Numbers 4:4-16

  4 G2532 And G3778 these G3588 are the G2041 works G3588 of the G5207 sons G* of Kohath G1722 in G3588 the G4633 tent G3588 of the G3142 testimony, G39 a holy G3588 of the G39 holies.
  5 G2532 And G1525 Aaron shall enter G*   G2532 and G3588   G5207 his sons, G1473   G3752 whenever G1808 [3should lift away G3588 1the G3925 2camp]. G2532 And G2507 they shall lower G3588 the G2665 veil, G3588 the G4951.3 one overshadowing, G2532 and G2619 they shall cover G1722 with G1473 it G3588 the G2787 ark G3588 of the G3142 testimony.
  6 G2532 And G2007 they shall place G1909 upon G1473 it G2618.1 [2overcovering G1192 1a skin] G5191 of blue. G2532 And G1911 they shall put G1909 upon G1473 it G2440 a garment G3650 entirely G5191 of blue G509 from above. G2532 And G1326.5 they shall insert G3588 the G399.2 bearing poles.
  7 G2532 And G1909 upon G3588 the G5132 table, G3588 the one G4295 being situated for the loaves, G1911 they shall put G1909 upon G1473 it G2440 a garment G3649.1 entirely of purple, G2532 and G3588 the G5165 saucers, G2532 and G3588 the G2367.1 incense pans, G2532 and G3588 the G2939.1 cups, G2532 and G3588 the G4700.1 libation bowls G1722 in G3739 which G4689 you offer a libation; G2532 and G3588 the G740 [2bread loaves G3588   G1275 1continual G1909 4upon G1473 5it G1510.8.6 3shall be].
  8 G2532 And G1911 they shall put G1909 upon G1473 it G2440 [2garment G2847 1a scarlet], G2532 and G2572 shall cover G1473 it G2571 with a covering G1193 made of a skin G5191 of blue. G2532 And G1326.5 they shall insert G3588 the G399.2 bearing poles G1473 in it.
  9 G2532 And G2983 they shall take G2440 the cloak G5191 of blue, G2532 and G2572 they shall cover G3588 the G3087 lamp-stand, G3588 the one G5461 giving light, G2532 and G3588   G3088 its lamps, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G2974.3 its tongs, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G1884.4 its oil funnels, G1473   G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G30 receptacles G3588   G1637 for its oil, G1473   G3745 as many things as G3008 they officiate G1722 with G1473 them.
  10 G2532 And G1685 they shall put G1473 it, G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G4632 items G1473 for it, G1519 into G2571 a covering G1193 made of skin G5191 of blue. G2532 And G2007 they shall place G1473 it G1909 upon G399.2 bearing poles.
  11 G2532 And G1909 upon G3588 the G2379 [2altar G3588   G5552 1golden] G2007 they shall place G2440 a garment G5191 of blue, G2532 and G2572 they shall cover G1473 it G2571 with a covering G1193 made of a skin G5191 of blue. G2532 And G1326.5 they shall insert G3588 the G399.2 bearing poles G1473 of it.
  12 G2532 And G2983 they shall take G3956 all G3588 the G4632 items G3588 of the G3010 ministry, G3745 as many as G3008 they officiate G1722 with G1473 them G1722 in G3588 the G39 holy places, G2532 and G1685 they shall put them G1519 into G2440 a garment G5191 of blue. G2532 And G2572 shall cover G1473 them G2571 with a covering G1193 made of a skin G5191 of blue. G2532 And G2007 they shall place them G1909 upon G399.2 bearing poles.
  13 G2532 And G3588 [2the G2571.1 3lid G2007 1they shall place] G1909 upon G3588 the G2379 altar, G2532 and G1943 they shall cover G1909 over G1473 it G2440 with a garment G3649.1 entirely of purple.
  14 G2532 And G2007 they shall place G1909 upon G1473 it G3956 all G3588   G4632 its items G1473   G3745 as many as G3008 to officiate G1722 with G1473 them, G2532 and G3588 the G4444.1 censers, G2532 and G3588 the G2906.1 meat hooks, G2532 and G3588 the G5357 bowls, G2532 and G3588 the G2571.1 lid, G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G4632 items G3588 of the G2379 altar. G2532 And G1911 they shall put G1909 upon G1473 it G2571 a covering G1193 made of skin G5191 of blue. G2532 And G1326.5 they shall insert G3588 the G399.2 bearing poles G1473 of it.
  15 G2532 And G4931 [4shall complete G* 1Aaron G2532 2and G3588   G5207 3his sons] G1473   G2572 covering G3588 the G39 holy things, G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G4632 [2items G3588   G39 1holy] G1722 in G3588 the G1808 lifting away G3588 the G3925 camp. G2532 And G3326 after G3778 these things G1525 [3shall enter G5207 1 the sons G* 2of Kohath] G142 to lift. G2532 And G3756 they shall not G680 touch G3588 of the G39 holy things, G2443 that G3361 they should not G599 die. G3778 These things G142 [4shall lift G3588 1the G5207 2sons G* 3of Kohath] G1722 in G3588 the G4633 tent G3588 of the G3142 testimony,
  16 G1985 [6 is overseer of G* 1Eleazar G5207 2son G* 3of Aaron G3588 4the G2409 5priest] G3588 the G1637 oil G3588 for the G5457 light, G2532 and G3588 the G2368 incense G3588 of the G4916.3 composition, G2532 and G3588 the G2378 sacrifice G3588   G2596 by G2250 day, G2532 and G3588 the G1637 oil G3588 for the G5544.1 anointing -- G3588 the G1984 overseeing G3650 entirely G3588 of the G4633 tent G2532 and G3745 as much as G1510.2.3 is G1722 in G1473 it G1722 in G3588 the G39 holy place, G2532 and G1722 in G3956 all G3588 the G2041 works.
  4 G2532 και G3778 ταύτα G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3588 των G5207 υιών G* Καάθ G1722 εν G3588 τη G4633 σκηνή G3588 του G3142 μαρτυρίου G39 άγιον G3588 των G39 αγίων
  5 G2532 και G1525 εισελεύσεται Ααρών G*   G2532 και G3588 οι G5207 υιοί αυτού G1473   G3752 όταν G1808 εξαίρη G3588 η G3925 παρεμβολή G2532 και G2507 καθελούσι G3588 το G2665 καταπέτασμα G3588 το G4951.3 συσκιάζον G2532 και G2619 κατακαλύψουσιν G1722 εν G1473 αυτώ G3588 την G2787 κιβωτόν G3588 του G3142 μαρτυρίου
  6 G2532 και G2007 επιθήσουσιν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτό G2618.1 κατακάλυμμα G1192 δέρμα G5191 υακίνθινον G2532 και G1911 επιβαλούσιν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτήν G2440 ιμάτιον G3650 όλον G5191 υακίνθινον G509 άνωθεν G2532 και G1326.5 διεμβαλούσι G3588 τους G399.2 αναφορείς
  7 G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 την G5132 τράπεζαν G3588 την G4295 προκειμένην G1911 επιβαλούσιν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτήν G2440 ιμάτιον G3649.1 ολοπόρφυρον G2532 και G3588 τα G5165 τρυβλία G2532 και G3588 τας G2367.1 θυϊσκας G2532 και G3588 τους G2939.1 κυάθους G2532 και G3588 τα G4700.1 σπονδεία G1722 εν G3739 οις G4689 σπένδει G2532 και G3588 οι G740 άρτοι G3588 οι G1275 διαπαντός G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτής G1510.8.6 έσονται
  8 G2532 και G1911 επιβαλούσιν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτήν G2440 ιμάτιον G2847 κόκκινον G2532 και G2572 καλύψουσιν G1473 αυτήν G2571 καλύμματι G1193 δερματίνω G5191 υακινθίνω G2532 και G1326.5 διεμβαλούσι G3588 τους G399.2 αναφορείς G1473 αυτής
  9 G2532 και G2983 λήψονται G2440 ιμάτιον G5191 υακίνθινον G2532 και G2572 καλύψουσι G3588 την G3087 λυχνίαν G3588 την G5461 φωτίζουσαν G2532 και G3588 τους G3088 λύχνους αυτής G1473   G2532 και G3588 τας G2974.3 λαβίδας αυτής G1473   G2532 και G3588 τας G1884.4 επαρυστρίδας αυτής G1473   G2532 και G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G30 αγγεία G3588 του G1637 ελαίου αυτής G1473   G3745 όσα G3008 λειτουργούσιν G1722 εν G1473 αυτοίς
  10 G2532 και G1685 εμβαλούσιν G1473 αυτήν G2532 και G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G4632 σκεύη G1473 αυτής G1519 εις G2571 κάλυμμα G1193 δερμάτινον G5191 υακίνθινον G2532 και G2007 επιθήσουσιν G1473 αυτήν G1909 επ΄ G399.2 αναφορέων
  11 G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 το G2379 θυσιαστήριον G3588 το G5552 χρυσούν G2007 επιθήσουσιν G2440 ιμάτιον G5191 υακίνθινον G2532 και G2572 καλύψουσιν G1473 αυτό G2571 καλύμματι G1193 δερματίνω G5191 υακινθίνω G2532 και G1326.5 διεμβαλούσι G3588 τους G399.2 αναφορείς G1473 αυτού
  12 G2532 και G2983 λήψονται G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G4632 σκεύη G3588 τα G3010 λειτουργικά G3745 όσα G3008 λειτουργούσιν G1722 εν G1473 αυτοίς G1722 εν G3588 τοις G39 αγίοις G2532 και G1685 εμβαλούσιν G1519 εις G2440 ιμάτιον G5191 υακίνθινον G2532 και G2572 καλύψουσιν G1473 αυτά G2571 καλύμματι G1193 δερματίνω G5191 υακινθίνω G2532 και G2007 επιθήσουσιν G1909 επ΄ G399.2 αναφορείς
  13 G2532 και G3588 τον G2571.1 καλυπτήρα G2007 επιθήσει G1909 επί G3588 το G2379 θυσιαστήριον G2532 και G1943 επικαλύψουσιν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτό G2440 ιμάτιον G3649.1 ολοπόρφυρον
  14 G2532 και G2007 επιθήσουσιν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτό G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G4632 σκεύη αυτού G1473   G3745 οσοις G3008 λειτουργούσιν G1722 εν G1473 αυτοίς G2532 και G3588 τα G4444.1 πυρεία G2532 και G3588 τας G2906.1 κρεάγρας G2532 και G3588 τας G5357 φιάλας G2532 και G3588 τον G2571.1 καλυπτήρα G2532 και G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G4632 σκεύη G3588 του G2379 θυσιαστηρίου G2532 και G1911 επιβαλούσιν G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτό G2571 κάλυμμα G1193 δερμάτινον G5191 υακίνθινον G2532 και G1326.5 διεμβαλούσι G3588 τους G399.2 αναφορείς G1473 αυτού
  15 G2532 και G4931 συντελέσουσιν G* Ααρών G2532 και G3588 οι G5207 υιοί αυτού G1473   G2572 καλύπτοντες G3588 τα G39 άγια G2532 και G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G4632 σκεύη G3588 τα G39 άγια G1722 εν G3588 τω G1808 εξαίρειν G3588 την G3925 παρεμβολήν G2532 και G3326 μετά G3778 ταύτα G1525 εισελεύσονται G5207 υιοί G* Καάθ G142 αίρειν G2532 και G3756 ουχ G680 άψονται G3588 των G39 αγίων G2443 ίνα G3361 μη G599 αποθάνωσι G3778 ταύτα G142 αρούσιν G3588 οι G5207 υιοί G* Καάθ G1722 εν G3588 τη G4633 σκηνή G3588 του G3142 μαρτυρίου
  16 G1985 επίσκοπος G* Ελεάζαρ G5207 υιός G* Ααρών G3588 του G2409 ιερέως G3588 το G1637 έλαιον G3588 του G5457 φωτός G2532 και G3588 το G2368 θυμίαμα G3588 της G4916.3 συνθέσεως G2532 και G3588 η G2378 θυσία G3588 η G2596 καθ΄ G2250 ημέραν G2532 και G3588 το G1637 έλαιον G3588 της G5544.1 χρίσεως G3588 η G1984 επισκοπή G3650 όλης G3588 της G4633 σκηνής G2532 και G3745 όσα G1510.2.3 εστίν G1722 εν G1473 αυτή G1722 εν G3588 τω G39 αγίω G2532 και G1722 εν G3956 πάσι G3588 τοις G2041 έργοις
    4 G2532 CONJ και G3778 D-APN ταυτα G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GPM των G5207 N-GPM υιων   N-PRI κααθ G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G4633 N-DSF σκηνη G3588 T-GSN του G3142 N-GSN μαρτυριου G40 A-ASN αγιον G3588 T-GPN των G40 A-GPN αγιων
    5 G2532 CONJ και G1525 V-FMI-3S εισελευσεται G2 N-PRI ααρων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G5207 N-NPM υιοι G846 D-GSM αυτου G3752 ADV οταν G1808 V-PAS-3S εξαιρη G3588 T-NSF η   N-NSF παρεμβολη G2532 CONJ και G2507 V-FAI-3P καθελουσιν G3588 T-ASN το G2665 N-ASN καταπετασμα G3588 T-ASN το   N-ASN συσκιαζον G2532 CONJ και G2619 V-FAI-3P κατακαλυψουσιν G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DSN αυτω G3588 T-ASF την G2787 N-ASF κιβωτον G3588 T-GSN του G3142 N-GSN μαρτυριου
    6 G2532 CONJ και G2007 V-FAI-3P επιθησουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASN αυτο   N-ASN κατακαλυμμα G1192 N-ASN δερμα G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G2532 CONJ και G1911 V-FAI-3P επιβαλουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASF αυτην G2440 N-ASN ιματιον G3650 A-ASN ολον G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G509 ADV ανωθεν G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3P διεμβαλουσιν G3588 T-APM τους   N-APM αναφορεις
    7 G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G5132 N-ASF τραπεζαν G3588 T-ASF την G4295 V-PMPAS προκειμενην G1911 V-FAI-3P επιβαλουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASF αυτην G2440 N-ASN ιματιον   A-ASN ολοπορφυρον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G5165 N-APN τρυβλια G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF θυισκας G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APM τους   N-APM κυαθους G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα   N-APN σπονδεια G1722 PREP εν G3739 R-DPN οις G4689 V-PAI-3S σπενδει G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G740 N-NPM αρτοι G3588 T-NPM οι G1223 PREP δια G3956 A-GSM παντος G1909 PREP επ G846 D-GSF αυτης G1510 V-FMI-3P εσονται
    8 G2532 CONJ και G1911 V-FAI-3P επιβαλουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASF αυτην G2440 N-ASN ιματιον G2847 A-ASN κοκκινον G2532 CONJ και G2572 V-FAI-3P καλυψουσιν G846 D-ASF αυτην   N-DSN καλυμματι G1193 A-DSN δερματινω G5191 A-DSN υακινθινω G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3P διεμβαλουσιν G1223 PREP δι G846 D-GSF αυτης G3588 T-APM τους   N-APM αναφορεις
    9 G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-3P λημψονται G2440 N-ASN ιματιον G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G2532 CONJ και G2572 V-FAI-3P καλυψουσιν G3588 T-ASF την G3087 N-ASF λυχνιαν G3588 T-ASF την G5461 V-PAPAS φωτιζουσαν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APM τους G3088 N-APM λυχνους G846 D-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF λαβιδας G846 D-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF επαρυστριδας G846 D-GSF αυτης G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G30 N-APN αγγεια G3588 T-GSN του G1637 N-GSN ελαιου G3739 R-DPN οις G3008 V-PAI-3P λειτουργουσιν G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DPN αυτοις
    10 G2532 CONJ και G1685 V-FAI-3P εμβαλουσιν G846 D-ASF αυτην G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G4632 N-APN σκευη G846 D-GSF αυτης G1519 PREP εις   N-ASN καλυμμα G1193 A-ASN δερματινον G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G2532 CONJ και G2007 V-FAI-3P επιθησουσιν G846 D-ASF αυτην G1909 PREP επ   N-GPM αναφορεων
    11 G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G2379 N-ASN θυσιαστηριον G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN χρυσουν G1943 V-FAI-3P επικαλυψουσιν G2440 N-ASN ιματιον G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G2532 CONJ και G2572 V-FAI-3P καλυψουσιν G846 D-ASN αυτο   N-DSN καλυμματι G1193 A-DSN δερματινω G5191 A-DSN υακινθινω G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3P διεμβαλουσιν G3588 T-APM τους   N-APM αναφορεις G846 D-GSN αυτου
    12 G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-3P λημψονται G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G4632 N-APN σκευη G3588 T-APN τα G3010 A-APN λειτουργικα G3745 A-APN οσα G3008 V-PAI-3P λειτουργουσιν G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DPN αυτοις G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPN τοις G40 A-DPN αγιοις G2532 CONJ και G1685 V-FAI-3P εμβαλουσιν G1519 PREP εις G2440 N-ASN ιματιον G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G2532 CONJ και G2572 V-FAI-3P καλυψουσιν G846 D-APN αυτα   N-DSN καλυμματι G1193 A-DSN δερματινω G5191 A-DSN υακινθινω G2532 CONJ και G2007 V-FAI-3P επιθησουσιν G1909 PREP επι   N-APM αναφορεις
    13 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον   N-ASM καλυπτηρα G2007 V-FAI-3S επιθησει G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G2379 N-ASN θυσιαστηριον G2532 CONJ και G1943 V-FAI-3P επικαλυψουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASN αυτο G2440 N-ASN ιματιον   A-ASN ολοπορφυρον
    14 G2532 CONJ και G2007 V-FAI-3P επιθησουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASN αυτο G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G4632 N-APN σκευη G3745 A-DPN οσοις G3008 V-PAI-3P λειτουργουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASN αυτο G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DPN αυτοις G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα   N-APN πυρεια G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APF τας   N-APF κρεαγρας G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APF τας G5357 N-APF φιαλας G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον   N-ASM καλυπτηρα G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G4632 N-APN σκευη G3588 T-GSN του G2379 N-GSN θυσιαστηριου G2532 CONJ και G1911 V-FAI-3P επιβαλουσιν G1909 PREP επ G846 D-ASN αυτο   N-ASN καλυμμα G1193 A-ASN δερματινον G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3P διεμβαλουσιν G3588 T-APM τους   N-NPM αναφορεις G846 D-GSN αυτου G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-3P λημψονται G2440 N-ASN ιματιον   A-ASN πορφυρουν G2532 CONJ και G4780 V-FAI-3P συγκαλυψουσιν G3588 T-ASM τον   N-ASM λουτηρα G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G939 N-ASF βασιν G846 D-GSN αυτου G2532 CONJ και G1685 V-FAI-3P εμβαλουσιν G846 D-APN αυτα G1519 PREP εις   N-ASN καλυμμα G1193 A-ASN δερματινον G5191 A-ASN υακινθινον G2532 CONJ και G2007 V-FAI-3P επιθησουσιν G1909 PREP επι   N-NPM αναφορεις
    15 G2532 CONJ και G4931 V-FAI-3P συντελεσουσιν G2 N-PRI ααρων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G5207 N-NPM υιοι G846 D-GSM αυτου G2572 V-PAPNP καλυπτοντες G3588 T-APN τα G40 A-APN αγια G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G4632 N-APN σκευη G3588 T-APN τα G40 A-APN αγια G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G1808 V-PAN εξαιρειν G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF παρεμβολην G2532 CONJ και G3326 PREP μετα G3778 D-APN ταυτα G1525 V-FMI-3P εισελευσονται G5207 N-NPM υιοι   N-PRI κααθ G142 V-PAN αιρειν G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουχ G680 V-FMI-3P αψονται G3588 T-GPN των G40 A-GPN αγιων G2443 CONJ ινα G3165 ADV μη G599 V-AAS-3P αποθανωσιν G3778 D-APN ταυτα G142 V-FAI-3P αρουσιν G3588 T-NPM οι G5207 N-NPM υιοι   N-PRI κααθ G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G4633 N-DSF σκηνη G3588 T-GSN του G3142 N-GSN μαρτυριου
    16 G1985 N-NSM επισκοπος G1648 N-PRI ελεαζαρ G5207 N-NSM υιος G2 N-PRI ααρων G3588 T-GSM του G2409 N-GSM ιερεως G3588 T-NSN το G1637 N-NSN ελαιον G3588 T-GSN του G5457 N-GSN φωτος G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSN το G2368 N-NSN θυμιαμα G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF συνθεσεως G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G2378 N-NSF θυσια G3588 T-NSF η G2596 PREP καθ G2250 N-ASF ημεραν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSN το G1637 N-NSN ελαιον G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF χρισεως G3588 T-NSF η G1984 N-NSF επισκοπη G3650 A-GSF ολης G3588 T-GSF της G4633 N-GSF σκηνης G2532 CONJ και G3745 A-NPN οσα G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DSF αυτη G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G40 A-DSN αγιω G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DPN πασι G3588 T-DPN τοις G2041 N-DPN εργοις
HOT(i) 4 זאת עבדת בני קהת באהל מועד קדשׁ הקדשׁים׃ 5 ובא אהרן ובניו בנסע המחנה והורדו את פרכת המסך וכסו בה את ארן העדת׃ 6 ונתנו עליו כסוי עור תחשׁ ופרשׂו בגד כליל תכלת מלמעלה ושׂמו בדיו׃ 7 ועל שׁלחן הפנים יפרשׂו בגד תכלת ונתנו עליו את הקערת ואת הכפת ואת המנקית ואת קשׂות הנסך ולחם התמיד עליו יהיה׃ 8 ופרשׂו עליהם בגד תולעת שׁני וכסו אתו במכסה עור תחשׁ ושׂמו את בדיו׃ 9 ולקחו בגד תכלת וכסו את מנרת המאור ואת נרתיה ואת מלקחיה ואת מחתתיה ואת כל כלי שׁמנה אשׁר ישׁרתו \'ec\'e4 10 ונתנו אתה ואת כל כליה אל מכסה עור תחשׁ ונתנו על המוט׃ 11 ועל מזבח הזהב יפרשׂו בגד תכלת וכסו אתו במכסה עור תחשׁ ושׂמו את בדיו׃ 12 ולקחו את כל כלי השׁרת אשׁר ישׁרתו בם בקדשׁ ונתנו אל בגד תכלת וכסו אותם במכסה עור תחשׁ ונתנו על המוט׃ 13 ודשׁנו את המזבח ופרשׂו עליו בגד ארגמן׃ 14 ונתנו עליו את כל כליו אשׁר ישׁרתו עליו בהם את המחתת את המזלגת ואת היעים ואת המזרקת כל כלי המזבח ופרשׂו עליו כסוי עור תחשׁ ושׂמו בדיו׃ 15 וכלה אהרן ובניו לכסת את הקדשׁ ואת כל כלי הקדשׁ בנסע המחנה ואחרי כן יבאו בני קהת לשׂאת ולא יגעו אל הקדשׁ ומתו אלה משׂא בני קהת באהל מועד׃ 16 ופקדת אלעזר בן אהרן הכהן שׁמן המאור וקטרת הסמים ומנחת התמיד ושׁמן המשׁחה פקדת כל המשׁכן וכל אשׁר בו בקדשׁ ובכליו׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  4 H2063 זאת This H5656 עבדת the service H1121 בני of the sons H6955 קהת of Kohath H168 באהל in the tabernacle H4150 מועד of the congregation, H6944 קדשׁ the most holy things: H6944 הקדשׁים׃ the most holy things:
  5 H935 ובא shall come, H175 אהרן Aaron H1121 ובניו and his sons, H5265 בנסע setteth forward, H4264 המחנה And when the camp H3381 והורדו and they shall take down H853 את   H6532 פרכת veil, H4539 המסך the covering H3680 וכסו and cover H853 בה את   H727 ארן the ark H5715 העדת׃ of testimony
  6 H5414 ונתנו And shall put H5921 עליו thereon H3681 כסוי the covering H5785 עור skins, H8476 תחשׁ of badgers' H6566 ופרשׂו and shall spread H899 בגד a cloth H3632 כליל wholly H8504 תכלת of blue, H4605 מלמעלה over H7760 ושׂמו and shall put H905 בדיו׃ in the staves
  7 H5921 ועל And upon H7979 שׁלחן the table H6440 הפנים of shewbread H6566 יפרשׂו they shall spread H899 בגד a cloth H8504 תכלת of blue, H5414 ונתנו and put H5921 עליו thereon H853 את   H7086 הקערת the dishes, H853 ואת   H3709 הכפת and the spoons, H853 ואת   H4518 המנקית and the bowls, H853 ואת   H7184 קשׂות and covers H5262 הנסך to cover H3899 ולחם bread H8548 התמיד withal: and the continual H5921 עליו thereon: H1961 יהיה׃ shall be
  8 H6566 ופרשׂו And they shall spread H5921 עליהם upon H899 בגד them a cloth H8438 תולעת of scarlet, H8144 שׁני of scarlet, H3680 וכסו and cover H853 אתו   H4372 במכסה the same with a covering H5785 עור skins, H8476 תחשׁ of badgers' H7760 ושׂמו and shall put in H853 את   H905 בדיו׃ the staves
  9 H3947 ולקחו And they shall take H899 בגד a cloth H8504 תכלת of blue, H3680 וכסו and cover H853 את   H4501 מנרת the candlestick H3974 המאור of the light, H853 ואת   H5216 נרתיה and his lamps, H853 ואת   H4457 מלקחיה and his tongs, H853 ואת   H4289 מחתתיה and his censers, H853 ואת   H3605 כל and all H3627 כלי vessels H8081 שׁמנה the oil H834 אשׁר thereof, wherewith H8334 ישׁרתו they minister
  10 H5414 ונתנו And they shall put H853 אתה   H853 ואת   H3605 כל it and all H3627 כליה the vessels H413 אל thereof within H4372 מכסה a covering H5785 עור skins, H8476 תחשׁ of badgers' H5414 ונתנו and shall put H5921 על upon H4132 המוט׃ a bar.
