2 John 1:13-3 John 1:15

  13 G782 [6greet G1473 7you G3588 1The G5043 2children G3588   G79 5sister G1473 3of your G3588   G1588 4chosen]. G281 Amen.

3 John

  1 G3588 The G4245 elder, G* to Gaius G3588 the G27 beloved, G3739 whom G1473 I G25 love G1722 in G225 truth.
  2 G27 Beloved, G4012 concerning G3956 all things G2172 I make a vow G1473 for you G2137 to prosper G2532 and G5198 to be in health, G2531 as G2137 [3prospers G1473 1your G3588   G5590 2soul].
  3 G5463 For I rejoiced G1063   G3029 exceedingly G2064 [2coming G80 1of the brethren], G2532 and G3140 bearing witness G1473 of you G3588 in the G225 truth, G2531 as G1473 you G1722 [2in G225 3truth G4043 1walk].
  4 G3173 [3greater G3778 5 than this G3756 2no G2192 1I have G5479 4joy], G2443 that G191 I should hear of G3588   G1699 my G5043 children G1722 [2in G225 3truth G4043 1walking].
  5 G27 Beloved, G4103 [2trusting G4160 1do] G3739 what G1437 ever G2038 you should work G1519 among G3588 the G80 brethren, G2532 and G1519 among G3588 the G3581 strangers,
  6 G3588 (the ones G3140 witnessing G1473 [3of yours G3588 1to the G26 2love] G1799 before G1577 the assembly), G3739 whom G2573 [2well G4160 1you shall do] G4311 having sent forward G516 worthily G3588   G2316 of God.
  7 G5228 For on account of G1063   G3588   G3686 his name G1473   G1831 they went forth G3367 [2nothing G2983 1taking] G575 from G3588 the G1484 nations.
  8 G1473 We G3767 then G3784 ought G618 to accept G3588   G5108 such, G2443 that G4904 [2fellow-workers G1096 1we should become] G3588 in the G225 truth.
  9 G1125 I wrote G3588 to the G1577 assembly, G235 but G3588 the one G5383 enjoying being first G1473 of them -- G* Diotrephes, G3756 does not G1926 welcome G1473 us.
  10 G1223 On account of this, G3778   G1437 if G2064 I come, G5279 I will remind G1473 him G3588 the G2041 works G3739 which G4160 he does -- G3056 [2words G4190 1evil] G5396 prating against G1473 us. G2532 And G3361 not G714 being sufficient G1909 with G3778 these, G3777 neither G1473 he himself G1926 welcomes G3588 the G80 brethren, G2532 and G3588 the ones G1014 wanting to G2967 he restrains, G2532 and G1537 [2of G3588 3the G1577 4assembly G1544 1casts them out].
  11 G27 Beloved, G3361 do not G3401 imitate G3588   G2556 evil, G235 but G3588 the G18 good! G3588 The one G15 doing good G1537 [2of G3588   G2316 3God G1510.2.3 1is]; G3588 but the one G1161   G2554 doing evil G3756 has not G3708 seen G3588   G2316 God.
  12 G* To Demetrius G3140 witness is borne G5259 by G3956 all, G2532 and G5259 by G1473 [3itself G3588 1the G225 2truth]; G2532 and we also G1473   G1161   G3140 bear witness, G2532 and G1492 you know G3754 that G3588   G3141 our witness G1473   G227 is true. G1510.2.3  
  13 G4183 Many things G2192 I have G1125 to write, G235 but G3756 I do not want G2309   G1223 by G3188 ink G2532 and G2563 reed G1473 to write to you. G1125  
  14 G1679 But I hope G1161   G2112 immediately G1492 to see G1473 you, G2532 and G4750 mouth G4314 to G4750 mouth G2980 we shall speak. G1515 Peace G1473 to you. G782 [3greet G1473 4you G3588 1The G5384 2friends]. G782 Greet G3588 the G5384 friends G2596 by G3686 name!
  13 G782 ασπάζεταί G1473 σε G3588 τα G5043 τέκνα G3588 της G79 αδελφής G1473 σου G3588 της G1588 εκλεκτής G281 αμήν

3 John

  1 G3588 ο G4245 πρεσβύτερος G* Γαϊω G3588 τω G27 αγαπητώ G3739 ον G1473 εγώ G25 αγαπώ G1722 εν G225 αληθεία
  2 G27 αγαπητέ G4012 περί G3956 πάντων G2172 εύχομαί G1473 σε G2137 ευοδούσθαι G2532 και G5198 υγιαίνειν G2531 καθώς G2137 ευοδούταί G1473 σου G3588 η G5590 ψυχή
  3 G5463 εχάρην γαρ G1063   G3029 λίαν G2064 ερχομένων G80 αδελφών G2532 και G3140 μαρτυρούντων G1473 σου G3588 τη G225 αληθεία G2531 καθώς G1473 συ G1722 εν G225 αληθεία G4043 περιπατείς
  4 G3173 μειζοτέραν G3778 τούτων G3756 ουκ G2192 έχω G5479 χαράν G2443 ίνα G191 ακούω G3588 τα G1699 εμά G5043 τέκνα G1722 εν G225 αληθεία G4043 περιπατούντα
  5 G27 αγαπητέ G4103 πιστόν G4160 ποιείς G3739 ο G1437 εάν G2038 εργάση G1519 εις G3588 τους G80 αδελφούς G2532 και G1519 εις G3588 τους G3581 ξένους
  6 G3588 οι G3140 εμαρτύρησάν G1473 σου G3588 τη G26 αγάπη G1799 ενώπιον G1577 εκκλησίας G3739 ους G2573 καλώς G4160 ποιήσεις G4311 προπέμψας G516 αξίως G3588 του G2316 θεού
  7 G5228 υπέρ γαρ G1063   G3588 του G3686 ονόματος αυτού G1473   G1831 εξήλθον G3367 μηδέν G2983 λαμβάνοντες G575 από G3588 των G1484 εθνών
  8 G1473 ημείς G3767 ούν G3784 οφείλομεν G618 απολαμβάνειν G3588 τους G5108 τοιούτους G2443 ίνα G4904 συνεργοί G1096 γινώμεθα G3588 τη G225 αληθεία
  9 G1125 έγραψα G3588 τη G1577 εκκλησία G235 αλλ΄ G3588 ο G5383 φιλοπρώτευων G1473 αυτών G* Διοτρεφής G3756 ουκ G1926 επιδέχεται G1473 ημάς
  10 G1223 δια τούτο G3778   G1437 εάν G2064 έλθω G5279 υπομνήσω G1473 αυτού G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3739 α G4160 ποιεί G3056 λόγοις G4190 πονηροίς G5396 φλυαρών G1473 ημάς G2532 και G3361 μη G714 αρκούμενος G1909 επί G3778 τούτοις G3777 ούτε G1473 αυτός G1926 επιδέχεται G3588 τους G80 αδελφούς G2532 και G3588 τους G1014 βουλομένους G2967 κωλύει G2532 και G1537 εκ G3588 της G1577 εκκλησίας G1544 εκβάλλει
  11 G27 αγαπητέ G3361 μη G3401 μιμού G3588 το G2556 κακόν G235 αλλά G3588 το G18 αγαθόν G3588 ο G15 αγαθοποιών G1537 εκ G3588 του G2316 θεού G1510.2.3 εστίν G3588 ο δε G1161   G2554 κακοποιών G3756 ουχ G3708 εώρακε G3588 τον G2316 θεόν
  12 G* Δημητρίω G3140 μεμαρτύρηται G5259 υπό G3956 πάντων G2532 και G5259 υπ΄ G1473 αυτής G3588 της G225 αληθείας G2532 και ημείς δε G1473   G1161   G3140 μαρτυρούμεν G2532 και G1492 οίδατε G3754 ότι G3588 η G3141 μαρτυρία ημών G1473   G227 αληθής εστι G1510.2.3  
  13 G4183 πολλά G2192 είχον G1125 γράφειν G235 αλλ΄ G3756 ου θέλω G2309   G1223 διά G3188 μέλανος G2532 και G2563 καλάμου G1473 σοι γράψαι G1125  
  14 G1679 ελπίζω δε G1161   G2112 ευθέως G1492 ιδείν G1473 σε G2532 και G4750 στόμα G4314 προς G4750 στόμα G2980 λαλήσομεν G1515 ειρήνη G1473 σοι G782 ασπάζονταί G1473 σε G3588 οι G5384 φίλοι G782 ασπάζου G3588 τους G5384 φίλους G2596 κατ΄ G3686 όνομα
Stephanus(i) 13 ασπαζεται σε τα τεκνα της αδελφης σου της εκλεκτης αμην

3 John

1 ο πρεσβυτερος γαιω τω αγαπητω ον εγω αγαπω εν αληθεια 2 αγαπητε περι παντων ευχομαι σε ευοδουσθαι και υγιαινειν καθως ευοδουται σου η ψυχη 3 εχαρην γαρ λιαν ερχομενων αδελφων και μαρτυρουντων σου τη αληθεια καθως συ εν αληθεια περιπατεις 4 μειζοτεραν τουτων ουκ εχω χαραν ινα ακουω τα εμα τεκνα εν αληθεια περιπατουντα 5 αγαπητε πιστον ποιεις ο εαν εργαση εις τους αδελφους και εις τους ξενους 6 οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του θεου 7 υπερ γαρ του ονοματος εξηλθον μηδεν λαμβανοντες απο των εθνων 8 ημεις ουν οφειλομεν απολαμβανειν τους τοιουτους ινα συνεργοι γινωμεθα τη αληθεια 9 εγραψα τη εκκλησια αλλ ο φιλοπρωτευων αυτων διοτρεφης ουκ επιδεχεται ημας 10 δια τουτο εαν ελθω υπομνησω αυτου τα εργα α ποιει λογοις πονηροις φλυαρων ημας και μη αρκουμενος επι τουτοις ουτε αυτος επιδεχεται τους αδελφους και τους βουλομενους κωλυει και εκ της εκκλησιας εκβαλλει 11 αγαπητε μη μιμου το κακον αλλα το αγαθον ο αγαθοποιων εκ του θεου εστιν ο δε κακοποιων ουχ εωρακεν τον θεον 12 δημητριω μεμαρτυρηται υπο παντων και υπ αυτης της αληθειας και ημεις δε μαρτυρουμεν και οιδατε οτι η μαρτυρια ημων αληθης εστιν 13 πολλα ειχον γραφειν αλλ ου θελω δια μελανος και καλαμου σοι γραψαι 14 ελπιζω δε ευθεως ιδειν σε και στομα προς στομα λαλησομεν ειρηνη σοι ασπαζονται σε οι φιλοι ασπαζου τους φιλους κατ ονομα
    13 G782 [G5736] V-PNI-3S ασπαζεται G4571 P-2AS σε G3588 T-NPN τα G5043 N-NPN τεκνα G3588 T-GSF της G79 N-GSF αδελφης G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-GSF της G1588 A-GSF εκλεκτης

3 John

    1 G3588 T-NSM ο G4245 A-NSM πρεσβυτερος G1050 N-DSM γαιω G3588 T-DSM τω G27 A-DSM αγαπητω G3739 R-ASM ον G1473 P-1NS εγω G25 [G5719] V-PAI-1S-C αγαπω G1722 PREP εν G225 N-DSF αληθεια
    2 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε G4012 PREP περι G3956 A-GPN παντων G2172 [G5736] V-PNI-1S ευχομαι G4571 P-2AS σε G2137 [G5745] V-PPN ευοδουσθαι G2532 CONJ και G5198 [G5721] V-PAN υγιαινειν G2531 ADV καθως G2137 [G5743] V-PPI-3S ευοδουται G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη
    3 G5463 [G5644] V-2AOI-1S εχαρην G1063 CONJ γαρ G3029 ADV λιαν G2064 [G5740] V-PNP-GPM ερχομενων G80 N-GPM αδελφων G2532 CONJ και G3140 [G5723] V-PAP-GPM μαρτυρουντων G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-DSF τη G225 N-DSF αληθεια G2531 ADV καθως G4771 P-2NS συ G1722 PREP εν G225 N-DSF αληθεια G4043 [G5719] V-PAI-2S περιπατεις
    4 G3186 A-ASF μειζοτεραν G5130 D-GPN τουτων G3756 PRT-N ουκ G2192 [G5719] V-PAI-1S εχω G5485 N-ASF | χαριν G5479 N-ASF | χαραν G2443 CONJ | ινα G191 [G5725] V-PAS-1S ακουω G3588 T-APN τα G1699 S-1APN εμα G5043 N-APN τεκνα G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G225 N-DSF αληθεια G4043 [G5723] V-PAP-ASM περιπατουντα
    5 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε G4103 A-ASN πιστον G4160 [G5719] V-PAI-2S ποιεις G3739 R-ASN ο G1437 COND εαν G2038 [G5667] V-ADS-2S εργαση G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-APM τους G80 N-APM αδελφους G2532 CONJ και G5124 D-NSN τουτο G3581 A-APM ξενους
    6 G3739 R-NPM οι G3140 [G5656] V-AAI-3P εμαρτυρησαν G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-DSF τη G26 N-DSF αγαπη G1799 ADV ενωπιον G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G3739 R-APM ους G2573 ADV καλως G4160 [G5692] V-FAI-2S ποιησεις G4311 [G5660] V-AAP-NSM προπεμψας G516 ADV αξιως G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου
    7 G5228 PREP υπερ G1063 CONJ γαρ G3588 T-GSN του G3686 N-GSN ονοματος G1831 [G5627] V-2AAI-3P εξηλθον G3367 A-ASN μηδεν G2983 [G5723] V-PAP-NPM λαμβανοντες G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GPN των G1482 A-GPM εθνικων
    8 G2249 P-1NP ημεις G3767 CONJ ουν G3784 [G5719] V-PAI-1P οφειλομεν G5274 [G5721] V-PAN υπολαμβανειν G3588 T-APM τους G5108 D-APM τοιουτους G2443 CONJ ινα G4904 A-NPM συνεργοι G1096 [G5741] V-PNS-1P γινωμεθα G3588 T-DSF τη G225 N-DSF αληθεια
    9 G1125 [G5656] V-AAI-1S εγραψα G5100 X-ASN τι G3588 T-DSF τη G1577 N-DSF εκκλησια G235 CONJ αλλ G3588 T-NSM ο G5383 [G5723] V-PAP-NSM φιλοπρωτευων G846 P-GPF αυτων G1361 N-NSM διοτρεφης G3756 PRT-N ουκ G1926 [G5736] V-PNI-3S επιδεχεται G2248 P-1AP ημας
    10 G1223 PREP δια G5124 D-ASN τουτο G1437 COND εαν G2064 [G5632] V-2AAS-1S ελθω G5279 [G5692] V-FAI-1S υπομνησω G846 P-GSM αυτου G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3739 R-APN α G4160 [G5719] V-PAI-3S ποιει G3056 N-DPM λογοις G4190 A-DPM πονηροις G5396 [G5723] V-PAP-NSM φλυαρων G2248 P-1AP ημας G2532 CONJ και G3361 PRT-N μη G714 [G5746] V-PPP-NSM αρκουμενος G1909 PREP επι G5125 D-DPM τουτοις G3777 CONJ ουτε G846 P-NSM αυτος G1926 [G5736] V-PNI-3S επιδεχεται G3588 T-APM τους G80 N-APM αδελφους G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APM τους G1014 [G5740] V-PNP-APM βουλομενους G2967 [G5719] V-PAI-3S κωλυει G2532 CONJ και G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSF της G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G1544 [G5719] V-PAI-3S εκβαλλει
    11 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε G3361 PRT-N μη G3401 [G5737] V-PNM-2S μιμου G3588 T-ASN το G2556 A-ASN κακον G235 CONJ αλλα G3588 T-ASN το G18 A-ASN αγαθον G3588 T-NSM ο G15 [G5723] V-PAP-NSM αγαθοποιων G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G2076 [G5748] V-PXI-3S εστιν G3588 T-NSM ο G2554 [G5723] V-PAP-NSM κακοποιων G3756 PRT-N ουχ G3708 [G5758] V-RAI-3S-ATT εωρακεν G3588 T-ASM τον G2316 N-ASM θεον
    12 G1216 N-DSM δημητριω G3140 [G5769] V-RPI-3S μεμαρτυρηται G5259 PREP υπο G3956 A-GPM παντων G2532 CONJ και G5259 PREP υπο G846 P-GSF αυτης G3588 T-GSF της G225 N-GSF αληθειας G2532 CONJ και G2249 P-1NP ημεις G1161 CONJ δε G3140 [G5719] V-PAI-1P μαρτυρουμεν G2532 CONJ και G1492 [G5758] V-RAI-2S οιδας G3754 CONJ οτι G3588 T-NSF η G3141 N-NSF μαρτυρια G2257 P-1GP ημων G227 A-NSF αληθης G2076 [G5748] V-PXI-3S εστιν
    13 G4183 A-APN πολλα G2192 [G5707] V-IAI-1S ειχον G1125 [G5658] V-AAN γραψαι G4671 P-2DS σοι G235 CONJ αλλ G3756 PRT-N ου G2309 [G5719] V-PAI-1S θελω G1223 PREP δια G3188 A-GSN μελανος G2532 CONJ και G2563 N-GSM καλαμου G4671 P-2DS σοι G1125 [G5721] V-PAN γραφειν
    14 G1679 [G5719] V-PAI-1S ελπιζω G1161 CONJ δε G2112 ADV ευθεως G4571 P-2AS σε G1492 [G5629] V-2AAN ιδειν G2532 CONJ και G4750 N-ASN στομα G4314 PREP προς G4750 N-ASN στομα G2980 [G5692] V-FAI-1P λαλησομεν G1515 N-NSF [1-15] ειρηνη G4671 P-2DS σοι G782 [G5736] V-PNI-3P ασπαζονται G4571 P-2AS σε G3588 T-NPM οι G5384 A-NPM φιλοι G782 [G5737] V-PNM-2S ασπαζου G3588 T-APM τους G5384 A-APM φιλους G2596 PREP κατ G3686 N-ASN ονομα
  13 G782 V-PNI-3S ἀσπάζεταί G4771 P-2AS σε G3588 T-NPN τὰ G5043 N-NPN τέκνα G3588 T-GSF τῆς G79 N-GSF ἀδελφῆς G4771 P-2GS σου G3588 T-GSF τῆς G1588 A-GSF ἐκλεκτῆς.

3 John

  1 G3588 T-NSM G4245 A-NSM-C πρεσβύτερος G1050 N-DSM Γαΐῳ G3588 T-DSM τῷ G27 A-DSM ἀγαπητῷ, G3739 R-ASM ὃν G1473 P-1NS ἐγὼ G25 V-PAI-1S ἀγαπῶ G1722 PREP ἐν G225 N-DSF ἀληθείᾳ.
  2 G27 A-VSM Ἀγαπητέ, G4012 PREP περὶ G3956 A-GPN πάντων G2172 V-PNI-1S εὔχομαί G4771 P-2AS σε G2137 V-PPN εὐοδοῦσθαι G2532 CONJ καὶ G5198 V-PAN ὑγιαίνειν, G2531 ADV καθὼς G2137 V-PPI-3S εὐοδοῦταί G4771 P-2GS σου G3588 T-NSF G5590 N-NSF ψυχή.
  3 G5463 V-2AOI-1S ἐχάρην G3029 ADV λίαν G2064 V-PNP-GPM ἐρχομένων G80 N-GPM ἀδελφῶν G2532 CONJ καὶ G3140 V-PAP-GPM μαρτυρούντων G4771 P-2GS σου G3588 T-DSF τῇ G225 N-DSF ἀληθείᾳ, G2531 ADV καθὼς G4771 P-2NS σὺ G1722 PREP ἐν G225 N-DSF ἀληθείᾳ G4043 V-PAI-2S περιπατεῖς.
  4 G3186 A-ASF-C μειζοτέραν G3778 D-GPN τούτων G3756 PRT-N οὐκ G2192 V-PAI-1S ἔχω G5479 N-ASF χαράν, G2443 CONJ ἵνα G191 V-PAS-1S ἀκούω G3588 T-APN τὰ G1699 S-1APN ἐμὰ G5043 N-APN τέκνα G1722 PREP ἐν G3588 T-DSF τῇ G225 N-DSF ἀληθείᾳ G4043 V-PAP-APN περιπατοῦντα.
  5 G27 A-VSM ἀγαπητέ, G4103 A-ASN πιστὸν G4160 V-PAI-2S ποιεῖς G3739 R-ASN G1437 COND ἐὰν G2038 V-ADS-2S ἐργάσῃ G1519 PREP εἰς G3588 T-APM τοὺς G80 N-APM ἀδελφοὺς G2532 CONJ καὶ G3778 D-NSN τοῦτο G3581 A-APM ξένους,
  6 G3739 R-NPM οἳ G3140 V-AAI-3P ἐμαρτύρησάν G4771 P-2GS σου G3588 T-DSF τῇ G26 N-DSF ἀγάπῃ G1799 ADV ἐνώπιον G1577 N-GSF ἐκκλησίας, G3739 R-APM οὓς G2573 ADV καλῶς G4160 V-FAI-2S ποιήσεις G4311 V-AAP-NSM προπέμψας G516 ADV ἀξίως G3588 T-GSM τοῦ G2316 N-GSM θεοῦ·
  7 G5228 PREP ὑπὲρ G1063 CONJ γὰρ G3588 T-GSN τοῦ G3686 N-GSN ὀνόματος G1831 V-2AAI-3P ἐξῆλθαν G3367 A-ASN-N μηδὲν G2983 V-PAP-NPM λαμβάνοντες G575 PREP ἀπὸ G3588 T-GPM τῶν G1482 A-GPM ἐθνικῶν.
  8 G2248 P-1NP ἡμεῖς G3767 CONJ οὖν G3784 V-PAI-1P ὀφείλομεν G5274 V-PAN ὑπολαμβάνειν G3588 T-APM τοὺς G5108 D-APM τοιούτους, G2443 CONJ ἵνα G4904 A-NPM συνεργοὶ G1096 V-PNS-1P γινώμεθα G3588 T-DSF τῇ G225 N-DSF ἀληθείᾳ.
  9 G1125 V-AAI-1S ἔγραψά G5100 X-ASN τι G3588 T-DSF τῇ G1577 N-DSF ἐκκλησίᾳ· G235 CONJ ἀλλ' G3588 T-NSM G5383 V-PAP-NSM φιλοπρωτεύων G846 P-GPF αὐτῶν G1361 N-NSM Διοτρέφης G3756 PRT-N οὐκ G1926 V-PNI-3S ἐπιδέχεται G2248 P-1AP ἡμᾶς.
  10 G1223 PREP διὰ G3778 D-ASN τοῦτο, G1437 COND ἐὰν G2064 V-2AAS-1S ἔλθω, G5279 V-FAI-1S ὑπομνήσω G846 P-GSM αὐτοῦ G3588 T-APN τὰ G2041 N-APN ἔργα G3739 R-APN G4160 V-PAI-3S ποιεῖ, G3056 N-DPM λόγοις G4190 A-DPM πονηροῖς G5396 V-PAP-NSM φλυαρῶν G2248 P-1AP ἡμᾶς· G2532 CONJ καὶ G3361 PRT-N μὴ G714 V-PPP-NSM ἀρκούμενος G1909 PREP ἐπὶ G3778 D-DPM τούτοις G3777 CONJ-N οὔτε G846 P-NSM αὐτὸς G1926 V-PNI-3S ἐπιδέχεται G3588 T-APM τοὺς G80 N-APM ἀδελφοὺς G2532 CONJ καὶ G3588 T-APM τοὺς G1014 V-PNP-APM βουλομένους G2967 V-PAI-3S κωλύει G2532 CONJ καὶ G3588 T-GSF τῆς G1577 N-GSF ἐκκλησίας G1544 V-PAI-3S ἐκβάλλει.
  11 G27 A-VSM Ἀγαπητέ, G3361 PRT-N μὴ G3401 V-PNM-2S μιμοῦ G3588 T-ASN τὸ G2556 A-ASN κακὸν G235 CONJ ἀλλὰ G3588 T-ASN τὸ G18 A-ASN ἀγαθόν. G3588 T-NSM G15 V-PAP-NSM ἀγαθοποιῶν G1537 PREP ἐκ G3588 T-GSM τοῦ G2316 N-GSM θεοῦ G1510 V-PAI-3S ἐστιν· G3588 T-NSM G2554 V-PAP-NSM κακοποιῶν G3756 PRT-N οὐχ G3708 V-RAI-3S-ATT ἑώρακεν G3588 T-ASM τὸν G2316 N-ASM θεόν.
  12 G1216 N-DSM Δημητρίῳ G3140 V-RPI-3S μεμαρτύρηται G5259 PREP ὑπὸ G3956 A-GPM πάντων G2532 CONJ καὶ G5259 PREP ὑπὸ G846 P-GSF αὐτῆς G3588 T-GSF τῆς G225 N-GSF ἀληθείας· G2532 CONJ καὶ G2248 P-1NP ἡμεῖς G1161 CONJ δὲ G3140 V-PAI-1P μαρτυροῦμεν, G2532 CONJ καὶ G1492 V-RAI-2S οἶδας G3754 CONJ ὅτι G3588 T-NSF G3141 N-NSF μαρτυρία G2248 P-1GP ἡμῶν G227 A-NSF ἀληθής G1510 V-PAI-3S ἐστιν.
  13 G4183 A-APN Πολλὰ G2192 V-IAI-1S εἶχον G1125 V-AAN γράψαι G4771 P-2DS σοι, G235 CONJ ἀλλ' G3756 PRT-N οὐ G2309 V-PAI-1S θέλω G1223 PREP διὰ G3188 A-GSN μέλανος G2532 CONJ καὶ G2563 N-GSM καλάμου G4771 P-2DS σοι G1125 V-PAN γράφειν·
  14 G1679 V-PAI-1S ἐλπίζω G1161 CONJ δὲ G2112 ADV εὐθέως G4771 P-2AS σε G3708 V-2AAN ἰδεῖν, G2532 CONJ καὶ G4750 N-ASN στόμα G4314 PREP πρὸς G4750 N-ASN στόμα G2980 V-FAI-1P λαλήσομεν.
  15 G1515 N-NSF εἰρήνη G4771 P-2DS σοι. G782 V-PNI-3P ἀσπάζονταί G4771 P-2AS σε G3588 T-NPM οἱ G5384 A-NPM φίλοι. G782 V-PNM-2S ἀσπάζου G3588 T-APM τοὺς G5384 A-APM φίλους G2596 PREP κατ' G3686 N-ASN ὄνομα.
Tregelles(i) 13 ἀσπάζεταί σε τὰ τέκνα τῆς ἀδελφῆς σου τῆς ἐκλεκτῆς.

3 John

Ὁ πρεσβύτερος Γαΐῳ τῷ ἀγαπητῷ, ὃν ἐγὼ ἀγαπῶ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ. 2 Ἀγαπητέ, περὶ πάντων εὔχομαί σε εὐοδοῦσθαι καὶ ὑγιαίνειν, καθὼς εὐοδοῦταί σου ἡ ψυχή. 3 ἐχάρην [γὰρ] λίαν ἐρχομένων ἀδελφῶν καὶ μαρτυρούντων σου τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, καθὼς σὺ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ περιπατεῖς. 4 μειζοτέραν τούτων οὐκ ἔχω χαράν, ἵνα ἀκούω τὰ ἐμὰ τέκνα ἐν τῇ ἀληθείᾳ περιπατοῦντα. 5 Ἀγαπητέ, πιστὸν ποιεῖς ὃ ἐὰν ἐργάσῃ εἰς τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς καὶ τοῦτο ξένους, 6 οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ θεοῦ. 7 ὑπὲρ γὰρ τοῦ ὀνόματος ἐξῆλθαν μηδὲν λαμβάνοντες ἀπὸ τῶν ἐθνικῶν. 8 ἡμεῖς οὖν ὀφείλομεν ὑπολαμβάνειν τοὺς τοιούτους, ἵνα συνεργοὶ γινώμεθα τῇ ἀληθείᾳ. 9 Ἔγραψά τι τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ· ἀλλ᾽ ὁ φιλοπρωτεύων αὐτῶν Διοτρεφὴς οὐκ ἐπιδέχεται ἡμᾶς. 10 διὰ τοῦτο, ἐὰν ἔλθω, ὑπομνήσω αὐτοῦ τὰ ἔργα ἃ ποιεῖ, λόγοις πονηροῖς φλυαρῶν ἡμᾶς· καὶ μὴ ἀρκούμενος ἐπὶ τούτοις, οὔτε αὐτὸς ἐπιδέχεται τοὺς ἀδελφούς, καὶ τοὺς βουλομένους κωλύει, καὶ ἐκ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἐκβάλλει. 11 Ἀγαπητέ, μὴ μιμοῦ τὸ κακόν, ἀλλὰ τὸ ἀγαθόν. ὁ ἀγαθοποιῶν, ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ ἐστιν· ὁ κακοποιῶν οὐχ ἑώρακεν τὸν θεόν. 12 Δημητρίῳ μεμαρτύρηται ὑπὸ πάντων καὶ ὑπ᾽ αὐτῆς τῆς ἀληθείας· καὶ ἡμεῖς δὲ μαρτυροῦμεν, καὶ οἶδας ὅτι ἡ μαρτυρία ἡμῶν ἀληθής ἐστιν. 13
Πολλὰ εἶχον γράψαι σοι, ἀλλ᾽ οὐ θέλω διὰ μέλανος καὶ καλάμου σοι γράφειν· 14 ἐλπίζω δὲ εὐθέως σε ἰδεῖν, καὶ στόμα πρὸς στόμα λαλήσομεν. 15 εἰρήνη σοι. ἀσπάζονταί σε οἱ φίλοι. ἀσπάζου τοὺς φίλους κατ᾽ ὄνομα.
  13 G782 (G5736) V-PNI-3S ασπαζεται G4571 P-2AS σε G3588 T-NPN τα G5043 N-NPN τεκνα G3588 T-GSF της G79 N-GSF αδελφης G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-GSF της G1588 A-GSF εκλεκτης G281 HEB αμην

3 John

  1 G3588 T-NSM ο G4245 A-NSM πρεσβυτερος G1050 N-DSM γαιω G3588 T-DSM τω G27 A-DSM αγαπητω G3739 R-ASM ον G1473 P-1NS εγω G25 (G5719) V-PAI-1S-C αγαπω G1722 PREP εν G225 N-DSF αληθεια
  2 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε G4012 PREP περι G3956 A-GPN παντων G2172 (G5736) V-PNI-1S ευχομαι G4571 P-2AS σε G2137 (G5745) V-PPN ευοδουσθαι G2532 CONJ και G5198 (G5721) V-PAN υγιαινειν G2531 ADV καθως G2137 (G5743) V-PPI-3S ευοδουται G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη
  3 G5463 (G5644) V-2AOI-1S εχαρην G1063 CONJ γαρ G3029 ADV λιαν G2064 (G5740) V-PNP-GPM ερχομενων G80 N-GPM αδελφων G2532 CONJ και G3140 (G5723) V-PAP-GPM μαρτυρουντων G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-DSF τη G225 N-DSF αληθεια G2531 ADV καθως G4771 P-2NS συ G1722 PREP εν G225 N-DSF αληθεια G4043 (G5719) V-PAI-2S περιπατεις
  4 G3186 A-ASF μειζοτεραν G5130 D-GPN τουτων G3756 PRT-N ουκ G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-1S εχω G5479 N-ASF χαραν G2443 CONJ ινα G191 (G5725) V-PAS-1S ακουω G3588 T-APN τα G1699 S-1APN εμα G5043 N-APN τεκνα G1722 PREP εν G225 N-DSF αληθεια G4043 (G5723) V-PAP-ASM περιπατουντα
  5 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε G4103 A-ASN πιστον G4160 (G5719) V-PAI-2S ποιεις G3739 R-ASN ο G1437 COND εαν G2038 (G5667) V-ADS-2S εργαση G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-APM τους G80 N-APM αδελφους G2532 CONJ και G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-APM τους G3581 A-APM ξενους
  6 G3739 R-NPM οι G3140 (G5656) V-AAI-3P εμαρτυρησαν G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-DSF τη G26 N-DSF αγαπη G1799 ADV ενωπιον G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G3739 R-APM ους G2573 ADV καλως G4160 (G5692) V-FAI-2S ποιησεις G4311 (G5660) V-AAP-NSM προπεμψας G516 ADV αξιως G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου
  7 G5228 PREP υπερ G1063 CONJ γαρ G3588 T-GSN του G3686 N-GSN ονοματος G1831 (G5627) V-2AAI-3P εξηλθον G3367 A-ASN μηδεν G2983 (G5723) V-PAP-NPM λαμβανοντες G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GPN των G1484 N-GPN εθνων
  8 G2249 P-1NP ημεις G3767 CONJ ουν G3784 (G5719) V-PAI-1P οφειλομεν G618 (G5721) V-PAN απολαμβανειν G3588 T-APM τους G5108 D-APM τοιουτους G2443 CONJ ινα G4904 A-NPM συνεργοι G1096 (G5741) V-PNS-1P γινωμεθα G3588 T-DSF τη G225 N-DSF αληθεια
  9 G1125 (G5656) V-AAI-1S εγραψα G3588 T-DSF τη G1577 N-DSF εκκλησια G235 CONJ αλλ G3588 T-NSM ο G5383 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM φιλοπρωτευων G846 P-GPF αυτων G1361 N-NSM διοτρεφης G3756 PRT-N ουκ G1926 (G5736) V-PNI-3S επιδεχεται G2248 P-1AP ημας
  10 G1223 PREP δια G5124 D-ASN τουτο G1437 COND εαν G2064 (G5632) V-2AAS-1S ελθω G5279 (G5692) V-FAI-1S υπομνησω G846 P-GSM αυτου G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3739 R-APN α G4160 (G5719) V-PAI-3S ποιει G3056 N-DPM λογοις G4190 A-DPM πονηροις G5396 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM φλυαρων G2248 P-1AP ημας G2532 CONJ και G3361 PRT-N μη G714 (G5746) V-PPP-NSM αρκουμενος G1909 PREP επι G5125 D-DPM τουτοις G3777 CONJ ουτε G846 P-NSM αυτος G1926 (G5736) V-PNI-3S επιδεχεται G3588 T-APM τους G80 N-APM αδελφους G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APM τους G1014 (G5740) V-PNP-APM βουλομενους G2967 (G5719) V-PAI-3S κωλυει G2532 CONJ και G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSF της G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G1544 (G5719) V-PAI-3S εκβαλλει
  11 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε G3361 PRT-N μη G3401 (G5737) V-PNM-2S μιμου G3588 T-ASN το G2556 A-ASN κακον G235 CONJ αλλα G3588 T-ASN το G18 A-ASN αγαθον G3588 T-NSM ο G15 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM αγαθοποιων G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν G3588 T-NSM ο G1161 CONJ δε G2554 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM κακοποιων G3756 PRT-N ουχ G3708 (G5758) V-RAI-3S-ATT εωρακεν G3588 T-ASM τον G2316 N-ASM θεον
  12 G1216 N-DSM δημητριω G3140 (G5769) V-RPI-3S μεμαρτυρηται G5259 PREP υπο G3956 A-GPM παντων G2532 CONJ και G5259 PREP υπ G846 P-GSF αυτης G3588 T-GSF της G225 N-GSF αληθειας G2532 CONJ και G2249 P-1NP ημεις G1161 CONJ δε G3140 (G5719) V-PAI-1P μαρτυρουμεν G2532 CONJ και G1492 (G5758) V-RAI-2P οιδατε G3754 CONJ οτι G3588 T-NSF η G3141 N-NSF μαρτυρια G2257 P-1GP ημων G227 A-NSF αληθης G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν
  13 G4183 A-APN πολλα G2192 (G5707) V-IAI-1S ειχον G1125 (G5721) V-PAN γραφειν G235 CONJ αλλ G3756 PRT-N ου G2309 (G5719) V-PAI-1S θελω G1223 PREP δια G3188 A-GSN μελανος G2532 CONJ και G2563 N-GSM καλαμου G4671 P-2DS σοι G1125 (G5658) V-AAN γραψαι
  14 G1679 (G5719) V-PAI-1S ελπιζω G1161 CONJ δε G2112 ADV ευθεως G1492 (G5629) V-2AAN ιδειν G4571 P-2AS σε G2532 CONJ και G4750 N-ASN στομα G4314 PREP προς G4750 N-ASN στομα G2980 (G5692) V-FAI-1P(#1:#15) \'e5\'e9\'f1\'e7\'ed\'e7 {\f0\cf11\super 1515N-NSF λαλησομεν G4671 P-2DS σοι G782 (G5736) V-PNI-3P ασπαζονται G4571 P-2AS σε G3588 T-NPM οι G5384 A-NPM φιλοι G782 (G5737) V-PNM-2S ασπαζου G3588 T-APM τους G5384 A-APM φιλους G2596 PREP κατ G3686 N-ASN ονομα
Nestle(i) 13 Ἀσπάζεταί σε τὰ τέκνα τῆς ἀδελφῆς σου τῆς ἐκλεκτῆς.

