1 Samuel 21:3-6

  3 G2532 And G3568 now, G1487 if G1510.2.6 there is G5259 in G3588   G5495 your hand G1473   G4002 five G740 bread loaves, G1325 put G1519 into G3588   G5495 my hand G1473   G3588 the thing G2147 being found.
  4 G2532 And G611 [3responded G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G3588   G* to David, G2532 and G2036 said, G3756 There are no G1510.2.6   G952 profane G740 bread loaves G5259 in G3588   G5495 my hand, G1473   G3754 but G237.1 [2only G740 4bread loaves G39 3holy G1510.2.6 1there are]. G1487 If G5442 [3were having been kept G3588 1the G3808 2servants] G575 from G1135 a woman, G2532 then G2068 they shall eat.
  5 G2532 And G611 David answered G*   G3588 to the G2409 priest, G2532 and G2036 said G1473 to him, G235 Yes, G2532 even G575 from G1135 a woman G566 we have been at a distance G575 from G3588   G5504 yesterday G2532 and G5154 the third G2250 day before . G1722 In G3588   G1831 my coming forth G1473   G1519 for G3588 the G3598 journey G1096 [4have been G3956 1all G3588 2the G3813 3servants] G48 purified; G2532 but G1473 this G3588   G3598 journey G952 is profane, G1360 for G4594 today G37 it shall be sanctified G1223 on account of G3588   G4632 my weapons. G1473  
  6 G2532 And G1325 [4gave G1473 5to him G* 1Ahimelech G3588 2the G2409 3priest] G740 bread loaves G3588 of the G4286 place setting, G3754 for G3756 there was no G1510.7.3   G1563 [2there G740 1bread loaf], G237.1 but only G740 bread loaves G3588 of the G4383 presence, G3588 the loaves G851 being removed G1537 before G4383 the presence G2962 of the lord, G3588 so as G3908 to place near G740 [2bread loaves G2329.1 1 the hot] G3739 in which G2250 day G2983 he took G1473 them.
  3 G2532 και G3568 νυν G1487 ει G1510.2.6 εισίν G5259 υπό G3588 την G5495 χείρά σου G1473   G4002 πέντε G740 άρτοι G1325 δος G1519 εις G3588 την G5495 χείρά μου G1473   G3588 το G2147 ευρεθέν
  4 G2532 και G611 απεκρίθη G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G3588 τω G* Δαυίδ G2532 και G2036 είπεν G3756 ουκ εισίν G1510.2.6   G952 βέβηλοι G740 άρτοι G5259 υπό G3588 την G5495 χείρά μου G1473   G3754 ότι G237.1 αλλ΄ η G740 άρτοι G39 άγιοι G1510.2.6 εισιν G1487 ει G5442 πεφυλαγμένα G3588 τα G3808 παιδάρια G575 από G1135 γυναικός G2532 και G2068 φάγονται
  5 G2532 και G611 απεκρίθη Δαυίδ G*   G3588 τω G2409 ιερεί G2532 και G2036 είπεν G1473 αυτώ G235 αλλά G2532 και G575 από G1135 γυναικός G566 απεσχήμεθα G575 από G3588 της G5504 εχθές G2532 και G5154 τρίτης G2250 ημέρας G1722 εν G3588 τω G1831 εξελθείν με G1473   G1519 εις G3588 την G3598 οδόν G1096 γέγονε G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G3813 παιδία G48 ηγνισμένα G2532 και G1473 αυτή G3588 η G3598 οδός G952 βέβηλος G1360 διότι G4594 σήμερον G37 αγιασθήσεται G1223 διά G3588 τα G4632 σκεύη μου G1473  
  6 G2532 και G1325 έδωκεν G1473 αυτώ G* Αχιμέλεχ G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G740 άρτους G3588 της G4286 προθέσεως G3754 ότι G3756 ουκ ην G1510.7.3   G1563 εκεί G740 άρτος G237.1 αλλ΄ η G740 άρτοι G3588 του G4383 προσώπου G3588 οι G851 αφηρημένοι G1537 εκ G4383 προσώπου G2962 κυρίου G3588 του G3908 παρατεθήναι G740 άρτους G2329.1 θερμόυς G3739 η G2250 ημέρα G2983 έλαβεν G1473 αυτούς
    3 G2532 CONJ [21:4] και G3568 ADV νυν G1487 CONJ ει G1510 V-PAI-3P εισιν G5259 PREP υπο G3588 T-ASF την G5495 N-ASF χειρα G4771 P-GS σου G4002 N-NUI πεντε G740 N-NPM αρτοι G1325 V-AAD-2S δος G1519 PREP εις G5495 N-ASF χειρα G1473 P-GS μου G3588 T-ASN το G2147 V-APPAS ευρεθεν
    4 G2532 CONJ [21:5] και   V-API-3S απεκριθη G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G3588 T-DSM τω   N-PRI δαυιδ G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-PAI-3P εισιν G740 N-NPM αρτοι G952 A-NPM βεβηλοι G5259 PREP υπο G3588 T-ASF την G5495 N-ASF χειρα G1473 P-GS μου G3754 CONJ οτι G235 CONJ αλλ G2228 CONJ η G740 N-NPM αρτοι G40 A-NPM αγιοι G1510 V-PAI-3P εισιν G1487 CONJ ει G5442 V-RMPAP πεφυλαγμενα G3588 T-APN τα G3808 N-APN παιδαρια G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G575 PREP απο G1135 N-GSF γυναικος G2532 CONJ και G2068 V-FMI-3S φαγεται
    5 G2532 CONJ [21:6] και   V-API-3S απεκριθη   N-PRI δαυιδ G3588 T-DSM τω G2409 N-DSM ιερει G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G846 D-DSM αυτω G235 CONJ αλλα G575 PREP απο G1135 N-GSF γυναικος G568 V-RMI-1P απεσχημεθα   ADV εχθες G2532 CONJ και G5154 A-ASF τριτην G2250 N-ASF ημεραν G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G1831 V-AAN εξελθειν G1473 P-AS με G1519 PREP εις G3598 N-ASF οδον G1096 V-RAI-3S γεγονε G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G3808 N-APN παιδαρια G48 V-RMPAP ηγνισμενα G2532 CONJ και G846 D-NSF αυτη G3588 T-NSF η G3598 N-NSF οδος G952 A-NSF βεβηλος G1360 CONJ διοτι G37 V-FPI-3S αγιασθησεται G4594 ADV σημερον G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-APN τα G4632 N-APN σκευη G1473 P-GS μου
    6 G2532 CONJ [21:7] και G1325 V-AAI-3S εδωκεν G846 D-DSM αυτω   N-PRI αβιμελεχ G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G3588 T-APM τους G740 N-APM αρτους G3588 T-GSF της G4286 N-GSF προθεσεως G3754 CONJ οτι G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-IAI-3S ην G1563 ADV εκει G740 N-NSM αρτος G3754 CONJ οτι G235 CONJ αλλ G2228 CONJ η G740 N-NPM αρτοι G3588 T-GSN του G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G3588 T-NPM οι   V-RMPNP αφηρημενοι G1537 PREP εκ G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G2962 N-GSM κυριου G3908 V-APN παρατεθηναι G740 N-ASM αρτον   A-ASM θερμον G3739 R-DSF η G2250 N-DSF ημερα G2983 V-AAI-3S ελαβεν G846 D-APM αυτους
HOT(i) 3 (21:4) ועתה מה ישׁ תחת ידך חמשׁה לחם תנה בידי או הנמצא׃ 4 (21:5) ויען הכהן את דוד ויאמר אין לחם חל אל תחת ידי כי אם לחם קדשׁ ישׁ אם נשׁמרו הנערים אך מאשׁה׃ 5 (21:6) ויען דוד את הכהן ויאמר לו כי אם אשׁה עצרה לנו כתמול שׁלשׁם בצאתי ויהיו כלי הנערים קדשׁ והוא דרך חל ואף כי היום יקדשׁ בכלי׃ 6 (21:7) ויתן לו הכהן קדשׁ כי לא היה שׁם לחם כי אם לחם הפנים המוסרים מלפני יהוה לשׂום לחם חם ביום הלקחו׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  3 H6258 ועתה Now H4100 מה therefore what H3426 ישׁ is H8478 תחת under H3027 ידך thine hand? H2568 חמשׁה five H3899 לחם bread H5414 תנה give H3027 בידי in mine hand, H176 או or H4672 הנמצא׃ what there is present.
  4 H6030 ויען answered H3548 הכהן And the priest H853 את   H1732 דוד David, H559 ויאמר and said, H369 אין no H3899 לחם bread H2455 חל common H413 אל under H8478 תחת under H3027 ידי mine hand, H3588 כי but H518 אם but H3899 לחם bread; H6944 קדשׁ hallowed H3426 ישׁ there is H518 אם if H8104 נשׁמרו have kept themselves H5288 הנערים the young men H389 אך at least H802 מאשׁה׃ from women.
  5 H6030 ויען answered H1732 דוד And David H853 את   H3548 הכהן the priest, H559 ויאמר and said H3588 לו כי though H518 אם   H802 אשׁה a truth women H6113 עצרה kept H8543 לנו כתמול days, H8032 שׁלשׁם from us about these three H3318 בצאתי since I came out, H1961 ויהיו   H3627 כלי and the vessels H5288 הנערים of the young men H6944 קדשׁ are holy, H1931 והוא   H1870 דרך and in a manner H2455 חל common, H637 ואף yea, H3588 כי   H3117 היום this day H6942 יקדשׁ it were sanctified H3627 בכלי׃ in the vessel.
  6 H5414 ויתן gave H3548 לו הכהן So the priest H6944 קדשׁ him hallowed H3588 כי for H3808 לא no H1961 היה there was H8033 שׁם there H3899 לחם bread H3588 כי but H518 אם but H3899 לחם the shewbread, H6440 הפנים the shewbread, H5493 המוסרים that was taken H6440 מלפני from before H3068 יהוה the LORD, H7760 לשׂום to put H3899 לחם bread H2527 חם hot H3117 ביום in the day H3947 הלקחו׃ when it was taken away.
  3 H3426 Now therefore what is H3027 under thine hand? H5414 [H8798] give H2568 me five H3899 loaves of bread H3027 in my hand, H4672 [H8737] or what there is present.
