Revelation 2

  1 G3588 T-DSM τω G32 N-DSM αγγελω G3588 T-GSF της G2179 N-GSF εφεσινης G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G1125 (G5657) V-AAM-2S γραψον G3592 D-APN ταδε G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-NSM ο G2902 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM κρατων G3588 T-APM τους G2033 A-NUI επτα G792 N-APM αστερας G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G1188 A-DSF δεξια G846 P-GSM αυτου G3588 T-NSM ο G4043 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM περιπατων G1722 PREP εν G3319 A-DSN μεσω G3588 T-GPF των G2033 A-NUI επτα G3087 N-GPF λυχνιων G3588 T-GPF των G5552 A-GPF χρυσων
  2 G1492 (G5758) V-RAI-1S οιδα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G4675 P-2GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον G2873 N-ASM κοπον G4675 P-2GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G5281 N-ASF υπομονην G4675 P-2GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3754 CONJ οτι G3756 PRT-N ου G1410 (G5736) V-PNI-2S-C δυνη G941 (G5658) V-AAN βαστασαι G2556 A-APM κακους G2532 CONJ και G3985 (G5668) V-AMI-2S επειρασω G3588 T-APM τους G5335 (G5723) V-PAP-APM φασκοντας G1510 (G5750) V-PXN ειναι G652 N-APM αποστολους G2532 CONJ και G3756 PRT-N ουκ G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3P εισιν G2532 CONJ και G2147 (G5627) V-2AAI-2S ευρες G846 P-APM αυτους G5571 A-APM ψευδεις
  3 G2532 CONJ και G941 (G5656) V-AAI-2S εβαστασας G2532 CONJ και G5281 N-ASF υπομονην G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-2S εχεις G2532 CONJ και G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-ASN το G3686 N-ASN ονομα G3450 P-1GS μου G2872 (G5758) V-RAI-2S κεκοπιακας G2532 CONJ και G3756 PRT-N ου G2577 (G5758) V-RAI-2S κεκμηκας
  4 G235 CONJ αλλ G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-1S εχω G2596 PREP κατα G4675 P-2GS σου G3754 CONJ οτι G3588 T-ASF την G26 N-ASF αγαπην G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-ASF την G4413 A-ASF πρωτην G863 (G5656) V-AAI-2S αφηκας
  5 G3421 (G5720) V-PAM-2S μνημονευε G3767 CONJ ουν G4159 ADV-I ποθεν G1601 (G5758) V-RAI-2S εκπεπτωκας G2532 CONJ και G3340 (G5657) V-AAM-2S μετανοησον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G4413 A-APN πρωτα G2041 N-APN εργα G4160 (G5657) V-AAM-2S ποιησον G1487 COND ει G1161 CONJ δε G3361 PRT-N μη G2064 (G5736) V-PNI-1S ερχομαι G4671 P-2DS σοι G5034 N-DSN ταχει G2532 CONJ και G2795 (G5692) V-FAI-1S κινησω G3588 T-ASF την G3087 N-ASF λυχνιαν G4675 P-2GS σου G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSM του G5117 N-GSM τοπου G846 P-GSF αυτης G1437 COND εαν G3361 PRT-N μη G3340 (G5661) V-AAS-2S μετανοησης
  6 G235 CONJ αλλα G5124 D-ASN τουτο G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-2S εχεις G3754 CONJ οτι G3404 (G5719) V-PAI-2S μισεις G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GPM των G3531 N-GPM νικολαιτων G3739 R-APN α G2504 P-1NS-C καγω G3404 (G5719) V-PAI-1S μισω