  11 H5921 ועל And upon H4196 מזבח altar H2091 הזהב the golden H6566 יפרשׂו they shall spread H899 בגד a cloth H8504 תכלת of blue, H3680 וכסו and cover H853 אתו   H4372 במכסה it with a covering H5785 עור skins, H8476 תחשׁ of badgers' H7760 ושׂמו   H853 את   H905 בדיו׃ to the staves
  12 H3947 ולקחו And they shall take H853 את   H3605 כל all H3627 כלי the instruments H8335 השׁרת of ministry, H834 אשׁר wherewith H8334 ישׁרתו they minister H6944 בם בקדשׁ in the sanctuary, H5414 ונתנו and put H413 אל in H899 בגד a cloth H8504 תכלת of blue, H3680 וכסו and cover H853 אותם   H4372 במכסה them with a covering H5785 עור skins, H8476 תחשׁ of badgers' H5414 ונתנו and shall put H5921 על on H4132 המוט׃ a bar:
  13 H1878 ודשׁנו And they shall take away the ashes H853 את   H4196 המזבח from the altar, H6566 ופרשׂו and spread H5921 עליו thereon: H899 בגד cloth H713 ארגמן׃ a purple
  14 H5414 ונתנו And they shall put H5921 עליו upon H853 את   H3605 כל it all H3627 כליו the vessels H834 אשׁר thereof, wherewith H8334 ישׁרתו they minister H5921 עליו about H853 בהם את   H4289 המחתת it, the censers, H853 את   H4207 המזלגת the fleshhooks, H853 ואת   H3257 היעים and the shovels, H853 ואת   H4219 המזרקת and the basins, H3605 כל all H3627 כלי the vessels H4196 המזבח of the altar; H6566 ופרשׂו and they shall spread H5921 עליו upon H3681 כסוי it a covering H5785 עור skins, H8476 תחשׁ of badgers' H7760 ושׂמו and put H905 בדיו׃ to the staves
  15 H3615 וכלה have made an end H175 אהרן And when Aaron H1121 ובניו and his sons H3680 לכסת of covering H853 את   H6944 הקדשׁ the sanctuary, H853 ואת   H3605 כל and all H3627 כלי the vessels H6944 הקדשׁ of the sanctuary, H5265 בנסע is to set forward; H4264 המחנה as the camp H310 ואחרי after H3651 כן that, H935 יבאו shall come H1121 בני the sons H6955 קהת of Kohath H5375 לשׂאת to bear H3808 ולא but they shall not H5060 יגעו touch H413 אל touch H6944 הקדשׁ holy thing, H4191 ומתו lest they die. H428 אלה These H4853 משׂא the burden H1121 בני of the sons H6955 קהת of Kohath H168 באהל in the tabernacle H4150 מועד׃ of the congregation.
  16 H6486 ופקדת And to the office H499 אלעזר of Eleazar H1121 בן the son H175 אהרן of Aaron H3548 הכהן the priest H8081 שׁמן the oil H3974 המאור for the light, H7004 וקטרת incense, H5561 הסמים and the sweet H4503 ומנחת meat offering, H8548 התמיד and the daily H8081 ושׁמן oil, H4888 המשׁחה and the anointing H6486 פקדת the oversight H3605 כל of all H4908 המשׁכן the tabernacle, H3605 וכל and of all H834 אשׁר that H6944 בו בקדשׁ therein in the sanctuary, H3627 ובכליו׃ and in the vessels
  4 H5656 This shall be the service H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tent H4150 of meeting H6944 about the most H6944 holy things:
  5 H4264 And when the camp H5265 [H8800] moveth forward, H175 Aaron H935 [H8804] shall come, H1121 and his sons, H3381 [H8689] and they shall take down H4539 the covering H6532 veil, H3680 [H8765] and cover H727 the ark H5715 of testimony with it:
  6 H5414 [H8804] And shall put H3681 on it the covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H6566 [H8804] and shall spread H4605 over H899 it a cloth H3632 wholly H8504 of blue, H7760 [H8804] and shall put H905 in the staffs of it.
  7 H7979 And upon the table H6440 of showbread H6566 [H8799] they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H5414 [H8804] and put H7086 on it the dishes, H3709 and the spoons, H4518 and the bowls, H7184 and covers H5262 to cover with: H8548 and the continual H3899 bread shall be on it:
  8 H6566 [H8804] And they shall spread H899 upon them a cloth H8438 H8144 of scarlet, H3680 [H8765] and cover H4372 the same with a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H7760 [H8804] and shall put H905 in the staffs of it.
  9 H3947 [H8804] And they shall take H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 [H8765] and cover H4501 the lampstand H3974 of the light, H5216 and its lamps, H4457 and its tongs, H4289 and its snuffdishes, H8081 and all its oil H3627 vessels, H8334 [H8762] by which they serve it:
  10 H5414 [H8804] And they shall put H3627 it and all its vessels H4372 within a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H5414 [H8804] and shall put H4132 it upon a bar.
  11 H2091 And upon the golden H4196 altar H6566 [H8799] they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 [H8765] and cover H4372 it with a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H7760 [H8804] and shall put H905 to it its staffs:
  12 H3947 [H8804] And they shall take H3627 all the instruments H8335 of ministry, H8334 [H8762] by which they minister H6944 in the sanctuary, H5414 [H8804] and put H899 them in a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 [H8765] and cover H4372 them with a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H5414 [H8804] and shall put H4132 them on a bar:
  13 H1878 [H8765] And they shall take away the ashes H4196 from the altar, H6566 [H8804] and spread H713 a purple H899 cloth over it:
  14 H5414 [H8804] And they shall put H3627 upon it all its vessels, H8334 [H8762] by which they minister H4289 about it, even the censers, H4207 the fleshhooks, H3257 and the shovels, H4219 and the basins, H3627 all the vessels H4196 of the altar; H6566 [H8804] and they shall spread H3681 upon it a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H7760 [H8804] and put H905 to it its staffs.
  15 H175 And when Aaron H1121 and his sons H3615 [H8765] have finished H3680 [H8763] covering H6944 the sanctuary, H3627 and all the vessels H6944 of the sanctuary, H4264 as the camp H5265 [H8800] is to move forward; H310 after H1121 that, the sons H6955 of Kohath H935 [H8799] shall come H5375 [H8800] to bear H5060 [H8799] it: but they shall not touch H6944 any holy thing, H4191 [H8804] lest they die. H4853 These things are the burden H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tent H4150 of meeting
  16 H6486 And to the office H499 of Eleazar H1121 the son H175 of Aaron H3548 the priest H8081 pertaineth the oil H3974 for the light, H5561 and the sweet H7004 incense, H8548 and the daily H4503 meat offering, H4888 and the anointing H8081 oil, H6486 and the oversight H4908 of all the tabernacle, H6944 and of all that is in it, in the sanctuary, H3627 and in its vessels.
Vulgate(i) 4 hic est cultus filiorum Caath tabernaculum foederis et sanctum sanctorum 5 ingredientur Aaron et filii eius quando movenda sunt castra et deponent velum quod pendet ante fores involventque eo arcam testimonii 6 et operient rursum velamine ianthinarum pellium extendentque desuper pallium totum hyacinthinum et inducent vectes 7 mensam quoque propositionis involvent hyacinthino pallio et ponent cum ea turibula et mortariola cyatos et crateras ad liba fundenda panes semper in ea erunt 8 extendentque desuper pallium coccineum quod rursum operient velamento ianthinarum pellium et inducent vectes 9 sument et pallium hyacinthinum quo operient candelabrum cum lucernis et forcipibus suis et emunctoriis et cunctis vasis olei quae ad concinnandas lucernas necessaria sunt 10 et super omnia ponent operimentum ianthinarum pellium et inducent vectes 11 nec non et altare aureum involvent hyacinthino vestimento et extendent desuper operimentum ianthinarum pellium inducentque vectes 12 omnia vasa quibus ministratur in sanctuario involvent hyacinthino pallio et extendent desuper operimentum ianthinarum pellium inducentque vectes 13 sed et altare mundabunt cinere et involvent illud purpureo vestimento 14 ponentque cum eo omnia vasa quibus in ministerio eius utuntur id est ignium receptacula fuscinulas ac tridentes uncinos et vatilla cuncta vasa altaris operient simul velamine ianthinarum pellium et inducent vectes 15 cumque involverint Aaron et filii eius sanctuarium et omnia vasa eius in commotione castrorum tunc intrabunt filii Caath ut portent involuta et non tangant vasa sanctuarii ne moriantur ista sunt onera filiorum Caath in tabernaculo foederis 16 super quos erit Eleazar filius Aaron sacerdotis ad cuius pertinet curam oleum ad concinnandas lucernas et conpositionis incensum et sacrificium quod semper offertur et oleum unctionis et quicquid ad cultum tabernaculi pertinet omniumque vasorum quae in sanctuario sunt
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 4 Hic est cultus filiorum Caath: tabernaculum fœderis, et Sanctum sanctorum 5 ingredientur Aaron et filii ejus, quando movenda sunt castra, et deponent velum quod pendet ante fores, involventque eo arcam testimonii, 6 et operient rursum velamine janthinarum pellium, extendentque desuper pallium totum hyacinthinum, et inducent vectes. 7 Mensam quoque propositionis involvent hyacinthino pallio, et ponent cum ea thuribula et mortariola, cyathos et crateras ad liba fundenda: panes semper in ea erunt: 8 extendentque desuper pallium coccineum, quod rursum operient velamento janthinarum pellium, et inducent vectes. 9 Sument et pallium hyacinthinum, quo operient candelabrum cum lucernis et forcipibus suis et emunctoriis et cunctis vasis olei, quæ ad concinnandas lucernas necessaria sunt: 10 et super omnia ponent operimentum janthinarum pellium, et inducent vectes. 11 Necnon et altare aureum involvent hyacinthino vestimento, et extendent desuper operimentum janthinarum pellium, inducentque vectes. 12 Omnia vasa, quibus ministratur in sanctuario, involvent hyacinthino pallio, et extendent desuper operimentum janthinarum pellium, inducentque vectes. 13 Sed et altare mundabunt cinere, et involvent illud purpureo vestimento, 14 ponentque cum eo omnia vasa, quibus in ministerio ejus utuntur, id est, ignium receptacula, fuscinulas ac tridentes, uncinos et batilla. Cuncta vasa altaris operient simul velamine janthinarum pellium, et inducent vectes. 15 Cumque involverint Aaron et filii ejus sanctuarium et omnia vasa ejus in commotione castrorum, tunc intrabunt filii Caath ut portent involuta: et non tangent vasa sanctuarii, ne moriantur. Ista sunt onera filiorum Caath in tabernaculo fœderis: 16 super quos erit Eleazar filius Aaron sacerdotis, ad cujus curam pertinet oleum ad concinnandas lucernas, et compositionis incensum, et sacrificium, quod semper offertur, et oleum unctionis, et quidquid ad cultum tabernaculi pertinet, omniumque vasorum, quæ in sanctuario sunt.
Wycliffe(i) 4 This is the religioun of the sones of Caath; Aaron and his sones schulen entren in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, and in to the hooli of hooli thingis, 5 whanne the tentis schulen be moued; and thei schulen do doun the veil that hangith bifore the yatis, and thei schulen wlappe in it the arke of witnessyng; 6 and thei schulen hile eft with a veil of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen stretche forth aboue a mentil al of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris `on the schuldris of the bereris. 7 Also thei schulen wlappe the boord of proposicioun in a mentil of iacynt, and thei schulen putte therwith cenceris, and morteris of gold, litil cuppis, and grete cuppis to fletyng sacrifices `to be sched; looues schulen euere be in the boord. 8 And thei schulen strecche forth aboue a reed mentil, which thei schulen hile eft with an hilyng of `skynnes of iacynt, and thei schulen putte yn barris. 9 Thei schulen take also a mentil of iacynt with which thei schulen hile the candilstike, with hise lanternes, and tongis, and snytels, and alle the `vessels of oile that ben nedeful to the lanternes to be ordeyned; 10 and on alle thingis thei schulen putte an hilyng of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris. 11 Also and thei schulen wlappe the goldun auter in a clooth of iacynt; and thei schulen stretche forth aboue an hilyng of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris. 12 Thei schulen wlappe in a mentil of iacynt alle the vessels in whiche it is mynystrid in the seyntuarie, and thei schulen strecche forth aboue an hilyng of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen putte yn barris. 13 But also thei schulen clense the auter fro aische, and thei schulen wlappe it in a clooth of purpur. 14 And thei schulen putte with it alle vessels whiche thei vsen in the seruyce therof, that is, ressettis of firis, tongis, and fleischokis, hokis, and censeris, ether pannys of coolis; thei schulen hile alle the vessels of the auter togidere in a veil of `skynnes of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris. 15 And whanne Aaron and hise sones han wlappid the seyntuarie, and alle vessels therof, in the mouyng of tentis, thanne the sones of Caath schulen entre, that thei bere the thingis wlappid, and touche not the vessels of the seyntuarie, lest thei dien. 16 Thes ben the birthuns of the sones of Caath, in the tabernacle of boond of pees, on whiche Eleazar, the sone of Aaron, preest, schal be; to whois cure `the oile perteyneth to ordeyne lanternes, and the encense which is maad bi craft, and the sacrifice which is offrid euere, and the oile of anoyntyng, and what euere thing perteyneth to the ournyng of the tabernacle, and of alle vessels that ben in the seyntuarie.
Tyndale(i) 4 euen in the most holy place. 5 And when ye hoste remoueth Aaron ad his sonnes shall come and take doune the vayle and couer the arcke of witnesse there with 6 and shall put there on a couerynge of taxus skynnes and shall sprede a cloth yt is altogether of Iacyncte aboue all and put the staues thereof in. 7 And apon the shewe table they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put thereo the dishes spones flat peces and pottes to poure with and the dayly bred shalbe thereon: 8 and they shall spred apon them a couerynge of purple and couer the same with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put the staues thereof in. 9 And they shall take a cloth of Iacyncte and couer the candelsticke of light and hir lapes and hir snoffers and fyre pannes and all hir oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it 10 and shall put apon her and on all hir instrumentes a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put it apon staues. 11 And apon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put on hir staues. 12 And they shall take all the thiges which they occupye to minystre with in ye holy place and put a cloth of Iacyncte apon them and couer them with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put them on staues. 13 And they shall take a waye the asshes out of the alter and sprede a scarlet cloth thereon: 14 and put aboute it the fyre pannes the flesh hokes the shouels the basens and all that belongeth vnto the alter and they shall sprede apon it a coueryng of taxus skynnes and put on the staues of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the sanctuary ad all the thinges of the sanctuarye agenst that the hoste remoue then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to bere and so let them not twich the santuary lest they dye. And this ys the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of witnesse. 16 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preast shall haue the charge to prepare oyle for the lightes and swete cens and the dayly meatofferynge and the anoyntinge oyle and the ouersyghte of all the dwellynge and of all that therein is: both ouer the sanctuary and ouer all that pertayneth thereto.
Coverdale(i) 4 This shal be the office of the children of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, which is most holy. 5 Whan the hoost breaketh vp, Aaron and his sonnes shall go in, and take downe the vayle, and couer the Arke of wytnesse therwith, 6 and laye the couerynge of doo skynnes vpon it, and sprede a whole yalowe clothe aboue theron, and put his staues therin. 7 And vpon the shewe table they shal sprede a yalowe clothe also, and set ther on the disshes, spones, flatpeces and pottes to poure out and in, and the daylie bred shal lye vpon it, 8 and they shall sprede a purple clothe ther ouer, and couer it with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put the staues of it therin. 9 And they shal take a yalowe clothe, and couer the cadilsticke of light therwith, and his lampes, with his snoffers and outquenchers, and all the oyle vessels that belonge to the seruyce, 10 and aboute all this shal they put a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 11 So shal they sprede a yalowe clothe ouer the golden altare also, and couer the same with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 12 All the vessels that they occupye in the Sanctuary, shal they take, and put a yalowe clothe ther ouer, & couer them with a couerynge of doo skynnes, and put them vpon staues. 13 They shal swepe the asshes also from the altare, and sprede a clothe of scarlet ouer it, and set all his vessels theron, 14 that they occupye vpon it: colepames, fleshokes, shouels, basens, with all the apparell of the altare, and they shal sprede a couerynge of doo skynnes theron, and put his staues therto. 15 Now whan Aaron and his sonnes haue done this, and haue couered the Sanctuary & all the ornametes therof, whan the hoost breaketh vp, then shal the children of Rahath go in, that they maye beare it, and the Sanctuary shall they not touche, lest they dye. This is the charge of the childre of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 16 And Eleasar the sonne of Aaron ye prest, shal haue the office, to prepare the oyle for the light, and the spyces for the incense, and the daylie meatofferynge, and the anoyntinge oyle, to order the whole habitacion, & all that therin is, in the Sanctuary and the ornamentes therof.
MSTC(i) 4 even in the most holy place. 5 And when the host removeth, Aaron and his sons shall come and take down the veil, and cover the ark of witness therewith, 6 and shall put thereon a covering of taxus' skins and shall spread a cloth that is altogether of jacinth, above all, and put the staves thereof in. 7 And upon the shew-table, they shall spread a cloth of jacinth, and put thereon the dishes, spoons, flat pieces and pots to pour with, and the daily bread shall be thereon: 8 and they shall spread upon them a covering of purple, and cover the same with a covering of taxus' skins, and put the staves thereof in. 9 And they shall take a cloth of jacinth and cover the candlestick of light and her lamps and her snuffers, and firepans, and all her oil vessels which they occupy about it, 10 and shall put upon her and on all her instruments, a covering of taxus' skins, and put it upon staves. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of jacinth, and put on her staves. 12 And they shall take all the things which they occupy to minister with in the holy place, and put a cloth of jacinth upon them and cover them with a covering of taxus' skins and put them on staves. 13 And they shall take away the ashes out of the altar, and spread a scarlet cloth thereon: 14 and put about it, the firepans, the fleshhooks, the shovels, the basins, and all that belongeth unto the altar, and they shall spread upon it a covering of taxus' skins, and put on the staves of it. 15 "And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all things of the sanctuary, against that the host remove, then the sons of Kohath shall come in for to bear, and so let them not touch the sanctuary lest they die. And this is the charge of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of witness. 16 And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, shall have the charge to prepare oil for the lights and sweet cense, and the daily meat offering and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the dwelling and of all that therein is, both over the sanctuary and over all that pertaineth thereto."
Matthew(i) 4 Thys shalbe the offyce of the chyldren of Kahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse whiche is moost holy. 5 And when the hoste remoueth, Aaron and his sonnes shal come & take doune the vayle, and couer the arcke of wytnesse there wyth, 6 & shall put theron a coueryng of taxus skynnes, & shal spreide a cloth that is altogether of iacyncte aboue all, and put the staues therof in. 7 And vpon the shewe table, they shal spreide abrode a cloth of iacincte, and put theron the dyshes, spones, flat peces and pottes to poure wyth, & the dayly bread shalbe theron: 8 & they shal spreade vpon them a couerynge of purple, and couer the same wyth a coueryng of taxus skynnes, & put the staues therof in. 9 And they shal take a cloth of iacincte & couer the candelstyck of lyght & her lampes & her snuffers, and fyre pannes, and al her oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it, 10 & shal put vpon her & vpon all her instrumentes, a coueryng of taxus skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 11 And vpon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte, and put on her staues. 12 And they shall take all the thynges whych they occupye to minystre wt in the holy place, & put a cloth of Iacyncte vpon them and couer them wyth a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put them on staues. 13 And they shall take awaye the asshes out of the alter, and spreyde a scarlet clothe theron: 14 and put aboute it, the fyre pannes, the flesh hokes, the shouels, the basens & all that belongeth vnto the alter, and they shal sprede vpon it a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & put on the staues of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of coueryng the sanctuary & al the thinges of the sanctuarye, agaynst that the hoste remoue, then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to beare, & so let them not touche the sanctuary least they dye. And thys is the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse. 16 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preast, shall haue the charge to prepare oyle for the lyghtes & swete incens, & the dayly meatoffrynge & the anoyntynge oyle, and the ouersyghte of all the dwellyng and of all that therin is, both ouer the sanctuary and of al that pertayneth therto.