3 John

1 Ὁ πρεσβύτερος Γαΐῳ τῷ ἀγαπητῷ, ὃν ἐγὼ ἀγαπῶ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ. 2 Ἀγαπητέ, περὶ πάντων εὔχομαί σε εὐοδοῦσθαι καὶ ὑγιαίνειν, καθὼς εὐοδοῦταί σου ἡ ψυχή. 3 ἐχάρην γὰρ λίαν ἐρχομένων ἀδελφῶν καὶ μαρτυρούντων σου τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, καθὼς σὺ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ περιπατεῖς. 4 μειζοτέραν τούτων οὐκ ἔχω χαράν, ἵνα ἀκούω τὰ ἐμὰ τέκνα ἐν τῇ ἀληθείᾳ περιπατοῦντα. 5 Ἀγαπητέ, πιστὸν ποιεῖς ὃ ἐὰν ἐργάσῃ εἰς τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς καὶ τοῦτο ξένους, 6 οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ Θεοῦ· 7 ὑπὲρ γὰρ τοῦ Ὀνόματος ἐξῆλθαν μηδὲν λαμβάνοντες ἀπὸ τῶν ἐθνικῶν. 8 ἡμεῖς οὖν ὀφείλομεν ὑπολαμβάνειν τοὺς τοιούτους, ἵνα συνεργοὶ γινώμεθα τῇ ἀληθείᾳ. 9 Ἔγραψά τι τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ· ἀλλ’ ὁ φιλοπρωτεύων αὐτῶν Διοτρεφὴς οὐκ ἐπιδέχεται ἡμᾶς. 10 διὰ τοῦτο, ἐὰν ἔλθω, ὑπομνήσω αὐτοῦ τὰ ἔργα ἃ ποιεῖ λόγοις πονηροῖς φλυαρῶν ἡμᾶς, καὶ μὴ ἀρκούμενος ἐπὶ τούτοις οὔτε αὐτὸς ἐπιδέχεται τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς καὶ τοὺς βουλομένους κωλύει καὶ ἐκ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἐκβάλλει. 11 Ἀγαπητέ, μὴ μιμοῦ τὸ κακὸν ἀλλὰ τὸ ἀγαθόν. ὁ ἀγαθοποιῶν ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐστιν· ὁ κακοποιῶν οὐχ ἑώρακεν τὸν Θεόν. 12 Δημητρίῳ μεμαρτύρηται ὑπὸ πάντων καὶ ὑπὸ αὐτῆς τῆς ἀληθείας· καὶ ἡμεῖς δὲ μαρτυροῦμεν, καὶ οἶδας ὅτι ἡ μαρτυρία ἡμῶν ἀληθής ἐστιν. 13 Πολλὰ εἶχον γράψαι σοι, ἀλλ’ οὐ θέλω διὰ μέλανος καὶ καλάμου σοι γράφειν· 14 ἐλπίζω δὲ εὐθέως σε ἰδεῖν, καὶ στόμα πρὸς στόμα λαλήσομεν. 15 Εἰρήνη σοι. ἀσπάζονταί σε οἱ φίλοι. ἀσπάζου τοὺς φίλους κατ’ ὄνομα.
   13 G782 [G5736]V-PNI-3SασπαζεταιG4771P-2ASσεG3588T-NPNταG5043N-NPNτεκναG3588T-GSFτηvG79N-GSFαδελφηvG4771P-2GSσουG3588T-GSFτηvG1588A-GSFεκλεκτηvG281HEBαμην

3 John

   1 G3588T-NSMοG4245A-NSM-CπρεσβυτεροvG1050N-DSMγαιωG3588T-DSMτωG27A-DSMαγαπητωG3739R-ASMονG1473P-1NSεγωG25 [G5719]V-PAI-1SαγαπωG1722PREPενG225N-DSFαληθεια
   2 G27A-VSMαγαπητεG4012PREPπεριG3956A-GPNπαντωνG2172 [G5736]V-PNI-1SευχομαιG4771P-2ASσεG2137 [G5745]V-PPNευοδουσθαιG2532CONJκαιG5198 [G5721]V-PANυγιαινεινG2531ADVκαθωvG2137 [G5743]V-PPI-3SευοδουταιG4771P-2GSσουG3588T-NSFηG5590N-NSFψυχη
   3 G5463 [G5644]V-2AOI-1SεχαρηνG1063CONJγαρG3029ADVλιανG2064 [G5740]V-PNP-GPMερχομενωνG80N-GPMαδελφωνG2532CONJκαιG3140 [G5723]V-PAP-GPMμαρτυρουντωνG4771P-2GSσουG3588T-DSFτηG225N-DSFαληθειαG2531ADVκαθωvG4771P-2NSσυG1722PREPενG225N-DSFαληθειαG4043 [G5719]V-PAI-2Sπεριπατειv
   4 G3173A-ASF-CμειζοτερανG3778D-GPNτουτωνG3756PRT-NουκG2192 [G5719]V-PAI-1SεχωG5479N-ASFχαρανG2443CONJιναG191 [G5725]V-PAS-1SακουωG3588T-APNταG1699S-1SAPNεμαG5043N-APNτεκναG1722PREPενG225N-DSFαληθειαG4043 [G5723]V-PAP-APNπεριπατουντα
   5 G27A-VSMαγαπητεG4103A-ASNπιστονG4160 [G5719]V-PAI-2SποιειvG3739R-ASNοG1437CONDεανG2038 [G5667]V-ADS-2SεργασηG1519PREPειvG3588T-APMτουvG80N-APMαδελφουvG2532CONJκαιG1519PREPειvG3588T-APMτουvG3581A-APMξενουv
   6 G3739R-NPMοιG3140 [G5656]V-AAI-3PεμαρτυρησανG4771P-2GSσουG3588T-DSFτηG26N-DSFαγαπηG1799ADVενωπιονG1577N-GSFεκκλησιαvG3739R-APMουvG2573ADVκαλωvG4160 [G5692]V-FAI-2SποιησειvG4311 [G5660]V-AAP-NSMπροπεμψαvG516ADVαξιωvG3588T-GSMτουG2316N-GSMθεου
   7 G5228PREPυπερG1063CONJγαρG3588T-GSNτουG3686N-GSNονοματοvG1831 [G5627]V-2AAI-3PεξηλθονG3367A-ASN-NμηδενG2983 [G5723]V-PAP-NPMλαμβανοντεvG575PREPαποG3588T-GPNτωνG1484N-GPNεθνων
   8 G1473P-1NPημειvG3767CONJουνG3784 [G5719]V-PAI-1PοφειλομενG618 [G5721]V-PANαπολαμβανεινG3588T-APMτουvG5108D-APMτοιουτουvG2443CONJιναG4904A-NPMσυνεργοιG1096 [G5741]V-PNS-1PγινωμεθαG3588T-DSFτηG225N-DSFαληθεια
   9 G1125 [G5656]V-AAI-1SεγραψαG3588T-DSFτηG1577N-DSFεκκλησιαG235CONJαλλG3588T-NSMοG5383 [G5723]V-PAP-NSMφιλοπρωτευωνG846P-GPFαυτωνG1361N-NSMδιοτρεφηvG3756PRT-NουκG1926 [G5736]V-PNI-3SεπιδεχεταιG1473P-1APημαv
   10 G1223PREPδιαG3778D-ASNτουτοG1437CONDεανG2064 [G5632]V-2AAS-1SελθωG5279 [G5692]V-FAI-1SυπομνησωG846P-GSMαυτουG3588T-APNταG2041N-APNεργαG3739R-APNαG4160 [G5719]V-PAI-3SποιειG3056N-DPMλογοιvG4190A-DPMπονηροιvG5396 [G5723]V-PAP-NSMφλυαρωνG1473P-1APημαvG2532CONJκαιG3361PRT-NμηG714 [G5746]V-PPP-NSMαρκουμενοvG1909PREPεπιG3778D-DPMτουτοιvG3777CONJ-NουτεG846P-NSMαυτοvG1926 [G5736]V-PNI-3SεπιδεχεταιG3588T-APMτουvG80N-APMαδελφουvG2532CONJκαιG3588T-APMτουvG1014 [G5740]V-PNP-APMβουλομενουvG2967 [G5719]V-PAI-3SκωλυειG2532CONJκαιG1537PREPεκG3588T-GSFτηvG1577N-GSFεκκλησιαvG1544 [G5719]V-PAI-3Sεκβαλλει
   11 G27A-VSMαγαπητεG3361PRT-NμηG3401 [G5737]V-PNM-2SμιμουG3588T-ASNτοG2556A-ASNκακονG235CONJαλλαG3588T-ASNτοG18A-ASNαγαθονG3588T-NSMοG15 [G5723]V-PAP-NSMαγαθοποιωνG1537PREPεκG3588T-GSMτουG2316N-GSMθεουG1510 [G5719]V-PAI-3SεστινG3588T-NSMοG2554 [G5723]V-PAP-NSMκακοποιωνG3756PRT-NουχG3708 [G5758]V-RAI-3S-ATTεωρακενG3588T-ASMτονG2316N-ASMθεον
   12 G1216N-DSMδημητριωG3140 [G5769]V-RPI-3SμεμαρτυρηταιG5259PREPυποG3956A-GPMπαντωνG2532CONJκαιG5259PREPυπG846P-GSFαυτηvG3588T-GSFτηvG225N-GSFαληθειαvG2532CONJκαιG1473P-1NPημειvG1161CONJδεG3140 [G5719]V-PAI-1PμαρτυρουμενG2532CONJκαιG1492 [G5758]V-RAI-2PοιδατεG3754CONJοτιG3588T-NSFηG3141N-NSFμαρτυριαG1473P-1GPημωνG227A-NSFαληθηvG1510 [G5719]V-PAI-3Sεστιν
   13 G4183A-APNπολλαG2192 [G5707]V-IAI-1SειχονG1125 [G5721]V-PANγραφεινG235CONJαλλG3756PRT-NουG2309 [G5719]V-PAI-1SθελωG1223PREPδιαG3188A-GSNμελανοvG2532CONJκαιG2563N-GSMκαλαμουG4771P-2DSσοιG1125 [G5658]V-AANγραψαι
   14 G1679 [G5719]V-PAI-1SελπιζωG1161CONJδεG2112ADVευθεωvG3708 [G5629]V-2AANιδεινG4771P-2ASσεG2532CONJκαιG4750N-ASNστομαG4314PREPπροvG4750N-ASNστομαG2980 [G5692]V-FAI-1PλαλησομενG1515N-NSFειρηνηG4771P-2DSσοιG782 [G5736]V-PNI-3PασπαζονταιG4771P-2ASσεG3588T-NPMοιG5384A-NPMφιλοιG782 [G5737]V-PNM-2SασπαζουG3588T-APMτουvG5384A-APMφιλουvG2596PREPκατG3686N-ASNονομα
SBLGNT(i) 13 Ἀσπάζεταί σε τὰ τέκνα τῆς ἀδελφῆς σου τῆς ⸀ἐκλεκτῆς.

3 John

1 Ὁ πρεσβύτερος Γαΐῳ τῷ ἀγαπητῷ, ὃν ἐγὼ ἀγαπῶ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ. 2 Ἀγαπητέ, περὶ πάντων εὔχομαί σε εὐοδοῦσθαι καὶ ὑγιαίνειν, καθὼς εὐοδοῦταί σου ἡ ψυχή. 3 ἐχάρην γὰρ λίαν ἐρχομένων ἀδελφῶν καὶ μαρτυρούντων σου τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, καθὼς σὺ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ περιπατεῖς. 4 μειζοτέραν τούτων οὐκ ἔχω ⸀χαράν, ἵνα ἀκούω τὰ ἐμὰ τέκνα ἐν ⸀τῇ ἀληθείᾳ περιπατοῦντα. 5 Ἀγαπητέ, πιστὸν ποιεῖς ὃ ἐὰν ἐργάσῃ εἰς τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς καὶ ⸀τοῦτο ξένους, 6 οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ θεοῦ· 7 ὑπὲρ γὰρ τοῦ ὀνόματος ἐξῆλθον μηδὲν λαμβάνοντες ἀπὸ τῶν ⸀ἐθνικῶν. 8 ἡμεῖς οὖν ὀφείλομεν ⸀ὑπολαμβάνειν τοὺς τοιούτους, ἵνα συνεργοὶ γινώμεθα τῇ ἀληθείᾳ. 9 Ἔγραψά ⸀τι τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ· ἀλλ’ ὁ φιλοπρωτεύων αὐτῶν Διοτρέφης οὐκ ἐπιδέχεται ἡμᾶς. 10 διὰ τοῦτο, ἐὰν ἔλθω, ὑπομνήσω αὐτοῦ τὰ ἔργα ἃ ποιεῖ, λόγοις πονηροῖς φλυαρῶν ἡμᾶς, καὶ μὴ ἀρκούμενος ἐπὶ τούτοις οὔτε αὐτὸς ἐπιδέχεται τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς καὶ τοὺς βουλομένους κωλύει καὶ ἐκ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἐκβάλλει. 11 Ἀγαπητέ, μὴ μιμοῦ τὸ κακὸν ἀλλὰ τὸ ἀγαθόν. ὁ ἀγαθοποιῶν ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ ἐστιν· ὁ κακοποιῶν οὐχ ἑώρακεν τὸν θεόν. 12 Δημητρίῳ μεμαρτύρηται ὑπὸ πάντων καὶ ὑπὸ αὐτῆς τῆς ἀληθείας· καὶ ἡμεῖς δὲ μαρτυροῦμεν, καὶ ⸀οἶδας ὅτι ἡ μαρτυρία ἡμῶν ἀληθής ἐστιν. 13 Πολλὰ εἶχον ⸂γράψαι σοι⸃, ἀλλ’ οὐ θέλω διὰ μέλανος καὶ καλάμου σοι ⸀γράφειν· 14 ἐλπίζω δὲ εὐθέως ⸂σε ἰδεῖν⸃, καὶ στόμα πρὸς στόμα λαλήσομεν. 15 Εἰρήνη σοι. ἀσπάζονταί σε οἱ φίλοι. ἀσπάζου τοὺς φίλους κατ’ ὄνομα.
f35(i) 13 ασπαζεται σε τα τεκνα της αδελφης σου της εκλεκτης αμην

3 John

1 ο πρεσβυτερος γαιω τω αγαπητω ον εγω αγαπω εν αληθεια 2 αγαπητε περι παντων ευχομαι σε ευοδουσθαι και υγιαινειν καθως ευοδουται σου η ψυχη 3 εχαρην γαρ λιαν ερχομενων αδελφων και μαρτυρουντων σου τη αληθεια καθως συ εν αληθεια περιπατειv 4 μειζοτεραν τουτων ουκ εχω χαραν ινα ακουω τα εμα τεκνα εν αληθεια περιπατουντα 5 αγαπητε πιστον ποιεις ο εαν εργαση εις τους αδελφους και εις τους ξενουv 6 οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του θεου 7 υπερ γαρ του ονοματος εξηλθον μηδεν λαμβανοντες απο των εθνων 8 ημεις ουν οφειλομεν απολαμβανειν τους τοιουτους ινα συνεργοι γινωμεθα τη αληθεια 9 εγραψα τη εκκλησια αλλ ο φιλοπρωτευων αυτων διοτρεφης ουκ επιδεχεται ημαv 10 δια τουτο εαν ελθω υπομνησω αυτου τα εργα α ποιει λογοις πονηροις φλυαρων ημας και μη αρκουμενος επι τουτοις ουτε αυτος επιδεχεται τους αδελφους και τους βουλομενους κωλυει και εκ της εκκλησιας εκβαλλει 11 αγαπητε μη μιμου το κακον αλλα το αγαθον ο αγαθοποιων εκ του θεου εστιν ο δε κακοποιων ουχ εωρακεν τον θεον 12 δημητριω μεμαρτυρηται υπο παντων και υπ αυτης της αληθειας και ημεις δε μαρτυρουμεν και οιδαμεν οτι η μαρτυρια ημων αληθης εστιν 13 πολλα ειχον γραφειν αλλ ου θελω δια μελανος και καλαμου σοι γραψαι 14 ελπιζω δε ευθεως ιδειν σε και στομα προς στομα λαλησομεν ειρηνη σοι ασπαζονται σε οι φιλοι ασπαζου τους φιλους κατ ονομα
  13 G782 (G5736) ασπαζεται Salute G4571 σε Thee G3588 τα The G5043 τεκνα   G3588 της Children G79 αδελφης Sister G4675 σου   G3588 της Of Thine G1588 εκλεκτης Elect. G281 αμην Amen.

3 John

  1 G3588 ο The G4245 πρεσβυτερος Elder G1050 γαιω To Gaius G3588 τω The G27 αγαπητω Beloved G3739 ον Whom G1473 εγω I G25 (G5719) αγαπω Love G1722 εν In G225 αληθεια Truth
  2 G27 αγαπητε Beloved G4012 περι Concerning G3956 παντων All Things G2172 (G5736) ευχομαι I Wish G4571 σε Thee G2137 (G5745) ευοδουσθαι To Prosper G2532 και And G5198 (G5721) υγιαινειν Be In Health G2531 καθως Even As G2137 (G5743) ευοδουται Prospers G4675 σου   G3588 η Thy G5590 ψυχη Soul
  3 G5463 (G5644) εχαρην I Rejoiced G1063 γαρ For G3029 λιαν Exceedingly G2064 (G5740) ερχομενων Coming G80 αδελφων Brethren G2532 και And G3140 (G5723) μαρτυρουντων Bearing Witness G4675 σου   G3588 τη Of Thy G225 αληθεια Truth G2531 καθως Even As G4771 συ Thou G1722 εν In G225 αληθεια Truth G4043 (G5719) περιπατεις Walkest
  4 G3186 μειζοτεραν Greater G5130 τουτων Than These Things G3756 ουκ Not G2192 (G5719) εχω I Have G5479 χαραν Joy G2443 ινα That G191 (G5725) ακουω   G3588 τα I Should Hear Of G1699 εμα My G5043 τεκνα Children G1722 εν In G225 αληθεια Truth G4043 (G5723) περιπατουντα Walking
  5 G27 αγαπητε Beloved G4103 πιστον Faithfully G4160 (G5719) ποιεις Thou Doest G3739 ο What G1437 εαν Ever G2038 (G5667) εργαση Thou Mayest Have Wrought G1519 εις Towards G3588 τους The G80 αδελφους Brethren G2532 και And G1519 εις Towards G3588 τους The G3581 ξενους Strangers
  6 G3739 οι Who G3140 (G5656) εμαρτυρησαν Witnessed G4675 σου   G3588 τη Of Thy G26 αγαπη Love G1799 ενωπιον Before G1577 εκκλησιας Assembly G3739 ους Whom G2573 καλως Well G4160 (G5692) ποιησεις Thou Wilt Do G4311 (G5660) προπεμψας Setting Forward G516 αξιως   G3588 του Worthily G2316 θεου Of God
  7 G5228 υπερ For G1063 γαρ For G3588 του The G3686 ονοματος Name G1831 (G5627) εξηλθον They Went Forth G3367 μηδεν Nothing G2983 (G5723) λαμβανοντες Taking G575 απο From G3588 των The G1484 εθνων Nations
  8 G2249 ημεις We G3767 ουν Therefore G3784 (G5719) οφειλομεν Ought G618 (G5721) απολαμβανειν   G3588 τους To Receive G5108 τοιουτους Such G2443 ινα That G4904 συνεργοι Fellow Workers G1096 (G5741) γινωμεθα We May Be G3588 τη With The G225 αληθεια Truth
  9 G1125 (G5656) εγραψα I Wrote G3588 τη To The G1577 εκκλησια Assembly G235 αλλ But G3588 ο Who G5383 (G5723) φιλοπρωτευων Loves To Be First G846 αυτων Among Them G1361 διοτρεφης Diotrephes G3756 ουκ Not G1926 (G5736) επιδεχεται Receives G2248 ημας Us
  10 G1223 δια On Account Of G5124 τουτο This G1437 εαν If G2064 (G5632) ελθω I Come G5279 (G5692) υπομνησω I Will Bring To Remembrance G846 αυτου Of Him G3588 τα The G2041 εργα Works G3739 α Which G4160 (G5719) ποιει He Does G3056 λογοις With Words G4190 πονηροις Evil G5396 (G5723) φλυαρων Prating Against G2248 ημας Us G2532 και And G3361 μη Not G714 (G5746) αρκουμενος Satisfied G1909 επι With G5125 τουτοις These G3777 ουτε Neither G846 αυτος Himself G1926 (G5736) επιδεχεται Receives G3588 τους The G80 αδελφους Brethren G2532 και And G3588 τους Those Who G1014 (G5740) βουλομενους Would G2967 (G5719) κωλυει He Forbids G2532 και And G1537 εκ From G3588 της The G1577 εκκλησιας Assembly G1544 (G5719) εκβαλλει Casts Out
  11 G27 αγαπητε Beloved G3361 μη Do Not G3401 (G5737) μιμου Imitate G3588 το That Which G2556 κακον Evil G235 αλλα But G3588 το What G18 αγαθον Good G3588 ο He That G15 (G5723) αγαθοποιων Does Good G1537 εκ   G3588 του Of G2316 θεου God G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G3588 ο He That G1161 δε But G2554 (G5723) κακοποιων Does Evil G3756 ουχ Not G3708 (G5758) εωρακεν   G3588 τον Has Seen G2316 θεον God
  12 G1216 δημητριω To Demetrius G3140 (G5769) μεμαρτυρηται Witness Is Born G5259 υπο By G3956 παντων All G2532 και And G5259 υπ By G846 αυτης Itself G3588 της The G225 αληθειας Truth G2532 και And G2249 ημεις We G1161 δε Also G3140 (G5719) μαρτυρουμεν Bear Witness G2532 και And G1492 (G5758) οιδατε Ye Know G3754 οτι   G3588 η That G3141 μαρτυρια Witness G2257 ημων Our G227 αληθης True G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is
  13 G4183 πολλα Many Things G2192 (G5707) ειχον I Had G1125 (G5721) γραφειν To Write G235 αλλ But G3756 ου Not G2309 (G5719) θελω I Will G1223 δια With G3188 μελανος Ink G2532 και And G2563 καλαμου Pen G4671 σοι To Thee G1125 (G5658) γραψαι To Write
  14 G1679 (G5719) ελπιζω I Hope G1161 δε But G2112 ευθεως Immediately G1492 (G5629) ιδειν To See G4571 σε Thee G2532 και And G4750 στομα Mouth G4314 προς To G4750 στομα Mouth G2980 (G1 - 15) λαλησομεν We Shall Speak G1515 ειρηνη Peace G4671 σοι To Thee G782 (G5736) ασπαζονται Salute G4571 σε Thee G3588 οι The G5384 φιλοι Friends G782 (G5737) ασπαζου Salute G3588 τους The G5384 φιλους Friends G2596 κατ By G3686 ονομα Name
   13 G3588 T-NPN τα Thes G5043 N-NPN τεκνα Children G3588 T-GSF της Of Tha G79 N-GSF αδελφης Sister G4675 P-2GS σου Of Thee G3588 T-GSF της Tha G1588 A-GSF εκλεκτης Chosen G782 V-PNI-3S ασπαζεται Salute G4571 P-2AS σε Thee G281 HEB αμην Truly

3 John

   1 G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G4245 A-NSM πρεσβυτερος Elder G3588 T-DSM τω To Tho G27 A-DSM αγαπητω Beloved G1050 N-DSM γαιω Gaius G3739 R-ASM ον Whom G1473 P-1NS εγω I G25 V-PAI-1S-C αγαπω Love G1722 PREP εν In G225 N-DSF αληθεια Truth
   2 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε Beloved G2172 V-PNI-1S ευχομαι I Pray For G4571 P-2AS σε Thee G2137 V-PPN ευοδουσθαι To Prosper G4012 PREP περι Concerning G3956 A-GPN παντων All G2532 CONJ και And G5198 V-PAN υγιαινειν To Be Healthy G2531 ADV καθως Just As G3588 T-NSF η Tha G5590 N-NSF ψυχη Soul G4675 P-2GS σου Of Thee G2137 V-PPI-3S ευοδουται Prospers
   3 G1063 CONJ γαρ For G5463 V-2AOI-1S εχαρην I Rejoiced G3029 ADV λιαν Exceedingly G80 N-GPM αδελφων Of Brothers G2064 V-PNP-GPM ερχομενων Coming G2532 CONJ και And G3140 V-PAP-GPM μαρτυρουντων Testifying G3588 T-DSF τη To Tha G225 N-DSF αληθεια Truth G4675 P-2GS σου Of Thee G2531 ADV καθως Just As G4771 P-2NS συ Thou G4043 V-PAI-2S περιπατεις Walk G1722 PREP εν In G225 N-DSF αληθεια Truth
   4 G2192 V-PAI-1S εχω I Have G3756 PRT-N ουκ No G5479 N-ASF χαραν Joy G3186 A-ASF-C μειζοτεραν Greater Than G5130 D-GPN τουτων These G2443 CONJ ινα So That G191 V-PAI-1S ακουω I Hear G1699 S-1APN εμα My G3588 T-APN τα Thes G5043 N-APN τεκνα Children G4043 V-PAP-ASM περιπατουντα Walking G1722 PREP εν In G225 N-DSF αληθεια Truth
   5 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε Beloved G4160 V-PAI-2S ποιεις Thou Do G4103 A-ASN πιστον Faithful G3739 R-ASN ο What G1437 COND εαν Ever G2038 V-ADS-2S εργαση Thou Work G1519 PREP εις For G3588 T-APM τους Thos G80 N-APM αδελφους Brothers G2532 CONJ και And G1519 PREP εις For G3588 T-APM τους Thos G3581 A-APM ξενους Foreign
   6 G3739 R-NPM οι Who G3140 V-AAI-3P εμαρτυρησαν Testified G3588 T-DSF τη About Tha G26 N-DSF αγαπη Love G4675 P-2GS σου Of Thee G1799 ADV ενωπιον In Sight G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας Of Congregation G3739 R-APM ους Whom G4160 V-FAI-2S ποιησεις Thou Will Do G2573 ADV καλως Well G4311 V-AAP-NSM προπεμψας Having Helped Send G516 ADV αξιως Worthily G3588 T-GSM του Of Tho G2316 N-GSM θεου God
   7 G1063 CONJ γαρ For G1831 V-2AAI-3P εξηλθον They Went Forth G5228 PREP υπερ On Behalf G3588 T-GSN του Of The G3686 N-GSN ονοματος Name G2983 V-PAP-NPM λαμβανοντες Taking G3367 A-ASN μηδεν Nothing G575 PREP απο From G3588 T-GPN των Thes G1484 N-GPN εθνων Gentiles
   8 G2249 P-1NP ημεις We G3767 CONJ ουν Therefore G3784 V-PAI-1P οφειλομεν Ought G618 V-PAN απολαμβανειν To Welcome G3588 T-APM τους Thos G5108 D-APM τοιουτους Such G2443 CONJ ινα So That G1096 V-PNS-1P γινωμεθα We Might Become G4904 A-NPM συνεργοι Co-working G3588 T-DSF τη For Tha G225 N-DSF αληθεια Truth
   9 G1125 V-AAI-1S εγραψα I Wrote G3588 T-DSF τη To Tha G1577 N-DSF εκκλησια Congregation G235 CONJ αλλ But G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G1361 N-NSM διοτρεφης Diotrephes G5383 V-PAP-NSM φιλοπρωτευων Who Loves To Be First G846 P-GPM αυτων Of Them G1926 V-PNI-3S επιδεχεται Accepted G2248 P-1AP ημας Us G3756 PRT-N ουκ Not
   10 G1223 PREP δια Because Of G5124 D-ASN τουτο This G1437 COND εαν If G2064 V-2AAS-1S ελθω I Come G5279 V-FAI-1S υπομνησω I Will Remember G3588 T-APN τα Thes G2041 N-APN εργα Works G846 P-GSM αυτου Of Him G3739 R-APN α That G4160 V-PAI-3S ποιει He Does G5396 V-PAP-NSM φλυαρων Prating Against G2248 P-1AP ημας Us G4190 A-DPM πονηροις With Evil G3056 N-DPM λογοις Words G2532 CONJ και And G3361 PRT-N μη Not G714 V-PPP-NSM αρκουμενος Being Satisfied G1909 PREP επι In G5125 D-DPM τουτοις These G846 T-NSM αυτος Himself G3777 CONJ ουτε Not Even G1926 V-PNI-3S επιδεχεται He Accepts G3588 T-APM τους Thos G80 N-APM αδελφους Brothers G2532 CONJ και And G2967 V-PAI-3S κωλυει He Forbids G3588 T-APM τους Thos G1014 V-PNP-APM βουλομενους Who Would G2532 CONJ και And G1544 V-PAI-3S εκβαλλει Expels G1537 PREP εκ From G3588 T-GSF της Tha G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας Congregation
   11 G27 A-VSM αγαπητε Beloved G3401 V-PNM-2S μιμου Imitate G3361 PRT-N μη Not G3588 T-ASN το The G2556 A-ASN κακον Evil G235 CONJ αλλα But G3588 T-ASN το The G18 A-ASN αγαθον Good G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G15 V-PAP-NSM αγαθοποιων Doing Right G2076 V-PXI-3S εστιν Is G1537 PREP εκ Of G3588 T-GSM του Tho G2316 N-GSM θεου God G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G2554 V-PAP-NSM κακοποιων Doing Wrong G3756 PRT-N ουχ Not G3708 V-RAI-3S-ATT εωρακεν Has Seen G3588 T-ASM τον Tho G2316 N-ASM θεον God
   12 G1216 N-DSM δημητριω Demetrius G3140 V-RPI-3S μεμαρτυρηται Has Been Testified G5259 PREP υπο By G3956 A-GPM παντων All G2532 CONJ και And G5259 PREP υπ By G3588 T-GSF της Tha G225 N-GSF αληθειας Truth G846 T-GSF αυτης Itself G1161 CONJ δε But G2249 P-1NP ημεις We G2532 CONJ και Also G3140 V-PAI-1P μαρτυρουμεν Testify G2532 CONJ και And G1492 V-RAI-2P οιδατε Ye Know G3754 CONJ οτι That G3588 T-NSF η Tha G3141 N-NSF μαρτυρια Testimony G2257 P-1GP ημων Of Us G2076 V-PXI-3S εστιν Is G227 A-NSF αληθης True
   13 G2192 V-IAI-1S ειχον I Had G4183 A-APN πολλα Many G1125 V-PAN γραφειν To Write G235 CONJ αλλ But G2309 V-PAI-1S θελω I Want G3756 PRT-N ου Not G1125 V-AAN γραψαι To Write G4671 P-2DS σοι To Thee G1223 PREP δια By G3188 A-GSN μελανος Ink G2532 CONJ και And G2563 N-GSM καλαμου Pen
   14 G1161 CONJ δε But G1679 V-PAI-1S ελπιζω I Hope G1492 V-2AAN ιδειν To See G4571 P-2AS σε Thee G2112 ADV ευθεως Straightaway G2532 CONJ και And G2980 V-FAI-1P λαλησομεν We Will Speak G4750 N-ASN στομα Mouth G4314 PREP προς To G4750 N-ASN στομα Mouth G1515 N-NSF ειρηνη Peace G4671 P-2DS σοι To Thee G3588 T-NPM οι Thos G5384 A-NPM φιλοι Friendly G782 V-PNI-3P ασπαζονται Salute G4571 P-2AS σε Thee G782 V-PNM-2S ασπαζου Salute G3588 T-APM τους Thos G5384 A-APM φιλους Friendly G2596 PREP κατ By G3686 N-ASN ονομα Name
  13 G3588 The G5043 children G4675 of thine G3588   G1588 elect G3588   G79 sister G782 [G5736] greeteth G4571 thee. G281 Amen.

3 John

  1 G4245 The elder G27 to the wellbeloved G1050 Gaius, G3739 whom G1473 I G25 [G5719] love G1722 in G225 truth.
  2 G27 Beloved, G2172 [G5736] I make a vow G4012 concerning G3956 all things G4571 that thou G2137 [G5745] mayest prosper G2532 and G5198 [G5721] be in health, G2531 even as G4675 thy G5590 breath G2137 [G5743] prospereth.
  3 G1063 For G5463 [G5644] I rejoiced G3029 exceedingly, G80 when the brethren G2064 [G5740] came G2532 and G3140 [G5723] testified G225 of the truth G4675 that is in thee, G2531 even as G4771 thou G4043 [G5719] walkest G1722 in G225 the truth.
  4 G2192 [G5719] I have G3756 no G3186 G5130 greater G5479 joy G2443 than to G191 [G5725] hear G1699 that my G5043 children G4043 [G5723] walk G1722 in G225 truth.
  5 G27 Beloved, G4160 [G5719] thou doest G4103 faithfully G3739 G1437 whatever G2038 [G5667] thou doest G1519 to G80 the brethren, G2532 and G1519 to G3581 strangers;
  6 G3739 Who G3140 [G5656] have borne witness G4675 of thy G26 love G1799 before G1577 the congregation: G3739 whom G4311 [G5660] if thou shalt bring forward on their journey G516 worthily G3588   G2316 of God, G4160 [G5692] thou shalt do G2573 well:
  7 G1063 Because G5228 0 for G846 his G3686 name's G5228 sake G1831 [G5627] they went forth, G2983 [G5723] taking G3367 nothing G575 from G1484 the nations.
  8 G2249 We G3767 therefore G3784 [G5719] ought G618 [G5721] to receive G5108 such, G2443 that G1096 [G5741] we may be G4904 fellow-workers G225 to the truth.
  9 G1125 [G5656] I wrote G1577 to the congregation: G235 but G1361 Diotrephes, G3588 who G5383 [G5723] loveth to have the preeminence G846 among them, G1926 [G5736] receiveth G2248 us G3756 not.
  10 G1223 G5124 Therefore, G1437 if G2064 [G5632] I come, G5279 [G5692] I will remember G846 his G2041 deeds G3739 which G4160 [G5719] he doeth, G5396 [G5723] prating against G2248 us G4190 with evil G3056 words: G2532 and G3361 not G714 [G5746] satisfied G1909 G5125 with that, G3777 neither G1926 0 doth G846 he himself G1926 [G5736] receive G80 the brethren, G2532 and G2967 [G5719] forbiddeth G1014 [G5740] them that would, G2532 and G1544 [G5719] casteth G1537 them out of G1577 the congregation.
  11 G27 Beloved, G3401 [G5737] imitate G3361 not G2556 that which is bad, G235 but G18 that which is good. G15 [G5723] He that doeth good G2076 [G5748] is G1537 of G2316 God: G1161 but G2554 [G5723] he that doeth bad G3708 0 hath G3756 not G3708 [G5758] seen G2316 God.
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 [G5769] hath good report G5259 by G3956 all G2532 men, and G5259 by G225 the truth G846 itself: G1161 G2532 and, G2249 we G3140 [G5719] also bear witness; G2532 and G1492 [G5758] ye know G3754 that G2257 our G3141 witness G2076 [G5748] is G227 true.
  13 G2192 [G5707] I had G4183 many things G1125 [G5721] to write, G235 but G2309 [G5719] I will G3756 not G1223 with G3188 ink G2532 and G2563 pen G1125 [G5658] write G4671 to thee:
  14 G1161 But G1679 [G5719] I expect G1492 0 I shall G2112 shortly G1492 [G5629] see G4571 thee, G2532 and G2980 [G5692] we shall speak G4750 face G4314 to G4750 face. G1515 Peace G4671 be to thee. G5384 Our friends G782 [G5736] greet G4571 thee. G782 [G5737] Greet G5384 the friends G2596 by G3686 name.
Vulgate(i) 13 salutant te filii sororis tuae electae

3 John

1 senior Gaio carissimo quem ego diligo in veritate 2 carissime de omnibus orationem facio prospere te ingredi et valere sicut prospere agit anima tua 3 gavisus sum valde venientibus fratribus et testimonium perhibentibus veritati tuae sicut tu in veritate ambulas 4 maiorem horum non habeo gratiam quam ut audiam filios meos in veritate ambulantes 5 carissime fideliter facis quicquid operaris in fratres et hoc in peregrinos 6 qui testimonium reddiderunt caritati tuae in conspectu ecclesiae quos bene facies deducens digne Deo 7 pro nomine enim profecti sunt nihil accipientes a gentibus 8 nos ergo debemus suscipere huiusmodi ut cooperatores simus veritatis 9 scripsissem forsitan ecclesiae sed is qui amat primatum gerere in eis Diotrepes non recipit nos 10 propter hoc si venero commoneam eius opera quae facit verbis malignis garriens in nos et quasi non ei ista sufficiant nec ipse suscipit fratres et eos qui cupiunt prohibet et de ecclesia eicit 11 carissime noli imitari malum sed quod bonum est qui benefacit ex Deo est qui malefacit non vidit Deum 12 Demetrio testimonium redditur ab omnibus et ab ipsa veritate et nos autem testimonium perhibemus et nosti quoniam testimonium nostrum verum est 13 multa habui scribere tibi sed nolui per atramentum et calamum scribere tibi 14 { spero autem protinus te videre et os ad os loquemur <1-15> pax tibi salutant te amici saluta amicos per nomen}
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 13 Salutant te filii sororis tuæ Electæ.

3 John

1 2 Carissime, de omnibus orationem facio prospere te ingredi, et valere sicut prospere agit anima tua. 3 Gavisus sum valde venientibus fratribus, et testimonium perhibentibus veritati tuæ, sicut tu in veritate ambulas. 4 Majorem horum non habeo gratiam, quam ut audiam filios meos in veritate ambulare. 5 Carissime, fideliter facis quidquid operaris in fratres, et hoc in peregrinos, 6 qui testimonium reddiderunt caritati tuæ in conspectu ecclesiæ: quos, benefaciens, deduces digne Deo. 7 Pro nomine enim ejus profecti sunt, nihil accipientes a gentibus. 8 Nos ergo debemus suscipere hujusmodi, ut cooperatores simus veritatis. 9 Scripsissem forsitan ecclesiæ: sed is qui amat primatum genere in eis, Diotrephes, non recipit nos: 10 propter hoc si venero, commonebo ejus opera, quæ facit, verbis malignis garriens in nos: et quasi non ei ista sufficiant, neque ipse suscipit fratres: et eos qui suscipiunt, prohibet, et de ecclesia ejicit. 11 Carissime, noli imitari malum, sed quod bonum est. Qui benefacit, ex Deo est: qui malefacit, non vidit Deum. 12 Demetrio testimonium redditur ab omnibus, et ab ipsa veritate, sed et nos testimonium perhibemus: et nosti quoniam testimonium nostrum verum est. 13 Multa habui tibi scribere: sed nolui per atramentum et calamum scribere tibi. 14 Spero autem protinus te videre, et os ad os loquemur. Pax tibi. Salutant te amici. Saluta amicos nominatim.
Wycliffe(i) 13 The sones of thi chosun sistir greten thee wel. The grace of God be with thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The eldere man to Gayus, most dere brother, whom Y loue in treuthe. 2 Most dere brothir, of alle thingis Y make preyer, that thou entre, and fare welefuly, as thi soule doith welefuli. 3 Y ioyede greetli, for britheren camen, and baren witnessing to thi treuthe, `as thou walkist in treuthe. 4 Y haue not more grace of these thingis, than that Y here that my sones walke in treuthe. 5 Most dere brother, thou doist feithfuli, what euer thou worchist in britheren, and that in to pilgrymys, 6 which yeldiden witnessing to thi charite, in the siyt of the chirche; which thou leddist forth, and doist wel worthili to God. 7 For thei wenten forth for his name, and token no thing of hethene men. 8 Therfor we owen to resseyue siche, that we be euen worcheris of treuthe. 9 I hadde write perauenture to the chirche, but this Diotrepes, that loueth to bere primacie in hem, resseyueth not vs. 10 For this thing, if Y schal come, Y schal moneste hise werkis, whiche he doith, chidinge ayens vs with yuel wordis. And as if these thingis suffisen not to hym, nether he resseyueth britheren, and forbedith hem that resseyuen, and puttith out of the chirche. 11 Moost dere brothir, nyle thou sue yuel thing, but that that is good thing. He that doith wel, is of God; he that doith yuel, seeth not God. 12 Witnessing is yoldun to Demetrie of alle men, and of treuthe it silf; but also we beren witnessing, and thou knowist, that oure witnessing is trewe. 13 Y hadde many thingis to wryte to thee, but Y wolde not write to thee bi enke and penne. 14 For Y hope soone to se thee, and we schulen speke mouth to mouth. Pees be to thee. Frendis greten thee wel. Greete thou wel frendis bi name.
Tyndale(i) 13 The sonnes of thy electe syster grete the. Amen.