  7 G3588 T-NSM ο G2192 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM εχων G3775 N-ASN ους G191 (G5657) V-AAM-3S ακουσατω G5101 I-ASN τι G3588 T-NSN το G4151 N-NSN πνευμα G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-DPF ταις G1577 N-DPF εκκλησιαις G3588 T-DSM τω G3528 (G5723) V-PAP-DSM νικωντι G1325 (G5692) V-FAI-1S δωσω G846 P-DSM αυτω G5315 (G5629) V-2AAN φαγειν G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSN του G3586 N-GSN ξυλου G3588 T-GSF της G2222 N-GSF ζωης G3739 R-NSN ο G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν G1722 PREP εν G3319 A-DSN μεσω G3588 T-GSM του G3857 N-GSM παραδεισου G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου
  8 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DSM τω G32 N-DSM αγγελω G3588 T-GSF της G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G4668 N-GPM σμυρναιων G1125 (G5657) V-AAM-2S γραψον G3592 D-APN ταδε G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-NSM ο G4413 A-NSM πρωτος G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G2078 A-NSM εσχατος G3739 R-NSM ος G1096 (G5633) V-2ADI-3S εγενετο G3498 A-NSM νεκρος G2532 CONJ και G2198 (G5656) V-AAI-3S εζησεν
  9 G1492 (G5758) V-RAI-1S οιδα G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G2347 N-ASF θλιψιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G4432 N-ASF πτωχειαν G4145 A-NSM πλουσιος G1161 CONJ δε G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-2S ει G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G988 N-ASF βλασφημιαν G3588 T-GPM των G3004 (G5723) V-PAP-GPM λεγοντων G2453 A-APM ιουδαιους G1510 (G5750) V-PXN ειναι G1438 F-3APM εαυτους G2532 CONJ και G3756 PRT-N ουκ G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3P εισιν G235 CONJ αλλα G4864 N-NSF συναγωγη G3588 T-GSM του G4567 N-GSM σατανα
  10 G3367 A-ASN μηδεν G5399 (G5737) V-PNM-2S φοβου G3739 R-APN α G3195 (G5719) V-PAI-2S μελλεις G3958 (G5721) V-PAN πασχειν G2400 (G5628) V-2AAM-2S ιδου G3195 (G5719) V-PAI-3S μελλει G906 (G5629) V-2AAN βαλειν G1537 PREP εξ G5216 P-2GP υμων G3588 T-NSM ο G1228 A-NSM διαβολος G1519 PREP εις G5438 N-ASF φυλακην G2443 CONJ ινα G3985 (G5686) V-APS-2P πειρασθητε G2532 CONJ και G2192 (G5692) V-FAI-2P εξετε G2347 N-ASF θλιψιν G2250 N-GPF ημερων G1176 A-NUI δεκα G1096 (G5737) V-PNM-2S γινου G4103 A-NSM πιστος G891 PREP αχρι G2288 N-GSM θανατου G2532 CONJ και G1325 (G5692) V-FAI-1S δωσω G4671 P-2DS σοι G3588 T-ASM τον G4735 N-ASM στεφανον G3588 T-GSF της G2222 N-GSF ζωης
  11 G3588 T-NSM ο G2192 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM εχων G3775 N-ASN ους G191 (G5657) V-AAM-3S ακουσατω G5101 I-ASN τι G3588 T-NSN το G4151 N-NSN πνευμα G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-DPF ταις G1577 N-DPF εκκλησιαις G3588 T-NSM ο G3528 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM νικων G3756 PRT-N ου G3361 PRT-N μη G91 (G5686) V-APS-3S αδικηθη G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSM του G2288 N-GSM θανατου G3588 T-GSM του G1208 A-GSM δευτερου
  12 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DSM τω G32 N-DSM αγγελω G3588 T-GSF της G1722 PREP εν G4010 N-DSF περγαμω G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G1125 (G5657) V-AAM-2S γραψον G3592 D-APN ταδε G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-NSM ο G2192 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM εχων G3588 T-ASF την G4501 N-ASF ρομφαιαν G3588 T-ASF την G1366 A-ASF διστομον G3588 T-ASF την G3691 A-ASF οξειαν