Great(i) 4 The offyce of the chyldren of kahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse, is moost holy. 5 And when the hoste remoueth, Aaron & hys sonnes shall come & take doune the vayle, that hangeth betwene, & wrappe the Arke of wytnesse in it: 6 and shall put theron a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & shall sprede vpon it a cloth that is altogether of yelow silke, and put in the barres therof. 7 And vpon the shewe table, they shall sprede abrode a cloth of yelowe sylke, & put theron the dysshes, spones, flatpeces, and pottes to powre wyth, and there shalbe breed theron continually: 8 & they shall spreade vpon them a couerynge of purple, and couer the same with a couerynge of taxus skynnes, and put in the barres therof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of yelow silke, and couer the candelstycke of lyght, with his lampes, tonges, and snoffers, and all the oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it, 10 & they shall put both it, and all the vessell therof within a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & put it vpon a barre. 11 And vpon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of yelowe sylke, and couer it with a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & put in the barres therof. 12 And they shall take all the thynges (whych they occupye to mynistre with in the holy place) and put a cloth of yelowe sylke vpon them, and couer them wt a couerynge of taxus skynnes, and put them on a barre. 13 And they shall take awaye the asshes from the alter, and sprede a purple cloth theron: and put vpon it all the vessels therof, 14 that they mynistre wythall: euen the cole pannes, the fleshe hokes, the shouels, the basens and the other vessels of the alter, and they shall sprede vpon it a couerynge of taxus skynnes, and put in the barres of it. 15 And when Aaron and hys sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the holy thinges, and all the vessels of the sanctuarye (agaynst that the hoste remoue) then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to beare, but they shall not touche any holy thynge, least they dye. And thys is the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 16 And to the offyce of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Preaste pertayneth the oyle for the lyghte, the swete cens, the dayly meatoffrynge, & the anoyntynge oyle, and the ouersyghte of all the tabernacle, and of all that therin is, both in the sanctuary and in all the vessels therof.
Geneva(i) 4 This shall be the office of the sonnes of Kohath in the Tabernacle of the Congregation about the Holiest of all. 5 When the hoste remoueth, then Aaron and his sonnes shall come and take downe the couering vaile, and shall couer the Arke of the Testimonie therewith. 6 And they shall put thereon a couering of badgers skinnes, and shall spread vpon it a cloth altogether of blewe silke, and put to the barres thereof: 7 And vpon ye table of shew bread they shall spread a cloth of blewe silke, and put thereon the dishes, and the incense cups, and goblets, and couerings to couer it with, and the bread shall be thereon continually: 8 And they shall spread vpon them a couering of skarlet, and couer the same with a couering of badgers skinnes, and put to the barres thereof. 9 Then they shall take a cloth of blewe silke, and couer the candlesticke of light with his lampes and his snuffers, and his snuffedishes, and al the oyle vessels thereof, which they occupie about it. 10 So they shall put it, and all the instruments thereof in a couering of badgers skinnes, and put it vpon the barres. 11 Also vpon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blewe silke, and couer it with a couering of badgers skinnes, and put to the barres thereof. 12 And they shall take all the instruments of the ministerie wherewith they minister in the Sanctuarie, and put them in a cloth of blew silke, and couer the with a couering of badgers skinnes, and put them on the barres. 13 Also they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth vpon it, 14 And shall put vpon it all the instruments thereof, which they occupie about it: the censers, the fleshhookes and the besomes, and the basens, euen al the instruments of the altar and they shall spread vpon it a couering of badgers skinnes, and put to the barres of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couering the Sanctuarie, and al the instruments of the Sanctuarie, at the remouing of the host, afterward the sonnes of Kohath shall come to beare it, but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they dye. This is the charge of the sonnes of Kohath in the Tabernacle of the Congregation. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest pertaineth the oyle for the light, and the sweete incense and the dayly meat offring, and the anointing oyle, with the ouersight of all the Tabernacle, and of all that therein is, both in the Sanctuarie and in all the instruments thereof.
Bishops(i) 4 This shalbe the office of the chyldren of Caath in the tabernacle of the congregation, [about] the most holy 5 And when the hoast remoueth, Aaron and his sonnes shall come and take downe the couering vayle, and wrap the arke of wytnesse in it 6 And shall put thereon a coueryng of Badgers skinnes, and shall spreade vppon it a cloth that is altogether of blew silke, and put in the barres therof 7 And vpon the shewe table, they shall spreade abrode a cloth of blew silke, and put thereon the dishes, [incense] cuppes, and goblets, and pottes to powre with: and there shalbe bread thereon continually 8 And they shall spreade vpon them a couering of skarlet, and couer the same with a couering of Badgers skinnes, and put in the barres thereof 9 And they shall take a cloth of blewe silke, and couer the candelsticke of light, with his lampes, snuffers, and censars, and all the oyle vessels whiche they occupie about it 10 And they shall put both it and all the vessels thereof, within a coueryng of Badgers skinnes, and put it vpon a barre 11 And vpon the golden aulter, they shall spreade a cloth of blewe silke, and couer it with a couering of Badgers skinnes, and put to the barres therof 12 And they shall take all the instrumentes wherewith they minister in the sanctuarie, and put a cloth of blew silke vpon them, and couer them with a couering of Badgers skynnes, and put them on a barre 13 And they shall take away the asshes from the aulter, and spreade a purple cloth thereon 14 And put vpon it all the vessels thereof that they minister withall, euen the cole pannes, the fleshe hookes, the fire shouels, the basens, & the other vessels of the aulter: and they shall spreade vppon it a couering of Badgers skinnes, and put to the barres of it 15 And when Aaron & his sonnes haue made an ende of couering the sanctuarie, and all the vessels of the sanctuarie, agaynst that the hoast remoue, then the sonnes of Caath shall come in for to beare: but they shall not touche any holye thyng, lest they dye. And this is the charge of the sonnes of Caath, in the tabernacle of the congregation 16 And to the office of Eleasar the sonne of Aaron the priest, pertayneth the oyle for the light, the sweete incense, the daylye meate offering, and the annoyntyng oyle, and the ouersight of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, both in the sanctuarie, and in all the vessels thereof
DouayRheims(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Caath: 5 When the camp is; to set forward, Aaron and his sons shall go into the tabernacle of the covenant, and the holy of holies, and shall take down the veil that hangeth before the door, and shall wrap up the ark of the testimony in it, 6 And shall cover it again with a cover of violet skins, and shall spread over it a cloth all of violet, and shall put in the bars. 7 They shall wrap up also the table of proposition in a cloth of violet, and shall put with it the censers and little mortars, the cups and bowls to pour out the libations: the loaves shall be always on it: 8 And they shall spread over it a cloth of scarlet, which again they shall cover with a covering of violet skins, and shall put in the bars. 9 They shall take also a cloth of violet wherewith they shall cover the candlestick with the lamps and tongs thereof and the snuffers and all the oil vessels, which are necessary for the dressing of the lamps: 10 And over all they shall put a cover of violet skins and put in the bars. 11 And they shall wrap up the golden altar also in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a cover of violet skins, and put in the bars. 12 All the vessels wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, they shall wrap up in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a cover of violet skins, and put in the bars. 13 They shall cleanse the altar also from the ashes, and shall wrap it up in a purple cloth, 14 And shall put it with all the vessels that they use in the ministry thereof, that is to say, firepans, fleshhooks and forks, pothooks and shovels. They shall cover all the vessels of the altar together with a covering of violet skins, and shall put in the bars. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have wrapped up the sanctuary and the vessels thereof at the removing of the camp, then shall the sons of Caath enter in to carry the things wrapped up: and they shall not touch the vessels of the sanctuary, lest they die. These are the burdens of the sons of Caath: in the tabernacle of the covenant: 16 And over them shall be Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, to whose charge pertaineth the oil to dress the lamps, and the sweet incense, and the sacrifice, that is always offered, and the oil of unction, and whatsoever pertaineth to the service of the tabernacle, and of all the vessels that are in the sanctuary.
KJV(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things: 5 And when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering vail, and cover the ark of testimony with it: 6 And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. 7 And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover withal: and the continual bread shall be thereon: 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and his lamps, and his tongs, and his snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it: 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put it upon a bar. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to the staves thereof: 12 And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar: 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon: 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, even the censers, the fleshhooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skins, and put to the staves of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertaineth the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily meat offering, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary, and in the vessels thereof.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put it upon a bar. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to the staves thereof: 12 And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar: 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon: 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, even the censers, the fleshhooks, and the shovels, and the basons, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skins, and put to the staves of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertaineth the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily meat offering, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary, and in the vessels thereof. 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things: 5 And when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering vail, and cover the ark of testimony with it: 6 And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. 7 And upon the table of shewbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover withal: and the continual bread shall be thereon: 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and his lamps, and his tongs, and his snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it:
  4 H5656 This shall be the service H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H6944 , about the most H6944 holy things:
  5 H4264 And when the camp H5265 setteth forward [H8800]   H175 , Aaron H935 shall come [H8804]   H1121 , and his sons H3381 , and they shall take down [H8689]   H4539 the covering H6532 vail H3680 , and cover [H8765]   H727 the ark H5715 of testimony with it:
  6 H5414 And shall put [H8804]   H3681 thereon the covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H6566 , and shall spread [H8804]   H4605 over H899 it a cloth H3632 wholly H8504 of blue H7760 , and shall put [H8804]   H905 in the staves thereof.
  7 H7979 And upon the table H6440 of shewbread H6566 they shall spread [H8799]   H899 a cloth H8504 of blue H5414 , and put [H8804]   H7086 thereon the dishes H3709 , and the spoons H4518 , and the bowls H7184 , and covers H5262 to cover withal H8548 : and the continual H3899 bread shall be thereon:
  8 H6566 And they shall spread [H8804]   H899 upon them a cloth H8438 of scarlet H8144   H3680 , and cover [H8765]   H4372 the same with a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H7760 , and shall put [H8804]   H905 in the staves thereof.
  9 H3947 And they shall take [H8804]   H899 a cloth H8504 of blue H3680 , and cover [H8765]   H4501 the candlestick H3974 of the light H5216 , and his lamps H4457 , and his tongs H4289 , and his snuffdishes H8081 , and all the oil H3627 vessels H8334 thereof, wherewith they minister [H8762]   unto it:
  10 H5414 And they shall put [H8804]   H3627 it and all the vessels H4372 thereof within a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H5414 , and shall put [H8804]   H4132 it upon a bar.
  11 H2091 And upon the golden H4196 altar H6566 they shall spread [H8799]   H899 a cloth H8504 of blue H3680 , and cover [H8765]   H4372 it with a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H7760 , and shall put [H8804]   H905 to the staves thereof:
  12 H3947 And they shall take [H8804]   H3627 all the instruments H8335 of ministry H8334 , wherewith they minister [H8762]   H6944 in the sanctuary H5414 , and put [H8804]   H899 them in a cloth H8504 of blue H3680 , and cover [H8765]   H4372 them with a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H5414 , and shall put [H8804]   H4132 them on a bar:
  13 H1878 And they shall take away the ashes [H8765]   H4196 from the altar H6566 , and spread [H8804]   H713 a purple H899 cloth thereon:
  14 H5414 And they shall put [H8804]   H3627 upon it all the vessels H8334 thereof, wherewith they minister [H8762]   H4289 about it, even the censers H4207 , the fleshhooks H3257 , and the shovels H4219 , and the basons H3627 , all the vessels H4196 of the altar H6566 ; and they shall spread [H8804]   H3681 upon it a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H7760 , and put [H8804]   H905 to the staves of it.
  15 H175 And when Aaron H1121 and his sons H3615 have made an end [H8765]   H3680 of covering [H8763]   H6944 the sanctuary H3627 , and all the vessels H6944 of the sanctuary H4264 , as the camp H5265 is to set forward [H8800]   H310 ; after H1121 that, the sons H6955 of Kohath H935 shall come [H8799]   H5375 to bear [H8800]   H5060 it : but they shall not touch [H8799]   H6944 any holy thing H4191 , lest they die [H8804]   H4853 . These things are the burden H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation.
  16 H6486 And to the office H499 of Eleazar H1121 the son H175 of Aaron H3548 the priest H8081 pertaineth the oil H3974 for the light H5561 , and the sweet H7004 incense H8548 , and the daily H4503 meat offering H4888 , and the anointing H8081 oil H6486 , and the oversight H4908 of all the tabernacle H6944 , and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary H3627 , and in the vessels thereof.
Thomson(i) 4 Now these are the services of the Kaathites in the tabernacle of the testimony, a most sacred service. 5 When the camp is about to remove, Aaron shall go in with his sons, and they shall take down the covering veil, and with it cover the ark of the testimony, 6 and put thereon the covering of blue skins; and over it they shall spread a mantle, wholly blue, and put in the staves. 7 Then over the presence table they shall spread a mantle, all of purple; upon it, and upon the platters, and the censers, and the goblets, and the libation cups, with which he maketh libations; and the loaves which are continually thereon shall be upon it. 8 And they shall throw over it a scarlet mantle, and cover it, with a blue skin covering, and put in the staves to carry it. 9 Then they shall take a blue mantle, and cover the candlestick which giveth light with its lamps, and its snuffers, and its tweezers, and all the oil vessels, which they use in that service; 10 and they shall put it, and all the utensils thereof, into a blue skin covering, and lay it on the staves to carry it. 11 They shall then cover the golden altar with a blue mantle, and spread over it a skin covering of blue, and put in the staves thereof to carry it. 12 And they shall take all the utensils used in the service, all with which they minister in the holies, and put them into a blue mantle, and cover them with a skin covering of blue, and lay them on staves to carry them. 13 Then they shall put the cover on the altar, and cover it with a mantle, entirely of purple, 14 and they shall lay thereon all the utensils with which they minister at it, namely the censers, and the flesh forks, and the cups, and the cover, and the vials, and all the utensils of the altar; and they shall throw over it a skin covering of blue, and put in the staves to carry it. Then they shall take a purple mantle, and cover the laver and its base; and put it in a skin covering of blue, and put it on the staves. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy things, and all the utensils, while the camp is removing, after this the sons of Kaath shall come in to carry them; but they shall not touch the holy things lest they die. These things the sons of Kaath shall take up in the tabernacle of the testimony. 16 The overseer, Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, shall have the charge of the oil for light, and of the compound incense, and the daily sacrifice, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of the whole tabernacle, and all that are in it, in the sanctuary, in all the works thereof.
Webster(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things. 5 And when the camp moveth forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering vail, and cover the ark of testimony with it: 6 And shall put on it the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staffs of it. 7 And upon the table of show-bread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put on it the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover with: and the continual bread shall be upon it. 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staffs of it. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and its lamps, and its tongs, and its snuff-dishes, and all its oil vessels, with which they minister to it: 10 And they shall put it, and all its vessels, within a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put it upon a bar. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to it its staffs. 12 And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar. 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth upon it: 14 And they shall put upon it all its vessels, with which they minister about it, even the censers, the flesh-hooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skins, and put to it its staffs. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to move forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertain the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily meat-offering, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that is in it, in the sanctuary, and in its vessels.
  4 H5656 This shall be the service H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H6944 , about the most H6944 holy things:
  5 H4264 And when the camp H5265 [H8800] moveth forward H175 , Aaron H935 [H8804] shall come H1121 , and his sons H3381 [H8689] , and they shall take down H4539 the covering H6532 veil H3680 [H8765] , and cover H727 the ark H5715 of testimony with it:
  6 H5414 [H8804] And shall put H3681 on it the covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H6566 [H8804] , and shall spread H4605 over H899 it a cloth H3632 wholly H8504 of blue H7760 [H8804] , and shall put H905 in the staffs of it.
  7 H7979 And upon the table H6440 of showbread H6566 [H8799] they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue H5414 [H8804] , and put H7086 on it the dishes H3709 , and the spoons H4518 , and the bowls H7184 , and covers H5262 to cover with H8548 : and the continual H3899 bread shall be on it:
  8 H6566 [H8804] And they shall spread H899 upon them a cloth H8438 H8144 of scarlet H3680 [H8765] , and cover H4372 the same with a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H7760 [H8804] , and shall put H905 in the staffs of it.
  9 H3947 [H8804] And they shall take H899 a cloth H8504 of blue H3680 [H8765] , and cover H4501 the lampstand H3974 of the light H5216 , and its lamps H4457 , and its tongs H4289 , and its snuffdishes H8081 , and all its oil H3627 vessels H8334 [H8762] , by which they serve it:
  10 H5414 [H8804] And they shall put H3627 it and all its vessels H4372 within a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H5414 [H8804] , and shall put H4132 it upon a bar.
  11 H2091 And upon the golden H4196 altar H6566 [H8799] they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue H3680 [H8765] , and cover H4372 it with a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H7760 [H8804] , and shall put H905 to it its staffs:
  12 H3947 [H8804] And they shall take H3627 all the instruments H8335 of ministry H8334 [H8762] , by which they minister H6944 in the sanctuary H5414 [H8804] , and put H899 them in a cloth H8504 of blue H3680 [H8765] , and cover H4372 them with a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H5414 [H8804] , and shall put H4132 them on a bar:
  13 H1878 [H8765] And they shall take away the ashes H4196 from the altar H6566 [H8804] , and spread H713 a purple H899 cloth over it:
  14 H5414 [H8804] And they shall put H3627 upon it all its vessels H8334 [H8762] , by which they minister H4289 about it, even the censers H4207 , the fleshhooks H3257 , and the shovels H4219 , and the basins H3627 , all the vessels H4196 of the altar H6566 [H8804] ; and they shall spread H3681 upon it a covering H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins H7760 [H8804] , and put H905 to it its staffs.
  15 H175 And when Aaron H1121 and his sons H3615 [H8765] have finished H3680 [H8763] covering H6944 the sanctuary H3627 , and all the vessels H6944 of the sanctuary H4264 , as the camp H5265 [H8800] is to move forward H310 ; after H1121 that, the sons H6955 of Kohath H935 [H8799] shall come H5375 [H8800] to bear H5060 [H8799] it: but they shall not touch H6944 any holy thing H4191 [H8804] , lest they die H4853 . These things are the burden H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation.
  16 H6486 And to the office H499 of Eleazar H1121 the son H175 of Aaron H3548 the priest H8081 pertaineth the oil H3974 for the light H5561 , and the sweet H7004 incense H8548 , and the daily H4503 meat offering H4888 , and the anointing H8081 oil H6486 , and the oversight H4908 of all the tabernacle H6944 , and of all that is in it, in the sanctuary H3627 , and in its vessels.
Brenton(i) 4 And these are the works of the sons of Caath in the tabernacle of witness; it is most holy. 5 And Aaron and his sons shall go in, when the camp is about to move, and shall take down the shadowing veil, and shall cover with it the ark of the testimony. 6 And they shall put on it a cover, even a blue skin, and put on it above a garment all of blue, and shall put the staves through the rings. 7 And they shall put on the table set forth for shew-bred a cloth all of purple, and the dishes, and the censers, and the cups, and the vessels with which one offers drink-offerings; and the continual loaves shall be upon it. 8 And they shall put upon it a scarlet cloth, and they shall cover it with a blue covering of skin, and they shall put the staves into it. 9 And they shall take a blue covering, and cover the candlestick that gives light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its funnels, and all the vessels of oil with which they minister. 10 And they shall put it, and all its vessels, into a blue skin cover; and they shall put it on bearers. 11 And they shall put a blue cloth for a cover on the golden altar, and shall cover it with a blue skin cover, and put in its staves. 12 And they shall take all the instruments of service, with which they minister in the sanctuary: and shall place them in a cloth of blue, and shall cover them with blue skin covering, and put them upon staves. 13 And he shall put the covering on the altar, and they shall cover it with a cloth all of purple. 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels with which they minister upon it, and the fire-pans, and the flesh-hooks, and the cups, and the cover, and all the vessels of the altar; and they shall put on it a blue cover of skins, and shall put in its staves; and they shall take a purple cloth, and cover the laver and its foot, and they shall put it into a blue cover of skin, and put it on bars. 15 And Aaron and his sons shall finish covering the holy things, and all the holy vessels, when the camp begins to move; and afterwards the sons of Caath shall go in to take up the furniture; but shall not touch the holy things, lest they die: these shall the sons of Caath bear in the tabernacle of witness. 16 Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest is overseer — the oil of the light, and the incense of composition, and the daily meat-offering and the anointing oil, are his charge; even the oversight of the whole tabernacle, and all things that are in it in the holy place, in all the works.
Brenton_Greek(i) 4 Καὶ ταῦτα τὰ ἔργα τῶν υἱῶν Καὰθ ἐν τῇ σκηνῇ τοῦ μαρτυρίου· ἅγιον τῶν ἁγίων. 5 Καὶ εἰσελεύσεται Ἀαρὼν καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτοῦ, ὅταν ἐξαίρῃ ἡ παρεμβολὴ, καὶ καθελοῦσι τὸ καταπέτασμα τὸ συσκιάζον, καὶ κατακαλύψουσιν ἐν αὐτῷ τὴν κιβωτὸν τοῦ μαρτυρίου, 6 καὶ ἐπιθήσουσιν ἐπʼ αὐτὸ κατακάλυμμα δέρμα ὑακίνθινον, καὶ ἐπιβαλοῦσιν ἐπʼ αὐτὴν ἱμάτιον ὅλον ὑακίνθινον ἄνωθεν, καὶ διεμβαλοῦσι τοὺς ἀναφορεῖς.
7 Καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν τράπεζαν τὴν προκειμένην ἐπιβαλοῦσιν ἐπʼ αὐτὴν ἱμάτιον ὁλοπόρφυρον, καὶ τὰ τρυβλία, καὶ τὰς θυΐσκας, καὶ τοὺς κυάθους, καὶ τὰ σπονδεῖα ἐν οἷς σπένδει, καὶ οἱ ἄρτοι οἱ διαπαντὸς ἐπʼ αὐτῆς ἔσονται. 8 Καὶ ἐπιβαλοῦσιν ἐπʼ αὐτὴν ἱμάτιον κόκκινον, καὶ καλύψουσιν αὐτὴν καλύμματι δερματίνῳ ὑακινθίνῳ, καὶ διεμβαλοῦσι διʼ αὐτῆς τοὺς ἀναφορεῖς. 9 Καὶ λήψονται ἱμάτιον ὑακίνθινον, καὶ καλύψουσι τὴν λυχνίαν τὴν φωτίζουσαν, καὶ τοὺς λύχνους αὐτῆς, καὶ τὰς λαβίδας αὐτῆς, καὶ τὰς ἐπαρυστρίδας αὐτῆς, καὶ πάντα τὰ ἀγγεῖα τοῦ ἐλαίου οἷς λειτουργοῦσιν ἐν αὐτοῖς. 10 Καὶ ἐμβαλοῦσιν αὐτὴν, καὶ πάντα τὰ σκεύη αὐτῆς, εἰς κάλυμμα δερμάτινον ὑακίνθινον, καὶ ἐπιθήσουσιν αὐτὴν ἐπʼ ἀναφορέων. 11 Καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ θυσιαστήριον τὸ χρυσοῦν ἐπικαλύψουσιν ἱμάτιον ὑακίνθινον, καὶ καλύψουσιν αὐτὸ καλύμματι δερματίνῳ ὑακινθίνῳ, καὶ διεμβαλοῦσι τοὺς ἀναφορεῖς αὐτοῦ.
