1 Samuel 21:3-6

Matthew(i) 3 And now what hast thou vnder thyne hande? geue me fyue loues of bread, or what cometh to hande. 4 And the pryest answered Dauid and sayd: there is no comen bread vnder myne hande, but there is halowed bread, yf the young men, had abstayned only from wemen. 5 And Dauid answered the pryest and sayde vnto him: of a truth wemen hath bene locked vp from vs about a thre dayes, when I came out, and the vesselles of the young men were holy. Howe be it thys waye is vnpure, but it shalbe halowed in the vessel. 6 And so the pryest gaue hym halowed bread, for there was no nother bread there saue shew breades that were taken from before the Lord, to put freshe bread there the day that it was taken away.