3 John

1 The Elder vnto the beloven Gayus whom I love in ye trueth. 2 Beloved I wisshe in all thinges that thou prosperedest and faredest well eve as thy soule prospereth. 3 I reioysed greatly when the brethren came and testified of the trueth that is in the how thou walkest in trouthe. 4 I have no greater ioye then for to heare howe that my sonnes walke in veritie. 5 Beloved thou doest faythfully what soever thou doest to the brethren and to straungers 6 which bare witnes of thy love before all the congregacion. Which brethren whe thou bryngest forwardes on their iorney (as it besemeth god) thou shalt do well: 7 because that for his names sake they went forth and toke nothinge of the gentyls. 8 We therfore ought to receave soche that we also myght be helpers to the trueth. 9 I wrote vnto the congregacio: but Diotrephes which loveth to have the preeminence amoge them receaveth vs not. 10 Wherfore yf I come I will declare his dedes which he doeth iestinge on vs with malicious wordes nether is therewith content. Not only he him silfe receaveth not the brethre: but also he forbiddeth them that wolde and thrusteth them out of the congregacion. 11 11Beloved folowe not that which is evyll but that which is good. He that doeth well is of God: but he yt doeth evyll seith not God. 12 Demetrius hath good reporte of all men and of the trueth: ye and we oure selves also beare recorde and ye knowe that oure recorde is true. 13 I have many thinges to wryte: but I will not with ynke and penne wryte vnto the. 14 For I trust I shall shortly se the and we shall speake mouth to mouth. Peace be with the. The lovers salute the. Grete the lovers by name.
Coverdale(i) 13 The children of thy electe sister salute the. Amen.

3 John

1 The Elder. To the beloued Gaius, whom I loue in the trueth. 2 My beloued, I wysshe in all thinges, that thou prospere and fare well euen as thy soule prospereth. 3 I reioysed greatly, whan the brethren came, and testified of the trueth that is in ye, how thou walkest in the trueth. 4 I haue no greater ioye, the to heare that my childre walke in the trueth. 5 My beloued, thou doest faithfully what so euer thou doest to the brethren and to straugers, 6 which haue borne witnesse of thy loue before the congregacion: and thou hast done well that thou dyddest brynge them forwarde on their iourney, worthely before God. 7 For because of his names sake they wente forth, and toke nothinge of the Heythen. 8 We therfore oughte to receaue soch, that we mighte be helpers vnto the trueth. 9 I wrote to the congregacion, but Diotriphes, which loueth to haue the preemynence amonge them, receaued vs not. 10 Wherfore, yf I come, I wil declare his dedes which he doeth, ieastinge vpo vs with malicious wordes: nether is he therwith cotent. Not onely he himselfe receaueth not the brethre, but also he forbyddeth them that wolde, and thrusteth them out of the congregacion. 11 My beloued, folowe not yt which is euell, but that which is good. He that doeth well, is of God: but he that doeth euell, seyth not God. 12 Demetrius hath good reporte of all men, and of the trueth: yee and we oure selues also beare recorde, and ye knowe that oure recorde is true. 13 I had many thinges to wryte, but I wolde not with ynke, and pen wryte vnto the. 14 But I trust shortly to se the and so wyl we speake together mouth to mouth.
MSTC(i) 13 The sons of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen. {Here ends the Second General Epistle of John}

3 John

1 The elder unto the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Wellbeloved, I wish in all things that thou prosperedest and faredest well, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, how thou in truth walkest. 4 I have no greater joy than for to hear how that my sons walk in verity. 5 Dearly beloved, thou dost faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers, 6 which bare witness of thy love before all the congregation. Which brethren, when thou bringest forwards on their journey — as it beseemeth God — thou shalt do well: 7 because that for his name's sake they went forth, and took nothing of the gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we also might be helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote unto the congregation: but Diotrephes which loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not, 10 wherefore if I come I will declare his deeds which he doeth, jesting on us with malicious words, neither is therewith content. Not only he himself receiveth not the brethren: but also he forbiddeth them that would, and thrusteth them out of the congregation. 11 Dearly beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good: He that doeth well is of God: but he that doeth evil seeth not God. 12 Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth. Yea and we ourselves also bear record, and ye know that our record is true. 13 I have many things to write: But I will not with pen and ink write unto thee. 14 For I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak mouth to mouth. Peace be with thee. The lovers salute thee. Greet the lovers by name. {Here ends the Third General Epistle of John}
Matthew(i) 13 The sonnes of thy electe sister grete the. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder vnto the beloued Gaius, whom I loue in the trueth. 2 Beloued, I wyshe in all thynges, that thou prosperedst, and faredest well euen as thy soule prospereth. 3 I reioysed greatly, when the brethren came and testifyed of the trueth that is in the, how thou walkest in the trueth. 4 I haue no greater ioye, then for to heare howe that my sonnes walke in veritye. 5 Beloued, thou doest faythfullye whatsoeuer thou doest to the brethren, and to straungers, 6 whiche beare wytnes of thy loue before all the congregacion. Whiche brethren when thou bringest forwards on their iourney (as it besemeth God) thou shalt do wel, 7 because that for his names sake they wente forth, and toke nothinge of the Gentiles. 8 We therfore ought to receyue suche, that we also myght be healpers to the trueth. 9 I wrote vnto the congregacion, but Diotrephes, which loueth to haue the preeminence amonge them, receiueth vs not. 10 Wherfore yf I come, I wyl declare his dedes, whiche he doth, resting on vs wyth malicious wordes, neyther is there wyth contente. Not onlye he hym selfe receyueth not the brethren, but also he forbyddeth them that woulde, and thrusteth them out of the congregacyon. 11 Beloued, folowe not that whiche is euyll, but that which is good. He that doth well, is of God, but he that doth euyl, seeth not God. 12 Demetrius hath good report of al men, and of the trueth, yea: & we our selues also beare recorde, and ye knowe that oure recorde is true. 13 I haue many thynges to wryte, but I wyll not wyth ynke and penne wryte vnto the. 14 For I trust I shal shortly se the, and we shall speake mouth to mouth. Peace be wyth the. The louers salute the. Grete the louers by name.
Great(i) 13 the sonnes of thy electe sister grete the. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder vnto the beloued Gayus whom I loue in the trueth. 2 Beloued I wisshe in all thynges that thou prosperedest, and faredest well, euen as thy soule prospereth, 3 For I reioysed greatly, when the brethren came, and testifyed of the trueth that is in the, how thou walkest in the trueth. 4 I haue no greater ioye, then for to heare, how that my sonnes walke in veritye. 5 Beloued thou doest faythfully, what soeuer thou doest to the brethren, and to straungers, 6 which beare wytnes of thy loue before the congregacyon. Which brethren if thou brynge forwardes of theyr iorney (after a godly sorte) thou shalt do well: 7 because that for his names sake they went forth: and toke nothynge of the Gentyls. 8 We therfore ought to receaue such, that we myght be helpers to the trueth. 9 I wrote vnto the congregacion: but Diotrephes which loueth to haue the preeminence amonge them, receaueth vs not. 10 Wherfore yf I come, I will declare hys dedes which he doeth, iestinge on vs wt malicious wordes, nether is therewith content. Not onely he him selfe receaueth not the brethren: but also he forbyddeth them that wolde, and thrusteth them out of the congregacion. 11 Beloued, folowe not that which is euyll, but that which is good. He that doeth well is of God: but he that doeth euill, seyth not God. 12 Demetrius hath good reporte of all men & of the trueth it selfe. yee, and we oure selues also beare recorde, & ye knowe, that oure recorde is true. 13 I had many thinges to wryte: but I will not with ynke and penne wryte vnto the. 14 I trust I shall shortly se the & we shall speake mouth to mouth. Peace be vnto the. The louers salute the. Grete the louers by name.
Geneva(i) 13

3 John

1 The Elder vnto the beloued Gaius, whom I loue in the trueth. 2 Beloued, I wish chiefly that thou prosperedst and faredst well as thy soule prospereth. 3 For I reioyced greatly when the brethren came, and testified of the trueth that is in thee, how thou walkest in the trueth. 4 I haue no greater ioy then these, that is, to heare that my sonnes walke in veritie. 5 Beloued, thou doest faithfully, whatsoeuer thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers, 6 Which bare witnesse of thy loue before the Churches. Whom if thou bringest on their iourney as it beseemeth according to God, thou shalt doe well, 7 Because that for his Names sake they went forth, and tooke nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receiue such, that we might be helpers to the trueth. 9 I wrote vnto the Church: but Diotrephes which loueth to haue the preeminence among them, receiueth vs not. 10 Wherefore if I come, I will call to your remembrance his deedes which he doeth, pratling against vs with malicious wordes, and not therewith content, neither he himselfe receiueth the brethren, but forbiddeth them that woulde, and thrusteth them out of the Church. 11 Beloued, follow not that which is euill, but that which is good: he that doeth well, is of God: but he that doeth euill, hath not seene God. 12 Demetrius hath good report of al men, and of the trueth it selfe: yea, and wee our selues beare recorde, and ye know that our record is true. 13 I haue many things to write: but I will not with yncke and pen write vnto thee: 14 For I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speake mouth to mouth. Peace be with thee. The friends salute thee. Greete the friends by name.
Bishops(i) 13 The sonnes of thy elect sister greete thee. Amen

3 John

1 The elder vnto ye beloued Gaius, whom I loue in the trueth 2 Beloued, I wishe in all thynges that thou prosperedst and faredst well, euen as thy soule prospereth 3 For I reioyced greatly, when the brethren came & testified of the trueth that is in thee, how thou walkest in ye trueth 4 I haue no greater ioy, the for to heare how that my sonnes walke in veritie 5 Beloued, thou doest faythfully whatsoeuer thou doest to the brethren, and to straungers 6 Which beare witnesse of thy loue before the Churche. Which brethren, yf thou bryng forwardes of their iourney after a godly sorte, thou shalt do well 7 Because that for his names sake they went foorth, and toke nothyng of the gentiles 8 We therfore ought to receaue such, that we myght be helpers to the trueth 9 I wrote vnto the Churche: but Diotrephes which loueth to haue the preeminence among the, receaueth vs not 10 Wherfore yf I come, I wyll declare his deedes which he doth, iestyng on vs with malicious wordes, neither is therwith content: not only he hym selfe receaueth not the brethren: but also he forbiddeth the that woulde, and thrusteth them out of the Churche 11 Beloued, folow not that which is euyl, but that which is good. He that doth well, is of God: but he that doth euyll, seeth not God 12 Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the trueth it selfe: Yea, and we our selues also beare recorde, and ye knowe that our recorde is true 13 I haue many thynges to write: but I wyll not with inke and penne write vnto thee 14 { I trust I shal shortly see thee, and we shall speake mouth to mouth. Peace be vnto thee. The louers salute thee. Greete the louers by name}
DouayRheims(i) 13 The children of thy sister Elect salute thee.

3 John

1 The Ancient, to the dearly beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Dearly beloved, concerning all things I make it my prayer that thou mayest proceed prosperously and fare well, as thy soul doth prosperously. 3 I was exceedingly glad when the brethren came and gave testimony to the truth in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater grace than this, to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Dearly beloved, thou dost faithfully whatever thou dost for the brethren: and that for strangers, 6 Who have given testimony to thy charity in the sight of the church. Whom thou shalt do well to bring forward on their way in a manner worthy of God: 7 Because, for his name they went out, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such: that we may be fellow helpers of the truth. 9 I had written perhaps to the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, doth not receive us. 10 For this cause, if I come, I will advertise his works which he doth, with malicious words prating against us. And as if these things were not enough for him, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and them that do receive them he forbiddeth, and casteth out of the church. 11 Dearly beloved, follow not that which is evil: but that which is good. He that doth good is of God: he that doth evil hath not seen God. 12 To Demetrius, testimony is given by all, and by the truth itself: yea and we also give testimony. And thou knowest that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write unto thee: but I would not by ink and pen write to thee. 14 But I hope speedily to see thee: and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
KJV(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; 6 Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: 7 Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth. 9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee: 14 But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 10 Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee: 14 But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; 6 Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: 7 Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth. 9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.
  13 G5043 The children G4675 of thy G1588 elect G79 sister G782 greet [G5736]   G4571 thee G281 . Amen.

3 John

  1 G4245 The elder G27 unto the wellbeloved G1050 Gaius G3739 , whom G1473 I G25 love [G5719]   G1722 in G225 the truth.
  2 G27 Beloved G2172 , I wish [G5736]   G4012 above G3956 all things G4571 that thou G2137 mayest prosper [G5745]   G2532 and G5198 be in health [G5721]   G2531 , even as G4675 thy G5590 soul G2137 prospereth [G5743]  .
  3 G1063 For G5463 I rejoiced [G5644]   G3029 greatly G80 , when the brethren G2064 came [G5740]   G2532 and G3140 testified [G5723]   G225 of the truth G4675 that is in thee G2531 , even as G4771 thou G4043 walkest [G5719]   G1722 in G225 the truth.
  4 G2192 I have [G5719]   G3756 no G3186 greater G5130   G5479 joy G2443 than to G191 hear [G5725]   G1699 that my G5043 children G4043 walk [G5723]   G1722 in G225 truth.
  5 G27 Beloved G4160 , thou doest [G5719]   G4103 faithfully G3739 whatsoever G1437   G2038 thou doest [G5667]   G1519 to G80 the brethren G2532 , and G1519 to G3581 strangers;
  6 G3739 Which G3140 have borne witness [G5656]   G4675 of thy G26 charity G1799 before G1577 the church G3739 : whom G4311 if thou bring forward on their journey [G5660]   G516 after G2316 a godly G516 sort G4160 , thou shalt do [G5692]   G2573 well:
  7 G1063 Because that G5228 for G846 his G3686 name's G5228 sake G1831 they went forth [G5627]   G2983 , taking [G5723]   G3367 nothing G575 of G1484 the Gentiles.
  8 G2249 We G3767 therefore G3784 ought [G5719]   G618 to receive [G5721]   G5108 such G2443 , that G1096 we might be [G5741]   G4904 fellowhelpers G225 to the truth.
  9 G1125 I wrote [G5656]   G1577 unto the church G235 : but G1361 Diotrephes G3588 , who G5383 loveth to have the preeminence [G5723]   G846 among them G1926 , receiveth [G5736]   G2248 us G3756 not.
  10 G1223 Wherefore G5124   G1437 , if G2064 I come [G5632]   G5279 , I will remember [G5692]   G846 his G2041 deeds G3739 which G4160 he doeth [G5719]   G5396 , prating against [G5723]   G2248 us G4190 with malicious G3056 words G2532 : and G3361 not G714 content [G5746]   G1909 therewith G5125   G3777 , neither G1926 doth G846 he himself G1926 receive [G5736]   G80 the brethren G2532 , and G2967 forbiddeth [G5719]   G1014 them that would [G5740]   G2532 , and G1544 casteth [G5719]   G1537 them out of G1577 the church.
  11 G27 Beloved G3401 , follow [G5737]   G3361 not G2556 that which is evil G235 , but G18 that which is good G15 . He that doeth good [G5723]   G2076 is [G5748]   G1537 of G2316 God G1161 : but G2554 he that doeth evil [G5723]   G3708 hath G3756 not G3708 seen [G5758]   G2316 God.
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 hath good report [G5769]   G5259 of G3956 all G2532 men, and G5259 of G225 the truth G846 itself G1161 : yea G2532 , and G2249 we G3140 also bear record [G5719]   G2532 ; and G1492 ye know [G5758]   G3754 that G2257 our G3141 record G2076 is [G5748]   G227 true.
  13 G2192 I had [G5707]   G4183 many things G1125 to write [G5721]   G235 , but G2309 I will [G5719]   G3756 not G1223 with G3188 ink G2532 and G2563 pen G1125 write [G5658]   G4671 unto thee:
  14 G1161 But G1679 I trust [G5719]   G1492 I shall G2112 shortly G1492 see [G5629]   G4571 thee G2532 , and G2980 we shall speak [G5692]   G4750 face G4314 to G4750 face G1515 . Peace G4671 be to thee G5384 . Our friends G782 salute [G5736]   G4571 thee G782 . Greet [G5737]   G5384 the friends G2596 by G3686 name.
Mace(i) 13 The children of your sister ECLECTA salute you. AMEN.

3 John

1 The PRESBYTER to my dear Gaius, whom I truly love. 2 I wish, my beloved, you may be as prosperous with regard to your health and other circumstances, as in what concerns your soul. 3 For I was greatly pleased when the brethren came and assured me of your fidelity and religious conduct. 4 greater joy I cannot have, than to hear that my children are attach'd to the truth. 5 My dear child, whatever you do in behalf of the brethren, and of those who are strangers, is commendable. 6 they have made a publick declaration of your charity, and you will do well to accompany them in the most effectual manner. 7 for they set out upon account of the gospel, and refus'd to take any thing of the Gentiles. 8 it behoves us to give a kind reception to such, that we may be assistant in promoting the truth. 9 I have writ to the church: but Diotrephes, who affects the superiority, has no regard to our representations. 10 for which reason, when I come, I shall animadvert upon his conduct, and the malicious aspersions he casts upon us: not contented with this, he will neither receive the brethren himself, nor suffer those who are better inclin'd, to do it; but drives them out of the church. 11 my beloved, don't imitate vice, but virtue. he that does good, is a child of God: he that does evil, is not acquainted with God. 12 Demetrius has the applauses of all men, and the testimony of his own virtue: we likewise certify in his behalf, and you know that our testimonial deserves credit. 13 I have many things to write, which I don't think fit to commit to paper and ink: 14 hoping I shall shortly see you, and then communicate them in person.
Whiston(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister greet thee.

3 John

1 THE elder unto the well-beloved Gaius whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayst prosper, and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, thou dost faithfully whatsoever thou dost, and that to the brethren; 6 Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey worthily of God, thou shalt do well: 7 Because that for [his] names sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow-helpers to the church. 9 I wrote somewhat unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Wherefore if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doth, prating against us with wicked words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth [them] out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good, is of God: He that doeth evil, hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we bear record, and thou knowest that our record is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I would not with ink and pen write unto thee: 14 But I hope I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak mouth to mouth, Peace [be] to thee. Our brethren salute thee. Greet the friends by name.
Wesley(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister salute thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder unto the well-beloved Caius, whom I truly love. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things, that thou mayst prosper and be in health, as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came, and testified of the truth that is in thee, as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children walk in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou dost faithfully whatsoever thou dost to the brethren and to strangers, 6 Who have testified of thy love before the church; whom if thou send forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well. 7 For they went forth for his sake, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We ought therefore to receive such, that we may be fellow-helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote to the church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Wherefore if I come I will remember his wicked deeds which he doth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that is a doer of good is of God, but he that is a doer of evil, hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath a good testimony from all men, and from the truth itself: yea, we also bear testimony, and ye know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write; but I will not write to thee with ink and pen. 14 But I trust to see thee shortly, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
Worsley(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister salute thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I earnestly pray, that thou mayst prosper and be in health, as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I greatly rejoiced, when the brethren came, and bore testimony to thy truth, even as thou walkest in truth. 4 And I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou actest faithfully in whatsoever service thou dost to the brethren, and to strangers too; 6 who have borne witness to thy love before the church: whom thou wilt do well in forwarding, as is worthy of God. 7 For they went forth for his name's sake, taking nothing of the gentiles. 8 We ought therefore to receive such, that we may become fellow-laborers in the truth. 9 I wrote to the church: but Diotrephes, who affects the pre-eminence among them, doth not receive us. 10 Therefore when I come, I will remember his deeds, prating against us with wicked words: and not content with these, he neither receiveth the brethren himself, nor suffers those that would; and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not thou follow that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doth good is of God: but he, that doth evil, hath not seen God. 12 A good testimony is borne to Demetrius by all men, and by the truth itself: yea, and we also bear him like witness, and ye know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write: but I would not write to thee with pen and ink; 14 for I hope to see thee soon, and we shall speak mouth to mouth. (15) Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
Haweis(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister salute thee. Amen.

3 John

1 THE presbyter to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, above all things I pray that thou mayest prosper, and be in sound health of body, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came, and bore witness to thy truth, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than these tidings, that I hear my own children are walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever services thou performest for the brethren, and for strangers; 6 who have borne testimony to thy love before the church; to whom thou wilt perform a good act of service in forwarding them on their journey, in a manner worthy of God. 7 For on account of his name they went forth, receiving nothing from the heathen. 8 We therefore ought to assist such men, that we may become fellow-labourers in the truth. 9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who affects pre-eminence over them, receiveth us not. 10 Therefore if I come I will remember his works which he doth, with wicked words prating against us; and not content with these things, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and those who are willing he hindereth, and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, be not an imitator of what is evil, but of that which is good. He that doeth good is of God, but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath a good testimony from all men, and from the truth itself: and we also bear our testimony, and ye know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write; but I would not write to thee with ink and pen: 14 but I hope shortly to see thee, and we shall speak mouth to mouth. Peace be to thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
Thomson(i) 13 The children of thy sister Electa salute thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom in truth I love 2 Beloved, I wish thee health and prosperity in all things, as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I was greatly rejoiced at the coming of the brethren, who bear testimony to thy truth, as thou walkest in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth. 5 Beloved, thou actest as a believer, in what thou dost for the brethren, and for the strangers, 6 who have borne testimony for thy love, in the presence of the congregation whom thou wilt do well to forward on in their journey in a manner worthy of God; 7 for they have gone forth for his name's sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to entertain such, that we may be fellow helpers in the truth. 9 I wrote to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who affecteth a preeminence among them, doth not regard us. 10 For this cause, when I come I will take notice of his works which he doth, talking lightly of us with malicious words, and not content with this, he doth not entertain the brethren himself, and them who would, he hindereth, and casteth them out of the congregation. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who doth good is of God. But he who doth evil, hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath a good testimony from all, and from the truth; and even we ourselves bear testimony for him; and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I do not choose to write to thee with ink and pen; 14 but I hope to see thee soon, when we shall speak face to face. Peace be with thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
Webster(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to the well-beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; 6 Who have borne testimony of thy charity before the church: whom if thou shalt bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou wilt do well: 7 Because for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be fellow-helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote to the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content with that, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath good report by all men, and by the truth itself: and we also bear testimony; and ye know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write to thee: 14 But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. 15 (1:14)Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.
  13 G5043 The children G4675 of thy G1588 elect G79 sister G782 [G5736] greet G4571 thee G281 . Amen.

3 John

  1 G4245 The elder G27 to the wellbeloved G1050 Gaius G3739 , whom G1473 I G25 [G5719] love G1722 in G225 truth.
  2 G27 Beloved G2172 [G5736] , I wish G4012 above G3956 all things G4571 that thou G2137 [G5745] mayest prosper G2532 and G5198 [G5721] be in health G2531 , even as G4675 thy G5590 soul G2137 [G5743] prospereth.
  3 G1063 For G5463 [G5644] I rejoiced G3029 greatly G80 , when the brethren G2064 [G5740] came G2532 and G3140 [G5723] testified G225 of the truth G4675 that is in thee G2531 , even as G4771 thou G4043 [G5719] walkest G1722 in G225 the truth.
  4 G2192 [G5719] I have G3756 no G3186 G5130 greater G5479 joy G2443 than to G191 [G5725] hear G1699 that my G5043 children G4043 [G5723] walk G1722 in G225 truth.
  5 G27 Beloved G4160 [G5719] , thou doest G4103 faithfully G3739 G1437 whatever G2038 [G5667] thou doest G1519 to G80 the brethren G2532 , and G1519 to G3581 strangers;
  6 G3739 Who G3140 [G5656] have borne witness G4675 of thy G26 charity G1799 before G1577 the church G3739 : whom G4311 [G5660] if thou shalt bring forward on their journey G516 0 after G2316 a godly G516 sort G4160 [G5692] , thou shalt do G2573 well:
  7 G1063 Because G5228 0 for G846 his G3686 name's G5228 sake G1831 [G5627] they went forth G2983 [G5723] , taking G3367 nothing G575 from G1484 the Gentiles.
  8 G2249 We G3767 therefore G3784 [G5719] ought G618 [G5721] to receive G5108 such G2443 , that G1096 [G5741] we may be G4904 fellowhelpers G225 to the truth.
  9 G1125 [G5656] I wrote G1577 to the church G235 : but G1361 Diotrephes G3588 , who G5383 [G5723] loveth to have the preeminence G846 among them G1926 [G5736] , receiveth G2248 us G3756 not.
  10 G1223 G5124 Therefore G1437 , if G2064 [G5632] I come G5279 [G5692] , I will remember G846 his G2041 deeds G3739 which G4160 [G5719] he doeth G5396 [G5723] , prating against G2248 us G4190 with malicious G3056 words G2532 : and G3361 not G714 [G5746] content G1909 G5125 with that G3777 , neither G1926 0 doth G846 he himself G1926 [G5736] receive G80 the brethren G2532 , and G2967 [G5719] forbiddeth G1014 [G5740] them that would G2532 , and G1544 [G5719] casteth G1537 them out of G1577 the church.
  11 G27 Beloved G3401 [G5737] , follow G3361 not G2556 that which is evil G235 , but G18 that which is good G15 [G5723] . He that doeth good G2076 [G5748] is G1537 of G2316 God G1161 : but G2554 [G5723] he that doeth evil G3708 0 hath G3756 not G3708 [G5758] seen G2316 God.
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 [G5769] hath good report G5259 by G3956 all G2532 men, and G5259 by G225 the truth G846 itself G1161 G2532 : and G2249 , we G3140 [G5719] also bear witness G2532 ; and G1492 [G5758] ye know G3754 that G2257 our G3141 witness G2076 [G5748] is G227 true.
  13 G2192 [G5707] I had G4183 many things G1125 [G5721] to write G235 , but G2309 [G5719] I will G3756 not G1223 with G3188 ink G2532 and G2563 pen G1125 [G5658] write G4671 to thee:
  14 G1161 But G1679 [G5719] I trust G1492 0 I shall G2112 shortly G1492 [G5629] see G4571 thee G2532 , and G2980 [G5692] we shall speak G4750 face G4314 to G4750 face G1515 . Peace G4671 be to thee G5384 . Our friends G782 [G5736] greet G4571 thee G782 [G5737] . Greet G5384 the friends G2596 by G3686 name.
Living_Oracles(i) 13 The children of your beloved sister, salute you.

3 John

1 The elder, to Gaius, the beloved, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I pray, that with respect to all things, you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came, and bore witness to your truth, even as you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than that which I have when I hear my children are walking in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully what you perform for the brethren, and for the strangers. 6 These have borne testimony to your love, in the presence of the congregation; whom, if you help forward on their journey, in a manner worthy of God, you will do well. 7 Because for his name's sake, they went forth, receiving nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We, therefore, ought to entertain such, that we may be joint laborers in the truth. 9 I wrote to the congregation: but Diotrephes, who affects a pre-eminence among them, does not receive us. 10 For this cause, when I come, I will bring his deeds to remembrance, which he practices-prating against us with malicious words; and, not content with this, he does not himself receive the brethren, and forbids them who would, and casts them out of the congregation. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good, is of God; but he who does evil, has not seen God. 12 Testimony is borne to Demetrius, by all, and by the truth itself; and we also bear testimony; and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I have many things to write; but I do not incline to write them to you with pen and ink: 14 for I hope immediately to see you, and so we shall speak face to face. Salute the friends by name.
Etheridge(i) 13 The sons of thy elect sister ask your peace. Grace be with you. Amen.

3 John

1 THE presbyter unto Gaios my beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Our beloved, in all things I pray for thee, that thou mayest prosper and be healthful, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I have rejoiced greatly when the brethren have come, and have testified concerning thy integrity, even as in the truth thou walkest. 4 And greater joy than this I have not (than) when I hear that my sons walk in the truth. 5 Our beloved, in faithfulness thou performest what thou doest unto the brethren, and especially to those who are strangers, 6 who have testified of thy charity, before all the church, to whom thou hast done well according to that which is worthy of Aloha. 7 For after his name they went forth, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be helpers of the truth. 9 I would have written to the church; but he who loveth to be foremost[Kadmoyo.] of you, Diotrapas, receiveth us not. 10 On account of this, if I come, I will remember the works which he doeth, who words of evil maketh concerning us; and these not satisfying him, he hath not received the brethren, and those who receive he forbiddeth, and also expelleth from the church. 11 Our beloved, be not imitative of the evil, but of the good. He who doeth good is of Aloha, and he who doeth evil hath not seen Aloha. 12 Concerning Demetrios is a testimony from every man, and from the church, and from the truth itself. But we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I have many things which I would write to thee, but I will not with ink and reed write to thee. 14 But I hope that soon I shall see thee, and mouth to mouth we will speak. [1:15] Peace be with thee. The friends ask thy peace. Ask the peace of the friends each by his name.
Murdock(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister salute thee. Grace be with you. Amen.

3 John

1 THE Elder, to my beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Our beloved; in all things, I pray for thee that thou mayest prosper and be in health, as thy soul doth prosper. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified concerning thy integrity, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 And I have no greater joy, than to hear that my children walk in the truth. 5 Our beloved, thou doest in faith, what thou performest towards the brethren; and especially towards strangers, 6 who have borne testimony to thy charity before the whole church, to whom thou doest good, as is pleasing to God. 7 For they went forth in behalf of his name, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such persons, that we may be aiders of the truth. 9 I was desirous of writing to the church; but he who loveth to be foremost among them, Diotrephes, receiveth us not. 10 Therefore, if he come, remember those his doings, that he treated us with malignant words; and this not sufficing him, he received not the brethren; and those who would receive them, he prohibited, and even ejected them from the church. 11 Our beloved, be not a follower of what is evil, but of what is good. He that doeth good, is of God; but he that doeth evil, hath not seen God. 12 Of Demetrius, there is good testimony from every one, and from the church, and from the truth itself: and we also bear him testimony, and ye know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write to thee; but I will not write them to thee with ink and pen. 14 { But I hope soon to see thee, and to converse mouth to mouth. [ (III John 1:15) Peace be with thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends, severally, by name. ]}
Sawyer(i) 13 The children of your elect sister salute you.

3 John

1 (1:1) THE elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I desire above all things that you may prosper and be in health, as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced exceedingly when the brothers came and testified of your truth, as you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, that I hear of my children walking in the truth. 5 (1:2) Beloved, you did faithfully whatever you do to the brothers, and that to strangers, 6 who testified of your love before the church, whom you will do well to send forward worthily of God. 7 For they went out for his name, taking nothing of the gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be co-laborers for the truth. 9 (1:3) I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes desiring the pre-eminence does not receive us. 10 Therefore if I come I will remember his works which he performs, prating against us with evil words, and not being satisfied, in addition to these [things] he does not receive the brothers, and forbids and casts out of the church those wishing to do it. 11 (1:4) Beloved, do not imitate evil but good. He that does good is of God; he that does evil has not seen God. 12 Testimony is borne to Demetrius by all, and by the truth itself; and we also testify, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 (1:5) I had many things to write, but wish not to write to you with ink and pen; 14 but hope soon to see you, and we will speak face to face. Peace be to you. The friends salute you; salute the friends by name.
Diaglott(i) 13 Salute thee the children of the sister of thee the chosen one.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved one, whom I love in truth. 2 O beloved one, concerning all things I wish thee to prosper and to be in health, even as prospers thee the life. 3 I rejoiced for greatly, coming brethren and testifying of the in the truth, even as thou in truth walkest. 4 Greater of these not I have joy, that I hear the my children in truth walking. 5 O beloved one, faithfully thou doest whatever thou mayest work for the brethren and in the strangers, 6 these bore testimony of thee to the love in presence of congregation; whom well thou wilt do having sent forward worthily of the God. 7 On behalf for of the name they went forth, nothing receiving from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive the such like ones, that co-workers we may become in the truth. 9 I wrote to the congregation; but the one loving to be first of them Diotrephes not receives us. 10 On account of this, if I come, I will remember of him the works which he does, with words evil prating against us; and not being satisfied in these things, not even he receives the brethren, and those wishing he forbids, and out of the congregation he casts. 11 O beloved one, not do thou imitate the evil thing, but the good thing. The one doing good, of the God is; the one doing evil, not has seen the God. 12 Demetrius has been testified to by all, and by herself the truth; also we and testify, and you know, that the testimony of us true is. 13 Many things I had to write, but not I wish by means of ink and pen to thee to write; 14 I hop but immediately to see thee, and mouth to mouth we will speak. [Peace to thee. Salute thee the friends; do thou salute the friends by name.]
ABU(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister salute thee.

3 John

1 THE elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, concerning all things I pray that thou mayest prosper and be in health, as thy soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when brethren came and bore witness to thy truth, as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest a faithful thing, in whatever thou doest to the brethren, and that to strangers, 6 who bore witness to thy love before the church; whom if thou send forward on their journey worthily of God, thou wilt do well; 7 for on behalf of the NAME they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to sustain such persons, that we may become fellow-workers for the truth. 9 I wrote somewhat to the church; but Diotrephes, who loves to have the pre-eminence among them, receives us not. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his deeds which he does, prating against us with evil words. And not content therewith, neither does he himself receive the brethren, and those who are willing he forbids, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He that does good, is of God; he that does evil, has not seen God. 12 To Demetrius, testimony has been borne by all, and by the truth itself; yea, we also bear witness, and thou knowest that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write to thee, but I wish not to write to thee with ink and pen; 14 but I hope immediately to see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends, by name.
Anderson(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you.

3 John

1 elder to the beloved Gains, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I pray above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and testified to the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do to the brethren, and to strangers, 6 who have testified to your love before the church: if you conduct these on their journey, in a manner worthy of God, you will do well: 7 for, on account of his name, they went out, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We, there fore, ought to receive such, that we may be fellow-helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote to the church; but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will remember his works which he does, prating against us with malicious words: and not content with these things, he does not himself receive the brethren, but both for bids those who are willing, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God: he that does evil has not seen God. 12 A good report is given of Demetrius by all, and by the truth itself: and we also give our testimony, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not communicate them to you with ink and pen. 14 { But I trust that I shall shortly see you, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace be to you. Our friends here salute you. Salute our friends with you by name.}
Noyes(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister salute thee.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, in all things I pray that thou mayst prosper and be in health, as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when brethren came and bore witness to thy truth, as thou walkest in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children walk in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest a faithful thing whatever thou doest to the brethren, and that to strangers, 6 who bore witness of thy love before the church; whom if thou send forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, thou wilt do well. 7 For in behalf of the Name they went forth, taking nothing of the gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to sustain such persons, that we may be fellowworkers for the truth. 9 I wrote something to the church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Wherefore, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words; and not content therewith, he himself doth not receive the brethren, and those that would he forbiddeth, and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God; he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 To Demetrius testimony hath been borne by all, and by the truth itself; yea, we also bear witness, and ye know that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write to thee, but I do not wish to write to thee with ink and pen; 14 but I hope to see thee immediately, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
YLT(i) 13 salute thee do the children of thy choice sister. Amen.

3 John

1 The Elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth! 2 beloved, concerning all things I desire thee to prosper, and to be in health, even as thy soul doth prosper,
3 for I rejoiced exceedingly, brethren coming and testifying of the truth in thee, even as thou in truth dost walk; 4 greater than these things I have no joy, that I may hear of my children in truth walking. 5 Beloved, faithfully dost thou do whatever thou mayest work to the brethren and to the strangers, 6 who did testify of thy love before an assembly, whom thou wilt do well, having sent forward worthily of God, 7 because for His name they went forth, nothing receiving from the nations; 8 we, then, ought to receive such, that fellow-workers we may become to the truth.
9 I did write to the assembly, but he who is loving the first place among them—Diotrephes—doth not receive us; 10 because of this, if I may come, I will cause him to remember his works that he doth, with evil words prating against us; and not content with these, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and those intending he doth forbid, and out of the assembly he doth cast. 11 Beloved, be not thou following that which is evil, but that which is good; he who is doing good, of God he is, and he who is doing evil hath not seen God;
12 to Demetrius testimony hath been given by all, and by the truth itself, and we also—we do testify, and ye have known that our testimony is true. 13 Many things I had to write, but I do not wish through ink and pen to write to thee, 14 and I hope straightway to see thee, and mouth to mouth we shall speak. Peace to thee! salute thee do the friends; be saluting the friends by name.
JuliaSmith(i) 13 The children of thy chosen sister greet thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to the dearly beloved Gains, whom I love in truth. 2 Dearly beloved, I pray above all things that thou succeed and be in good health, as thy soul succeeds. 3 For I was greatly rejoiced, the brethren coming and testifying to thy truth, as thou walkest about in the truth. 4 I have no joy greater than these that I hear my children walking in truth. 5 Dearly beloved, thou doest faithfully whatever thou dost work for the brethren, and for strangers; 6 Who testified to thy love before the church: thou shalt do well, having sent them forward worthily of God. 7 For, for his name went they forth, receiving nothing from the nations. 8 Therefore ought we to receive such, that we might be workers together in the truth. 9 I wrote to the church: but Diotrephes, seeking the superiority over them, receives us not. 10 Therefore, if I should come, I will put him in mind of his works which he does, talking silly against us with evil words: and not being satisfied in these, neither does he himself receive the brethren, and hinders those being willing, and casts out of the church. 11 Dearly beloved, imitate not evil, but good. He doing good is of God: and he doing evil has not seen God. 12 It has been testified to Demetrius by all, and by the truth itself: and we also testify; and know that our testimony is true. 13 I have many things to write, but I will not by ink and pen write to thee: 14 { And I hope presently to see thee, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace to thee. The friends greet thee. Greet the friends by name.}
Darby(i) 13 The children of thine elect sister greet thee.

3 John

1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I desire that in all things thou shouldest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced exceedingly when [the] brethren came and bore testimony to thy [holding fast the] truth, even as *thou* walkest in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than these things that I hear of my children walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully [in] whatever thou mayest have wrought towards the brethren and that strangers, 6 (who have witnessed of thy love before [the] assembly,) in setting forward whom on their journey worthily of God, thou wilt do well; 7 for for the name have they gone forth, taking nothing of those of the nations. 8 *We* therefore ought to receive such, that we may be fellow-workers with the truth. 9 I wrote something to the assembly; but Diotrephes, who loves to have the first place among them, receives us not. 10 For this reason, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his works which he does, babbling against us with wicked words; and not content with these, neither does he himself receive the brethren; and those who would he prevents, and casts [them] out of the assembly. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He that does good is of God. He that does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has witness borne to him by all, and by the truth itself; and *we* also bear witness, and thou knowest that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write to thee, but I will not with ink and pen write to thee; 14 but I hope soon to see thee, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace [be] to thee. The friends greet thee. Greet the friends by name.
ERV(i) 13 The children of thine elect sister salute thee.

3 John

1 The elder unto Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when brethren came and bare witness unto thy truth, even as thou walkest in truth. 4 Greater joy have I none than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest a faithful work in whatsoever thou doest toward them that are brethren and strangers withal; 6 who bare witness to thy love before the church: whom thou wilt do well to set forward on their journey worthily of God: 7 because that for the sake of the Name they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to welcome such, that we may be fellow-workers with the truth. 9 I wrote somewhat unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his works which he doeth, prating against us with wicked words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and them that would he forbiddeth, and casteth [them] out of the church. 11 Beloved, imitate not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath the witness of all [men], and of the truth itself: yea, we also bear witness; and thou knowest that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write unto thee, but I am unwilling to write [them] to thee with ink and pen: 14 but I hope shortly to see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace [be] unto thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
ASV(i) 13 The children of thine elect sister salute thee.

3 John

1 The elder unto Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when brethren came and bare witness unto thy truth, even as thou walkest in truth. 4 Greater joy have I none than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
5 Beloved, thou doest a faithful work in whatsoever thou doest toward them that are brethren and strangers withal; 6 who bare witness to thy love before the church: whom thou wilt do well to set forward on their journey worthily of God: 7 because that for the sake of the Name they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to welcome such, that we may be fellow-workers for the truth.
9 I wrote somewhat unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his works which he doeth, prating against us with wicked words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and them that would he forbiddeth and casteth [them] out of the church. 11 Beloved, imitate not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath the witness of all [men], and of the truth itself: yea, we also bear witness; and thou knowest that our witness is true.
13 I had many things to write unto thee, but I am unwilling to write [them] to thee with ink and pen: 14 but I hope shortly to see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace [be] unto thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
  13 G5043 The children G79 of G4675 thine G1588 elect G79 sister G782 salute G4571 thee.

