Numbers 35

  1 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses H6160 in the plains H4124 of Moab H3383 by Jordan H3405 near Jericho, H559 [H8800] saying,
  2 H6680 [H8761] Command H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel, H5414 [H8804] that they give H3881 to the Levites H5159 of the inheritance H272 of their possession H5892 cities H3427 [H8800] to dwell in; H5414 [H8799] and ye shall give H3881 also to the Levites H4054 common lands H5892 for the cities H5439 around them.
  3 H5892 And they shall have the cities H3427 [H8800] to dwell in; H4054 and the common lands H929 of them shall be for their cattle, H7399 and for their goods, H2416 and for all their beasts.
  4 H4054 And the common lands H5892 of the cities, H5414 [H8799] which ye shall give H3881 to the Levites, H7023 shall reach from the wall H5892 of the city H2351 and outward H505 a thousand H520 cubits H5439 on all sides.
  5 H4058 [H8804] And ye shall measure H2351 from outside H5892 the city H6924 on the east H6285 side H505 two thousand H520 cubits, H5045 and on the south H6285 side H505 two thousand H520 cubits, H3220 and on the west H6285 side H505 two thousand H520 cubits, H6828 and on the north H6285 side H505 two thousand H520 cubits; H5892 and the city H8432 shall be in the midst: H4054 this shall be to them the common lands H5892 of the cities.
  6 H5892 And among the cities H5414 [H8799] which ye shall give H3881 to the Levites H8337 there shall be six H5892 cities H4733 for refuge, H5414 [H8799] which ye shall appoint H7523 [H8802] for the manslayer, H5127 [H8800] that he may flee H5414 [H8799] there: and to them ye shall add H705 forty H8147 and two H5892 cities.
  7 H5892 So all the cities H5414 [H8799] which ye shall give H3881 to the Levites H705 shall be forty H8083 and eight H5892 cities: H4054 them shall ye give with their common lands.
  8 H5892 And the cities H5414 [H8799] which ye shall give H272 shall be of the possession H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel: H7227 from them that have many H7235 [H8686] ye shall give many; H4592 but from them that have few H4591 [H8686] ye shall give few: H376 every one H5414 [H8799] shall give H5892 of his cities H3881 to the Levites H6310 according H5159 to his inheritance H5157 [H8799] which he inheriteth.
  9 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses, H559 [H8800] saying,
  10 H1696 [H8761] Speak H1121 to the sons H3478 of Israel, H559 [H8804] and say H5674 [H8802] to them, When ye have passed over H3383 Jordan H776 into the land H3667 of Canaan;
  11 H7136 [H8689] Then ye shall appoint H5892 for you cities H5892 to be cities H4733 of refuge H7523 [H8802] for you; that the slayer H5127 [H8804] may flee H5221 [H8688] there, who killeth H5315 any person H7684 unintentionally.
  12 H5892 And they shall be to you cities H4733 for refuge H1350 [H8802] from the avenger; H7523 [H8802] that the manslayer H4191 [H8799] may not die, H5975 [H8800] until he stand H6440 at the face of H5712 the company H4941 in judgment.
  13 H5892 And of these cities H5414 [H8799] which ye shall give H8337 six H5892 cities H4733 shall ye have for refuge.
  14 H5414 [H8799] Ye shall give H7969 three H5892 cities H5676 on this side H3383 of Jordan, H7969 and three H5892 cities H5414 [H8799] shall ye give H776 in the land H3667 of Canaan, H5892 which shall be cities H4733 of refuge.
  15 H8337 These six H5892 cities H4733 shall be a refuge, H1121 both for the sons H3478 of Israel, H1616 and for the guest, H8453 and for the resident alien H8432 among H5221 [H8688] them: that every one that killeth H5315 any person H7684 unintentionally H5127 [H8800] may flee there.
  16 H5221 [H8689] And if he shall smite H3627 him with an instrument H1270 of iron, H4191 [H8799] so that he shall die, H7523 [H8802] he is a murderer: H7523 [H8802] the murderer H4191 [H8800] shall surely H4191 [H8714] be put to death.
  17 H5221 [H8689] And if he shall smite H3027 him by throwing H68 a stone, H4191 [H8799] by which he may die, H4191 [H8799] and he shall die, H7523 [H8802] he is a murderer: H7523 [H8802] the murderer H4191 [H8800] shall surely H4191 [H8714] be put to death.
  18 H5221 [H8689] Or if he shall smite H3027 him with an hand H3627 weapon H6086 of wood, H4191 [H8799] by which he may die, H4191 [H8799] and he shall die, H7523 [H8802] he is a murderer: H7523 [H8802] the murderer H4191 [H8800] shall surely H4191 [H8714] be put to death.