  4 H3548 And the priest H6030 [H8799] answered H1732 David, H559 [H8799] and said, H2455 There is no common H3899 bread H3027 under my hand, H3426 but there is H6944 hallowed H3899 bread; H5288 if the young men H8104 [H8738] have kept H389 themselves at least H802 from women.
  5 H1732 And David H6030 [H8799] answered H3548 the priest, H559 [H8799] and said H518 to him, Of a truth H802 women H6113 [H8803] have been kept H8032 from us about these three H8543 days, H3318 [H8800] since I came out, H3627 and the vessels H5288 of the young men H6944 are holy, H1870 and the bread is in a manner H2455 common, H6942 [H8799] yea, though it were sanctified H3117 this day H3627 in the vessel.
  6 H3548 So the priest H5414 [H8799] gave H6944 him hallowed H3899 bread: for there was no bread H3899 H6440 there but the showbread, H5493 [H8716] that was taken H6440 from the face of H3068 the LORD, H7760 [H8800] to put H2527 hot H3899 bread H3117 in the day H3947 [H8736] when it was taken away.
Vulgate(i) 3 nunc igitur si quid habes ad manum vel quinque panes da mihi aut quicquid inveneris 4 et respondens sacerdos David ait ei non habeo panes laicos ad manum sed tantum panem sanctum si mundi sunt pueri maxime a mulieribus 5 et respondit David sacerdoti et dixit ei equidem si de mulieribus agitur continuimus nos ab heri et nudius tertius quando egrediebamur et fuerunt vasa puerorum sancta porro via haec polluta est sed et ipsa hodie sanctificabitur in vasis 6 dedit ergo ei sacerdos sanctificatum panem neque enim erat ibi panis nisi tantum panes propositionis qui sublati fuerant a facie Domini ut ponerentur panes calidi
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 3 Nunc ergo si quid habes ad manum, vel quinque panes, da mihi, aut quidquid inveneris. 4 Et respondens sacerdos ad David, ait illi: Non habeo laicos panes ad manum, sed tantum panem sanctum: si mundi sunt pueri, maxime a mulieribus? 5 Et respondit David sacerdoti, et dixit ei: Equidem, si de mulieribus agitur: continuimus nos ab heri et nudiustertius quando egrediebamur, et fuerunt vasa puerorum sancta. Porro via hæc polluta est, sed et ipsa hodie sanctificabitur in vasis. 6 Dedit ergo ei sacerdos sanctificatum panem: neque enim erat ibi panis, nisi tantum panes propositionis, qui sublati fuerant a facie Domini, ut ponerentur panes calidi.
Wycliffe(i) 3 now therfor if thou hast ony thing at hond, ether fyue looues, yyue thou to me, ether what euer thing thou fyndist. 4 And the preest answeride to Dauid, and seide to hym, Y haue `not lewid, `that is, comyn, looues at hoond, but oneli hooli breed; whether the children ben clene, and moost of wymmen? 5 And Dauid answeride to the preest, and seide to hym, And sotheli if it is doon of wymmen, we absteyneden vs fro yistirdai and the thridde dai ago, whanne we yeden out, and the `vessels, that is, bodies, of the children weren cleene; forsothe this weie is defoulyd, but also that schal be halewid to dai in the vessels. 6 Therfor the preest yaf to hym halewid breed, for noon other breed was there, no but oneli looues of settyng forth, that weren takun awey fro the face of the Lord, that hoote looues schulen be set.
Coverdale(i) 3 Yf thou haue now ought vnder thy hande, a loafe of bred or fyue, geue me the same in my hande, or what so euer thou findest. 4 The prest answered Dauid, and sayde: I haue no comen bred vnder my hande, but the holy bred, yf the yonge men haue onely refrained them selues from wemen. 5 Dauid answered the prest, and sayde vnto him: The wemen were kepte thre dayes from vs whan we departed forth, and the yonge mens vessels were holy. But this waye is vnholy, neuerthelesse it shalbe santifyed to daye in the instrumentes. 6 Then the prest gaue him of ye holy, in so moch as there was none other bred but the shewbredes, which were taken vp before the LORDE, that there might be other freshbredes set therin the daye wha he toke them awaye.
MSTC(i) 3 And now what hast thou under thine hand? Give me five loaves of bread or what cometh to hand." 4 And the priest answered David and said, "There is no common bread under mine hand — but there is hallowed bread, if the young men have abstained only from women." 5 And David answered the priest and said unto him, "Of a truth, women hath been locked up from us about a three days, when I came out: and the vessels of the young men were holy. Howbeit, this way is impure: but it shall be hallowed in the vessel." 6 And so the priest gave him hallowed bread, for there was none other bread there save showbreads that were taken from before the LORD; to put fresh bread there the day that it was taken away.
Matthew(i) 3 And now what hast thou vnder thyne hande? geue me fyue loues of bread, or what cometh to hande. 4 And the pryest answered Dauid and sayd: there is no comen bread vnder myne hande, but there is halowed bread, yf the young men, had abstayned only from wemen. 5 And Dauid answered the pryest and sayde vnto him: of a truth wemen hath bene locked vp from vs about a thre dayes, when I came out, and the vesselles of the young men were holy. Howe be it thys waye is vnpure, but it shalbe halowed in the vessel. 6 And so the pryest gaue hym halowed bread, for there was no nother bread there saue shew breades that were taken from before the Lord, to put freshe bread there the day that it was taken away.
Great(i) 3 Nowe therfore yf thou hast ought vnder thyne hande geue me fyue loues of breade, or what cometh to hande. 4 And the preast answered Dauid, and sayde: there is no comen bread vnder myne hande, but here is halowed bread, yf the younge men haue kepte them selues from vncleane thynges especiallye wemen. 5 Dauid answered the Preaste, and sayde vnto hym: of a truth wemen hath bene locked vp from vs about a thre dayes. When I came out, & the vesselles of the young men were holy. How be it this waye is vnpure, and how much more shal there be holynes in the vessell. 6 And so the preast gaue him halowed bred, for there was no nother bred there, saue the shewebreds, that were taken from before the Lorde, to put freshe bred there, the daye that it was taken awaye.
Geneva(i) 3 Nowe therefore if thou hast ought vnder thine hande, giue me fiue cakes of bread, or what commeth to hand. 4 And the Priest answered Dauid, and saide, There is no common bread vnder mine hande, but here is halowed bread, if the yong men haue kept themselues, at least from women. 5 Dauid then answered the Priest, and sayde vnto him, Certainely women haue bene separarate from vs these two or three dayes since I came out: and the vessels of the yong men were holy, though the way were prophane, and how much more then shall euery one be sanctified this day in the vessell? 6 So the Priest gaue him halowed bread: for there was no bread there, saue the shewe bread that was taken from before the Lord, to put hote bread there, the day that it was taken away.
Bishops(i) 3 Nowe therfore if thou hast ought vnder thyne hand, geue me fyue loaues of bread, or what commeth to hande 4 And the priest aunswered Dauid, and sayd: There is no common bread vnder myne hand, but here is halowed bread: if the young me haue kept them selues, specially from women 5 Dauid aunswered the priest, and sayd vnto him: Of a trueth, women hath ben separated fro vs this two or three days since I came out, & the vessels of the young men were holy: Howebeit, this way is vnpure, and howe muche more shall there be holines in the vessell 6 And so the priest gaue him halowed bread: for there was none other bread there, saue the shew bread that was taken from before the Lord, to put freshe bread there the day that it was taken away
DouayRheims(i) 3 Now therefore if thou have any thing at hand, though it were but five loaves, give me, or whatsoever thou canst find. 4 And the priest answered David, saying: I have no common bread at hand, but only holy bread, if the young men be clean, especially from women? 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him: Truly, as to what concerneth women, we have refrained ourselves from yesterday and the day before, when we came out, and the vessels of the young men were holy. Now this way is defiled, but it shall also be sanctified this day in the vessels. 6 The priest therefore gave him hallowed bread: for there was no bread there, but only the loaves of proposition, which had been taken away from before the face of the Lord, that hot loaves might be set up.
KJV(i) 3 Now therefore what is under thine hand? give me five loaves of bread in mine hand, or what there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel. 6 So the priest gave him hallowed bread: for there was no bread there but the showbread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 3 Now therefore what is under thine hand? give me five loaves of bread in mine hand, or what there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel. 6 So the priest gave him hallowed bread: for there was no bread there but the shewbread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
  3 H3426 Now therefore what is H3027 under thine hand H5414 ? give [H8798]   H2568 me five H3899 loaves of bread H3027 in mine hand H4672 , or what there is present [H8737]  .
  4 H3548 And the priest H6030 answered [H8799]   H1732 David H559 , and said [H8799]   H2455 , There is no common H3899 bread H3027 under mine hand H3426 , but there is H6944 hallowed H3899 bread H5288 ; if the young men H8104 have kept [H8738]   H389 themselves at least H802 from women.
  5 H1732 And David H6030 answered [H8799]   H3548 the priest H559 , and said [H8799]   H518 unto him, Of a truth H802 women H6113 have been kept [H8803]   H8032 from us about these three H8543 days H3318 , since I came out [H8800]   H3627 , and the vessels H5288 of the young men H6944 are holy H1870 , and the bread is in a manner H2455 common H6942 , yea, though it were sanctified [H8799]   H3117 this day H3627 in the vessel.
  6 H3548 So the priest H5414 gave [H8799]   H6944 him hallowed H3899 bread : for there was no bread H3899 there but the shewbread H6440   H5493 , that was taken [H8716]   H6440 from before H3068 the LORD H7760 , to put [H8800]   H2527 hot H3899 bread H3117 in the day H3947 when it was taken away [H8736]  .
Thomson(i) 3 Now therefore hast thou fives loaves at hand? Give me what thou hast ready. 4 And the priest in reply said to David, I have no common bread at hand. Because there is none but the holy bread; if thy servants have but kept themselves from women they may eat it. 5 And David in answer to the priest, said to him, Of a truth we have kept ourselves from women these three days. When I set out on the journey, all the servants were purified [though the journey was on secular affairs] because they were to be holy this day, on account of my provision for it. 6 So Abimelech the priest gave him the presence loaves, because he had no other, but only those loaves which were taken from the presence of the Lord, that fresh bread might be put in their place on the day he took them.
