1 Timothy 5:15 Cross References - new

  15 G1063 For G5100 some G1624 0 are G2235 already G1624 [G5648] turned aside G3694 after G3588 the G4567 adversary.

Matthew 4:10

  10 G5119 Then G3004 [G5719] saith G3588   G2424 Jesus G846 to him, G5217 [G5720] { Away with thee, G4567 adversary: G1063 for G1125 [G5769] it is written, G4352 [G5692] Thou shalt bow before G2962 the Lord G3588   G4675 thy G2316 God, G2532 and G846 him G3441 only G3000 [G5692] shalt thou minister.}

Philippians 3:18-19

  18 G1063 (For G4183 many G4043 [G5719] walk, G3739 of whom G3004 [G5707] I have told G5213 you G4178 often, G1161 and G3568 now G3004 [G5719] tell G2532 you even G2799 [G5723] weeping, G2190 that they are the enemies G4716 of the stake G5547 of Anointed:
  19 G3739 Whose G5056 end G684 is loss, G3739 whose G2316 God G2836 is their belly, G2532 and G1391 whose glory G1722 is in G846 their G152 shame, G3588 who G5426 [G5723] mind G1919 earthly things.)

1 Timothy 1:20

  20 G3739 Of whom G2076 [G5748] is G5211 Hymenaeus G2532 and G223 Alexander; G3739 whom G3860 [G5656] I have delivered G3588 to the G4567 adversary, G2443 that G3811 [G5686] they may learn G3361 not G987 [G5721] to blaspheme.

2 Timothy 1:15

  15 G5124 This G1492 [G5758] thou knowest, G3754 that G3956 all G1722 they who are in G773 Asia G654 [G5648] are turned away from G3165 me; G3739 of whom G2076 [G5748] are G5436 Phygellus G2532 and G2061 Hermogenes.

2 Timothy 2:18

  18 G3748 Who G4012 concerning G225 the truth G795 [G5656] have erred, G3004 [G5723] saying G386 that the resurrection G1096 [G5755] is past G2235 already; G2532 and G396 [G5719] overthrow G4102 the faith G5100 of some.

2 Timothy 4:10

  10 G1063 For G1214 Demas G1459 [G5627] hath forsaken G3165 me, G25 [G5660] having loved G3588 this G3568 present G165 age, G2532 and G4198 [G5675] hath departed G1519 to G2332 Thessalonica; G2913 Crescens G1519 to G1053 Galatia, G5103 Titus G1519 to G1149 Dalmatia.

2 Peter 2:2

  2 G2532 And G4183 many G1811 [G5692] shall follow G846 their G684 ways of loss; G1223 by reason of G3739 whom G3598 the way G225 of truth G987 [G5701] shall be evil spoken of.

2 Peter 2:20-22

  20 G1063 For G1487 if G668 [G5631] after they have escaped G3393 the pollutions G2889 of the world G1722 through G1922 the knowledge G2962 of the Lord G2532 and G4990 Saviour G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed, G1707 0 they are G3825 again G1707 [G5651] entangled G5125 in them, G1161 and G1096 G2274 [G5754] overcome, G2078 the latter end G5501 is worse G846 with them G4413 than the beginning.
  21 G1063 For G2258 [G5713] it had been G2909 better G846 for them G3361 not G1921 [G5760] to have known G3598 the way G1343 of righteousness, G2228 than, G1921 [G5631] after they have known G1994 [G5658] it, to turn G1537 from G40 the holy G1785 commandment G3860 [G5685] delivered G846 to them.
  22 G1161 But G4819 [G5758] it hath happened G846 to them G3588 according to G227 the true G3942 proverb, G2965 The dog G1994 0 is turned G1909 to G2398 his own G1829 vomit G1994 [G5660] again; G2532 and G5300 the sow G3068 [G5671] that was bathed G1519 to G2946 her wallowing G1004 in the mire.

2 Peter 3:16

  16 G5613 As G2532 also G1722 in G3956 all G1992 his epistles, G2980 [G5723] speaking G1722 in G846 them G4012 of G5130 these things; G1722 in G3739 which G2076 [G5748] are G5100 some things G1425 hard to be understood, G3739 which G261 they that are unlearned G2532 and G793 unstable G4761 [G5719] wrest, G5613 as G2532 they do also G3062 the other G1124 scriptures, G4314 to G846 their G2398 own G684 loss.

1 John 2:19

  19 G1831 [G5627] They went out G1537 from among G2257 us, G235 but yet G2258 [G5713] they were G3756 not G1537 from among G2257 us; G1063 for G1487 if G2258 [G5713] they were G1537 from among G2257 us, G302 they would G3306 [G5715] have continued G3326 with G2257 us: G235 but rather G2443 they went out, in order that G5319 [G5686] they may be made apparent G3754 that G1526 [G5748] they were G3756 not G3956 all G1537 from among G2257 us.

Jude 1:4-5

  4 G1063 For G5100 certain G444 men G3921 [G5656] have crept in unawares, G3588 those G3819 of old G4270 [G5772] having been written about beforehand G1519 to G5124 this G2917 judgment, G765 irreverent men, G3346 [G5723] transposing G3588 the G5485 grace G2257 of our G2316 God G1519 into G766 lasciviousness, G2532 and G720 [G5740] denying G3441 the only G1203 Master G2316 God, G2532 and G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed.
  5 G1014 [G5736] I will G1161 therefore G5279 0 put G5209 you G5279 [G5658] in remembrance, G5209 though ye G530 once G1492 [G5761] knew G5124 this, G3754 that G3588 the G2962 Lord, G4982 [G5660] having saved G2992 the people G1537 from out of G1093 the land G125 of Egypt, G1208 afterward G622 [G5656] made lost G3588 those G4100 [G5660] believing G3361 not.

Revelation 12:9

  9 G2532 And G3588 the G3173 great G1404 dragon G906 [G5681] was cast out, G3588 the G744 ancient G3588   G3789 serpent, G3588 the one G2564 [G5746] being called G1228 slanderer, G2532 and G4567 adversary, G3588 the one G4105 [G5723] leading astray G3588 the G3650 whole G3625 inhabitable world: G906 [G5681] he was cast out G1519 into G3588 the G1093 earth, G2532 and G3588   G846 his G32 messengers G906 [G5681] were cast out G3326 with G846 him.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.