Acts 7:19-53

  19 G3778 The same G2686 [G5666] dealt treacherously G2257 with our G1085 kindred, G2559 [G5656] and oppressed G2257 our G3962 fathers, G4160 [G5721] so that G1570 they cast out G846 their G1025 babes, G1519 to the end G2225 0 they might G3361 not G2225 [G5745] be brought forth alive.
  20 G1722 In G3739 which G2540 season G3475 Moses G1080 [G5681] was born, G2532 and G2258 [G5713] was G2316 exceeding G791 fair, G3739 and G397 [G5648] reared G1722 in G846 his G3962 father's G3624 house G5140 three G3376 months:
  21 G1161 And G846 when he G1620 [G5685] was cast out, G5328 Pharaoh's G2364 daughter G337 0 took G846 him G337 [G5639] up, G2532 and G397 [G5668] reared G846 him G1519 for G1438 her own G5207 son.
  22 G2532 And G3475 Moses G3811 [G5681] was learned G3956 in all G4678 the wisdom G124 of the Egyptians, G1161 and G2258 [G5713] was G1415 powerful G1722 in G3056 words G2532 and G1722 in G2041 deeds.
  23 G1161 And G5613 as G5063 forty years G5550 of time G4137 [G5712] was fulfilled G846 to him G305 [G5627] , it came G1909 upon G846 his G2588 heart G1980 [G5664] to visit G846 his G80 brethren G3588 the G5207 sons G2474 of Israel.
  24 G2532 And G1492 [G5631] seeing G5100 one G91 [G5746] of them suffer wrong, G292 [G5662] he defended G2532 him, and G1557 G4160 [G5656] avenged G2669 [G5746] him that was oppressed, G3960 [G5660] and smote G124 the Egyptian:
  25 G1161 For G3543 [G5707] he supposed G846 his G80 brethren G4920 G3754 [G5721] to understand G2316 that God G1223 by G846 his G5495 hand G1325 G4991 [G5719] would deliver G846 them: G1161 but G4920 [G5656] they understood G3756 not.
  26 G5037 And G1966 [G5752] the next G2250 day G3700 [G5681] he showed himself G846 to them G3164 [G5736] as they were fighting, G2532 and G4900 [G5656] would have constrained G846 them G1519 to be at G1515 peace again, G2036 [G5631] saying, G435 Sirs, G5210 ye G2075 [G5748] are G80 brethren; G2444 why G91 [G5719] do ye wrong G240 one to another?
  27 G1161 But G91 0 he that did G4139 his neighbour G91 [G5723] wrong G683 0 thrust G846 him G683 [G5662] away, G2036 [G5631] saying, G5101 Who G2525 [G5656] placed G4571 thee G758 a ruler G2532 and G1348 a judge G1909 over G2248 us?
  28 G3361 G2309 [G5719] Wilt G4771 thou G337 [G5629] kill G3165 me, G3739 G5158 as G337 [G5627] thou didst G124 the Egyptian G5504 yesterday?
  29 G1161 Then G3475 Moses G5343 [G5627] fled G1722 at G5129 this G3056 saying, G2532 and G1096 [G5633] was G3941 a stranger G1722 in G1093 the land G3099 of Midian, G3757 where G1080 [G5656] he begat G1417 two G5207 sons.
  30 G2532 And G5062 when forty G2094 years G4137 [G5685] had passed, G3700 [G5681] there appeared G846 to him G1722 in G2048 the wilderness G3735 of mount G4614 Sinai G32 a messenger G2962 of the Lord G1722 in G5395 a flame G4442 of fire G942 in a bush.
  31 G1161 When G3475 Moses G1492 [G5631] saw G2296 [G5656] it, he wondered G3705 at the sight: G1161 and G846 as he G4334 [G5740] drew near G2657 [G5658] to behold G5456 it, the voice G2962 of the Lord G1096 [G5633] came G4314 to G846 him,
  32 G1473 Saying, I G2316 am the God G4675 of thy G3962 fathers, G2316 the God G11 of Abraham, G2532 and G2316 the God G2464 of Isaac, G2532 and G2316 the God G2384 of Jacob. G1161 Then G3475 Moses G1096 G1790 [G5637] trembled, G5111 [G5707] and dared G3756 not G2657 [G5658] behold.
  33 G1161 Then G2036 [G5627] said G2962 the Lord G846 to him, G3089 [G5657] Put off G5266 thy shoes G4675 from thy G4228 feet: G1063 for G5117 the place G1722 G3739 where G2476 [G5758] thou standest G2076 [G5748] is G40 holy G1093 ground.
  34 G1492 [G5631] I have seen, G1492 [G5627] I have seen G2561 the maltreatment G3450 of my G2992 people G3588 who G1722 are in G125 Egypt, G2532 and G191 [G5656] I have heard G846 their G4726 groaning, G2532 and G2597 [G5627] am come down G1807 [G5641] to deliver G846 them. G2532 And G3568 now G1204 [G5773] come, G649 [G5692] I will send G4571 thee G1519 into G125 Egypt.
  35 G5126 This G3475 Moses G3739 whom G720 [G5662] they refused, G2036 [G5631] saying, G5101 Who G2525 [G5656] made G4571 thee G758 a ruler G2532 and G1348 a judge? G5126 the same G2316 did God G649 [G5656] send G758 to be a ruler G2532 and G3086 a deliverer G1722 by G5495 the hand G32 of the messenger G3588 who G3700 [G5685] appeared G846 to him G1722 in G942 the bush.
