Psalms 49:2 Cross References - new

  2 H1121 H120 Both low H1121 H376 and high, H6223 rich H34 and poor, H3162 together.

1 Samuel 2:7-8

  7 H3068 The LORD H3423 [H8688] maketh poor, H6238 [H8688] and maketh rich: H8213 [H8688] he bringeth low, H637 and H7311 [H8789] lifteth up.
  8 H6965 [H8688] He raiseth H1800 the poor H6083 out of the dust, H7311 [H8686] and lifteth H34 the beggar H830 from the dunghill, H3427 [H8687] to set H5081 them among princes, H5157 [H8686] and to make them inherit H3678 the throne H3519 of glory: H4690 for the pillars H776 of the earth H3068 are the LORD'S, H7896 [H8799] and he hath set H8398 the world upon them.

Job 34:19

  19 H5375 [H8804] How much less to him that accepteth H6440 not the persons H8269 of princes, H5234 [H8765] nor regardeth H7771 the rich H6440 more than H1800 the poor? H4639 for they all are the work H3027 of his hands.

Psalms 62:9

  9 H120 H1121 Surely men H1892 of low degree are vanity, H376 and men H3577 of high degree are a lie: H5927 [H8800] to be laid H3976 in the balance, H3162 they are altogether H1892 lighter than vanity.

Proverbs 22:2

  2 H6223 The rich H7326 [H8802] and poor H6298 [H8738] meet together: H3068 the LORD H6213 [H8802] is the maker of them all.

Jeremiah 5:4-5

  4 H559 [H8804] Therefore I said, H1800 Surely these are poor; H2973 [H8738] they are foolish: H3045 [H8804] for they know H1870 not the way H3068 of the LORD, H4941 nor the judgment H430 of their God.
  5 H3212 [H8799] I will go H1419 to the great men, H1696 [H8762] and will speak H3045 [H8804] to them; for they have known H1870 the way H3068 of the LORD, H4941 and the judgment H430 of their God: H3162 but these have altogether H7665 [H8804] broken H5923 the yoke, H5423 [H8765] and burst H4147 the bonds.

James 1:9-11

  9 G1161 But G2744 0 let G3588 the G5011 humble G80 brother G2744 [G5737] boast G1722 in G3588   G846 his G5311 height:
  10 G1161 But G4145 the rich, G1722 in G846 his G5014 humiliation: G3754 because G5613 as G438 a flower G5528 of the grass G3928 [G5695] he shall pass away.
  11 G1063 For G2246 the sun G393 [G5656] did rise G4862 with G2742 a burning heat, G2532 and G3583 [G5656] it withered G5528 the grass, G2532 and G846 its G438 flower G1601 [G5627] fell out, G2532 and G2143 the good befittedness G846 of its G4383 fashion G622 [G5639] is made lost: G3779 so G2532 also G3133 0 shall G4145 the rich man G3133 [G5701] fade away G1722 in G846 his G4197 ways.

James 2:1-7

  1 G3450 My G80 brethren, G2192 [G5720] have G3361 not G4102 the faith G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed, G1391 the Lord of glory, G1722 with G4382 respect of persons.
  2 G1063 For G1437 if G1525 [G5632] there come G1519 into G5216 your G4864 synagoge G435 a man G5554 with a gold ring, G1722 in G2986 bright G2066 apparel, G1161 and G1525 [G5632] there come in G2532 also G4434 a poor man G1722 in G4508 vile G2066 raiment;
  3 G2532 And G1914 [G5661] ye have respect G1909 to G5409 [G5723] him that weareth G2986 the bright G2066 clothing, G2532 and G2036 [G5632] say G846 to him, G2521 [G5737] Sit G4771 thou G5602 here G2573 in a good place; G2532 and G2036 [G5632] say G4434 to the poor, G2476 [G5628] Stand G4771 thou G1563 there, G2228 or G2521 [G5737] sit G5602 here G5259 under G3450 my G5286 footstool:
  4 G1252 0 Are ye G3756 not G2532 then G1252 [G5681] partial G1722 in G1438 yourselves, G2532 and G1096 [G5633] are become G2923 judges G4190 of evil G1261 thoughts?
  5 G191 [G5657] Hearken, G3450 my G27 beloved G80 brethren, G1586 0 Hath G3756 not G2316 God G1586 [G5668] chosen G4434 the poor G5127 of this G2889 world G4145 rich G1722 in G4102 faith, G2532 and G2818 heirs G932 of the kingdom G3739 which G1861 [G5662] he hath promised G25 [G5723] to them that love G846 him?
  6 G1161 But G5210 ye G818 [G5656] have dishonoured G4434 the poor. G2616 0 Do G3756 not G4145 rich men G2616 [G5719] oppress G5216 you, G2532 and G846 G1670 [G5719] draw G5209 you G1519 before G2922 the judgment seats?
  7 G987 0 Do G846 they G3756 not G987 [G5719] blaspheme G2570 that good G3686 name G1909 by G5209 the which ye G1941 [G5685] are called?

Revelation 6:15-17

  15 G2532 And G935 the kings G1093 of the earth, G2532 and G3175 the great men, G2532 and G4145 the rich men, G2532 and G5506 the chief captains, G2532 and G1415 the powerful men, G2532 and G3956 every G1401 slave, G2532 and G3956 every G1658 free man, G2928 [G5656] hid G1438 themselves G1519 in G4693 the dens G2532 and G1519 in G4073 the rocks G3735 of the mountains;
  16 G2532 And G3004 [G5719] said G3735 to the mountains G2532 and G4073 rocks, G4098 [G5628] Fall G1909 on G2248 us, G2532 and G2928 [G5657] hide G2248 us G575 from G4383 the face G2521 [G5740] of him that sitteth G1909 on G2362 the throne, G2532 and G575 from G3709 the wrath G721 of the Lamb:
  17 G3754 For G3173 the great G2250 day G846 of his G3709 wrath G2064 [G5627] is come; G2532 and G5101 who G1410 [G5736] shall be able G2476 [G5683] to stand?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.