Ephesians 1:18 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  18 G3788 having the eyes G5216 of your G1271 hearts G1519 enlightened, G3588 that G5209 you G1492 may know G5101 what G2076 is G1680 the hope G846 of his G2821 calling, G2532 and G5101 what G4149 are the riches G1391 of the glory G846 of his G2817 inheritance G1722 in G40 the saints,

Psalms 119:18

  18 H1540 Open H5869 my eyes, H5027 that I may see H6381 wondrous things H8451 out of your law.

Isaiah 6:10

  10 H3820 Make the heart H5971 of this people H8080 fat. H241 Make their ears H3513 heavy, H8173 and shut H5869 their eyes; H7200 lest they see H5869 with their eyes, H8085 and hear H241 with their ears, H995 and understand H3824 with their heart, H7725 and turn H7495 again, and be healed."

Isaiah 29:10

  10 H3068 For Yahweh H5258 has poured out H7307 on you a spirit H8639 of deep sleep, H6105 and has closed H5869 your eyes, H5030 the prophets; H3680 and he has covered H7218 your heads, H2374 the seers.

Isaiah 29:18

  18 H3117 In that day, H2795 the deaf H8085 will hear H1697 the words H5612 of the book, H5869 and the eyes H5787 of the blind H7200 will see H652 out of obscurity H2822 and out of darkness.

Isaiah 32:3

  3 H5869 The eyes H7200 of those who see H8159 will not be dim, H241 and the ears H8085 of those who hear H7181 will listen.

Isaiah 42:7

  7 H6491 to open H5787 the blind H5869 eyes, H616 to bring the prisoners H3318 out H4525 of the dungeon, H3427 and those who sit H2822 in darkness H1004 out of the H3608 prison.

Matthew 13:15

  15 G1063 for G5127 this G2992 people's G2588 heart G3975 has grown callous, G2532   G3775 their ears G917 are dull of G191 hearing, G2576 they have closed G846 their G3788 eyes; G3379 or else perhaps G1492 they might perceive G3788 with G3788 their eyes, G2532   G191 hear G3775 with G3775 their ears, G2532   G4920 understand G2588 with G2588 their heart, G2532 and G1994 should turn again; G2532 and G2390 I would heal G846 them.'

Luke 24:45

  45 G5119 Then G1272 he G846 opened their G3563 minds, G3588 that G4920 they might understand G1124 the Scriptures.

Acts 16:14

  14 G5100 A certain G1135 woman G3686 named G3070 Lydia, G4211 a seller of purple, G4172 of the city G2363 of Thyatira, G3739 one who G4576 worshiped G2316 God, G191 heard G2588 us; whose heart G2962 the Lord G1272 opened G4337 to G4337 listen to G3588 the things which G2980 were spoken G5259 by G3972 Paul.

Acts 26:18

  18 G455 to open G846 their G3788 eyes, G3588 that G1994 they may turn G575 from G4655 darkness G1519 to G5457 light G2532 and G1849 from the power G4567 of Satan G1909 to G2316 God, G846 that they G2983 may receive G859 remission G266 of sins G2532 and G2819 an inheritance G1722 among G3588 those who G37 are sanctified G4102 by faith G1519 in G1691 me.'"

Romans 5:4-5

  4 G1161 and G5281 perseverance, G1382 proven character; G1161 and G1382 proven character, G1680 hope:
  5 G1161 and G1680 hope G2617   G3756 doesn't G2617 disappoint G3754 us, because G2316 God's G26 love G1632 has been poured out G1722 into G2257 our G2588 hearts G1223 through G4151 the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit G1325 who was given G2254 to us.

Romans 8:24-25

  24 G1063 For G4982 we were saved G1680 in hope, G1161 but G1680 hope G991 that is seen G2076 is G3756 not G1680 hope. G1063 For G5101   G1679 who G2532   G1679 hopes for G3739 that which G1679 he G991 sees?
  25 G1161 But G1487 if G1679 we hope for G3739 that G3756 which we don't G991 see, G553 we G553 wait for G1223 it with G5281 patience.

Romans 8:28-30

  28 G1161   G1492 We know G3754 that G3956 all things G4903 work together G1519 for G18 good G25 for those who love G2316 God, G5607 to those who are G2822 called G2596 according to G4286 his purpose.
  29 G3754 For G3739 whom G4267 he foreknew, G4309 he G2532 also G4309 predestined G4832 to be conformed to G1504 the image G5207 of G846 his G5207 Son, G1519 that G846 he G1511 might be G4416 the firstborn G1722 among G4183 many G80 brothers.
  30 G1161   G3739 Whom G4309 he predestined, G5128 those G2532 he also G2564 called. G2532   G3739 Whom G2564 he called, G5128 those G1344 he G2532 also G1344 justified. G1161   G3739 Whom G1344 he justified, G5128 those G1392 he G2532 also G1392 glorified.