  36 G3778 He G1806 0 brought G846 them G1806 [G5627] out, G4160 [G5660] after he had showed G5059 wonders G2532 and G4592 signs G1722 in G1093 the land G125 of Egypt, G2532 and G1722 in G2063 the Red G2281 sea, G2532 and G1722 in G2048 the wilderness G5062 forty G2094 years.
  37 G3778 This G2076 [G5748] is G3475 that Moses, G3588 who G2036 [G5631] said G5207 to the sons G2474 of Israel, G4396 A prophet G450 0 shall G2962 the Lord G5216 your G2316 God G450 [G5692] raise up G5213 to you G1537 of G5216 your G80 brethren, G5613 like G1691 me; G846 him G191 [G5695] shall ye hear.
  38 G3778 This G2076 [G5748] is he, G1096 [G5637] that was G1722 in G1577 the congregation G1722 in G2048 the wilderness G3326 with G32 the messenger G3588 who G2980 [G5723] spoke G846 to him G1722 on G3735 the mount G4614 Sinai, G2532 and G2257 with our G3962 fathers: G3739 who G1209 [G5662] received G2198 [G5723] the living G3051 oracles G1325 [G5629] to give G2254 to us:
  39 G3739 Whom G2257 our G3962 fathers G2309 [G5656] would G3756 not G1096 G5255 [G5635] obey, G235 but G683 [G5662] thrust him from them, G2532 and G846 in their G2588 hearts G4762 [G5648] turned back again G1519 into G125 Egypt,
  40 G2036 [G5631] Saying G2 to Aaron, G4160 [G5657] Make G2254 us G2316 gods G3739 to G4313 [G5695] go before G2257 us: G1063 for G3778 as for this G3475 Moses, G3739 who G1806 [G5627] brought G2248 us G1537 out of G1093 the land G125 of Egypt, G1492 [G5758] we know G3756 not G5101 what G1096 [G5754] is become G846 of him.
  41 G2532 And G3447 [G5656] they made a calf G1722 in G1565 those G2250 days, G2532 and G321 [G5627] offered G2378 sacrifice G1497 to the idol, G2532 and G2165 [G5712] were merry G1722 in G2041 the works G846 of their own G5495 hands.
  42 G1161 Then G2316 God G4762 [G5656] turned, G2532 and G3860 0 gave G846 them G3860 [G5656] up G3000 [G5721] to minister to G4756 the host G3772 of heaven; G2531 as it G1125 [G5769] is written G1722 in G976 the book G4396 of the prophets, G3624 O ye house G2474 of Israel, G3361 G4374 [G5656] have ye offered G3427 to me G4968 slain beasts G2532 and G2378 sacrifices G5062 for forty G2094 years G1722 in G2048 the wilderness?
  43 G2532 Yea, G353 [G5627] ye took up G4633 the tent G3434 of Molech, G2532 and G798 the star G5216 of your G2316 god G4481 Remphan, G5179 figures G3739 which G4160 [G5656] ye made G4352 [G5721] to worship G846 them: G2532 and G3351 0 I will carry G5209 you G3351 [G5692] away G1900 beyond G897 Babylon.
  44 G2257 Our G3962 fathers G2258 [G5713] had G4633 the tent G3142 G1722 of testimony G1722 in G2048 the wilderness, G2531 as G1299 [G5668] he had appointed, G2980 [G5723] speaking G3475 to Moses, G4160 [G5658] that he should make G846 it G2596 according G5179 to the fashion G3739 that G3708 [G5715] he had seen.
  45 G3739 Which G2532 also G2257 our G3962 fathers G1237 [G5666] that came G1521 [G5627] after brought in G3326 with G2424 Joshua G1722 into G2697 the possession G1484 of the nations, G3739 whom G2316 God G1856 [G5656] thrust out G575 before G4383 the face G2257 of our G3962 fathers, G2193 to G2250 the days G1138 of David;
  46 G3739 Who G2147 [G5627] found G5485 favour G1799 before G2316 God, G2532 and G154 [G5668] desired G2147 [G5629] to find G4638 a tabernacle G2316 for the God G2384 of Jacob.
  47 G1161 But G4672 Solomon G3618 [G5656] built G846 for him G3624 an house.
  48 G235 Yet G5310 the most High G2730 [G5719] dwelleth G3756 not G1722 in G3485 temples G5499 made with hands; G2531 as G3004 [G5719] saith G4396 the prophet,
  49 G3772 Heaven G3427 is my G2362 throne, G1161 and G1093 earth G3450 is my G4228 G5286 footstool: G4169 what G3624 house G3618 [G5692] will ye build G3427 for me? G3004 [G5719] saith G2962 the Lord: G2228 or G5101 what G5117 is the place G3450 of my G2663 rest?
  50 G4160 0 Hath G3780 not G3450 my G5495 hand G4160 [G5656] made G3956 all G5023 these things?
  51 G4644 Ye stiffnecked G2532 and G564 uncircumcised G2588 in heart G2532 and G3775 ears, G5210 ye G496 0 do G104 always G496 [G5719] resist G40 the Holy G4151 Spirit: G5613 as G5216 your G3962 fathers G2532 did, so G5210 do ye.
  52 G5101 Which G4396 of the prophets G1377 0 have G3756 not G5216 your G3962 fathers G1377 [G5656] persecuted? G2532 and G615 [G5656] they have slain G3588 them who G4293 [G5660] showed before G4012 of G1660 the coming G1342 of the Just One; G3739 of whom G5210 ye G1096 [G5769] have been G3568 now G4273 the betrayers G2532 and G5406 murderers:
  53 G3748 Who G2983 [G5627] have received G3551 the law G1519 by G1296 the disposition G32 of messengers, G2532 and G5442 0 have G3756 not G5442 [G5656] kept it.