  13 G1492 (G5758) V-RAI-1S οιδα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G4675 P-2GS σου G2532 CONJ και G4226 PRT-I που G2730 (G5719) V-PAI-2S κατοικεις G3699 ADV οπου G3588 T-NSM ο G2362 N-NSM θρονος G3588 T-GSM του G4567 N-GSM σατανα G2532 CONJ και G2902 (G5719) V-PAI-2S κρατεις G3588 T-ASN το G3686 N-ASN ονομα G3450 P-1GS μου G2532 CONJ και G3756 PRT-N ουκ G720 (G5662) V-ADI-2S ηρνησω G3588 T-ASF την G4102 N-ASF πιστιν G3450 P-1GS μου G2532 CONJ και G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G2250 N-DPF ημεραις G1722 PREP εν G3739 R-DPF αις G493 N-NSM αντιπας G3588 T-NSM ο G3144 N-NSM μαρτυς G3450 P-1GS μου G3588 T-NSM ο G4103 A-NSM πιστος G3739 R-NSM ος G615 (G5681) V-API-3S απεκτανθη G3844 PREP παρ G5213 P-2DP υμιν G3699 ADV οπου G2730 (G5719) V-PAI-3S κατοικει G3588 T-NSM ο G4567 N-NSM σατανας
  14 G235 CONJ αλλ G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-1S εχω G2596 PREP κατα G4675 P-2GS σου G3641 A-APN ολιγα G3754 CONJ οτι G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-2S εχεις G1563 ADV εκει G2902 (G5723) V-PAP-APM κρατουντας G3588 T-ASF την G1322 N-ASF διδαχην G903 N-PRI βαλααμ G3739 R-NSM ος G1321 (G5707) V-IAI-3S εδιδασκεν G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G904 N-PRI βαλακ G906 (G5629) V-2AAN βαλειν G4625 N-ASN σκανδαλον G1799 ADV ενωπιον G3588 T-GPM των G5207 N-GPM υιων G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G5315 (G5629) V-2AAN φαγειν G1494 A-APN ειδωλοθυτα G2532 CONJ και G4203 (G5658) V-AAN πορνευσαι
  15 G3779 ADV ουτως G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-2S εχεις G2532 CONJ και G4771 P-2NS συ G2902 (G5723) V-PAP-APM κρατουντας G3588 T-ASF την G1322 N-ASF διδαχην G3588 T-GPM των G3531 N-GPM νικολαιτων G3739 R-ASN ο G3404 (G5719) V-PAI-1S μισω
  16 G3340 (G5657) V-AAM-2S μετανοησον G1487 COND ει G1161 CONJ δε G3361 PRT-N μη G2064 (G5736) V-PNI-1S ερχομαι G4671 P-2DS σοι G5035 ADV ταχυ G2532 CONJ και G4170 (G5692) V-FAI-1S πολεμησω G3326 PREP μετ G846 P-GPM αυτων G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G4501 N-DSF ρομφαια G3588 T-GSN του G4750 N-GSN στοματος G3450 P-1GS μου
  17 G3588 T-NSM ο G2192 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM εχων G3775 N-ASN ους G191 (G5657) V-AAM-3S ακουσατω G5101 I-ASN τι G3588 T-NSN το G4151 N-NSN πνευμα G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-DPF ταις G1577 N-DPF εκκλησιαις G3588 T-DSM τω G3528 (G5723) V-PAP-DSM νικωντι G1325 (G5692) V-FAI-1S δωσω G846 P-DSM αυτω G5315 (G5629) V-2AAN φαγειν G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G3131 HEB μαννα G3588 T-GSM του G2928 (G5772) V-RPP-GSM κεκρυμμενου G2532 CONJ και G1325 (G5692) V-FAI-1S δωσω G846 P-DSM αυτω G5586 N-ASF ψηφον G3022 A-ASF λευκην G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G5586 N-ASF ψηφον G3686 N-NSN ονομα G2537 A-NSN καινον G1125 (G5772) V-RPP-ASN γεγραμμενον G3739 R-ASN ο G3762 A-NSM ουδεις G1097 (G5627) V-2AAI-3S εγνω G1487 COND ει G3361 PRT-N μη G3588 T-NSM ο G2983 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM λαμβανων
