Haggai 2

  1 H7637 In the seventh H259 month, in the one H6242 and twentieth H2320 day of the month H1697 , came the word H3068 of the LORD H3027 by H5030 the prophet H2292 Haggai H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  2 H559 Speak [H8798]   H2216 now to Zerubbabel H1121 the son H7597 of Shealtiel H6346 , governor H3063 of Judah H3091 , and to Joshua H1121 the son H3087 of Josedech H1419 , the high H3548 priest H7611 , and to the residue H5971 of the people H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  3 H7604 Who is left [H8737]   H7200 among you that saw [H8804]   H1004 this house H7223 in her first H3519 glory H7200 ? and how do ye see [H8802]   H5869 it now? is it not in your eyes H3644 in comparison of it as nothing?
  4 H2388 Yet now be strong [H8798]   H2216 , O Zerubbabel H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H2388 ; and be strong [H8798]   H3091 , O Joshua H1121 , son H3087 of Josedech H1419 , the high H3548 priest H2388 ; and be strong [H8798]   H5971 , all ye people H776 of the land H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H6213 , and work [H8798]   H5002 : for I am with you, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts:
  5 H1697 According to the word H3772 that I covenanted [H8804]   H3318 with you when ye came [H8800]   H4714 out of Egypt H7307 , so my spirit H5975 remaineth [H8802]   H8432 among H3372 you: fear [H8799]   ye not.
  6 H559 For thus saith [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H259 ; Yet once H4592 , it is a little while H7493 , and I will shake [H8688]   H8064 the heavens H776 , and the earth H3220 , and the sea H2724 , and the dry land;
  7 H7493 And I will shake [H8689]   H1471 all nations H2532 , and the desire H1471 of all nations H935 shall come [H8804]   H4390 : and I will fill [H8765]   H1004 this house H3519 with glory H559 , saith [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.
  8 H3701 The silver H2091 is mine, and the gold H5002 is mine, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.
  9 H3519 The glory H314 of this latter H1004 house H1419 shall be greater than H7223 of the former H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H4725 : and in this place H5414 will I give [H8799]   H7965 peace H559 , saith [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.
  10 H702 In the four H6242 and twentieth H8671 day of the ninth H8147 month, in the second H8141 year H1867 of Darius H1697 , came the word H3068 of the LORD H3027 by H2292 Haggai H5030 the prophet H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  11 H559 Thus saith [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H7592 ; Ask [H8798]   H3548 now the priests H8451 concerning the law H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  12 H376 If one H5375 bear [H8799]   H6944 holy H1320 flesh H3671 in the skirt H899 of his garment H3671 , and with his skirt H5060 do touch [H8804]   H3899 bread H5138 , or pottage H3196 , or wine H8081 , or oil H3978 , or any meat H6942 , shall it be holy [H8799]   H3548 ? And the priests H6030 answered [H8799]   H559 and said [H8799]  , No.
  13 H559 Then said [H8799]   H2292 Haggai H2931 , If one that is unclean H5315 by a dead body H5060 touch [H8799]   H2930 any of these, shall it be unclean [H8799]   H3548 ? And the priests H6030 answered [H8799]   H559 and said [H8799]   H2930 , It shall be unclean [H8799]  .
  14 H6030 Then answered [H8799]   H2292 Haggai H559 , and said [H8799]   H5971 , So is this people H1471 , and so is this nation H6440 before H5002 me, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H4639 ; and so is every work H3027 of their hands H7126 ; and that which they offer [H8686]   H2931 there is unclean.
  15 H7760 And now, I pray you, consider [H8798]   H3824   H3117 from this day H4605 and upward H2962 , from before H68 a stone H7760 was laid [H8800]   H68 upon a stone H1964 in the temple H3068 of the LORD:
  16 H935 Since those days were, when one came [H8804]   H6194 to an heap H6242 of twenty H6235 measures, there were but ten H935 : when one came [H8804]   H3342 to the pressfat H2834 for to draw out [H8800]   H2572 fifty H6333 vessels out of the press H6242 , there were but twenty.