12 Καὶ λήψονται πάντα τὰ σκεύη τὰ λειτουργικὰ, ὅσα λειτουργοῦσιν ἐν αὐτοῖς ἐν τοῖς ἁγίοις· καὶ ἐμβαλοῦσιν εἰς ἱμάτιον ὑακίνθινον, καὶ καλύψουσιν αὐτὰ καλύμματι δερματίνῳ ὑακινθίνῳ, καὶ ἐπιθήσουσιν ἐπὶ ἀναφορεῖς. 13 Καὶ τὸν καλυπτῆρα ἐπιθήσει ἐπὶ τὸ θυσιαστήριον, καὶ ἐπικαλύψουσιν ἐπʼ αὐτὸ ἱμάτιον ὁλοπόρφυρον. 14 Καὶ ἐπιθήσουσιν ἐπʼ αὐτὸ πάντα τὰ σκεύη, ὅσοις λειτουργοῦσιν ἐπʼ αὐτῷ ἐν αὐτοῖς, καὶ τὰ πυρεῖα, καὶ τὰς κρεάγρας, καὶ τὰς φιάλας, καὶ τὸν καλυπτῆρα, καὶ πάντα τὰ σκεύη τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου· καὶ ἐπιβαλοῦσιν ἐπʼ αὐτὸ κάλυμμα δερμάτινον ὑακίνθινον, καὶ διεμβαλοῦσι τοὺς ἀναφορεῖς αὐτοῦ· καὶ λήψονται ἱμάτιον πορφυροῦν, καὶ συγκαλύψουσι τὸν λουτῆρα καὶ τὴν βάσιν αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐμβαλοῦσιν αὐτὰ εἰς κάλυμμα δερμάτινον ὑακίνθινον, καὶ ἐπιθήσουσιν ἐπὶ ἀναφορεῖς, 15 καὶ συντελέσουσιν Ἀαρὼν καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτοῦ, καλύπτοντες τὰ ἅγια, καὶ πάντα τὰ σκεύη τὰ ἅγια, ἐν τῷ ἐξαίρειν τὴν παρεμβολήν· καὶ μετὰ ταῦτα εἰσελεύσονται υἱοὶ Καὰθ αἴρειν, καὶ οὐχ ἅψονται τῶν ἁγίων, ἵνα μὴ ἀποθάνωσι· ταῦτα ἀροῦσιν οἱ υἱοὶ Καὰθ ἐν τῇ σκηνῇ τοῦ μαρτυρίου.
16 Ἐπίσκοπος Ἐλεάζαρ υἱὸς Ἀαρὼν τοῦ ἱερέως, τὸ ἔλαιον τοῦ φωτὸς, καὶ τὸ θυμίαμα τῆς συνθέσεως, καὶ ἡ θυσία ἡ καθʼ̓ ἡμέραν, καὶ τὸ ἔλαιον τῆς χρίσεως, ἡ ἐπισκοπὴ ὅλης τῆς σκηνῆς, καὶ ὅσα ἐστὶν ἐν αὐτῇ ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ, ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς ἔργοις.
Leeser(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kehath at the tabernacle of the congregation: The most holy things. 5 And Aaron shall come with his sons, when the camp setteth forward, and they shall take down the vail of the separation, and cover therewith the ark of the testimony; 6 And they shall put over it a covering of badgers’ skins, and they shall spread over all a cloth wholly of blue woollen yarn, and they shall put in its staves. 7 And over the table of the showbread shall they spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the tubes, and the staves of the covering; and the continual bread shall be thereon: 8 And they shall spread over them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers’ skins; and they shall put in its staves. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the lighting, and its lamps, and its tongs, and its snuff-dishes, and all the oil-vessels thereof, wherewith they minister by it: 10 And they shall put it and all its vessels within a covering of badgers’ skins, and they shall put it upon a barrow. 11 And over the golden altar shall they spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers’ skins; and they shall put in its staves. 12 And they shall take all the vessels of the service, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers’ skins; and they shall put them on a barrow. 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread over it a cloth of purple; 14 And they shall put upon it all its vessels, wherewith they minister upon it, the fire-pans, the forks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread over it a covering of badgers’ skins, and put in its staves. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have thus made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set forward: then shall, after that, the sons of Kehath come to carry it; but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die; these are the things which the sons of Kehath are to carry at the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And under the supervision of Elazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the lighting, and the incense of spices, and the daily meat-offering, and the anointing-oil; the supervision of all the tabernacle, and of all that is therein, over the sanctuary, and over its vessels.
YLT(i) 4 `This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting, the holy of holies: 5 that Aaron and his sons have come in, in the journeying of the camp, and have taken down the vail of the hanging, and have covered with it the ark of the testimony; 6 and have put on it a covering of badger skin, and have spread a garment completely of blue above, and have placed its staves. 7 `And on the table of the presence they spread a garment of blue, and have put on it the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and the cups of the libation, and the bread of continuity is on it, 8 and they have spread over them a garment of scarlet, and have covered it with a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves, 9 and have taken a garment of blue, and have covered the candlestick of the lamp, and its lights, and its snuffers, and its snuff-dishes, and all its oil vessels wherewith they minister to it; 10 and they have put it and all its vessels unto a covering of badger skin, and have put it on the bar. 11 `And on the golden altar they spread a garment of blue, and have covered it with a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves; 12 and have taken all the vessels of ministry wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and have put them unto a garment of blue, and have covered them with a covering of badger skin, and have put them on the bar, 13 and have removed the ashes of the altar, and have spread over it a garment of purple; 14 and have put on it all its vessels wherewith they minister about it, the censers, the hooks, and the shovels, and the bowls, all the vessels of the altar, and have spread on it a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves: 15 `And Aaron hath finished—his sons also—covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, in the journeying of the camp, and afterwards do the sons of Kohath come in to bear it, and they do not come unto the holy thing, that they have died; these things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting. 16 `And the oversight of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, is the oil of the lamp, and the spice-perfume, and the present of continuity, and the anointing oil, the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that is in it, in the sanctuary, and in its vessels.'
JuliaSmith(i) 4 These the works of the sons of Kohath in the tent of appointment, the holy of holies. 5 And Aaron came, and his sons, in the removing of the camp, and they took down the vail of the covering, and they covered with it the ark of the testimony. 6 And they gave upon it a covering of tahash skins, and they spread over a garment wholly cerulean purple from above, and they put up its bars. 7 And upon the table of the face they shall spread a garment cerulean purple, and they gave upon it the dishes, and the censers, and the bowls and the cups pouring out: and the continual bread shall be upon it. 8 And they spread upon them a garment of double scarlet, and they covered it with a cover of tahash skins, and they put up the bars. 9 And they took a garment cerulean purple, and covered the chandelier of the light, and its lamps and its,tongs and its fire pans, and all the vessels of its oil, which they shall serve to it with them: 10 And they gave it and all its vessels into a covering of tahash skins, and they gave upon the bar. 11 And upon the altar of gold they will spread a garment cerulean purple, and they covered it with a tahash skin covering, and they set up its bars. 12 And they shall take all the vessels of the service which they shall serve in them in the holy place, and they gave to the garment of cerulean purple, and they covered them in a tahash skin covering, and they gave upon the bar. 13 And they shall anoint the altar, and spread upon it a purple garment: 14 And they shall give upon it all its vessels which they shall serve upon it with them, the fire pans, and the flesh hooks, and the shovels and the vases, and all the vessels of the altar; and they covered over it a tahash skin covering, and they set up its bars. 15 And Aaron and his sons finished to cover the holy place, and all the vessels of the holy place, in removing the camp; and after this the sons of Kohath shall come forth to lift up: and they shall not touch the holy place, and die. These the lifting up of the sons of Kohath in the tent of appointment 16 And the care of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, the oil of the light, and the incense of aromatics, and the continual gift, and the oil of anointing, and the care of all the dwelling and all which in it, in the holy place, and in its vessels.
Darby(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting: it is most holy. 5 And when the camp setteth forward, Aaron and his sons shall go in, and they shall take down the veil of separation and cover the ark of testimony with it; 6 and shall put thereon a covering of badgers` skin, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put its staves [to it]. 7 And upon the table of shewbread they shall spread a cloth of blue; and put thereon the dishes, and the cups, and the bowls, and goblets of the drink-offering; and the continual bread shall be thereon. 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover it with a covering of badgers` skin, and shall put its staves [to it]. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuff-trays, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they perform its service; 10 and they shall put it and all the utensils thereof within a covering of badgers` skin, and shall put it upon a pole. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers` skin, and shall put its staves [to it]. 12 And they shall take all the instruments of service, wherewith they serve in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers` skin, and shall put them upon a pole. 13 And they shall cleanse the altar of the ashes, and spread a purple cloth thereon; 14 and they shall put upon it all the utensils thereof, wherewith they perform service about it: the firepans, the forks, and the shovels, and the bowls, -- all the utensils of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers` skin, and put its staves [to it]. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have ended covering the sanctuary, and all the utensils of the sanctuary, when the camp setteth forward, then afterwards the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it; but they shall not touch the holy things, lest they die. This is what the sons of Kohath have to carry in the tent of meeting. 16 And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall have the oversight of the oil for the light, and the fragrant incense, and the continual oblation, and the anointing oil, -- the oversight of the whole tabernacle, and of all that is therein, over the sanctuary, and over its furniture.
ERV(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting, [about] the most holy things: 5 when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall go in, and his sons, and they shall take down the veil of the screen, and cover the ark of the testimony with it: 6 and shall put thereon a covering of sealskin, and shall spread over it a cloth all of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. 7 And upon the table of shewbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and the cups to pour out withal: and the continual bread shall be thereon: 8 and they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and its lamps, and its tongs, and its snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it: 10 and they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of sealskin, and shall put it upon the frame. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in the staves thereof: 12 and they shall take all the vessels of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame. 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon: 14 and they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, the firepans, the fleshhooks, and the shovels, and the basons, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of sealskin, and put in the staves thereof. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting. 16 And the charge of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the continual meal offering, and the anointing oil, the charge of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, the sanctuary, and the furniture thereof.
ASV(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting, [about] the most holy things: 5 when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall go in, and his sons, and they shall take down the veil of the screen, and cover the ark of the testimony with it, 6 and shall put thereon a covering of sealskin, and shall spread over it a cloth all of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. 7 And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls and the cups wherewith to pour out; and the continual bread shall be thereon: 8 and they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it: 10 and they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of sealskin, and shall put it upon the frame. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in the staves thereof: 12 and they shall take all the vessels of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame. 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon: 14 and they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, the firepans, the flesh-hooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of sealskin, and put in the staves thereof. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp is set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting. 16 And the charge of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the continual meal-offering, and the anointing oil, the charge of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, the sanctuary, and the furniture thereof.
  4 H5656 This is the service H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tent H4150 of meeting, H6944 about the most H6944 holy things:
  5 H4264 when the camp H5265 setteth forward, H175 Aaron H935 shall go in, H1121 and his sons, H3381 and they shall take down H6532 the veil H4539 of the screen, H3680 and cover H727 the ark H5715 of the testimony with it,
  6 H5414 and shall put H3681 thereon a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H6566 and shall spread H4605 over H899 it a cloth H3632 all H8504 of blue, H7760 and shall put H905 in the staves thereof.
  7 H7979 And upon the table H6440 of showbread H6566 they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H5414 and put H7086 thereon the dishes, H3709 and the spoons, H4518 and the bowls H7184 and the cups H5262 wherewith H8548 to pour out; and the continual H3899 bread shall be thereon:
  8 H6566 and they shall spread H899 upon them a cloth H8438 of scarlet, H3680 and cover H4372 the same with a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H7760 and shall put H905 in the staves thereof.
  9 H3947 And they shall take H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4501 the candlestick H3974 of the light, H5216 and its lamps, H4457 and its snuffers, H4289 and its snuffdishes, H8081 and all the oil H3627 vessels H8334 thereof, wherewith they minister unto it:
  10 H5414 and they shall put H3627 it and all the vessels H4372 thereof within a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H5414 and shall put H4132 it upon the frame.
  11 H2091 And upon the golden H4196 altar H6566 they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4372 it with a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H7760 and shall put H905 in the staves thereof:
  12 H3947 and they shall take H3627 all the vessels H8335 of ministry, H8334 wherewith they minister H6944 in the sanctuary, H5414 and put H899 them in a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4372 them with a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H5414 and shall put H4132 them on the frame.
  13 H1878 And they shall take away the ashes H4196 from the altar, H6566 and spread H713 a purple H899 cloth thereon:
  14 H5414 and they shall put H3627 upon it all the vessels H8334 thereof, wherewith they minister H4289 about it, the firepans, H4207 the flesh-hooks, H3257 and the shovels, H4219 and the basins, H3627 all the vessels H4196 of the altar; H6566 and they shall spread H3681 upon it a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H7760 and put H905 in the staves thereof.
  15 H175 And when Aaron H1121 and his sons H3615 have made an end H3680 of covering H6944 the sanctuary, H3627 and all the furniture H6944 of the sanctuary, H4264 as the camp H5265 is set forward; H310 after H1121 that, the sons H6955 of Kohath H935 shall come H5375 to bear H5060 it: but they shall not touch H6944 the sanctuary, H4191 lest they die. H4853 These things are the burden H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tent H4150 of meeting.
  16 H6486 And the charge H499 of Eleazar H1121 the son H175 of Aaron H3548 the priest H8081 shall be the oil H3974 for the light, H5561 and the sweet H7004 incense, H8548 and the continual H4503 meal-offering, H4888 and the anointing H8081 oil, H6486 the charge H4908 of all the tabernacle, H6944 and of all that therein is, the sanctuary, H3627 and the furniture thereof.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting, about the most holy things: 5 when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall go in, and his sons, and they shall take down the veil of the screen, and cover the ark of the testimony with it; 6 and shall put thereon a covering of sealskin, and shall spread over it a cloth all of blue, and shall set the staves thereof. 7 And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the pans, and the bowls, and the jars wherewith to pour out; and the continual bread shall remain thereon. 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of sealskin, and shall set the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and its lamps, and its tongs, and its snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it. 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of sealskin, and shall put it upon a bar. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall set the staves thereof. 12 And they shall take all the vessels of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on a bar. 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon. 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, the fire-pans, the flesh-hooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of sealskin, and set the staves thereof. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the holy furniture, and all the holy vessels, as the camp is to set forward - after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear them; but they shall not touch the holy things, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting. 16 And the charge of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the continual meal-offering, and the anointing oil: he shall have the charge of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, whether it be the sanctuary, or the furniture thereof.'
Rotherham(i) 4 This, shall be the labour of the sons of Kohath, in the tent of meeting,––the most holy things. 5 So then Aaron and his sons shall enter, when the camp is to set forward, and take down the screening veil,––and enwrap therein the ark of the testimony; 6 and put thereon a covering of badgers’ skin, and spread a complete wrapper of blue, over above,––and put in the staves thereof. 7 And, over the Presence–table, shall they spread a wrapper of blue, and put thereon the dishes and the pans and the bowls and the libation cups, the perpetual bread also, thereupon, shall remain; 8 and they shall spread over them a wrapper of crimson, and cover the same with a covering of badgers’ skin,––and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 Then shall they take a wrapper of blue, and cover the light–giving lampstand, and the lamps thereof, and the snuffers thereof, and the snuff–trays thereof,––and all the oil–vessels thereof, wherewith they minister thereunto; 10 and shall put the same, and all the vessels thereof, within a covering of, badger’s skin,––and shall put it upon a frame. 11 And, upon the altar of gold, shall they spread a wrapper of blue, and shall cover the same in a covering of badgers’ skin,––and shall put in the staves thereof. 12 And they shall take all the utensils of attendance wherewith they attend in the sanctuary, and put them within a wrapper of blue, and cover the same in a covering of badgers’ skin,––and put them on a frame. 13 Then shall they remove the fat–ashes from the altar,––and spread over it a wrapper of purple; 14 and put thereupon all the utensils thereof, wherewith they minister thereupon––the fire–pans, the flesh–hooks, and the shovels and the tossing–bowls, all the utensils of the altar,––and shall spread over it a covering of badgers’ skin, and put in the staves thereof. 15 So shall Aaron and his sons make an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the utensils of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set forward, then, after that, shall the sons of Kohath enter to bear it, but they must not put forth a touch unto that which is holy, else should they die,––these, shall be the burden of the sons of Kohath, in the tent of meeting. 16 But, the care of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, [shall be]––the light–giving oil, and the fragrant incense, and the perpetual meal–offering, and the anointing oil, the care of all the habitation, and all that is therein, both as to the sanctuary, and as to the furniture thereof.
CLV(i) 4 This is the carrier service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of appointment:the holy of holies. 5 For Aaron will come in, and his sons, when the camp is to journey, and they will take down the portiere curtain and cover the coffer of the testimony with it. 6 They will put on it a cover of azure hide and spread over it a cloth wholly of blue from above and put its poles in place. 7 And over the table of the presence they shall spread a blue cloth, and they will put on it the dishes and the spoons, the waste pans and the libation chalices. Also the continual bread shall be on it. 8 Then they will spread over them a cloth of double-dipped crimson, and they will cover it with a cover of azure hide and put its poles in place. 9 They will take a blue cloth and cover the lampstand of the luminary, its lamps and its snuffers, its fire-pans and all its oil vessels with which they minister to it. 10 Then they will put it and all its furnishings into a cover of azure hide and put it on the slider bar. 11 Also on the golden altar shall they spread a blue cloth, and they will cover it with a cover of azure hide and put its poles in place. 12 They will take all the furnishings of the ministry with which they minister in the holy place and wrap them in a blue cloth and cover them with a cover of azure hide and put them on the slider bar. 13 Then they will degrease the copper altar, spread over it a purple clot. 14 and put on it all its furnishings with which they minister on it, the fire-pans, the forks and the shovels and the sprinkling bowls, all the furnishings of the altar; they will spread over it a cover of azure hide and put its poles in place. And they will take a purple cloth and cover the laver and its base and put them into a cover of azure hide and put them on the slider bar. 15 When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy things with all the furnishings of the holy things when the camp is to journey, then afterward the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it. Yet they shall not touch the holy things lest they die. These are the load of the sons of Kohath in the tent of appointment. 16 Under the supervision of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest is the oil for the luminary, the incense of spices, the regular approach present and the anointing oil; he has the supervision over the whole tabernacle and all that is in it, among the holy things and its furnishings.
BBE(i) 4 And this is to be the work of the sons of Kohath in connection with the most holy things. 5 When all the people go forward, Aaron is to go in with his sons, and take down the veil of the curtain, covering the ark of witness with it; 6 And putting over it the leather cover and over that a blue cloth; and putting its rods in place. 7 And on the table of the holy bread they are to put a blue cloth, and on it all the vessels, the spoons and the basins and the cups; and the holy bread with them; 8 And over them they are to put a red cloth, covering it with a leather cover, and putting its rods in their places. 9 And they are to take a blue cloth, covering with it the light-support with its lights and its instruments and its trays and all the oil vessels which are used for it: 10 All these they are to put in a leather cover, and put it on the frame. 11 On the gold altar they are to put a blue cloth, covering it with a leather cover; and they are to put its rods in their places. 12 All the vessels which are used in the holy place they are to put in a blue cloth, covering them with a leather cover, and put them on the frame. 13 And they are to take away the burned waste from the altar, and put a purple cloth on it; 14 Placing on the cloth all its vessels, the fire-baskets, the meat-hooks, the spades, and the basins; all the vessels of the altar; they are to put a leather cover over all these, and put its rods in their places. 15 And after the holy place and all its vessels have been covered up by Aaron and his sons, when the tents of the people go forward, the sons of Kohath are to come and take it up; but the holy things may not be touched by them for fear of death. 16 And Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, is to be responsible for the oil for the light, and the sweet perfumes for burning, and the regular meal offering, and the holy oil; the House and the holy place and everything in it will be in his care.
MKJV(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, the most holy place. 5 And when the camp sets forth, Aaron and his sons shall come, and they shall take down the covering veil and cover the ark of testimony with it. 6 And they shall put on it the covering of dugong skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in its staves. 7 And they shall spread a cloth of blue upon the table of showbread, and put the dishes on it, and the spoons, and the bowls, and the cups of the drink offering, and covers to cover it with. And the continual bread shall be on it. 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet and cover it with a covering of dugong skins, and they shall put in its staves. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue and cover the lampstand of the light, and its lamps, and its tongs, and its fire-pans, and all the oil vessels of it, with which they serve it. 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels of it inside a covering of dugong skins, and shall put it upon a bar. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and they shall put the staves into it. 12 And they shall take all the vessels of ministry with which they serve in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of dugong skins, and shall put them on a bar. 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth on it. 14 And they shall put on it all its vessels, with which they minister about it: the fire-pans, the flesh-hooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar. And they shall spread upon it a covering of dugong skins, and put the staves into it. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set forward, then after that the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it. But they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die. These are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest belongs the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily food offering, and the anointing oil, the oversight of all the tabernacle and of all that is in it, in the sanctuary and in its vessels.
LITV(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, the Holy of Holies. 5 Aaron and his sons shall come in, when the camp pulls out, and shall take down the veil of the hanging, and shall cover the ark of the testimony with it. 6 And he shall put a covering of dugong skins on it, and shall spread a garment entirely of blue on top, and shall put in its staves. 7 And they shall spread a blue cloth on the table of the showbread, and shall put its dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and the cups of the drink offering, and the continual bread on it. 8 And they shall spread a cloth of scarlet over them, and shall cover it with a covering of dugong skin, and shall put in its staves. 9 And he shall take a blue cloth and shall cover the lampstand of the lamp, and its lights, and its tongs, and its firepans, and all its oil vessels with which they minister to it. 10 And they shall put it and all its vessels into a covering of dugong skin, and shall put it on the bar. 11 And they shall spread a blue cloth on the golden altar, and shall cover it with a covering of dugong skin, and shall put in its staves. 12 And they shall take all the vessels of ministry with which they minister in the sanctuary, and shall put them into a blue cloth, and shall cover them with a covering of dugong skin, and shall put them on the bar. 13 And that shall remove the ashes of the altar, and shall spread over it a purple cloth; 14 and shall put on it all its vessels with which they minister around it, the firepans, the hooks, and the shovels, and the bowls, all the vessels of the altar. And they shall spread a covering of dugong skin on it, and shall put in its staves. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary, and all the sanctuary vessels as the camp sets forward, then afterwards the sons of Kohath shall come in to carry. And they shall not touch the holy thing, that they may not die. These are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And the oversight of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil of the lamp, and the sweet incense, and the continual food offering, and the anointing oil. He shall oversee all the tabernacle, and all that is in it, in the sanctuary, and its furniture.