  18 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DSM τω G32 N-DSM αγγελω G3588 T-GSF της G1722 PREP εν G2363 N-DPN θυατειροις G1577 N-GSF εκκλησιας G1125 (G5657) V-AAM-2S γραψον G3592 D-APN ταδε G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-NSM ο G5207 N-NSM υιος G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G3588 T-NSM ο G2192 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM εχων G3588 T-APM τους G3788 N-APM οφθαλμους G846 P-GSM αυτου G5613 ADV ως G5395 N-NSF φλογα G4442 N-GSN πυρος G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G4228 N-NPM ποδες G846 P-GSM αυτου G3664 A-NPM ομοιοι G5474 N-DSN χαλκολιβανω
  19 G1492 (G5758) V-RAI-1S οιδα G4675 P-2GS σου G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G26 N-ASF αγαπην G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G1248 N-ASF διακονιαν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G4102 N-ASF πιστιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G5281 N-ASF υπομονην G4675 P-2GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G4675 P-2GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G2078 A-APN εσχατα G4119 A-APN-C πλειονα G3588 T-GPN των G4413 A-GPN πρωτων
  20 G235 CONJ αλλ G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-1S εχω G2596 PREP κατα G4675 P-2GS σου G3641 A-APN ολιγα G3754 CONJ οτι G1439 (G5719) V-PAI-2S εας G3588 T-ASF την G1135 N-ASF γυναικα G2403 N-PRI ιεζαβηλ G3588 T-ASF την G3004 (G5723) V-PAP-ASF λεγουσαν G1438 F-3ASF εαυτην G4398 N-ASF προφητιν G1321 (G5721) V-PAN διδασκειν G2532 CONJ και G4105 (G5745) V-PPN πλανασθαι G1699 S-1APM εμους G1401 N-APM δουλους G4203 (G5658) V-AAN πορνευσαι G2532 CONJ και G1494 A-APN ειδωλοθυτα G5315 (G5629) V-2AAN φαγειν
  21 G2532 CONJ και G1325 (G5656) V-AAI-1S εδωκα G846 P-DSF αυτη G5550 N-ASM χρονον G2443 CONJ ινα G3340 (G5661) V-AAS-3S μετανοηση G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GSF της G4202 N-GSF πορνειας G846 P-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και G3756 PRT-N ου G3340 (G5656) V-AAI-3S μετενοησεν
  22 G2400 (G5628) V-2AAM-2S ιδου G1473 P-1NS εγω G906 (G5719) V-PAI-1S βαλλω G846 P-ASF αυτην G1519 PREP εις G2825 N-ASF κλινην G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APM τους G3431 (G5723) V-PAP-APM μοιχευοντας G3326 PREP μετ G846 P-GSF αυτης G1519 PREP εις G2347 N-ASF θλιψιν G3173 A-ASF μεγαλην G1437 COND εαν G3361 PRT-N μη G3340 (G5661) V-AAS-3P μετανοησωσιν G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GPN των G2041 N-GPN εργων G846 P-GPM αυτων
  23 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G5043 N-APN τεκνα G846 P-GSF αυτης G615 (G5692) V-FAI-1S αποκτενω G1722 PREP εν G2288 N-DSM θανατω G2532 CONJ και G1097 (G5695) V-FDI-3P γνωσονται G3956 A-NPF πασαι G3588 T-NPF αι G1577 N-NPF εκκλησιαι G3754 CONJ οτι G1473 P-1NS εγω G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-1S ειμι G3588 T-NSM ο G2045 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM ερευνων G3510 N-APM νεφρους G2532 CONJ και G2588 N-APF καρδιας G2532 CONJ και G1325 (G5692) V-FAI-1S δωσω G5213 P-2DP υμιν G1538 A-DSM εκαστω G2596 PREP κατα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G5216 P-2GP υμων