  17 H5221 I smote [H8689]   H7711 you with blasting H3420 and with mildew H1259 and with hail H4639 in all the labours H3027 of your hands H5002 ; yet ye turned not to me, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD.
  18 H7760 Consider [H8798]   H3824   H3117 now from this day H4605 and upward H702 , from the four H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H8671 of the ninth H3117 month, even from the day H3245 that the foundation [H8795]   H3068 of the LORD'S H1964 temple H7760 was laid, consider [H8798]   H3824   it .
  19 H2233 Is the seed H4035 yet in the barn H1612 ? yea, as yet the vine H8384 , and the fig tree H7416 , and the pomegranate H2132 , and the olive H6086 tree H5375 , hath not brought forth [H8804]   H3117 : from this day H1288 will I bless [H8762]   you .
  20 H8145 And again H1697 the word H3068 of the LORD H2292 came unto Haggai H702 in the four H6242 and twentieth H2320 day of the month H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  21 H559 Speak [H8798]   H2216 to Zerubbabel H6346 , governor H3063 of Judah H559 , saying [H8800]   H7493 , I will shake [H8688]   H8064 the heavens H776 and the earth;
  22 H2015 And I will overthrow [H8804]   H3678 the throne H4467 of kingdoms H8045 , and I will destroy [H8689]   H2392 the strength H4467 of the kingdoms H1471 of the heathen H2015 ; and I will overthrow [H8804]   H4818 the chariots H7392 , and those that ride [H8802]   H5483 in them; and the horses H7392 and their riders [H8802]   H3381 shall come down [H8804]   H376 , every one H2719 by the sword H251 of his brother.
  23 H3117 In that day H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H3947 , will I take [H8799]   H2216 thee, O Zerubbabel H5650 , my servant H1121 , the son H7597 of Shealtiel H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H7760 , and will make [H8804]   H2368 thee as a signet H977 : for I have chosen [H8804]   H5002 thee, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H7637 בשׁביעי In the seventh H6242 בעשׂרים and twentieth H259 ואחד in the one H2320 לחדשׁ of the month, H1961 היה came H1697 דבר the word H3068 יהוה of the LORD H3027 ביד by H2292 חגי Haggai, H5030 הנביא the prophet H559 לאמר׃ saying,
  2 H559 אמר Speak H4994 נא now H413 אל to H2216 זרבבל Zerubbabel H1121 בן the son H7597 שׁלתיאל of Shealtiel, H6346 פחת governor H3063 יהודה of Judah, H413 ואל and to H3091 יהושׁע Joshua H1121 בן the son H3087 יהוצדק of Josedech, H3548 הכהן priest, H1419 הגדול the high H413 ואל and to H7611 שׁארית the residue H5971 העם of the people, H559 לאמר׃ saying,
  3 H4310 מי Who H7604 בכם הנשׁאר left H834 אשׁר among you that H7200 ראה saw H853 את   H1004 הבית house H2088 הזה this H3519 בכבודו glory? H7223 הראשׁון in her first H4100 ומה and how H859 אתם do ye H7200 ראים see H853 אתו   H6258 עתה it now? H3808 הלוא not H3644 כמהו in comparison of it H369 כאין as nothing? H5869 בעיניכם׃ in your eyes
