Job 26:5 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  5 H7496 Dead H2342 things are formed H4325 from under the waters, H7931 and the inhabitants there.

Genesis 6:4

  4 H5303 There were Nephilim H776 in the earth H3117 in those days; H310 and also after H3651 that, H834 when H1121 the sons H430 of God H935 came in H1323 to the daughters H120 of men, H3205 and they gave birth to H1992 sons to them, the same H1368 became mighty men H5769 which were of old, H582 men H8034 of renown.

Job 41:1-34

  1 H4900 Can you draw out H3882 leviathan H2443 with a hook? H3956 or his tongue H2256 with a cord H8257 which you let down?
  2 H7760 Can you put H100 a hook H639 into his nose? H5344 or bore H3895 his jaw H2336 through with a thorn?
  3 H7235 Will he make many H8469 supplications H1696 unto you? will he speak H7390 soft words unto you?
  4 H3772 Will he make H1285 a covenant H3947 with you? will you take H5650 him for a servant H5769 for ever?
  5 H7832 Will you play H6833 with him as with a bird? H7194 or will you bind H5291 him for your maidens?
  6 H2271 Shall the companions H3739 make a banquet H2673 of him? shall they part H3669 him among the merchants?
  7 H4390 Can you fill H5785 his skin H7905 with barbed irons? H7218 or his head H1709 with fish H6767 spears?
  8 H7760 Lay H3709 your hand H2142 upon him, remember H4421 the battle, H3254 do no more.
  9 H8431 Behold, the hope H3576 of him is in vain: H2904 shall not one be cast down H4758 even at the sight of him?
  10 H393 None is so fierce H5782 that dare stir him up: H3320 who then is able to stand H6440 before me?
  11 H6923 Who has given H7999 to me, that I should repay H8064 him? whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.
  12 H2790 I will not conceal H907 his parts, H1369 nor his power, H2433 nor his comely H6187 proportion.
  13 H1540 Who can discover H6440 the face H3830 of his garment? H935 or who can come H3718 to him with his double H7448 bridle?
  14 H6605 Who can open H1817 the doors H6440 of his face? H8127 his teeth H367 are terrible H5439 round about.
  15 H4043 His scales H1346 are his pride, H5462 shut up together H6862 as with a close H2368 seal.
  16 H259 One H5066 is so near H259 to another, H7307 that no air H935 can come between them.
  17 H1692 They are joined H376 one H251 to another, H3920 they stick together, H6504 that they cannot be sundered.
  18 H5846 By his sneezings H216 a light H1984 does shine, H5869 and his eyes H6079 are like the eyelids H7837 of the morning.
  19 H6310 Out of his mouth H1980 go H3940 burning torches, H3590 and sparks H784 of fire H4422 leap out.
  20 H5156 Out of his nostrils H3318 goes H6227 smoke, H5301 as out of a seething H1731 pot H100 or caldron.
  21 H5315 His breath H3857 kindles H1513 coals, H3851 and a flame H3318 goes out H6310 of his mouth.
  22 H6677 In his neck H3885 remains H5797 strength, H1670 and sorrow H1750 is turned into joy H6440 before him.
  23 H4651 The flakes H1320 of his flesh H1692 are joined together: H3332 they are firm H4131 in themselves; they cannot be moved.
  24 H3820 His heart H3332 is as firm H68 as a stone; H3332 Yes, as hard H6400 as a piece H8482 of the nether millstone.
  25 H7613 When he raises up H352 himself, the mighty H1481 are afraid: H7667 by reason of breakings H2398 they purify themselves.
  26 H2719 The sword H5381 of him that lays H6965 at him cannot hold: H2595 the spear, H4551 the dart, H8302 nor the coat of mail.
  27 H2803 He esteems H1270 iron H8401 as straw, H5154 and brass H7539 as rotten H6086 wood.
  28 H1121 The arrow H1272 cannot make him flee: H68 slingstones H2015 are turned H7179 with him into stubble.
  29 H8455 Darts H2803 are counted H7179 as stubble: H7832 he laughs H7494 at the shaking H3591 of a spear.
  30 H2303 Sharp H2789 stones H7502 are under him: he spreads H2742 sharp pointed things H2916 upon the mire.
  31 H4688 He makes the deep H7570 to boil H5518 like a pot: H7760 he makes H3220 the sea H4841 like a pot of ointment.
  32 H5410 He makes a path H215 to shine H310 after H2803 him; one would think H8415 the deep H7872 to be hoary.
  33 H6083 Upon earth H4915 there is not his like, H6213 who is made H1097 without H2844 fear.
  34 H7200 He beholds H1364 all high H4428 things: he is a king H1121 over all the sons H7830 of pride.

Psalms 88:10

  10 H6213 Will you show H6382 wonders H4191 to the dead? H7496 shall the dead H6965 arise H3034 and praise H5542 you? Selah.

Psalms 104:25-26

  25 H1419 So is this great H7342 and wide H3220 sea, H7431 where are things creeping H4557 innumerable, H6996 both small H1419 and great H2416 animals.
  26 H1980 There go H591 the ships: H3882 there is that leviathan, H3335 whom you have made H7832 to play in it.

Ezekiel 29:3-5

  3 H1696 Speak, H559 and say, H559 Thus says H136 the Lord H3069 God; H6547 Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh H4428 king H4714 of Egypt, H1419 the great H8577 dragon H7257 that lies H8432 in the midst H2975 of his rivers, H559 which has said, H2975 My river H6213 is my own, and I have made it for myself.
  4 H5414 But I will put H2397 hooks H3895 in your jaws, H1710 and I will cause the fish H2975 of your rivers H1692 to stick H7193 unto your scales, H5927 and I will bring you up H8432 out of the midst H2975 of your rivers, H1710 and all the fish H2975 of your rivers H1692 shall stick H7193 unto your scales.
  5 H5203 And I will leave H4057 you thrown into the wilderness, H1710 you and all the fish H2975 of your rivers: H5307 you shall fall H6440 upon the open H7704 fields; H622 you shall not be brought together, H6908 nor gathered: H5414 I have given H402 you for food H2416 to the animals H776 of the field H5775 and to the birds H8064 of the heaven.

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