3 John

  1 G4245 The elder G1050 unto Gaius G27 the beloved, G3739 whom G1473 I G25 love G1722 in G225 truth.
  2 G27 Beloved, G2172 I pray G2137 that G4012 in G3956 all things G4571 thou G2137 mayest prosper G2532 and G5198 be in health, G2531 even as G4675 thy G5590 soul G2137 prospereth.
  3 G1063 For G5463 I rejoiced G3029 greatly, G80 when brethren G2064 came G2532 and G3140 bare witness unto G4675 thy G225 truth, G2531 even as G4771 thou G4043 walkest G1722 in G225 truth.
  4 G3186 Greater G5479 joy G2192 have G3756 I none G2443 than G191 this, to hear G1699 of my G5043 children G4043 walking G1722 in G225 the truth.
  5 G27 Beloved, G4160 thou doest G4103 a faithful G3739 work in whatsoever G2038 thou doest G1519 toward G80 them that are brethren G2532 and G3581 strangers G1519 withal;
  6 G3739 who G3140 bare witness G4675 to thy G26 love G1799 before G1577 the church: G3739 whom G4160 thou wilt do G2573 well G4311 to set forward on their journey G516 worthily G2316 of God:
  7 G1063 because that G5228 for G5228 the sake G846 of the G3686 Name G1831 they went forth, G2983 taking G3367 nothing G575 of G1484 the Gentiles.
  8 G2249 We G3767 therefore G3784 ought G618 to welcome G5108 such, G2443 that G1096 we may be G4904 fellow-workers G225 for the truth.
  9 G1125 I wrote somewhat unto G1577 the church: G235 but G1361 Diotrephes, G5383 who loveth to have the preeminence G846 among them, G1926 receiveth G2248 us G3756 not.
  10 G5124 Therefore, G1437 if G2064 I come, G5279 I will bring to remembrance G846 his G2041 works G3739 which G4160 he doeth, G5396 prating against G2248 us G3056 with G4190 wicked G3056 words: G2532 and G3361 not G714 content G5125 therewith, G3777 neither G1926 doth G846 he himself G1926 receive G80 the brethren, G2532 and G1014 them that would G2967 he forbiddeth G2532 and G1544 casteth G1537 them out of G1577 the church.
  11 G27 Beloved, G3401 imitate G3361 not G3588 that which is G2556 evil, G235 but G3588 that which is G18 good. G3588 He G15 that doeth good G2076 is G1537 of G2316 God: G1161   G3588 he G2554 that doeth evil G3708 hath G3756 not G3708 seen G2316 God.
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 hath the witness G5259 of G3956 all G2532 men, and G5259 of G225 the truth G846 itself: G1161 yea, G2532   G2249 we G3140 also bear witness: G2532 and G1492 thou knowest G3754 that G2257 our G3141 witness G2076 is G227 true.
  13 G2192 I had G4183 many things G1125 to write G235 unto thee, but G2309 I am G3756 unwilling G1125 to write G4671 them to thee G1223 with G3188 ink G2532 and G2563 pen:
  14 G1161 but G1679 I hope G2112 shortly G1492 to see G4571 thee, G2532 and G1492 we shall G2980 speak G4750 face G4314 to G4750 face. G1515 Peace G4671 be unto thee. G5384 The friends G782 salute G4571 thee. G782 Salute G5384 the friends G2596 by G3686 name.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 13 The children of thine elect sister salute thee. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder unto Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when brethren came and bare witness unto thy truth, even as thou walkest in truth. 4 Greater joy have I none than this, to hear of my children walking in truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest a faithful work in whatsoever thou doest toward them that are brethren and toward strangers, 6 who bare witness to thy love before the church; whom thou wilt do well to set forward on their journey worthily of God: 7 because that for the sake of the Name they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to welcome such, that we may be fellow-workers for the truth. 9 I wrote unto the church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his works which he doeth, prating against us with wicked words; and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and them that would he forbiddeth and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, imitate not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God; he that doeth evil hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath the witness of all men, and of the truth itself; yea, we also bear witness; and ye know that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I am unwilling to write them to thee with ink and pen: 14 but I hope shortly to see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be unto thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
Rotherham(i) 13 The children of thy chosen sister salute thee.

3 John

1 The elder, unto Gaius the beloved, whom, I, love in truth. 2 Beloved! concerning all things, I pray thou mayest be prospering, and be in health, even as, thy soul, is prospering,
3 For I rejoiced exceedingly, at brethren coming and bearing witness unto thy truth,––even as, thou, in truth, art walking. 4 I have no, greater, favour than these things, that I should be hearing that, my own children, in the truth, are walking. 5 Beloved! a faithful thing, art thou doing, whatsoever thou shalt accomplish for them that are brethren, and withal strangers,–– 6 Who have borne witness to thy love before the assembly: whom thou wilt do, nobly, to set forward worthily of God. 7 For, in behalf of The Name, have they gone forth, taking, nothing, from them of the nations. 8 We, therefore ought to be sustaining such as these, that we may become, fellowworkers, with the truth.
9 I wrote something unto the assembly; but, he who is fond of taking the first place among them––Diotrephes, doth not make us welcome. 10 For this cause, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his works which he is doing,––with wicked words, prating against us; and, not content with these, he neither, himself, maketh the brethren welcome, but, them who are minded [to do it], he forbiddeth, and, out of the assembly, doth cast [them]. 11 Beloved! be not thou imitating what is bad, but what is good. He that doeth good, is, of God: he that doeth what is bad, hath not seen God.
12 Unto Demetrius, hath witness been borne by all and by the truth itself; howbeit, we also, bear witness, and thou knowest that, our witness, is, true. 13 Many things, had I to write unto thee,––but I am unwilling, with ink and pen, to be writing; 14 I hope, however, straightway, to see thee, and, mouth to mouth, will we talk. Peace be unto thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
Twentieth_Century(i) 13 The children of your eminent sister send you their greetings.

3 John

1 To his dear friend Gaius, whom he sincerely loves, From the Officer of the Church. 2 Dear friend, I pray that all may be well with you and that you may have good health--I know that all is well with your soul. 3 For it was a great joy to me, when some Brothers came and testified to your fidelity to the Truth--I know that your own life is guided by the Truth. 4 Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to hear from time to time that the lives of my Children are guided by the Truth. 5 Dear friend, whatever you do for our Brothers is done in a Christian spirit--even when they are strangers to you. 6 They themselves have testified before the Church to your love; and you will do well to help them on their way in a manner worthy of the service of God. 7 For it was on behalf of the Name that they left their homes, and refused to take anything from the Gentiles. 8 We, therefore, ought to give such people a hearty welcome, and so take our share in their work for the Truth. 9 I wrote a few lines to the Church; but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, declines to recognize us. 10 Therefore, when I come, I shall not forget his conduct in ridiculing us with his wicked tongue. Not content with that, he not only declines to recognize our Brothers himself, but actually prevents those who would, and expels them from the Church. 11 Dear friend, take what is good for your example, not what is bad. The man who does what is good is from God; the man who does what is bad has never seen God. 12 Every one has always had a good word for Demetrius, and the Truth itself speaks for him. Yes, and we also add our good word, and you know that what we say about him is true. 13 I have a great deal to say to you, but I do not care to trust it to pen and ink in a letter. 14 I hope, however, it will not be long before I see you, and then we will speak face to face. Peace be with you. Our friends here send you their greetings. Greet each one of our friends.
Godbey(i) 13 The children of thy elect sister salute thee.

3 John

1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I truly love with divine love. 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper concerning all things and be well, as your soul prospers. 3 I rejoice exceedingly, the brethren coming and witnessing to thy truth, as thou art walking about in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, that I may hear of my children walking about in truth. 5 Beloved, whatsoever faithful deed thou mayest do to the brethren, thou art also dispensing to the strangers, 6 who have witnessed to thy divine love before the church: whom you will do well, having sent forth worthily of God. 7 For the sake of his name they went out, receiving nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to receive such, in order that we may be fellow-workers with the truth. 9 I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, loving the preeminence over them, does not receive us. 10 On account of this, if I may come, I will remember his works which he is doing, berating us with wicked speeches: and not content with these, he does not receive the brethren, and he prohibits them wishing to receive them, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, imitate not the evil, but the good. The one doing good is of God: the one doing evil has not seen God. 12 To Demetrius it has been testified by all, and by the truth itself: and we also testify: and you know that our testimony is true. 13 Having many things to write to you, but I do not wish to write them to you with ink and paper: 14 but I hope to see you immediately, and mouth to mouth we will speak. (15) Peace be unto you. The friends salute you; salute the friends by name.
WNT(i) 13 The children of your elect sister send greetings to you.

3 John

1 The Elder to his dear friend Gaius. Truly I love you. 2 My dear friend, I pray that you may in all respects prosper and enjoy good health, just as your soul already prospers. 3 For it is an intense joy to me when brethren come and bear witness to your fidelity to the truth--that you live in obedience to the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are living in obedience to the truth. 5 My dear friend, you are acting faithfully in all your behaviour towards the brethren, even when they are strangers to you. 6 They have testified, in the presence of the Church, to your love; and you will do well to help them on their journey in a manner worthy of your fellowship with God. 7 For it is for Christ that they have gone forth, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 8 It is therefore our duty to show hospitality to such men, so that we may be fellow workers in promoting the truth. 9 I wrote to the Church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the first place among them, refuses to listen to us. 10 For this reason, if I come, I shall not forget his conduct, nor his idle and mischievous talk against us. And he does not stop there: he not only will not receive the brethren, but those who desire to do this he hinders, and excludes them from the Church. 11 My dear friend, do not follow wrong examples, but right ones. He who habitually does what is right is a child of God: he who habitually does what is wrong has not seen God. 12 The character of Demetrius has the approval of all men, and of the truth itself. We also express our approval of it, and you know that we only give our approval to that which is true. 13 I have a great deal to say to you, but I do not wish to go on writing it with ink and pen. 14 But I hope to see you very soon, and then we will speak face to face. Peace be with you. Our friends send greetings to you. Greet our friends individually.
Worrell(i) 13 The children of your elect sister salute you.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that, in all things, you may be prosperous, and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced exceedingly, when brethren came and testified to your truth, even as you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, you do a faithful work, in whatsoever you do to the brethren, and that to strangers, 6 who testified to your love before the assembly; whom sending forward worthily of God, you will do well; 7 for on behalf of His name they went forth, taking nothing from the gentiles. 8 We ought, therefore, to welcome such persons, that we may become fellow-workers for the truth. 9 I wrote to the assembly; but Diotrephes, who loves to have preeminence among them, receives us not. 10 On this account, if I come, I will remember his works which he is doing, prating against us with evil words; and not content with these things, he neither himself receives the brethren, and those wishing to do so he forbids, and casts them out of the assembly. 11 Beloved, do not imitate the evil, but the good. He that does good is of God; the evil-doer has not seen God. 12 To Demetrius testimony has been borne by all, and by the truth itself; and we also bear testimony, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 Many things I had to write to you; but I wish not to write to you with ink and pen; 14 but I hope shortly to see you, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace be to you. The friends salute you. Salute the friends by name.
Moffatt(i) 13 The children of your elect Sister greet you.

3 John

1 The presbyter, to the beloved Gaius whom I love in the Truth. 2 Beloved, I pray you may prosper in every way and keep well — as indeed your soul is keeping well. 3 For I was overjoyed when some brothers arrived and testified to the truth of your life, as indeed you do lead the true Life; 4 I have no greater joy than to hear of my children living in the Truth. 5 Beloved, you are acting loyally in rendering any service to the brothers and especially to strangers; 6 they have testified to your love before the church. Pray speed them on their journey worthily of God; 7 they have started out for his sake and declined to take anything from pagans; 8 hence we are bound to support such men, to prove ourselves allies of the Truth. 9 I have written to the church; only, Diotrephes, who likes to take the lead among them, repudiates me. 10 So when I come, I shall bring up what he is doing, babbling against me with wicked words — and, not satisfied with words, he refuses to welcome the brothers, checks those who want to welcome them, and excommunicates them from the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate evil but good; he who does good belongs to God, he who does evil has never seen God. 12 Everybody testifies to Demetrius, and so does the Truth itself: I testify to him too, and you know my testimony is true. 13 I had a great deal to write to you, but I do not want to write to you with ink and pen; 14 I am hoping to see you soon, and we will have a talk. [15] Peace to you! The friends salute you: salute the friends one by one.
Goodspeed(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister wish to be remembered to you.

3 John

1 The Elder to my dear friend Gaius, whom I truly love. 2 Dear friend, it is my prayer that everything is going well with you and that you are well; I know it is well with your soul. 3 For it makes me exceedingly happy to have some brothers come and testify to the truth of your life, for you are guided by truth. 4 I know of no greater blessing than hearing that my children are being guided by the truth. 5 Dear friend, it is loyal of you to do anything you can for the brothers, especially as they are strangers; 6 they have testified before the church to your love. Please see them off on their journey in a way appropriate to God's service. 7 For they have started out for the sake of the cause, and they are accepting nothing from the heathen. 8 So we ought to support such men, to show that we are ready to co-operate with the truth. 9 I have written briefly to the church, but Diotrephes who likes to be their leader will not accept what I say. 10 So if I come, I will bring up the things that he is doing, and how he is maliciously accusing me. Not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers himself, and he is interfering with those who want to do so, and has them put out of the church. 11 Dear friend, do not follow bad examples, but good ones. The man who does right is a child of God; the man who does wrong has never seen God. 12 Everybody testifies to Demetrius; the truth itself does; I testify to him too, and you know that my testimony to him is true. 13 I have a great deal to write to you, but I do not want to write it with pen and ink; 14 I hope to see you very soon and we will talk face to face. Goodbye. Our friends wish to be remembered to you. Remember me to our friends, every one.
Riverside(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister send greetings to you.

3 John

1 THE Elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth: 2 Beloved, I pray that in everything you may prosper and be in health, just as your soul now prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified to your truth — that you are living in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are living in the truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever work you do for the brethren, even when they are strangers, 6 and they have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to help them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God. 7 For it was for the Name that they came out, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We ought to help such men so as to be fellow workers with the truth. 9 I wrote something to the church; but Diotrephes, who desires to be first among them, does not receive us. 10 Therefore, if I come I will bring to mind the works that he is doing, accusing us with wicked words, and not satisfied with that, neither does he receive the brethren, and he hinders those who wish to do so and expels them from the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate evil, but good. He who does good is of God. He who does evil has not seen God. 12 Testimony has been borne to Demetrius by all and by the truth itself. We too bear testimony, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had much to write to you, but I will not write to you with ink and pen. 14 But I hope to see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. The friends send greetings to you. Greet the friends by name.
MNT(i) 13 The children of your elect sister send you greeting.

3 John

1 The Elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 I pray that you may prosper, beloved, in every way, and be in good health, even as your soul is prospering. 3 For I was glad when brothers came and bore testimony to your truth, as indeed you are passing your life in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are passing their lives in the truth. 5 You are acting faithfully, beloved, in whatever you are doing for the brothers and the strangers. 6 They have borne testimony to your love before the church. You will do well to speed them on their way worthily of God; 7 since for the sake of the Name they have started out, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Hence we ought to support such, so that we may become fellow workers for the truth. 9 I have written somewhat to the church; but Diotrephes, who love to take the lead among them, does not receive me. 10 Do them when I come I will recall to mind the deeds which he is doing, prating against me with wicked words. Not satisfied with that, he refuses to receive the brothers, forbids those that would receive them, and excommunicates them from the church. 11 Do not imitate what is evil, beloved, but that which is good. He who does good is of God; he who does evil has never gazed on God. 12 All men bear testimony to Demetrius, and so does the truth itself. I also bear testimony to him; and you know that my testimony is true. 13 I have a great deal to write to you, but I do not want to write you with pen and ink. 14 I am hoping soon to see you, and then we shall talk face to face. Peace be to you! The friends send their salutation. Salute the friends by name.
Lamsa(i) 13 The children of your elect sister Church greet you. Grace be with you. Amen.

3 John

1 THE elder, to the well beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Our beloved, I pray above all things, that you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified concerning the truth that is in you, even as you live a true life. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children follow the truth. 5 Our beloved, you do faithfully that which you do to the brethren, especially to those who are strangers; 6 Who have borne witness concerning your love before the whole church: for the good things which you have done for them by supplying their needs, as is pleasing to God, 7 Because they have gone forth for his nameÆs sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We, therefore, ought to welcome such, so that we may be fellow helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote to the church, that Di-otÆre-phes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, would not receive us. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will mention the things which he did, gossiping against us with malicious words: and not content with this, he not only did not receive the brethren, but also forbade those who would like to receive them, and cast them out of the church. 11 Our beloved, do not follow that which is evil, but that which is good. He who does good is of God: but he who does evil has not seen God. 12 De-meÆtri-us has good report of all men, and of the church, and of the truth itself: yea, we also testify for him; and we know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I do not want to write them to you with ink and pen: 14 But I trust I shall shortly see you, and we shall speak face to face.
CLV(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister are greeting you.

3 John

1 The elder, to Gaius, the beloved, whom I am loving in truth:" 2 Beloved, concerning all I am wishing that you be prospering and sound, according as your soul is prospering." 3 For I rejoiced very much at the brethren's coming and testifying to your truth, according as you are walking in truth." 4 I am having no greater joy than this, that I am hearing of my children walking in the truth." 5 Beloved, you are doing a faithful thing whatsoever you should work for the brethren, and this for strangers, 6 who testify to your love in the sight of the ecclesia, to whom you will be doing ideally by sending them forward worthily of God, 7 for they come out for the sake of the Name, getting nothing from those of the nations." 8 We then, ought to be taking up such, that we may become fellow workers in the truth. " 9 I write somewhat to the ecclesia, but Diotrephes, who is fond of being foremost among them, is not receiving us." 10 Therefore, if I should be coming, I shall be reminding him of his acts which he is doing, with wicked words gossiping about us, and not being sufficed with these, neither is he receiving the brethren, and those who are intending to he is forbidding, and is casting them out of the ecclesia." 11 Beloved, do not be imitating the evil, but the good. He who is doing good is of God. He who is doing evil has not seen God." 12 Demetrius has been attested by all, and by the truth itself. Now we also are testifying, and you are aware that our testimony is true." 13 Much had I to write to you, but I do not want to write to you with ink and pen." 14 Yet I am expecting to see you immediately, and we will be speaking mouth to mouth. (1:15) Peace be to you! The friends are greeting you. Greet the friends by name."
Williams(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister wish to be remembered to you.

3 John

1 The Elder to the dearly beloved Gaius, whom I truly love. 2 Dearly beloved, I am praying for you to continue to prosper in everything, and to keep well, just as your soul is prospering. 3 For I am happy to have some brothers come and testify to the truth that is in you, since you are living by the truth. 4 I have no greater spiritual blessing than this, to hear that my children are living by the truth. 5 Dearly beloved, you are acting faithfully in doing what you can for the brothers, especially as they are strangers. 6 They have testified before the church to your love. You will please send them off on their journey in a way befitting the service of God. 7 For they have started out for His name's sake and so accept nothing from the heathen, 8 So we ought to show hospitality to such men, to prove that we cooperate with them for the truth. 9 I have written briefly to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to be first among them, refuses to listen to me. 10 So, if I come, I will remind you of what he is doing, how with malicious insinuations he is talking about me. Not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers himself, he interferes with those who want to do so, and tries to put them out of the church. 11 Dearly beloved, do not follow bad examples but good ones. Whoever practices doing right is God's child; whoever practices doing wrong has never seen God. 12 Demetrius has a good testimony from everybody and from truth itself; yea, from me too, and you know that my testimony to him is true. 13 I have much to say to you, but I do not want to write it with pen and ink. 14 I hope to see you very soon and will talk it over face to face. Goodbye. Our friends wish to be remembered to you. Remember me to our friends individually.
BBE(i) 13 The children of your noble sister, who is of God's selection, send you their love.

3 John

1 I, a ruler in the church, send word to the well loved Gaius, for whom I have true love. 2 My loved one, it is my prayer that you may do well in all things, and be healthy in body, even as your soul does well. 3 For it gave me great joy when some of the brothers came and gave witness that you had the true faith and were walking in the true way. 4 I have no greater joy than to have news that my children are walking in the true way. 5 My loved one, you are doing a good work in being kind to those brothers who come from other places; 6 Who have given witness to the church of your love for them: and you will do well to send them on their way well cared for, as is right for servants of God: 7 For they went out for love of the Name, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 So it is right for us to take in such men as guests, so that we may take our part in the work of the true faith. 9 I sent a letter to the church, but Diotrephes, whose desire is ever to have the first place among them, will not have us there. 10 So if I come, I will keep in mind the things he does, talking against us with evil words: and as if this was not enough, he does not take the brothers into his house, and those who are ready to take them in, he keeps from doing so, putting them out of the church if they do. 11 My loved one, do not be copying what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God: he who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has the approval of all men and of what is true: and we give the same witness, and you are certain that our witness is true. 13 I had much to say to you, but it is not my purpose to put it all down with ink and pen: 14 But I am hoping to see you in a short time, and to have talk with you face to face. May you have peace. Your friends here send you their love. Give my love to our friends by name.
MKJV(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, in regard to all things I pray that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than these things, to hear that my children walk in the truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you work for the brothers and for strangers, 6 who in love bore witness of you before the church, whom you will do well to send forward worthily of God; 7 because they went forth for His name's sake, taking nothing from the nations. 8 Therefore we ought to entertain such, so that we might be co-workers in the truth. 9 I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, did not receive us. 10 Therefore if I come, I will remember his deeds which he does, ranting against us with evil words. And not content with these, neither does he himself receive the brothers. And he forbids those who would, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate the bad, but the good. He who does good is from God, but he who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has good report by all, and by the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not write to you with pen and ink, 14 but I trust I shall shortly see you, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
LITV(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, in regard to all things, I pray for you to prosper and to be in health, as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly at the coming of the brothers, also bearing witness of you in the truth, as you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than these things, that I hear my children are walking in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you work for the brothers and for the strangers, 6 who in love bore witness of you before the church, whom you will do well to send forward worthily of God. 7 For on behalf of His name they went out, taking nothing from the nations. 8 Therefore, we ought to entertain such men, that we may become co-workers in the truth. 9 I wrote to the church, but he loving to be first of them, Diotrephes, does not receive us. 10 Because of this, if I come, I will recall his works which he does, ranting against us with evil words. And not being satisfied with these, neither does he receive the brothers; and those intending it he prevents, and thrusts them out from the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate the bad, but the good. The one doing good is of God; but the one doing bad has not seen God. 12 Witness has been borne to Demetrius by all, and by the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I do not desire to write by means of pen and ink. 14 {cf9 : But I am hoping to see you at once, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.}
ECB(i) 13 The children of your select sister salute you. Amen.

3 John

The elder: To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth: 2 Beloved, I vow concerning all that you prosper and be whole, exactly as your soul prospers. 3 For I cheered extremely when the brothers came and witnessed of the truth within you; even as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater cheer than these - than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5
Beloved, deal trustworthily whenever you work to the brothers and to strangers 6 - who witnessed of your love in the sight of the ecclesia: whom, if you forward worthily of Elohim, you do well: 7 indeed, for sake of his name they went forth taking naught of the goyim. 8 So we are indebted to take such to become co-workers to the truth. 9 I scribed to the ecclesia: but Diotrephes, who befriends preeminence among them, receives us not. 10 So, whenever I come, I remember the works he does, babbling against us with evil words: and not satisfied by these he himself receives not the brothers and forbids them who so will - and casts them from the ecclesia. 11 Beloved, mimic not evil, but good. everyone doing good is of Elohim: but everyone doing evil has not seen Elohim. 12 Demetrius is witnessed by all, and of the truth itself: yes, and we witness; and you know our witness is true. 13
I have much to scribe, but I scribe not to you through ink and reed: 14 and I hope to see you straightway and speak mouth to mouth. Shalom to you. The friends salute you. Salute the friends by name.
AUV(i) 13 The children [i.e., members] of your chosen sister [church] send you their greetings. [See verse 1].

3 John

1 [This is being written by] the elder to my dear [friend] Gaius, whom I love in the truth. [Note: This may mean “whom I truly love”]. 2 [My] dearly loved [friend], I am praying that you will do well in everything [materially ?] and that you will have [good] health, just as your soul [i.e., your spiritual life] is doing well. 3 For I was very happy when some of the brothers came and told me that you are being [faithful] to the truth [i.e., the word of God], and that you are living according to it, [as well]. 4 I do not have any greater joy than to hear that my [spiritual] children are living according to the truth. 5 Dear [friend], you are accomplishing a faithful work whenever you do something for the brothers [traveling in the Lord’s work], especially when they are strangers [to you]. 6 These people testify about your love [for them] before the [assembled] church. You will be doing a good thing to send them on their journey in a way that is pleasing to God [i.e., by furnishing them with travel expenses for their ministry]. 7 For they went out, [ministering] for the sake of [Jesus’] name, without taking [any money] from Gentiles [i.e., non-Christians]. 8 Therefore, we should show hospitality to such men, so that we can be fellow-workers [with them] in [the cause of] the truth. 9 I wrote a letter to the church [there], but Diotrephes, who loves to be first [in importance] among the members [of the body there], does not receive us [i.e., he did not listen to or acknowledge the authority of us apostles]. 10 So, if I come [to visit you], I will remind you of what he is doing, [such as] using wicked words to talk nonsense against us [apostles]. And, not being satisfied with that, he [also] refuses to welcome the [other] brothers, and prevents [other] people from doing so [i.e., from welcoming these brothers], and even kicks them out of the church [for trying to]. 11 Dear [friend], do not imitate what is evil, but [only] what is good. The person who does what is good is [a child] of God; the one who does evil has not seen God [spiritually]. 12 Demetrius has been given [a favorable] commendation by everyone, and [is commended] by the truth itself. We [apostles] also give him [a favorable] commendation, and you know that our testimony [about these things] is true. 13 I had many things [I wanted] to write you about, but I do not want to do it with pen and ink, 14 because I hope to see you soon, and [then] we can speak face to face.
{\i 3Jo 1:15} (\i May there be peace in your lives. Our friends [here] send you their greetings. [I ask that you also] greet each of our friends [there] by name.}

ACV(i) 13 The children of thy chosen sister salute thee. Truly.

3 John

1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray for thee to prosper concerning all things, and to be healthy, just as thy soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced exceedingly of brothers coming and testifying to the truth of thee, just as thou walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than these things that I hear my children walking in truth. 5 Beloved, thou do a faithful thing, whatever thou work for the brothers and for strangers, 6 who testified about thy love in sight of the congregation, whom thou will do well having helped send on their way worthily of God. 7 For they went forth on behalf of the Name, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to welcome such men, so that we might become fellow workmen for the truth. 9 I wrote to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first of them, did not accept us. 10 Because of this, if I come, I will remember his works that he does, prating against us with evil words. And not being satisfied in these, he himself does not even accept the brothers, and he forbids those who would, and expels them out of the congregation. 11 Beloved, do not imitate the evil, but the good. The man doing right is of God. The man doing wrong has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has been testified by all, and by the truth itself. But we also testify, and ye know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I did not want to write to thee by pen and ink. 14 But I hope to see thee straightaway, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace to thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends by name.
Common(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister greet you.

3 John

1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that you may be in good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 For I greatly rejoiced when some of the brethren arrived and testified to the truth of your life, and how you are walking in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers; 6 and they have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. 7 For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers in the truth. 9 I wrote something to the church; but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not accept what we say. 10 So if I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, gossiping against us with evil words. And not satisfied with that, he refuses himself to welcome the brethren, and also stops those who want to welcome them and puts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has received a good testimony from everyone, and from the truth itself; and we add our testimony, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had much to write you, but I do not want to do so with pen and ink; 14 I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name.
WEB(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brothers came and testified about your truth, even as you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this: to hear about my children walking in truth. 5 Beloved, you do a faithful work in whatever you accomplish for those who are brothers and strangers. 6 They have testified about your love before the assembly. You will do well to send them forward on their journey in a way worthy of God, 7 because for the sake of the Name they went out, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be fellow workers for the truth. 9 I wrote to the assembly, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, doesn’t accept what we say. 10 Therefore if I come, I will call attention to his deeds which he does, unjustly accusing us with wicked words. Not content with this, neither does he himself receive the brothers, and those who would, he forbids and throws out of the assembly. 11 Beloved, don’t imitate that which is evil, but that which is good. He who does good is of God. He who does evil hasn’t seen God. 12 Demetrius has the testimony of all, and of the truth itself; yes, we also testify, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write to you, but I am unwilling to write to you with ink and pen; 14 but I hope to see you soon. Then we will speak face to face. Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
  13 G5043 The children G79 of G4675 your G1588 chosen G79 sister G782 greet G4571 you. G281 Amen.

3 John

  1 G4245 The elder G1050 to Gaius G27 the beloved, G3739 whom G1473 I G25 love G1722 in G225 truth.
  2 G27 Beloved, G2172 I pray G2137 that G4571 you G2137 may prosper G4012 in G3956 all things G2532 and G5198 be healthy, G2531 even as G4675 your G5590 soul G2137 prospers.
  3 G1063 For G5463 I rejoiced G3029 greatly, G80 when brothers G2064 came G2532 and G3140 testified about G4675 your G225 truth, G2531 even as G4675 you G4043 walk G1722 in G225 truth.
  4 G2192 I have G3756 no G3186 greater G5479 joy G2443 than G191 this, to hear G1699 about my G5043 children G4043 walking G1722 in G225 truth.
  5 G27 Beloved, G4160 you do G4103 a faithful G3739 work in whatever G2038 you accomplish G1519 for G80 those who are brothers G2532 and G1519   G3581 strangers.
  6 G3739 They G3140 have testified G4675 about your G26 love G1799 before G1577 the assembly. G4160 You will do G2573 well G3739 to send them G4311 forward on their journey G516 in a way worthy G2316 of God,
  7 G1063 because G5228 for G5228 the sake G846 of the G3686 Name G1831 they went out, G2983 taking G3367 nothing G575 from G1484 the Gentiles.
  8 G2249 We G3767 therefore G3784 ought G618 to receive G5108 such, G2443 that G1096 we may be G4904 fellow workers G225 for the truth.
  9 G1125 I wrote to G1577 the assembly, G235 but G1361 Diotrephes, G5383 who loves to be first G846 among them, G3756 doesn't G1926 accept G2248 what we say.
  10 G5124 Therefore, G1437 if G2064 I come, G5279 I will call attention G846 to his G2041 deeds G3739 which G4160 he does, G5396 unjustly accusing G2248 us G3056 with G4190 wicked G3056 words. G2532   G3361 Not G714 content G5125 with G3777 this, neither G1926 does G846 he himself G1926 receive G80 the brothers, G2532 and G1014 those who would, G2967 he forbids G2532 and G1544 throws G1537 out of G1577 the assembly.
  11 G27 Beloved, G3361 don't G3401 imitate G3588 that which is G2556 evil, G235 but G3588 that which is G18 good. G3588 He G15 who does good G2076 is G1537 of G2316 God. G1161   G3588 He G2554 who does evil G3708   G3756 hasn't G3708 seen G2316 God.
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 has the testimony G5259 of G3956 all, G2532 and G5259 of G225 the truth G846 itself; G1161 yes, G2532   G2249 we G3140 also testify, G2532 and G1492 you know G3754 that G2257 our G3141 testimony G2076 is G227 true.
  13 G2192 I had G4183 many things G1125 to write G235 to you, but G2309 I am G3756 unwilling G1125 to write G4671 to you G1223 with G3188 ink G2532 and G2563 pen;
  14 G1161 but G1679 I hope G1492 to see G4571 you G2112 soon, G2532 and G1492 we will G2980 speak G4750 face G4314 to G4750 face. G1515 Peace G4671 be to you. G5384 The friends G782 greet G4571 you. G782 Greet G5384 the friends G2596 by G3686 name.
NHEB(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister greet you.

3 John

1 The elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when brothers came and testified about your truth, even as you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear about my children walking in truth. 5 Beloved, you do a faithful work in whatever you accomplish for those who are brothers and strangers. 6 They have testified about your love before the church. You will do well to send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, 7 because for the sake of the Name they went out, taking nothing from the non-believers. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may be fellow workers for the truth. 9 I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not accept what we say. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to his deeds which he does, unjustly accusing us with wicked words. Not content with this, neither does he himself receive the brothers, and those who would, he forbids and throws out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate that which is evil, but that which is good. He who does good is of God. He who does evil hasn't seen God. 12 Demetrius has the testimony of all, and of the truth itself; yes, we also testify, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write to you, but I am unwilling to write to you with ink and pen; 14 but I hope to see you soon, and we will speak face to face. Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
AKJV(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to the well beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brothers came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do to the brothers, and to strangers; 6 Which have borne witness of your charity before the church: whom if you bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, you shall do well: 7 Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote to the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not. 10 Why, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither does he himself receive the brothers, and forbids them that would, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yes, and we also bear record; and you know that our record is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write to you: 14 But I trust I shall shortly see you, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. Our friends salute you. Greet the friends by name.
  13 G5043 The children G1588 of your elect G79 sister G782 greet G281 you. Amen.

3 John

  1 G4245 The elder G27 to the well beloved G1050 Gaius, G3739 whom G25 I love G225 in the truth.
  2 G27 Beloved, G2172 I wish G4012 above G3956 all G2137 things that you may prosper G5198 and be in health, G2531 even G5590 as your soul G2137 prospers.
  3 G5463 For I rejoiced G3029 greatly, G80 when the brothers G2064 came G3140 and testified G225 of the truth G2531 that is in you, even G4043 as you walk G225 in the truth.
  4 G2192 I have G3756 no G3186 greater G5479 joy G191 than to hear G5043 that my children G4043 walk G225 in truth.
  5 G27 Beloved, G4160 you do G4103 faithfully G3739 whatever G1437 G4160 you do G80 to the brothers, G3581 and to strangers;
  6 G3739 Which G2192 have G3140 borne witness G26 of your charity G1799 before G1577 the church: G3739 whom G4311 if you bring G4311 forward G516 on their journey after G516 a godly G2316 G516 sort, G4160 you shall do G2573 well:
  7 G1063 Because G3686 that for his name’s G1831 sake they went G1831 forth, G2983 taking G3367 nothing G1484 of the Gentiles.
  8 G3767 We therefore G3784 ought G618 to receive G5108 such, G4904 that we might be fellow helpers G225 to the truth.
  9 G1125 I wrote G1577 to the church: G1361 but Diotrephes, G3588 who G5383 loves G5383 to have the preeminence G1722 among G1926 them, receives us not.
  10 G1223 Why, G5124 G1437 if G2064 I come, G5279 I will remember G2041 his deeds G4160 which he does, G5396 prating G5396 against G4190 us with malicious G3056 words: G714 and not content G1909 therewith, G5125 G3777 neither G846 does he himself G1926 receive G80 the brothers, G2967 and forbids G1014 them that would, G1544 and casts G1577 them out of the church.
  11 G27 Beloved, G3401 follow G2556 not that which is evil, G18 but that which is good. G15 He that does G15 good G2316 is of God: G2554 but he that does G2554 evil G3708 has not seen G2316 God.
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 has good report G3956 of all G225 men, and of the truth G846 itself: G1161 yes, G2532 and we also G3140 bear record; G1492 and you know G3141 that our record G227 is true.
  13 G2192 I had G4183 many G1125 things to write, G2309 but I will G3188 not with ink G2563 and pen G1125 write to you:
  14 G1679 But I trust G2112 I shall shortly G1492 see G2980 you, and we shall speak G4750 face G4750 to face. G1515 Peace G5384 be to you. Our friends G782 salute G782 you. Greet G5384 the friends G3686 by name.
KJC(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brothers came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, you are doing faithfully whatsoever you are doing to the brothers, and to strangers; 6 Which have borne witness of your love before the church: whom if you bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, you shall do well: 7 Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither does he himself receive the brothers, and forbids them that would, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yes, and we also bear record; and you know that our record is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto you: 14 { But I trust I shall shortly see you, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. Our friends salute you. Greet the friends by name.}
KJ2000(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder unto the well beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatsoever you do for the brethren, and for strangers; 6 Who have borne witness of your love before the church: whom if you send forward on their journey in a godly manner, you shall do well: 7 Because for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he does, speaking against us with malicious words: and not content with that, neither does he himself receive the brethren, and forbids them that would, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear witness; and you know that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto you: 14 But I trust I shall shortly see you, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. Our friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
UKJV(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder unto the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatsoever you do to the brethren, and to strangers; 6 Which have borne witness of your love (o. agape) before the church: whom if you bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, you shall do well: 7 Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow-helpers to the truth. 9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not. 10 Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he does, babbling against us with malicious words: (o. logos) and not content therewith, neither does he himself receive the brethren, and forbids them that would, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and all of you know that our record is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto you: 14 But I trust I shall shortly see you, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. Our friends salute you. Greet the friends by name.
RKJNT(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister greet you.

3 John

1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I pray that in all things you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when some brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, how you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, you act faithfully whenever you perform any service for the brethren, especially when they are strangers. 6 For they have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you shall do well: 7 Because for his name's sake they went forth, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to support such men, that we might be fellow workers in the truth. 9 I wrote to the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not accept us. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to his deeds, prating against us with malicious words: and not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brethren, and forbids those who would, and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not follow that which is evil, but that which is good. He who does good is of God: but he who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone, and by the truth itself: and we also bear witness; and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I prefer not to write with pen and ink: 14 { But I hope I shall see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.}
  13 G5043 The sons G79 of G4675 your G1588 elect G79 sister G782 greet G4571 you. G281 Amen.