2 Corinthians 4:4

  4 G1722 in G3739 whom G2316 the god G5127 of this G165 world G5186 has blinded G1519   G3540 the minds G571 of the unbelieving, G3361 that G5462 the light G2098 of the Good News G1391 of the glory G5547 of Christ, G3739 who G2076 is G1504 the image G2316 of God, G826 should not dawn G846 on them.

2 Corinthians 4:6

  6 G3754 seeing G2316 it is God G3739 who G2036 said, G5457 "Light G2989 will shine G1537 out of G4655 darkness," G2989 who has shone G1722 in G2257 our G2588 hearts, G4314 to G5462 give the light G1108 of the knowledge G1391 of the glory G2316 of God G1722 in G4383 the face G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ.

Galatians 5:5

  5 G1063 For G2249 we, G4151 through the Spirit, G1537 by G4102 faith G553 wait for G1680 the hope G1343 of righteousness.

Ephesians 1:7

  7 G1722 in G3739 whom G2192 we have G629 our redemption G1223 through G846 his G129 blood, G859 the forgiveness G3900 of our trespasses, G2596 according G4149 to the riches G846 of his G5485 grace,

Ephesians 1:11

  11 G1722 in G3739 whom G2532 also G2820 we were assigned an inheritance, G4309 having been foreordained G2596 according to G4286 the purpose G3588 of him who G1754 works G3956 all things G2596 after G1012 the counsel G846 of his G2307 will;

Ephesians 2:12

  12 G3754 that G2258 you were G1722 at G1565 that G2540 time G5565 separate G5547 from Christ, G526 alienated G4174 from the commonwealth G2474 of Israel, G2532 and G3581 strangers G1242 from the covenants G1860 of the promise, G2192 having G3361 no G1680 hope G2532 and G112 without God G1722 in G2889 the world.

Ephesians 3:8

  8 G1698 To me, G3588 the G1647 very least G3956 of all G40 saints, G1325 was G3778 this G5485 grace G1325 given, G2097 to preach G1722 to G1484 the Gentiles G421 the unsearchable G4149 riches G5547 of Christ,

Ephesians 3:16

  16 G2443 that G1325 he would grant G5213 you, G2596 according to G4149 the riches G846 of his G1391 glory, G2901 that you may be strengthened G1411 with power G1223 through G846 his G4151 Spirit G1519 in G2080 the inward G444 man;

Ephesians 4:1

  1 G1473 I G3767 therefore, G1198 the prisoner G1722 in G2962 the Lord, G3870 beg G5209 you G4043 to walk G516 worthily G2821 of the calling G3739 with which G2564 you were called,

Ephesians 4:4

  4 G1520 There is one G4983 body, G2532 and G1520 one G4151 Spirit, G2532 even G2531 as G2564 you also were called G1722 in G1520 one G1680 hope G5216 of your G2821 calling;

Ephesians 5:8

  8 G1063 For G2258 you were G4218 once G4655 darkness, G1161 but G3568 are now G5457 light G1722 in G2962 the Lord. G4043 Walk G5613 as G5043 children G5457 of light,

Philippians 3:14

  14 G1377 I press G2596 on toward G4649 the goal G1909 for G1017 the prize G2821 of the G507 high G2821 calling G2316 of God G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus.

Colossians 1:5

  5 G1223 because G1680 of the hope G606 which is laid up G5213 for you G1722 in G3772 the heavens, G5213 of which you G4257 heard before G1722 in G3056 the word G225 of the truth G2098 of the Good News,

Colossians 1:23

  23 G1489 if G1961 it is so that you continue in G4102 the faith, G2311 grounded G2532 and G1476 steadfast, G2532 and G3361 not G3334 moved away G575 from G1680 the hope G2098 of the Good News G3739 which G191 you heard, G3739 which G2784 is being proclaimed G1722 in G3956 all G2937 creation G5259 under G3772 heaven; G1473 of which I, G3972 Paul, G1096 was made G1249 a servant.

Colossians 3:15

  15 G2532 And G1018 let G1515 the peace G2316 of God G1018 rule G1722 in G5216 your G2588 hearts, G1519 to G3739 which G2532 also G2564 you were called G1722 in G1520 one G4983 body; G2532 and G1096 be G2170 thankful.

