Matthew 28:3 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  3 G846 His G2397 appearance G2258 was G5613 like G796 lightning, G2532 and G846 his G1742 clothes G3022 white G5616 as G5510 snow:

Psalms 104:4

  4 H6213 Who makes H4397 his angels H7307 spirits; H8334 his ministers H3857 a flaming H784 fire:

Ezekiel 1:4-14

  4 H7200 And I looked, H7307 and, behold, a whirlwind H935 came H6828 out of the north, H1419 a great H6051 cloud, H784 and a fire H3947 infolding H5051 itself, and a brightness H5439 was about H8432 it, and out of the midst H5869 there as the color H2830 of amber, H8432 out of the midst H784 of the fire.
  5 H8432 Also out of the midst H1823 there came the likeness H702 of four H2416 living creatures. H4758 And this was their appearance; H2007 they H1823 had the likeness H120 of a man.
  6 H259 And every one H702 had four H6440 faces, H259 and every one H702 had four H3671 wings.
  7 H7272 And their feet H3477 were straight H7272 feet; H3709 and the sole H7272 of their feet H3709 was like the sole H5695 of a calf's H7272 foot: H5340 and they sparkled H5869 like the color H7044 of burnished H5178 brass.
  8 H3027 And they had the hands H120 of a man H3671 under their wings H702 on their four H7253 sides; H702 and they four H6440 had their faces H3671 and their wings.
  9 H3671 Their wings H2266 were joined H802 one H269 to another; H5437 they turned H3212 not when they went; H3212 they went H376 every one H5676 straight H6440 forward.
  10 H1823 As for the likeness H6440 of their faces, H702 they four H6440 had the face H120 of a man, H6440 and the face H738 of a lion, H3225 on the right side: H702 and they four H6440 had the face H7794 of a ox H8040 on the left side; H702 they four H6440 also had the face H5404 of a eagle.
  11 H6440 Thus were their faces: H3671 and their wings H6504 were stretched H4605 upward; H8147 two H376 wings of every one H2266 were joined H376 one H376 to another, H8147 and two H3680 covered H1472 their bodies.
  12 H3212 And they went H376 every one H5676 straight H6440 forward: H7307 where the spirit H3212 was to go, H3212 they went; H5437 and they turned H3212 not when they went.
  13 H1823 As for the likeness H2416 of the living creatures, H4758 their appearance H1197 was like burning H1513 coals H784 of fire, H4758 and like the appearance H3940 of lamps: H1980 it went up and down H2416 among the living creatures; H784 and the fire H5051 was bright, H784 and out of the fire H3318 went forth H1300 lightning.
  14 H2416 And the living creatures H7519 ran H7725 and returned H4758 as the appearance H965 of a flash of lightning.

Daniel 7:9

  9 H1934 I looked H5705 until H3764 the thrones H7412 were cast down, H6268 and the Ancient H3118 of days H3488 did sit, H3831 whose garment H2358 was white H8517 as snow, H8177 and the hair H7217 of his head H5343 like the pure H6015 wool: H3764 his throne H5135 was like the fiery H7631 flame, H1535 and his wheels H1815 as burning H5135 fire.

Daniel 10:5-6

  5 H5375 Then I lifted up H5869 my eyes, H7200 and looked, H259 and behold a certain H376 man H3847 clothed H906 in linen, H4975 whose body H2296 was girded H3800 with fine gold H210 of Uphaz:
  6 H1472 His body H8658 also was like beryl, H6440 and his face H4758 as the appearance H1300 of lightning, H5869 and his eyes H3940 as lamps H784 of fire, H2220 and his arms H4772 and his feet H5869 like in color H7044 to polished H5178 brass, H6963 and the voice H1697 of his words H6963 like the voice H1995 of a multitude.

Matthew 17:2

  2 G2532 And G3339 was transfigured G1715 before G846 them: G2532 and G846 his G4383 face G2989 did shine G5613 as G2246 the sun, G1161 and G846 his G2440 clothes G1096 were G3022 white G5613 as G5457 the light.

Mark 9:3

  3 G2532 And G846 his G2440 clothes G1096 became G4744 shining, G3029 exceedingly G3022 white G5613 as G5510 snow; G3634 so as G3756 no G1102 washer G1909 on G1093 earth G1410 can G3021 whiten them.

Mark 16:5

  5 G2532 And G1525 entering G1519 into G3419 the tomb, G1492 they saw G3495 a young man G2521 sitting G1722 on G1188 the right side, G4016 clothed G4749 in a long G3022 white G4749 garment; G2532 and G1568 they were afraid.

John 20:12

  12 G2532 And G2334 saw G1417 two G32 angels G1722 in G3022 white G2516 sitting, G1520 the one G4314 at G2776 the head, G2532 and G1520 the other G4314 at G4228 the feet, G3699 where G4983 the body G2424 of Jesus G2749 had lain.

Acts 1:10

  10 G2532 And G5613 while G2258   G816 they looked steadfastly G1519 toward G3772 heaven G4198 as G846 he G2532 went up, G2400 behold, G1417 two G435 men G3936 stood by G846 them G1722 in G3022 white G2066 apparel;

Revelation 1:14-16

  14 G846 His G2776 head G2532 and G2359 his hair G3022 were white G5616 like G2053 wool, G5613 as G3022 white G5510 as snow; G2532 and G846 his G3788 eyes G5613 were as G5395 a flame G1161 of fire;
  15 G2532 And G846 his G4228 feet G3664 like G5474 fine brass, G5613 as if G4448 they burned G1722 in G2575 a furnace; G2532 and G846 his G5456 voice G5613 as G5456 the sound G5204 of G4183 many G5204 waters.
  16 G2532 And G2192 he had G1722 in G846 his G1188 right G5495 hand G2033 seven G792 stars: G2532 and G1537 out of G846 his G4750 mouth G1607 went G3691 a sharp G1366 twoedged G4501 sword: G2532 and G846 his G3799 appearance G5613 was as G2246 the sun G5316 shines G1722 in G846 his G1411 strength.

Revelation 3:4-5

  4 G2192 You have G3641 a few G3686 names G2532 even G1722 in G4554 Sardis G3739 which G3435 have G3756 not G3435 defiled G846 their G2440 garments; G2532 and G4043 they shall walk G3326 with G1700 me G1722 in G3022 white: G3754 for G1526 they are G514 worthy.
  5 G3528 He that overcomes, G3778 the same G4016 shall be clothed G1722 in G3022 white G2440 clothes; G2532 and G1813 I will G3756 not G3361   G1813 blot out G846 his G3686 name G1537 out of G976 the book G2222 of life, G2532 but G1843 I will confess G846 his G3686 name G1799 before G3450 my G3962 Father, G2532 and G1799 before G846 his G32 angels.

Revelation 10:1

  1 G2532 And G1492 I saw G243 another G2478 mighty G32 angel G2597 come down G1537 from G3772 heaven, G4016 clothed G3507 with a cloud: G2532 and G2463 a rainbow G1909 was upon G846 his G2776 head, G2532 and G846 his G4383 face G5613 was as it were G2246 the sun, G2532 and G846 his G4228 feet G5613 as G4769 pillars G4442 of fire:

Revelation 18:1

  1 G2532 And G3326 after G5023 these things G1492 I saw G243 another G32 angel G2587 come down G1537 from G3772 heaven, G2192 having G3173 great G1849 power; G2532 and G1093 the earth G5461 was illuminated G1537 with G846 his G1391 glory.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.