3 John

  1 G4245 The elder G27 unto the wellbeloved G1050 Gaius, G3739 whom G1473 I G25 love G1722 in G225 the truth.
  2 G27 Beloved, G2172 I wish G4012 above G3956 all things G2137 that G4571 you G2137 may prosper G2532 and G5198 be in health, G2531 even as G4675 your G5590 soul G2137 prospers.
  3 G1063 For G5463 I rejoiced G3029 greatly, G80 when the brothers G2064 came G2532 and G3140 testified of G225 the truth G4675 that is in you, G2531 even as G4771 you G4043 walk G1722 in G225 the truth.
  4 G2192 I have G3756 no G3186 greater G5479 joy G2443 than G191 to hear G1699 that my G5043 sons G4043 walk G1722 in G225 truth.
  5 G27 Beloved, G4160 you do G4103 faithfully G3739 whatever G2038 you do G1519 to G80 the brothers, G2532 and G1519 to G3581 strangers;
  6 G3739 Which G3140 have borne witness G4675 of your G26 love G1799 before G1577 the church: G3739 whom G4311 if you bring forward on their journey G516 after G2316 a godly sort, G4160 you shall do G2573 well:
  7 G1063 Because that G5228 for G846 his G3686 name's G5228 sake G1831 they went forth, G2983 taking G3367 nothing G575 of G1484 the Gentiles.
  8 G2249 We G3767 therefore G3784 ought G618 to receive G5108 such, G2443 that G1096 we might be G4904 fellowhelpers G225 to the truth.
  9 G1125 I wrote unto G1577 the church: G235 but G1361 Diotrephes, G5383 who loves to have the preeminence G846 among them, G1926 receives G2248 us G3756 not.
  10 G5124 Therefore, G1437 if G2064 I come, G5279 I will remember G846 his G2041 deeds G3739 which G4160 he does, G5396 prating against G2248 us G3056 with G4190 malicious G3056 words: G2532 and G3361 not G714 content G5125 with it, G3777 neither G1926 does G846 he himself G1926 receive G80 the brothers, G2532 and G2967 forbids G1014 them that would, G2532 and G1544 casts G1537 them out of G1577 the church.
  11 G27 Beloved, G3401 follow G3361 not G3588 that which is G2556 evil, G235 but G3588 that which is G18 good. G3588 He G15 that does good G2076 is G1537 of G2316 God: G1161 but G3588 he G2554 that does evil G3708 has G3756 not G3708 seen G2316 God.
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 has good report G5259 of G3956 all G2532 men, and G5259 of G225 the truth G846 itself: G1161 Yes, G2532 and G2249 we G3140 also bear record; G2532 and G1492 you know G3754 that G2257 our G3141 record G2076 is G227 true.
  13 G2192 I had G4183 many things G1125 to write, G235 but G2309 I will G3756 not G1223 with G3188 ink G2532 and G2563 pen G1125 write G4671 unto you:
  14 G1161 But G1679 I trust G1492 I shall G2112 shortly G1492 see G4571 you, G2532 and G2980 we shall speak G4750 face G4314 to G4750 face. G1515 Peace G4671 be to you. G5384 Our friends G782 greet G4571 you. G782 Greet G5384 the friends G2596 by G3686 name.
RYLT(i) 13 salute you do the children of your choice sister. Amen.

3 John

1 The Elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth! 2 beloved, concerning all things I desire you to prosper, and to be in health, even as your soul does prosper, 3 for I rejoiced exceedingly, brethren coming and testifying of the truth in you, even as you in truth do walk; 4 greater than these things I have no joy, that I may hear of my children in truth walking. 5 Beloved, faithfully do you do whatever you may work to the brethren and to the strangers, 6 who did testify of your love before an assembly, whom you will do well, having sent forward worthily of God, 7 because for His name they went forth, nothing receiving from the nations; 8 we, then, ought to receive such, that fellow-workers we may become to the truth. 9 I did write to the assembly, but he who is loving the first place among them -- Diotrephes -- does not receive us; 10 because of this, if I may come, I will cause him to remember his works that he does, with evil words prating against us; and not content with these, neither does he himself receive the brethren, and those intending he does forbid, and out of the assembly he does cast. 11 Beloved, be not you following that which is evil, but that which is good; he who is doing good, of God he is, and he who is doing evil has not seen God; 12 to Demetrius testimony has been given by all, and by the truth itself, and we also -- we do testify, and you have known that our testimony is true. 13 Many things I had to write, but I do not wish through ink and pen to write to you, 14 and I hope straightway to see you, and mouth to mouth we shall speak. Peace to you! salute you do the friends; be saluting the friends by name.
EJ2000(i) 13 The sons of thy chosen sister greet thee. Amen.

3 John

1 ¶ The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish that thou be prospered in all things and be sound, even as thy soul prospers. 3 ¶ For I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou dost walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my sons walk in the truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatever thou doest regarding the brethren and with the strangers, 6 who have borne witness of thy charity before the congregation {Gr. ekklesia – called out ones}, whom if thou wilt help them as is convenient according to God, thou shalt do well; 7 because for his name’s sake, they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We, therefore, ought to receive such, that we might be fellow workers to the truth. 9 ¶ I wrote unto the congregation {Gr. ekklesia – called out ones}, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, did not receive us. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will cause his deeds to be understood, speaking against us with malicious words, and not content with this, he does not receive the brethren and forbids those that desire to receive them and casts them out of the congregation {Gr. ekklesia – called out ones}. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God, but he that does evil has not seen God. 12 ¶ Everyone gives testimony of Demetrius, even the truth itself; and we also bear witness, and ye have known that our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee, 14 For I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.
CAB(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 THE ELDER, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth: 2 Beloved, concerning all things I pray you to prosper and to be healthy, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and witnessed to the truth which is in you, just as you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than these things, that I hear that my children are walking in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you work for the brothers and for the strangers, 6 who gave testimony concerning your love before the church, with reference to whom you will do well if you send them forth in a manner worthy of God, 7 for on behalf of the Name they went out, taking nothing from the pagans. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, in order that we may become fellow workers with the truth. 9 I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves the preeminence over them, does not receive us. 10 On account of this, if I come, I will call to mind his works which he does, slandering us with evil words. And not being content with that, he does not receive the brothers, and hinders those who desire to, casting them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate the evil, but the good. He who does good is of God; he who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has a good testimony with everyone, and of the truth itself. And we also testify, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write to you with pen and ink. 14 But I wish to see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face. Peace to you. Our friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
WPNT(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder, to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Dear one, I pray for you to prosper in every way and to be healthy, just as your soul prospers. 3 Because it gave me great joy when some brothers came and testified to the truth about you, how you are walking in Truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in Truth. 5 Dear one, you are faithful in whatever you do for the brothers, and for the strangers 6 who testified to your love before the church—you will do well by sending them on their way in a manner worthy of God, 7 because it was for the sake of the Name that they went out, accepting nothing from pagans. 8 We therefore ought to welcome such, so that we may work together for the Truth. 9 I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who wants to dominate the others, does not acknowledge us. 10 So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, slandering us with malignant words. And not satisfied with that, not only does he himself not receive the brothers, but he forbids those who want to do so, kicking them out of the church. 11 Dear one, do not imitate what is bad, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone—even by the truth itself. Yes, we also speak well of him, and we know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write to you with pen and ink; 14 rather I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here greet you. Greet the friends there by name.
JMNT(i) 13 The children of your chosen-out (selected) sister (= female fellow believer; or: = sister community of summoned forth folks) draw you to themselves (= greet you). [written circa A.D. 60-65 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]

3 John

1 The old person, to Gaius, the beloved one, whom I myself am continuously loving in (or: within the midst of) truth and reality (or: truly loving). 2 O beloved one! I am continuously having (or: thinking and speaking) goodness, ease and well-being (or: wishing and professing loudly; claiming) concerning all things [for] you to be constantly having a prosperous journey (or: to progressively travel a good path; to habitually be prospered unto success; to be continuously helped along the Way) and to be constantly sound and healthy [in mind, thought and body] just as (or: to the same degree as) your soul (inner being; or: = your life) is progressively being prospered on its journey (helped along the Way; prospered unto success; caused to travel the Good Path). 3 You see, I was made exceedingly glad (or: I am caused to greatly rejoice) at the coming of the brothers (= fellow believers or members), from time to time, and their bearing witness of your [being] in the Truth, according as you yourself are continually walking about within Truth (or: testifying to the reality concerning you in correspondence to the fact that you yourself are habitually living your life in union with truth and reality). 4 I do not presently have greater joy than from these things: that I am repeatedly hearing that my own children (born-ones) are continuously walking about within the Truth (= living their lives in union with reality). 5 O beloved one! You are continually doing (performing; constructing; forming; producing) a faithful and loyal thing (act of loyalty and allegiance), whatsoever you yourself may work unto (or: actively accomplish into the midst of) the brothers (= fellow believers and members of the family) and unto (or: into) the strangers (or: foreigners) – 6 who bear witness of you for the love (or: testified to your love) before (in the sight of; in the presence of) [the] called-out community – [for] whom you will do (or: perform; produce) beautifully (finely; ideally), sending [them] forward (or: escorting them on; = attending to their needs in their travels, giving them supplies and finances) in a manner worthy of God (or: = in a way equal to God's value of them), 7 for they came out for the sake of (or: went forth in behalf of) the Name, continually taking (or: receiving) not even one thing from the nations (the ethnic multitudes; the non-Israelites). 8 We ourselves, then, are constantly obligated to continuously take [them] up, while placing ourselves underneath to support such people as these, to the end that we would progressively come to be folks working together (co-workers) in (or: for; by; with) the Truth (or: reality). 9 I wrote something to (or: for) the called-out community, but Diotrephes, the one constantly liking to be their leader (to be pre-eminent among them and dominate them), is habitually not thoroughly receiving or accepting us (or: repeatedly not fully acknowledging us). 10 Because of this, if I can come, I will remind him of his actions (or: call to mind his works and bring them up [for discussion]) which he is repeatedly doing (or: progressively producing) by worthless, irresponsible and abusive words – unjustified charges (or: in messages causing a gush of misery; by ideas leading to painful labor; with evil or wicked verbal expressions; by laying out thoughts leading to a bad situation), continually speaking nonsense of us or gossiping against us, and then, not being satisfied or content upon these things, neither is he himself fully receiving or accepting (showing complete hospitality to) the brothers (= fellow believers; Family members; [or: = the itinerant missionaries of 5-8, above]). And further, those continuously intending (or: determining) [to do so] he is habitually hindering (or: forbidding) – even casting [them] out of the called-out community! 11 O beloved one [i.e., Gaius]! Do not have the habit of imitating this ugly thing (or: that which ought not to be; the base; the worthless; that which is of bad quality; the malicious; the wicked; the evil), but rather the Good (or: the thing of excellent quality; the virtuous)! The person habitually doing good (progressively producing virtue; repeatedly creating excellence) is continuously existing from out of God; the one habitually doing what is ugly (base; what ought not to be; worthless; evil) has not seen or perceived God. 12 Demetrius has been attested (= has received supportive testimony) by all and by the Truth itself. Now we ourselves are also continuously bearing witness (or: testifying), and you have seen, and so know, that our witness (testimony; evidence) is (exists being) real and true. 13 I have been having (or: holding) many things to write to you, however, I do not normally want to be constantly writing to you by means of pen and ink! 14 So I am continuing in expecting (or: hoping) to see you immediately, and then we will speak mouth to mouth! 15 Peace (or: Harmony; [= Shalom]) to you. The friends continually greet (pay respect to; send salutations to) you. Be continuously greeting the friends by name (= individually). [written circa A.D. 60-65 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
NSB(i) 13 The children of your sister the chosen one greet you.

3 John

1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love. That righteous man that dwelled among them was tormented by the lawless deeds he saw and heard. 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health. May you prosper. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brothers came and witnessed about the truth that is in you and that you walk in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth. 5 Beloved, you do a faithful work in whatever you do for the brothers and strangers. 6 They testify about your love seen by the congregation. You do well to send them forward on their journey worthily of God. 7 For the sake of the Name they went out, taking nothing from the people of the nations. 8 We ought to receive and welcome such ones, that we may be fellow-workers for the truth. 9 I wrote something to the congregation. But Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, did not receive us. 10 If I come, I will remind you of what he does. He unjustly accuses us with wicked words and is never satisfied. He does not allow the brothers to greet one another and he throws them out of the congregation. 11 Beloved, do not imitate that which is evil, but that which is good. He who does good is from God. He who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has the witness of all men, and of the truth itself. Yes, we also testify and you know our witness is true. 13 I had many things to write to you, but I am unwilling to write them to you with ink and pen. 14 I hope to see you shortly. We shall speak face to face. Peace to you! The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
ISV(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister greet you.

3 John

1 Greetings from JohnFrom: The Elder
To: My dear friend Gaius, whom I genuinely love.
2 Encouragement for GaiusDear friend, I pray that you are doing well in every way and that you are healthy, just as your soul is healthy. 3 I was overjoyed when some brothers arrived and testified about your truthfulness and how you live according to the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are living according to the truth.
5 Dear friend, you are faithful in whatever you do for the brothers, especially when they are strangers. 6 They have testified before the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. 7 After all, they went on their trip for the sake of the Name, accepting no support from gentiles. 8 Therefore, we ought to support such people so that we can become genuine helpers with them.
9 Criticism of DiotrephesI wrote a letter to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be in charge, will not recognize our authority. 10 For this reason, when I come I will call attention to what he is doing in spreading false charges against us. And not content with that, he refuses to receive the brothers. He even tries to stop those who want to accept them and throws them out of the church.
11 Praise for DemetriusDear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The person who does what is good is from God. The person who does what is evil has never seen God. 12 Demetrius has received a good report from everyone, including the truth itself. We, too, can testify to this report, and you know that our testimony is true.
13 Final GreetingAlthough I have a great deal to write to you, I would rather not write with pen and ink. 14 Instead, I hope to see you soon and speak face to face.
May peace be with you! Your friends greet you. Greet each of our friends by name.
LEB(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you.

3 John

1 The elder, to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in the truth. 2 Dear friend, I pray you may prosper concerning everything and be healthy, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced exceedingly when the* brothers came and testified to your truth, just as you are walking in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than this: that I hear my children are walking in the truth. 5 Dear friend, you act faithfully* in whatever you do for the brothers, even though they are strangers*. 6 They have testified to your love before the church; you will do well to send them* on their way in a manner worthy of God. 7 For they have gone out on behalf of the name, accepting nothing from the pagans.* 8 Therefore we ought to support such people, so that we become fellow workers with the truth. 9 I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who wants to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing*, disparaging us with evil words. And not being content with these, he does not receive the brothers himself, and he hinders those wanting to do so and throws them out of the church. 11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has been testified to by all, even by the truth itself. And we also testify to him, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I have many things to write to you, but I do not want to write to you by means of ink and pen. 14 But I hope to see you right away, and to speak face to face*. 15 Peace be to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
BGB(i) 13 Ἀσπάζεταί σε τὰ τέκνα τῆς ἀδελφῆς σου τῆς ἐκλεκτῆς.

3 John

1 Ὁ πρεσβύτερος Γαΐῳ τῷ ἀγαπητῷ, ὃν ἐγὼ ἀγαπῶ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ. 2 Ἀγαπητέ, περὶ πάντων εὔχομαί σε εὐοδοῦσθαι καὶ ὑγιαίνειν, καθὼς εὐοδοῦταί σου ἡ ψυχή. 3 ἐχάρην γὰρ λίαν ἐρχομένων ἀδελφῶν καὶ μαρτυρούντων σου τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, καθὼς σὺ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ περιπατεῖς. 4 μειζοτέραν τούτων οὐκ ἔχω χαράν, ἵνα ἀκούω τὰ ἐμὰ τέκνα ἐν τῇ ἀληθείᾳ περιπατοῦντα. 5 Ἀγαπητέ, πιστὸν ποιεῖς ὃ ἐὰν ἐργάσῃ εἰς τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς καὶ τοῦτο ξένους, 6 οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ Θεοῦ· 7 ὑπὲρ γὰρ τοῦ Ὀνόματος ἐξῆλθον* μηδὲν λαμβάνοντες ἀπὸ τῶν ἐθνικῶν. 8 ἡμεῖς οὖν ὀφείλομεν ὑπολαμβάνειν τοὺς τοιούτους, ἵνα συνεργοὶ γινώμεθα τῇ ἀληθείᾳ. 9 Ἔγραψά τι τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ· ἀλλ’ ὁ φιλοπρωτεύων αὐτῶν Διοτρεφὴς οὐκ ἐπιδέχεται ἡμᾶς. 10 διὰ τοῦτο, ἐὰν ἔλθω, ὑπομνήσω αὐτοῦ τὰ ἔργα ἃ ποιεῖ λόγοις πονηροῖς φλυαρῶν ἡμᾶς, καὶ μὴ ἀρκούμενος ἐπὶ τούτοις οὔτε αὐτὸς ἐπιδέχεται τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς καὶ τοὺς βουλομένους κωλύει καὶ ἐκ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἐκβάλλει. 11 Ἀγαπητέ, μὴ μιμοῦ τὸ κακὸν ἀλλὰ τὸ ἀγαθόν. ὁ ἀγαθοποιῶν ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐστιν· ὁ κακοποιῶν οὐχ ἑώρακεν τὸν Θεόν. 12 Δημητρίῳ μεμαρτύρηται ὑπὸ πάντων καὶ ὑπὸ αὐτῆς τῆς ἀληθείας· καὶ ἡμεῖς δὲ μαρτυροῦμεν, καὶ οἶδας ὅτι ἡ μαρτυρία ἡμῶν ἀληθής ἐστιν. 13 Πολλὰ εἶχον γράψαι σοι, ἀλλ’ οὐ θέλω διὰ μέλανος καὶ καλάμου σοι γράφειν· 14 ἐλπίζω δὲ εὐθέως σε ἰδεῖν, καὶ στόμα πρὸς στόμα λαλήσομεν. Εἰρήνη σοι. Ἀσπάζονταί σε οἱ φίλοι. Ἀσπάζου τοὺς φίλους κατ’ ὄνομα.
BIB(i) 13 Ἀσπάζεταί (Greet) σε (you), τὰ (the) τέκνα (children) τῆς (of the) ἀδελφῆς (sister) σου (of you) τῆς (-) ἐκλεκτῆς (elect).

3 John

1 Ὁ (The) πρεσβύτερος (elder), Γαΐῳ (To Gaius) τῷ (the) ἀγαπητῷ (beloved), ὃν (whom) ἐγὼ (I) ἀγαπῶ (love) ἐν (in) ἀληθείᾳ (truth). 2 Ἀγαπητέ (Beloved), περὶ (concerning) πάντων (all things) εὔχομαί (I pray) σε (you) εὐοδοῦσθαι (to prosper) καὶ (and) ὑγιαίνειν (to be in good health), καθὼς (just as) εὐοδοῦταί (prospers) σου (your) ἡ (-) ψυχή (soul). 3 ἐχάρην (I rejoiced) γὰρ (for) λίαν (exceedingly) ἐρχομένων (coming) ἀδελφῶν (of the brothers) καὶ (and) μαρτυρούντων (bearing witness) σου (of your) τῇ (-) ἀληθείᾳ (truth), καθὼς (just as) σὺ (you) ἐν (in) ἀληθείᾳ (truth) περιπατεῖς (are walking). 4 μειζοτέραν (Greater) τούτων (than these things) οὐκ (not) ἔχω (I have) χαράν (joy), ἵνα (that) ἀκούω (I should hear of) τὰ (-) ἐμὰ (my) τέκνα (children) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) ἀληθείᾳ (truth) περιπατοῦντα (walking). 5 Ἀγαπητέ (Beloved), πιστὸν (faithfully) ποιεῖς (you are doing) ὃ (whatever) ἐὰν (if) ἐργάσῃ (you might have done) εἰς (toward) τοὺς (the) ἀδελφοὺς (brothers), καὶ (and) τοῦτο (they are) ξένους (strangers), 6 οἳ (who) ἐμαρτύρησάν (testified) σου (of your) τῇ (-) ἀγάπῃ (love) ἐνώπιον (before) ἐκκλησίας (the church), οὓς (whom) καλῶς (well) ποιήσεις (you will do), προπέμψας (having set forward) ἀξίως (worthily) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God). 7 ὑπὲρ (On behalf) γὰρ (for) τοῦ (of the) Ὀνόματος (name) ἐξῆλθον* (they went forth), μηδὲν (nothing) λαμβάνοντες (accepting) ἀπὸ (from) τῶν (the) ἐθνικῶν (Gentiles). 8 ἡμεῖς (We) οὖν (therefore) ὀφείλομεν (ought) ὑπολαμβάνειν (to receive) τοὺς (-) τοιούτους (such men), ἵνα (so that) συνεργοὶ (fellow workers) γινώμεθα (we may be) τῇ (in the) ἀληθείᾳ (truth). 9 Ἔγραψά (I have written) τι (something) τῇ (to the) ἐκκλησίᾳ (church); ἀλλ’ (but) ὁ (the one) φιλοπρωτεύων (loving to be first) αὐτῶν (among them), Διοτρεφὴς (Diotrephes), οὐκ (not) ἐπιδέχεται (welcomes) ἡμᾶς (us). 10 διὰ (Because of) τοῦτο (this), ἐὰν (if) ἔλθω (I might come), ὑπομνήσω (I will bring to remembrance) αὐτοῦ (of him) τὰ (the) ἔργα (works) ἃ (which) ποιεῖ (he is doing), λόγοις (with words) πονηροῖς (evil) φλυαρῶν (prating against) ἡμᾶς (us); καὶ (and) μὴ (not) ἀρκούμενος (being satisfied) ἐπὶ (with) τούτοις (these), οὔτε (neither) αὐτὸς (himself) ἐπιδέχεται (he receives) τοὺς (the) ἀδελφοὺς (brothers), καὶ (and) τοὺς (those) βουλομένους (purposing), κωλύει (he forbids), καὶ (and) ἐκ (from) τῆς (the) ἐκκλησίας (church) ἐκβάλλει (he casts them out). 11 Ἀγαπητέ (Beloved), μὴ (not) μιμοῦ (do imitate) τὸ (what is) κακὸν (evil), ἀλλὰ (but) τὸ (what is) ἀγαθόν (good). ὁ (The one) ἀγαθοποιῶν (doing good), ἐκ (of) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God) ἐστιν (is); ὁ (the one) κακοποιῶν (doing evil), οὐχ (not) ἑώρακεν (has seen) τὸν (-) Θεόν (God). 12 Δημητρίῳ (To Demetrius) μεμαρτύρηται (witness has been given) ὑπὸ (by) πάντων (all), καὶ (and) ὑπὸ (by) αὐτῆς (itself) τῆς (the) ἀληθείας (truth); καὶ (and) ἡμεῖς (we) δὲ (also) μαρτυροῦμεν (bear witness), καὶ (and) οἶδας (you know) ὅτι (that) ἡ (the) μαρτυρία (testimony) ἡμῶν (of us) ἀληθής (true) ἐστιν (is). 13 Πολλὰ (Many things) εἶχον (I had) γράψαι (to write) σοι (to you), ἀλλ’ (but) οὐ (not) θέλω (I desire) διὰ (with) μέλανος (ink) καὶ (and) καλάμου (pen) σοι (to you) γράφειν (to write). 14 ἐλπίζω (I hope) δὲ (however) εὐθέως (soon), σε (you) ἰδεῖν (to see), καὶ (and) στόμα (mouth) πρὸς (to) στόμα (mouth) λαλήσομεν (we will speak). Εἰρήνη (Peace) σοι (to you). Ἀσπάζονταί (Greet) σε (you), οἱ (the) φίλοι (friends). Ἀσπάζου (Greet) τοὺς (the) φίλους (friends) κατ’ (by) ὄνομα (name).
BLB(i) 13 The children of your elect sister greet you.

3 John

1 The elder, To Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved, I pray you to prosper concerning all things and to be in good health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced exceedingly of the brothers coming and bearing witness of your truth, just as you are walking in truth. 4 I have no greater joy than these things, that I should hear of my children walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, you are doing faithfully whatever you might have done toward the brothers, and they are strangers, 6 who testified of your love before the church, whom you will do well having set forward worthily of God. 7 For they went forth on behalf of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to receive such men, so that we may be fellow workers in the truth. 9 I have written something to the church; but Diotrephes, the one loving to be first among them, does not welcome us. 10 Because of this, if I might come, I will bring to remembrance his works which he is doing, speaking against us with evil words; and not being satisfied with these, neither he receives the brothers himself, and he forbids those purposing, and he casts them out from the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one doing good is of God; the one doing evil has not seen God. 12 Witness has been given to Demetrius by all, and by the truth itself; and we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write to you, but I do not desire to write to you with ink and pen; 14 but I hope to see you soon, and we will speak mouth to mouth. Peace to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
BSB(i) 13 The children of your elect sister send you greetings.

3 John

1 The elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth: 2 Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers. 3 For I was overjoyed when the brothers came and testified about your devotion to the truth, in which you continue to walk. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 5 Beloved, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, and especially since they are strangers to you. 6 They have testified to the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. 7 For they went out on behalf of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers for the truth. 9 I have written to the church about this, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will not accept our instruction. 10 So if I come, I will call attention to his malicious slander against us. And unsatisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers and forbids those who want to do so, even putting them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has received a good testimony from everyone, and from the truth itself. We also testify for him, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I have many things to write to you, but I would prefer not to do so with pen and ink. 14 Instead, I hope to see you soon and speak with you face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send you greetings. Greet each of our friends there by name.
MSB(i) 13 The children of your elect sister send you greetings. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth: 2 Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers. 3 For I was overjoyed when the brothers came and testified about your devotion to the truth, in which you continue to walk. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth. 5 Beloved, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, and especially since they are strangers to you. 6 They have testified to the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. 7 For they went out on behalf of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to receive such men, so that we may be fellow workers for the truth. 9 I have written to the church about this, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will not accept our instruction. 10 So if I come, I will call attention to his malicious slander against us. And unsatisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers and forbids those who want to do so, even putting them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has received a good testimony from everyone, and from the truth itself. We also testify for him, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I have many things to write, but I would prefer not to do so with pen and ink. 14 Instead, I hope to see you soon and speak with you face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send you greetings. Greet each of our friends there by name.
MLV(i) 13 The children of your chosen sister greet you. Amen.

3 John

1 The elder to beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. 2 Beloved Gaius, I am praying for you to be prospered and to be sound concerning all things, just-as your soul is prospering. 3 For I rejoiced exceedingly of brethren coming and testifying of your truth, just-as you are walking in truth. 4 I have no greater joy from these things, in order that I may hear my children are walking in the truth.
5 Beloved, you practice faithfully whatever you have worked toward the brethren and toward strangers; 6 who testified to your love in the sight of the congregation; whom you will do well, having sent onward worthily of God. 7 For they went forth on behalf of the Name, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 Therefore we ought to receive those who are such, in order that we should become fellow workers for the truth.
9 I wrote to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who loves to be their foremost one, is not accepting us. 10 Because of this, if I come, I will be reminding him of his works in which he practices: gossiping against us with evil words and not being content in these, nor does he himself accept the brethren and he forbids those who plan to come, and casts them out of the congregation.
11 Beloved, do not imitate the evil one, but the good one. He who practices good is from God. He who practices evil has not seen God. 12 As for Demetrius, he has been testified of by all and by the truth itself. But we also are testifying and you know that our testimony is true.
13 I had many things to write to you, but I do not wish to write them to you through ink and reed. 14 But I hope to see you immediately and we will be speaking mouth to mouth
VIN(i) 13 The children of your eminent sister send you their greetings.

3 John

1 The elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth: 2 Beloved, I pray that you may be in good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 Because it gave me great joy when some brothers came and testified to the truth about you, how you are walking in Truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 5 Dear friend, you act faithfully in whatever you do for the brothers, even though they are strangers. 6 They have testified to the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. 7 because it was for the sake of the Name that they went out, accepting nothing from pagans. 8 We therefore ought to welcome such, so that we may work together for the Truth. 9 I wrote to the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not accept us. 10 So if I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, gossiping against us with evil words. And not satisfied with that, he refuses himself to welcome the brethren, and also stops those who want to welcome them and puts them out of the church. 11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The person who does what is good is from God. The person who does what is evil has never seen God. 12 Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone—even by the truth itself. Yes, we also speak well of him, and we know that our testimony is true. 13 I had much to write you, but I do not want to do so with pen and ink; 14 I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name.
Luther1545(i) 13 Es grüßen dich die Kinder deiner Schwester, der Auserwählten. Amen.

3 John

1 Der Älteste: Gajus, dem Lieben, den ich liebhabe in der Wahrheit. 2 Mein Lieber, ich wünsche in allen Stücken, daß dir's wohl gehe, und gesund seiest, wie es denn deiner Seele wohl gehet. 3 Ich bin aber sehr erfreuet, da die Brüder kamen und zeugeten von deiner Wahrheit, wie denn du wandelst in der Wahrheit. 4 Ich habe keine größere Freude denn die, daß ich höre meine Kinder in der Wahrheit wandeln. 5 Mein Lieber, du tust treulich, was du tust an den Brüdern und Gästen, 6 die von deiner Liebe gezeuget haben vor der Gemeinde; und du hast wohl getan, daß du sie abgefertiget hast würdiglich vor Gott. 7 Denn um seines Namens willen sind sie ausgezogen und haben von den Heiden nichts genommen. 8 So sollen wir nun solche aufnehmen, auf daß wir der Wahrheit Gehilfen werden. 9 Ich habe der Gemeinde geschrieben; aber Diotrephes, der unter ihnen will hochgehalten sein, nimmt uns nicht an. 10 Darum, wenn ich komme, will ich ihn erinnern seiner Werke, die er tut, und plaudert mit bösen Worten wider uns und lässet sich an dem nicht genügen. Er selbst nimmt die Brüder nicht an und wehret denen, die es tun wollen, und stößet sie aus der Gemeinde. 11 Mein Lieber, folge nicht nach dem Bösen, sondern dem Guten! Wer Gutes tut, der ist von Gott; wer Böses tut, der siehet Gott nicht. 12 Demetrius hat Zeugnis von jedermann und von der Wahrheit selbst; und wir zeugen auch, und ihr wisset, daß unser Zeugnis wahr ist. 13 Ich hatte viel zu schreiben; aber ich wollte nicht mit Tinte und Feder an dich schreiben. 14 Ich hoffe aber, dich bald zu sehen, so wollen wir mündlich miteinander reden.
  13 G782 Es grüßen G4675 dich G5043 die Kinder G4571 deiner G79 Schwester G1588 , der Auserwählten G281 . Amen .

3 John

  1 G4245 Der Älteste G1050 : Gajus G3739 , dem G27 Lieben G1473 , den ich G25 liebhabe G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit .
  2 G27 Mein Lieber G2172 , ich wünsche G4012 in G3956 allen G4571 Stücken, daß dir G2137 ‘s wohl gehe G2532 , und G5198 gesund G2531 seiest, wie G4675 es denn deiner G5590 SeeLE wohl gehet.
  3 G2064 Ich bin G3029 aber sehr G80 erfreuet, da die Brüder G2532 kamen und G4675 zeugeten von deiner G225 Wahrheit G2531 , wie G1063 denn G5463 du G4043 wandelst G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit .
  4 G2192 Ich habe G3756 keine G5479 größere Freude G5130 denn die G2443 , daß G191 ich höre G1699 meine G5043 Kinder G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit G4043 wandeln .
  5 G27 Mein Lieber G2038 , du G4160 tust G4103 treulich G1437 , was G1519 du tust an G80 den Brüdern G2532 und G3581 Gästen,
  6 G3739 die G26 von deiner Liebe G1799 gezeuget haben vor G3739 der G1577 Gemeinde G4675 ; und du G2573 hast wohl G4160 getan G3140 , daß du sie G2316 abgefertiget hast würdiglich vor GOtt .
  7 G1063 Denn G5228 um G3686 seines Namens willen G846 sind sie G1831 ausgezogen G5228 und haben von G575 den G1484 Heiden G3367 nichts G2983 genommen .
  8 G3784 So sollen G2249 wir G3767 nun G5108 solche G618 aufnehmen G2443 , auf daß G225 wir der Wahrheit G4904 Gehilfen G1096 werden .
  9 G3588 Ich habe der G1577 Gemeinde G1125 geschrieben G235 ; aber G1361 Diotrephes G846 , der unter ihnen G5383 will G1926 hochgehalten sein, nimmt G2248 uns G3756 nicht an.
  10 G1437 Darum, wenn G5124 ich G2064 komme G1014 , will G5279 ich ihn erinnern G2041 seiner Werke G3739 , die G846 er G4160 tut G2532 , und G5396 plaudert G4190 mit bösen G3056 Worten G2248 wider uns G2532 und G1537 lässet sich an G5125 dem G3361 nicht G714 genügen G1926 . Er selbst nimmt G80 die Brüder G3777 nicht G2532 an und G1544 wehret denen, die es tun wollen, und stößet sie aus G1577 der Gemeinde .
  11 G27 Mein Lieber G3401 , folge G3361 nicht G235 nach dem Bösen, sondern G18 dem Guten G15 ! Wer Gutes tut G2076 , der ist G1537 von G2316 GOtt G2556 ; wer Böses G2554 tut G2316 , der siehet GOtt G3756 nicht .
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 hat Zeugnis G5259 von G3956 jedermann G2532 und G5259 von der G225 Wahrheit G1161 selbst; und G2249 wir G3140 zeugen G2532 auch G2532 , und G846 ihr G1492 wisset G3754 , daß G2257 unser G3141 Zeugnis G227 wahr G2076 ist .
  13 G2192 Ich hatte G4183 viel G1125 zu schreiben G1223 ; aber G2309 ich wollte G3756 nicht G2532 mit G3188 Tinte G235 und G2563 Feder G4671 an dich G1125 schreiben .
  14 G1679 Ich hoffe G1161 aber G4571 , dich G2112 bald G4314 zu G1492 sehen G2532 , so G4750 wollen wir mündlich G2980 miteinander reden .
  15 G1515 Friede G2596 sei mit G4571 dir G1492 ! Es G782 grüßen G4671 dich G5384 die Freunde G782 . Grüße G5384 die Freunde G3686 mit Namen .
Luther1912(i) 13 Es grüßen dich die Kinder deiner Schwester, der Auserwählten. Amen.

3 John

1 Der Älteste: Gajus, dem Lieben, den ich liebhabe in der Wahrheit. 2 Mein Lieber, ich wünsche in allen Stücken, daß dir's wohl gehe und du gesund seist, wie es denn deiner Seele wohl geht. 3 Ich bin aber sehr erfreut worden, da die Brüder kamen und zeugten von deiner Wahrheit, wie denn du wandelst in der Wahrheit. 4 Ich habe keine größere Freude denn die, daß ich höre, wie meine Kinder in der Wahrheit wandeln. 5 Mein Lieber, du tust treulich, was du tust an den Brüdern und Gästen, 6 die von deiner Liebe gezeugt haben vor der Gemeinde; und du wirst wohl tun, wenn du sie abfertigst würdig vor Gott. 7 Denn um seines Namens willen sind sie ausgezogen und nehmen von den Heiden nichts. 8 So sollen wir nun solche aufnehmen, auf daß wir der Wahrheit Gehilfen werden. 9 Ich habe der Gemeinde geschrieben, aber Diotrephes, der unter ihnen hochgehalten sein will, nimmt uns nicht an. 10 Darum, wenn ich komme, will ich ihn erinnern seiner Werke, die er tut; denn er plaudert mit bösen Worten wider uns und läßt sich an dem nicht genügen; er selbst nimmt die Brüder nicht an und wehrt denen, die es tun wollen, und stößt sie aus der Gemeinde. 11 Mein Lieber, folge nicht nach dem Bösen, sondern dem Guten. Wer Gutes tut, der ist von Gott; wer Böses tut, der sieht Gott nicht. 12 Demetrius hat Zeugnis von jedermann und von der Wahrheit selbst; und wir zeugen auch, und ihr wisset, das unser Zeugnis wahr ist. 13 14 15 [1:14] Ich hoffe aber, dich bald zu sehen; so wollen wir mündlich miteinander reden.[1:15] Friede sei mit dir! Es grüßen dich die Freunde. Grüße die Freunde bei Namen. Friede sei mit dir! Es grüßen dich die Freunde. Grüße die Freunde bei Namen.
  13 G782 Es grüßen G4571 dich G5043 die Kinder G4675 deiner G79 Schwester G1588 , der Auserwählten G281 . Amen .

3 John

  1 G4245 Der Älteste G1050 : Gajus G27 , dem Lieben G3739 , den G1473 ich G25 liebhabe G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit .
  2 G27 Mein Lieber G2172 , ich wünsche G4012 in G3956 allen Stücken G4571 , daß dir’s G2137 wohl G2532 gehe und G5198 du gesund G2531 seist, wie G4675 es denn deiner G5590 Seele G2137 wohl geht.
  3 G1063 Ich bin G3029 aber sehr G5463 erfreut G80 worden, da die Brüder G2064 kamen G2532 und G3140 zeugten G4675 von deiner G225 Wahrheit G2531 , wie G4771 denn du G4043 wandelst G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit .
  4 G2192 Ich habe G3756 keine G3186 G5130 größere G5479 Freude G2443 denn G191 die, daß ich höre G1699 , wie meine G5043 Kinder G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit G4043 wandeln .
  5 G27 Mein Lieber G4160 , du tust G4103 treulich G3739 G1437 , was G2038 du tust G1519 an G1519 den G80 Brüdern G2532 und G3581 Gästen,
  6 G3739 die G4675 von deiner G26 Liebe G3140 gezeugt G1799 haben vor G1577 der Gemeinde G2573 ; und du wirst wohl G4160 tun G3739 , wenn du sie G4311 abfertigst G2316 würdig G516 vor Gott .
  7 G1063 Denn G5228 um G846 seines G3686 Namens G5228 willen G1831 sind sie ausgezogen G2983 und nehmen G575 von G1484 den Heiden G3367 nichts .
  8 G3767 So G3784 sollen G2249 wir G5108 nun solche G618 aufnehmen G2443 , auf daß G225 wir der Wahrheit G4904 Gehilfen G1096 werden .
  9 G1577 Ich habe der Gemeinde G1125 geschrieben G235 ; aber G1361 Diotrephes G3588 , der G846 unter ihnen G5383 will hochgehalten G1926 sein, nimmt G2248 uns G3756 nicht an.
  10 G1223 G5124 Darum G1437 , wenn G2064 ich komme G5279 , will ich ihn erinnern G846 seiner G2041 Werke G3739 , die G4160 er tut G5396 ; denn er plaudert G4190 mit bösen G3056 Worten G5396 wider G2248 uns G2532 und G1909 G5125 läßt sich an G3361 dem nicht G714 genügen G846 ; er selbst G1926 nimmt G80 die Brüder G3777 nicht G2532 an und G2967 wehrt G1014 denen, die es tun wollen G2532 , und G1544 stößt G1537 sie aus G1577 der Gemeinde .
  11 G27 Mein Lieber G3401 , folge G3361 nicht G2556 nach dem Bösen G235 , sondern G18 dem Guten G15 . Wer Gutes G2076 tut, der ist G1537 von G2316 Gott G2554 ; wer Böses G3708 tut, der sieht G2316 Gott G3756 nicht .
  12 G1216 Demetrius G3140 hat Zeugnis G5259 von G3956 jedermann G2532 und G5259 von G225 der Wahrheit G846 selbst G2532 ; und G2249 wir G3140 zeugen G2532 auch, und G1492 ihr wisset G3754 , das G2257 unser G3141 Zeugnis G227 wahr G2076 ist .
  13 G2192 Ich hatte G4183 viel G1125 zu schreiben G235 ; aber G2309 ich wollte G3756 nicht G1223 mit G3188 Tinte G2532 und G2563 Feder G4671 an dich G1125 schreiben .
  14 G1679 Ich hoffe G1161 aber G4571 , dich G2112 bald G1492 zu sehen G2532 ; so G4314 G4750 G4750 wollen wir mündlich G2980 miteinander reden .
  15 G1515 Friede G4671 sei mit dir G782 ! Es grüßen G4571 dich G5384 die Freunde G782 . Grüße G5384 die Freunde G2596 bei G3686 Namen .
ELB1871(i) 13 Es grüßen dich die Kinder deiner auserwählten Schwester.