  4 H6258 ועתה Yet now H2388 חזק be strong, H2216 זרבבל O Zerubbabel, H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD; H2388 וחזק and be strong, H3091 יהושׁע O Joshua, H1121 בן son H3087 יהוצדק of Josedech, H3548 הכהן priest; H1419 הגדול the high H2388 וחזק and be strong, H3605 כל all H5971 עם ye people H776 הארץ of the land, H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD, H6213 ועשׂו and work: H3588 כי for H589 אני I H854 אתכם with H5002 נאם you, saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות׃ of hosts:
  5 H853 את   H1697 הדבר the word H834 אשׁר that H3772 כרתי I covenanted H854 אתכם with H3318 בצאתכם you when ye came out H4714 ממצרים   H7307 ורוחי so my spirit H5975 עמדת remaineth H8432 בתוככם among H408 אל ye not. H3372 תיראו׃ you: fear
  6 H3588 כי For H3541 כה thus H559 אמר saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות of hosts; H5750 עוד Yet H259 אחת once, H4592 מעט a little while, H1931 היא it H589 ואני and I H7493 מרעישׁ will shake H853 את   H8064 השׁמים the heavens, H853 ואת   H776 הארץ and the earth, H853 ואת   H3220 הים and the sea, H853 ואת   H2724 החרבה׃ and the dry
  7 H7493 והרעשׁתי And I will shake H853 את   H3605 כל all H1471 הגוים nations, H935 ובאו shall come: H2532 חמדת and the desire H3605 כל of all H1471 הגוים nations H4390 ומלאתי and I will fill H853 את   H1004 הבית house H2088 הזה this H3519 כבוד with glory, H559 אמר saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות׃ of hosts.
  8 H3701 לי הכסף The silver H2091 ולי הזהב mine, and the gold H5002 נאם mine, saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות׃ of hosts.
  9 H1419 גדול greater H1961 יהיה shall be H3519 כבוד The glory H1004 הבית house H2088 הזה of this H314 האחרון latter H4480 מן than H7223 הראשׁון of the former, H559 אמר saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות of hosts: H4725 ובמקום place H2088 הזה and in this H5414 אתן will I give H7965 שׁלום peace, H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות׃ of hosts.
  10 H6242 בעשׂרים and twentieth H702 וארבעה In the four H8671 לתשׁיעי of the ninth H8141 בשׁנת year H8147 שׁתים in the second H1867 לדריושׁ of Darius, H1961 היה came H1697 דבר the word H3069 יהוה   H413 אל by H2292 חגי Haggai H5030 הנביא the prophet, H559 לאמר׃ saying,
  11 H3541 כה Thus H559 אמר saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות of hosts; H7592 שׁאל Ask H4994 נא now H853 את   H3548 הכהנים the priests H8451 תורה the law, H559 לאמר׃ saying,
  12 H2005 הן If H5375 ישׂא bear H376 אישׁ one H1320 בשׂר flesh H6944 קדשׁ holy H3671 בכנף in the skirt H899 בגדו of his garment, H5060 ונגע do touch H3671 בכנפו and with his skirt H413 אל do touch H3899 הלחם bread, H413 ואל   H5138 הנזיד or pottage, H413 ואל   H3196 היין or wine, H413 ואל   H8081 שׁמן or oil, H413 ואל   H3605 כל or any H3978 מאכל meat, H6942 היקדשׁ shall it be holy? H6030 ויענו answered H3548 הכהנים And the priests H559 ויאמרו and said, H3808 לא׃ No.
  13 H559 ויאמר Then said H2292 חגי Haggai, H518 אם If H5060 יגע touch H2931 טמא unclean H5315 נפשׁ by a dead body H3605 בכל any H428 אלה of these, H2930 היטמא shall it be unclean? H6030 ויענו answered H3548 הכהנים And the priests H559 ויאמרו and said, H2930 יטמא׃ It shall be unclean.