  24 G5213 P-2DP υμιν G1161 CONJ δε G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-1S λεγω G2532 CONJ και G3062 A-DPM λοιποις G3588 T-DPM τοις G1722 PREP εν G2363 N-DPN θυατειροις G3745 K-NPM οσοι G3756 PRT-N ουκ G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-3P εχουσιν G3588 T-ASF την G1322 N-ASF διδαχην G3778 D-ASF ταυτην G2532 CONJ και G3748 R-NPM οιτινες G3756 PRT-N ουκ G1097 (G5627) V-2AAI-3P εγνωσαν G3588 T-APN τα G899 N-APN βαθη G3588 T-GSM του G4567 N-GSM σατανα G5613 ADV ως G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3P λεγουσιν G3756 PRT-N ου G906 (G5692) V-FAI-1S βαλω G1909 PREP εφ G5209 P-2AP υμας G243 A-ASN αλλο G922 N-ASN βαρος
  25 G4133 ADV πλην G3739 R-ASN ο G2192 (G5719) V-PAI-2P εχετε G2902 (G5657) V-AAM-2P κρατησατε G891 PREP αχρις G3739 R-GSM ου G302 PRT αν G2240 (G5661) V-AAS-1S ηξω
  26 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G3528 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM νικων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G5083 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM τηρων G891 PREP αχρι G5056 N-GSN τελους G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3450 P-1GS μου G1325 (G5692) V-FAI-1S δωσω G846 P-DSM αυτω G1849 N-ASF εξουσιαν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GPN των G1484 N-GPN εθνων
  27 G2532 CONJ και G4165 (G5692) V-FAI-3S ποιμανει G846 P-APM αυτους G1722 PREP εν G4464 N-DSF ραβδω G4603 A-DSF σιδηρα G5613 ADV ως G3588 T-NPN τα G4632 N-NPN σκευη G3588 T-NPN τα G2764 A-NPN κεραμικα G4937 (G5743) V-PPI-3S συντριβεται G5613 ADV ως G2504 P-1NS-C καγω G2983 (G5758) V-RAI-1S ειληφα G3844 PREP παρα G3588 T-GSM του G3962 N-GSM πατρος G3450 P-1GS μου
  28 G2532 CONJ και G1325 (G5692) V-FAI-1S δωσω G846 P-DSM αυτω G3588 T-ASM τον G792 N-ASM αστερα G3588 T-ASM τον G4407 A-ASM πρωινον
  29 G3588 T-NSM ο G2192 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM εχων G3775 N-ASN ους G191 (G5657) V-AAM-3S ακουσατω G5101 I-ASN τι G3588 T-NSN το G4151 N-NSN πνευμα G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G3588 T-DPF ταις G1577 N-DPF εκκλησιαις
  1 G32 Unto the angel G1577 of the church G2179 of Ephesus G1125 write [G5657]   G3592 ; These things G3004 saith [G5719]   G2902 he that holdeth [G5723]   G2033 the seven G792 stars G1722 in G846 his G1188 right hand G3588 , who G4043 walketh [G5723]   G1722 in G3319 the midst G2033 of the seven G5552 golden G3087 candlesticks;
  2 G1492 I know [G5758]   G4675 thy G2041 works G2532 , and G4675 thy G2873 labour G2532 , and G4675 thy G5281 patience G2532 , and G3754 how G1410 thou canst [G5736]   G3756 not G941 bear [G5658]   G2556 them which are evil G2532 : and G3985 thou hast tried [G5668]   G5335 them which say [G5723]   G1511 they are [G5750]   G652 apostles G2532 , and G1526 are [G5748]   G3756 not G2532 , and G2147 hast found [G5627]   G846 them G5571 liars:
  3 G2532 And G941 hast borne [G5656]   G2532 , and G2192 hast [G5719]   G5281 patience G2532 , and G1223 for G3450 my G1223 name's sake G3686   G2872 hast laboured [G5758]   G2532 , and G2577 hast G3756 not G2577 fainted [G5758]  .