3 John

1 Der Älteste dem geliebten Gajus, den ich liebe in der Wahrheit. 2 Geliebter, ich wünsche, daß es dir in allem wohlgehe und du gesund seiest, gleichwie es deiner Seele wohlgeht. 3 Denn ich freute mich sehr, als Brüder kamen und Zeugnis gaben von deinem Festhalten an der Wahrheit, gleichwie du in der Wahrheit wandelst. 4 Ich habe keine größere Freude als dies, daß ich höre, daß meine Kinder in der Wahrheit wandeln. 5 Geliebter, treulich tust du, was irgend du an den Brüdern, und zwar an Fremden, getan haben magst, 6 (die von deiner Liebe Zeugnis gegeben haben vor der Versammlung) und du wirst wohltun, wenn du sie auf eine gotteswürdige Weise geleitest. 7 Denn für den Namen sind sie ausgegangen und nehmen nichts von denen aus den Nationen. 8 Wir nun sind schuldig, solche aufzunehmen, auf daß wir Mitarbeiter der Wahrheit werden. 9 Ich schrieb etwas an die Versammlung, aber Diotrephes, der gern unter ihnen der Erste sein will, nimmt uns nicht an. 10 Deshalb, wenn ich komme, will ich seiner Werke gedenken, die er tut, indem er mit bösen Worten wider uns schwatzt; und sich hiermit nicht begnügend, nimmt er selbst die Brüder nicht an und wehrt auch denen, die es wollen, und stößt sie aus der Versammlung. 11 Geliebter, ahme nicht das Böse nach, sondern das Gute. Wer Gutes tut, ist aus Gott; wer Böses tut, hat Gott nicht gesehen. 12 Dem Demetrius wird Zeugnis gegeben von allen und von der Wahrheit selbst; aber auch wir geben Zeugnis, und du weißt, daß unser Zeugnis wahr ist. 13 Ich hätte dir vieles zu schreiben, aber ich will dir nicht mit Tinte und Feder schreiben, 14 sondern ich hoffe, dich bald zu sehen, und wir wollen mündlich miteinander reden. (1:15) Friede dir! Es grüßen dich die Freunde. Grüße die Freunde mit Namen.
  13 G782 Es grüßen G4571 dich G5043 die Kinder G4675 deiner G1588 auserwählten G79 Schwester.

3 John

  1 G4245 Der Älteste G27 dem geliebten G1050 Gajus, G3739 den G1473 ich G25 liebe G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit.
  2 G27 Geliebter, G2172 ich wünsche, G4571 daß es dir G4012 in G3956 allem G2137 wohlgehe G2532 und G5198 du gesund G2531 seiest, gleichwie G4675 es deiner G5590 Seele G2137 wohlgeht.
  3 G1063 Denn G5463 ich freute mich G3029 sehr, G80 als Brüder G2064 kamen G2532 und G3140 Zeugnis gaben G4675 von deinem G225 Festhalten an der Wahrheit, G2531 gleichwie G4771 du G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit G4043 wandelst.
  4 G2192 Ich habe G3756 keine G3186 größere G5479 Freude G5130 als dies, G2443 daß G191 ich höre, G1699 daß meine G5043 Kinder G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit G4043 wandeln.
  5 G27 Geliebter, G4103 treulich G4160 tust G1437 du, was irgend G1519 du an G80 den Brüdern, G2532 und zwar G1519 an G3581 Fremden, G2038 getan haben magst,
  6 G3739 [die G3140 von G4675 deiner G26 Liebe G3140 Zeugnis gegeben G1799 haben vor G1577 der Versammlung] G4160 G2573 und du wirst wohltun, G3739 wenn du sie G2316 auf eine gotteswürdige G516 Weise G4311 geleitest.
  7 G1063 Denn G5228 für G846 den G3686 Namen G1831 sind sie ausgegangen G2983 und nehmen G3367 nichts G575 von G1484 denen aus den Nationen.
  8 G2249 Wir G3767 nun G3784 sind schuldig, G5108 solche G618 aufzunehmen, G2443 auf daß G4904 wir Mitarbeiter G225 der Wahrheit G1096 werden.
  9 G1125 Ich schrieb G1577 etwas an die Versammlung, G235 aber G1361 Diotrephes, G3588 der G5383 gern G846 unter ihnen G5383 der Erste G1926 sein will, nimmt G2248 uns G3756 nicht G1926 an.
  10 G1223 G5124 Deshalb, G1437 wenn G2064 ich komme, G5279 will G846 ich seiner G2041 Werke G5279 gedenken, G3739 die G4160 er tut, G4190 indem er mit bösen G3056 Worten G5396 wider G2248 uns G5396 schwatzt; G2532 und G714 sich G1909 G5125 hiermit G3361 nicht G714 begnügend, G1926 nimmt G846 er selbst G80 die Brüder G3777 nicht G1926 an G2532 und G2967 wehrt G1014 auch denen, die es wollen, G2532 und G1544 stößt G1537 sie aus G1577 der Versammlung.
  11 G27 Geliebter, G3401 ahme G3361 nicht G2556 das Böse G3401 nach, G235 sondern G18 das Gute. G15 Wer Gutes tut, G2076 ist G1537 aus G2316 Gott; G2554 wer Böses tut, G3708 hat G2316 Gott G3756 nicht G3708 gesehen.
  12 G1216 Dem Demetrius G3140 wird Zeugnis gegeben G5259 von G3956 allen G2532 und G5259 von G225 der Wahrheit G846 selbst; G1161 aber G2532 auch G2249 wir G3140 geben Zeugnis, G2532 und G1492 du weißt, G3754 daß G2257 unser G3141 Zeugnis G227 wahr G2076 ist.
  13 G2192 Ich hätte G4183 dir vieles G1125 zu schreiben, G235 aber G2309 ich will G4671 dir G3756 nicht G1223 mit G3188 Tinte G2532 und G2563 Feder G1125 schreiben,
  14 G1161 sondern G1679 ich hoffe, G4571 dich G2112 bald G1492 zu sehen, G2532 und G2980 wir wollen G4750 mündlich G4314 G4750 miteinander G2980 reden. G1515 [1:15] Friede G4671 dir! G782 Es grüßen G4571 dich G5384 die Freunde. G782 Grüße G5384 die Freunde G2596 mit G3686 Namen.
ELB1905(i) 13 Es grüßen dich die Kinder deiner auserwählten Schwester.

3 John

1 Der Älteste dem geliebten Gajus, den ich liebe in der Wahrheit. 2 Geliebter, ich wünsche, daß es dir in allem wohlgehe Und. üb.: vor allem wünsche ich, daß es dir wohlgehe und du gesund seiest, gleichwie es deiner Seele wohlgeht. 3 Denn ich freute mich sehr, als Brüder kamen und Zeugnis gaben von deinem Festhalten an der Wahrheit, W. und deiner Wahrheit Zeugnis gaben gleichwie du in der Wahrheit wandelst. 4 Ich habe keine größere Freude als dies, daß ich höre, daß meine Kinder in der Wahrheit wandeln. 5 Geliebter, treulich tust du, was irgend du an den Brüdern, und zwar an Fremden, getan haben magst, 6 [die von deiner Liebe Zeugnis gegeben haben vor der Versammlung] und du wirst wohltun, wenn du sie auf eine gotteswürdige Weise geleitest. 7 Denn für den Namen sind sie ausgegangen und nehmen nichts von denen aus den Nationen. 8 Wir nun sind schuldig, solche aufzunehmen, auf daß wir Mitarbeiter der Wahrheit werden. 9 Ich schrieb etwas an die Versammlung, aber Diotrephes, der gern unter ihnen der erste sein will, nimmt uns nicht an. 10 Deshalb, wenn ich komme, will ich seiner Werke gedenken, die er tut, indem er mit bösen Worten wider uns schwatzt; und sich hiermit nicht begnügend, nimmt er selbst die Brüder nicht an und wehrt auch denen, die es wollen, und stößt sie aus der Versammlung. 11 Geliebter, ahme nicht das Böse nach, sondern das Gute. Wer Gutes tut, ist aus Gott; wer Böses tut, hat Gott nicht gesehen. 12 Dem Demetrius wird Zeugnis gegeben von allen und von der Wahrheit selbst; aber auch wir geben Zeugnis, und du weißt, daß unser Zeugnis wahr ist. 13 14 15 [1:14] sondern ich hoffe, dich bald zu sehen, und wir wollen mündlich miteinander Eig. von Mund zu Mund reden.[1:15] Friede dir! Es grüßen dich die Freunde. Grüße die Freunde mit Namen. Friede dir! Es grüßen dich die Freunde. Grüße die Freunde mit Namen.
  13 G782 Es grüßen G4571 dich G5043 die Kinder G4675 deiner G1588 auserwählten G79 Schwester .

3 John

  1 G4245 Der Älteste G27 dem geliebten G1050 Gajus G3739 , den G1473 ich G25 liebe G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit .
  2 G27 Geliebter G2172 , ich wünsche G4571 , daß es dir G4012 in G3956 allem G2137 wohlgehe G2532 und G5198 du gesund G2531 seiest, gleichwie G4675 es deiner G5590 Seele G2137 wohlgeht .
  3 G1063 Denn G5463 ich freute mich G3029 sehr G80 , als Brüder G2064 kamen G2532 und G3140 Zeugnis gaben G4675 von deinem G225 Festhalten an der Wahrheit G2531 , gleichwie G4771 du G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit G4043 wandelst .
  4 G2192 Ich habe G3756 keine G3186 größere G5479 Freude G5130 als dies G2443 , daß G191 ich höre G1699 , daß meine G5043 Kinder G1722 in G225 der Wahrheit G4043 wandeln .
  5 G27 Geliebter G4103 , treulich G4160 tust G1437 du, was irgend G1519 du an G80 den Brüdern G2532 , und G1519 zwar an G3581 Fremden G2038 , getan haben magst,
  6 G3739 [ die G3140 von G4675 deiner G26 Liebe G3140 Zeugnis gegeben G1799 haben vor G1577 der Versammlung G2573 -G4160 ] du wirst wohltun G3739 , wenn du sie G2316 auf eine gotteswürdige G516 Weise G4311 geleitest .
  7 G1063 Denn G5228 für G846 den G3686 Namen G1831 sind sie ausgegangen G2983 und nehmen G3367 nichts G575 von G1484 denen aus den Nationen .
  8 G2249 Wir G3767 nun G3784 sind schuldig G5108 , solche G618 aufzunehmen G2443 , auf daß G4904 wir Mitarbeiter G225 der Wahrheit G1096 werden .
  9 G1125 Ich schrieb G1577 etwas an die Versammlung G235 , aber G1361 Diotrephes G3588 , der G5383 gern G846 unter ihnen G5383 der Erste G1926 sein will, nimmt G2248 uns G3756 nicht G1926 an .
  10 G1223 -G5124 Deshalb G1437 , wenn G2064 ich komme G5279 , will G846 ich seiner G2041 Werke G5279 gedenken G3739 , die G4160 er tut G4190 , indem er mit bösen G3056 Worten G5396 wider G2248 uns G5396 schwatzt G2532 ; und G714 sich G1909 -G5125 hiermit G3361 nicht G714 begnügend G1926 , nimmt G846 er selbst G80 die Brüder G3777 nicht G1926 an G2532 und G2967 wehrt G1014 auch denen, die es wollen G2532 , und G1544 stößt G1537 sie aus G1577 der Versammlung .
  11 G27 Geliebter G3401 , ahme G3361 nicht G2556 das Böse G3401 nach G235 , sondern G18 das Gute G15 . Wer Gutes tut G2076 , ist G1537 aus G2316 Gott G2554 ; wer Böses tut G3708 , hat G2316 Gott G3756 nicht G3708 gesehen .
  12 G1216 Dem Demetrius G3140 wird Zeugnis gegeben G5259 von G3956 allen G2532 und G5259 von G225 der Wahrheit G846 selbst G1161 ; aber G2532 auch G2249 wir G3140 geben Zeugnis G2532 , und G1492 du weißt G3754 , daß G2257 unser G3141 Zeugnis G227 wahr G2076 ist .
  13 G2192 Ich hätte G4183 dir vieles G1125 zu schreiben G235 , aber G2309 ich will G4671 dir G3756 nicht G1223 mit G3188 Tinte G2532 und G2563 Feder G1125 schreiben,
  14 G1161 sondern G1679 ich hoffe G4571 , dich G2112 bald G1492 zu sehen G2532 , und G2980 wir wollen G4750 mündlich G4314 -G4750 miteinander G2980 reden .
  15 G1515 Friede G4671 dir G782 ! Es grüßen G4571 dich G5384 die Freunde G782 . Grüße G5384 die Freunde G2596 mit G3686 Namen .
DSV(i) 13 U groeten de kinderen van uw zuster, de uitverkorene. Amen.

3 John

1 De ouderling aan den geliefden Gajus, welken ik in waarheid liefheb. 2 Geliefde, voor alle dingen wens ik, dat gij welvaart en gezond zijt, gelijk uw ziel welvaart. 3 Want ik ben zeer verblijd geweest, als de broeders kwamen, en getuigden van uw waarheid, gelijk gij in de waarheid wandelt. 4 Ik heb geen meerdere blijdschap dan hierin, dat ik hoor, dat mijn kinderen in de waarheid wandelen. 5 Geliefde, gij doet trouwelijk, in al hetgeen gij doet aan de broederen en aan de vreemdelingen, 6 Die getuigd hebben van uw liefde, in de tegenwoordigheid der Gemeente; welken indien gij geleide doet, gelijk het Gode waardig is, zo zult gij weldoen. 7 Want zij zijn voor Zijn Naam uitgegaan, niets nemende van de heidenen. 8 Wij dan zijn schuldig de zodanigen te ontvangen, opdat wij medearbeiders mogen worden der waarheid. 9 Ik heb aan de Gemeente geschreven; maar Diotrefes, die onder hen zoekt de eerste te zijn, neemt ons niet aan. 10 Daarom, indien ik kom, zo zal ik in gedachtenis brengen zijn werken, die hij doet, met boze woorden snaterende tegen ons; en hiermede niet vergenoegd zijnde, zo ontvangt hij zelf de broeders niet, en verhindert degenen, die het willen doen, en werpt ze uit de Gemeente. 11 Geliefde, volgt het kwade niet na, maar het goede. Die goed doet, is uit God; maar die kwaad doet, heeft God niet gezien. 12 Aan Demetrius wordt getuigenis gegeven van allen, en van de waarheid zelve; en wij getuigen ook, en gij weet, dat onze getuigenis waarachtig is. 13 Ik had veel te schrijven, maar ik wil u niet schrijven met inkt en pen; 14 Maar ik hoop u haast te zien, en wij zullen mond tot mond spreken. Vrede zij u. De vrienden groeten u. Groet de vrienden met name.
  13 G4571 U G782 G5736 groeten G5043 de kinderen G4675 van uw G79 zuster G1588 , de uitverkorene G281 . Amen.

3 John

  1 G4245 De ouderling G27 aan den geliefden G1050 Gajus G3739 , welken G1473 ik G1722 in G225 waarheid G25 G5719 liefheb.
  2 G27 Geliefde G4012 , voor G3956 alle dingen G2172 G5736 wens ik G4571 , dat gij G2137 G5745 welvaart G2532 en G5198 G5721 gezond zijt G2531 , gelijk G4675 uw G5590 ziel G2137 G5743 welvaart.
  3 G1063 Want G3029 ik ben zeer G5463 G5644 verblijd geweest G80 , als de broeders G2064 G5740 kwamen G2532 , en G3140 G5723 getuigden G4675 van uw G225 waarheid G2531 , gelijk G4771 gij G1722 in G225 de waarheid G4043 G5719 wandelt.
  4 G2192 G5719 Ik heb G3756 geen G3186 meerdere G5479 blijdschap G5130 dan hierin G2443 , dat G191 G5719 ik hoor G1699 , dat mijn G5043 kinderen G1722 in G225 de waarheid G4043 G5723 wandelen.
  5 G27 Geliefde G4160 G5719 , gij doet G4103 trouwelijk G1437 , in al hetgeen G2038 G5667 gij doet G1519 aan G80 de broederen G2532 en G1519 aan G3581 de vreemdelingen,
  6 G3739 Die G3140 G5656 getuigd hebben G4675 van uw G26 liefde G1799 , in de tegenwoordigheid G1577 der Gemeente G3739 ; welken G4311 G5660 indien gij geleide doet G2316 , gelijk het Gode G4160 G5692 G2573 waardig is, zo zult gij weldoen.
  7 G1063 Want G5228 zij zijn voor G846 Zijn G3686 Naam G1831 G5627 uitgegaan G3367 , niets G2983 G5723 nemende G575 van G1484 de heidenen.
  8 G2249 Wij G3767 dan G3784 G5719 zijn schuldig G5108 de zodanigen G618 G5721 te ontvangen G2443 , opdat G4904 wij medearbeiders G1096 G5741 mogen worden G225 der waarheid.
  9 G1577 Ik heb aan de Gemeente G1125 G5656 geschreven G235 ; maar G1361 Diotrefes G3588 , die G846 onder hen G5383 G5723 zoekt de eerste te zijn G1926 G , neemt G2248 ons G3756 niet G1926 G5736 aan.
  10 G1223 G5124 Daarom G1437 , indien G2064 G5632 ik kom G5279 G5692 , zo zal ik in gedachtenis brengen G846 zijn G2041 werken G3739 , die G4160 G5719 hij doet G4190 , met boze G3056 woorden G5396 G5723 snaterende tegen G2248 ons G2532 ; en G1909 G5125 hiermede G3361 niet G714 G5746 vergenoegd zijnde G1926 G5736 , zo ontvangt hij G846 zelf G80 de broeders G3777 niet G2532 , en G2967 G5719 verhindert G1014 G5740 degenen, die het willen G2532 [doen], en G1544 G5719 werpt G1537 ze uit G1577 de Gemeente.
  11 G27 Geliefde G3401 G5737 , volgt G2556 het kwade G3361 niet G235 na, maar G18 het goede G15 G5723 . Die goed doet G2076 G5748 , is G1537 uit G2316 God G1161 ; maar G2554 G5723 die kwaad doet G2316 , heeft God G3756 niet G3708 G5758 gezien.
  12 G1216 Aan Demetrius G3140 G5769 wordt getuigenis gegeven G5259 van G3956 allen G2532 , en G5259 van G225 de waarheid G846 zelve G1161 ; en G2249 wij G3140 G5719 getuigen G2532 ook G2532 , en G1492 G5758 gij weet G3754 , dat G2257 onze G3141 getuigenis G227 waarachtig G2076 G5748 is.
  13 G2192 G5707 Ik had G4183 veel G1125 G5721 te schrijven G235 , maar G2309 G5719 ik wil G4671 u G3756 niet G1125 G5658 schrijven G1223 met G3188 inkt G2532 en G2563 pen;
  14 G1161 Maar G1679 G5719 ik hoop G4571 u G2112 haast G1492 G5629 te zien G2532 , en G4750 wij zullen mond G4314 tot G4750 mond G2980 G5692 spreken G1515 . [1:15] Vrede zij G4671 u G5384 . De vrienden G782 G5736 groeten G4571 u G782 G5737 . Groet G5384 de vrienden G2596 met G3686 name.
DarbyFR(i) 13 Les enfants de ta soeur élue te saluent.

3 John

L'ancien à Gaïus, le bien-aimé, que j'aime dans la vérité. 2 Bien-aimé, je souhaite qu'à tous égards tu prospères et que tu sois en bonne santé, comme ton âme prospère; 3
car je me suis très-fort réjoui quand des frères sont venus et ont rendu témoignage à ta vérité, comment toi tu marches dans la vérité. 4 Je n'ai pas de plus grande joie que ceci, c'est que j'entende dire que mes enfants marchent dans la vérité. 5 Bien-aimé, tu agis fidèlement dans tout ce que fais envers les frères, et cela envers ceux-là même qui sont étrangers, 6 qui ont rendu témoignage à ton amour devant l'assemblée; et tu feras bien de leur faire la conduite d'une manière digne de Dieu, 7 car ils sont sortis pour le nom, ne recevant rien de ceux des nations. 8 Nous donc, nous devons recevoir de tels hommes, afin que nous coopérions avec la vérité. 9
J'ai écrit quelque chose à l'assemblée; mais Diotrèphe, qui aime à être le premier parmi eux, ne nous reçoit pas; 10 c'est pourquoi, si je viens, je me souviendrai des oeuvres qu'il fait en débitant de méchantes paroles contre nous; et, non content de cela, lui-même il ne reçoit pas les frères et il empêche ceux qui veulent les recevoir, et les chasse de l'assemblée. 11 Bien-aimé, n'imite pas le mal, mais le bien. Celui qui fait le bien est de Dieu; celui qui fait le mal n'a pas vu Dieu. 12
Démétrius a le témoignage de tous et de la vérité elle-même; et nous aussi, nous lui rendons témoignage: et tu sais que notre témoignage est vrai. 13 J'avais beaucoup de choses à t'écrire, mais je ne veux pas t'écrire avec l'encre et la plume, 14 mais j'espère te voir bientôt et nous parlerons bouche à bouche. Paix te soit. (1:15) Les amis te saluent. Salue les amis, chacun par son nom.
Martin(i) 13 Les enfants de ta soeur élue te saluent, Amen!

3 John

1 L'Ancien à Gaïus le bien-aimé, leque j'aime en vérité. 2 Bien-aimé, je souhaite que tu prospères en toutes choses, et que tu sois en santé, comme ton âme est en prospérité. 3 Car je me suis fort réjoui quand les frères sont venus, et ont rendu témoignage de ta sincérité, et comment tu marches dans la vérité. 4 Je n'ai point de plus grande joie que celle-ci, qui est d'entendre que mes enfants marchent dans la vérité. 5 Bien-aimé, tu agis fidèlement en tout ce que tu fais envers les frères, et envers les étrangers; 6 Qui en la présence de l'Eglise ont rendu témoignage de ta charité, et tu feras bien de les accompagner dignement, comme il est séant selon Dieu. 7 Car ils sont partis pour son Nom, ne prenant rien des Gentils. 8 Nous devons donc recevoir ceux qui leur ressemblent, afin que nous aidions à la vérité. 9 J'ai écrit à l'Eglise; mais Diotrèphes, qui aime d'être le premier entre eux, ne nous reçoit point. 10 C'est pourquoi, si je viens, je représenterai les actions qu'il commet, s'évaporant en mauvais discours contre nous, et n'étant pas content de cela, non seulement il ne reçoit pas les frères, mais il empêche même ceux qui les veulent recevoir, et les chasse de l'Eglise. 11 Bien-aimé, n'imite point le mal, mais le bien; celui qui fait bien, est de Dieu; mais celui qui fait mal, n'a point vu Dieu. 12 Tous rendent témoignage à Démétrius, et la vérité même le lui rend, et nous aussi lui rendons témoignage, et vous savez que notre témoignage est véritable. 13 J'avais plusieurs choses à écrire, mais je ne veux point t'écrire avec de l'encre et avec la plume; 14 Mais j'espère de te voir bientôt, et nous parlerons bouche à bouche. Que la paix soit avec toi! les amis te saluent; salue les amis nom par nom.
Segond(i) 13 Les enfants de ta soeur l'élue te saluent.

3 John

1 L'ancien, à Gaïus, le bien-aimé, que j' aime dans la vérité. 2 Bien-aimé, je souhaite que tu prospères à tous égards et sois en bonne santé, comme prospère l'état de ton âme. 3 J'ai été fort réjoui, lorsque des frères sont arrivés et ont rendu témoignage de la vérité qui est en toi, de la manière dont tu marches dans la vérité. 4 Je n'ai pas de plus grande joie que d'apprendre que mes enfants marchent dans la vérité. 5 Bien-aimé, tu agis fidèlement dans ce que tu fais pour les frères, et même pour des frères étrangers, 6 lesquels ont rendu témoignage de ta charité, en présence de l'Eglise. Tu feras bien de pourvoir à leur voyage d'une manière digne de Dieu. 7 Car c'est pour le nom de Jésus-Christ qu'ils sont partis, sans rien recevoir des païens. 8 Nous devons donc accueillir de tels hommes, afin d'être ouvriers avec eux pour la vérité. 9 J'ai écrit quelques mots à l'Eglise; mais Diotrèphe, qui aime à être le premier parmi eux, ne nous reçoit point. 10 C'est pourquoi, si je vais vous voir, je rappellerai les actes qu'il commet, en tenant contre nous de méchants propos; non content de cela, il ne reçoit pas les frères, et ceux qui voudraient le faire, il les en empêche et les chasse de l'Eglise. 11 Bien-aimé, n'imite pas le mal, mais le bien. Celui qui fait le bien est de Dieu; celui qui fait le mal n'a point vu Dieu. 12 Tous, et la vérité elle-même, rendent un bon témoignage à Démétrius; nous aussi, nous lui rendons témoignage, et tu sais que notre témoignage est vrai. 13 J'aurais beaucoup de choses à t'écrire, mais je ne veux pas le faire avec l'encre et la plume. 14 J'espère te voir bientôt, et nous parlerons de bouche à bouche. Que la paix soit avec toi! Les amis te saluent. Salue les amis, chacun en particulier.
  13 G5043 Les enfants G4675 de ta G79 sœur G1588 l’élue G4571 te G782 saluent G5736  .

3 John

  1 G4245 ¶ L’ancien G1050 , à Gaïus G27 , le bien-aimé G3739 , que G1473 j’ G25 aime G5719   G1722 dans G225 la vérité.
  2 G27 Bien-aimé G2172 , je souhaite G5736   G4571 que tu G2137 prospères G5745   G3956 à tous G4012 égards G2532 et G5198 sois en bonne santé G5721   G2531 , comme G2137 prospère G5743   G4675 l’état de ton G5590 âme.
  3 G1063 G3029 J’ai été fort G5463 réjoui G5644   G80 , lorsque des frères G2064 sont arrivés G5740   G2532 et G3140 ont rendu témoignage G5723   G225 de la vérité G4675 qui est en toi G2531 , de la manière G4771 dont tu G4043 marches G5719   G1722 dans G225 la vérité.
  4 G2192 Je n’ai G5719   G3756 pas G3186 de plus grande G5130   G5479 joie G2443 que G191 d’apprendre G5719   G1699 que mes G5043 enfants G4043 marchent G5723   G1722 dans G225 la vérité.
  5 G27 Bien-aimé G4160 , tu agis G5719   G4103 fidèlement G1437 dans ce G2038 que tu fais G5667   G1519 pour G80 les frères G2532 , et G1519 même pour G3581 des frères étrangers,
  6 G3739 lesquels G3140 ont rendu témoignage G5656   G4675 de ta G26 charité G1799 , en présence G1577 de l’Eglise G4160 . Tu feras G5692   G2573 bien G3739 de pourvoir à leur G4311 voyage G5660   G516 d’une manière digne G2316 de Dieu.
  7 G1063 Car G5228 c’est pour G3686 le nom G846 de Jésus-Christ G1831 qu’ils sont partis G5627   G3367 , sans rien G2983 recevoir G5723   G575 des G1484 païens.
  8 G2249 Nous G3784 devons G5719   G3767 donc G618 accueillir G5721   G5108 de tels G2443 hommes, afin G1096 d’être G5741   G4904 ouvriers avec eux G225 pour la vérité.
  9 G1125 ¶ J’ai écrit G5656   G1577 quelques mots à l’Eglise G235  ; mais G1361 Diotrèphe G3588 , qui G5383 aime à être le premier G5723   G846 parmi eux G2248 , ne nous G1926 reçoit G5736   G3756 point.
  10 G1223 C’est pourquoi G5124   G1437 , si G2064 je vais vous voir G5632   G5279 , je rappellerai G5692   G846   G2041 les actes G3739 qu G4160 ’il commet G5719   G5396 , en tenant contre G5723   G2248 nous G4190 de méchants G3056 propos G2532  ; G3361 non G714 content G5746   G1909 de G5125 cela G846 , il G1926 ne reçoit G5736   G3777 pas G80 les frères G2532 , et G1014 ceux qui voudraient G5740   G2967 le faire, il les en empêche G5719   G2532 et G1544 les chasse G5719   G1537 de G1577 l’Eglise.
  11 G27 Bien-aimé G3401 , n’imite G5737   G3361 pas G2556 le mal G235 , mais G18 le bien G15 . Celui qui fait le bien G5723   G2076 est G5748   G1537 de G2316 Dieu G1161  ; G2554 celui qui fait le mal G5723   G3756 n’a point G3708 vu G5758   G2316 Dieu.
  12 G3956 ¶ Tous G5259   G2532 , et G5259   G225 la vérité G846 elle-même G3140 , rendent un bon témoignage G5769   G1216 à Démétrius G1161  ; G2249 nous G2532 aussi G3140 , nous lui rendons témoignage G5719   G2532 , et G1492 tu sais G5758   G3754 que G2257 notre G3141 témoignage G2076 est G5748   G227 vrai.
  13 G2192 J’aurais G5707   G4183 beaucoup de choses G4671 à t G1125 ’écrire G5721   G235 , mais G2309 je ne veux G5719   G3756 pas G1125 le faire G5658   G1223 avec G3188 l’encre G2532 et G2563 la plume.
  14 G1161   G1679 J’espère G5719   G4571 te G1492 voir G5629   G2112 bientôt G2532 , et G2980 nous parlerons G5692   G4750 de bouche G4314 à G4750 bouche G1515 . (1-15) Que la paix G4671 soit avec toi G5384  ! Les amis G4571 te G782 saluent G5736   G782 . Salue G5737   G5384 les amis G2596 , chacun en particulier G3686  .
SE(i) 13 Los hijos de tu hermana elegida te saludan. Amén.

3 John

1 El anciano al amado Gayo, al cual yo amo en la verdad. 2 Amado, yo deseo que tú seas prosperado en todas las cosas, y que tengas salud, así como tu alma está en prosperidad. 3 Ciertamente me gocé mucho cuando vinieron los hermanos y dieron testimonio de tu verdad, así como tú andas en la verdad. 4 No tengo yo mayor gozo que éste, el oír que mis hijos andan en la verdad. 5 Amado, fielmente haces todo lo que haces para con los hermanos, y con los extranjeros, 6 los cuales han dado testimonio de tu caridad en presencia de la Iglesia; a los cuales si ayudares como conviene según Dios, harás bien. 7 Porque ellos salieron por amor de su Nombre, no tomando nada de los gentiles. 8 Nosotros, pues, debemos recibir a los tales, para que seamos cooperadores a la verdad. 9 Yo he escrito a la Iglesia; mas Diótrefes, que ama tener el primado entre ellos, no nos recibe. 10 Por esta causa, si yo fuere, daré a entender las obras que hace, hablando con palabras maliciosas contra nosotros; y no contento con estas cosas, no recibe a los Hermanos, y prohibe a los que los quieren recibir, y los echa de la Iglesia. 11 Amado, no sigas lo que es malo, sino lo que es bueno. El que hace bien es de Dios; mas el que hace mal, no ha visto a Dios. 12 Todos dan testimonio de Demetrio, y aun la misma verdad; y también nosotros damos testimonio; y vosotros habéis conocido que nuestro testimonio es verdadero. 13 Yo tenía muchas cosas que escribirte; pero no quiero escribirte con tinta y pluma, 14 porque espero verte en breve, y hablaremos cara a cara. Paz sea contigo. Los amigos te saludan. Saluda tú a los amigos por nombre.
ReinaValera(i) 13 Los hijos de tu hermana elegida te saludan. Amén.

3 John

1 EL anciano al muy amado Gaio, al cual yo amo en verdad. 2 Amado, yo deseo que tú seas prosperado en todas cosas, y que tengas salud, así como tu alma está en prosperidad. 3 Ciertamente me gocé mucho cuando vinieron los hermanos y dieron testimonio de tu verdad, así como tú andas en la verdad. 4 No tengo yo mayor gozo que éste, el oir que mis hijos andan en la verdad. 5 Amado, fielmente haces todo lo que haces para con los hermanos, y con los extranjeros, 6 Los cuales han dado testimonio de tu amor en presencia de la iglesia: á los cuales si ayudares como conviene según Dios, harás bien. 7 Porque ellos partieron por amor de su nombre, no tomando nada de los Gentiles. 8 Nosotros, pues, debemos recibir á los tales, para que seamos cooperadores á la verdad. 9 Yo he escrito á la iglesia: mas Diótrefes, que ama tener el primado entre ellos, no nos recibe. 10 Por esta causa, si yo viniere, recordaré las obras que hace parlando con palabras maliciosas contra nosotros; y no contento con estas cosas, no recibe á los hermanos, y prohibe á los que los quieren recibir, y los echa de la iglesia. 11 Amado, no sigas lo que es malo, sino lo que es bueno. El que hace bien es de Dios: mas el que hace mal, no ha visto á Dios. 12 Todos dan testimonio de Demetrio, y aun la misma verdad: y también nosotros damos testimonio; y vosotros habéis conocido que nuestro testimonio es verdadero. 13 Yo tenía muchas cosas que escribirte; empero no quiero escribirte por tinta y pluma: 14 Porque espero verte en breve, y hablaremos boca á boca. sea contigo. Los amigos te saludan. Saluda tú á los amigos por nombre.
JBS(i) 13 Los hijos de tu hermana elegida te saludan. Amén.

3 John

1 ¶ El anciano al amado Gayo, al cual yo amo en la verdad. 2 Amado, yo deseo que tú seas prosperado en todas las cosas, y que seas sano, así como tu alma está en prosperidad. 3 ¶ Ciertamente me gocé mucho cuando vinieron los hermanos y dieron testimonio de la verdad que hay en ti, así como tú andas en la verdad. 4 No tengo yo mayor gozo que éste, el oír que mis hijos andan en la verdad. 5 Amado, fielmente haces todo lo que haces para con los hermanos, y con los extranjeros, 6 los cuales han dado testimonio de tu caridad en presencia de la Iglesia; a los cuales si ayudares como conviene según Dios, harás bien. 7 Porque ellos salieron por amor de su Nombre, no tomando nada de los gentiles. 8 Nosotros, pues, debemos recibir a los tales, para que seamos cooperadores a la verdad. 9 ¶ Yo he escrito a la Iglesia; mas Diótrefes, que ama tener el primado entre ellos, no nos recibe. 10 Por esta causa, si yo fuere, daré a entender las obras que hace, hablando con palabras maliciosas contra nosotros; y no contento con estas cosas, no recibe a los Hermanos, y prohibe a los que los quieren recibir, y los echa de la Iglesia. 11 Amado, no sigas lo que es malo, sino lo que es bueno. El que hace bien es de Dios; mas el que hace mal, no ha visto a Dios. 12 ¶ Todos dan testimonio de Demetrio, y aun la misma verdad; y también nosotros damos testimonio; y vosotros habéis conocido que nuestro testimonio es verdadero. 13 Yo tenía muchas cosas que escribirte; pero no quiero escribirte con tinta y pluma, 14 porque espero verte en breve, y hablaremos cara a cara. Paz sea contigo. Los amigos te saludan. Saluda tú a los amigos por nombre.
Albanian(i) 13 Shumë i dashur, unë dëshiroj të kesh mbarësi në çdo gjë dhe të gëzosh shëndet të mirë, ashtu si ka mbarësi shpirti yt.

3 John

1 Sepse u gëzova shumë kur erdhën disa vëllezër dhe dëshmuan për besnikërinë tënde ndaj së vërtetës, se si ecën ti në të vërtetën. 2 Nuk kam gëzim më të madh nga ky: të dëgjoj se bijtë e mi ecin në të vërtetën. 3 Shumë i dashur, ti vepron me besnikëri në të gjitha ato që bën për vëllezërit dhe të huajt. 4 Ata dëshmuan për dashurinë tënde përpara kishës; dhe ti të bësh mirë të gujdesësh për udhëtimin e tyre në mënyrë të denjë për Perëndinë, 5 sepse ata dolën për emrin e tij, pa marrë asgjë nga johebrenjtë. 6 Ne e kemi për detyrë, pra, t'i presim këta njerëz, që të jemi bashkëpunëtorë në çështjen e së vërtetës. 7 I shkrova kishës, por Diotrefi, që do të jetë i pari ndër ta, nuk na pret. 8 Prandaj, po të vij, do t'i kujtoj atij veprat që bën, duke folur fjalë të liga kundër nesh; dhe duke mos u mjaftuar me këto, ai vetë nuk i pret vëllezërit dhe i ndalon ata që duan t'i presin e i përjashton nga kisha. 9 Shumë i dashur, mos imito të keqen, por të mirën. Ai që bën të mirën është nga Perëndia, por ai që bën të keqen nuk e ka parë Perëndinë. 10 Për Demetrin të gjithë dëshmojnë, madje edhe vetë e vërteta; edhe ne dëshmojmë për të, dhe ti e di se dëshmia jonë është e vërtetë. 11 Kisha shumë për të të shkruar, por nuk dua të të shkruaj me bojë e penë; 12 por shpresoj të të shoh së shpejti dhe do të flasim gojarisht. 13 Paqja me ty. Të përshëndesin miqtë. Përshëndeti miqtë një për një. 14 Juda, shërbëtor i Jezu Krishtit dhe vëllai i Jakobit, të thirrurve që u shenjtëruan në Perëndinë Atë dhe të ruajtur në Jezu Krisht:
RST(i) 13 Приветствуют тебя дети сестры твоей избранной. Аминь.

