Leviticus 14:21 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  21 H518 And if H1800 he be poor, H369 and cannot H3027 H5381 get H3947 so much; then he shall take H259 one H3532 lamb H817 for a trespass H8573 offering to be waved, H3722 to make an atonement H259 for him, and one H6241 tenth H5560 deal of fine flour H1101 mingled H8081 with oil H4503 for a meat offering, H3849 and a log H8081 of oil;

Leviticus 1:14

  14 H518 And if H5930 the burnt H7133 sacrifice for his offering H3068 to the LORD H5775 be of fowls, H7126 then he shall bring H7133 his offering H8449 of turtledoves, H176 or H1121 of young H3123 pigeons.

Leviticus 5:7

  7 H518 And if H5060 he be not able H1767 H5060 to bring H7716 a lamb, H935 then he shall bring H817 for his trespass, H834 which H2398 he has committed, H8147 two H8449 turtledoves, H176 or H8147 two H1121 young H3123 pigeons, H3068 to the LORD; H259 one H2403 for a sin H259 offering, and the other H5930 for a burnt offering.

Leviticus 5:11

  11 H518 But if H5381 he be not able H5381 to bring H8147 two H8449 turtledoves, H176 or H8147 two H1121 young H3123 pigeons, H2398 then he that sinned H935 shall bring H7133 for his offering H6224 the tenth H374 part of an ephah H5560 of fine flour H2403 for a sin H7760 offering; he shall put H3808 no H8081 oil H3808 on it, neither H5414 shall he put H3828 any frankincense H5921 thereon: H2403 for it is a sin offering.

Leviticus 12:8

  8 H518 And if H4672 she be not able H1767 H4672 to bring H7716 a lamb, H3947 then she shall bring H8147 two H8449 turtles, H176 or H8147 two H1121 young H3123 pigeons; H259 the one H5930 for the burnt H259 offering, and the other H2403 for a sin H3548 offering: and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H2891 for her, and she shall be clean.

Leviticus 14:22

  22 H8147 And two H8449 turtledoves, H176 or H8147 two H1121 young H3123 pigeons, H5381 such as he is able H5381 to get; H259 and the one H2403 shall be a sin H259 offering, and the other H5930 a burnt offering.

1 Samuel 2:8

  8 H6965 He raises H1800 up the poor H6083 out of the dust, H7311 and lifts H34 up the beggar H830 from the dunghill, H3427 to set H5973 them among H5081 princes, H5157 and to make them inherit H3678 the throne H3519 of glory: H4690 for the pillars H776 of the earth H3068 are the LORD’s, H7896 and he has set H8398 the world on them.

Job 34:19

  19 H834 How H5375 much less to him that accepts H6440 not the persons H8269 of princes, H3808 nor H5234 regards H7771 the rich H6440 more H6440 than H1800 the poor? H3605 for they all H4639 are the work H3027 of his hands.

Proverbs 17:5

  5 H3932 Whoever mocks H7326 the poor H2778 reproaches H6213 his Maker: H8056 and he that is glad H343 at calamities H5352 shall not be unpunished.

Proverbs 22:2

  2 H6223 The rich H7326 and poor H6298 meet H3068 together: the LORD H6213 is the maker H3605 of them all.

Luke 6:20

  20 G1869 And he lifted G3788 up his eyes G1519 on G3101 his disciples, G3004 and said, G3107 Blessed G4434 be you poor: G5212 for yours G932 is the kingdom G2316 of God.

Luke 21:2-4

  2 G1492 And he saw G2532 also G5100 a certain G3998 poor G5503 widow G906 casting G1563 in thither G1417 two G3016 mites.
  3 G2036 And he said, G230 Of a truth G3004 I say G3778 to you, that this G4434 poor G5503 widow G906 has cast G4119 in more G3956 than they all:
  4 G537 For all G3778 these G4052 have of their abundance G906 cast G1435 in to the offerings G2316 of God: G5303 but she of her penury G906 has cast G537 in all G979 the living G2192 that she had.

2 Corinthians 8:9

  9 G1097 For you know G5485 the grace G2962 of our Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G4145 that, though he was rich, G5216 yet for your G4433 sakes he became G4433 poor, G4432 that you through his poverty G4147 might be rich.

2 Corinthians 8:12

  12 G1487 For if G4295 there be first G4288 a willing G4288 mind, G2144 it is accepted G2526 according G5100 to that a man G2192 has, G2526 and not according G2192 to that he has not.

James 2:5-6

  5 G191 Listen, G27 my beloved G80 brothers, G2316 Has not God G1586 chosen G4434 the poor G5127 of this G2889 world G4145 rich G4102 in faith, G2818 and heirs G932 of the kingdom G3739 which G1861 he has promised G25 to them that love him?
  6 G818 But you have despised G4434 the poor. G4145 Do not rich G2616 men oppress G1670 you, and draw G1519 you before G2922 the judgment seats?

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.