ECB(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Qehath in the tent of the congregation, the holy of holies: 5 and when the camp pulls stakes, Aharon and his sons come and lower the covering veil and cover the ark of witness with it: 6 and give thereon the covering of skins of badgers and spread over it a cloth totally blue and put in the staves thereof: 7 and on the table of face bread spread a cloth of blue and give thereon the dishes and the spoons and the exoneration basins and covers of libation: and the continual bread thereon: 8 and they spread on them a cloth of scarlet and cover the same with a covering of skins of badgers and put in the staves thereof: 9 and take a cloth of blue and cover the menorah of the light and his lamps and his tongs and his trays and all the oil instruments thereof: wherewith they minister to it: 10 and give it and all the instruments thereof within a covering of skins of badgers and give it on a pole: 11 and on the golden sacrifice altar spread a cloth of blue and cover it with a covering of skins of badgers and put in the staves thereof: 12 and take all the instruments of ministry, wherewith they minister in the holies and give them in a cloth of blue and cover them with a covering of skins of badgers and give them on a pole: 13 and de-fat the sacrifice altar and spread a purple cloth thereon: 14 and give thereon all the instruments thereof wherewith they minister - the trays, the forks and the shovels and the sprinklers - all the instruments of the sacrifice altar; and spread thereon a covering of skins of badgers and put in the staves thereof. 15 And Aharon and his sons finish covering the holies and all the instruments of the holies, as the camp pulls stakes. Afterward, the sons of Qehath come to bear it: but they touch not the holies, lest they die. - these are the burden of the sons of Qehath in the tent of the congregation. 16 And to the oversight of El Azar the son of Aharon the priest: the oil for the light and the incense of aromatics and the continual offering and the anointing oil and the oversight of all the tabernacle and of all therein - in the holies and in the instruments thereof.
ACV(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting, about the most holy things: 5 When the camp sets forward, Aaron shall go in, and his sons, and they shall take down the veil of the screen, and cover the ark of the testimony with it. 6 And shall put on it a covering of certain skin, and shall spread over it a cloth all of blue, and shall put in the staves of it. 7 And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put on it the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls and the cups with which to pour out. And the continual bread shall be on it. 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of certain skin, and shall put in the staves of it. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the lampstand of the light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuff dishes, and all the oil vessels of it, with which they minister to it. 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels of it within a covering of certain skin, and shall put it upon the frame. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of certain skin, and shall put in the staves of it. 12 And they shall take all the vessels of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of certain skin, and shall put them on the frame. 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth on it. 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels of it, with which they minister about it: the firepans, the flesh-hooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar. And they shall spread upon it a covering of certain skin, and put in the staves of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp is set forward, after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it, but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting. 16 And the charge of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the continual meal offering, and the anointing oil, the charge of all the tabernacle, and of all that is in it: the sanctuary, and the furniture of it.
WEB(i) 4 “This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the Tent of Meeting, regarding the most holy things. 5 When the camp moves forward, Aaron shall go in with his sons; and they shall take down the veil of the screen, cover the ark of the Testimony with it, 6 put a covering of sealskin on it, spread a blue cloth over it, and put in its poles. 7 “On the table of show bread they shall spread a blue cloth, and put on it the dishes, the spoons, the bowls, and the cups with which to pour out; and the continual bread shall be on it. 8 They shall spread on them a scarlet cloth, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in its poles. 9 “They shall take a blue cloth and cover the lamp stand of the light, its lamps, its snuffers, its snuff dishes, and all its oil vessels, with which they minister to it. 10 They shall put it and all its vessels within a covering of sealskin, and shall put it on the frame. 11 “On the golden altar they shall spread a blue cloth, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in its poles. 12 “They shall take all the vessels of ministry with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a blue cloth, cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame. 13 “They shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth on it. 14 They shall put on it all its vessels with which they minister about it, the fire pans, the meat hooks, the shovels, and the basins—all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread on it a covering of sealskin, and put in its poles. 15 “When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp moves forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it; but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. The sons of Kohath shall carry these things belonging to the Tent of Meeting. 16 “The duty of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light, the sweet incense, the continual meal offering, and the anointing oil, the requirements of all the tabernacle, and of all that is in it, the sanctuary, and its furnishings.”
  4 H5656 "This is the service H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the Tent H4150 of Meeting, H6944 the most H6944 holy things.
  5 H4264 When the camp H5265 moves forward, H175 Aaron H935 shall go in, H1121 and his sons, H3381 and they shall take down H6532 the veil H4539 of the screen, H3680 and cover H727 the ark H5715 of the Testimony with it,
  6 H5414 and shall put H3681 a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin H6566 on it, and shall spread H4605 over H899 it a cloth H3632 all H8504 of blue, H7760 and shall put H905 in its poles.
  7 H7979 "On the table H6440 of show bread H6566 they shall spread H8504 a blue H899 cloth, H5414 and put H7086 on it the dishes, H3709 the spoons, H4518 the bowls, H7184 and the cups H5262 with which H8548 to pour out; and the continual H3899 bread shall be on it.
  8 H6566 They shall spread H8438 on them a scarlet H899 cloth, H3680 and cover H4372 the same with a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H7760 and shall put H905 in its poles.
  9 H3947 "They shall take H8504 a blue H899 cloth, H3680 and cover H4501 the lampstand H3974 of the light, H5216 and its lamps, H4457 and its snuffers, H4289 and its snuff dishes, H8081 and all its oil H3627 vessels, H8334 with which they minister to it.
  10 H5414 They shall put H3627 it and all its vessels H4372 within a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H5414 and shall put H4132 it on the frame.
  11 H2091 "On the golden H4196 altar H6566 they shall spread H8504 a blue H899 cloth, H3680 and cover H4372 it with a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H7760 and shall put H905 in its poles.
  12 H3947 "They shall take H3627 all the vessels H8335 of ministry, H8334 with which they minister H6944 in the sanctuary, H5414 and put H8504 them in a blue H899 cloth, H3680 and cover H4372 them with a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H5414 and shall put H4132 them on the frame.
  13 H1878 "They shall take away the ashes H4196 from the altar, H6566 and spread H713 a purple H899 cloth on it.
  14 H5414 They shall put H3627 on it all its vessels, H8334 with which they minister H4289 about it, the fire pans, H4207 the flesh hooks, H3257 the shovels, H4219 and the basins; H3627 all the vessels H4196 of the altar; H6566 and they shall spread H3681 on it a covering H8476 of H5785 sealskin, H7760 and put H905 in its poles.
  15 H175 "When Aaron H1121 and his sons H3615 have finished H3680 covering H6944 the sanctuary, H3627 and all the furniture H6944 of the sanctuary, H4264 as the camp H5265 moves forward; H310 after H1121 that, the sons H6955 of Kohath H935 shall come H5375 to carry H5060 it: but they shall not touch H6944 the sanctuary, H4191 lest they die. H4853 These things are the burden H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the Tent H4150 of Meeting.
  16 H6486 "The duty H499 of Eleazar H1121 the son H175 of Aaron H3548 the priest H8081 shall be the oil H3974 for the light, H5561 the sweet H7004 incense, H8548 the continual H4503 meal offering, H4888 and the anointing H8081 oil, H6486 the requirements H4908 of all the tabernacle, H6944 and of all that is in it, the sanctuary, H3627 and its furnishings."
NHEB(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the Tent of Meeting, the most holy things. 5 When the camp moves forward, Aaron shall go in, and his sons, and they shall take down the veil of the screen, and cover the ark of the Testimony with it, 6 and shall put a covering of sealskin on it, and shall spread over it a cloth all of blue, and shall put in its poles. 7 On the table of show bread they shall spread a blue cloth, and put on it the dishes, the spoons, the bowls, and the pitchers for pouring with them; and the continual bread shall be on it. 8 They shall spread on them a scarlet cloth, and cover the same with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in its poles. 9 They shall take a blue cloth, and cover the lampstand of the light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuff dishes, and all its oil vessels, with which they minister to it. 10 They shall put it and all its vessels within a covering of sealskin, and shall put it on the frame. 11 On the golden altar they shall spread a blue cloth, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in its poles. 12 They shall take all the vessels of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a blue cloth, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame. 13 They shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth on it. 14 They shall put on it all its vessels, with which they minister about it, the fire pans, the flesh hooks, the shovels, and the basins; all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread on it a covering of sealskin, and put in its poles. 15 "When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary, and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp moves forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it: but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the Tent of Meeting. 16 "The duty of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light, the sweet incense, the continual meal offering, and the anointing oil, the requirements of all the tabernacle, and of all that is in it, the sanctuary, and its furnishings."
AKJV(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things: 5 And when the camp sets forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering veil, and cover the ark of testimony with it: 6 And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. 7 And on the table of show bread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover with: and the continual bread shall be thereon: 8 And they shall spread on them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and his lamps, and his tongs, and his firepans, and all the oil vessels thereof, with which they minister to it: 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put it on a bar. 11 And on the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to the staves thereof: 12 And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar: 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon: 14 And they shall put on it all the vessels thereof, with which they minister about it, even the censers, the meat hooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread on it a covering of badgers' skins, and put to the staves of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertains the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily meat offering, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary, and in the vessels thereof.
  4 H2063 This H5656 shall be the service H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation, H6944 about the most H6944 holy things:
  5 H4264 And when the camp H5265 sets H5265 forward, H175 Aaron H935 shall come, H1121 and his sons, H3381 and they shall take H3381 down H4539 the covering H6532 veil, H3680 and cover H727 the ark H5715 of testimony with it:
  6 H5414 And shall put H5921 thereon H3681 the covering H8476 of badgers’ H5785 skins, H6566 and shall spread H4605 over H899 it a cloth H3632 wholly H8504 of blue, H7760 and shall put H905 in the staves thereof.
  7 H7979 And on the table H6440 of show bread H6566 they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H5414 and put H5921 thereon H7086 the dishes, H3709 and the spoons, H4518 and the bowls, H7184 and covers H5258 to cover H8548 with: and the continual H3899 bread H5921 shall be thereon:
  8 H6566 And they shall spread H899 on them a cloth H8144 of scarlet, H8438 H3680 and cover H853 the same H4372 with a covering H8476 of badgers’ H5785 skins, H7760 and shall put H905 in the staves thereof.
  9 H3947 And they shall take H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4501 the candlestick H3974 of the light, H5216 and his lamps, H4457 and his tongs, H4289 and his firepans, H3605 and all H8081 the oil H3627 vessels H834 thereof, with which H8334 they minister to it:
  10 H5414 And they shall put H3605 it and all H3627 the vessels H413 thereof within H4372 a covering H8476 of badgers’ H5785 skins, H5414 and shall put H4132 it on a bar.
  11 H2091 And on the golden H4196 altar H6566 they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4372 it with a covering H8476 of badgers’ H5785 skins, H7725 and shall put H905 to the staves thereof:
  12 H3947 And they shall take H3605 all H3627 the instruments H8335 of ministry, H834 with which H8334 they minister H6944 in the sanctuary, H5414 and put H899 them in a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4372 them with a covering H8476 of badgers’ H5785 skins, H5414 and shall put H5921 them on H4132 a bar:
  13 H1878 And they shall take away the ashes H4196 from the altar, H6566 and spread H713 a purple H899 cloth H5921 thereon:
  14 H5414 And they shall put H3605 on it all H3627 the vessels H834 thereof, with which H8334 they minister H5921 about H4289 it, even the censers, H4207 the meat hooks, H3257 and the shovels, H4219 and the basins, H3605 all H3627 the vessels H4196 of the altar; H6566 and they shall spread H3681 on it a covering H8476 of badgers’ H5785 skins, H7760 and put H905 to the staves of it.
  15 H175 And when Aaron H1121 and his sons H3615 have made an end H3680 of covering H6944 the sanctuary, H3605 and all H3627 the vessels H6944 of the sanctuary, H4264 as the camp H5265 is to set H5265 forward; H310 after H1121 that, the sons H6955 of Kohath H935 shall come H5375 to bear H5060 it: but they shall not touch H6944 any holy H4191 thing, lest they die. H428 These H4853 things are the burden H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation.
  16 H6486 And to the office H499 of Eleazar H1121 the son H175 of Aaron H3548 the priest H8081 pertains the oil H3974 for the light, H5561 and the sweet H7004 incense, H8548 and the daily H4503 meat offering, H4888 and the anointing H8081 oil, H6486 and the oversight H3605 of all H4908 the tabernacle, H3605 and of all H6944 that therein is, in the sanctuary, H3627 and in the vessels thereof.
KJ2000(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of meeting, about the most holy things: 5 And when the camp moves forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering veil, and cover the ark of testimony with it: 6 And shall put thereon the covering of badger skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in its poles. 7 And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover them: and the showbread shall be on it: 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badger skins, and shall put in its poles. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the lampstand of the light, and its lamps, and its wick trimmers, and its trays, and all the oil vessels thereof, with which they minister unto it: 10 And they shall put it and all the utensils thereof within a covering of badger skins, and shall put it upon a carrying beam. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badger skins, and shall put in its poles: 12 And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badger skins, and shall put them on a carrying beam: 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth on it: 14 And they shall put upon it all its utensils, with which they minister about it, even the fire pans, the forks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the utensils of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badger skins, and put in its poles. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, as the camp is to move forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of meeting. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertains the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that is therein, in the sanctuary, and in the utensils thereof.
UKJV(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things: 5 And when the camp sets forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering vail, and cover the ark of testimony with it: 6 And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. 7 And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover likewise: and the continual bread shall be thereon: 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and his lamps, and his tongs, and his intruments for snuffings, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it: 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put it upon a bar. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to the staves thereof: 12 And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar: 13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon: 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, even the censers, the forks, and the shovels, and the basons, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skins, and put to the staves of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. 16 And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertains the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily food offering, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary, and in the vessels thereof.
  4 H5656 This shall be the service H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation, H6944 about the most H6944 holy things:
  5 H4264 And when the camp H5265 sets forward, H175 Aaron H935 shall come, H1121 and his sons, H3381 and they shall take down H4539 the covering H6532 veil, H3680 and cover H727 the ark H5715 of testimony with it:
  6 H5414 And shall put H3681 on it the covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H6566 and shall spread H4605 over H899 it a cloth H3632 wholly H8504 of blue, H7760 and shall put H905 in the poles there.
  7 H7979 And upon the table H6440 of showbread H6566 they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H5414 and put H7086 on it the dishes, H3709 and the spoons, H4518 and the bowls, H7184 and covers H5262 to cover with: H8548 and the continual H3899 bread shall be on it:
  8 H6566 And they shall spread H899 upon them a cloth H8438 of scarlet, H3680 and cover H4372 the same with a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H7760 and shall put H905 in the poles there.
  9 H3947 And they shall take H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4501 the lampstand H3974 of the light, H5216 and his lamps, H4457 and his tongs, H4289 and his snuffdishes, H8081 and all the oil H3627 vessels H8334 there, with which they minister unto it:
  10 H5414 And they shall put H3627 it and all the vessels H4372 there inside a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H5414 and shall put H4132 it upon a bar.
  11 H2091 And upon the golden H4196 altar H6566 they shall spread H899 a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4372 it with a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H7760 and shall put H905 to the poles there:
  12 H3947 And they shall take H3627 all the instruments H8335 of ministry, H8334 with which they minister H6944 in the sanctuary, H5414 and put H899 them in a cloth H8504 of blue, H3680 and cover H4372 them with a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H5414 and shall put H4132 them on a bar:
  13 H1878 And they shall take away the ashes H4196 from the altar, H6566 and spread H713 a purple H899 cloth on it:
  14 H5414 And they shall put H3627 upon it all the vessels H8334 there, with which they minister H4289 about it, even the censers, H4207 the fleshhooks, H3257 and the shovels, H4219 and the basins, H3627 all the vessels H4196 of the altar; H6566 and they shall spread H3681 upon it a covering H8476 of badgers' H5785 skins, H7760 and put H905 to the poles of it.
  15 H175 And when Aaron H1121 and his sons H3615 have made an end H3680 of covering H6944 the sanctuary, H3627 and all the vessels H6944 of the sanctuary, H4264 as the camp H5265 is to set forward; H310 after H1121 that, the sons H6955 of Kohath H935 shall come H5375 to carry H5060 it: but they shall not touch H6944 any holy thing, H4191 lest they die. H4853 These things are the burden H1121 of the sons H6955 of Kohath H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation.
  16 H6486 And to the office H499 of Eleazar H1121 the son H175 of Aaron H3548 the priest H8081 pertains the oil H3974 for the light, H5561 and the sweet H7004 incense, H8548 and the daily H4503 food offering, H4888 and the anointing H8081 oil, H6486 and the oversight H4908 of all the tabernacle, H6944 and of all that in it is, in the sanctuary, H3627 and in the vessels there.
EJ2000(i) 4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the testimony, in the holy of holies: 5 When the camp is to be moved, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering veil and cover the ark of testimony with it 6 and shall put thereon the covering of badgers’ skins and shall spread over it a cloth entirely of blue and shall put in the staves thereof. 7 And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue and put thereon the dishes and the spoons and the bowls and covers to cover withal; and the continual bread shall be thereon. 8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet and cover the same with a covering of badgers’ skins and shall put in the staves thereof. 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue and cover the lampstand of the light and its lamps and its tongs and its snuffdishes and all the oil vessels thereof with which they minister unto it; 10 and they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of badgers’ skins and shall put it upon a bar. 11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue and cover it with a covering of badgers’ skins and shall put in the staves thereof; 12 and they shall take all the vessels of ministry with which they minister in the sanctuary and put them in a cloth of blue and cover them with a covering of badgers’ skins and shall put them on a bar. 13 And they shall take away the ashes with the burnt fat from the altar and spread a purple cloth thereon 14 and they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof with which they minister about it: the censers, the fleshhooks, the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers’ skins and put in the staves of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the vessels of the sanctuary when the camp is to set forward, after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it, but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the testimony. 16 But unto the care of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, shall be the oil of the light and the aromatic incense and the daily present and the anointing oil and the care of all the tabernacle and of all that is therein, in the sanctuary, and in the vessels thereof.
CAB(i) 4 And these are the works of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of witness; it is most holy. 5 And Aaron and his sons shall go in, when the camp is about to move, and shall take down the shadowing veil, and they shall cover with it the ark of the Testimony. 6 And they shall put a cover on it of blue skin, a garment of all blue, and they shall put the poles through the rings. 7 And they shall put on the table set forth for showbread a cloth all of purple, and the dishes, and the censers, and the cups, and the vessels with which one offers drink offerings; and the continual loaves shall be upon it. 8 And they shall put upon it a scarlet cloth, and they shall cover it with a blue covering of skin, and they shall put the poles into it. 9 And they shall take a blue covering, and cover the lampstand that gives light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its funnels, and all the vessels of oil with which they minister. 10 And they shall put it, and all its vessels, into a blue skin cover; and they shall put it on bearers. 11 And they shall put a blue cloth for a cover on the golden altar, and shall cover it with a blue skin cover, and put in its poles. 12 And they shall take all the instruments of service, with which they minister in the sanctuary: and shall place them in a cloth of blue, and shall cover them with blue skin covering, and put them upon poles. 13 And he shall put the covering on the altar, and they shall cover it with a cloth all of purple. 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels with which they minister upon it, and the firepans, and the flesh-hooks, and the cups, and the cover, and all the vessels of the altar; and they shall put on it a blue cover of skins, and shall put in its poles; and they shall take a purple cloth, and cover the laver and its foot, and they shall put it into a blue cover of skin, and put it on bars. 15 And Aaron and his sons shall finish covering the holy things, and all the holy vessels, when the camp begins to move; and afterwards the sons of Kohath shall go in to take up the furniture; but shall not touch the holy things, lest they die: these shall the sons of Kohath bear in the tabernacle of witness. 16 Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest is overseer — the oil of the light, and the incense of composition, and the daily grain offering and the anointing oil, are his charge; even the oversight of the whole tabernacle, and all things that are in it in the holy place, in all the works.
LXX2012(i) 4 And these are the works of the sons of Caath in the tabernacle of witness; it is most holy. 5 And Aaron and his sons shall go in, when the camp is about to move, and shall take down the shadowing veil, and shall cover with it the ark of the testimony. 6 And they shall put on it a cover, even a blue skin, and put on it above a garment all of blue, and shall put the staves through [the rings]. 7 And they shall put on the table set forth for show-bread a cloth all of purple, and the dishes, and the censers, and the cups, and the vessels with which one offers drink-offerings; and the continual loaves shall be upon it. 8 And they shall put upon it a scarlet cloth, and they shall cover it with a blue covering of skin, and they shall put the staves into it. 9 And they shall take a blue covering, and cover the candlestick that gives light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its funnels, and all the vessels of oil with which they minister. 10 And they shall put it, and all its vessels, into a blue skin cover; and they shall put it on bearers. 11 And they shall put a blue cloth for a cover on the golden altar, and shall cover it with a blue skin cover, and put in its staves. 12 And they shall take all the instruments of service, with which they minister in the sanctuary: and shall place them in a cloth of blue, and shall cover them with blue skin covering, and put them upon staves. 13 And he shall put the covering on the altar, and they shall cover it with a cloth all of purple. 14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels with which they minister upon it, and the fire-pans, and the flesh hooks, and the cups, and the cover, and all the vessels of the altar; and they shall put on it a blue cover of skins, and shall put in its staves; and they shall take a purple cloth, and cover the laver and its foot, and they shall put it into a blue cover of skin, and put it on bars. 15 And Aaron and his sons shall finish covering the holy things, and all the holy vessels, when the camp begins to move; and afterwards the sons of Caath shall go in to take up [the furniture]; but shall not touch the holy things, lest they die: these shall the sons of Caath bear in the tabernacle of witness. 16 Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest is overseer—the oil of the light, and the incense of composition, and the daily meat-offering and the anointing oil, are his charge; even the oversight of the whole tabernacle, and all things that are in it in the holy place, in all the works.
NSB(i) 4 »This is the work the Kohathites will do in the tent of meeting: They will take care of the most holy things. 5 »When the camp is to move, Aaron and his sons will go in and take down the canopy that hangs over the Ark containing the words of God’s Covenant. First they will cover the Ark with the canopy. 6 »Over this they will put a covering of fine leather. On top of that they will spread a cloth made entirely of violet material. Then they will put the poles in place. 7 »They will spread a violet cloth over the table of the presence and put on it the plates, dishes, bowls, and pitchers for the wine offerings. The bread that is always in Jehovah’s presence will also be on it. 8 »They will spread a bright red cloth over everything on the table. They will then cover all this with fine leather. Then they will put the poles in place. 9 »They will use a violet cloth to cover the lamp stand, as well as the lamps, snuffers, trays, and all the containers for the olive oil used in the lamps. 10 »Then they will put the lamp stand and all its utensils under a covering of fine leather and put them on a frame to carry them. 11 »They will spread a violet cloth over the gold altar and cover the cloth with fine leather. Then they will put the poles in place. 12 »They will take all the articles that are used in the holy place and put them in a violet cloth. Then they will cover that with fine leather, and put them on a frame to carry them. 13 »After they take the ashes away, they will spread a purple cloth over the altar. 14 »They will put all the accessories used at the altar on it. These are the trays, forks, shovels, and bowls-all the altar’s accessories. They will spread a covering of fine leather (sealskin) over all this. Then they will put the poles in place. 15 »When Aaron and his sons finished covering the holy things and the camp is ready to move, the Kohathites will come to carry all the holy articles. They must never touch the holy things, or they will die. The Kohathites will carry all the things from the tent of meeting. 16 »Eleazar, son of the priest Aaron, will be in charge of the oil for the lamps, the sweet-smelling incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He is in charge of the whole tent and everything in it, the holy place and its contents.«
ISV(i) 4 “Here’s what the descendants of Kohath are to do regarding the Tent of Meeting and what’s inside the Most Holy Place: 5 When the camp is about to travel, Aaron and his sons are to come and take down the veil of the curtain and cover the Ark of the Testimony with it. 6 They are to set a leather-dyed skin covering over it, cover it with a pure blue cloth, and then insert its poles.