Webster(i) 3 Now therefore what is under thy hand? give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or what there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yes, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel. 6 So the priest gave him hallowed bread: for there was no bread there but the show-bread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
  3 H3426 Now therefore what is H3027 under thy hand H5414 [H8798] ? give H2568 me five H3899 loaves of bread H3027 in my hand H4672 [H8737] , or what there is present.
  4 H3548 And the priest H6030 [H8799] answered H1732 David H559 [H8799] , and said H2455 , There is no common H3899 bread H3027 under my hand H3426 , but there is H6944 hallowed H3899 bread H5288 ; if the young men H8104 [H8738] have kept H389 themselves at least H802 from women.
  5 H1732 And David H6030 [H8799] answered H3548 the priest H559 [H8799] , and said H518 to him, Of a truth H802 women H6113 [H8803] have been kept H8032 from us about these three H8543 days H3318 [H8800] , since I came out H3627 , and the vessels H5288 of the young men H6944 are holy H1870 , and the bread is in a manner H2455 common H6942 [H8799] , yea, though it were sanctified H3117 this day H3627 in the vessel.
  6 H3548 So the priest H5414 [H8799] gave H6944 him hallowed H3899 bread: for there was no bread H3899 H6440 there but the showbread H5493 [H8716] , that was taken H6440 from before H3068 the LORD H7760 [H8800] , to put H2527 hot H3899 bread H3117 in the day H3947 [H8736] when it was taken away.
Brenton(i) 3 And now if there are under thy hand five loaves, give into my hand what is ready. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There are no common loaves under my hand, for I have none but holy loaves: if the young men have been kept at least from women, then they shall eat them. 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him, Yea, we have been kept from women for three days: when I came forth for the journey all the young men were purified; but this expedition is unclean, wherefore it shall be sanctified this day because of my weapons. 6 So Abimelech the priest gave him the shewbread; for there were no loaves there, but only the presence loaves which had been removed from the presence of the Lord, in order that hot bread should be set on, on the day on which he took them.
Brenton_Greek(i) 3 Καὶ νῦν εἰ εἰσὶν ὑπὸ τὴν χεῖρά σου πέντε ἄρτοι, δὸς εἰς χεῖρά μου τὸ εὑρεθέν. 4 Καὶ ἀπεκρίθη ὁ ἱερεὺς τῷ Δαυὶδ, καὶ εἶπεν, οὐκ εἰσὶν ἄρτοι βέβηλοι ὑπὸ τὴν χεῖρά μου, ὅτι ἀλλʼ ἢ ἄρτοι ἅγιοί εἰσιν· εἰ πεφυλαγμένα τὰ παιδάριά ἐστι πλὴμ ἀπὸ γυναικὸς, καὶ φάγεται. 5 Καὶ ἀπεκρίθη Δαυὶδ τῷ ἱερεῖ, καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ, ἀλλὰ ἀπὸ γυναικὸς ἀπεσχήμεθα ἐχθὲς καὶ τρίτην ἡμέραν· ἐν τῷ ἐξελθεῖν με εἰς ὁδὸν γέγονε πάντα τὰ παιδία ἡγνισμένα, καὶ αὐτὴ ἡ ὁδὸς βέβηλος, διότι ἁγιασθήσεται σήμερον διὰ τὰ σκεύη μου.
6 Καὶ ἔδωκεν αὐτῷ Ἀβιμέλεχ ὁ ἱερεὺς τοὺς ἄρτους τῆς προθέσεως, ὅτι ἐκεῖ οὐκ ἦν ἄρτοι, ἀλλʼ ἢ ἄρτοι τοῦ προσώπου οἱ ἀφῃρημένοι ἐκ προσώπου Κυρίου, τοῦ παρατεθῆναι ἄρτον θερμὸν ᾗ ἡμέρᾳ ἔλαβεν αὐτούς.
Leeser(i) 3 (21:4) And now what hast thou on hand: put five loaves of bread into my hand, or what else can be found. 4 (21:5) And the priest answered David, and said, I have no common bread on hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have only withheld themselves from women. 5 (21:6) And David answered the priest and said to him, To a certainty women have been denied us yesterday and the day before, when I went forth, and the vessels of the young men were holy: and if this was the custom with unholy things, how much more will it remain this day holy in the vessels. 6 (21:7) So the priest gave him hallowed bread; for there was no bread there except the showbread, that was removed from before the Lord, so as to put down hot bread on the day when it was taken away.
YLT(i) 3 and now, what is there under thy hand? five loaves give into my hand, or that which is found.' 4 And the priest answereth David, and saith, `There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if the youths have been kept only from women.' 5 And David answereth the priest, and saith to him, `Surely, if women have been restrained from us as heretofore in my going out, then the vessels of the young men are holy, and it is a common way: and also, surely to-day it is sanctified in the vessel.' 6 And the priest giveth to him the holy thing, for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence which is turned aside from the presence of Jehovah to put hot bread in the day of its being taken away.
JuliaSmith(i) 3 And now what is under thy hand? five of bread thou shalt give into my hand, or that being found. 4 And the priest will answer David and say, No common bread under my hand, but there is consecrated bread; if the boys watched themselves only from women. 5 And David will answer the priest and say to him, That truly woman was withheld to us for yesterday the third day, in my coming forth, and the vessels of the boys holy, and this way common, and truly if this day it shall be consecrated in the vessel 6 And the priest will give to him the holy, for there was not there bread except the bread of the face, being taken away from before Jehovah to put hot bread in the day of taking it
Darby(i) 3 And now what is under thy hand? give me five loaves in my hand, or what may be found. 4 And the priest answered David and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest and said to him, Yes indeed, women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the [bread] is in a manner common, and the more so, because to-day [new] is hallowed in the vessels. 6 And the priest gave him holy [bread]; for there was no bread there but the shew-loaves that were taken from before Jehovah, to put on hot bread in the day when they were taken away.
ERV(i) 3 Now therefore what is under thine hand? give me five loaves of bread in mine hand, or whatsoever there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is holy bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days; When I came out, the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was but a common journey; how much more then today shall their vessels be holy? 6 So the priest gave him holy [bread]: for there was no bread there but the shewbread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
ASV(i) 3 Now therefore what is under thy hand? give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or whatsoever there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days; when I came out, the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was but a common journey; how much more then to-day shall their vessels be holy? 6 So the priest gave him holy [bread]; for there was no bread there but the showbread, that was taken from before Jehovah, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
  3 H3426 Now therefore what is H3027 under thy hand? H5414 give H2568 me five H3899 loaves of bread H3027 in my hand, H4672 or whatsoever there is present.
  4 H3548 And the priest H6030 answered H1732 David, H559 and said, H2455 There is no common H3899 bread H3027 under my hand, H3426 but there is H6944 holy H3899 bread; H5288 if only the young men H8104 have kept H389 themselves from H802 women.
  5 H1732 And David H6030 answered H3548 the priest, H559 and said H518 unto him, Of a truth H802 women H6113 have been kept H8032 from us about these three H8543 days; H3318 when I came out, H3627 the vessels H5288 of the young men H6944 were holy, H2455 though it was but a common H1870 journey; H3117 how much more then to-day H3627 shall their vessels H6942 be holy?
  6 H3548 So the priest H5414 gave H6944 him holy H3899 bread; for there was no bread H3899 there but the showbread, H5493 that was taken H6440 from before H3068 Jehovah, H7760 to put H2527 hot H3899 bread H3117 in the day H3947 when it was taken away.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 3 (21:4) Now therefore what is under thy hand? five loaves of bread? give them in my hand, or whatsoever there is present.' 4 (21:5) And the priest answered David, and said: 'There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women.' 5 (21:6) And David answered the priest, and said unto him: 'Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days; when I came out, the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was but a common journey; how much more then to-day, when there shall be holy bread in their vessels?' 6 (21:7) So the priest gave him holy bread; for there was no bread there but the showbread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away. -
Rotherham(i) 3 Now, therefore, what is there under thy hand? Five loaves, give thou into my hand,––or, whatever can be found. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under my hand,––but, hallowed bread, there is, if the young men have kept themselves, at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest and said to him––Of a truth, women, have been withheld from us, of late, through my coming out, and the wallets of the young men have become hallowed,––while [the bread], itself, is in a manner common, and the more so since, today, [there are other loaves] to be hallowed, in the vessel. 6 So the priest gave him hallowed [bread], ––because there was there no bread, save the Presence–Bread, which had to be removed from before Yahweh, to put hot bread, on the day when it should be taken away.
CLV(i) 3 and now, what is there under your hand? five loaves give into my hand, or that which is found.. 4 And the priest answers David, and said, `There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if the youths have been kept only from women.. 5 And David answers the priest, and said to him, `Surely, if women have been restrained from us as heretofore in my going out, then the vessels of the young men are holy, and it [is] a common way:and also, surely to-day it is sanctified in the vessel.. 6 And the priest gives to him the holy thing, for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence which is turned aside from the presence of Yahweh to put hot bread in the day of its being taken away.
BBE(i) 3 So now, if you have here five cakes of bread, give them into my hand, or whatever you have. 4 And the priest, answering David, said, I have no common bread here but there is holy bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women. 5 And David in answer said to the priest, Certainly women have been kept from us; and as has been done before when I have gone out the arms of the young men were made holy, even though it was a common journey; how much more today will their arms be made holy. 6 So the priest gave him the holy bread: there was no other, only the holy bread which had been taken from before the Lord, so that new bread might be put in its place on the day when it was taken away.
MKJV(i) 3 And therefore, what is under your hand? Give five loaves of bread in my hand, or what there is to be found. 4 And the priest answered David and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest and said to him, Truly women have been kept from us for about three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and in a way the holy bread is common. Also surely today it is sanctified in the vessels. 6 And the priest gave him holy bread. For there was no bread there but the Bread of the Presence that was taken from before Jehovah, in order to put hot bread in on the day when it was taken away.
