Luke 16:13 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  13 G3762 { No G3610 servant G1410 [G5736] can G1398 [G5721] serve G1417 two G2962 masters G1063 : for G2228 either G3404 [G5692] he will hate G1520 the one G2532 , and G25 [G5692] love G2087 the other G2228 ; or else G472 [G5695] he will hold G1520 to the one G2532 , and G2706 [G5692] despise G2087 the other G3756 G1410 [G5736] . Ye cannot G1398 [G5721] serve G2316 God G2532 and G3126 riches.}

Joshua 24:15

  15 H7489 [H8804] And if it seemeth evil H4310 to you H5647 [H8800] to serve H3068 the LORD H977 [H8798] , choose H3117 for yourselves this day H5869 whom H5647 [H8799] ye will serve H430 ; whether the gods H1 which your fathers H5647 [H8804] served H5676 that were on the other side H5104 of the river H430 , or the gods H567 of the Amorites H776 , in whose land H3427 [H8802] ye dwell H1004 : but as for me and my house H5647 [H8799] , we will serve H3068 the LORD.

Matthew 4:10

  10 G5119 Then G3004 [G5719] saith G2424 Jesus G846 to him G5217 [G5720] , { Away with thee G4567 , Satan G1063 : for G1125 [G5769] it is written G4352 [G5692] , Thou shalt worship G2962 the Lord G4675 thy G2316 God G2532 , and G846 him G3441 only G3000 [G5692] shalt thou serve.}

Matthew 6:24

  24 G3762 { No man G1410 [G5736] can G1398 [G5721] serve G1417 two G2962 masters G1063 : for G2228 either G3404 [G5692] he will hate G1520 the one G2532 , and G25 [G5692] love G2087 the other G2228 ; or else G472 [G5695] he will hold G1520 to the one G2532 , and G2706 [G5692] despise G2087 the other G3756 G1410 [G5736] . Ye cannot G1398 [G5721] serve G2316 God G2532 and G3126 riches.}

Luke 9:50

  50 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G2036 [G5627] said G4314 to G846 him G2967 [G5720] , { Forbid G3361 him not G1063 : for G3739 he G2076 [G5748] that is G3756 not G2596 against G2257 us G2076 [G5748] is G5228 for G2257 us.}

Luke 11:23

  23 G5607 [G5752] { He that is G3361 not G3326 with G1700 me G2076 [G5748] is G2596 against G1700 me G2532 : and G4863 [G5723] he that gathereth G3361 not G3326 with G1700 me G4650 [G5719] scattereth.}

Luke 14:26

  26 G1536 { If any G2064 [G5736] man cometh G4314 to G3165 me G2532 , and G3404 [G5719] hateth G3756 not G1438 his G3962 father G2532 , and G3384 mother G2532 , and G1135 wife G2532 , and G5043 children G2532 , and G80 brethren G2532 , and G79 sisters G2089 , yea G1161 , and G1438 his own G5590 life G2532 also G3756 G1410 [G5736] , he cannot G1511 [G5750] be G3450 my G3101 disciple.}

Luke 16:9

  9 G2504 { And I G3004 [G5719] say G5213 to you G4160 [G5657] , Make G1438 to yourselves G5384 friends G1537 by G3126 the riches G93 of unrighteousness G2443 ; that G3752 , when G1587 [G5632] ye fail G1209 [G5667] , they may receive G5209 you G1519 into G166 everlasting G4633 habitations.}

Romans 6:16-22

  16 G1492 [G5758] Know ye G3756 not G3754 , that G3739 to whom G3936 [G5719] ye yield G1438 yourselves G1401 servants G1519 in G5218 obedience G1401 , his servants G2075 [G5748] ye are G3739 whom G5219 [G5719] ye obey G2273 ; whether G266 of sin G1519 to G2288 death G2228 , or G5218 of obedience G1519 to G1343 righteousness?
  17 G1161 But G2316 God G5485 be thanked G3754 , that G2258 [G5713] ye were G1401 the servants G266 of sin G1161 , but G5219 [G5656] ye have obeyed G1537 from G2588 the heart G5179 that form G1322 of doctrine G1519 G3739 which G3860 [G5681] was delivered to you.
  18 G1659 0 Being G1161 then G1659 [G5685] made free G575 from G266 sin G1402 [G5681] , ye became the servants G1343 of righteousness.
  19 G3004 [G5719] I speak G442 after the manner of men G1223 because G769 of the infirmity G5216 of your G4561 flesh G1063 : for G5618 as G3936 [G5656] ye have yielded G5216 your G3196 members G1401 servants G167 to uncleanness G2532 and G458 to iniquity G1519 to G458 work iniquity G3779 ; even so G3568 now G3936 [G5657] yield G5216 your G3196 members G1401 servants G1343 to righteousness G1519 to G38 work holiness.
  20 G1063 For G3753 when G2258 [G5713] ye were G1401 the servants G266 of sin G2258 [G5713] , ye were G1658 free G1343 from righteousness.
  21 G5101 G3767 What G2590 fruit G2192 [G5707] had ye G5119 then G1909 in G3739 those things of which G1870 0 ye are G3568 now G1870 [G5736] ashamed G1063 ? for G5056 the end G1565 of those things G2288 is death.
  22 G1161 But G3570 now G1659 [G5685] being made free G575 from G266 sin G1161 , and G1402 [G5685] having become servants G2316 to God G2192 [G5719] , ye have G5216 your G2590 fruit G1519 to G38 holiness G1161 , and G5056 the end G166 everlasting G2222 life.

Romans 8:5-8

  5 G1063 For G5607 [G5752] they that are G2596 according to G4561 the flesh G5426 [G5719] do mind G3588 the things G4561 of the flesh G1161 ; but G2596 they that are according to G4151 the Spirit G3588 the things G4151 of the Spirit.
  6 G1063 For G5427 0 to be G4561 carnally G5427 minded G2288 is death G1161 ; but G5427 0 to be G4151 spiritually G5427 minded G2222 is life G2532 and G1515 peace.
  7 G1360 Because G4561 the carnal G5427 mind G2189 is enmity G1519 against G2316 God G1063 : for G5293 0 it is G3756 not G5293 [G5743] subject G3551 to the law G2316 of God G3761 , neither G1063 indeed G1410 [G5736] can be.
  8 G1161 So then G5607 [G5752] they that are G1722 in G4561 the flesh G3756 G1410 [G5736] cannot G700 [G5658] please G2316 God.

James 4:4

  4 G3432 Ye adulterers G2532 and G3428 adulteresses G1492 [G5758] , know ye G3756 not G3754 that G5373 the friendship G2889 of the world G2076 [G5748] is G2189 enmity G2316 with God G3739 G302 ? whoever G3767 therefore G1511 G1014 [G5750] will be G5384 a friend G2889 of the world G2525 [G5743] is G2190 the enemy G2316 of God.

1 John 2:15-16

  15 G25 [G5720] Love G3361 not G2889 the world G3366 , neither G1722 the things that are in G2889 the world G1437 . If G5100 any man G25 [G5725] loveth G2889 the world G26 , the love G3962 of the Father G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G1722 in G846 him.
  16 G3754 For G3956 all G1722 that is in G2889 the world G1939 , the lust G4561 of the flesh G2532 , and G1939 the lust G3788 of the eyes G2532 , and G212 the pride G979 of life G2076 [G5748] , is G3756 not G1537 from G3962 the Father G235 , but G2076 [G5748] is G1537 from G2889 the world.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.