7 “They are to spread a blue cloth over the table of the Presence and on top of it the dishes, pans, bowls, pitchers for drink offerings, and the bread of presence are to be on it continually. 8 They are to spread over them a scarlet cloth and a leather-dyed skin covering and then insert its poles.
9 “They are to take a blue cloth and cover the lamp stand for the light with its lamp, lamp-snuffers, censer, and all the utensils for its oil with which they minister. 10 Then they are to put them with all the other utensils on the leather-dyed skin covering and set them on the beams for transport.
11 “On the golden altar, they are to spread a blue cloth, cover it with a leather-dyed skin covering, and then insert its poles. 12 Then they are to take all the utensils for service with which they minister at the sanctuary, set them on the blue cloth, cover them with the leather-dyed skin covering, and then set them on the beams for transport. 13 They are also to remove the ashes on the altar and spread a purple cloth over it. 14 Then they are to put all the instruments with which they minister there—trays, forks, shovels, bowls, and all the utensils of the altar. They are to spread over it a leather-dyed skin covering and then insert its poles.
15 “When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the utensils of the sanctuary, and the camp is about to travel, then the descendants of Kohath are to come and carry them, but they are not to touch the most sacred objects, so they won’t die. These are the duties of the descendants of Kohath at the Tent of Meeting.”
16 “Now the duty of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest is to maintain the oil for the light, the spiced incense, the daily offerings, the oil for anointing, and to carry out all the duties of the tent and the sanctuary, and to maintain its utensils.”
LEB(i) 4 This is the work of the descendants* of Kohath in the tent of assembly, concerning the holiness of the sanctuary: 5 When setting out the camp, Aaron and his sons will go and lower the curtain of the covering and cover with it the ark of the testimony.* 6 They will put on it a covering of fine leather,* and they will spread a cloth of perfect blue over it, and they will place its poles. 7 And over the table of the presence they will spread out a blue cloth and put on it the plates, dishes, and libation bowls, and the pitchers of the libation; and the bread of continuity will be on it. 8 They will spread over it a scarlet cloth, and they will cover it with a covering of fine leather,* and they will place its poles. 9 They will take a blue cloth and cover the lampstand for the light source, its lamps, a pair of its tongs, its small pans, and all the vessels of its oil with which they attend to it. 10 They will put it and all its vessels inside a covering of fine leather* and put it on the carrying frame. 11 Over the altar of gold they will spread a blue cloth, and they will cover it with a covering of fine leather* and place its poles. 12 They will take all the vessels of the cultic service with which they serve in the sanctuary and put them on a blue cloth, and they will cover them with a covering of fine leather;* and they will put them on the carrying frame. 13 They will remove the fat-soaked ashes from the altar and spread a purple cloth over it; 14 they will put on it all the vessels with which they serve, the fire pans, forks, shovels, and bowls—all the vessels of the altar. They will spread on it a covering of fine leather;* and they will place its poles. 15 And when Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the vessels of the sanctuary when the camp sets out, the descendants* of Kohath will come after to carry these, but they must not touch the sanctuary, or they will die. These are the load of the descendants* of Kohath in the tent of assembly. 16 "Eleazar son of Aaron the priest is to supervise the oil of the light source, the incense, the regular grain offering,* the oil of anointment, the supervision of all the tabernacle and all that is in it, in the sanctuary and in its vessels."
BSB(i) 4 This service of the Kohathites at the Tent of Meeting regards the most holy things. 5 Whenever the camp sets out, Aaron and his sons are to go in, take down the veil of the curtain, and cover the ark of the Testimony with it. 6 They are to place over this a covering of fine leather, spread a solid blue cloth over it, and insert its poles. 7 Over the table of the Presence they are to spread a blue cloth and place the plates and cups on it, along with the bowls and pitchers for the drink offering. The regular bread offering is to remain on it. 8 And they shall spread a scarlet cloth over them, cover them with fine leather, and insert the poles. 9 They are to take a blue cloth and cover the lampstand used for light, together with its lamps, wick trimmers, and trays, as well as the jars of oil with which to supply it. 10 Then they shall wrap it and all its utensils inside a covering of fine leather and put it on the carrying frame. 11 Over the gold altar they are to spread a blue cloth, cover it with fine leather, and insert the poles. 12 They are to take all the utensils for serving in the sanctuary, place them in a blue cloth, cover them with fine leather, and put them on the carrying frame. 13 Then they shall remove the ashes from the bronze altar, spread a purple cloth over it, 14 and place on it all the vessels used to serve there: the firepans, meat forks, shovels, and sprinkling bowls—all the equipment of the altar. They are to spread over it a covering of fine leather and insert the poles. 15 When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy objects and all their equipment, as soon as the camp is ready to move, the Kohathites shall come and do the carrying. But they must not touch the holy objects, or they will die. These are the transportation duties of the Kohathites regarding the Tent of Meeting. 16 Eleazar son of Aaron the priest shall oversee the oil for the light, the fragrant incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He has oversight of the entire tabernacle and everything in it, including the holy objects and their utensils.”
MSB(i) 4 This service of the Kohathites at the Tent of Meeting regards the most holy things. 5 Whenever the camp sets out, Aaron and his sons are to go in, take down the veil of the curtain, and cover the ark of the Testimony with it. 6 They are to place over this a covering of fine leather, spread a solid blue cloth over it, and insert its poles. 7 Over the table of the Presence they are to spread a blue cloth and place the plates and cups on it, along with the bowls and pitchers for the drink offering. The regular bread offering is to remain on it. 8 And they shall spread a scarlet cloth over them, cover them with fine leather, and insert the poles. 9 They are to take a blue cloth and cover the lampstand used for light, together with its lamps, wick trimmers, and trays, as well as the jars of oil with which to supply it. 10 Then they shall wrap it and all its utensils inside a covering of fine leather and put it on the carrying frame. 11 Over the gold altar they are to spread a blue cloth, cover it with fine leather, and insert the poles. 12 They are to take all the utensils for serving in the sanctuary, place them in a blue cloth, cover them with fine leather, and put them on the carrying frame. 13 Then they shall remove the ashes from the bronze altar, spread a purple cloth over it, 14 and place on it all the vessels used to serve there: the firepans, meat forks, shovels, and sprinkling bowls—all the equipment of the altar. They are to spread over it a covering of fine leather and insert the poles. 15 When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy objects and all their equipment, as soon as the camp is ready to move, the Kohathites shall come and do the carrying. But they must not touch the holy objects, or they will die. These are the transportation duties of the Kohathites regarding the Tent of Meeting. 16 Eleazar son of Aaron the priest shall oversee the oil for the light, the fragrant incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He has oversight of the entire tabernacle and everything in it, including the holy objects and their utensils.”
MLV(i) 4 This is the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting, about the most holy things:
5 When the camp sets forward, Aaron will go in and his sons and they will take down the veil of the screen and cover the ark of the testimony with it. 6 And will put on it a covering of certain skin and will spread over it a cloth all of blue and will put in the staves of it.
7 And upon the table of showbread they will spread a cloth of blue and put on it the dishes and the spoons and the bowls and the cups with which to pour out. And the continual bread will be on it. 8 And they will spread upon them a cloth of scarlet and cover the same with a covering of certain skin and will put in the staves of it.
9 And they will take a cloth of blue and cover the lamp-stand of the light and its lamps and its snuffers and its snuff dishes and all the oil vessels of it, with which they minister to it. 10 And they will put it and all the vessels of it within a covering of certain skin and will put it upon the frame.
11 And upon the golden altar they will spread a cloth of blue and cover it with a covering of certain skin and will put in the staves of it.
12 And they will take all the vessels of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary and put them in a cloth of blue and cover them with a covering of certain skin and will put them on the frame.
13 And they will take away the ashes from the altar and spread a purple cloth on it. 14 And they will put upon it all the vessels of it, with which they minister about it: the censors, the forks and the shovels and the basins, all the vessels of the altar. And they will spread upon it a covering of certain skin and put in the staves of it.
15 And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp is set forward, after that, the sons of Kohath will come to bear it, but they will not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting.
16 And the charge of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest will be the oil for the light and the sweet incense and the continual meal offering and the anointing oil, the charge of all the tabernacle and of all that is in it: the sanctuary and the furniture of it.
VIN(i) 4 This is the work of the Kohathites at the tent of meeting, regarding the most sacred objects. 5 When the camp is about to travel, Aaron and his sons must come and take down the veil of the curtain and cover the ark of testimony with it. 6 They will put on it a cover of azure hide and spread over it a cloth wholly of blue from above and put its poles in place. 7 And over the table of the presence they will spread out a blue cloth and put on it the plates, dishes, and libation bowls, and the pitchers of the libation; and the bread of continuity will be on it. 8 And over them they are to put a red cloth, covering it with a leather cover, and putting its rods in their places. 9 They must take a blue cloth and cover the lamp stand for the light with its lamp, lamp-snuffers, censer, and all the utensils for its oil with which they minister. 10 They will put it and all its vessels inside a covering of fine leather and put it on the carrying frame. 11 On the golden altar they shall spread a blue cloth, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in its poles. 12 “They shall take all the vessels of ministry with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a blue cloth, cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame. 13 They shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth on it. 14 they will put on it all the vessels with which they serve, the fire pans, forks, shovels, and bowls—all the vessels of the altar. They will spread on it a covering of fine leather; and they will place its poles. 15 »When Aaron and his sons finished covering the holy things and the camp is ready to move, the Kohathites will come to carry all the holy articles. They must never touch the holy things, or they will die. The Kohathites will carry all the things from the tent of meeting. 16 "Eleazar, son of the priest Aaron, will be in charge of the oil for the lamps, the sweet-smelling incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He is in charge of the whole tent and everything in it, the holy place and its contents."
Luther1545(i) 4 Das soll aber das Amt der Kinder Kahath in der Hütte des Stifts sein, das das Allerheiligste ist: 5 Wenn das Heer aufbricht, so soll Aaron und seine Söhne hineingehen und den Vorhang abnehmen und die Lade des Zeugnisses drein winden; 6 und drauf tun die Decke von Dachsfellen und oben drauf eine ganze gelbe Decke breiten und seine Stangen dazu legen; 7 und über den Schautisch auch eine gelbe Decke breiten und dazu legen die Schüsseln, Löffel, Schalen und Kannen, aus und ein zu gießen. Und das tägliche Brot soll dabei liegen. 8 Und sollen drüber breiten eine rosinrote Decke und dieselbe bedecken mit einer Decke von Dachsfellen und seine Stangen dazu legen. 9 Und sollen eine gelbe Decke nehmen und drein winden den Leuchter des Lichts und seine Lampen mit seinen Schneuzen und Näpfen und alle Ölgefäße, die zum Amt gehören. 10 Und sollen um das alles tun eine Decke von Dachsfellen, und sollen sie auf Stangen legen. 11 Also sollen sie auch über den güldenen Altar eine gelbe Decke breiten und dieselbe bedecken mit der Decke von Dachsfellen und seine Stangen dazu tun. 12 Alle Geräte, damit sie schaffen im Heiligtum, sollen sie nehmen und gelbe Decken drüber tun und mit einer Decke von Dachsfellen decken und auf Stangen legen. 13 Sie sollen auch die Asche vom Altar fegen und eine scharlachene Decke drüber breiten, 14 und alle seine Geräte dazu legen, damit sie drauf schaffen: Kohlpfannen, Kreuel, Schaufeln, Becken, mit allem Geräte des Altars; und sollen drüber breiten eine Decke von Dachsfellen und seine Stangen dazu tun. 15 Wenn nun Aaron und seine Söhne solches ausgerichtet haben und das Heiligtum und alle seine Geräte bedecket, wenn das Heer aufbricht, danach sollen die Kinder Kahath hineingehen, daß sie es tragen, und sollen das Heiligtum nicht anrühren, daß sie nicht sterben. Dies sind die Lasten der Kinder Kahath an der Hütte des Stifts. 16 Und Eleazar, Aarons, des Priesters, Sohn soll das Amt haben, daß er ordne das Öl zum Licht und die Spezerei zum Räuchwerk und das tägliche Speisopfer und das Salböl; daß er beschicke die ganze Wohnung und alles, was drinnen ist, im Heiligtum und seinem Geräte.
  4 H5656 Das soll aber das Amt H1121 der Kinder H6955 Kahath H168 in der Hütte H4150 des Stifts H6944 sein, das das Allerheiligste H6944 ist :
  5 H4264 Wenn das Heer H5265 aufbricht H175 , so soll Aaron H1121 und seine Söhne H935 hineingehen H4539 und den Vorhang H3381 abnehmen H727 und die Lade H5715 des Zeugnisses H3680 drein winden;
  6 H7760 und drauf tun H3681 die Decke H8476 von Dachsfellen H3632 und oben drauf eine ganze H899 gelbe Decke H6566 breiten H905 und seine Stangen H5414 dazu legen;
  7 H6440 und über den H899 Schautisch auch eine gelbe Decke H6566 breiten H5414 und dazu legen H7086 die Schüsseln H3709 , Löffel H4518 , Schalen H7184 und Kannen H8548 , aus und ein zu gießen. Und das tägliche H3899 Brot soll dabei liegen.
  8 H6566 Und sollen drüber breiten H899 eine rosinrote Decke H3680 und dieselbe bedecken H8476 mit einer Decke von Dachsfellen H905 und seine Stangen H7760 dazu legen .
  9 H899 Und sollen eine gelbe Decke H3947 nehmen H3680 und drein winden H4501 den Leuchter H3974 des Lichts H5216 und seine Lampen H4457 mit seinen Schneuzen H4289 und Näpfen H8081 und alle Ölgefäße H8334 , die zum Amt gehören .
  10 H3627 Und sollen um das alles H5414 tun H4372 eine Decke H8476 von Dachsfellen H4132 , und sollen sie auf Stangen H5414 legen .
  11 H4196 Also sollen sie auch über den güldenen Altar H899 eine gelbe Decke H6566 breiten H3680 und dieselbe bedecken H8476 mit der Decke von Dachsfellen H905 und seine Stangen H7760 dazu tun .
  12 H3627 Alle Geräte H8334 , damit sie schaffen H6944 im Heiligtum H3947 , sollen sie nehmen H3680 und gelbe Decken H5414 drüber tun H899 und mit einer Decke H8476 von Dachsfellen H4132 decken und auf Stangen H5414 legen .
  13 H1878 Sie sollen auch die Asche H4196 vom Altar H899 fegen und eine scharlachene Decke H6566 drüber breiten,
  14 H3627 und alle seine Geräte H5414 dazu legen H8334 , damit sie drauf schaffen H3257 : Kohlpfannen, Kreuel, Schaufeln H4219 , Becken H3627 , mit allem Geräte H4196 des Altars H6566 ; und sollen drüber breiten H3681 eine Decke H8476 von Dachsfellen H905 und seine Stangen H7760 dazu tun .
  15 H310 Wenn nun H175 Aaron H1121 und seine Söhne H3615 solches ausgerichtet H3680 haben H6944 und das Heiligtum H3627 und alle seine Geräte H4264 bedecket, wenn das Heer H5265 aufbricht H1121 , danach sollen die Kinder H6955 Kahath H935 hineingehen H6944 , daß sie H5375 es tragen H6944 , und sollen das Heiligtum H5060 nicht anrühren H4191 , daß sie nicht sterben H4853 . Dies sind die Lasten H1121 der Kinder H6955 Kahath H168 an der Hütte H4150 des Stifts .
  16 H175 Und Eleazar, Aarons H3548 , des Priesters H1121 , Sohn H6486 soll das Amt H6486 haben H8081 , daß er ordne das Öl H3974 zum Licht H5561 und die Spezerei H7004 zum Räuchwerk H8548 und das tägliche H4503 Speisopfer H4888 und das Salböl H4908 ; daß er beschicke die ganze Wohnung H6944 und alles, was drinnen ist, im Heiligtum H3627 und seinem Geräte .
Luther1912(i) 4 Das soll aber das Amt der Kinder Kahath in der Hütte des Stifts sein; was das Hochheilige ist. 5 Wenn das Heer aufbricht, so sollen Aaron und seine Söhne hineingehen und den Vorhang abnehmen und die Lade des Zeugnisses darein winden 6 und darauf tun die Decke von Dachsfellen und obendrauf eine ganz blaue Decke breiten und ihre Stangen daran legen 7 und über den Schaubrottisch auch eine blaue Decke breiten und darauf legen die Schüsseln, Löffel, die Schalen und Kannen zum Trankopfer, und das beständige Brot soll darauf liegen. 8 Und sollen darüber breiten eine scharlachrote Decke und dieselbe bedecken mit einer Decke von Dachsfellen und seine Stangen daran legen. 9 Und sollen eine blaue Decke nehmen und darein winden den Leuchter des Lichts und seine Lampen mit seinen Schneuzen und Näpfen und alle Ölgefäße, die zum Amt gehören. 10 Und sollen um das alles tun eine Decke von Dachsfellen und sollen es auf die Stangen legen. 11 Also sollen sie auch über den goldenen Altar eine blaue Decke breiten und sie bedecken mit der Decke von Dachsfellen und seine Stangen daran tun. 12 Alle Gerät, womit sie schaffen im Heiligtum, sollen sie nehmen und blaue Decken darüber tun und mit einer Decke von Dachsfellen bedecken und auf Stangen legen. 13 Sie sollen auch die Asche vom Altar fegen und eine Decke von rotem Purpur über ihn breiten 14 und alle seine Geräte darauf schaffen, Kohlenpfannen, Gabeln, Schaufeln, Becken mit allem Gerät des Altars; und sollen darüber breiten eine Decke von Dachsfellen und seine Stangen daran tun. 15 Wenn nun Aaron und seine Söhne solches ausgerichtet und das Heiligtum und all sein Gerät bedeckt haben, wenn das Heer aufbricht, darnach sollen die Kinder Kahath hineingehen, daß sie es tragen; und sollen das Heiligtum nicht anrühren, daß sie nicht sterben. Dies sind die Lasten der Kinder Kahath an der Hütte des Stifts. 16 Und Eleasar, Aarons, des Priesters, Sohn, soll das Amt haben, daß er ordne das Öl zum Licht und die Spezerei zum Räuchwerk und das tägliche Speisopfer und das Salböl, daß er beschicke die ganze Wohnung und alles, was darin ist, im Heiligtum und seinem Geräte.
  4 H5656 Das soll aber das Amt H1121 der Kinder H6955 Kahath H168 in der Hütte H4150 des Stifts H6944 H6944 sein; was das Hochheilige ist.
  5 H4264 Wenn das Heer H5265 aufbricht H175 , so sollen Aaron H1121 und seine Söhne H935 hineingehen H4539 und den Vorhang H6532 H3381 abnehmen H727 und die Lade H5715 des Zeugnisses H3680 darein H3680 winden
  6 H5414 und darauf tun H3681 die Decke H8476 H5785 von Dachsfellen H4605 und obendrauf H3632 eine ganz H8504 blaue H899 Decke H6566 breiten H905 und ihre Stangen H7760 daran legen
  7 H6440 H7979 und über den Schaubrottisch H8504 auch eine blaue H899 Decke H6566 breiten H5414 und darauf legen H7086 die Schüsseln H3709 , Löffel H4518 , die Schalen H7184 und Kannen H5262 zum Trankopfer H8548 , und das beständige H3899 Brot soll darauf liegen.
  8 H6566 Und sollen darüber breiten H8438 H8144 eine scharlachrote H899 Decke H3680 und dieselbe bedecken H4372 mit einer Decke H8476 H5785 von Dachsfellen H905 und seine Stangen H7760 daran legen .
  9 H8504 Und sollen eine blaue H899 Decke H3947 nehmen H3680 und darein winden H4501 den Leuchter H3974 des Lichts H5216 und seine Lampen H4457 mit seinen Schneuzen H4289 und Näpfen H8081 H3627 und alle Ölgefäße H8334 , die zum Amt gehören.
  10 H4372 Und sollen um H3627 das alles H5414 tun H4372 eine Decke H8476 H5785 von Dachsfellen H4132 und sollen es auf Stangen H5414 legen .
  11 H2091 Also sollen sie auch über den goldenen H4196 Altar H8504 eine blaue H899 Decke H6566 breiten H3680 und sie bedecken H4372 mit der Decke H8476 H5785 von Dachsfellen H905 und seine Stangen H7760 daran tun .
  12 H3627 H8335 Alle Geräte H8334 , womit sie schaffen H6944 im Heiligtum H3947 , sollen sie nehmen H8504 und blaue H899 Decken H5414 darüber tun H4372 und mit einer Decke H8476 H5785 von Dachsfellen H3680 bedecken H4132 und auf Stangen H5414 legen .
  13 H1878 Sie sollen auch die Asche H4196 vom Altar H899 fegen und eine Decke H713 von rotem Purpur H6566 über ihn breiten
  14 H3627 und alle seine Geräte H5414 darauf tun H8334 , womit sie darauf schaffen H4289 , Kohlenpfannen H4207 , Gabeln H3257 , Schaufeln H4219 , Becken H3627 mit allem Geräte H4196 des Altars H6566 ; und sollen darüber breiten H3681 eine Decke H8476 H5785 von Dachsfellen H905 und seine Stangen H7760 daran tun .
  15 H175 Wenn nun Aaron H1121 und seine Söhne H3615 solches ausgerichtet H6944 und das Heiligtum H3627 und all sein Gerät H3680 bedeckt H4264 haben, wenn das Heer H5265 aufbricht H310 , darnach H1121 sollen die Kinder H6955 Kahath H935 hineingehen H5375 , daß sie es tragen H6944 ; und sollen das Heiligtum H5060 nicht anrühren H4191 , daß sie nicht sterben H4853 . Dies sind die Lasten H1121 der Kinder H6955 Kahath H168 an der Hütte H4150 des Stifts .
  16 H499 Und Eleasar H175 , Aarons H3548 , des Priesters H1121 , Sohn H6486 , soll das Amt H8081 haben, daß er ordne das Öl H3974 zum Licht H5561 und die Spezerei H7004 zum Räuchwerk H8548 und das tägliche H4503 Speisopfer H4888 H8081 und das Salböl H6486 , daß er beschicke H4908 die ganze Wohnung H6944 und alles, was darin ist, im Heiligtum H3627 und seinem Geräte .
