Mark 15:41 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  41 G3739 who, G2532   G3753 when G2258 he was G1722 in G1056 Galilee, G190 followed G846 him, G2532 and G1247 ministered G846 unto him; G2532 and G4183 many G243 other women G3588 that G4872 came up G846 with him G1519 unto G2414 Jerusalem.

Matthew 27:55-56

  55 G1161 And G4183 many G1135 women G2258 were G1563 there G2334 beholding G575 from G3113 afar, G3748 who G190 had followed G2424 Jesus G575 from G1056 Galilee, G1247 ministering G846 unto him:
  56 G1722 among G3739 whom G2258 was G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene, G2532 and G3137 Mary G3384 the mother G2385 of James G2532 and G2499 Joses, G2532 and G3384 the mother G5207 of the sons G2199 of Zebedee.

Luke 8:2-3

  2 G2532 and G5100 certain G1135 women G3739 who G2258 had been G2323 healed G575 of G4190 evil G4151 spirits G2532 and G769 infirmities: G3137 Mary G2564 that was called G3094 Magdalene, G575 from G3739 whom G2033 seven G1140 demons G1831 had gone out,
  3 G2532 and G2489 Joanna G1135 the wife G5529 of Chuzas G2264 Herod's G2012 steward, G2532 and G4677 Susanna, G2532 and G4183 many G2087 others, G3748 who G1247 ministered G846 unto them G575 of G846 their G5224 substance.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.