Ruth 3

  3:1   2532 και And 2523 εκάθισε she stayed 3326 μετά with 3588 της   3994-1473 πενθεράς αυτής her mother-in-law. 2532 και And 2036 είπε [4said 1473 αυτή 5to her * Νοομί 1Naomi 3588 η   3994 πενθερά 3mother-in-law 1473 αυτής 2her], 2364 θύγατερ O daughter, 3766.2 ου μη In no way 2212 ζητήσω shall I seek 1473-372 σοι ανάπαυσιν rest for you, 2443 ίνα that 2095 ευ a good thing 1096 γένηταί should happen 1473 σοι to you.   3:2   2532 και And 3568 νυν now, 3780 ουχί is not * Βοόζ Boaz 1107.1 γνώριμος a near acquaintance 1473 ημίν to us, 3739 ου of whom 1510.7.2 ης you were 3326 μετά with 3588 των   2877-1473 κορασίων αυτού his young women? 2400 ιδού Behold, 1473 αυτός he 3039 λικμά winnows 3588 τον at the 257 άλωνα threshing-floor 3588 των of the 2915 κριθών barley 3778 ταύτη this 3588 τη   3571 νυκτί night.   3:3   1473-1161 συ δε And you 3068 λούση shall bathe, 2532 και and 218 αλείψη anoint, 2532 και and 4060 περιθήσεις put 3588 τον   2441-1473 ιματισμόν σου your clothes 1909 επί upon 4572 σεαυτή yourself, 2532 και and 305 ανάβηθι ascend 1909 επί unto 3588 τον the 257 άλω threshing-floor! 3361 μη You should not 1107 γνωρισθής make yourself known 3588 τω to the 435 ανδρί man, 2193 έως until 3588 του   4931-1473 συντελέσαι αυτόν he finishes 3588 του   2068 φαγείν eating 2532 και and 4095 πιείν drinking.   3:4   2532 και And 1510.8.3 έσται it will be 1722 εν at 3588 τω   2837-1473 κοιμηθήναι αυτόν his going to sleep, 2532 και that 1097 γνώση you shall perceive 3588 τον the 5117 τόπον place 3739 ου where 2837 κοιμάται he sleeps 1563 εκεί there, 2532 και and 2064 ελεύση you shall go in, 2532 και and 601 αποκαλύψεις uncover 3588 τα the things 4314 προς by 4228-1473 ποδών αυτού his feet, 2532 και and 2837 κοιμηθήση you shall go to sleep. 2532 και And 1473 αυτός he 518 απαγγελεί shall report 1473 σοι to you 3739 α what 4160 ποιήσεις you shall do.   3:5   2036 είπε [3said 1161 δε 1And * Ρουθ 2Ruth] 4314 προς to 1473 αυτήν her, 3956 πάντα All 3745 όσα as much 302 αν as 2036 είπης you should tell 1473 μοί to me 4160 ποιήσω I will do.   3:6   2532 και And 2597 κατέβη she went down 1519 εις into 3588 τον the 257 άλω threshing-floor, 2532 και and 4160 εποίησε she did 2596 κατά according to 3956 πάντα all 3745 όσα as much as 1781 ενετείλατο [2gave charge 1473 αυτή 3to her 3588 η   3994-1473 πενθερά αυτής 1her mother-in-law].   3:7   2532 και And 2068-* έφαγε Βοόζ Boaz ate, 2532 και and 4095 έπιε drank, 2532 και and 18.2 ηγαθύνθη did good 3588 η to 2588-1473 καρδία αυτού his heart; 2532 και and 2064 ήλθε he went 3588 του   2837 κοιμηθήναι to go to sleep 1722 εν in 3310 μερίδι a portion 3588 της of the 4746.1 στοιβής pile. 3588-1161 η δε And she 2064 ήλθεν came 1722 εν in 2931 κρυφή secret, 2532 και and 601 απεκάλυψε uncovered 3588 τα the things 4314 προς by 4228-1473 ποδών αυτού his feet, 2532 και and 2837 εκοιμήθη she went to sleep.   3:8   1096-1161 εγένετο δε And it came to pass 1722 εν at 3588 τω   3317 μεσονυκτίω midnight, 2532 και that 1839 εξέστη [3was startled 3588 ο 1the 435 ανήρ 2man] 2532 και and 5015 εταράχθη disturbed; 2532 και and 2400 ιδού behold, 1135 γυνή a woman 2837 κοιμάται slept 4314 προς at 4228-1473 ποδών αυτού his feet.   3:9   2036-1161 είπε δε And he said, 5100 τις Who 1510.2.2 ει are 1473 συ you? 3588-1161 η δε And she 2036 είπεν said, 1473 εγώ I 1510.2.1 ειμι am * Ρουθ Ruth, 3588 η   1399-1473 δούλη σου your maidservant; 2532 και and 4016 περιβαλείς you shall put 3588 το   4419-1473 πτερύγιόν σου your garment border 1909 επί upon 3588 την   1399-1473 δούλην σου your maidservant, 3754 ότι for 70.3 αγχιστεύς [2a relative 1510.2.2-1473 ει συ 1you are].   