ELB1871(i) 4 Dies ist der Dienst der Söhne Kehaths am Zelte der Zusammenkunft: das Hochheilige. 5 Und Aaron und seine Söhne sollen beim Aufbruch des Lagers hineingehen und den Scheidevorhang abnehmen und die Lade des Zeugnisses damit bedecken; 6 und sie sollen eine Decke von Dachsfell darüber legen und ein Tuch, ganz von blauem Purpur, oben darüber breiten und ihre Stangen daran tun. 7 Und über den Tisch der Schaubrote sollen sie ein Tuch von blauem Purpur breiten und darauf stellen die Schüsseln und Schalen und Spendschalen und die Kannen zum Trankopfer; und das beständige Brot soll auf demselben sein; 8 Und hierüber sollen sie ein Tuch von Karmesin breiten und es mit einer Decke von Dachsfell bedecken; und sie sollen seine Stangen daran tun. 9 Und sie sollen ein Tuch von blauem Purpur nehmen und den Leuchter des Lichts bedecken und seine Lampen und seine Lichtschneuzen und seine Löschnäpfe und alle seine Ölgefäße, womit man den Dienst an ihm verrichtet; 10 Und sie sollen ihn und alle seine Geräte in eine Decke von Dachsfell tun und auf die Trage legen. 11 Und über den goldenen Altar sollen sie ein Tuch von blauem Purpur breiten und ihn mit einer Decke von Dachsfell bedecken und seine Stangen daran tun. 12 Und sie sollen alle Geräte des Dienstes nehmen, womit man den Dienst im Heiligtum verrichtet, und sie in ein Tuch von blauem Purpur legen und sie mit einer Decke von Dachsfell bedecken und auf die Trage legen. 13 Und sie sollen den Altar von der Fettasche reinigen und ein Tuch von rotem Purpur über ihn breiten, 14 und darauf legen alle seine Geräte, womit man den Dienst auf ihm verrichtet: die Kohlenpfannen und die Gabeln und die Schaufeln und die Sprengschalen, alle Geräte des Altars; und sie sollen eine Decke von Dachsfell darüber breiten und seine Stangen daran tun. 15 Und wenn Aaron und seine Söhne beim Aufbruch des Lagers das Bedecken des Heiligtums und aller Geräte des Heiligtums vollendet haben, so sollen danach die Söhne Kehaths kommen, um es zu tragen, damit sie das Heilige nicht anrühren und sterben. Das ist es, was die Söhne Kehaths vom Zelte der Zusammenkunft zu tragen haben. 16 Und Eleasar, der Sohn Aarons, des Priesters, hat die Aufsicht über das Öl zum Licht und das wohlriechende Räucherwerk und das beständige Speisopfer und das Salböl, die Aufsicht über die ganze Wohnung und alles, was darin ist, über das Heiligtum wie über seine Geräte.
ELB1905(i) 4 Dies ist der Dienst der Söhne Kehaths am Zelte der Zusammenkunft: das Hochheilige. 5 Und Aaron und seine Söhne sollen beim Aufbruch des Lagers hineingehen und den Scheidevorhang S. [2.Mose 35,12] abnehmen und die Lade des Zeugnisses damit bedecken; 6 und sie sollen eine Decke von Dachsfell darüber legen und ein Tuch, ganz von blauem Purpur, oben darüber breiten und ihre Stangen daran tun. 7 Und über den Tisch der Schaubrote sollen sie ein Tuch von blauem Purpur breiten und darauf stellen die Schüsseln und Schalen und Spendschalen und die Kannen zum Trankopfer; und das beständige Brot soll auf demselben sein; 8 Und hierüber sollen sie ein Tuch von Karmesin breiten und es mit einer Decke von Dachsfell bedecken; und sie sollen seine Stangen daran tun. 9 Und sie sollen ein Tuch von blauem Purpur nehmen und den Leuchter des Lichts bedecken und seine Lampen und seine Lichtschneuzen und seine Löschnäpfe und alle seine Ölgefäße, womit man den Dienst an ihm verrichtet; 10 Und sie sollen ihn und alle seine Geräte in eine Decke von Dachsfell tun und auf die Trage legen. 11 Und über den goldenen Altar sollen sie ein Tuch von blauem Purpur breiten und ihn mit einer Decke von Dachsfell bedecken und seine Stangen daran tun. 12 Und sie sollen alle Geräte des Dienstes nehmen, womit man den Dienst im Heiligtum verrichtet, und sie in ein Tuch von blauem Purpur legen und sie mit einer Decke von Dachsfell bedecken und auf die Trage legen. 13 Und sie sollen den Altar von der Fettasche reinigen und ein Tuch von rotem Purpur über ihn breiten, 14 und darauf legen alle seine Geräte, womit man den Dienst auf ihm verrichtet: die Kohlenpfannen und die Gabeln und die Schaufeln und die Sprengschalen, alle Geräte des Altars; und sie sollen eine Decke von Dachsfell darüber breiten und seine Stangen daran tun. 15 Und wenn Aaron und seine Söhne beim Aufbruch des Lagers das Bedecken des Heiligtums und aller Geräte des Heiligtums vollendet haben, so sollen danach die Söhne Kehaths kommen, um es zu tragen, damit sie das Heilige nicht anrühren und sterben. Das ist es, was die Söhne Kehaths vom Zelte der Zusammenkunft zu tragen haben. 16 Und Eleasar, der Sohn Aarons, des Priesters, hat die Aufsicht über das Öl zum Licht und das wohlriechende Räucherwerk und das beständige Speisopfer und das Salböl, die Aufsicht über die ganze Wohnung und alles, was darin ist, über das Heiligtum wie über seine Geräte.
  4 H5656 Dies ist der Dienst H1121 der Söhne H4150 Kehaths am Zelte der Zusammenkunft H6944 : das Hochheilige .
  5 H175 Und Aaron H1121 und seine Söhne H4264 sollen beim Aufbruch des Lagers H935 hineingehen H4539 und den Scheide-Vorhang H3381 abnehmen H727 und die Lade H5715 des Zeugnisses H3680 damit bedecken;
  6 H3681 und sie sollen eine Decke H5414 von Dachsfell darüber legen H3632 und ein Tuch, ganz H8504 von blauem H4605 Purpur, oben H6566 darüber breiten H905 und ihre Stangen H7760 daran tun .
  7 H7979 Und über den Tisch H5414 der Schaubrote sollen sie H8504 ein Tuch von blauem H6566 Purpur breiten H7086 und darauf stellen die Schüsseln H4518 und Schalen H7184 und Spendschalen und die Kannen H5262 zum Trankopfer H8548 ; und das beständige H3899 Brot H6440 soll auf demselben sein;
  8 H6566 Und hierüber sollen sie ein Tuch von Karmesin breiten H899 und es mit einer Decke H3680 von Dachsfell bedecken H905 ; und sie sollen seine Stangen H7760 daran tun .
  9 H8504 Und sie sollen ein Tuch von blauem H3947 Purpur nehmen H4501 und den Leuchter H3974 des Lichts H3680 bedecken H5216 und seine Lampen H4457 und seine Lichtschneuzen H4289 und seine Löschnäpfe H8081 und alle seine Ölgefäße H8334 , womit man den Dienst H899 an ihm verrichtet;
  10 H3627 Und sie sollen ihn und alle seine Geräte H4372 in eine Decke H5414 von Dachsfell tun H5414 und auf die Trage legen .
  11 H2091 Und über den goldenen H4196 Altar H8504 sollen sie ein Tuch von blauem H6566 Purpur breiten H899 und ihn mit einer Decke H3680 von Dachsfell bedecken H905 und seine Stangen H7760 daran tun .
  12 H3627 Und sie sollen alle Geräte H3947 des Dienstes nehmen H8335 , womit man den Dienst H6944 im Heiligtum H8504 verrichtet, und sie in ein Tuch von blauem H5414 Purpur legen H899 und sie mit einer Decke H3680 von Dachsfell bedecken H5414 und auf die Trage legen .
  13 H4196 Und sie sollen den Altar H713 von der Fettasche reinigen und ein Tuch von rotem Purpur H6566 über ihn breiten,
  14 H5414 und darauf legen H3627 alle seine Geräte H8334 , womit man den Dienst H4289 auf ihm verrichtet: die Kohlenpfannen H4207 und die Gabeln H3257 und die Schaufeln H3627 und die Sprengschalen, alle Geräte H4196 des Altars H3681 ; und sie sollen eine Decke H6566 von Dachsfell darüber breiten H905 und seine Stangen H7760 daran tun .
  15 H310 Und H175 wenn Aaron H1121 und seine Söhne H4264 beim Aufbruch des Lagers H3680 das Bedecken H6944 des Heiligtums H3627 und aller Geräte H6944 des Heiligtums H3615 vollendet H1121 haben, so sollen danach die Söhne H935 Kehaths kommen H5375 , um es zu tragen H5265 , damit sie H6944 das Heilige H5060 nicht anrühren H4191 und sterben H1121 . Das ist es, was die Söhne H4150 Kehaths vom Zelte der Zusammenkunft H4853 zu tragen haben.
  16 H7004 Und H499 Eleasar H1121 , der Sohn H175 Aarons H3548 , des Priesters H6486 , hat die Aufsicht über H8081 das Öl H3974 zum Licht H8548 und das wohlriechende Räucherwerk und das beständige H4503 Speisopfer H4888 und das Salböl H6486 , die Aufsicht über H4908 die ganze Wohnung H6944 und alles, was darin ist, über das Heiligtum H3627 wie über seine Geräte .
DSV(i) 4 Dit zal de dienst zijn der zonen van Kohath, in de tent der samenkomst, te weten de heiligheid der heiligheden. 5 In het optrekken des legers, zo zullen Aäron en zijn zonen komen, en den voorhang des deksels afnemen, en zullen daarmede de ark der getuigenis bedekken. 6 En zij zullen een deksel van dassenvellen daarop leggen, en een geheel kleed van hemelsblauw daar bovenop uitspreiden; en zij zullen derzelver handbomen aanleggen. 7 Zij zullen ook op de toontafel een kleed van hemelsblauw uitspreiden, en zullen daarop zetten de schotels, en de reukschalen, en de kroezen, en de dekschotels; ook zal het gedurig brood daarop zijn. 8 Daarna zullen zij een scharlaken kleed daarover uitspreiden, en zullen dat met een deksel van dassenvellen bedekken; en zij zullen derzelver handbomen aanleggen. 9 Dan zullen zij een kleed van hemelsblauw nemen, en bedekken den kandelaar des luchters, en zijn lampen, en zijn snuiters, en zijn blusvaten, en al zijn olievaten, met welke zij aan denzelven dienen. 10 Zij zullen ook denzelven, en al zijn gereedschap, in een deksel van dassenvellen doen, en zullen hem op den draagboom leggen. 11 En over het gouden altaar zullen zij een kleed van hemelsblauw uitspreiden, en zullen dat met een deksel van dassenvellen bedekken; en zij zullen deszelfs handbomen aanleggen. 12 Zij zullen ook nemen alle gereedschap van den dienst, met hetwelk zij in het heiligdom dienen, en zullen het leggen in een kleed van hemelsblauw, en zullen hetzelve met een deksel van dassenvellen bedekken; en zij zullen het op den draagboom leggen. 13 En zij zullen de as van het altaar vegen, en zij zullen daarover een kleed van purper uitspreiden. 14 En zij zullen daarop leggen al zijn gereedschap, waarmede zij aan hetzelve dienen, de koolpannen, de krauwelen, en de schoffelen, en de sprengbekkens, al het gereedschap des altaars; en zij zullen daarover een deksel van dassenvellen uitspreiden, en zullen deszelfs handbomen aanleggen. 15 Als nu Aäron en zijn zonen, het dekken van het heiligdom, en van alle gereedschap des heiligdoms, in het optrekken des legers, zullen voleind hebben, zo zullen daarna de zonen van Kohath komen om te dragen; maar zij zullen dat heilige niet aanroeren, dat zij niet sterven. Dit is de last der zonen van Kohath, in de tent der samenkomst. 16 Het opzicht nu van Eleazar, den zoon van Aäron, den priester, zal zijn over de olie des luchters, en het reukwerk der welriekende specerijen, en het gedurig spijsoffer, en de zalfolie; het opzicht des gansen tabernakels, en alles wat daarin is, aan het heiligdom en aan zijn gereedschap.
  4 H5656 Dit zal de dienst H1121 zijn der zonen H6955 van Kohath H168 , in de tent H4150 der samenkomst H6944 , [te] [weten] de heiligheid H6944 der heiligheden.
  5 H5265 H8800 In het optrekken H4264 des legers H175 , zo zullen Aaron H1121 en zijn zonen H935 H8804 komen H6532 , en den voorhang H4539 des deksels H3381 H8689 afnemen H727 , en zullen daarmede de ark H5715 der getuigenis H3680 H8765 bedekken.
  6 H3681 En zij zullen een deksel H8476 H5785 van dassenvellen H5414 H8804 daarop leggen H3632 , en een geheel H899 kleed H8504 van hemelsblauw H4605 daar bovenop H6566 H8804 uitspreiden H905 ; en zij zullen derzelver handbomen H7760 H8804 aanleggen.
  7 H7979 H6440 Zij zullen ook op de toontafel H899 een kleed H8504 van hemelsblauw H6566 H8799 uitspreiden H5414 H8804 , en zullen daarop zetten H7086 de schotels H3709 , en de reukschalen H4518 , en de kroezen H7184 H5262 , en de dekschotels H8548 ; ook zal het gedurig H3899 brood daarop zijn.
  8 H8438 H8144 Daarna zullen zij een scharlaken H899 kleed H6566 H8804 daarover uitspreiden H4372 , en zullen dat met een deksel H8476 H5785 van dassenvellen H3680 H8765 bedekken H905 ; en zij zullen derzelver handbomen H7760 H8804 aanleggen.
  9 H899 Dan zullen zij een kleed H8504 van hemelsblauw H3947 H8804 nemen H3680 H8765 , en bedekken H4501 den kandelaar H3974 des luchters H5216 , en zijn lampen H4457 , en zijn snuiters H4289 , en zijn blusvaten H8081 H3627 , en al zijn olievaten H8334 H8762 , met welke zij aan denzelven dienen.
  10 H3627 Zij zullen ook denzelven, en al zijn gereedschap H4372 , in een deksel H8476 H5785 van dassenvellen H5414 H8804 doen H4132 , en zullen hem op den draagboom H5414 H8804 leggen.
  11 H2091 En over het gouden H4196 altaar H899 zullen zij een kleed H8504 van hemelsblauw H6566 H8799 uitspreiden H4372 , en zullen dat met een deksel H8476 H5785 van dassenvellen H3680 H8765 bedekken H905 ; en zij zullen deszelfs handbomen H7760 H8804 aanleggen.
  12 H3947 H8804 Zij zullen ook nemen H3627 alle gereedschap H8335 van den dienst H6944 , met hetwelk zij in het heiligdom H8334 H8762 dienen H5414 H8804 , en zullen het leggen H899 in een kleed H8504 van hemelsblauw H4372 , en zullen hetzelve met een deksel H8476 H5785 van dassenvellen H3680 H8765 bedekken H4132 ; en zij zullen het op den draagboom H5414 H8804 leggen.
  13 H1878 H0 En zij zullen de as H4196 van het altaar H1878 H8765 vegen H899 , en zij zullen daarover een kleed H713 van purper H6566 H8804 uitspreiden.
  14 H5414 H8804 En zij zullen daarop leggen H3627 al zijn gereedschap H8334 H8762 , waarmede zij aan hetzelve dienen H4289 , de koolpannen H4207 , de krauwelen H3257 , en de schoffelen H4219 , en de sprengbekkens H3627 , al het gereedschap H4196 des altaars H3681 ; en zij zullen daarover een deksel H8476 H5785 van dassenvellen H6566 H8804 uitspreiden H905 , en zullen deszelfs handbomen H7760 H8804 aanleggen.
  15 H175 Als nu Aaron H1121 en zijn zonen H3680 H8763 , het dekken H6944 van het heiligdom H3627 , en van alle gereedschap H6944 des heiligdoms H5265 H8800 , in het optrekken H4264 des legers H3615 H8765 , zullen voleind hebben H310 , zo zullen daarna H1121 de zonen H6955 van Kohath H935 H8799 komen H5375 H8800 om te dragen H6944 ; maar zij zullen dat heilige H5060 H8799 niet aanroeren H4191 H8804 , dat zij niet sterven H4853 . Dit is de last H1121 der zonen H6955 van Kohath H168 , in de tent H4150 der samenkomst.
  16 H6486 Het opzicht H499 nu van Eleazar H1121 , den zoon H175 van Aaron H3548 , den priester H8081 , zal zijn over de olie H3974 des luchters H7004 , en het reukwerk H5561 der welriekende specerijen H8548 , en het gedurig H4503 spijsoffer H4888 H8081 , en de zalfolie H6486 ; het opzicht H4908 des gansen tabernakels H6944 , en alles wat daarin is, aan het heiligdom H3627 en aan zijn gereedschap.
Giguet(i) 4 Voici le ministère des fils de Caath dans le tabernacle du témoignage et le Saint des saints. 5 Lorsque Israël lèvera le camp, Aaron et ses fils entreront dans le tabernacle, et ils détendront le voile intérieur, et ils envelopperont l’arche. 6 Ils placeront par-dessus une couverture de peaux bleues, et par-dessus encore ils jetteront un voile bleu, puis, ils passeront les leviers; 7 Et sur la table de proposition, ils étendront une nappe pourpre, sur laquelle ils mettront les plats, les encensoirs, les urnes, les coupes à libations, avec les pains qui sont toujours exposés sur cette table. 8 Ils jetteront par-dessus une nappe écarlate qu’ils envelopperont d’une couverture de peaux bleues, et ils passeront les leviers. 9 Ils prendront ensuite une nappe bleue, et ils en envelopperont le chandelier, les lampes, les pincettes, les burettes et tous les vases à l’huile qui servent à leurs fonctions saintes; 10 Et ils déposeront le chandelier avec tous ses accessoires dans une couverture de peaux bleues, et ils le placeront sur des brancards. 11 Sur l’autel d’or, ils étendront une nappe bleue, et par-dessus une couverture de peaux couleur d’hyacinthe; puis ils passeront les leviers. 12 Ils prendront tous les vases, tous les instruments liturgiques employés dans le sanctuaire, et ils les déposeront sur une nappe bleue, puis, ils les envelopperont d’une couverture de peaux, et ils les placeront sur des brancards. 13 Ils mettront aussi le couvercle sur l’autel des holocaustes, et ils le couvriront d’une nappe pourpre. 14 Et ils y placeront tous les vases employés dans la liturgie, les foyers, les crochets, les coupes, le couvercle, tout l’ameublement de l’autel; ils les envelopperont d’une couverture de peaux bleues, puis, ils passeront les leviers. Et ils prendront une nappe pourpre, et ils en envelopperont le réservoir avec sa base qu’ils poseront dans une couverture de peaux bleues, et ils le mettront sur des brancards. 15 Et lorsque, aux levers du camp, Aaron et ses fils auront achevé d’envelopper les choses saintes, ainsi que tous les vases sacrés, les fils de Caath entreront dans le tabernacle pour les enlever, et ils ne toucheront pas aux choses saintes, s’ils ne veulent pas mourir; les fils de Caath les transporteront ensuite hors du tabernacle du témoignage. 16 Eléazar, fils du grand prêtre Aaron, veillera à l’huile du chandelier, à l’encens composé, aux sacrifices quotidiens, et à l’huile de l’onction; il aura l’inspection du tabernacle entier et de tout ce qu’il contient à l’usage des oeuvres saintes.
DarbyFR(i) 4 C'est ici le service des fils de Kehath, dans la tente d'assignation: c'est une chose très-sainte. 5 -Et lorsque le camp partira, Aaron et ses fils entreront, et ils démonteront le voile qui sert de rideau, et en couvriront l'arche du témoignage; 6 et ils mettront dessus une couverture de peaux de taissons, et étendront par-dessus un drap tout de bleu; et ils y placeront les barres. 7 Et ils étendront un drap de bleu sur la table des pains de proposition, et mettront sur elle les plats, et les coupes, et les vases, et les gobelets de libation; et le pain continuel sera sur elle. 8 Et ils étendront sur ces choses un drap d'écarlate, et ils le couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et ils y placeront les barres. 9 Et ils prendront un drap de bleu, et en couvriront le chandelier du luminaire, et ses lampes, et ses mouchettes, et ses vases à cendre, et tous ses vases à huile, dont on fait usage pour son service; 10 et ils le mettront, avec tous ses ustensiles, dans une couverture de peaux de taissons, et le mettront sur une perche. 11 Et sur l'autel d'or ils étendront un drap de bleu, et le couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et y placeront les barres. 12 Et ils prendront tous les ustensiles du service avec lesquels on sert dans le lieu saint, et ils les mettront dans un drap de bleu, et les couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et les mettront sur une perche. 13 Et ils ôteront les cendres de l'autel, et ils étendront sur lui un drap de pourpre. 14 Et ils mettront dessus tous ses ustensiles dont on fait usage pour son service: les brasiers, les fourchettes, et les pelles, et les bassins, tous les ustensiles de l'autel; et ils étendront dessus une couverture de peaux de taissons, et y placeront les barres. 15 -Et lorsque Aaron et ses fils auront achevé de couvrir le lieu saint et tous les ustensiles du lieu saint, lors du départ du camp, après cela les fils de Kehath viendront pour les porter, afin qu'ils ne touchent pas les choses saintes, et ne meurent pas. C'est là ce que les fils de Kehath porteront de la tente d'assignation. 16 Et Éléazar, fils d'Aaron, le sacrificateur, aura la surveillance de l'huile du luminaire, et de l'encens des drogues odoriférantes, et de l'offrande de gâteau continuelle, et de l'huile de l'onction, la surveillance de tout le tabernacle et de tout ce qui y est, du lieu saint et de ses ustensiles.
Martin(i) 4 C'est ici le service des enfants de Kéhath au Tabernacle d'assignation, c'est-à-dire, le lieu très-Saint. 5 Quand le camp partira, Aaron et ses fils viendront, et ils détendront le voile de tapisserie, et en couvriront l'Arche du Témoignage. 6 Puis ils mettront au dessus une couverture de peaux de taissons, ils étendront par dessus un drap de pourpre, et ils y mettront ses barres. 7 Et ils étendront un drap de pourpre sur la Table des pains de proposition, et mettront sur elle les plats, les tasses, les bassins, et les gobelets d'aspersion. Le pain continuel sera sur elle. 8 Ils étendront au dessus un drap teint de cramoisi, ils le couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et ils y mettront ses barres. 9 Et ils prendront un drap de pourpre, et en couvriront le chandelier du luminaire avec ses lampes, ses mouchettes, ses creuseaux, et tous les vaisseaux d'huile, desquels on se sert pour le chandelier; 10 Et ils le mettront avec tous ses vaisseaux dans une couverture de peaux de taissons, et le mettront sur des leviers. 11 Ils étendront sur l'autel d'or un drap de pourpre, ils le couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et ils y mettront ses barres. 12 Ils prendront aussi tous les ustensiles du service dont on se sert au Sanctuaire, ils les mettront dans un drap de pourpre, et ils les couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et les mettront sur des leviers. 13 Ils ôteront les cendres de l'autel, et étendront dessus un drap d'écarlate. 14 Et ils mettront dessus les ustensiles dont on se sert pour l'autel, les encensoirs, les crochets, les racloirs, les bassins, et tous les vaisseaux de l'autel; ils étendront dessus une couverture de peaux de taissons, et ils y mettront ses barres. 15 Le camp partira après qu'Aaron et ses fils auront achevé de couvrir le Sanctuaire et tous ses vaisseaux, et après cela les enfants de Kéhath viendront pour le porter, et ils ne toucheront point les choses saintes, de peur qu'ils ne meurent; c'est là ce que les enfants de Kéhath porteront du Tabernacle d'assignation. 16 Et Eléazar fils d'Aaron, Sacrificateur, aura la charge de l'huile du luminaire, du parfum de drogues, du gâteau continuel, et de l'huile de l'onction; la charge de tout le pavillon, et de toutes les choses qui sont dans le Sanctuaire, et de ses ustensiles.