1 Thessalonians 2:12

  12 G1519 to the end that G5209 you G4043 should walk G516 worthily G2316 of God, G3588 who G2564 calls G5209 you G1519 into G1438 his G932 own Kingdom G2532 and G1391 glory.

1 Thessalonians 5:8

  8 G1161 But G3525 let G2249 us, G5607 since we belong G2250 to the day, G3525 be sober, G1746 putting on G2382 the breastplate G4102 of faith G2532 and G26 love, G2532 and, G4030 for a helmet, G1680 the hope G4991 of salvation.

2 Thessalonians 1:11

  11 G1519 To this G2532 end we also G4336 pray G3842 always G4012 for G5216 you, G2443 that G2257 our G2316 God G515 may count G5209 you G515 worthy G2821 of G2821 your calling, G2532 and G4137 fulfill G3956 every G19 desire of G19 goodness G2532 and G2041 work G19 of G4102 faith, G1722 with G1411 power;

2 Thessalonians 2:16

  16 G1161 Now G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G846 himself, G2532 and G2316 God G2257 our G3962 Father, G25 who loved G2248 us G2532 and G1325 gave G2248 us G166 eternal G3874 comfort G2532 and G18 good G1680 hope G1722 through G5485 grace,

1 Timothy 6:12

  12 G75 Fight G2570 the good G73 fight G4102 of faith. G1949 Lay hold of G166 the eternal G2222 life G1519 to G3739 which G2564 you were G2532   G2564 called, G2532 and G3670 you confessed G2570 the good G3671 confession G1799 in the sight G4183 of many G3144 witnesses.

Titus 2:13

  13 G4327 looking for G3588 the G3107 blessed G1680 hope G2532 and G2015 appearing G1391 of the glory G2257 of our G3173 great G2316 God G2532 and G4990 Savior, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ;

Titus 3:7

  7 G2443 that, G1344 being justified G1565 by his G5485 grace, G1096 we might be made G2818 heirs G2596 according to G1680 the hope G166 of eternal G2222 life.

Hebrews 6:4

  4 G1063 For G5461 concerning those who were G530 once G5461 enlightened G5037 and G1089 tasted G1431 of the G2032 heavenly G1431 gift, G2532 and G1096 were made G3353 partakers G4151 of the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit,

Hebrews 10:32

  32 G1161 But G363 remember G4386 the former G2250 days, G1722 in G3739 which, G5461 after you were enlightened, G5278 you endured G119 a G4183 great G119 struggle G3804 with sufferings;

1 Peter 1:3

  3 G2128 Blessed G2316 be the God G2532 and G3962 Father G2962 of G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G3588 who G2596 according to G846 his G4183 great G1656 mercy G313 became G2248 our G313 father again G1519 to G2198 a living G1680 hope G1223 through G386 the resurrection G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G1537 from G3498 the dead,

1 Peter 3:9

  9 G3361 not G591 rendering G2556 evil G473 for G2556 evil, G2228 or G3059 insult G473 for G3059 insult; G1161 but G5121 instead G2127 blessing; G1492 knowing G3754 that G1519 to G5124 this G2564 were G2564 you called, G2443 that G2816 you may inherit G2129 a blessing.

1 Peter 5:10

  10 G1161 But G2316 may the God G3956 of all G5485 grace, G3588 who G2564 called G2248 you G1519 to G846 his G166 eternal G1391 glory G1722 by G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G3958 after you have suffered G3641 a little while, G846   G2675   G5209   G2675 perfect, G4741 establish, G4599 strengthen, G2311 and settle you.

1 John 3:1-3

  1 G1492 Behold, G4217 how great a G26 love G3962 the Father G1325 has bestowed G2254 on us, G2443 that G2564 we should be called G5043 children G2316 of God! G1223 For this G5124 cause G2889 the world G3756 doesn't G1097 know G2248 us, G3754 because G3756 it didn't G1097 know G846 him.
  2 G27 Beloved, G3568 now G2070 we G5043 are children G2316 of God, G2532 and G5319 it is G3768 not yet G5319 revealed G5101 what G2071 we will be. G1161 But G1492 we know G3754 that, G1437 when G5319 he is revealed, G2071 we will be G3664 like G846 him; G3754 for G3700 we will see G846 him G2531 just as G2076 he is.
  3 G3956 Everyone G2192 who has G3778 this G1680 hope G1909 set on G846 him G48 purifies G1438 himself, G2531 even as G1565 he G2076 is G53 pure.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.