LITV(i) 3 And now, what is there under your hand? Give five loaves into my hand, or whatever is found. 4 And the priest answered David and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but only holy bread, if the young men have only been kept from a woman. 5 And David answered the priest and said to him, Surely, a woman has been kept from us as yesterday and the third day, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy. And in a way the holy bread is common; also surely today it is sanctified in the vessels. 6 And the priest gave the holy bread to him, for there was no bread there except the Bread of the Presence which is taken from the presence of Jehovah in order to put hot bread in on the day it is taken away.
ECB(i) 3 And now, what is under your hand? give me five bread in my hand, or whatever is found. 4 And the priest answers David and says, There is no profane bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; but only, if the lads guard themselves from women. 5 And David answers the priest and says to him, Of a truth we restrain from women as three yesters ago, since I went; and the instruments of the lads are holy; though the way be profane yes, this day it is hallowed in the instrument. 6 So the priest gives him the holy: for there is no bread there but the face bread which is twisted off at the face of Yah Veh, to set hot bread the day it is taken away.
ACV(i) 3 Now therefore what is under thy hand? Give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or whatever there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread. If only the young men have kept themselves from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days. When I came out the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was but a common journey. How much more then today shall their vessels be holy? 6 So the priest gave him holy bread, for there was no bread there but the showbread that was taken from before LORD to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
WEB(i) 3 Now therefore what is under your hand? Please give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or whatever is available.” 4 The priest answered David, and said, “I have no common bread, but there is holy bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women.” 5 David answered the priest, and said to him, “Truly, women have been kept from us as usual these three days. When I came out, the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was only a common journey. How much more then today shall their vessels be holy?” 6 So the priest gave him holy bread; for there was no bread there but the show bread that was taken from before Yahweh, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
  3 H3426 Now therefore what is H3027 under your hand? H5414 Give H2568 me five H3899 loaves of bread H3027 in my hand, H4672 or whatever there is present."
  4 H3548 The priest H6030 answered H1732 David, H6030 and said, H2455 "There is no common H3899 bread H3027 under my hand, H3426 but there is H6944 holy H3899 bread; H5288 if only the young men H8104 have kept H389 themselves from H802 women."
  5 H1732 David H6030 answered H3548 the priest, H6030 and said H518 to him, "Truly, H802 women H6113 have been kept H8032 from us about these three H8543 days. H3318 When I came out, H3627 the vessels H5288 of the young men H6944 were holy, H2455 though it was but a common H1870 journey. H3117 How much more then today H3627 shall their vessels H6942 be holy?"
  6 H3548 So the priest H5414 gave H6944 him holy H3899 bread; for there was no bread H3899 there but the show bread, H5493 that was taken H6440 from before H3068 Yahweh, H7760 to put H2527 hot H3899 bread H3117 in the day H3947 when it was taken away.
NHEB(i) 3 Now, if there are five loaves of bread under your control, give them into my hand, or whatever there is." 4 And the priest answered David, and said, "There is no common bread in my control, but there is holy bread. If the young men have kept themselves from women, they may eat of it." 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him, "Truly women have been kept from us as always when I set out. All the young men are holy, even when it is an ordinary mission. So how much more today will their vessels be holy?" 6 So the priest gave him what had been consecrated, for there was no bread there but the show bread, that had been removed before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
AKJV(i) 3 Now therefore what is under your hand? give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or what there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yes, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel. 6 So the priest gave him hallowed bread: for there was no bread there but the show bread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
  3 H4100 Now therefore what H8478 is under H3027 your hand? H5414 give H2568 me five H3899 loaves of bread H3027 in my hand, H176 or H4672 what there is present.
  4 H3548 And the priest H6030 answered H1732 David, H559 and said, H369 There is no H2455 common H3899 bread H8478 under H3027 my hand, H6944 but there is hallowed H3899 bread; H518 if H5288 the young H8104 men have kept H389 themselves at H389 least H802 from women.
  5 H1732 And David H6030 answered H3548 the priest, H559 and said H3588 to him, Of a truth H518 H802 women H6113 have been kept H8032 from us about these three H8543 days, H3318 since I came H3627 out, and the vessels H5288 of the young H6944 men are holy, H1870 and the bread is in a manner H2455 common, H637 yes, H3588 though H6942 it were sanctified H3117 this day H3627 in the vessel.
  6 H3548 So the priest H5414 gave H6944 him hallowed H3808 bread: for there was no H3899 bread H8033 there H3899 but the show bread, H6440 H5493 that was taken H6440 from before H3068 the LORD, H7760 to put H2527 hot H3899 bread H3117 in the day H3947 when it was taken away.
KJ2000(i) 3 Now therefore what is there on hand? give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or what there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread on hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us for these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel. 6 So the priest gave him hallowed bread: for there was no bread there but the showbread, that was taken away from before the LORD, to put hot bread in its place the day when it was taken away.
UKJV(i) 3 Now therefore what is under your hand? give me five loaves of bread in mine hand, or what there is present. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest, and said unto him, Truthfully women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel. 6 So the priest gave him hallowed bread: for there was no bread there but the showbread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
  3 H3426 Now therefore what is H3027 under your hand? H5414 give H2568 me five H3899 loaves of bread H3027 in my hand, H4672 or what there is present.
  4 H3548 And the priest H6030 answered H1732 David, H559 and said, H2455 There is no common H3899 bread H3027 under my hand, H3426 but there is H6944 hallowed H3899 bread; H5288 if the young men H8104 have kept H389 themselves at least H802 from women.
  5 H1732 And David H6030 answered H3548 the priest, H559 and said H518 unto him, Of a truth H802 women H6113 have been kept H8032 from us about these three H8543 days, H3318 since I came out, H3627 and the vessels H5288 of the young men H6944 are holy, H1870 and the bread is in a manner H2455 common, H6942 Yes, though it were sanctified H3117 this day H3627 in the vessel.
  6 H3548 So the priest H5414 gave H6944 him hallowed H3899 bread: for there was no bread H3899 there but the showbread, H5493 that was taken H6440 from before H3068 the Lord, H7760 to put H2527 hot H3899 bread H3117 in the day H3947 when it was taken away.
EJ2000(i) 3 Now, therefore, what is under thy hand? Give me five loaves of bread in my hand or what there is present. 4 And the priest answered David and said, There is no common bread under my hand; there is only sacred bread, which I will give thee if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. 5 And David answered the priest and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us since yesterday and the day before yesterday since I came out, and the vessels of the young men were holy although the way is profane; how much more that today it shall be sanctified with the vessels. 6 So the priest gave him the sacred bread, for there was no bread there but the showbread that had been taken from before the LORD to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
CAB(i) 3 And now if there are under your hand five loaves, give into my hand what is ready. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There are no common loaves under my hand, for I have none but holy loaves: if the young men have been kept at least from women, then they shall eat them. 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him, Yes, we have been kept from women for three days: when I came forth for the journey all the young men were purified; but this expedition is unclean, wherefore it shall be sanctified this day because of my weapons. 6 So Abimelech the priest gave him the showbread; for there were no loaves there, but only the presence loaves which had been removed from the presence of the Lord, in order that hot bread should be set on, on the day on which he took them.
LXX2012(i) 3 And now if there are under your hand five loaves, give into my hand what is ready. 4 And the priest answered David, and said, There are no common loaves under my hand, for I have none but holy loaves: if the young men have been kept at least from women, then they shall eat [them]. 5 And David answered the priest, and said to him, Yes, we have been kept from women for three days: when I came forth for the journey all the young men were purified; but this expedition is unclean, therefore it shall be sanctified this day because of my weapons. 6 So Abimelech the priest gave him the show bread; for there were no loaves there, but only the presence loaves which had been removed from the presence of the Lord, in order that hot bread should be set on, on the day on which he took them.
NSB(i) 3 David added: »What do you have to eat? Give me five loaves of bread or whatever you can find.« 4 The high priest answered David: »I do not have any ordinary bread here. But there is holy bread for the young men if they have not had sexual intercourse today.« 5 David answered the priest: »Women have been kept away from us as usual when we go on a mission. The young men’s bodies are kept holy even on ordinary campaigns. How much more then are their bodies holy today?« 6 The priest gave him holy bread. For he only had the bread of the presence that had been taken from Jehovah’s presence and replaced with warm bread that day.
ISV(i) 3 Now, what do you have available? Give me five loaves of bread or whatever you have.”
4 The priest answered David: “There is no ordinary bread available; only consecrated bread, provided that the young men have kept themselves from women.”
5 David answered the priest, saying to him, “Indeed, women were kept from us as is usual whenever I go out on a mission, and the equipment of the young men is consecrated even when it’s an ordinary journey, so how much more is their equipment consecrated today?” 6 So the priest gave him consecrated bread because no bread was there except the Bread of the Presence that had been removed from the LORD’s presence and replaced with hot bread on the day it was taken away.
LEB(i) 3 Now then, what do you have at hand?* Give me five loaves of bread or whatever is here."* 4 The priest answered David and said, "There is no ordinary bread here at hand;* there is only holy bread, but only if the young men have kept themselves from women." 5 David answered the priest and said to him, "Indeed, women were held back from us as it has been when I've gone out before.* And the things* of the young men are holy when* it is an ordinary journey. How much more* today* will the things* be holy?" 6 So the priest gave him the holy bread, for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence, which was removed from before Yahweh, in order to set hot bread there on the day when it was taken away.
BSB(i) 3 Now then, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found.” 4 “There is no common bread on hand,” the priest replied, “but there is some consecrated bread—provided that the young men have kept themselves from women.” 5 David answered, “Women have indeed been kept from us, as is usual when I set out. And the equipment of the young men is holy, as it is even on common missions, and all the more at this time.” 6 So the priest gave him the consecrated bread, since there was no bread there but the Bread of the Presence, which had been removed from before the LORD and replaced with hot bread on the day it was taken away.
MSB(i) 3 Now then, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found.” 4 “There is no common bread on hand,” the priest replied, “but there is some consecrated bread—provided that the young men have kept themselves from women.” 5 David answered, “Women have indeed been kept from us, as is usual when I set out. And the equipment of the young men is holy, as it is even on common missions, and all the more at this time.” 6 So the priest gave him the consecrated bread, since there was no bread there but the Bread of the Presence, which had been removed from before the LORD and replaced with hot bread on the day it was taken away.
MLV(i) 3 Now therefore what is under your hand? Give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or whatever there is present.