  19 H1350 [H8802] The avenger H1818 of blood H4191 [H8686] himself shall slay H7523 [H8802] the murderer: H6293 [H8800] when he meeteth H1931 him, he H4191 [H8686] shall slay him.
  20 H1920 [H8799] But if he shall thrust H8135 him of hatred, H7993 [H8689] or hurl H6660 at him by laying in wait, H4191 [H8799] that he die;
  21 H342 Or in enmity H5221 [H8689] shall smite H3027 him with his hand, H4191 [H8799] that he die: H5221 [H8688] he that smote H4191 [H8800] him shall surely H4191 [H8714] be put to death; H7523 [H8802] for he is a murderer: H1350 [H8802] the avenger H1818 of blood H4191 [H8686] shall slay H7523 [H8802] the murderer, H6293 [H8800] when he meeteth him.
  22 H1920 [H8804] But if he shall thrust H6621 him suddenly H3808 without H342 enmity, H7993 [H8689] or shall have cast H3627 upon him any thing H6660 without laying in wait,
  23 H68 Or with any stone, H4191 [H8799] by which a man may die, H7200 [H8800] seeing H3808 him not, H5307 [H8686] and shall cast H4191 [H8799] it upon him, that he die, H341 [H8802] and was not his enemy, H1245 [H8764] neither sought H7451 his harm:
  24 H9001 Then H9009 the H5712 company H8199 [H8804] shall judge H996 between H9009 the H5221 [H8688] slayer H9002 and H996 between H1350 [H8802] the avenger H9009 of the H1818 blood H5921 according to H428 these H4941 judgments:
  25 H9001 And H9009 the H5712 company H5337 [H8689] shall deliver H7523 [H8802] the slayer H3027 out of the hand H1350 [H8802] of the avenger H1818 of blood, H9009 and the H5712 company H7725 [H8689] shall restore H5892 him to the city H4733 of his refuge, H5127 [H8804] where he had fled: H3427 [H8804] and he shall abide H4194 in it to the death H1419 of the high H3548 priest, H4886 [H8804] who was anointed H6944 with the holy H8081 oil.
  26 H7523 [H8802] But if the slayer H3318 [H8800] shall at any time H3318 [H8799] come H1366 outside the border H5892 of the city H4733 of his refuge, H5127 [H8799] where he had fled;
  27 H1350 [H8802] And the avenger H1818 of blood H4672 [H8804] find H2351 him outside H1366 the borders H5892 of the city H4733 of his refuge, H1350 [H8802] and the avenger H1818 of blood H7523 [H8804] shall kill H7523 [H8802] the slayer; H1818 he shall not be guilty of blood:
  28 H3427 [H8799] Because he should have remained H5892 in the city H4733 of his refuge H4194 until the death H1419 of the high H3548 priest: H310 but after H4194 the death H1419 of the high H3548 priest H7523 [H8802] the slayer H7725 [H8799] shall return H776 into the land H272 of his possession.
  29 H2708 So these things shall be for a statute H4941 of judgment H1755 to you throughout your generations H4186 in all your dwellings.
  30 H5221 [H8688] Whoever killeth H5315 any person, H7523 [H8802] the murderer H7523 [H8799] shall be put to death H6310 by the mouth H5707 of witnesses: H259 but one H5707 witness H6030 [H8799] shall not testify H5315 against any person H4191 [H8800] to cause him to die.
  31 H3947 [H8799] Moreover ye shall take H3724 no satisfaction H5315 for the life H7523 [H8802] of a murderer, H7563 who is guilty H4191 [H8800] of death: H4191 [H8800] but he shall be surely H4191 [H8714] put to death.
  32 H3947 [H8799] And ye shall take H3724 no satisfaction H5127 [H8800] for him that hath fled H5892 to the city H4733 of his refuge, H7725 [H8800] that he should come again H3427 [H8800] to dwell H776 in the land, H4194 until the death H3548 of the priest.
  33 H2610 [H8686] So ye shall not pollute H776 the land H1818 in which ye are: for blood H2610 [H8686] it defileth H776 the land: H776 and the land H3722 [H8792] cannot be cleansed H1818 of the blood H8210 [H8795] that is shed H1818 in it, but by the blood H8210 [H8802] of him that shed it.
  34 H2930 [H8762] Defile H776 not therefore the land H3427 [H8802] which ye shall inhabit, H8432 in which H7931 [H8802] I dwell: H3068 for I the LORD H7931 [H8802] dwell H8432 among H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel.