахісамаха, Данового племени. 35 Він наповнив їх мудрістю серця, щоб робили вони всяку роботу обрібника, і мистця, і гаптівника в блакиті, і в пурпурі, і в червені, і в віссоні, і ткача, що роблять усяку роботу й задумують мистецькі речі.