4 And the priest answered David and said, There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread. If only the young men have kept themselves from women. 5 And David answered the priest and said to him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days. When I came out the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was but a common journey. How much more then today will their vessels be holy?
6 So the priest gave him holy bread, for there was no bread there but the showbread that was taken from before Jehovah to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.
VIN(i) 3 Now then, what do you have at hand? Give me five loaves of bread or whatever is here." 4 The priest answered David: "There is no ordinary bread available; only consecrated bread, provided that the young men have kept themselves from women." 5 David answered the priest: "Women have been kept away from us as usual when we go on a mission. The young men's bodies are kept holy even on ordinary campaigns. How much more then are their bodies holy today?" 6 So the priest gave him consecrated bread because no bread was there except the Bread of the Presence that had been removed from before the LORD and replaced with hot bread on the day it was taken away.
Luther1545(i) 3 Hast du nun was unter deiner Hand, ein Brot oder fünf, die gib mir in meine Hand, oder was du findest. 4 Der Priester antwortete David und sprach: Ich habe kein gemein Brot unter meiner Hand, sondern heilig Brot; wenn sich nur die Knaben von Weibern enthalten hätten! 5 David antwortete dem Priester und sprach zu ihm: Es sind die Weiber drei Tage uns versperret gewesen, da ich auszog, und der Knaben Zeug war heilig; ist aber dieser Weg unheilig, so wird er heute geheiliget werden an dem Zeuge. 6 Da gab ihm der Priester des heiligen, weil kein ander Brot da war denn die Schaubrote, die man vor dem HERRN aufhub, daß man ander frisch Brot auflegen sollte des Tages, da er die weggenommen hatte.
  3 H1732 David H559 sprach H288 zu Ahimelech H4428 , dem Priester: Der König H6680 hat H1697 mir eine Sache H6680 befohlen H3548 und H559 sprach H376 zu mir: Laß niemand H3045 wissen H3045 , warum ich H4725 dich H7971 gesandt H1697 habe H5288 und was ich dir befohlen habe. Denn ich habe auch meine Knaben etwa hie oder daher beschieden.
  4 H3426 Hast H3027 du nun was unter deiner Hand H3899 , ein Brot H2568 oder fünf H5414 , die gib H3027 mir in meine Hand H4672 , oder was du findest .
  5 H6030 Der Priester antwortete H1732 David H3548 und H559 sprach H3426 : Ich habe H3899 kein gemein Brot H3027 unter meiner Hand H6944 , sondern heilig H3899 Brot H8104 ; wenn sich nur H5288 die Knaben H802 von Weibern enthalten hätten!
  6 H1732 David H6030 antwortete H3548 dem Priester und H559 sprach H518 zu ihm: Es sind H6942 die H802 Weiber H8032 drei H8543 Tage H6113 uns versperret gewesen H5288 , da ich auszog, und der Knaben H3627 Zeug H6944 war heilig H1870 ; ist aber dieser Weg H2455 unheilig H3117 , so wird er heute H3318 geheiliget werden an dem Zeuge.
Luther1912(i) 3 David sprach zu Ahimelech, dem Priester: Der König hat mir eine Sache befohlen und sprach zu mir: Laß niemand wissen, warum ich dich gesandt habe und was ich dir befohlen habe. Denn ich habe auch meine Leute an den und den Ort beschieden. 4 Hast du nun etwas unter deiner Hand, ein Brot oder fünf, die gib mir in meine Hand, oder was du findest. 5 Der Priester antwortete David und sprach: Ich habe kein gemeines Brot unter meiner Hand, sondern heiliges Brot; wenn sich nur die Leute von Weibern enthalten hätten! 6 David antwortete dem Priester und sprach zu ihm: Es sind die Weiber drei Tage uns versperrt gewesen, da ich auszog, und der Leute Zeug war heilig; ist aber dieser Weg unheilig, so wird er heute geheiligt werden an dem Zeuge.
  3 H1732 [ David H559 sprach H288 zu Ahimelech H3548 , dem Priester H4428 : Der König H1697 hat mir eine Sache H6680 befohlen H559 und sprach H376 zu mir: Laß niemand H3045 wissen H7971 , warum ich dich gesandt H3972 habe und was H6680 ich dir befohlen H5288 habe. Denn ich habe auch meine Leute H6423 an den H492 und den H4725 Ort H3045 beschieden .
  4 H3426 [ Hast H3027 du nun etwas unter deiner Hand H3899 , ein Brot H2568 oder fünf H5414 , die gib H3027 mir in meine Hand H4672 , oder was du findest .
  5 H3548 [Der Priester H6030 antwortete H1732 David H559 und sprach H2455 : Ich habe kein gemeines H3899 Brot H3027 unter meiner Hand H3426 , sondern H6944 heiliges H3899 Brot H5288 ; wenn sich nur die Leute H802 von Weibern H389 H8104 enthalten hätten!
  6 H1732 [ David H6030 antwortete H3548 dem Priester H559 und sprach H518 zu ihm: Es sind H802 die Weiber H8032 drei H8543 Tage H6113 uns versperrt H3318 gewesen, da ich auszog H5288 , und der Leute H3627 Zeug H6944 war heilig H1870 ; ist aber dieser Weg H2455 unheilig H3117 , so wird er heute H6942 geheiligt H3627 werden an dem Zeuge .
ELB1871(i) 3 (21:4) Und der Priester antwortete David und sprach: Es ist kein gemeines Brot unter meiner Hand, sondern nur heiliges Brot ist da; wenn sich nur die Knaben der Weiber enthalten haben! 4 (21:5) Und David antwortete dem Priester und sprach zu ihm: Ja, denn Weiber sind uns versagt seit gestern und vorgestern, als ich auszog, und die Gefäße der Knaben sind heilig. Und es ist einigermaßen gemeines Brot, und das um so mehr, als heute neues in den Gefäßen geheiligt wird. 5 (21:6) Da gab ihm der Priester heiliges Brot; denn es war daselbst kein anderes Brot, als nur das Schaubrot, das vor Jehova weggenommen worden war, um warmes Brot aufzulegen am Tage seiner Wegnahme. 6 (21:7) (Es war aber daselbst an jenem Tage ein Mann von den Knechten Sauls, der sich zurückgezogen vor Jehova aufhielt, sein Name war Doeg, der Edomiter; er war der Aufseher der Hirten Sauls.)
ELB1905(i) 3 Und David sprach zu dem Priester Ahimelech: Der König hat mir eine Sache geboten; und er sprach zu mir: Niemand soll irgendwie um die Sache wissen, in der ich dich sende und die ich dir geboten habe! Und die Knaben habe ich an den und den Ort beschieden. 4 Und nun, was ist unter deiner Hand? Gib fünf Brote in meine Hand, oder was sich vorfindet. 5 Und der Priester antwortete David und sprach: Es ist kein gemeines Brot unter meiner Hand, sondern nur heiliges Brot ist da; wenn sich nur die Knaben der Weiber enthalten haben! 6 Und David antwortete dem Priester und sprach zu ihm: Ja, denn Weiber sind uns versagt seit gestern und vorgestern, als ich auszog, und die Gefäße der Knaben sind heilig. Und es ist einigermaßen gemeines Brot, und das um so mehr, als heute neues in den Gefäßen geheiligt wird.
  3 H3972 Und H1732 David H559 sprach H3548 zu dem Priester H288 Ahimelech H4428 : Der König H6680 hat H1697 mir eine Sache H559 geboten; und er sprach H1697 zu mir: Niemand soll irgendwie um H3045 die Sache wissen H376 , in der ich dich H7971 sende H6680 und die ich dir geboten habe H5288 ! Und die Knaben H6423 habe ich an H492 den H4725 und den Ort beschieden.
  4 H3426 Und nun, was ist H3027 unter deiner Hand H5414 ? Gib H2568 fünf H3899 Brote H3027 in meine Hand, oder was sich vorfindet.
  5 H3548 Und der Priester H6030 antwortete H1732 David H559 und sprach H2455 : Es ist kein gemeines H3899 Brot H3027 unter meiner Hand H8104 , sondern nur H6944 heiliges H3899 Brot H389 ist da; wenn sich nur H5288 die Knaben H802 der Weiber H3426 enthalten haben!
  6 H1732 Und David H6030 antwortete H3548 dem Priester H559 und sprach H518 zu ihm: Ja, denn H802 Weiber H8543 sind uns versagt seit gestern H3318 und vorgestern, als ich auszog H3627 , und die Gefäße H5288 der Knaben H6944 sind heilig H2455 . Und es ist einigermaßen gemeines H3117 Brot, und das um so mehr, als heute H3627 neues in den Gefäßen H6942 geheiligt wird.
DSV(i) 3 En nu wat is er onder uw hand? Geef mij vijf broden in mijn hand, of wat er gevonden wordt. 4 En de priester antwoordde David, en zeide: Er is geen gemeen brood onder mijn hand; maar er is heilig brood, wanneer zich de jongelingen slechts van de vrouwen onthouden hebben. 5 David nu antwoordde den priester, en zeide tot hem: Ja trouwens, de vrouwen zijn ons onthouden geweest gisteren en eergisteren, toen ik uitging, en de vaten der jongelingen zijn heilig; en het is enigerwijze gemeen brood, te meer dewijl heden ander in de vaten zal geheiligd worden. 6 Toen gaf de priester hem dat heilige brood, dewijl er geen brood was dan de toonbroden, die van voor het aangezicht des HEEREN weggenomen waren, dat men er warm brood leide, ten dage als dat weggenomen werd.
  3 H6258 En nu H4100 wat H3426 is er H8478 onder H3027 uw hand H5414 H8798 ? Geef H2568 mij vijf H3899 broden H3027 in mijn hand H176 , of H4672 H8737 wat er gevonden wordt.
  4 H3548 En de priester H6030 H8799 antwoordde H1732 David H559 H8799 , en zeide H369 : Er is geen H2455 gemeen H3899 brood H413 H8478 onder H3027 mijn hand H3588 H518 ; maar H3426 er is H6944 heilig H3899 brood H518 , wanneer H5288 zich de jongelingen H389 slechts H4480 van H802 de vrouwen H8104 H8738 onthouden hebben.
