Mark 15:40 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  40 G1161 And there G2258 were G2532 also G1135 women G2334 beholding G575 from G3113 afar: G1722 among G3739 whom G2258 were G2532 both G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene, G2532 and G3137 Mary G3384 the mother G2385 of James G3398 the less G2532 and G2499 of Joses, G2532 and G4539 Salome;

Psalms 38:11

  11 H157 My lovers H7453 and my friends H5975 stand H5048 aloof from H5061 my plague; H7138 And my kinsmen H5975 stand H7350 afar off.

Matthew 13:55

  55 G2076 Is G3756 not G3778 this G5207 the G5045 carpenter's G5207 son? G3004 is G3780 not G846 his G3384 mother G3004 called G3137 Mary? G2532 and G846 his G80 brethren, G2385 James, G2532 and G2500 Joseph, G2532 and G4613 Simon, G2532 and G2455 Judas?

Matthew 27:55-56

  55 G1161 And G4183 many G1135 women G2258 were G1563 there G2334 beholding G575 from G3113 afar, G3748 who G190 had followed G2424 Jesus G575 from G1056 Galilee, G1247 ministering G846 unto him:
  56 G1722 among G3739 whom G2258 was G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene, G2532 and G3137 Mary G3384 the mother G2385 of James G2532 and G2499 Joses, G2532 and G3384 the mother G5207 of the sons G2199 of Zebedee.

Matthew 27:61

  61 G1161 And G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene G2258 was G1563 there, G2532 and G243 the other G3137 Mary, G2521 sitting G561 over against G5028 the sepulchre.

Matthew 28:1

  1 G3796 Now late G4521 on the sabbath G2020 day, as it began to dawn G1519 toward G1520 the first G4521 day of the week, G2064 came G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene G2532 and G243 the other G3137 Mary G2334 to see G5028 the sepulchre.

Mark 15:47-16:1

  47 G1161 And G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene G2532 and G3137 Mary G2499 the mother of Joses G2334 beheld G4225 where G5087 he was laid.

Mark 16:9

  9 G1161 Now when G450 he was risen G4404 early G4413 on the first G4521 day of the week, G5316 he appeared G4412 first G3137 to Mary G3094 Magdalene, G575 from G3739 whom G1544 he had cast G2033 out seven G1140 demons.

Luke 8:2-3

  2 G2532 and G5100 certain G1135 women G3739 who G2258 had been G2323 healed G575 of G4190 evil G4151 spirits G2532 and G769 infirmities: G3137 Mary G2564 that was called G3094 Magdalene, G575 from G3739 whom G2033 seven G1140 demons G1831 had gone out,
  3 G2532 and G2489 Joanna G1135 the wife G5529 of Chuzas G2264 Herod's G2012 steward, G2532 and G4677 Susanna, G2532 and G4183 many G2087 others, G3748 who G1247 ministered G846 unto them G575 of G846 their G5224 substance.

Luke 23:49

  49 G1161 And G3956 all G846 his G1110 acquaintance, G2532 and G1135 the women G3588 that G4870 followed G846 with him G575 from G1056 Galilee, G2476 stood G3113 afar off, G3708 seeing G5023 these things.

John 19:25-27

  25 G1161 These things therefore the soldiers did. But G2476 there were standing G3844 by G4716 the cross G2424 of Jesus G846 his G3384 mother, G2532 and G846 his G3384 mother's G79 sister, G3137 Mary G2832 the wife of Clopas, G2532 and G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene.
  26 G2424 When Jesus G3767 therefore G1492 saw G3384 his mother, G2532 and G3101 the disciple G3936 standing by G3739 whom G25 he loved, G3004 he saith G846 unto his G3384 mother, G1135 Woman, G2400 behold G4675 thy G5207 son!
  27 G1534 Then G3004 saith he G3101 to the disciple, G2400 Behold, G4675 thy G3384 mother! G2532 And G575 from G1565 that G5610 hour G3101 the disciple G2983 took G846 her G1519 unto G2398 his own home.

John 20:11-18

  11 G1161 But G3137 Mary G2476 was standing G1854 without G4314 at G3419 the tomb G2799 weeping: G3767 so, G5613 as G2799 she wept, G3879 she stooped G1519 and looked into G3419 the tomb;
  12 G2532 and G2334 she beholdeth G1417 two G32 angels G1722 in G3022 white G2516 sitting, G1520 one G4314 at G2776 the head, G2532 and G1520 one G4314 at G4228 the feet, G3699 where G4983 the body G2424 of Jesus G2749 had lain.
  13 G2532 And G1565 they G3004 say G846 unto her, G1135 Woman, G5101 why G2799 weepest thou? G3004 She saith G846 unto them, G3754 Because G142 they have taken away G3450 my G2962 Lord, G2532 and G1492 I know G3756 not G4226 where G5087 they have laid G846 him.
  14 G2532   G2036 When she had G5023 thus G2036 said, G4762 she turned G1519 herself G3694 back, G2532 and G2334 beholdeth G2424 Jesus G2476 standing, G2532 and G1492 knew G3756 not G3754 that G2076 it was G2424 Jesus.
  15 G2424 Jesus G3004 saith G846 unto her, G1135 Woman, G5101 why G2799 weepest thou? G5101 whom G2212 seekest thou? G1565 She, G1380 supposing G3754   G3588 him G2076 to be G2780 the gardener, G3004 saith G846 unto him, G2962 Sir, G1487 if G4771 thou G941 hast borne G846 him G941 hence, G2036 tell G3427 me G4226 where G5087 thou hast laid G846 him, G2504 and I G142 will take G846 him G142 away.
  16 G2424 Jesus G3004 saith G846 unto her, G3137 Mary. G1565 She turneth herself, G3004 and saith G846 unto him G4462 in Hebrew, Rabboni; G3739 which G3004 is to say, G1320 Teacher.
  17 G2424 Jesus G3004 saith G846 to her, G680 Touch G3450 me G3361 not; G1063 for G305 I am G3768 not yet G305 ascended G4314 unto G3450 the G3962 Father: G1161 but G4198 go G4314 unto G3450 my G80 brethren, G2532 and G2036 say G846 to them, G305 I ascend G4314 unto G3450 my G3962 Father G2532 and G5216 your G3962 Father, G2532 and G3450 my G2316 God G2532 and G5216 your G2316 God.
  18 G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene G2064 cometh G518 and telleth G3101 the disciples, G3754   G3708 I have seen G2962 the Lord; G2532 and G2036 that he had said G5023 these things G846 unto her.

1 Corinthians 9:5

  5 G2192 Have we G3361   G3756 no G1849 right G4013 to lead about G1135 a wife G79 that is a believer, G5613 even G2532 as G3062 the rest G652 of the apostles, G2532 and G80 the brethren G2962 of the Lord, G2532 and G2786 Cephas?

Galatians 1:19

  19 G1161 But G2087 other G652 of the apostles G1492 saw I G3756 none, G1508 save G2385 James G80 the G2962 Lord's G80 brother.

James 1:1

  1 G2385 James, G1401 a servant G2316 of God G2532 and G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G1427 to the twelve G5443 tribes G1290 which are of the Dispersion, G5463 greeting.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.