  4 G235 Nevertheless G2192 I have [G5719]   G2596 somewhat against G4675 thee G3754 , because G863 thou hast left [G5656]   G4675 thy G4413 first G26 love.
  5 G3421 Remember [G5720]   G3767 therefore G4159 from whence G1601 thou art fallen [G5758]   G2532 , and G3340 repent [G5657]   G2532 , and G4160 do [G5657]   G4413 the first G2041 works G1490 ; or else G2064 I will come [G5736]   G4671 unto thee G5035 quickly G2532 , and G2795 will remove [G5692]   G4675 thy G3087 candlestick G1537 out of G846 his G5117 place G3362 , except G3340 thou repent [G5661]  .
  6 G235 But G5124 this G2192 thou hast [G5719]   G3754 , that G3404 thou hatest [G5719]   G2041 the deeds G3531 of the Nicolaitans G3739 , which G2504 I also G3404 hate [G5719]  .
  7 G2192 He that hath [G5723]   G3775 an ear G191 , let him hear [G5657]   G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 saith [G5719]   G1577 unto the churches G846 ; To him G3528 that overcometh [G5723]   G1325 will I give [G5692]   G5315 to eat [G5629]   G1537 of G3586 the tree G2222 of life G3739 , which G2076 is [G5748]   G1722 in G3319 the midst G3857 of the paradise G2316 of God.
  8 G2532 And G32 unto the angel G1577 of the church G4668 in Smyrna G1125 write [G5657]   G3592 ; These things G3004 saith [G5719]   G4413 the first G2532 and G2078 the last G3739 , which G1096 was [G5633]   G3498 dead G2532 , and G2198 is alive [G5656]  ;
  9 G1492 I know [G5758]   G4675 thy G2041 works G2532 , and G2347 tribulation G2532 , and G4432 poverty G1161 , (but G1488 thou art [G5748]   G4145 rich G2532 ) and G988 I know the blasphemy G3588 of them which G3004 say [G5723]   G1438 they G1511 are [G5750]   G2453 Jews G2532 , and G1526 are [G5748]   G3756 not G235 , but G4864 are the synagogue G4567 of Satan.
  10 G5399 Fear [G5737]   G3367 none G3739 of those things which G3195 thou shalt [G5719]   G3958 suffer [G5721]   G2400 : behold [G5628]   G1228 , the devil G3195 shall [G5719]   G906 cast [G5629]   G1537 some of G5216 you G1519 into G5438 prison G2443 , that G3985 ye may be tried [G5686]   G2532 ; and G2192 ye shall have [G5692]   G2347 tribulation G1176 ten G2250 days G1096 : be thou [G5737]   G4103 faithful G891 unto G2288 death G2532 , and G1325 I will give [G5692]   G4671 thee G4735 a crown G2222 of life.
  11 G2192 He that hath [G5723]   G3775 an ear G191 , let him hear [G5657]   G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 saith [G5719]   G1577 unto the churches G3528 ; He that overcometh [G5723]   G91 shall G3364 not G91 be hurt [G5686]   G1537 of G1208 the second G2288 death.