  5 H1732 David H6030 H8799 nu antwoordde H3548 den priester H559 H8799 , en zeide H3588 tot hem: Ja H518 trouwens H802 , de vrouwen H6113 H8803 zijn ons onthouden geweest H8032 gisteren H8543 en eergisteren H3318 H8800 , toen ik uitging H3627 , en de vaten H5288 der jongelingen H1961 H8799 zijn H6944 heilig H1931 ; en het H1870 is enigerwijze H2455 gemeen H637 [brood], te meer H3588 dewijl H3117 heden H3627 [ander] in de vaten H6942 H8799 zal geheiligd worden.
  6 H5414 H8799 Toen gaf H3548 de priester H6944 hem dat heilige H3588 [brood], dewijl H8033 er H3808 geen H3899 brood H1961 H8804 was H3588 H518 dan H3899 H6440 de toonbroden H4480 , die van H6440 voor het aangezicht H3068 des HEEREN H5493 H8716 weggenomen waren H2527 , dat men er warm H3899 brood H7760 H8800 leide H3117 , ten dage H3947 H8736 als dat weggenomen werd.
Giguet(i) 3 Maintenant, as-tu sous la main cinq pains? Donne-moi ce que tu pourras trouver. 4 Le prêtre répondit à David, et il lui dit: Je n’ai point sous la main de pains profanes, je n’ai que des pains consacrés; si tes gens se sont au moins abstenus de femmes, ils en peuvent manger. 5 David reprit: Quant aux femmes, depuis trois jours, nous nous en sommes abstenus; lorsque je suis parti, tous mes hommes ont été purifiés; mais la route elle-même les souille; c’est pourquoi nous nous purifions aujourd’hui en lavant nos vêtements. 6 Alors, Abimélech le prêtre lui donna les pains de proposition; car il n’y avait là d’autres pains que ceux qu’on venait d’ôter de devant la face du Seigneur, pour les remplacer par des pains chauds, le jour même où David les prit.
DarbyFR(i) 3 Et maintenant, qu'as-tu sous la main? Donne-moi dans la main cinq pains, ou ce qui se trouvera. 4 Et le sacrificateur répondit à David, et dit: Je n'ai point sous la main de pain commun, il n'y a que du pain sacré; si seulement les jeunes hommes se sont gardés des femmes! 5 Et David répondit au sacrificateur, et lui dit: Oui, nous avons été privés des femmes depuis deux ou trois jours que je suis sorti, et les vases de mes jeunes hommes sont saints; et le pain est en quelque sorte commun, vu qu'on en consacre de nouveau dans les vases aujourd'hui. 6 Et le sacrificateur lui donna du pain sacré, car il n'y avait point là d'autre pain que le pain de proposition qui avait été ôté de devant l'Éternel pour remettre du pain chaud le jour où on levait l'autre.
Martin(i) 3 Maintenant donc qu'as-tu en main ? donne-moi cinq pains, ou ce qui se trouvera. 4 Et le Sacrificateur répondit à David, et dit : Je n'ai point en main de pain commun, mais du pain sacré; mais tes gens se sont-ils au moins gardés des femmes ? 5 Et David répondit au Sacrificateur, et lui dit : Qui plus est, depuis que je suis parti, il y a déjà quatre jours, les femmes ont été éloignées de nous, et les vaisseaux de mes gens ont été saints, et ce pain est tenu pour commun, vu qu'aujourd'hui on en consacre de nouveau pour le mettre dans les vaisseaux. 6 Le Sacrificateur donc lui donna le pain sacré; car il n'y avait point là d'autre pain que les pains de proposition qui avaient été ôtés de devant l'Eternel, pour remettre du pain chaud le jour qu'on avait levé l'autre.
Segond(i) 3 Maintenant qu'as-tu sous la main? Donne-moi cinq pains, ou ce qui se trouvera. 4 Le sacrificateur répondit à David: Je n'ai pas de pain ordinaire sous la main, mais il y a du pain consacré; si du moins tes gens se sont abstenus de femmes! 5 David répondit au sacrificateur: Nous nous sommes abstenus de femmes depuis trois jours que je suis parti, et tous mes gens sont purs: d'ailleurs, si c'est là un acte profane, il sera certainement aujourd'hui sanctifié par celui qui en sera l'instrument. 6 Alors le sacrificateur lui donna du pain consacré, car il n'y avait là d'autre pain que du pain de proposition, qu'on avait ôté de devant l'Eternel pour le remplacer par du pain chaud au moment où on l'avait pris.
  3 H3426 Maintenant qu’as H3027 -tu sous la main H5414  ? Donne H8798   H3027 -moi H2568 cinq H3899 pains H4672 , ou ce qui se trouvera H8737  .
  4 H3548 Le sacrificateur H6030 répondit H8799   H559   H8799   H1732 à David H3899  : Je n’ai pas de pain H2455 ordinaire H3027 sous la main H3426 , mais il y a H3899 du pain H6944 consacré H389  ; si du moins H5288 tes gens H8104 se sont abstenus H8738   H802 de femmes !
  5 H1732 David H6030 répondit H8799   H559   H8799   H3548 au sacrificateur H518  : H6113 Nous nous sommes abstenus H8803   H802 de femmes H8032 depuis trois H8543 jours H3318 que je suis parti H8800   H3627 , et tous mes gens H5288   H6944 sont purs H1870  : d’ailleurs, si c’est là un acte H2455 profane H3117 , il sera certainement aujourd’hui H6942 sanctifié H8799   H3627 par celui qui en sera l’instrument.
  6 H3548 Alors le sacrificateur H5414 lui donna H8799   H6944 du pain consacré H3899 , car il n’y avait là d’autre pain H3899 que du pain H6440 de proposition H5493 , qu’on avait ôté H8716   H6440 de devant H3068 l’Eternel H7760 pour le remplacer H8800   H3899 par du pain H2527 chaud H3117 au moment H3947 où on l’avait pris H8736  .
SE(i) 3 Ahora, pues, ¿qué tienes a mano? Dame cinco panes en mi mano, o lo que se hallare. 4 Y el sacerdote respondió a David, y dijo: No tengo pan común a la mano; solamente tengo pan sagrado; mas lo daré si los criados se han guardado a lo menos de mujeres. 5 Y David respondió al sacerdote, y le dijo: Cierto las mujeres nos han sido vedadas desde ayer y desde anteayer cuando salí, y los vasos de los mozos fueron santos, aunque el camino es profano; cuanto más que hoy será santificado con los vasos. 6 Así el sacerdote le dio el pan sagrado, porque allí no había otro pan que los panes de la proposición, los cuales habían sido quitados de delante del SEÑOR, para que se pusiesen panes calientes el día que los otros fueron quitados.
ReinaValera(i) 3 Ahora pues, ¿qué tienes á mano? dame cinco panes, ó lo que se hallare. 4 Y el sacerdote respondió á David, y dijo: No tengo pan común á la mano; solamente tengo pan sagrado: mas lo daré si los criados se han guardado mayormente de mujeres. 5 Y David respondió al sacerdote, y díjole: Cierto las mujeres nos han sido reservadas desde anteayer cuando salí, y los vasos de los mozos fueron santos, aunque el camino es profano: cuanto más que hoy habrá otro pan santificado en los vasos. 6 Así el sacerdote le dió el pan sagrado, porque allí no había otro pan que los panes de la proposición, los cuales habían sido quitados de delante de Jehová, para que se pusiesen panes calientes el día que los otros fueron quitados.
JBS(i) 3 Ahora, pues, ¿qué tienes a mano? Dame cinco panes en mi mano, o lo que se hallare. 4 Y el sacerdote respondió a David, y dijo: No tengo pan común a la mano; solamente tengo pan sagrado; mas lo daré si los criados se han guardado a lo menos de mujeres. 5 Y David respondió al sacerdote, y le dijo: Cierto las mujeres nos han sido vedadas desde ayer y desde anteayer cuando salí, y los vasos de los mozos fueron santos, aunque el camino es profano; cuanto más que hoy será santificado con los vasos. 6 Así el sacerdote le dio el pan sagrado, porque allí no había otro pan que los panes de la proposición, los cuales habían sido quitados de delante del SEÑOR, para que se pusieran panes calientes el día que los otros fueron quitados.
Albanian(i) 3 Dhe tani çfarë ke në dorë? Më jep pesë bukë ose çfarë të kesh". 4 Prifti iu përgjegj Davidit, duke thënë: "Nuk kam bukë të zakonshme, ka vetëm bukë të shenjtëruar, me kusht që burrat e tu t'u jenë përmbajtur së paku kontakteve me gratë". 5 Davidi iu përgjegj priftit: "Kemi mbetur pa gra, qysh se jemi nisur, tri ditë më parë; enët e njerëzve të mi janë të pastra; në fakt edhe buka është e zakonshme, megjithëse sot është shenjtëruar në enët". 6 Kështu prifti i dha bukën e shenjtëruar, sepse aty nuk kishte tjetër bukë veç asaj të paraqitjes, që ishte hequr nga prania e Zotit, për ta zëvendësuar me bukë të ngrohtë në çastin kur hiqet.
RST(i) 3 итак, что есть у тебя под рукою, дай мне, хлебов пять, или что найдется. 4 И отвечал священник Давиду, говоря: нет у меня под рукою простогохлеба, а есть хлеб священный; если только люди твои воздержались от женщин! 5 И отвечал Давид священнику и сказал ему: женщин при нас не было ни вчера, ни третьего дня, со времени, как я вышел, и сосуды отроков чисты, а если дорога нечиста, то хлеб останется чистым в сосудах. 6 И дал ему священник священного хлеба; ибо не было у него хлеба, кроме хлебов предложения, которые взяты были от лица Господа,чтобы по снятии их положить теплые хлебы.
Arabic(i) 3 والآن فماذا يوجد تحت يدك. اعط خمس خبزات في يدي او الموجود. 4 فاجاب الكاهن داود وقال لا يوجد خبز محلّل تحت يدي ولكن يوجد خبز مقدس اذا كان الغلمان قد حفظوا انفسهم لا سيّما من النساء. 5 فاجاب داود الكاهن وقال له ان النساء قد منعت عنا منذ امس وما قبله عند خروجي وامتعة الغلمان مقدسة وهو على نوع محلّل واليوم ايضا يتقدس بالآنية. 6 فاعطاه الكاهن المقدس لانه لم يكن هناك خبز الا خبز الوجوه المرفوع من امام الرب لكي يوضع خبز سخن في يوم اخذه.
