Mark 8:8 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  8 G1161 They G5315 ate, G2532 and G5526 were filled. G2532 They G142 took up G2033 seven G4711 baskets G2801 of broken G4051 pieces that were left over.

1 Kings 17:14-16

  14 H559 For thus says H3068 Yahweh, H430 the God H3478 of Israel, H3537 ‘The jar H7058 of meal H3615 shall not empty, H6835 neither shall the jar H8081 of oil H2637 fail, H3117 until the day H3068 that Yahweh H5414 sends H1653 rain H6440 on H127 the earth.'"
  15 H3212 She went H6213 and did H1697 according to the saying H452 of Elijah: H1004 and she, and he, and her house, H398 ate H3117 many days.
  16 H3537 The jar H7058 of meal H3615 didn't empty, H6835 neither did the jar H8081 of oil H2638 fail, H1697 according to the word H3068 of Yahweh, H1696 which he spoke H3027 by H452 Elijah.

2 Kings 4:2-7

  2 H477 Elisha H559 said H6213 to her, "What shall I do H5046 for you? Tell H3426 me: what do you have H1004 in the house?" H559 She said, H8198 "Your handmaid H1004 has nothing in the house, H610 except a pot H8081 of oil."
  3 H559 Then he said, H3212 "Go, H7592 borrow H3627 containers H2351 from of all H7934 your neighbors, H7386 even empty H3627 containers. H4591 Don't borrow just a few.
  4 H935 You shall go in, H5462 and shut H1817 the door H1121 on you and on your sons, H3332 and pour out H3627 into all those containers; H5265 and you shall set aside H4392 that which is full."
  5 H3212 So she went H5462 from him, and shut H1817 the door H1157 on her and on H1121 her sons; H1992 they H5066 brought H3332 the containers to her, and she poured out.
  6 H3627 It happened, when the containers H4390 were full, H559 that she said H1121 to her son, H5066 "Bring H3627 me another container." H559 He said H3627 to her, "There isn't another container." H8081 The oil H5975 stopped flowing.
  7 H935 Then she came H5046 and told H376 the man H430 of God. H559 He said, H3212 "Go, H4376 sell H8081 the oil, H7999 and pay H5386 your debt; H1121 and you and your sons H2421 live H3498 on the rest."

2 Kings 4:42-44

  42 H376 A man H935 from Baal Shalishah came, H935 and brought H376 the man H430 of God H3899 bread H1061 of the first H1061 fruits, H6242 twenty H3899 loaves H8184 of barley, H3759 and fresh ears of grain H6861 in his sack. H559 He said, H5414 "Give H5971 to the people, H398 that they may eat."
  43 H8334 His servant H559 said, H5414 "What, should I set H6440 this before H3967 a hundred H376 men?" H559 But he said, H5414 "Give H5971 the people, H398 that they may eat; H559 for thus says H3068 Yahweh, H398 ‘They will eat, H3498 and will have some left over.'"
  44 H5414 So he set H6440 it before H398 them, and they ate, H3498 and left H1697 some of it, according to the word H3068 of Yahweh.

Psalms 107:8-9

  8 H3034 Let them praise H3068 Yahweh H2617 for his loving kindness, H6381 for his wonderful works H1121 to the children H120 of men!
  9 H7646 For he satisfies H8264 the longing H5315 soul. H4390 He fills H7457 the hungry H5315 soul H2896 with good.

Psalms 145:16

  16 H6605 You open H3027 your hand, H7646 and satisfy H7522 the desire H2416 of every living thing.

Matthew 16:10

  10 G3761 Nor G740 the G2033 seven G740 loaves G5070 for the four thousand, G2532 and G4214 how many G4711 baskets G2983 you took up?

Mark 8:19-20

  19 G3753 When G2806 I broke G4002 the five G740 loaves G1519 among G4002 the five G4000 thousand, G4214 how many G2894 baskets G4134 full G142 of broken pieces did you take up?" G3004 They told G846 him, G1427 "Twelve."
  20 G1161   G3753 "When G2033 the seven G1519 loaves fed G5070 the four thousand, G4214 how many G4711 baskets G4138 full G2801 of broken pieces G142 did you take up?" G1161 They G2036 told G2033 him, "Seven."

Luke 1:53

  53 G1705 He has filled G3983 the hungry G18 with good things. G2532   G1821 He has sent G4147 the rich G1821 away G2756 empty.

John 6:11-13

  11 G1161   G2424 Jesus G2983 took G740 the loaves; G1161 and G2168 having given thanks, G1239 he distributed G3101 to the disciples, G1161 and G3101 the disciples G345 to those who were sitting down; G3668 likewise G1537 also of G3795 the fish G3745 as G3745 much as G2309 they desired.
  12 G1161   G5613 When G1705 they were filled, G3004 he said G846 to his G3101 disciples, G4863 "Gather up G2801 the broken pieces G4052 which are left G2443 over, that G3361 nothing G5100   G622 be lost."
  13 G3767 So G4863 they gathered G4863 them up, G2532 and G1072 filled G1427 twelve G2894 baskets G2801 with broken pieces G1537 from G4002 the five G2916 barley G740 loaves, G3739 which G4052 were left over G977 by those who had eaten.