3 John

1 Старец – возлюбленному Гаию, которого я люблю по истине. 2 Возлюбленный! молюсь, чтобы ты здравствовал и преуспевал во всем, как преуспевает душа твоя. 3 Ибо я весьма обрадовался, когда пришли братия и засвидетельствовали о твоей верности, как ты ходишь в истине. 4 Для меня нет большей радости, как слышать, что дети мои ходят в истине. 5 Возлюбленный! ты как верный поступаешь в том, что делаешь для братьев и для странников. 6 Они засвидетельствовали перед церковью о твоей любви. Ты хорошо поступишь, если отпустишь их, как должно ради Бога, 7 ибо они ради имени Его пошли, не взяв ничего от язычников. 8 Итак мы должны принимать таковых, чтобы сделаться споспешниками истине. 9 Я писал церкви; но любящий первенствовать у них Диотреф не принимает нас. 10 Посему, если я приду, то напомню о делах, которые он делает, понося нас злыми словами, и не довольствуясь тем, и сам не принимает братьев, и запрещает желающим, и изгоняет из церкви. 11 Возлюбленный! не подражай злу, но добру. Кто делает добро, тот от Бога; а делающий зло не видел Бога. 12 О Димитрии засвидетельствовано всеми и самою истиною; свидетельствуем также и мы, и вы знаете, что свидетельство наше истинно. 13 Многое имел я писать; но не хочу писать к тебе чернилами и тростью, 14 а надеюсь скоро увидеть тебя и поговорить устами к устам. (1:15) Мир тебе. Приветствуют тебя друзья; приветствуй друзей поименно. Аминь.
Peshitta(i) 13 ܫܐܠܝܢ ܫܠܡܟܝ ܒܢܝܐ ܕܚܬܟܝ ܓܒܝܬܐ ܐܡܝܢ ܀

3 John

1 ܩܫܝܫܐ ܠܓܐܝܘܤ ܚܒܝܒ ܠܗܘ ܕܐܢܐ ܡܚܒ ܐܢܐ ܒܫܪܪܐ ܀ 2 ܚܒܝܒܢ ܒܟܠܡܕܡ ܡܨܠܐ ܐܢܐ ܥܠܝܟ ܕܬܨܠܚ ܘܬܗܘܐ ܚܠܝܡ ܐܝܟ ܡܐ ܕܡܨܠܚܐ ܢܦܫܟ ܀ 3 ܚܕܝܬ ܓܝܪ ܤܓܝ ܕܐܬܝܢ ܐܚܐ ܘܤܗܕܝܢ ܥܠ ܫܪܪܟ ܐܝܟ ܡܐ ܕܐܢܬ ܒܫܪܪܐ ܡܗܠܟ ܐܢܬ ܀ 4 ܕܪܒܐ ܡܢ ܗܕܐ ܚܕܘܬܐ ܠܝܬ ܠܝ ܕܐܫܡܥ ܕܒܢܝܐ ܕܝܠܝ ܒܫܪܪܐ ܡܗܠܟܝܢ ܀ 5 ܚܒܝܒܢ ܒܗܝܡܢܘܬܐ ܥܒܕ ܐܢܬ ܗܘ ܡܐ ܕܤܥܪ ܐܢܬ ܠܘܬ ܐܚܐ ܘܝܬܝܪܐܝܬ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ ܐܟܤܢܝܐ ܀ 6 ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܐܤܗܕܘ ܥܠ ܚܘܒܟ ܩܕܡ ܟܠܗ ܥܕܬܐ ܠܗܢܘܢ ܫܦܝܪ ܥܒܕ ܐܢܬ ܕܡܙܘܕ ܐܢܬ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܝܟ ܡܐ ܕܦܐܐ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܀ 7 ܚܠܦ ܓܝܪ ܫܡܗ ܢܦܩܘ ܟܕ ܡܕܡ ܠܐ ܢܤܒܘ ܡܢ ܥܡܡܐ ܀ 8 ܚܢܢ ܗܟܝܠ ܚܝܒܝܢܢ ܠܡܩܒܠܘ ܠܕܐܝܟ ܗܠܝܢ ܕܡܥܕܪܢܐ ܢܗܘܐ ܠܫܪܪܐ ܀ 9 ܒܥܐ ܗܘܝܬ ܐܟܬܘܒ ܠܥܕܬܐ ܐܠܐ ܗܘ ܕܪܚܡ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܩܕܡܝܐ ܕܝܠܗܘܢ ܕܝܘܛܪܦܝܤ ܠܐ ܡܩܒܠ ܠܢ ܀ 10 ܡܛܠ ܗܢܐ ܐܢ ܗܘ ܕܐܬܐ ܐܥܗܕ ܥܒܕܘܗܝ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܥܒܕ ܕܒܡܠܐ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܤܬܪ ܠܢ ܘܟܕ ܠܐ ܤܦܩ ܠܗ ܗܠܝܢ ܠܐ ܗܘ ܡܩܒܠ ܠܐܚܐ ܘܠܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܡܩܒܠܝܢ ܟܠܐ ܘܡܦܩ ܡܢ ܥܕܬܐ ܀ 11 ܚܒܝܒܢ ܠܐ ܬܬܕܡܐ ܒܒܝܫܬܐ ܐܠܐ ܒܛܒܬܐ ܗܘ ܕܥܒܕ ܛܒܬܐ ܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܗܘ ܕܥܒܕ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܠܐ ܚܙܝܗܝ ܠܐܠܗܐ ܀ 12 ܥܠ ܕܡܝܛܪܝܘܤ ܐܝܬ ܗܘ ܤܗܕܘܬܐ ܡܢ ܟܠܢܫ ܘܡܢܗ ܕܥܕܬܐ ܘܡܢܗ ܕܫܪܪܐ ܐܦ ܚܢܢ ܕܝܢ ܤܗܕܝܢܢ ܘܝܕܥ ܐܢܬ ܕܤܗܕܘܬܐ ܕܝܠܢ ܫܪܝܪܐ ܗܝ ܀ 13 ܤܓܝܐܬܐ ܐܝܬ ܗܘܐ ܠܝ ܠܡܟܬܒ ܠܟ ܐܠܐ ܠܐ ܒܥܐ ܐܢܐ ܕܒܝܕ ܕܝܘܬܐ ܘܩܢܝܐ ܐܟܬܘܒ ܠܟ ܀ 14 ܡܤܒܪ ܐܢܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܒܥܓܠ ܐܚܙܝܟ ܘܦܘܡܐ ܠܘܬ ܦܘܡܐ ܢܡܠܠܥ 1 : 51) ܫܠܡܐ ܢܗܘܐ ܥܡܟ ܫܐܠܝܢ ܫܠܡܟ ܪܚܡܐ ܫܐܠ ܫܠܡܐ ܕܪܚܡܐ ܕܟܠܢܫ ܒܫܡܗ ܀
Arabic(i) 13 يسلم عليك اولاد اختك المختارة آمين

3 John

1 : 2 ايها الحبيب في كل شيء اروم ان تكون ناجحا وصحيحا كما ان نفسك ناجحة. 3 لاني فرحت جدا اذ حضر اخوة وشهدوا بالحق الذي فيك كما انك تسلك بالحق. 4 ليس لي فرح اعظم من هذا ان اسمع عن اولادي انهم يسلكون بالحق 5 ايها الحبيب انت تفعل بالامانة كل ما تصنعه الى الاخوة والى الغرباء 6 الذين شهدوا بمحبتك امام الكنيسة. الذين تفعل حسنا اذا شيعتهم كما يحق للّه 7 لانهم من اجل اسمه خرجوا وهم لا يأخذون شيئا من الامم. 8 فنحن ينبغي لنا ان نقبل امثال هؤلاء لكي نكون عاملين معهم بالحق 9 كتبت الى الكنيسة ولكن ديوتريفس الذي يحب ان يكون الاول بينهم لا يقبلنا. 10 من اجل ذلك اذا جئت فسأذكّره باعماله التي يعملها هاذرا علينا باقوال خبيثة. واذ هو غير مكتف بهذه لا يقبل الاخوة ويمنع ايضا الذين يريدون ويطردهم من الكنيسة. 11 ايها الحبيب لا تتمثل بالشر بل بالخير لان من يصنع الخير هو من الله ومن يصنع الشر فلم يبصر الله 12 ديمتريوس مشهود له من الجميع ومن الحق نفسه ونحن ايضا نشهد وانتم تعلمون ان شهادتنا هي صادقة 13 وكان لي كثير لاكتبه لكنني لست اريد ان اكتب اليك بحبر وقلم 14 ولكنني ارجو ان اراك عن قريب فنتكلم فما لفم. ( [ (III John 1:15)) سلام لك. يسلم عليك الاحباء. سلم على الاحباء باسمائهم ]
Amharic(i) 13 የተመረጠችው የእኅትሽ ልጆች ሰላምታ ያቀርቡልሻል።

3 John

1 ሽማግሌው በእውነት እኔ ለምወደው ለተወደደው ለጋይዮስ። 2 ወዳጅ ሆይ፥ ነፍስህ እንደሚከናወን፥ በነገር ሁሉ እንዲከናወንልህና ጤና እንዲኖርህ እጸልያለሁ። 3 ወንድሞች መጥተው አንተ በእውነት እንደምትሄድ ስለ እውነትህ ሲመሰክሩ እጅግ ደስ ብሎኛልና። 4 ልጆቼ በእውነት እንዲሄዱ ከመስማት ይልቅ የሚበልጥ ደስታ የለኝም። 5 ወዳጅ ሆይ፥ ምንም እንግዶች ቢሆኑ፥ ለወንድሞች በምታደርገው ሁሉ የታመነ ሥራ ትሠራለህ፥ እነርሱም በማኅበር ፊት ስለ ፍቅርህ መስክረዋል፤ 6 ለእግዚአብሔር እንደሚገባ አድርገህ በጉዞአቸው ብትረዳ መልካም ታደርጋለህ፤ 7 ከአሕዛብ አንዳች ሳይቀበሉ ስለ ስሙ ወጥተዋልና። 8 እንግዲህ ከእውነት ጋር አብረን እንድንሠራ እኛ እንዲህ ያሉትን በእንግድነት ልንቀበል ይገባናል። 9 ወደ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ጻፍሁ፤ ዳሩ ግን ዋናቸው ሊሆን የሚወድ ዲዮጥራጢስ አይቀበለንም። 10 ስለዚህ፥ እኔ ብመጣ፥ በእኛ ላይ በክፉ ቃል እየለፈለፈ የሚያደርገውን ሥራውን አሳስባለሁ፤ ይህም ሳይበቃው እርሱ ራሱ ወንድሞችን አይቀበልም፥ ሊቀበሉአቸውም የሚወዱትን ከልክሎ ከቤተ ክርስቲያን ያወጣቸዋል። 11 ወዳጅ ሆይ፥ በጎ የሆነውን እንጂ ክፉን አትምሰል። በጎ የሚያደርግ ከእግዚአብሔር ነው፤ ክፉን የሚያደርግ ግን እግዚአብሔርን አላየውም። 12 ለድሜጥሮስ ሁሉ ይመሰክሩለታል፥ እውነት ራስዋም ትመሰክርለታለች፤ እኛም ደግሞ እንመሰክርለታለን፥ ምስክርነታችንም እውነት እንደ ሆነ ታውቃላችሁ። 13 ልጽፍልህ የምፈልገው ብዙ ነገር ነበረኝ፥ ዳሩ ግን በቀለምና በብርዕ ልጽፍልህ አልወድም፤ 14 ነገር ግን ወዲያው ላይህ ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ፥ አፍ ለአፍም እንነጋገራለን። ሰላም ለአንተ ይሁን። ወዳጆች ሰላምታ ያቀርቡልሃል። ወዳጆችን በየስማቸው እየጠራህ ሰላምታ አቅርብልኝ።
Armenian(i) 13 Ընտրեալ քրոջդ զաւակները կը բարեւեն քեզ:

3 John

1 Երէցը՝ սիրելի Գայիոսին, որ կը սիրեմ ճշմարտութեամբ: 2 Սիրելի՛ս, կ՚ըղձամ որ ամէն կերպով յաջողիս եւ առողջ ըլլաս, ինչպէս քու անձդ ալ յաջողութեան մէջ է: 3 Որովհետեւ մեծապէս ուրախացայ, երբ քանի մը եղբայրներ եկան ու վկայեցին քու ճշմարտութեանդ մասին, թէ կ՚ընթանաս ճշմարտութեամբ: 4 Ամենամեծ ուրախութիւնս է լսել՝ թէ իմ զաւակներս կ՚ընթանան ճշմարտութեամբ: 5 Սիրելի՛ս, դուն հաւատա՛րմաբար կ՚ընես՝ ինչ որ կ՚ընես եղբայրներուն եւ օտարականներուն. 6 անոնք վկայեցին քու սիրոյդ մասին եկեղեցիին առջեւ: Եթէ ուղարկես զանոնք աստուածահաճոյ կերպով՝ լա՛ւ կ՚ընես. 7 որովհետեւ անոնք մեկնեցան Աստուծոյ անունին համար՝ ոչինչ առնելով հեթանոսներէն: 8 Ուրեմն մենք պարտաւոր ենք ընդունիլ այդպիսիները, որպէսզի գործակից ըլլանք ճշմարտութեան: 9 Գրեցի եկեղեցիին. բայց Դիոտրեփէս, որ կ՚ուզէ անոնց մէջ առաջին ըլլալ, չ՚ընդունիր մեզ: 10 Ուստի եթէ գամ՝ պիտի մտաբերեմ անոր ըրած գործերը, քանի որ կը շաղակրատէ մեզի դէմ չար խօսքերով: Չի բաւարարուիր ասով, եւ ո՛չ միայն չ՚ընդունիր եղբայրները, հապա կ՚արգիլէ ու եկեղեցիէն կը վտարէ անոնք՝ որ կ՚ուզեն ընդունիլ: 11 Սիրելի՛ս, մի՛ նմանիր չարին, հապա՝ բարիին: Ա՛ն որ բարիք կ՚ընէ՝ Աստուծմէ է. բայց ա՛ն որ չարիք կ՚ընէ՝ տեսած չէ Աստուած: 12 Իսկ Դեմետրիոս բարի վկայուած է բոլորէն, նոյնինքն ճշմարտութենէն ալ: Մե՛նք ալ կը վկայենք, եւ դուք գիտէք թէ մեր վկայութիւնը ճշմարիտ է: 13 Գրելիք շատ բան ունէի, բայց չեմ ուզեր մելանով ու գրիչով գրել քեզի: 14 Սակայն կը յուսամ թէ շուտով պիտի տեսնեմ քեզ, եւ պիտի խօսինք դէմ առ դէմ: 15 Խաղաղութի՜ւն քեզի: Բարեկամները կը բարեւեն քեզ. բարեւէ՛ մեր բարեկամները՝ իւրաքանչիւրը իր անունով:
Basque(i) 13 Hire ahizpa elegituaren haourréc salutatzen auté.

3 John

1 ANCIANOAC Gayo maite nic eguiazqui on daritzadanari. 2 Maiteá, desiratzen diat gauça gucietan prospera deçán, eta sendo aicén, hire arimá prospero den beçala. 3 Ecen alegueratu içan nauc haguitz ethorri içan diradenean anayeac eta testificatu vkan dutenean hire integritateaz, nola integroqui ebilten baitaiz. 4 Haur baino bozcario handiagoric eztiát, cein baita, ençuten dudanean ene haourrac integroqui dabiltzala. 5 Maiteá, fidelqui eguiten duc cer-ere eguiten baituc anayetara eta estrangeretara. 6 Ceinéc testificatu vkan baituté hire charitateaz Eliçaren presentián: hec baldin guida baditzac Iaincoari dagocan beçala, vngui daidiquec. 7 Ecen haren icenagatic partitu içan dituc, deus hartzen etzutela Gentiletaric. 8 Guc beraz behar citiagu recebitu halacoac, eguiá aiuta deçagunçát. 9 Scribatu diarocát Eliçari: baina hayén artean lehen içan aiher denac, Diotrephesec ezguiaitic recebitzen. 10 Halacotz, baldin ethor banadi aippaturen citiat harc eguiten dituen obrác, elhe gaichtoz dadassala gure contra: eta hauçaz ez contentez, eztitic berac anayeac recebitzen, eta recebitu nahi dituztenac empatchatzen citic eta Eliçatic egoizten. 11 Maiteá, ezteçála imita gaitza, baina ona: vngui eguiten duena, Iaincoaganic duc: baina gaizqui eguiten duenac eztic ikussi Iaincoa. 12 Demetrioz guciéc testificatzen dié, eta eguiac berac-ere: baina guc-ere testificatzen diagu, eta eçagutu vkan duçue ecen gure testificationea eguiazco dela. 13 Banián anhitz gauça scribatzecoric, baina eztrauát tintaz eta hegatsez scribatu nahi. 14 Baina sperança diát sarri ikussiren audala, eta ahoz aho minçaturen garela. 15 Baquea dela hirequin. Salutatzen auté adisquidéc. Salutaitzac adisquideac icenguilatuqui.
Bulgarian(i) 13 Поздравяват те децата на твоята избрана сестра. Амин.

3 John

1 Старейшината до любимия Гай, когото любя в истина: 2 Възлюбени, моля се да благоуспяваш във всичко и да си здрав, както благоуспява душата ти. 3 Защото много се зарадвах, когато дойдоха някои братя и свидетелстваха за истината, която е в теб, как ти ходиш в истината. 4 За мен няма по-голяма радост от това — да слушам, че моите деца ходят в истината. 5 Възлюбени, ти вършиш вярно всичко, което правиш за братята и за чужденците, 6 които свидетелстваха за твоята любов пред църквата. Добре ще направиш да ги изпратиш по начин, който е достоен за Бога, 7 защото за Христовото Име излязоха, без да вземат нещо от езичниците. 8 Ние обаче сме длъжни да приемаме такива, за да ставаме съработници за истината. 9 Писах до църквата, но Диотреф, който иска да бъде пръв между тях, не ни приема. 10 Затова, ако дойда, ще напомня за делата, които върши, като бръщолеви против нас лоши думи. И като не се задоволява с това, той не само че сам не приема братята, а възпира и тези, които искат да ги приемат, и ги пъди от църквата. 11 Възлюбени, не подражавай на злото, а на доброто. Който върши добро, е от Бога, а който върши зло, не е видял Бога. 12 За Димитрий се свидетелства добро от всички, и от самата истина; а още и ние свидетелстваме и ти знаеш, че нашето свидетелство е истинно. 13 Имах много да ти пиша, но не искам да ти пиша с мастило и перо, 14 а се надявам скоро да те видя, и ще разговаряме очи в очи. Мир на теб. Поздравяват те приятелите. Поздрави приятелите по име.
Croatian(i) 13 Pozdravljaju te djeca tvoje izabrane sestre.

3 John

1 Starješina ljubljenom Gaju koga ljubim u Istini. 2 Ljubljeni! Želim ti u svemu dobro i da budeš zdrav, kao što je dobro tvojoj duši. 3 Veoma se obradovah kada dođoše braća i posvjedočiše za tvoju istinu: kako ti živiš po Istini. 4 Čuti da moja djeca po Istini žive! - nema mi veće radosti od toga. 5 Ljubljeni, pravi si vjernik u svemu što činiš za braću, i to za došljake. 6 Oni posvjedočiše tvoju ljubav pred Crkvom i dobro ćeš učiniti ako ih ispratiš Boga dostojno. 7 Jer poradi Imena iziđoše i ne primaju ništa od pogana. 8 Mi smo dakle dužni takve primati da budemo suradnici Istine. 9 Pisao sam nešto Crkvi: ali Diotref, koji hoće da bude prvi među njima, ne prima nas. 10 Zato ako dođem, spočitnut ću mu djela koja čini naklapajući zlobne riječi o nama. Ni to mu nije dosta, nego ne prima braće, a onima koji bi to htjeli, brani i izgoni ih iz Crkve. 11 Ljubljeni! Ne nasljeduj zlo, nego dobro. Tko dobro čini, od Boga je; tko zlo čini, nije vidio Boga. 12 Za Demetrija svjedoče svi, i sama Istina, a i mi svjedočimo. A znaš da je naše svjedočanstvo istinito. 13 Mnogo bih ti imao pisati, ali neću da ti pišem crnilom i perom. 14 Nadam se da ću te uskoro vidjeti pa ćemo iz usta u usta govoriti. [ (III John 1:15) Mir tebi! Pozdravljaju te prijatelji. Pozdravi prijatelje poimence. ]
BKR(i) 13 Pozdravují tě synové sestry tvé v Pánu vyvolené. Amen.

3 John

1 Starší Gáiovi milému, kteréhož já miluji v pravdě. 2 Nejmilejší, žádámť obzvláštně, abys se dobře měl a zdráv byl, tak jako duše tvá dobře se má. 3 Zradovalť jsem se zajisté velice, když přišli bratří a svědectví vydávali o tvé upřímnosti, vypravujíce, kterak ty v upřímnosti chodíš. 4 Nemámť větší radosti, nežli abych slyšel, že synové moji chodí v upřímnosti. 5 Nejmilejší, věrně děláš, cožkoli činíš bratřím a hostem, 6 Kteřížto svědectví vydali o lásce tvé před církví. Kteréžto vyprovodíš-li, tak jakž sluší na Boha, dobře učiníš. 7 Neboť jsou pro jméno jeho vyšli, a nic nevzali od pohanů. 8 Mámeť tedy my takové přijímati, abychom byli pomocníci pravdy. 9 Psal jsem sboru vašemu, ale Diotrefes, kterýž stojí o prvotnost mezi nimi, nepřijímá nás. 10 Protož přijdu-liť tam, připomenuť skutky jeho, kteréž činí, mluvě proti nám zlé řeči. A nemaje dosti na tom, i sám bratří nepřijímá, i těm, kteříž by přijímati chtěli, nedopouští, a ze sboru je vylučuje. 11 Nejmilejší, nenásledujž zlého, ale dobrého. Kdož dobře činí, z Boha jest; ale kdož zle činí, nevidí Boha. 12 Demetriovi svědectví vydáno jest ode všech, i od samé pravdy; ano i my svědectví o něm vydáváme, a víte, že svědectví naše pravé jest. 13 Mnohoť jsem měl psáti, ale nechci psáti černidlem a pérem. 14 Nebo mám naději, že tě tudíž uzřím, a ústy k ústům mluviti budeme. [ (III John 1:15) Pokoj budiž tobě. Pozdravují tě přátelé. Pozdraviž i ty dobrých přátel ze jména. ]
Danish(i) 13 Din Søsters, den Udvalgtes, Børn hilse dig. Amen.

3 John

1 Den Ældste til Cajus, den Elskelige, hvilken jeg elsker i Sandhed. 2 Du Elskelige! jeg ønsker, at du i Alt maa lide vel og være karsk, ligesom din Sjæl lider vel. 3 Thi jeg blev meget glad, der Brødrene kom og vidnede om din Sandhed, hvorledes du vandrer i Sandheden. 4 Jeg har ingen større Glæde end denne, at jeg hører mine Børn vandre i Sandheden. 5 Du Elskelige! du gjør troligen Alt, hvad du gjør mod Brødrene og mod de Fremmede, 6 hvilke have vidnet for Menigheden om din Kjærlighed; og du gjør vel, naar du befordrer deres Reise saaledes, som det er sømmeligt for Gud. 7 thi for hans Navns Skyld ere de dragne ud, og de have Intet taget af Hedningerne. 8 Derfor ere vi skyldige at antage os Saadanne, paa det vi kunne blive Medarbidere for Sandheden. 9 Jeg har tilskrevet Menigheden; men Diotrephes, som vil gjerne være den Ypperste iblandt dem, antager os ikke. 10 Derfor, naar jeg kommer, vil jeg erindre de Gjerninger, som han gjør, idet han med onde Ord bagvasker os; og ikke nøiet hermed, antager han selv ikke Brødrene, og dem, som ville, formener han det og udstøder dem af Menigheden. 11 Du Elskelige! Efterfølg ikke det Onde men det Gode. Hvo som gjør Godt, er af Gud; men hvo som gjør Ondt, har ikke seet Gud. 12 Demetrius har et godt Vidnesbyrd af Alle og af Sandheden selv; ogsaa vi vidne, og I vide, at vort Vidnesbyrd er sandt. 13 Jeg havde Meget at melde, men jeg vil ikke skrive til dig med Blæk og Pen. 14 Men jeg haaber snart at see dig, og da skulle vi mundtligen tale sammen. Fred være med dig! Vennerne hilse dig. Hils Vennerne, hver især. Amen.
CUV(i) 13 你 那 蒙 揀 選 之 姊 妹 的 兒 女 都 問 你 安 。

3 John

1 作 長 老 的 寫 信 給 親 愛 的 該 猶 , 就 是 我 誠 心 所 愛 的 。 2 親 愛 的 兄 弟 阿 , 我 願 你 凡 事 興 盛 , 身 體 健 壯 , 正 如 你 的 靈 魂 興 盛 一 樣 。 3 有 弟 兄 來 證 明 你 心 裡 存 的 真 理 , 正 如 你 按 真 理 而 行 , 我 就 甚 喜 樂 。 4 我 聽 見 我 的 兒 女 們 按 真 理 而 行 , 我 的 喜 樂 就 沒 有 比 這 個 大 的 。 5 親 愛 的 兄 弟 阿 , 凡 你 向 作 客 旅 之 弟 兄 所 行 的 都 是 忠 心 的 。 6 他 們 在 教 會 面 前 證 明 了 你 的 愛 ; 你 若 配 得 過 神 , 幫 助 他 們 往 前 行 , 這 就 好 了 。 7 因 他 們 是 為 主 的 名 ( 原 文 是 那 名 ) 出 外 , 對 於 外 邦 人 一 無 所 取 。 8 所 以 我 們 應 該 接 待 這 樣 的 人 , 叫 我 們 與 他 們 一 同 為 真 理 做 工 。 9 我 曾 略 略 的 寫 信 給 教 會 , 但 那 在 教 會 中 好 為 首 的 丟 特 腓 不 接 待 我 們 。 10 所 以 我 若 去 , 必 要 題 說 他 所 行 的 事 , 就 是 他 用 惡 言 妄 論 我 們 。 還 不 以 此 為 足 , 他 自 己 不 接 待 弟 兄 , 有 人 願 意 接 待 , 他 也 禁 止 , 並 且 將 接 待 弟 兄 的 人 趕 出 教 會 。 11 親 愛 的 兄 弟 阿 , 不 要 效 法 惡 , 只 要 效 法 善 。 行 善 的 屬 乎 神 ; 行 惡 的 未 曾 見 過 神 。 12 低 米 丟 行 善 , 有 眾 人 給 他 作 見 證 , 又 有 真 理 給 他 作 見 證 ; 就 是 我 們 也 給 他 作 見 證 。 你 也 知 道 我 們 的 見 證 是 真 的 。 13 我 原 有 許 多 事 要 寫 給 你 , 卻 不 願 意 用 筆 墨 寫 給 你 , 14 但 盼 望 快 快 的 見 你 , 我 們 就 當 面 談 論 。 [ (III John 1:15) 願 你 平 安 。 眾 位 朋 友 都 問 你 安 。 請 你 替 我 按 著 姓 名 問 眾 位 朋 友 安 。 ]
  13 G4675 G1588 那蒙揀選之 G79 姊妹 G5043 的兒女 G4571 都問你 G782 安。

3 John

  1 G4245 作長老的 G27 寫信給親愛的 G1050 該猶 G3739 ,就是 G1473 G1722 G225 誠心 G25 所愛的。
  2 G27 親愛的 G2172 兄弟阿,我願 G4571 G3956 凡事 G2137 興盛 G5198 ,身體健壯 G2531 ,正如 G4675 G5590 的靈魂 G2137 興盛一樣。
  3 G80 有弟兄 G2064 G3140 證明 G4675 G225 心裡存的真理 G2531 ,正如 G4771 G1722 G225 真理 G4043 而行 G3029 ,我就甚 G5463 喜樂。
  4 G191 我聽見 G1699 G5043 的兒女們 G1722 G225 真理 G4043 而行 G5479 ,我的喜樂 G3756 就沒 G2192 G3186 G5130 比這個大的。
  5 G27 親愛的 G3739 G1437 兄弟阿,凡 G1519 你向 G3581 作客旅 G80 之弟兄 G2038 所行 G4103 的都是忠心的。
  6 G1577 他們在教會 G1799 面前 G3140 證明了 G4675 G26 的愛 G516 ;你若配得過 G2316 G3739 ,幫助他們 G4311 往前行 G4160 G2573 ,這就好了。
  7 G1063 G846 他們是為主的名(原文是那 G3686 G1831 )出外 G575 ,對於 G1484 外邦人 G3367 一無 G2983 所取。
  8 G3767 所以 G2249 我們 G3784 應該 G618 接待 G5108 這樣的人 G2443 ,叫 G225 我們與他們一同為真理 G4904 做工。
  9 G1125 我曾略略的寫信 G1577 給教會 G235 ,但 G3588 G5383 在教會中好為首 G1361 的丟特腓 G3756 G1926 接待 G2248 我們。
  10 G1223 G5124 所以 G1437 我若 G2064 G5279 ,必要題說 G846 G4160 所行 G2041 的事 G4190 ,就是他用惡 G3056 G5396 妄論 G2248 我們 G2532 。還 G3361 G1909 G5125 G714 為足 G846 ,他自己 G3777 G1926 接待 G80 弟兄 G1014 ,有人願意 G2532 接待,他也 G2967 禁止 G2532 ,並且 G1544 將接待弟兄的人趕 G1537 G1577 教會。
  11 G27 親愛的 G3361 兄弟阿,不要 G3401 效法 G2556 G235 ,只要 G18 效法善 G15 。行善的 G1537 屬乎 G2316 G2554 ;行惡的 G3756 未曾 G3708 見過 G2316 神。
  12 G1216 低米丟 G3956 行善,有眾人 G3140 給他作見證 G2532 ,又有 G225 真理 G1161 給他作見證;就是 G2249 我們 G2532 G3140 給他作見證 G2532 。你也 G1492 知道 G2257 我們的 G3141 見證 G2076 G227 真的。
  13 G2192 我原有 G4183 許多事 G1125 要寫 G235 給你,卻 G3756 G2309 願意 G1223 G2563 G3188 G1125 G4671 給你,
  14 G1161 G1679 盼望 G2112 快快的 G1492 G4571 G4750 G4314 G4750 ,我們就當面 G2980 談論 G4671 。[(IIIJohn1:15)願你 G1515 平安 G5384 。眾位朋友 G4571 都問你 G782 G2596 。請你替我按著 G3686 姓名 G5384 問眾位朋友 G782 安。]
CUVS(i) 13 你 那 蒙 拣 选 之 姊 妹 的 儿 女 都 问 你 安 。

3 John

1 作 长 老 的 写 信 给 亲 爱 的 该 犹 , 就 是 我 诚 心 所 爱 的 。 2 亲 爱 的 兄 弟 阿 , 我 愿 你 凡 事 兴 盛 , 身 体 健 壮 , 正 如 你 的 灵 魂 兴 盛 一 样 。 3 冇 弟 兄 来 證 明 你 心 里 存 的 真 理 , 正 如 你 按 真 理 而 行 , 我 就 甚 喜 乐 。 4 我 听 见 我 的 儿 女 们 按 真 理 而 行 , 我 的 喜 乐 就 没 冇 比 这 个 大 的 。 5 亲 爱 的 兄 弟 阿 , 凡 你 向 作 客 旅 之 弟 兄 所 行 的 都 是 忠 心 的 。 6 他 们 在 教 会 面 前 證 明 了 你 的 爱 ; 你 若 配 得 过 神 , 帮 助 他 们 往 前 行 , 这 就 好 了 。 7 因 他 们 是 为 主 的 名 ( 原 文 是 那 名 ) 出 外 , 对 于 外 邦 人 一 无 所 取 。 8 所 以 我 们 应 该 接 待 这 样 的 人 , 叫 我 们 与 他 们 一 同 为 真 理 做 工 。 9 我 曾 略 略 的 写 信 给 教 会 , 但 那 在 教 会 中 好 为 首 的 丢 特 腓 不 接 待 我 们 。 10 所 以 我 若 去 , 必 要 题 说 他 所 行 的 事 , 就 是 他 用 恶 言 妄 论 我 们 。 还 不 以 此 为 足 , 他 自 己 不 接 待 弟 兄 , 冇 人 愿 意 接 待 , 他 也 禁 止 , 并 且 将 接 待 弟 兄 的 人 赶 出 教 会 。 11 亲 爱 的 兄 弟 阿 , 不 要 效 法 恶 , 只 要 效 法 善 。 行 善 的 属 乎 神 ; 行 恶 的 未 曾 见 过 神 。 12 低 米 丢 行 善 , 冇 众 人 给 他 作 见 證 , 又 冇 真 理 给 他 作 见 證 ; 就 是 我 们 也 给 他 作 见 證 。 你 也 知 道 我 们 的 见 證 是 真 的 。 13 我 原 冇 许 多 事 要 写 给 你 , 却 不 愿 意 用 笔 墨 写 给 你 , 14 但 盼 望 快 快 的 见 你 , 我 们 就 当 面 谈 论 。 [ (III John 1:15) 愿 你 平 安 。 众 位 朋 友 都 问 你 安 。 请 你 替 我 按 着 姓 名 问 众 位 朋 友 安 。 ]
  13 G4675 G1588 那蒙拣选之 G79 姊妹 G5043 的儿女 G4571 都问你 G782 安。

3 John

  1 G4245 作长老的 G27 写信给亲爱的 G1050 该犹 G3739 ,就是 G1473 G1722 G225 诚心 G25 所爱的。
  2 G27 亲爱的 G2172 兄弟阿,我愿 G4571 G3956 凡事 G2137 兴盛 G5198 ,身体健壮 G2531 ,正如 G4675 G5590 的灵魂 G2137 兴盛一样。
  3 G80 有弟兄 G2064 G3140 證明 G4675 G225 心里存的真理 G2531 ,正如 G4771 G1722 G225 真理 G4043 而行 G3029 ,我就甚 G5463 喜乐。
  4 G191 我听见 G1699 G5043 的儿女们 G1722 G225 真理 G4043 而行 G5479 ,我的喜乐 G3756 就没 G2192 G3186 G5130 比这个大的。
  5 G27 亲爱的 G3739 G1437 兄弟阿,凡 G1519 你向 G3581 作客旅 G80 之弟兄 G2038 所行 G4103 的都是忠心的。
  6 G1577 他们在教会 G1799 面前 G3140 證明了 G4675 G26 的爱 G516 ;你若配得过 G2316 G3739 ,帮助他们 G4311 往前行 G4160 G2573 ,这就好了。
  7 G1063 G846 他们是为主的名(原文是那 G3686 G1831 )出外 G575 ,对于 G1484 外邦人 G3367 一无 G2983 所取。
  8 G3767 所以 G2249 我们 G3784 应该 G618 接待 G5108 这样的人 G2443 ,叫 G225 我们与他们一同为真理 G4904 做工。
  9 G1125 我曾略略的写信 G1577 给教会 G235 ,但 G3588 G5383 在教会中好为首 G1361 的丢特腓 G3756 G1926 接待 G2248 我们。
  10 G1223 G5124 所以 G1437 我若 G2064 G5279 ,必要题说 G846 G4160 所行 G2041 的事 G4190 ,就是他用恶 G3056 G5396 妄论 G2248 我们 G2532 。还 G3361 G1909 G5125 G714 为足 G846 ,他自己 G3777 G1926 接待 G80 弟兄 G1014 ,有人愿意 G2532 接待,他也 G2967 禁止 G2532 ,并且 G1544 将接待弟兄的人赶 G1537 G1577 教会。
  11 G27 亲爱的 G3361 兄弟阿,不要 G3401 效法 G2556 G235 ,只要 G18 效法善 G15 。行善的 G1537 属乎 G2316 G2554 ;行恶的 G3756 未曾 G3708 见过 G2316 神。
  12 G1216 低米丢 G3956 行善,有众人 G3140 给他作见證 G2532 ,又有 G225 真理 G1161 给他作见證;就是 G2249 我们 G2532 G3140 给他作见證 G2532 。你也 G1492 知道 G2257 我们的 G3141 见證 G2076 G227 真的。
  13 G2192 我原有 G4183 许多事 G1125 要写 G235 给你,却 G3756 G2309 愿意 G1223 G2563 G3188 G1125 G4671 给你,
  14 G1161 G1679 盼望 G2112 快快的 G1492 G4571 G4750 G4314 G4750 ,我们就当面 G2980 谈论 G4671 。[(IIIJohn1:15)愿你 G1515 平安 G5384 。众位朋友 G4571 都问你 G782 G2596 。请你替我按着 G3686 姓名 G5384 问众位朋友 G782 安。]
Esperanto(i) 13 Salutas vin la infanoj de via fratino, la elektita.

3 John

1 La presbitero al Gajo, la amata, kiun mi amas en la vero. 2 Amato, mi pregxas, ke al vi prosperu cxio, kaj vi bonsanu tiel same, kiel prosperas al via animo. 3 CXar mi treege gxojis, kiam fratoj venis kaj atestis pri via vereco, kiel vi iradas en la vero. 4 Pli grandan gxojon mi ne havas, ol auxdi pri miaj infanoj iradantaj en la vero. 5 Amato, vi faras fidele rilate al cxiuj viaj klopodoj por la fratoj kaj tiuj fremduloj, 6 kiuj atestis vian amon antaux la eklezio; kaj vi faros bone, tiujn antauxenigante dece je Dio, 7 cxar pro la Nomo ili eliris, akceptante nenion de la nacianoj. 8 Ni devas do akcepti tiajn, por ke ni estu kunlaborantoj kun la vero. 9 Mi skribis iom al la eklezio; sed Diotrefes, kiu amas la estrecon inter ili, nin ne akceptas. 10 Tial, se mi venos, mi rememorigos al li la farojn, kiujn li faras, per malbonaj paroloj babilante kontraux ni; kaj ne kontenta je tio, li mem ne akceptas la fratojn, nek tion permesas al tiuj, kiuj volas, kaj ilin el la eklezio elpelas. 11 Amato, imitu ne la malbonon, sed la bonon. Bonfaranto estas el Dio; malbonfaranto ne vidis Dion. 12 Pri Demetrio estas atestite de cxiuj, kaj de la vero mem; kaj ni ja atestas; kaj vi scias, ke nia atesto estas vera. 13 Mi havis multon por skribi al vi; sed mi ne volas skribi al vi per inko kaj kano; 14 sed mi esperas vidi vin baldaux, kaj ni parolos vizagxon kontraux vizagxo. Paco al vi. Salutas vin la amikoj. Salutu laux nomo la amikojn.
Estonian(i) 13 Sind tervitavad sinu äravalitud õe lapsed.

3 John

1 Vanem armsale Gaajusele, keda ma armastan tões. 2 Armas, soovin sulle, et kõigis asjus sinu käsi hästi käiks ja sa oleksid terve, nõnda nagu su hingegi lugu on hea. 3 Mind ju rõõmustas väga, kui vennad tulid ja tunnistust andsid sinu tõesusest, nõnda nagu sa käidki tões. 4 Mul ei ole suuremat rõõmu kui see, et ma kuulen oma lapsi tões käivat. 5 Armas, sina toimid ustavana kõiges, mida sa teed koguni võõrastele vendadele, 6 kes on koguduse ees andnud tunnistust sinu armastusest, kelle suhtes sa teed hästi, kui sa neid saadad edasi teekonnal väärikalt Jumala ees. 7 Sest tema nime pärast on nad läinud välja ega võta midagi paganate käest. 8 Sellepärast me oleme kohustatud võtma niisuguseid vastu, et saaksime tõe kaastöölisteks. 9 Ma kirjutasin mõne sõna kogudusele; kuid Diotrefes, kes nende seas püüab olla ülem, ei võta meid vastu. 10 Sellepärast mina, kui tulen, tuletan temale meelde teod, mida ta teeb, kui ta meid laimab kurjade sõnadega ega ole rahul sellegagi, et ei võta ise vendi vastu, vaid takistab ka neid, kes tahavad seda teha, ja lükkab nad välja kogudusest. 11 Armas, ära võta eeskujuks kurja, vaid head. Kes teeb head, on Jumalast; kes teeb kurja, ei ole Jumalat näinud. 12 Demeetriosel on kõigilt ja tõelt eneselt hea tunnistus, ja meiegi tunnistame sedasama, ja sina tead, et meie tunnistus on tõsi. 13 Mul oleks sulle palju kirjutada, kuid ma ei taha sinule kirjutada tindi ja sulega, 14 vaid loodan sind varsti näha, ja siis me räägime suu suud vastu.
Finnish(i) 13 Sinua tervehtivät sinun valitun sisares lapset, amen!