Bulgarian(i) 3 А сега какво имаш под ръка? Дай в ръката ми пет хляба или каквото ти се намира. 4 И свещеникът отговори на Давид и каза: Няма под ръка обикновен хляб, а има само осветен хляб — стига младежите да са се въздържали поне от жени. 5 И Давид отговори на свещеника и му каза: Да, жените са били далеч от нас тези три дни, откакто съм излязъл, и съдовете на младежите са чисти. И хлябът е някак обикновен, още повече, че днес има друг осветен в съдовете. 6 И свещеникът му даде от осветения хляб, защото там нямаше друг хляб освен присъствения хляб, който беше вдигнат отпред ГОСПОДА, за да сложат вместо него топъл хляб в деня, когато го вдигнаха.
Croatian(i) 3 A David odgovori svećeniku Ahimeleku: "Kralj mi je dao nalog i rekao mi: 'Nitko neka ništa ne dozna zašto te šaljem i što sam ti zapovjedio!' A momke sam poslao da me dočekaju na tom i tom mjestu. 4 A sada, ako imaš pri ruci pet hljebova, daj mi ih, ili što god se nađe!" 5 A svećenik odgovori Davidu: "Nemam pri ruci običnoga kruha nego samo svetoga kruha; ali samo ako su se tvoji momci uzdržali od žena." 6 David odgovori svećeniku ovako: "Sasvim pouzdano! Žene su nam bile uskraćene, kao uvijek kad izlazimo na vojni pohod, i tijela su u momaka čista. Iako je ovo običan put, uistinu su danas čisti tijelom."
BKR(i) 3 Protož nyní, co máš tu před rukama, dej v ruku mou, asi pět chlebů, aneb což na hotově máš. 4 Odpověděl kněz Davidovi a řekl: Nemámť chleba obecného před rukama, než toliko chléb svatý, však jestliže se toliko od žen zdrželi služebníci. 5 Odpověděl David knězi a řekl: Jistě ženy vzdáleny byly od nás, jakož včera tak i před včerejškem, když jsem vyšel; protož těla služebníků svatá jsou. Ač pak toto předsevzetí jest proti slušnosti, však i to dnes posvěceno bude pro tělo. 6 A tak dal jemu kněz chleby svaté; nebo nebylo tam chleba, jediné chlebové předložení, kteříž odloženi byli od tváři Hospodinovy, aby položeni byli chlebové teplí toho dne, když ti vzati byli.
Danish(i) 3 Og nu, hvad har du ved Haanden? giv fem Brød i min Haand, eller hvad der findes. 4 Og Præsten svarede David og sagde: Jeg har intet almindeligt Brød ved Haanden; men der er helligt Brød; dersom ikkun de unge Mænd havde holdt sig fra Kvinder. 5 Og David svarede Præsten og sagde til ham: Ja visselig, Kvinderne have været os forholdte i Gaar og i Forgaars; der jeg gik ud, vare de unge Mænds Kar hellige; tilmed er dette Brød paa Vej til at blive almindeligt, da desfor uden andet i Dag skal helliges i Karrene. 6 Da gav Præsten ham det hellige; thi der var intet Brød uden Skuebrød, som toges bort fra HERRENS Ansigt for at lægge varmt Brød i Stedet paa den Dag, man tog det bort.
CUV(i) 3 現 在 你 手 下 有 甚 麼 ? 求 你 給 我 五 個 餅 或 是 別 樣 的 食 物 。 4 祭 司 對 大 衛 說 : 我 手 下 沒 有 尋 常 的 餅 , 只 有 聖 餅 ; 若 少 年 人 沒 有 親 近 婦 人 纔 可 以 給 。 5 大 衛 對 祭 司 說 : 實 在 約 有 三 日 我 們 沒 有 親 近 婦 人 ; 我 出 來 的 時 候 , 雖 是 尋 常 行 路 , 少 年 人 的 器 皿 還 是 潔 淨 的 ; 何 況 今 日 不 更 是 潔 淨 麼 ? 6 祭 司 就 拿 聖 餅 給 他 ; 因 為 在 那 裡 沒 有 別 樣 餅 , 只 有 更 換 新 餅 , 從 耶 和 華 面 前 撤 下 來 的 陳 設 餅 。
  3 H3027 現在你手下 H3426 H5414 甚麼?求你給 H2568 我五個 H3899 H4672 或是別樣的食物。
  4 H3548 祭司 H1732 對大衛 H559 H3027 :我手 H2455 下沒有尋常的 H3899 H3426 ,只有 H6944 H3899 H5288 ;若少年人 H8104 H389 沒有親近 H802 婦人纔可以給。
  5 H1732 大衛 H3548 對祭司 H559 H518 :實在 H8032 約有三 H8543 H6113 我們沒有親近 H802 婦人 H3318 ;我出來 H2455 的時候,雖是尋常 H1870 行路 H5288 ,少年人 H3627 的器皿 H6944 還是潔淨 H3117 的;何況今日 H6942 不更是潔淨麼?
  6 H3548 祭司 H5414 就拿 H6944 H3899 餅給他;因為在那裡沒有別樣餅 H3947 H7760 ,只有更換 H2527 H3899 新餅 H3068 ,從耶和華 H6440 面前 H5493 撤下來 H3899 H6440 的陳設餅。
CUVS(i) 3 现 在 你 手 下 冇 甚 么 ? 求 你 给 我 五 个 饼 或 是 别 样 的 食 物 。 4 祭 司 对 大 卫 说 : 我 手 下 没 冇 寻 常 的 饼 , 只 冇 圣 饼 ; 若 少 年 人 没 冇 亲 近 妇 人 纔 可 以 给 。 5 大 卫 对 祭 司 说 : 实 在 约 冇 叁 日 我 们 没 冇 亲 近 妇 人 ; 我 出 来 的 时 候 , 虽 是 寻 常 行 路 , 少 年 人 的 器 皿 还 是 洁 净 的 ; 何 况 今 日 不 更 是 洁 净 么 ? 6 祭 司 就 拿 圣 饼 给 他 ; 因 为 在 那 里 没 冇 别 样 饼 , 只 冇 更 换 新 饼 , 从 耶 和 华 面 前 撤 下 来 的 陈 设 饼 。
  3 H3027 现在你手下 H3426 H5414 甚么?求你给 H2568 我五个 H3899 H4672 或是别样的食物。
  4 H3548 祭司 H1732 对大卫 H559 H3027 :我手 H2455 下没有寻常的 H3899 H3426 ,只有 H6944 H3899 H5288 ;若少年人 H8104 H389 没有亲近 H802 妇人纔可以给。
  5 H1732 大卫 H3548 对祭司 H559 H518 :实在 H8032 约有叁 H8543 H6113 我们没有亲近 H802 妇人 H3318 ;我出来 H2455 的时候,虽是寻常 H1870 行路 H5288 ,少年人 H3627 的器皿 H6944 还是洁净 H3117 的;何况今日 H6942 不更是洁净么?
  6 H3548 祭司 H5414 就拿 H6944 H3899 饼给他;因为在那里没有别样饼 H3947 H7760 ,只有更换 H2527 H3899 新饼 H3068 ,从耶和华 H6440 面前 H5493 撤下来 H3899 H6440 的陈设饼。
Esperanto(i) 3 Nun kion vi havas sub la mano? donu en mian manon kvin panojn, aux tion, kio trovigxos. 4 Kaj la pastro respondis al David kaj diris:Simplan panon mi ne havas sub mia mano, estas nur pano sankta, se la junuloj nur detenis sin de virinoj. 5 Tiam David respondis al la pastro kaj diris al li:Virinoj estas for de ni de hieraux kaj antauxhieraux, de la momento, kiam mi eliris, kaj la apartenajxoj de la junuloj estas sanktaj; se la vojo estas malsankta, gxi ankoraux hodiaux sanktigxos per la apartenajxoj. 6 Tiam la pastro donis al li la sanktajxon, cxar ne estis tie pano krom la panoj de propono, kiuj estis forprenitaj de antaux la Eternulo, por meti varman panon post la formeto de tiuj.
Finnish(i) 3 Jos nyt on jotakin sinun kätes alla, anna minulle viisikin leipää, taikka mitäs löydät. 4 Pappi vastasi Davidia ja sanoi: ei ole ensinkään yhteisiä leipiä minun käteni alla, paitsi pyhää leipää, jos vaan muutoin palveliat ovat pitäneet heitänsä vaimoista pois. 5 David vastasi pappia ja sanoi hänelle: vaimot ovat kolme päivää olleet eroitetut meistä, kuin minä läksin, ja palveliaini astiat olivat pyhät; mutta jos tämä tie on saastainen, niin se pitää tänäpänä pyhitettämän astiain kautta. 6 Niin antoi pappi hänelle pyhää; sillä ei siellä ollut muuta leipää kuin näkyleipiä, jotka olivat korjatut Herran kasvoin edestä, että sinne pantaisiin toiset vastauutiset leivät sinä päivänä, jona ne korjattiin.
FinnishPR(i) 3 Anna nyt minulle, mitä sinulla on, viisi leipää, tahi mitä muuta löytyy." 4 Pappi vastasi Daavidille ja sanoi: "Tavallista leipää minulla ei ole; ainoastaan pyhää leipää on, jos vain palvelijat ovat karttaneet naisia". 5 Daavid vastasi papille ja sanoi hänelle: "Totisesti olivat naiset eristettyinä meistä niinkuin ennenkin, milloin minä olen retkelle lähtenyt; ovatpa palvelijain reputkin aina olleet pyhät, vaikka retki on ollutkin tavallinen retki. Sitä enemmän leipä repuissa nyt pysyy pyhänä." 6 Niin pappi antoi hänelle pyhää leipää; sillä siellä ei ollut muuta leipää kuin näkyleipiä, jotka oli siirretty pois Herran edestä, että sinne samana päivänä, jona ne oli otettu pois, pantaisiin tuoreet leivät.