John 6:27

  27 G3361 Don't G2038 work G1035 for the food G622 which perishes, G235 but G1035 for the food G3306 which remains G1519 to G166 eternal G2222 life, G3739 which G5207 the Son G444 of Man G1325 will give G5213 to you. G1063 For G2316 God G3962 the Father G4972 has G4972 sealed G5126 him."

John 6:32-35

  32 G2424 Jesus G3767 therefore G2036 said G846 to them, G281 "Most G281 certainly, G3004 I tell G5213 you, G3756 it wasn't G3475 Moses G1325 who gave G5213 you G740 the bread G1537 out of G3772 heaven, G235 but G3450 my G3962 Father G1325 gives G5213 you G740 the G228 true G740 bread G1537 out of G3772 heaven.
  33 G1063 For G740 the bread G2316 of God G2076 is G2597 that which comes down G1537 out of G3772 heaven, G2532 and G1325 gives G2222 life G2889 to the world."
  34 G2036 They G3767 said therefore G4314 to G846 him, G2962 "Lord, G3842 always G1325 give G2254 us G5126 this G740 bread."
  35 G1161   G2424 Jesus G2036 said G846 to them, G1473 "I G1510 am G740 the bread G2222 of life. G2064 He who comes G4314 to G3165 me G3983 will G3361 not G4455   G3983 be hungry, G2532 and G4100 he who believes G1519 in G1691 me G1372 will G3361 never G4455   G1372 be thirsty.

John 6:47-58

  47 G281 Most G281 certainly, G3004 I tell G5213 you, G4100 he who believes G1519 in G1691 me G2192 has G166 eternal G2222 life.
  48 G1473 I G1510 am G740 the bread G2222 of life.
  49 G5216 Your G3962 fathers G5315 ate G3131 the manna G1722 in G2048 the wilderness, G2532 and G599 they died.
  50 G3778 This G2076 is G740 the bread G2597 which comes down G1537 out of G3772 heaven, G2443 that G5100 anyone G5315 may eat G1537 of it G2532 and G3361 not G599 die.
  51 G1473 I G1510 am G740 the G2198 living G740 bread G2597 which came down G1537 out of G3772 heaven. G1437 If G5100 anyone G5315 eats G1537 of G5127 this G740 bread, G2198 he will live G1519   G165 forever. G2532 Yes, G740 the bread G1161   G3739 which G1473 I G1325 will give G5228 for G2222 the life G2889 of the world G2076 is G3450 my G4561 flesh."
  52 G2453 The Jews G3767 therefore G3164 contended G4314 with one G240 another, G3004 saying, G4459 "How G1410 can G3778 this man G1325 give G2254 us G4561 his flesh G5315 to eat?"
  53 G2424 Jesus G3767 therefore G2036 said G846 to them, G281 "Most G281 certainly G3004 I tell G5213 you, G1437 unless G3361   G5315 you eat G4561 the flesh G5207 of the Son G444 of Man G2532 and G4095 drink G846 his G129 blood, G3756 you don't G2192 have G2222 life G1722 in G1438 yourselves.
  54 G5176 He who eats G3450 my G4561 flesh G2532 and G4095 drinks G3450 my G129 blood G2192 has G166 eternal G2222 life, G2532 and G1473 I G450 will raise G846 him G450 up G2250 at the G2078 last G2250 day.
  55 G1063 For G3450 my G4561 flesh G2076 is G1035 food G230 indeed, G2532 and G3450 my G129 blood G2076 is G4213 drink G230 indeed.
  56 G5176 He who eats G3450 my G4561 flesh G2532 and G4095 drinks G3450 my G129 blood G3306 lives G1722 in G1698 me, G2504 and I G1722 in G846 him.
  57 G2531 As G3962 the G2198 living G3962 Father G649 sent G3165 me, G2504 and I G1223 live G1223 because G3962 of the Father; G2532 so G5176 he who feeds G3165 on me, G2548 he G2198 will also live G1223 because G1691 of me.
  58 G3778 This G2076 is G740 the bread G2597 which came down G1537 out of G3772 heaven — G3756 not G2531 as G5216 our G3962 fathers G5315 ate G3131 the manna, G2532 and G599 died. G5176 He who eats G740   G5126 this G740 bread G2198 will live G1519   G165 forever."

Revelation 7:16-17

  16 G2089 They will never G3756 be G3983 hungry, G3761 neither G1372 thirsty G3361 any G2089 more; G3761 neither G2246 will the sun G4098 beat G1909 on G846 them, G3761 nor G3956 any G2738 heat;
  17 G3754 for G721 the Lamb G3588 who G303 is in G3319 the midst G2362 of the throne G4165 shepherds G846 them, G2532 and G3594 leads G846 them G1909 to G4077 springs G5204 of waters G2198 of life. G2532 And G2316 God G1813 will wipe away G3956 every G1144 tear G575 from G846 their G3788 eyes."

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.