Philippians 2:10 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  10 G2443 that G1722 at G3686 the name G2032 of G2424 Jesus G3956 every G1119 knee G2578 should bow, G2032 of G2032 those in heaven, G1919 those on earth, G2532 and G2709 those under the earth,

Genesis 41:43

  43 H7392 and he made him to ride H4932 in the second H4818 chariot H7121 which he had. They cried H6440 before him, H86 "Bow the knee!" H6440 He set him H776 over all the land H4714 of Egypt.

Isaiah 45:23-25

  23 H7650 I have sworn H1697 by myself, the word H3318 has gone out H6310 of my mouth H6666 in righteousness, H7725 and will not return, H1290 that to me every knee H3766 shall bow, H3956 every tongue H7650 shall take an oath.
  24 H559 They will say H6666 of me, ‘There is righteousness H5797 and strength H3068 only in Yahweh.'" H935 Even to him shall men come; H2734 and all those who were incensed H954 against him shall be disappointed.
  25 H3068 In Yahweh H2233 shall all the seed H3478 of Israel H6663 be justified, H1984 and shall glory.

Matthew 12:40

  40 G1063 For G5618 as G2495 Jonah G2258 was G5140 three G2250 days G2532 and G5140 three G3571 nights G1722 in G2836 the belly G2785 of the whale, G3779 so G2071 will G5207 the Son G444 of Man G2071 be G5140 three G2250 days G2532 and G5140 three G3571 nights G1722 in G2588 the heart G1093 of the earth.

Matthew 27:29

  29 G2532 They G4120 braided G4735 a crown G1537 of G173 thorns G2007 and put G1909 it on G846 his G2776 head, G2532 and G2563 a reed G1909 in G846 his G1188 right hand; G2532 and G1120 they kneeled G1715 down before G846 him, G1702 and mocked G846 him, G3004 saying, G5463 "Hail, G935 King G2453 of the Jews!"

Matthew 28:18

  18 G2424 Jesus G4334 came G2980 to them and spoke G846 to them, G3004 saying, G3956 "All G1849 authority G1325 has been given G3427 to me G1722 in G3772 heaven G2532 and G1909 on G1093 earth.

John 5:28-29

  28 G3361 Don't G2296 marvel G5124 at this, G3754 for G5610 the hour G2064 comes, G1722 in G3739 which G3956 all G3588 that are G1722 in G3419 the tombs G191 will hear G846 his G5456 voice,
  29 G2532 and G1607 will come out; G4160 those who have done G18 good, G1519 to G386 the resurrection G2222 of life; G1161 and G4238 those who have done G5337 evil, G1519 to G386 the resurrection G2920 of judgment.

Romans 11:4

  4 G235 But G5101 how G5538 does God G3004 answer G846 him? G2641 "I have reserved G1683 for myself G2035 seven thousand G435 men, G3748 who G2578 have G3756 not G2578 bowed G1119 the knee G896 to G896 Baal."

Romans 14:10-11

  10 G1161 But G5101 you, why G2919 do G4771 you G2919 judge G4675 your G80 brother? G2228 Or G2532   G5101 you again, why G1848 do G4771 you G1848 despise G4675 your G80 brother? G1063 For G3936 we will G3956 all G3936 stand G968 before the judgment seat G5547 of Christ.
  11 G1063 For G1473 it G1125 is written, G1473 "‘As I G2198 live,' G3004 says G2962 the Lord, G1698 ‘to me G3956 every G1119 knee G2578 will bow. G3956 Every G1100 tongue G1843 will confess G2316 to God.'"

Ephesians 1:10

  10 G1519 to G3622 an administration G4138 of the fullness G2540 of the times, G346 to sum G3956 up all things G1722 in G5547 Christ, G5037 the G3588 things G1722 in G3772 the heavens, G2532 and G3588 the things G1909 on G1093 the earth, in him;

Ephesians 3:14

  14 G5484 For this cause, G2578 I bow G3450 my G1119 knees G4314 to G3962 the Father G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ,

Ephesians 4:9

  9 G1161 Now G3588 this, G305 "He ascended," G5101 what G2076 is it G1487   G3361 but G3754 that G2597 he G2532 also G4412 first G2597 descended G1519 into G2737 the lower G3313 parts G1093 of the earth?

Hebrews 1:6

  6 G1161   G3825 Again, G3752 when G1521 he brings G4416 in the firstborn G1519 into G3625 the world G3004 he says, G2532   G4352 "Let G3956 all G32 the angels G2316 of God G4352 worship G846 him."

Revelation 4:10

  10 G1501 the twenty - G5064 four G4245 elders G4098 fall down G1799 before G3588 him G2521 who sits G1909 on G2362 the throne, G2532 and G4352 worship G3588 him G2198 who lives G1519   G165 forever G165 and ever, G2532 and G906 throw G846 their G4735 crowns G1799 before G2362 the throne, G3004 saying,

Revelation 5:13-14

  13 G2532   G191 I heard G3956 every G2938 created thing G3739 which G2076 is G1722 in G3772 heaven, G1722 on G1093 the earth, G2532   G5270 under G1093 the earth, G2532   G3739   G2076   G1909 on G2281 the sea, G2532 and G3956 everything G1909 in G846 them, G3004 saying, G2521 "To him who sits G1909 on G2362 the throne, G2532 and G721 to the Lamb G2129 be the blessing, G2532   G5092 the honor, G2532   G1391 the glory, G2532 and G2904 the dominion, G1519   G165 forever G165 and ever! Amen!"
  14 G2532   G5064 The four G2226 living creatures G3004 said, G281 "Amen!" G2532   G4245 The elders G4098 fell down G2532 and G4352 worshiped.

Revelation 20:13

  13 G2532   G2281 The sea G1325 gave up G3498 the dead G1722 who were in G846 it. G2532   G2288 Death G2532 and G86 Hades G1325 gave up G3498 the dead G1722 who were in G846 them. G2532   G2919 They were judged, G1538 each one G2596 according to G846 his G2041 works.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.