3 John

1 Vanhin rakkaalle Gajukselle, jota minä totuudessa rakastan. 2 Minun rakkaani! ylitse kaikkein minä toivotan, ettäs menestyisit ja terveenä olisit, niinkuin sinun sielus menestyy. 3 Sillä minä ihastuin suuresti, kuin veljet tulivat ja todistivat sinun totuudestas, niinkuin sinä totuudessa vaellat. 4 Ei minulla ole suurempaa iloa kuin se, että minä kuulen lapseni totuudessa vaeltavan. 5 Minun rakkaani! sinä teet uskollisesti, mitäs veljille ja vieraille teet, 6 Jotka myös sinun rakkaudestas seurakunnan edessä todistaneet ovat. Ja sinä teet hyvin, ettäs heidät kauniisti lähettänyt olet, Jumalan edessä. 7 Sillä hänen nimensä tähden he ovat lähteneet, ja ei ole pakanoilta mitään ottaneet. 8 Niin meidän pitää senkaltaisia korjaaman, että me totuuden apulaiset olisimme. 9 Minä kirjoitin seurakunnalle; mutta Diotrephes, joka heidän seassansa tahtoo jalo olla, ei ota meitä vastaan. 10 Sentähden, jos minä tulen, niin minä tahdon ilmoittaa hänen työnsä, joita hän tekee, joka pullikoitsee meitä vastaan pahoilla sanoilla, ja ei niihinkään pysäänny, ja ei hän itse veljiä korjaa, estää myös muita, jotka niitä korjata tahtovat, ja ajaa heitä pois seurakunnasta. 11 Minun rakkaani, älä seuraa pahaa, vaan hyvää: joka hyvin tekee, se on Jumalasta; mutta joka pahoin tekee, ei se ole nähnyt Jumalaa. 12 Demetriuksella on jokaiselta todistus, ja itse totuudesta. Ja me myös todistamme, ja te tiedätte, että meidän todistuksemme on tosi. 13 Minulla olis paljo sinun tykös kirjoittamista, vaan en minä tahtonut läkillä ja kynällä kirjoittaa. 14 Mutta minä toivon sinun pian näkeväni, ja läsnä ollessani me saamme toinen toistamme puhutella. (H1:15) Rauha olkoon sinulle! Ystävät tervehtivät sinua. Tervehdi ystäviä, kutakin nimeltänsä.
FinnishPR(i) 13 Valitun sisaresi lapset lähettävät sinulle tervehdyksen.

3 John

1 Vanhin rakkaalle Gaiukselle, jota minä totuudessa rakastan. 2 Rakkaani, minä toivotan sinulle, että kaikessa menestyt ja pysyt terveenä, niinkuin sielusikin menestyy. 3 Minua ilahutti suuresti, kun veljet tulivat ja antoivat todistuksen sinun totuudestasi, niinkuin sinä totuudessa vaellatkin. 4 Minulla ei ole suurempaa iloa kuin se, että kuulen lasteni vaeltavan totuudessa. 5 Rakkaani, sinä toimit uskollisesti kaikessa, mitä teet veljien, vieläpä vieraittenkin hyväksi. 6 He ovat seurakunnan edessä antaneet todistuksen sinun rakkaudestasi; ja sinä teet hyvin, kun autat heitä eteenpäin heidän matkallaan, niinkuin Jumalan edessä arvollista on. 7 Sillä hänen nimensä tähden he ovat matkalle lähteneet eivätkä ota pakanoilta mitään. 8 Me olemme siis velvolliset ottamaan semmoisia vastaan, auttaaksemme yhdessä totuutta eteenpäin. 9 Minä kirjoitin seurakunnalle; mutta Diotrefes, joka haluaa olla ensimmäinen heidän joukossaan, ei ota meitä vastaan. 10 Sentähden minä, jos tulen, muistutan hänen teoistansa, mitä hän tekee, kun pahoilla sanoilla meistä juoruaa; ja vielä siihenkään tyytymättä, hän ei itse ota veljiä vastaan, vaan estää niitäkin, jotka tahtovat sen tehdä, ja ajaa heidät pois seurakunnasta. 11 Rakkaani, älä seuraa pahaa, vaan hyvää. Joka hyvin tekee, se on Jumalasta; joka pahoin tekee, se ei ole Jumalaa nähnyt. 12 Demetrius on kaikilta, jopa itse totuudeltakin, saanut hyvän todistuksen; ja mekin todistamme hänestä samaa, ja sinä tiedät, että meidän todistuksemme on tosi. 13 Minulla olisi paljon kirjoittamista sinulle, mutta en tahdo kirjoittaa sinulle musteella ja kynällä, 14 sillä minä toivon pian näkeväni sinut, ja silloin saamme suullisesti puhella. (G1:15) Rauha sinulle! Ystävät tervehtivät sinua. Tervehdys ystäville, kullekin erikseen.
Haitian(i) 13 Pitit sè ou yo, sè Bondye te chwazi ansanm avè ou la, yo voye bonjou pou ou.

3 John

1 Se mwen menm, chèf reskonsab nan legliz la, k'ap ekri lèt sa a pou Gayis, frè mwen renmen tout bon an. 2 Gayis monchè, mwen swete tout bagay ap mache byen pou ou. Mwen swete ou an sante nan kò ou tankou ou an sante nan lespri ou. 3 Mwen pa t' manke kontan lè kèk frè rive bò isit la, yo di m' jan ou rete fèm nan verite a, jan ou toujou ap viv dakò ak verite a. 4 Pa gen anyen ki pou fè m' pi kontan pase lè m' tande pitit mwen yo ap viv dakò ak verite a. 5 Zanmi mwen, tou sa w'ap fè pou frè yo, menm pou frè etranje yo tou, ou fè l' byen. 6 Yo di devan tout legliz la jan ou gen renmen tout bon nan kè ou. Tanpri, toujou ede frè yo pou yo ka pousib vwayaj yo, jan Bondye vle l' la. 7 Paske, se pou sèvis Kris la y'ap fè vwayaj sa a. Yo pa asepte okenn konkou nan men moun ki pa konn Bondye. 8 Se poutèt sa, moun konsa, nou menm patizan Kris yo, nou fèt pou soutni yo pou nou ka patisipe nan travay y'ap fè pou verite a. 9 Mwen te ekri yon lèt tou kout voye bay legliz la. Men, Diyotrèf ki renmen pran pòz chèf li nan mitan yo a, refize koute sa m' di a. 10 Se poutèt sa, lè m'a rive, m'ap devwale tou sa li fè ki mal, tout move pawòl ak manti l'ap bay sou mwen yo. Li pa kontante l' fè sa sèlman. Li refize resevwa frè yo ki depasaj. Si gen moun ki ta vle resevwa yo, li enpoze yo fè l', li menm chache mete yo deyò nan legliz la. 11 Zanmi mwen, pa fè tankou moun k'ap fè sa ki mal. Fè tankou moun k'ap fè sa ki byen. Moun k'ap fè sa ki byen, se moun Bondye yo ye. Moun k'ap fè sa ki mal pa t' janm wè Bondye. 12 Tout frè yo pale byen pou Demetriyis. Menm laverite a pale byen pou msye. Nou menm tou, n'ap pale byen pou li, epitou ou konnen sa nou di se verite. 13 Mwen gen anpil bagay pou m' ta di ou. Men, mwen pa vle ekri yo ak plim ak lank. 14 (14-15) Mwen swete m'a ka vin wè ou talè konsa, pou nou ka koze fasafas. Mwen mande pou Bondye ba ou kè poze. Tout zanmi ou yo voye bonjou pou ou. Di chak zanmi m' yo yon bonjou apa pou mwen.
Hungarian(i) 13 Köszöntenek téged a te kiválasztott nõtestvérednek gyermekei. Ámen.

3 John

1 A presbiter a szeretett Gájusnak, a kit én igazán szeretek. 2 Szeretett [barátom,] kívánom, hogy mindenben jól legyen dolgod, és légy egészséges, a mint jó dolga van a lelkednek. 3 Mert felettébb örültem, a mikor atyafiak jöttek és bizonyságot tettek a te igazságodról, úgy, a mint te az igazságban jársz. 4 Nincs annál nagyobb örömem, mintha hallom, hogy az én gyermekeim az igazságban járnak. 5 Szeretett [barátom,] híven cselekszel mindenben, a mit az atyafiakért, és pedig az idegenekért teszel, 6 A kik bizonyságot tettek a te szeretetedrõl a gyülekezet elõtt; a kiket jól teszed, ha Istenhez méltóan bocsátasz útjokra. 7 Mert az õ nevéért mentek ki, semmit sem fogadván el a pogányoktól; 8 Nékünk azért be kell fogadnunk az ilyeneket, hogy munkatársaikká lehessünk az igazságban. 9 Írtam a gyülekezetnek; de Diotrefesz, a ki elsõséget kíván közöttük, nem fogad el minket. 10 Ezért, ha odamegyek, felemlítem az õ dolgait, a melyeket cselekszik, gonosz szavakkal csácsogván ellenünk; sõt nem elégedvén meg ezzel, maga sem fogadja be az atyafiakat, és a kik ezt akarnák, azokat is akadályozza, és az egyházból kiveti. 11 Szeretett [barátom,] ne a rosszat kövesd, hanem a jót. A ki jót cselekszik, az Istentõl van; a ki pedig rosszat cselekszik, nem látta az Istent. 12 Demeter mellett mindenki bizonyságot tett, maga az igazság is; de mi is bizonyságot teszünk, és tudjátok, hogy a mi bizonyságtételünk igaz. 13 Sok írni valóm volna, de nem akarok tintával és tollal írni néked: 14 Hanem reménylem, hogy csakhamar meglátlak téged és szemtõl szembe beszélhetünk. [ (III John 1:15) Békesség néked! Köszöntenek téged a te barátaid. Köszöntsd a barátainkat név szerint. ]
Indonesian(i) 13 Anak-anak dari saudara perempuan Ibu yang juga dipilih Allah, mengirim salam kepada Ibu.

3 John

1 Saudara Gayus yang tercinta! Saya, pemimpin jemaat, yang sungguh-sungguh mengasihimu, 2 berdoa semoga Saudara sehat-sehat dan semuanya baik-baik denganmu, sama seperti jiwamu baik-baik saja. 3 Saya senang sekali ketika beberapa saudara Kristen tiba dan memberitahukan kepada saya betapa setianya Saudara terhadap Allah yang benar, sebab memang Saudara selalu hidup menurut ajaran Allah. 4 Tidak ada yang dapat menjadikan saya lebih gembira, daripada mendengar bahwa anak-anak saya hidup menurut ajaran Allah. 5 Saudaraku! Saudara begitu setia dalam pekerjaan yang Saudara lakukan bagi teman-teman sesama Kristen; bahkan orang Kristen yang belum Saudara kenal pun, Saudara layani. 6 Mereka sudah memberitahukan kepada jemaat di tempat kami mengenai kasihmu. Tolonglah mereka supaya dapat meneruskan perjalanan mereka dan dengan demikian menyenangkan hati Allah, 7 sebab dalam perjalanan untuk melayani Kristus, mereka tidak menerima bantuan apa pun dari orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah. 8 Sebab itu, kita orang-orang Kristen harus menolong teman-teman sesama Kristen yang seperti itu, supaya kita dapat turut dalam usaha mereka untuk menyebarkan ajaran yang benar dari Allah. 9 Saya sudah menulis surat yang pendek kepada jemaat, tetapi Diotrefes yang ingin menjadi pemimpin di dalam jemaat, tidak mau menuruti saya. 10 Nanti kalau saya datang, saya akan membongkar segala sesuatu yang telah dilakukannya, yaitu tentang hal-hal jahat dan dusta yang ia ucapkan tentang kami! Tetapi semuanya itu belum cukup untuk dia. Pada waktu teman-teman sesama Kristen itu datang, ia tidak mau menerima mereka. Malah ia melarang orang-orang yang mau menerima saudara-saudara itu, dan ia menyuruh orang-orang itu keluar dari jemaat! 11 Saudara yang tercinta, janganlah meniru apa yang buruk. Tirulah apa yang baik. Orang yang berbuat baik adalah milik Allah. Dan orang yang berbuat jahat belum mengenal Allah. 12 Semua orang memuji Demetrius. Bahkan Allah pun memujinya. Kami juga memujinya, dan Saudara tahu bahwa apa yang kami sampaikan dapat dipercaya. 13 Banyak sekali yang perlu saya katakan kepadamu, tetapi saya rasa lebih baik jangan melalui surat. 14 Saya berharap tidak lama lagi akan berjumpa denganmu, dan kita akan berbicara langsung. (1-15) Semoga Tuhan memberkati Saudara. Kawan-kawanmu di tempat saya ini mengirim salam kepadamu. Sampaikan salam saya kepada semua kawan-kawan kita satu persatu.
Italian(i) 13 I figliuoli della tua sorella eletta ti salutano. Amen.

3 John

1 L’ANZIANO al diletto Gaio, il quale io amo in verità. 2 Diletto, io desidero che tu prosperi in ogni cosa e stii sano, siccome l’anima tua prospera. 3 Perciocchè io mi son grandemente rallegrato, quando son venuti i fratelli, ed hanno reso testimonianza della tua verità, secondo che tu cammini in verità. 4 Io non ho maggiore allegrezza di questa, d’intendere che i miei figliuoli camminano in verità. 5 Diletto, tu fai da vero fedele, in ciò che tu operi inverso i fratelli, e inverso i forestieri. 6 I quali hanno reso testimonianza della tua carità nel cospetto della chiesa; i quali farai bene d’accomiatar degnamente, secondo Iddio. 7 Poichè si sono dipartiti da’ Gentili per lo suo nome, senza prender nulla; 8 noi adunque dobbiamo accoglier que’ tali, acciocchè siamo aiutatori alla verità. 9 IO ho scritto alla chiesa; ma Diotrefe, il qual procaccia il primato fra loro, non ci riceve. 10 Perciò, se io vengo, ricorderò le opere ch’egli fa, cianciando di noi con malvage parole; e, non contento di questo, non solo egli non riceve i fratelli, ma ancora impedisce coloro che li vogliono ricevere, e li caccia fuor della chiesa. 11 Diletto, non imitare il male, ma il bene; chi fa bene è da Dio; ma chi fa male non ha veduto Iddio. 12 A Demetrio è resa testimonianza da tutti, e dalla verità stessa; ed ancora noi ne testimoniamo, e voi sapete che la nostra testimonianza è vera. 13 Io avea molte cose da scrivere, ma non voglio scrivertele con inchiostro, e con penna. 14 Ma spero di vederti tosto, ed allora ci parleremo a bocca. (G1-15) Pace sia teco. Gli amici ti salutano. Saluta gli amici ad uno ad uno.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 13 I figliuoli della tua sorella eletta ti salutano.

3 John

1 L’anziano al diletto Gaio, che io amo nella verità. 2 Diletto, io faccio voti che tu prosperi in ogni cosa e stii sano, come prospera l’anima tua. 3 Perché mi sono grandemente rallegrato quando son venuti dei fratelli che hanno reso testimonianza della tua verità, del modo nel quale tu cammini in verità. 4 Io non ho maggiore allegrezza di questa, d’udire che i miei figliuoli camminano nella verità. 5 Diletto, tu operi fedelmente in quel che fai a pro dei fratelli che sono, per di più, forestieri. 6 Essi hanno reso testimonianza del tuo amore, dinanzi alla chiesa; e farai bene a provvedere al loro viaggio in modo degno di Dio; 7 perché sono partiti per amor del nome di Cristo, senza prendere alcun che dai pagani. 8 Noi dunque dobbiamo accogliere tali uomini, per essere cooperatori con la verità. 9 Ho scritto qualcosa alla chiesa; ma Diotrefe che cerca d’avere il primato fra loro, non ci riceve. 10 Perciò, se vengo, io ricorderò le opere che fa, cianciando contro di noi con male parole; e non contento di questo, non solo non riceve egli stesso i fratelli, ma a quelli che vorrebbero riceverli impedisce di farlo, e li caccia fuori dalla chiesa. 11 Diletto, non imitare il male, ma il bene. Chi fa il bene è da Dio; chi fa il male non ha veduto Iddio. 12 A Demetrio è resa testimonianza da tutti e dalla verità stessa; e anche noi ne testimoniamo; e tu sai che la nostra testimonianza è vera. 13 Avevo molte cose da scriverti, ma non voglio scrivertele con inchiostro e penna. 14 Ma spero vederti tosto, e ci parleremo a voce. (G1-15) La pace sia teco. Gli amici ti salutano. Saluta gli amici ad uno ad uno.
Japanese(i) 13 選ばれたる汝の姉妹の子供、なんぢに安否を問ふ。

3 John

1 長老、書を愛するガイオ、わが眞をもて愛する者に贈る。 2 愛する者よ、我なんぢが靈魂の榮ゆるごとく汝すべての事に榮え、かつ健かならんことを祈る。 3 兄弟たち來りて汝が眞理を保つこと、即ち眞理に循ひて歩むことを證したれば、われ甚だ喜べり。 4 我には我が子供の、眞理に循ひて歩むことを聞くより大なる喜悦はなし。 5 愛する者よ、なんぢ旅人なる兄弟たちにまで行ふ所みな忠實をもて爲せり。 6 かれら教會の前にて汝の愛につきて證せり。なんぢ神の御意に適ふやうに彼らを見送らば、その行ふところ善からん。 7 彼らは異邦人より何をも受けずして御名のために旅立せり。 8 されば斯かる人を助くべきなり、我らも彼らと共に眞理のために働く者とならん爲なり。 9 われ曩に聊か教會に書きおくれり。然れど彼らの中に長たらんと欲するデオテレペス我らを受けず。 10 この故に我もし往かば、その行へる業を思ひ出させん。彼は惡しき言をもて我らを罵り、なほ足れりとせずして自ら兄弟たちを接けず、之を接けんとする者をも拒みて教會より逐ひ出す。 11 愛する者よ、惡に效ふな、善にならへ。善をおこなふ者は神より出で、惡をおこなふ者は未だ神を見ざるなり。 12 デメテリオは凡ての人にも眞理にも證せらる。我等もまた證す、なんぢ我らの證の眞なるを知る。 13 我なほ汝に書き贈ること多くあれど、墨と筆とにてするを欲せず、 14 速かに汝を見、たがひに顏をあはせて語らんことを望む。汝に平安あれ、朋友たち安否を問ふ。なんぢ名をさして友たちに安否を問へ。
Kabyle(i) 13 Arraw n weltma-m yextaṛ Ṛebbi, țsellimen fell-am.

3 John

1 Nekk yellan d ameqqran n tejmaɛt, i Gayus, f+ eɛzizen fell-i, i ḥemmleɣ s tideț. 2 Ay aḥbib-iw, ssarameɣ ṣṣeḥa-inek bxiṛ i tella, am tikli-inek deg webrid n Sidi Ṛebbi. 3 Feṛḥeɣ aṭas asm'akken i d-usan watmaten, mi d-ḥkan ɣef tideț yellan deg-k, d wamek i teṭṭfeḍ di tideț-agi s wul-ik. 4 Ulac lfeṛḥ ara yecbun m'ara sleɣ s warraw-iw teddun di tideț. 5 A win eɛzizen, d ayen yelhan i txedmeḍ seg wul yeṣfan i watmaten, ɣas d ibeṛṛaniyen i llan; 6 ḥkan-d zdat n tejmaɛt ɣef leḥmala-inek. ayen yelhan daɣen ma terniḍ tɛawneḍ-ten s wayen i tzemreḍ iwakken ad kemmlen abrid-nsen; 7 axaṭer ɣef ddemma n yisem n Lmasiḥ i ṛuḥen, yerna ugin ad qeblen lemɛawna n wid ur numin ara s Sidi Ṛebbi. 8 Ilaq-aɣ ihi a nesṭerḥeb yerna a nɛiwen imdanen yecban wigi, iwakken a nili d iqeddacen ara yemɛawanen yid-sen ɣef ddemma n tideț. 9 Uriɣ kra yimeslayen i tejmaɛt, meɛna Diutrif iḥemmlen ad idebbeṛ ɣef wiyaḍ, yegguma a ɣ-d-iḥess ur aɣ-yeḥsib ara. 10 Daymi m'ara n-aseɣ ɣuṛ-wen a d-sbeggneɣ akk ayen ixeddem! Iheddeṛ fell-aneɣ yir imeslayen akk-d lekdub, ula d atmaten yugi ad yesṭerḥeb yis-sen, wid yebɣan ad sṭerḥben yis-sen, yețțaggi-yasen yerna yessufuɣ-iten si tejmaɛt. 11 Ay aḥbib, ur țɛanad ara wid ixeddmen cceṛ meɛna ɛaned wid ixeddmen lxiṛ. Win ixeddmen ayen yelhan, n Ṛebbi; ma d win ixeddmen cceṛ ur yessin ara Ṛebbi. 12 Ma d Dimitriyus țcekkiṛen-t akk medden, yerna tideț tețban-ed deg-s, ula d nukni nenna-t-id yerna teẓriḍ ayen i d-neqqaṛ ț-țideț. 13 Aṭas i mazal a k-t-id-iniɣ lameɛna ur bɣiɣ ara a k-t-id-aruɣ di tebṛaț. 14 Ssarameɣ qṛib a nemẓer iwakken a nehḍer. 15 Qqim di lehna! Atmaten meṛṛa țsellimen-d fell-ak. Ula d kečč sellem ɣef watmaten akk, mkul yiwen s yisem-is.
Korean(i) 13 택하심을 입은 네 자매의 자녀가 네게 문안하느니라

3 John

1 장로는 사랑하는 가이오 곧 나의 참으로 사랑하는 자에게 편지하노라 2 사랑하는 자여 ! 네 영혼이 잘 됨같이 네가 범사에 잘 되고 강건하기를 내가 간구하노라 3 형제들이 와서 네게 있는 진리를 증거하되 네가 진리 안에서 행한다 하니 내가 심히 기뻐하노라 4 내가 내 자녀들이 진리 안에서 행한다 함을 듣는 것보다 더 즐거움이 없도다 5 사랑하는 자여 ! 네가 무엇이든지 형제 곧 나그네 된 자들에게 행하는 것이 신실한 일이니 6 저희가 회 앞에서 너의 사랑을 증거하였느니라 네가 하나님께 합당하게 저희를 전송하면 가하리로다 7 이는 저희가 주의 이름을 위하여 나가서 이방인에게 아무 것도 받지 아니함이라 8 이러므로 우리가 이같은 자들을 영접하는 것이 마땅하니 이는 우리로 진리를 위하여 함께 수고하는 자가 되게 하려 함이니라 9 내가 두어자를 교회에게 썼으나 저희 중에 으뜸되기를 좋아하는 디오드레베가 우리를 접대하지 아니하니 10 이러므로 내가 가면 그 행한 일을 잊지 아니하리라 저가 악한 말로 우리를 망령되이 폄론하고도 유위부족하여 형제들을 접대치도 아니하고 접대하고자 하는 자를 금하여 교회에서 내어 쫓는도다 11 사랑하는 자여 ! 악한 것을 본받지 말고 선한 것을 본받으라 선을 행하는 자는 하나님께 속하고 악을 행하는 자는 하나님을 뵈옵지 못하였느니라 12 데메드리오는 뭇사람에게도, 진리에게도 증거를 받았으매 우리도 증거하노니 너는 우리의 증거가 참된 줄을 아느니라 13 내가 네게 쓸 것이 많으나 먹과 붓으로 쓰기를 원치 아니하고 14 속히 보기를 바라노니 또한 우리가 면대하여 말하리라
Latvian(i) 13 Tevi sveicina tavas izredzētās māsas bērni.

3 John

1 Vecākais vismīļajam Gajam, ko es mīlu patiesībā. 2 Vismīļais, es lūdzu Dievu, lai tev visās lietās labi klātos un tu būtu vesels tā, kā tavai dvēselei jau labi klājas. 3 Es ļoti priecājos, kad atnāca brāļi un apliecināja tavu patiesību, ka tu jau staigā patiesībā. 4 Man nav lielāka prieka, ja dzirdu, ka mani bērni dzīvo patiesībā. 5 Vismīļais, visu, ko tu dari brāļiem, tu dari uzticīgi, tāpat arī svešiniekiem; 6 Tie devuši liecību par tavu mīlestību draudzes priekšā. Viņus tu, labi darīdams, novadīsi, kā tas cienīgi Dieva priekšā. 7 Jo Viņa vārda dēļ tie izgājuši, neņemdami neko no pagāniem. 8 Tātad mums pienākas tādus uzņemt, lai mēs kļūtu patiesības līdzstrādnieki. 9 Es varbūt būtu draudzei rakstījis, bet Diotrefs, kas mīl būt pirmais starp viņiem, mūs neuzņem. 10 Tāpēc, ja es nākšu, atgādināšu viņa darbus, kādus viņš dara, ļaunprātīgi mūs aprunādams; un ar to viņam vēl nepietiek: viņš pats neuzņem brāļus un aizliedz to darīt tiem, kas tos grib uzņemt, un izstumj tos no draudzes. 11 Vismīļais, neseko ļaunajam, bet labajam! Kas dara labu, tas no Dieva; kas dara ļaunu, Dieva neredz. 12 Dēmētrijam par labu liecinājuši visi, arī pati patiesība, bet arī mēs domājam liecību, un tu zini, ka mūsu liecība ir patiesa. 13 Man būtu daudz kas tev rakstāms, bet es negribu tev rakstīt ar tinti un spalvu. 14 Bet es ceru drīzumā tevi redzēt; un tad mēs runāsim no mutes mutē. Miers ar tevi! Draugi tevi sveicina. Sveicini draugus katru atsevišķi! 15 Bet es ceru drīzumā tevi redzēt; un tad mēs runāsim no mutes mutē. Miers ar tevi! Draugi tevi sveicina. Sveicini draugus katru atsevišķi!
Lithuanian(i) 13 Tave sveikina išrinktosios tavo sesers vaikai. Amen.

3 John

1 Vyresnysis mylimajam Gajui, kurį myliu tiesoje. 2 Mylimasis, aš meldžiu, kad tau visame kame gerai sektųsi, kad būtum sveikas,­taip, kaip gerai sekasi tavo sielai. 3 Aš labai apsidžiaugiau, kai atvykę broliai paliudijo apie tavo tiesą, kaip tu vaikščioji tiesoje. 4 Neturiu didesnio džiaugsmo, kaip girdėti, jog mano vaikai gyvena tiesoje. 5 Mielasis, tu ištikimai elgiesi, pagelbėdamas broliams ir atvykstantiems iš kitur. 6 Jie paliudijo bažnyčiai apie tavo meilę. Tu puikiai padarysi, išruošdamas juos į kelionę taip, kaip Dievui patinka, 7 nes jie išvyko Jo vardo labui, nieko neimdami iš pagonių. 8 Mes turime tokius priimti, kad taptume tiesos bendradarbiais. 9 Aš parašiau bažnyčiai, bet mėgstantis jiems vadovauti Diotrefas nepriima mūsų. 10 Todėl, jei atvyksiu, priminsiu jo darbus, kuriuos jis daro, skleisdamas apie mus piktas kalbas; maža to, nei pats nepriima brolių, nei kitiems, kurie norėtų priimti, neleidžia ir išmeta juos iš bažnyčios. 11 Mielasis, nesek tuo, kas pikta, bet tuo, kas gera. Kuris daro gera, yra iš Dievo, o kuris pikta, nėra matęs Dievo. 12 Apie Demetriją gerai liudija visi ir pati tiesa. Ir mes liudijame, o tu žinai, kad mūsų liudijimas tikras. 13 Dar daug ką turėčiau tau parašyti, bet nenoriu rašyti rašalu ir plunksna. 14 Tikiuosi greitai pamatyti tave ir pasikalbėti iš lūpų į lūpas. Ramybė tau! Sveikina tave bičiuliai. Sveikink draugus pavardžiui!
PBG(i) 13 Pozdrawiają cię dziatki siostry twojej w Panu wybranej. Amen.

3 John

1 Starszy Gajowi miłemu, którego ja miłuję w prawdzie. 2 Najmilszy! najprzód żądam, aby ci się dobrze powodziło i abyś był zdrów, tak jako się dobrze powodzi duszy twojej. 3 Albowiem wielcem się uradował, gdy przyszli bracia, i dali świadectwo o twojej prawdzie, jako ty w prawdzie chodzisz. 4 Większej nad tę radości nie mam, jako gdy słyszę, iż dziatki moje chodzą w szczerości. 5 Najmilszy! Wiernie czynisz, cokolwiek czynisz przeciwko braciom i przeciw gościom, 6 Którzy świadectwo wydali o miłości twojej przed zborem; i dobrze uczynisz, jeźli ich odprowadzisz, jako przystoi przed Bogiem. 7 Albowiem dla imienia jego wyszli, nic nie wziąwszy od pogan. 8 My tedy takowych powinniśmy przyjmować, abyśmy byli pomocnikami prawdzie. 9 Pisałem do zboru waszego; ale Dyjotrefes, który chce być przedniejszy między nimi, nie przyjmuje nas. 10 Przeto jeźli przyjdę, przypomnę uczynki jego, które czyni, słowami złemi obmawiając nas, a nie mając dosyć na tem, i sam braci nie przyjmuje, i tym, co by przyjąć chcieli, zabrania i ze zboru ich wyłącza. 11 Najmilszy! nie naśladuj złego, ale dobrego. Kto dobrze czyni, z Boga jest; ale kto źle czyni, nie widział Boga. 12 Demetryjuszowi świadectwo jest dane od wszystkich, i od samej prawdy; lecz i my świadectwo o nim dajemy, a wiecie, iż świadectwo nasze prawdziwe jest. 13 Wielem miał pisać; lecz nie chcę pisać inkaustem i piórem; 14 Bo mam nadzieję, że cię w rychle ujrzę, a tedy ustnie mówić będziemy. Pokój tobie. Pozdrawiają cię przyjaciele. Pozdrów i ty przyjaciół z imienia.
Portuguese(i) 13 Saúdam-te os filhos de tua irmã, a eleita.

3 John

1 O ancião ao amado Gaio, a quem eu amo em verdade. 2 Amado, desejo que te vá bem em todas as coisas, e que tenhas saúde, assim como bem vai à tua alma. 3 Porque muito me alegrei quando os irmãos vieram e testificaram da tua verdade, como tu andas na verdade. 4 Não tenho maior gozo do que este: o de ouvir que os meus filhos andam na verdade. 5 Amado, procedes fielmente em tudo o que fazes para com os irmãos, especialmente para com os estranhos, 6 os quais diante da igreja testificaram do teu amor; aos quais, se os encaminhares na sua viagem de um modo digno de Deus, bem farás; 7 porque por amor do Nome saíram, sem nada aceitar dos gentios. 8 Portanto aos tais devemos acolher, para que sejamos cooperadores da verdade. 9 Escrevi alguma coisa à igreja; mas Diótrefes, que gosta de ter entre eles a primazia, não nos recebe. 10 Pelo que, se eu aí for, trarei à memória as obras que ele faz, proferindo contra nós palavras maliciosas; e, não contente com isto, ele não somente deixa de receber os irmãos, mas aos que os querem receber ele proíbe de o fazerem e ainda os exclui da igreja. 11 Amado, não imites o mal, mas o bem. Quem faz o bem é de Deus; mas quem faz o mal não tem visto a Deus. 12 De Demétrio, porém, todos, e até a própria verdade, dão testemunho; e nós também damos testemunho; e sabes que o nosso testemunho é verdadeiro. 13 Tinha eu muitas coisas que te escrever, mas não o quero fazer com tinta e pena. 14 Espero, porém, ver-te brevemente, e falaremos face a face.
Paz seja contigo. Os amigos te saúdam. Saúda os amigos nominalmente.
Norwegian(i) 13 Din utvalgte søsters barn hilser dig.

3 John

1 Den eldste - til Gajus, den elskede, som jeg elsker i sannhet. 2 Du elskede! jeg ønsker at du i alle deler må ha det godt og være ved god helse, likesom din sjel har det godt. 3 For jeg blev meget glad da det kom nogen brødre og vidnet om din sannhet, således som du vandrer i sannhet. 4 Større glede har jeg ikke enn dette at jeg hører mine barn vandrer i sannheten. 5 Du elskede! du gjør en trofast gjerning med det du gjør imot brødrene, enda de er fremmede, 6 og de har vidnet om din kjærlighet for menigheten. Du vil gjøre vel om du hjelper dem på vei, således som det sømmer sig for Gud; 7 for det var for hans navns skyld de drog ut, og av hedningene tar de ikke imot noget. 8 Vi er derfor skyldige å ta oss av slike, forat vi kan bli medarbeidere for sannheten. 9 Jeg har skrevet noget til menigheten; men Diotrefes, som gjerne vil være førstemann iblandt dem, tar ikke imot oss. 10 Derfor vil jeg, når jeg kommer, minne om de gjerninger som han gjør, idet han baktaler oss med onde ord; og ikke tilfreds med dette tar han ikke selv imot brødrene, og dem som vil det, hindrer han og støter dem ut av menigheten. 11 Du elskede! ta ikke efter det onde, men det gode! Den som gjør det gode, er av Gud; den som gjør det onde, har ikke sett Gud. 12 Demetrius har godt lov av alle, og av sannheten selv; men også vi gir ham godt vidnesbyrd, og du vet at vårt vidnesbyrd er sant. 13 Jeg hadde meget å skrive til dig, men jeg vil ikke skrive til dig med blekk og penn; 14 men jeg håper snart å få se dig, og så skal vi tale muntlig sammen. 15 Fred være med dig! Vennene hilser dig. Hils vennene ved navn!
Romanian(i) 13 Copiii surorei tale alese îţi trimet sănătate. Amin

3 John

1 Presbiterul (Sau: bătrînul.) către prea iubitul Gaiu, pe care -l iubesc în adevăr. 2 Prea iubitule, doresc ca toate lucrurile tale să-ţi meargă bine, şi sănătatea ta să sporească tot aşa cum sporeşte sufletul tău. 3 A fost o mare bucurie pentru mine, cînd au venit fraţii şi au mărturisit că eşti credincios adevărului şi că umbli în adevăr. 4 Eu n'am bucurie mai mare decît să aud despre copiii mei că umblă în adevăr. 5 Prea iubitule, tu lucrezi cu credincioşie în tot ce faci pentru fraţi; şi pentru străini totodată. 6 Ei au mărturisit despre dragostea ta înaintea Bisericii. Vei face bine să îngrijeşti de călătoria lor, într'un chip vrednic de Dumnezeu; 7 căci au plecat pentru dragostea Numelui Lui, fără să primească ceva dela Neamuri. 8 Este datoria noastră dar, să primim bine pe astfel de oameni, ca să lucrăm împreună cu adevărul. 9 Am scris ceva Bisericii, dar Diotref, căruia îi place să aibă întîietatea între ei, nu vrea să ştie de noi. 10 De aceea, cînd voi veni, îi voi aduce aminte de faptele pe cari le face, căci ne cleveteşte cu vorbe rele. Nu se mulţămeşte cu atît; dar nici el nu primeşte pe fraţi, şi împiedecă şi pe cei ce voiesc să -i primească, şi -i dă afară din Biserică. 11 Prea iubitule, nu urma răul, ci binele. Cine face binele, este din Dumnezeu: cine face răul, n'a văzut pe Dumnezeu. 12 Toţi, chiar şi Adevărul, mărturisesc bine despre Dimitrie; şi noi mărturisim despre el: şi ştii că mărturisirea noastră este adevărată. 13 Aş avea să-ţi spun multe lucruri, dar nu voiesc să ţi le scriu cu cerneală şi condei. 14 Nădăjduiesc să te văd în curînd, şi atunci vom vorbi gură către gură. Pacea să fie cu tine. Prietenii îţi trimet sănătate. Spune sănătate prietenilor, fiecăruia pe nume. Amin
Ukrainian(i) 13 Вітають тебе діти вибраної сестри твоєї. Амінь.

3 John

1 Старець улюбленому Гаєві, якого я направду люблю. 2 Улюблений, я молюся, щоб добре велося в усьому тобі, і щоб був ти здоровий, як добре ведеться душі твоїй. 3 Бо я дуже зрадів, як прийшли були браття, і засвідчили правду твою, як ти живеш у правді. 4 Я не маю більшої радости від цієї, щоб чути, що діти мої живуть у правді. 5 Улюблений, вірно ти чиниш, як що робиш для братті та для чужинців, 6 вони про любов твою свідчили Церкві; добре ти зробиш, як їх випровадиш, як достойно для Бога, 7 бо вийшли вони ради Ймення Його, нічого не взявши від поган. 8 Отож, ми повинні приймати таких, щоб бути співробітниками правді. 9 Я до Церкви писав був, але Діотреф, що любить бути першим у них, нас не приймає. 10 Тому то, коли я прийду, то згадаю про вчинки його, що їх робить, словами лихими обмовляючи нас. І він тим не задовольнюється, а й сам не приймає братів, і тим, що бажають приймати, боронить, і вигонить із Церкви. 11 Улюблений, не робися подібним до лихого, а до доброго: доброчинець від Бога, а злочинець Бога не бачив. 12 Про Димитрія свідчили всі й сама правда. І свідчимо й ми, а ви знаєте, що свідчення наше правдиве. 13 Багато хотів я писати, та не хочу писати до тебе чорнилом та очеретинкою, 14 але маю надію побачити тебе незабаром, і говорити устами до уст. Мир тобі! Друзі вітають тебе. Привітай друзів пойменно! Амінь.
UkrainianNT(i) 13 Витають тебе дїти сестри твоєї вибраної. Амінь.

3 John

1 Старець - Гайові любому, котрого люблю істино. 2 Любий, молю ся, щоб у всьому добре тобі вело ся, і ти здоров був, яко ж добре ведеть ся душі твоїй. 3 Вельми бо зрадів я, коли прийшли брати, і сьвідкували про твою правду, яко ж ти в правдї ходиш. 4 Більшої радости над сю не маю, щоб чути, що дїти мої в правдї ходять. 5 Любий, ти вірно робиш, коли що робиш для братів і для постороннїх, 6 котрі сьвідкували про твою любов перед церквою; добре ти зробиш, одпровадивши їх достойно перед Богом. 7 Вони бо ради імени Його вийшли, нїчого не прийнявши від поган; 8 тим то мусимо приймати таких, щоб бути помічниками правдї. 9 Писав я церкві; тільки Диотреф, що побиваєть ся за старшуваннєм, не приймає нас. 10 Тим, коли прийду, згадаю про його діла, що робить, докоряючи нас лихими словами; і не доволен тим, нї сам не приймає братів, і боронить тим, що хочуть, і з церкви виганяє. 11 Любий, не повертай за лихим, а за добрим. Хто добре робить, (той) від Бога, хто ж лихе робить, (той) не бачив Бога. 12 Про Димитрия сьвідковано од усїх, і від самої правди; і ми також сьвідкуємо, а знаєте, що сьвідченнє наше правдиве. 13 Багацько мав я писати, тільки не хочу чернилом та пером тобі писати; 14 надію ся ж незабаром бачити тебе, то й устно поговоримо. 15 Впокій тобі. Витають тебе друга. Витай другів по імени.
SBL Greek NT Apparatus

13 ἐκλεκτῆς WH Treg NIV ] + Ἀμήν RP
3 John Apparatus Data
4 χαράν Treg NIV RP ] χάριν WH • τῇ WH Treg NIV ] – RP
5 τοῦτο WH Treg NIV ] εἰς τοὺς RP
7 ἐθνικῶν WH Treg NIV ] ἐθνῶν RP
8 ὑπολαμβάνειν WH Treg NIV ] ἀπολαμβάνειν RP
9 τι WH Treg NIV ] – RP
12 οἶδας WH Treg NIV ] οἴδατε RP
13 γράψαι σοι WH Treg NIV ] γράφειν RP • γράφειν WH Treg NIV ] γράψαι RP
14 σε ἰδεῖν WH Treg NIV ] ἰδεῖν σε RP