Matthew 26:2 Cross References - new

  2 G1492 [G5758] { Ye know G3754 that G3326 after G1417 two G2250 days G1096 [G5736] is G3957 the passover, G2532 and G5207 the Son G444 of man G3860 [G5743] is betrayed G1519 to G4717 [G5683] be impaled.}

Exodus 12:11-14

  11 H3602 And thus H398 [H8799] shall ye eat H4975 it; with your loins H2296 [H8803] girded, H5275 your shoes H7272 on your feet, H4731 and your staff H3027 in your hand; H398 [H8804] and ye shall eat H2649 it in haste: H3068 it is the LORD'S H6453 passover.
  12 H5674 [H8804] For I will pass H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 this night, H5221 [H8689] and will smite H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 both man H929 and beast; H430 and against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 [H8799] I will execute H8201 judgment: H3068 I am the LORD.
  13 H1818 And the blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 upon the houses H7200 [H8804] where ye are: and when I see H1818 the blood, H6452 [H8804] I will pass H5063 over you, and the plague H4889 shall not be upon you to decay H5221 [H8687] you, when I smite H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H3117 And this day H2146 shall be to you for a memorial; H2287 [H8804] and ye shall keep H2282 it a feast H3068 to the LORD H1755 throughout your generations; H2287 [H8799] ye shall keep it a feast H2708 by an ordinance H5769 to the age.

Exodus 34:25

  25 H7819 [H8799] Thou shalt not offer H1818 the blood H2077 of my sacrifice H2557 with leaven; H2077 neither shall the sacrifice H2282 of the feast H6453 of the passover H3885 [H8799] be left H1242 until the morning.

Matthew 17:22

  22 G1161 And G846 while they G390 [G5746] abode G1722 in G1056 Galilee, G2424 Jesus G2036 [G5627] said G846 to them, G5207 { The Son G444 of man G3195 [G5719] shall be G3860 [G5745] betrayed G1519 into G5495 the hands G444 of men:}

Matthew 20:18-19

  18 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G305 [G5719] we go up G1519 to G2414 Jerusalem; G2532 and G5207 the Son G444 of man G3860 [G5701] shall be betrayed G749 to the chief priests G2532 and G1122 to the scribes, G2532 and G2632 [G5692] they shall condemn G846 him G2288 to death,}
  19 G2532 { And G3860 [G5692] shall deliver G846 him G1484 to the nations G1519 to G1702 [G5658] mock, G2532 and G3146 [G5658] to scourge, G2532 and G4717 [G5658] to impale G2532 him: and G5154 the third G2250 day G450 [G5698] he shall rise again.}

Matthew 26:24-25

  24 G3303 { Indeed, G5207 the Son G444 of man G5217 [G5719] goeth G2531 as G1125 [G5769] it is written G4012 concerning G846 him: G1161 but G3759 woe G1565 to that G444 man G1223 by G3739 whom G5207 the Son G444 of man G3860 [G5743] is betrayed! G2258 [G5713] it had been G2570 good G1565 for that G846 man G1487 if G444 he G1080 0 had G3756 not G1080 [G5681] been born.}
  25 G1161 Then G2455 Judas, G3588 who G3860 [G5723] betrayed G846 him, G611 [G5679] answered G2036 [G5627] and said, G4461 Master, G3385 whether at all G1510 [G5748] is it G1473 I? G3004 [G5719] He said G846 to him, G4771 { Thou G2036 [G5627] hast said.}

Matthew 27:4

  4 G3004 [G5723] Saying, G264 [G5627] I have sinned G3860 [G5631] in that I have betrayed G121 innocent G129 blood. G1161 And G2036 [G5627] they said, G5101 What G4314 is that to G2248 us? G3700 [G5695] see G4771 thou to that.

Mark 14:1-2

  1 G1161 After G1417 two G2250 days G2258 [G5713] was G3588 the feast of the G3957 passover, G2532 and G3326 of G106 unleavened bread: G2532 and G3588 the G749 chief priests G2532 and G3588 the G1122 scribes G2212 [G5707] sought G4459 how G1722 by G1388 treachery, G2902 [G5660] seizing him, G615 [G5725] they might kill G846 him.
  2 G1161 But G3004 [G5707] they said, G3361 Not G1722 on G1859 the feast G3379 day, lest G2071 [G5704] there should be G2351 an uproar G2992 of the people.

Luke 22:1-2

  1 G1161 Now G1859 the feast G106 of unleavened bread G1448 [G5707] drew near, G3004 [G5746] which is called G3957 the Passover.
  2 G2532 And G749 the chief priests G2532 and G1122 scribes G2212 [G5707] sought G4459 how G337 [G5661] they might kill G846 him; G1063 for G5399 [G5711] they feared G2992 the people.

Luke 22:15

  15 G2532 And G2036 [G5627] he said G4314 to G846 them, G1939 { I have desired G1937 [G5656] with desire G5315 [G5629] to eat G5124 this G3957 passover G3326 with G5216 you G4253 before G3165 my G3958 [G5629] suffering:}

Luke 24:6-7

  6 G2076 [G5748] He is G3756 not G5602 here, G235 but G1453 [G5681] is risen: G3415 [G5682] remember G5613 how G2980 [G5656] he spoke G5213 to you G5607 [G5752] when he was G2089 yet G1722 in G1056 Galilee,
  7 G3004 [G5723] Saying, G3754   G5207 { The Son G444 of man G1163 [G5748] must G3860 [G5683] be delivered G1519 into G5495 the hands G268 of sinful G444 men, G2532 and G4717 [G5683] be impaled, G2532 and G5154 the third G2250 day G450 [G5629] rise again.}

John 2:13

  13 G2532 And G2453 the Judeans' G3957 passover G2258 [G5713] was G1451 at hand, G2532 and G2424 Jesus G305 [G5627] went up G1519 to G2414 Jerusalem,

John 11:55

  55 G1161 And G3588 the G2453 Judeans' G3957 passover G2258 [G5713] was G1451 near at hand: G2532 and G4183 many G305 [G5627] went G1537 from out of G3588 the G5561 region G1519 unto G2414 Jerusalem G4253 before G3588 the G3957 passover, G2443 that G48 [G5661] they should purify G1438 themselves.

John 12:1

  1 G3767 Then G2424 Jesus G1803 six G2250 days G4253 before G3957 the passover G2064 [G5627] came G1519 to G963 Bethany, G3699 where G2976 Lazarus G2258 [G5713] was G3588 who G2348 [G5761] had been dead, G3739 whom G1453 [G5656] he raised G1537 from G3498 the dead.

John 13:1-2

  1 G1161 Now G4253 before G1859 the feast G3957 of the passover, G2424 when Jesus G1492 [G5761] knew G3754 that G846 his G5610 hour G2064 [G5754] was come G2443 that G3327 [G5632] he should depart G1537 out of G5127 this G2889 world G4314 to G3962 the Father, G25 [G5660] having loved G2398 his own G3588 who G1722 were in G2889 the world, G25 [G5656] he loved G846 them G1519 to G5056 the end.
  2 G2532 And G1173 supper G1096 [G5637] being ended, G3588 the G1228 slanderer G2235 having now G906 [G5761] put G1519 into G3588 the G2588 heart G2455 of Judas G2469 Iscariot, G4613 Simon's son, G2443 to G3860 [G5632] betray G846 him;

John 18:2

  2 G1161 And G2455 Judas G2532 also, G3588 who G3860 [G5723] betrayed G846 him, G1492 [G5715] knew G5117 the place: G3754 for G2424 Jesus G4178 often G4863 [G5681] resorted G1563 there G3326 with G846 his G3101 disciples.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.