  12 G2532 And G32 to the angel G1577 of the church G1722 in G4010 Pergamos G1125 write [G5657]   G3592 ; These things G3004 saith [G5719]   G2192 he which hath [G5723]   G3691 the sharp G4501 sword G1366 with two edges;
  13 G1492 I know [G5758]   G4675 thy G2041 works G2532 , and G4226 where G2730 thou dwellest [G5719]   G3699 , even where G4567 Satan's G2362 seat G2532 is : and G2902 thou holdest fast [G5719]   G3450 my G3686 name G2532 , and G720 hast G3756 not G720 denied [G5662]   G3450 my G4102 faith G2532 , even G1722 in G2250 those days G1722 wherein G3739   G493 Antipas G3450 was my G4103 faithful G3144 martyr G3739 , who G615 was slain [G5681]   G3844 among G5213 you G3699 , where G4567 Satan G2730 dwelleth [G5719]  .
  14 G235 But G2192 I have [G5719]   G3641 a few things G2596 against G4675 thee G3754 , because G2192 thou hast [G5719]   G1563 there G2902 them that hold [G5723]   G1322 the doctrine G903 of Balaam G3739 , who G1722 taught G1321   [G5707]   G904 Balac G906 to cast [G5629]   G4625 a stumblingblock G1799 before G5207 the children G2474 of Israel G5315 , to eat [G5629]   G1494 things sacrificed unto idols G2532 , and G4203 to commit fornication [G5658]  .
  15 G3779 So G2192 hast [G5719]   G4771 thou G2532 also G2902 them that hold [G5723]   G1322 the doctrine G3531 of the Nicolaitans G3739 , which thing G3404 I hate [G5719]  .
  16 G3340 Repent [G5657]   G1490 ; or else G2064 I will come [G5736]   G4671 unto thee G5035 quickly G2532 , and G4170 will fight [G5692]   G3326 against G846 them G1722 with G4501 the sword G3450 of my G4750 mouth.
  17 G2192 He that hath [G5723]   G3775 an ear G191 , let him hear [G5657]   G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 saith [G5719]   G1577 unto the churches G846 ; To him G3528 that overcometh [G5723]   G1325 will I give [G5692]   G5315 to eat [G5629]   G575 of G2928 the hidden [G5772]   G3131 manna G2532 , and G1325 will give [G5692]   G846 him G3022 a white G5586 stone G2532 , and G1909 in G5586 the stone G2537 a new G3686 name G1125 written [G5772]   G3739 , which G3762 no man G1097 knoweth [G5627]   G1508 saving G2983 he that receiveth [G5723]   it .
  18 G2532 And G32 unto the angel G1577 of the church G1722 in G2363 Thyatira G1125 write [G5657]   G3592 ; These things G3004 saith [G5719]   G5207 the Son G2316 of God G3588 , who G2192 hath [G5723]   G846 his G3788 eyes G5613 like G5395 unto a flame G4442 of fire G2532 , and G846 his G4228 feet G3664 are like G5474 fine brass;
  19 G1492 I know [G5758]   G4675 thy G2041 works G2532 , and G26 charity G2532 , and G1248 service G2532 , and G4102 faith G2532 , and G4675 thy G5281 patience G2532 , and G4675 thy G2041 works G2532 ; and G2078 the last G4119 to be more than G4413 the first.
  20 G235 Notwithstanding G2192 I have [G5719]   G3641 a few things G2596 against G4675 thee G3754 , because G1439 thou sufferest [G5719]   G1135 that woman G2403 Jezebel G3588 , which G3004 calleth [G5723]   G1438 herself G4398 a prophetess G1321 , to teach [G5721]   G2532 and G4105 to seduce [G5745]   G1699 my G1401 servants G4203 to commit fornication [G5658]   G2532 , and G5315 to eat [G5629]   G1494 things sacrificed unto idols.
  21 G2532 And G1325 I gave [G5656]   G846 her G5550 space G2443 to G3340 repent [G5661]   G1537 of G846 her G4202 fornication G2532 ; and G3340 she repented [G5656]   G3756 not.
  22 G2400 Behold [G5628]   G1473 , I G906 will cast [G5719]   G846 her G1519 into G2825 a bed G2532 , and G3431 them that commit adultery [G5723]   G3326 with G846 her G1519 into G3173 great G2347 tribulation G3362 , except G3340 they repent [G5661]   G1537 of G846 their G2041 deeds.