3:10   2532 και And 2036-* είπε Βοόζ Boaz said, 2127 ευλογημένη Being blessed are 1473 συ you 3588 τω by the 2962 κυρίω lord 2316 θεώ God, 2364 θύγατερ O daughter, 3754 ότι for 18.2 ηγάθυνας you did good 3588 το in 1656-1473 έλεός σου your mercy 3588 το at the 2078 έσχατον last 5228 υπέρ over 3588 το the 4413 πρώτον first, 3588 του   3361 μη [2to not 4198 πορευθήναί 3go 1473 σε 1for you] 3694 οπίσω after 3494 νεανιών the young men, 1535 είτε whether 4434 πτωχός poor 1535 είτε or whether 4145 πλούσιος rich.   3:11   2532 και And 3568 νυν now, 2364 θύγατερ O daughter, 3361 μη do not 5399 φοβού fear! 3956 πάντα All 3745 όσα what 302 αν ever 2036 είπης you should say 4160 ποιήσω I will do 1473 σοι for you. 1492 οίδε [6know 1063 γαρ 1For 3956 πάσα 2all 5443 φυλή 5tribe 2992 λαού 3of the people 1473 μου 4of my] 3754 ότι that 1135 γυνή [3a woman 1411 δυνάμεως 4of ability 1510.2.2 ει 2are 1473 συ 1you].   3:12   2532 και And 3568 νυν now 230 αληθώς truly 70.3 αγχιστεύς [3a relative 1473 εγώ 1I 1510.2.1 ειμι 2am]; 2532 και but 1065 γε indeed 1510.2.3 έστιν there is 70.3 αγχιστεύς a relative 1722 εν in 1093 γη the land 3739 ων who 5228 υπέρ is over 1473 εμέ me.   3:13   835 αυλίσθητι You lodge 3588 την the 3571 νύκτα night! 2532 και and 1510.8.3 έσται it will be 4404 τοπρωϊ in the morning, 1437 εάν if 70.4 αγχιστεύση he should act as next of kin 1473 σε for you -- 18 αγαθόν good, 70.4 αγχιστευέτω let him act as next of kin! 1437-1161 εάν δε But if 3361 μη he should not 1014 βούληται want 70.4 αγχιστεύσαί to act as next of kin 1473 σε for you, 70.4 αγχιστεύσω [2shall act as next of kin 1473 σε 3for you 1473 εγώ 1I]. 2198-2962 ζη κύριος As the lord lives, 2837 κοιμήθητι you go to sleep 2193 έως until 4404 πρωϊ morning!   3:14   2532 και And 2837 εκοιμήθη she went to sleep 4314 προς at 4228-1473 ποδών αυτού his feet 2193 έως until 4404 πρωϊ morning. 3588 η   1161 δε And 450 ανέστη she rose up 4253 προ before 3588 του   1921 επιγνώναι [2could recognize 435 άνδρα 1a man] 3588 τον   4139-1473 πλησίον αυτού his neighbor. 2532 και And 2036-* είπε Βοόζ Boaz said, 3361 μη Do not 1097 γνωσθήτω let it be known, 3754 ότι that 2064 ελήλυθε [2has come 1135 γυνή 1a woman] 1519 εις unto 3588 τον the 257 άλω threshing-floor!   3:15   2532 και And 2036 είπεν he said 1473 αυτή to her, 5342 φέρε Bring 3588 το the 4023.1 περίζωμα apron, 3588 το the one 1883 επάνω upon 1473 σου you, 2532 και and 2902 κράτησον hold 1473 αυτό it! 3588-1161 η δε And she 2902 εκράτησεν held 1473 αυτό it, 2532 και and 3354 εμέτρησεν he measured out 1803 εξ six measures 2915 κριθών of barley, 2532 και and 2007 επέθηκεν placed them 1909 επ΄ unto 1473 αυτήν her. 2532 και And 1525 εισήλθεν she entered 1519 εις into 3588 την the 4172 πόλιν city.   3:16   2532 και And * Ρουθ Ruth 1525 εισήλθε entered 4314 προς to 3588 την   3994-1473 πενθεράν αυτής her mother-in-law. 3588-1161 η δε And she 2036 είπε said, 5100 τι What 1510.2.3 εστι is it, 2364 θύγατερ O daughter? 2532 και And 518 απήγγειλεν she reported 1473 αυτή to her 3956 πάντα all 3745 όσα as much as 4160 εποίησεν [3did 1473 αυτή 4for her 3588 ο 1the 435 ανήρ 2man].   3:17   2532 και And 2036 είπεν she said, 3588 τα   1803 εξ [2six 3588 των   2915 κριθών 3measures of barley 3778 ταύτα 1these] 1325 έδωκέ he gave 1473 μοι to me, 3754 ότι for 2036 είπε he said 4314 προς to 1473 με me, 3361 μη You should not 1525 εισέλθης enter 2756 κενή empty 4314 προς to 3588 την   3994-1473 πενθεράν σου your mother-in-law.   3:18   3588-1161 η δε And she 2036 είπε said, 2521 κάθου Sit down, 2364 θύγατερ O daughter, 2193 έως until 3588 του   1921-1473 επιγνώναί σε you realize 4459 πως how 3756 ου   4098 πεσείται [2shall fall 3588 το   4487 ρήμα 1the matter]! 3756 ου   1063 γαρ for 3361 μη [3should not 2270 ησυχάση 4be still 3588 ο 1the 435 ανήρ 2man] 2193 έως until 302 αν whenever 5055 τελέσθη he should finish 3588 το the 4487 ρήμα matter 4594 σήμερον today.