  14 H6030 ויען Then answered H2292 חגי Haggai, H559 ויאמר and said, H3651 כן So H5971 העם people, H2088 הזה this H3651 וכן and so H1471 הגוי nation H2088 הזה this H6440 לפני before H5002 נאם me, saith H3068 יהוה the LORD; H3651 וכן and so H3605 כל every H4639 מעשׂה work H3027 ידיהם of their hands; H834 ואשׁר and that which H7126 יקריבו they offer H8033 שׁם there H2931 טמא unclean. H1931 הוא׃  
  15 H6258 ועתה And now, H7760 שׂימו consider H4994 נא I pray you, H3824 לבבכם consider H4480 מן from H3117 היום day H2088 הזה this H4605 ומעלה and upward, H2962 מטרם from before H7760 שׂום was laid H68 אבן a stone H413 אל upon H68 אבן a stone H1964 בהיכל in the temple H3068 יהוה׃ of the LORD:
  16 H1961 מהיותם there were H935 בא when came H413 אל to H6194 ערמת a heap H6242 עשׂרים of twenty H1961 והיתה there were H6235 עשׂרה ten: H935 בא when came H413 אל to H3342 היקב the wine vat H2834 לחשׂף for to draw out H2572 חמשׁים fifty H6333 פורה out of the press, H1961 והיתה   H6242 עשׂרים׃ twenty.
  17 H5221 הכיתי I smote H853 אתכם   H7711 בשׁדפון you with blasting H3420 ובירקון and with mildew H1259 ובברד and with hail H853 את   H3605 כל all H4639 מעשׂה the labors H3027 ידיכם of your hands; H369 ואין yet ye not H853 אתכם   H413 אלי to H5002 נאם me, saith H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD.
  18 H7760 שׂימו consider H4994 נא now H3824 לבבכם consider H4480 מן from H3117 היום day H2088 הזה this H4605 ומעלה and upward, H3117 מיום day H6242 עשׂרים and twentieth H702 וארבעה from the four H8671 לתשׁיעי of the ninth H4480 למן day H3117 היום the day H834 אשׁר that H3245 יסד   H1964 היכל   H3068 יהוה   H7760 שׂימו   H3824 לבבכם׃  
  19 H5750 העוד yet H2233 הזרע Is the seed H4035 במגורה in the barn? H5704 ועד yea, as yet H1612 הגפן the vine, H8384 והתאנה and the fig tree, H7416 והרמון and the pomegranate, H6086 ועץ tree, H2132 הזית and the olive H3808 לא hath not H5375 נשׂא brought forth: H4480 מן from H3117 היום day H2088 הזה this H1288 אברך׃ will I bless
  20 H1961 ויהי came H1697 דבר the word H3068 יהוה of the LORD H8145 שׁנית And again H413 אל unto H2292 חגי Haggai H6242 בעשׂרים and twentieth H702 וארבעה in the four H2320 לחדשׁ of the month, H559 לאמר׃ saying,
  21 H559 אמר Speak H413 אל to H2216 זרבבל Zerubbabel, H6346 פחת governor H3063 יהודה of Judah, H559 לאמר saying, H589 אני I H7493 מרעישׁ will shake H853 את   H8064 השׁמים the heavens H853 ואת   H776 הארץ׃ and the earth;
  22 H2015 והפכתי And I will overthrow H3678 כסא the throne H4467 ממלכות of kingdoms, H8045 והשׁמדתי and I will destroy H2392 חזק the strength H4467 ממלכות of the kingdoms H1471 הגוים of the heathen; H2015 והפכתי and I will overthrow H4818 מרכבה the chariots, H7392 ורכביה and those that ride H3381 וירדו shall come down, H5483 סוסים in them; and the horses H7392 ורכביהם and their riders H376 אישׁ every one H2719 בחרב by the sword H251 אחיו׃ of his brother.
  23 H3117 ביום day, H1931 ההוא In that H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות of hosts, H3947 אקחך will I take H2216 זרבבל thee, O Zerubbabel, H1121 בן the son H7597 שׁאלתיאל of Shealtiel, H5650 עבדי my servant, H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD, H7760 ושׂמתיך and will make H2368 כחותם thee as a signet: H3588 כי for H977 בך בחרתי I have chosen H5002 נאם thee, saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות׃ of hosts.