  23 G2532 And G615 I will kill [G5692]   G846 her G5043 children G1722 with G2288 death G2532 ; and G3956 all G1577 the churches G1097 shall know [G5695]   G3754 that G1473 I G1510 am [G5748]   G3588 he which G2045 searcheth [G5723]   G3510 the reins G2532 and G2588 hearts G2532 : and G1325 I will give [G5692]   G1538 unto every one G5213 of you G2596 according to G5216 your G2041 works.
  24 G1161 But G5213 unto you G3004 I say [G5719]   G2532 , and G3062 unto the rest G1722 in G2363 Thyatira G3745 , as many as G2192 have [G5719]   G3756 not G5026 this G1322 doctrine G2532 , and G3748 which G1097 have G3756 not G1097 known [G5627]   G899 the depths G4567 of Satan G5613 , as G3004 they speak [G5719]   G906 ; I will put [G5692]   G1909 upon G5209 you G3756 none G243 other G922 burden.
  25 G4133 But G3739 that which G2192 ye have [G5719]   G2902 already hold fast [G5657]   G891 till G3739   G302 I come G2240   [G5661]  .
  26 G2532 And G3528 he that overcometh [G5723]   G2532 , and G5083 keepeth [G5723]   G3450 my G2041 works G891 unto G5056 the end G846 , to him G1325 will I give [G5692]   G1849 power G1909 over G1484 the nations:
  27 G2532 And G4165 he shall rule [G5692]   G846 them G1722 with G4464 a rod G4603 of iron G5613 ; as G4632 the vessels G2764 of a potter G4937 shall they be broken to shivers [G5743]   G2504 : even G5613 as G2504 I G2983 received [G5758]   G3844 of G3450 my G3962 Father.
  28 G2532 And G1325 I will give [G5692]   G846 him G4407 the morning G792 star.
  29 G2192 He that hath [G5723]   G3775 an ear G191 , let him hear [G5657]   G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 saith [G5719]   G1577 unto the churches.
ERV(i) 1 To the angel of the church in Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, he that walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks: 2 I know thy works, and thy toil and patience, and that thou canst not bear evil men, and didst try them which call themselves apostles, and they are not, and didst find them false; 3 and thou hast patience and didst bear for my name’s sake, and hast not grown weary. 4 But I have [this] against thee, that thou didst leave thy first love. 5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I come to thee, and will move thy candlestick out of its place, except thou repent. 6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. To him that overcometh, to him will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God. 8 And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and lived [again]: 9 I know thy tribulation, and thy poverty (but thou art rich), and the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10 Fear not the things which thou art about to suffer: behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life. 11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. 12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write; These things saith he that hath the sharp two-edged sword: 13 I know where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan’s throne is: and thou holdest fast my name, and didst not deny my faith, even in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwelleth. 14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there some that hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication. 15 So hast thou also some that hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans in like manner. 16 Repent therefore; or else I come to thee quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth. 17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. To him that overcometh, to him will I give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it. 18 And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like a flame of fire, and his feet are like unto burnished brass: 19 I know thy works, and thy love and faith and ministry and patience, and that thy last works are more than the first. 20 But I have [this] against thee, that thou sufferest the woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess; and she teacheth and seduceth my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to idols. 21 And I gave her time that she should repent; and she willeth not to repent of her fornication. 22 Behold, I do cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of her works. 23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto each one of you according to your works. 24 But to you I say, to the rest that are in Thyatira, as many as have not this teaching, which know not the deep things of Satan, as they say; I cast upon you none other burden. 25 Howbeit that which ye have, hold fast till I come. 26 And he that overcometh, and he that keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give authority over the nations: 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to shivers; as I also have received of my Father: 28 and I will give him the morning star. 29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.