Haitian(i) 3 Bon, koulye a, kisa ou gen la a pou moun manje? Ban m' senk pen ou nenpòt lòt sa ou genyen. 4 Prèt la di l': -Mwen pa gen pen òdinè la a non. Sèl sa mwen genyen se pen yo mete apa pou Bondye. Mwen ka ba ou li, si ou konnen mesye ou yo pa nan anyen ak fanm depi kèk jou. 5 David reponn li: -Se toujou konsa, lè nou nan misyon, nou pa nan anyen ak fanm menm. Sou pwen sa a, depi m'ap soti ak mesye m' yo, li te mèt pou yon misyon òdinè, mesye m' yo fèt pou toujou nan kondisyon pou yo fè sèvis Bondye, ale wè fwa sa a se pou yon misyon espesyal. 6 Se konsa prèt la pran nan pen yo te mete apa pou Bondye yo, li ba li paske sèl sa li te genyen se pen yo te ofri bay Bondye chak jou a. Yo te fèk wete yo sou tab la devan Seyè a pou yo te mete lòt pen fre.
Hungarian(i) 3 Most azért, mi van kezednél? Adj öt kenyeret nékem, vagy [egyebet,] a mi van. 4 És felele a pap Dávidnak, és monda: Nincs közönséges kenyér kezemnél, hanem csak szentelt kenyér van, ha ugyan a szolgák tisztán tartották magokat, legalább az asszonytól. 5 Dávid pedig felele a papnak, és monda néki: Bizonyára el volt tiltva mi tõlünk az asszony mind tegnap, mind azelõtt, mikor elindulék, és a szolgák holmija is tiszta vala (jóllehet az út közönséges): azért bizonyára megtartatik ma szentnek az edényekben. 6 Adott azért a pap néki szentelt [kenyeret], mert nem volt ott [más] kenyér, hanem csak szent kenyér, melyeket elvettek az Úrnak színe elõl, hogy meleg kenyeret tegyenek a helyett azon a napon, a melyen az [elõbbit] elvevék.
Indonesian(i) 3 Maaf, sekarang aku ingin bertanya, makanan apa yang ada pada Bapak? Berikanlah kepadaku lima buah roti atau apa saja yang ada di sini." 4 Lalu kata imam itu, "Aku tidak punya roti biasa, hanya roti persembahan yang ada; engkau boleh mengambilnya, asal saja anak buahmu tidak melakukan persetubuhan baru-baru ini." 5 Daud menjawab, "Tentu saja mereka tidak melakukannya. Selalu jika kami bertugas, anak buahku menjaga agar mereka bersih menurut agama, padahal biasanya itu hanya untuk tugas-tugas biasa; apalagi tugas yang khusus seperti sekarang ini!" 6 Lalu imam itu memberikan kepada Daud roti persembahan itu, sebab yang ada padanya hanyalah roti yang dipersembahkan kepada Allah, dan telah diangkat dari mezbah untuk digantikan dengan roti baru.
Italian(i) 3 Ora dunque, che hai a mano? dammi cinque pani, o ciò che tu potrai. 4 E il Sacerdote rispose a Davide, e disse: Io non ho a mano alcun pan comune, ma bene ho del pane sacro; i fanti si sono eglino almen guardati da donne? 5 E Davide rispose al Sacerdote, e gli disse: Anzi le donne sono state appartate da noi dall’altro ieri che io partii; e gli arnesi de’ fanti già erano santi; benchè il nostro viaggio sia per affare che non è sacro; quanto più adunque sarà oggi quel pane tenuto santamente fra i nostri arnesi? 6 Il Sacerdote adunque gli diè del pane sacro; perciocchè quivi non era altro pane che i pani di presenza, ch’erano stati levati d’innanzi al Signore, per mettervi de’ pani caldi, il giorno stesso che quelli si erano levati.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 3 E ora che hai tu sotto mano? Dammi cinque pani o quel che si potrà trovare". 4 Il sacerdote rispose a Davide, dicendo: "Non ho sotto mano del pane comune, ma c’è del pane consacrato; ma la tua gente s’è almeno astenuta da contatto con donne?" 5 Davide rispose al sacerdote: "Da che son partito, tre giorni fa, siamo rimasti senza donne; e quanto ai vasi della mia gente erano puri; e se anche la nostra incombenza è profana, essa sarà oggi santificata da quel che si porrà nei vasi. 6 Il sacerdote gli diè dunque del pane consacrato perché non v’era quivi altro pane tranne quello della presentazione, ch’era stato tolto d’innanzi all’Eterno, per mettervi invece del pan caldo nel momento in cui si toglieva l’altro.
Korean(i) 3 이제 당신의 수중에 무엇이 있나이까 ? 떡 다섯 덩이나 무엇이든지 있는대로 내 손에 주소서' 4 제사장이 다윗에게 대답하여 가로되 `항용 떡은 내 수중에 없으나 거룩한 떡은 있나니 그 소년들이 부녀를 가까이만 아니하였으면 주리라' 5 다윗이 제사장에게 대답하여 가로되 `우리가 참으로 삼일 동안이나 부녀를 가까이 하지 아니하였나이다 나의 떠난 길이 보통 여행이라도 소년들의 그릇이 성결하겠거든 하물며 오늘날 그들의 그릇이 성결치 아니하겠나이까 ?' 하매 6 제사장이 그 거룩한 떡을 주었으니 거기는 진설병 곧 여호와 앞에서 물려 낸 떡밖에 없음이라 이 떡은 더운 떡을 드리는 날에 물려낸 것이더라
Lithuanian(i) 3 Dovydas atsakė kunigui Ahimelechui: “Karalius man įsakė sutvarkyti vieną reikalą ir sakė man: ‘Niekas neturi žinoti, kokiu reikalu tave siunčiu ir ką tau įsakau’. Aš su savo tarnais susitiksiu sutartoje vietoje. 4 Dabar, jei turi ką po ranka, duok man­penkis duonos kepalus ar ką surasi”. 5 Kunigas atsakė Dovydui: “Neturiu paprastos duonos, tik šventos. Kad jaunuoliai būtų susilaikę bent nuo moterų”. 6 Dovydas atsakė kunigui: “Moterų nelietėme jau trys dienos, nuo to laiko, kai išėjome. Jaunuolių indai šventi, o jei kelias suteptas, tai duona bus šventuose induose”.
PBG(i) 3 A tak teraz maszli co przy rękach twoich, aby z pięcioro chleba, daj do ręki mojej, albo cokolwiek znajdziesz. 4 I odpowiedział kapłan Dawidowi, i rzekł: Nie mam chleba pospolitego przy ręce mojej, tylko chleb poświęcony; jeźli się tylko wstrzymali słudzy od niewiast. 5 Tedy odpowiedział Dawid kapłanowi, i rzekł mu: Zaiste niewiasty oddalone były od nas od wczorajszego i dziś trzeciego dnia, gdym wyszedł; przetoż były naczynia sług święte. Ale jeźli ta droga zmazana jest, wszakże i ta dzisiaj poświęcona będzie w naczyniach. 6 A tak dał mu kapłan chleby poświęcone; albowiem nie było tam chleba, tylko chleby pokładne, które były odjęte od obliczności Pańskiej, aby położono chleby ciepłe onegoż dnia, którego one odjęte były.
Portuguese(i) 3 Agora, pois, que tens à mão? Dá-me cinco pães, ou o que se achar. 4 Ao que, respondendo o sacerdote a David, disse: Não tenho pão comum à mão; há, porém, pão sagrado, se ao menos os mancebos se têm abstido das mulheres. 5 E respondeu David ao sacerdote, e lhe disse: Sim, em boa fé, as mulheres se nos vedaram há três dias; quando eu saí, os vasos dos mancebos também eram santos, embora fosse para uma viagem comum; quanto mais ainda hoje não serão santos os seus vasos? 6 Então o sacerdote lhe deu o pão sagrado; porquanto não havia ali outro pão senão os pães da proposição, que se haviam tirado de diante do Senhor no dia em que se tiravam para se pôr ali pão quente.
Norwegian(i) 3 Men hvad har du nu ved hånden? La mig få fem brød eller hvad der finnes! 4 Presten svarte David og sa: Jeg har intet almindelig brød ved hånden, men hellig brød er her - bare mennene har holdt sig fra kvinner. 5 David svarte presten og sa til ham: Ja visst, kvinner har vi ikke hatt leilighet til å være sammen med, hverken igår eller iforgårs; da jeg drog ut, var alt det mine menn hadde på sig hellig; og vel er dette en ferd som ikke er hellig, men idag blir den hellig ved det de har på sig. 6 Da gav presten ham hellig brød, for det var ikke annet brød der enn skuebrødene, som var tatt bort fra Herrens åsyn, forat ferskt brød kunde legges isteden samme dag som de blev tatt bort.
Romanian(i) 3 Acum ce ai la îndemînă? Dă-mi cinci pîni, sau ce se va găsi.`` 4 Preotul a răspuns lui David:,,N-am pîne obicinuită la îndemnă, ci numai pîne sfinţită; doar dacă oamenii tăi s'au ferit de împreunarea cu femei!`` 5 David a răspuns preotului:,,Ne-am ferit de împreunarea cu femei de trei zile decînd am plecat, şi toţi oamenii mei sînt curaţi; de altfel, dacă aceasta este o faptă necurată, va fi sfinţită negreşt azi de acela care o va face.`` 6 Atunci preotul i -a dat pînea sfinţită, căci nu era acolo altă pîne decît pînea pentru punerea înainte, care fusese luată dinaintea Domnului ca să fie înlocuită cu pîne caldă, în clipa cînd luaseră pe cealaltă.
Ukrainian(i) 3 І сказав Давид до священика Ахімелеха: Цар наказав мені справу, і до мене сказав: Нехай ніхто не знає цього, тієї справи, за якою я посилаю тебе, і яку наказав тобі. А слуг я умовив на означене місце. 4 А тепер, що є в тебе під рукою? П'ять хлібів дай у мою руку, або що знайдеться. 5 А священик відповів Давидові та й сказав: Нема в мене звичайного хліба під рукою, а є тільки хліб святий, якщо твої слуги здержалися від жінки. 6 І відповів Давид священикові, та й сказав йому: Так, бо жінок не було при нас як учора, так і позавчора, відколи я вийшов, і тіла слуг були чисті. А то хліб звичайний, особливо коли сьогодні замість цього інший хліб у посудині стане святим.