Segond(i) 4 Voici les fonctions des fils de Kehath, dans la tente d'assignation: elles concernent le lieu très saint. 5 Au départ du camp, Aaron et ses fils viendront démonter le voile, et ils en couvriront l'arche du témoignage; 6 ils mettront dessus une couverture de peaux de dauphins, et ils étendront par-dessus un drap entièrement d'étoffe bleue; puis ils placeront les barres de l'arche. 7 Ils étendront un drap bleu sur la table des pains de proposition, et ils mettront dessus les plats, les coupes, les tasses et les calices pour les libations; le pain y sera toujours; 8 ils étendront sur ces choses un drap de cramoisi, et ils l'envelopperont d'une couverture de peaux de dauphins; puis ils placeront les barres de la table. 9 Ils prendront un drap bleu, et ils couvriront le chandelier, ses lampes, ses mouchettes, ses vases à cendre et tous ses vases à huile, destinés à son service; 10 ils le mettront, avec tous ses ustensiles, dans une couverture de peaux de dauphins; puis ils le placeront sur le brancard. 11 Ils étendront un drap bleu sur l'autel d'or, et ils l'envelopperont d'une couverture de peaux de dauphins; puis ils placeront les barres de l'autel. 12 Ils prendront tous les ustensiles dont on se sert pour le service dans le sanctuaire, et ils les mettront dans un drap bleu, et ils les envelopperont d'une couverture de peaux de dauphins; puis ils les placeront sur le brancard. 13 Ils ôteront les cendres de l'autel, et ils étendront sur l'autel un drap de pourpre; 14 ils mettront dessus tous les ustensiles destinés à son service, les brasiers, les fourchettes, les pelles, les bassins, tous les ustensiles de l'autel, et ils étendront par-dessus une couverture de peaux de dauphins; puis ils placeront les barres de l'autel. 15 Après qu'Aaron et ses fils auront achevé de couvrir le sanctuaire et tous les ustensiles du sanctuaire, les fils de Kehath viendront, au départ du camp, pour les porter; mais ils ne toucheront point les choses saintes, de peur qu'ils ne meurent. Telles sont les fonctions de porteurs, imposées aux fils de Kehath dans la tente d'assignation. 16 Eléazar, fils du sacrificateur Aaron, aura sous sa surveillance l'huile du chandelier, le parfum odoriférant, l'offrande perpétuelle et l'huile d'onction; il aura sous sa surveillance tout le tabernacle et tout ce qu'il contient, le sanctuaire et ses ustensiles.
  4 H5656 Voici les fonctions H1121 des fils H6955 de Kehath H168 , dans la tente H4150 d’assignation H6944  : elles concernent le lieu très H6944 saint.
  5 H5265 Au départ H8800   H4264 du camp H175 , Aaron H1121 et ses fils H935 viendront H8804   H3381 démonter H8689   H4539 le voile H6532   H3680 , et ils en couvriront H8765   H727 l’arche H5715 du témoignage ;
  6 H5414 ils mettront H8804   H3681 dessus une couverture H5785 de peaux H8476 de dauphins H6566 , et ils étendront H8804   H4605 par-dessus H899 un drap H3632 entièrement H8504 d’étoffe bleue H7760  ; puis ils placeront H8804   H905 les barres de l’arche.
  7 H6566 Ils étendront H8799   H899 un drap H8504 bleu H7979 sur la table H6440 des pains de proposition H5414 , et ils mettront H8804   H7086 dessus les plats H3709 , les coupes H4518 , les tasses H7184 et les calices H5262 pour les libations H3899  ; le pain H8548 y sera toujours ;
  8 H6566 ils étendront H8804   H899 sur ces choses un drap H8438 de cramoisi H8144   H3680 , et ils l’envelopperont H8765   H4372 d’une couverture H5785 de peaux H8476 de dauphins H7760  ; puis ils placeront H8804   H905 les barres de la table.
  9 H3947 Ils prendront H8804   H899 un drap H8504 bleu H3680 , et ils couvriront H8765   H4501 le chandelier H3974   H5216 , ses lampes H4457 , ses mouchettes H4289 , ses vases à cendre H3627 et tous ses vases H8081 à huile H8334 , destinés à son service H8762   ;
  10 H5414 ils le mettront H8804   H3627 , avec tous ses ustensiles H4372 , dans une couverture H5785 de peaux H8476 de dauphins H5414  ; puis ils le placeront H8804   H4132 sur le brancard.
  11 H6566 Ils étendront H8799   H899 un drap H8504 bleu H4196 sur l’autel H2091 d’or H3680 , et ils l’envelopperont H8765   H4372 d’une couverture H5785 de peaux H8476 de dauphins H7760  ; puis ils placeront H8804   H905 les barres de l’autel.
  12 H3947 Ils prendront H8804   H3627 tous les ustensiles H8335 dont on se sert pour le service H8334   H8762   H6944 dans le sanctuaire H5414 , et ils les mettront H8804   H899 dans un drap H8504 bleu H3680 , et ils les envelopperont H8765   H4372 d’une couverture H5785 de peaux H8476 de dauphins H5414  ; puis ils les placeront H8804   H4132 sur le brancard.
  13 H1878 Ils ôteront les cendres H8765   H4196 de l’autel H6566 , et ils étendront H8804   H899 sur l’autel un drap H713 de pourpre ;
  14 H5414 ils mettront H8804   H3627 dessus tous les ustensiles H8334 destinés à son service H8762   H4289 , les brasiers H4207 , les fourchettes H3257 , les pelles H4219 , les bassins H3627 , tous les ustensiles H4196 de l’autel H6566 , et ils étendront H8804   H3681 par-dessus une couverture H5785 de peaux H8476 de dauphins H7760  ; puis ils placeront H8804   H905 les barres de l’autel.
  15 H175 Après qu’Aaron H1121 et ses fils H3615 auront achevé H8765   H3680 de couvrir H8763   H6944 le sanctuaire H3627 et tous les ustensiles H6944 du sanctuaire H310 , H1121 les fils H6955 de Kehath H935 viendront H8799   H5265 , au départ H8800   H4264 du camp H5375 , pour les porter H8800   H5060  ; mais ils ne toucheront H8799   H6944 point les choses saintes H4191 , de peur qu’ils ne meurent H8804   H4853 . Telles sont les fonctions de porteurs, imposées H1121 aux fils H6955 de Kehath H168 dans la tente H4150 d’assignation.
  16 H499 Eléazar H1121 , fils H3548 du sacrificateur H175 Aaron H6486 , aura sous sa surveillance H8081 l’huile H3974 du chandelier H7004 , le parfum H5561 odoriférant H4503 , l’offrande H8548 perpétuelle H8081 et l’huile H4888 d’onction H6486  ; il aura sous sa surveillance H4908 tout le tabernacle H6944 et tout ce qu’il contient, le sanctuaire H3627 et ses ustensiles.
SE(i) 4 Este será el oficio de los hijos de Coat en el tabernáculo del testimonio, en el lugar santísimo: 5 Cuando se hubiere de mudar el campamento, vendrán Aarón y sus hijos, y desarmarán el velo de la tienda, y cubrirán con él el arca del testimonio; 6 y pondrán sobre ella la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y extenderán encima el paño todo de cárdeno, y le pondrán sus varas. 7 Y sobre la mesa de la proposición extenderán el paño cárdeno, y pondrán sobre ella las escudillas, y los cucharros, y los tazones y las cubiertas; y el pan continuo estará sobre ella. 8 Y extenderán sobre ella el paño de carmesí colorado, y lo cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones; y le pondrán sus varas. 9 Y tomarán el paño cárdeno, y cubrirán el candelero de la luminaria; y sus candilejas, y sus despabiladeras, y sus platillos, y todos sus vasos del aceite con que se sirve; 10 y lo pondrán con todos sus vasos en la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y lo pondrán sobre las varas. 11 Y sobre el altar de oro extenderán el paño cárdeno, y le cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y le pondrán sus varas. 12 Y tomarán todos los vasos del ministerio, con los cuales se ministren en el santuario, y los pondrán en el paño cárdeno, y los cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y los pondrán sobre las varas. 13 Y quitarán la ceniza del altar, y extenderán sobre él el paño de púrpura; 14 y pondrán sobre él todos los vasos con los cuales se ministren: las paletas, los garfios, los braseros, y los tazones, todos los vasos del altar; y extenderán sobre él la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y le pondrán sobre las varas. 15 Y tan pronto acaben Aarón y sus hijos de cubrir el santuario y todos los vasos del santuario, cuando el campamento se hubiere de mudar, vendrán después de ello los hijos de Coat para llevarlos; mas no tocarán cosa santa, porque morirán. Estas serán las cargas de los hijos de Coat en el tabernáculo del testimonio. 16 Pero al cargo de Eleazar, hijo de Aarón el sacerdote, estará el aceite de la luminaria, y el perfume aromático, y el presente continuo, y el aceite de la unción; el cargo de todo el tabernáculo, y de todo lo que está en él, en el santuario, y en sus vasos.
ReinaValera(i) 4 Este será el oficio de los hijos de Coath en el tabernáculo del testimonio, en el lugar santísimo: 5 Cuando se hubiere de mudar el campo, vendrán Aarón y sus hijos, y desarmarán el velo de la tienda, y cubrirán con él el arca del testimonio: 6 Y pondrán sobre ella la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y extenderán encima el paño todo de cárdeno, y le pondrán sus varas. 7 Y sobre la mesa de la proposición extenderán el paño cárdeno, y pondrán sobre ella las escudillas, y las cucharas, y las copas, y los tazones para libar: y el pan continuo estará sobre ella. 8 Y extenderán sobre ella el paño de carmesí colorado, y lo cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones; y le pondrán sus varas. 9 Y tomarán un paño cárdeno, y cubrirán el candelero de la luminaria; y sus candilejas, y sus despabiladeras, y sus platillos, y todos sus vasos del aceite con que se sirve; 10 Y lo pondrán con todos sus vasos en una cubierta de pieles de tejones, y lo colocarán sobre unas parihuelas. 11 Y sobre el altar de oro extenderán el paño cárdeno, y le cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y le pondrán sus varales. 12 Y tomarán todos los vasos del servicio, de que hacen uso en el santuario, y los pondrán en un paño cárdeno, y los cubrirán con una cubierta de pieles de tejones, y los colocarán sobre unas parihuelas. 13 Y quitarán la ceniza del altar, y extenderán sobre él un paño de púrpura: 14 Y pondrán sobre él todos sus instrumentos de que se sirve: las paletas, los garfios, los braseros, y los tazones, todos los vasos del altar; y extenderán sobre él la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y le pondrán además las varas. 15 Y en acabando Aarón y sus hijos de cubrir el santuario y todos los vasos del santuario, cuando el campo se hubiere de mudar, vendrán después de ello los hijos de Coath para conducir: mas no tocarán cosa santa, que morirán. Estas serán las cargas de los hijos de Coath en el tabernáculo del testimonio. 16 Empero al cargo de Eleazar, hijo de Aarón el sacerdote, estará el aceite de la luminaria, y el perfume aromático, y el presente continuo, y el aceite de la unción; el cargo de todo el tabernáculo, y de todo lo que está en él, en el santuario, y en sus vasos.
JBS(i) 4 Este será el oficio de los hijos de Coat en el tabernáculo del testimonio, en el lugar santísimo: 5 Cuando se hubiere de mudar el campamento, vendrán Aarón y sus hijos, y desarmarán el velo de la tienda, y cubrirán con él el arca del testimonio; 6 y pondrán sobre ella la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y extenderán encima el paño todo de cárdeno, y le pondrán sus varas. 7 Y sobre la mesa de la proposición extenderán el paño cárdeno, y pondrán sobre ella las escudillas, y los cucharros, y los tazones y las cubiertas; y el pan continuo estará sobre ella. 8 Y extenderán sobre ella el paño de carmesí colorado, y lo cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones; y le pondrán sus varas. 9 Y tomarán el paño cárdeno, y cubrirán el candelero de la luminaria; y sus lámparas, y sus despabiladeras, y sus platillos, y todos sus vasos del aceite con que se sirve; 10 y lo pondrán con todos sus vasos en la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y lo pondrán sobre una vara. 11 Y sobre el altar de oro extenderán el paño cárdeno, y le cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y le pondrán sus varas. 12 Y tomarán todos los vasos del ministerio, con los cuales ministren en el santuario, y los pondrán en el paño cárdeno, y los cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y los pondrán sobre una vara. 13 Y quitarán la ceniza con la grosura quemada del altar, y extenderán sobre él el paño de púrpura; 14 y pondrán sobre él todos los vasos con los cuales se ministren: las paletas, los garfios, los braseros, y los tazones, todos los vasos del altar; y extenderán sobre él la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y le pondrán sobre las varas. 15 Y tan pronto acaben Aarón y sus hijos de cubrir el santuario y todos los vasos del santuario, cuando el campamento se hubiere de mudar, vendrán después de ello los hijos de Coat para llevarlos; mas no tocarán cosa santa, porque morirán. Estas serán las cargas de los hijos de Coat en el tabernáculo del testimonio. 16 Pero al cargo de Eleazar, hijo de Aarón el sacerdote, estará el aceite de la luminaria, y el perfume aromático, y el presente continuo, y el aceite de la unción; el cargo de todo el tabernáculo, y de todo lo que está en él, en el santuario, y en sus vasos.
Albanian(i) 4 Ky është shërbimi i bijve të Kehathit në çadrën e mbledhjes, që ka të bëjë me gjërat shumë të shenjta. 5 Kur kampi duhet lëvizur, Aaroni dhe bijtë e tij do të vinë për të hequr velin e ndarjes dhe do të mbulojnë me të arkën e dëshmisë; 6 pastaj do të vënë mbi të një mbulesë prej lëkure të baldosës, do të shtrijnë mbi të një cohë krejt ngjyrë vjollce dhe do të fusin në të shtizat e saj. 7 Do të shtrijnë një cohë ngjyrë vjollce mbi tryezën e bukëve të paraqitjes dhe do të vënë mbi të pjatat, gotat, legenët dhe kupat e libacioneve; mbi të do të jetë edhe buka e përjetshme. 8 Mbi këto gjëra do të shtrijnë një cohë të kuqe të ndezur dhe mbi të një mbulesë prej lëkure të baldosës, dhe do të fusin në të shtizat. 9 Pastaj do të marrin një mbulesë ngjyrë vjollce, me të cilën do të mbulojnë shandanin e ndriçimit, llambat e tij dhe gërshërët e tij, të gjitha enët e vajit të caktuara për shërbimin; 10 pastaj do ta vënë shandanin me të gjithë veglat e tij në një mbulesë prej lëkure të baldosës dhe do ta vendosin mbi një bartinë. 11 Do të shtrijnë mbi altarin prej ari një pëlhurë ngjyrë vjollce dhe mbi të një mbulesë prej lëkure të baldosës dhe do të futin në të shtizat. 12 Pastaj do të marrin të gjitha veglat e shërbimit që përdoren në shenjtëroren, do t'i fusin në një cohë ngjyrë vjollce, do t'i mbështjellin me një mbulesë prej lëkure të baldosës dhe do t'i vendosin mbi një bartinë. 13 Pastaj do të heqin hirin nga altari dhe do të shtrijnë mbi të një cohë të kuqe; 14 mbi të do të vendosen të gjitha veglat që përdoren për shërbimin e tij, mangallet, mashat, lopatëzat, legenat, të gjitha veglat e altarit; do të shtrijnë mbi të një mbulesë prej lëkure të baldosës dhe do të futin në të shtizat. 15 Pasi që Aaroni dhe bijtë e tij të kenë mbaruar së mbuluari shenjtëroren dhe tërë orenditë e saj, kur kampi është bërë gati të niset, bijtë e Kehathit do të vijnë për t'i mbartur, por ata nuk do të prekin gjërat e shenjta, që të mos vdesin. Këto janë gjërat nga çadra e mbledhjes të cilat bijtë e Kehathit duhet të trasportojnë. 16 Eleazari, bir i priftit Aaron, do të ngarkohet me vajin e shandanit, me temjanin aromatik, me ofertën e përjetshme të ushqimit dhe të vajit të vajosjes; ai do të ngarkohet edhe me tërë tabernakullin dhe tërë gjërat që përmban ai, me shenjtëroren dhe pajisjet e saj".
RST(i) 4 Вот служение сынов Каафовых в скинии собрания: носить Святое Святых. 5 Когда стану надобно подняться в путь, Аарон и сыны его войдут, и снимут завесу закрывающую, и покроют ею ковчег откровения; 6 и положат на нее покров из кож синего цвета, и сверх его накинут покрывало все из голубой шерсти , и вложат шесты его; 7 и стол хлебов предложения накроют одеждою из голубой шерсти , и поставят на нем блюда, тарелки, чаши и кружки для возлияния, и хлеб его всегдашний долженбыть на нем; 8 и возложат на них одежду багряную, и покроют ее покровом из кожи синего цвета, и вложат шесты его; 9 и возьмут одежду из голубой шерсти , и покроют светильник илампады его, и щипцы его, и лотки его, и все сосуды для елея, которые употребляют при нем, 10 и покроют его и все принадлежности его покровом из кож синих, и положат на носилки; 11 и на золотой жертвенник возложат одежду из голубой шерсти , и покроют его покровом из кож синих, и вложат шесты его. 12 И возьмут все вещи служебные, которые употребляются для служения во святилище, и положат в одежду из голубой шерсти , и покроют ихпокровом из кож синих, и положат на носилки. 13 И очистят жертвенник от пепла и накроют его одеждою пурпуровою; 14 и положат на него все сосуды его, которые употребляются для служения при нем – угольницы, вилки, лопатки и чаши, все сосуды жертвенника – и покроют его покровом из кож синих, и вложат шесты его. 15 Когда, при отправлении в путь стана, Аарон и сыныего покроют все святилище и все вещи святилища, тогда сыны Каафа подойдут, чтобы нести; но не должны они касаться святилища, чтобы не умереть. Сии части скинии собрания должны носить сыны Каафовы. 16 Елеазару, сыну Аарона священника, поручается елей для светильника и благовонное курение, и всегдашнее хлебное приношение и елей помазания, – поручается вся скиния и все, что в ней, святилище и принадлежности его.
Arabic(i) 4 هذه خدمة بني قهات في خيمة الاجتماع قدس الاقداس. 5 يأتي هرون وبنوه عند ارتحال المحلّة وينزّلون حجاب السجف ويغطون به تابوت الشهادة 6 ويجعلون عليه غطاء من جلد تخس ويبسطون من فوق ثوبا كله اسمانجوني ويضعون عصيّه. 7 وعلى مائدة الوجوه يبسطون ثوب اسمانجون ويضعون عليه الصحاف والصحون والاقداح وكاسات السكيب. ويكون الخبز الدائم عليه. 8 ويبسطون عليها ثوب قرمز ويغطونه بغطاء من جلد تخس ويضعون عصّيه. 9 وياخذون ثوب اسمانجون ويغطون منارة الضوء وسرجها وملاقطها ومنافضها وجميع آنية زيتها التي يخدمونها بها. 10 ويجعلونها وجميع آنيتها في غطاء من جلد تخس ويجعلونه على العتلة. 11 وعلى مذبح الذهب يبسطون ثوب اسمانجون ويغطونه بغطاء من جلد تخس ويضعون عصيه. 12 ويأخذون جميع امتعة الخدمة التي يخدمون بها في القدس ويجعلونها في ثوب اسمانجون ويغطونها بغطاء من جلد تخس ويجعلونها على العتلة. 13 ويرفعون رماد المذبح ويبسطون عليه ثوب ارجوان 14 ويجعلون عليه جميع امتعته التي يخدمون عليه بها المجامر والمناشل والرفوش والمناضح كل امتعة المذبح ويبسطون عليه غطاء من جلد تخس ويضعون عصيه. 15 ومتى فرغ هرون وبنوه من تغطية القدس وجميع امتعة القدس عند ارتحال المحلّة ياتي بعد ذلك بنو قهات للحمل ولكن لا يمسّوا القدس لئلا يموتوا. ذلك حمل بني قهات في خيمة الاجتماع. 16 ووكالة ألعازار بن هرون الكاهن هي زيت الضوء والبخور العطر والتقدمة الدائمة ودهن المسحة ووكالة كل المسكن وكل ما فيه بالقدس وامتعته
Bulgarian(i) 4 Ето службата на синовете на Каат в шатъра за срещане: пресвятото. 5 Когато се вдига станът, Аарон и синовете му да пристъпват и да снемат закриващата завеса, да закрият с нея ковчега на свидетелството 6 и да сложат отгоре покривка от язовски кожи, а отгоре да разпрострат плат, цял от синьо, и да проврат прътовете му. 7 Върху масата на присъствените хлябове да разпрострат син плат и отгоре да сложат блюдата, тамянниците, тасовете и поливалниците за възлиянието; и постоянният хляб да бъде на нея. 8 И да разпрострат върху тях червен плат и да го покрият с покривка от язовски кожи, и да проврат прътовете й. 9 После да вземат син плат и да покрият светилника за осветлението, светилата му, щипците му, пепелниците му и маслениците му, с които вършат служението около него, 10 и да сложат него и всичките му принадлежности вътре в покривка от язовски кожи и да го сложат на носилка. 11 А върху златния олтар да разпрострат син плат и да го покрият с покривка от язовски кожи, и да проврат прътовете му. 12 Да вземат и всички принадлежности на службата му, с които се върши служението в светилището, и да ги сложат в син плат, да ги покрият с покривка от язовски кожи и да ги сложат на носилката. 13 После да изчистят олтара от пепелта и да разпрострат върху него морав плат, 14 и да положат на него всичките му принадлежности, с които вършат служението около него — въглениците, вилиците, лопатите и легените, всичките принадлежности на олтара — и да разпрострат върху него покривка от язовски кожи и да проврат прътовете му. 15 И когато при вдигането на стана Аарон и синовете му свършат с покриването на светилището и всичките принадлежности на светилището, тогава да пристъпват синовете на Каат, за да ги носят; но да не се докосват до святото, за да не умрат. Това е, което синовете на Каат трябва да носят от шатъра за срещане. 16 И Елеазар, синът на свещеника Аарон, ще има надзор над маслото за осветлението, благоуханния тамян, постоянния хлебен принос и маслото за помазване; надзор над цялата скиния и над всичко, което е в нея, над светилището и над принадлежностите му.
Croatian(i) 4 A služba je Kehatovih sinova u Šatoru sastanka: briga za svetinje nad svetinjama. 5 Kad se tabor diže na put, neka uđu Aron i njegovi sinovi te skinu zaštitnu zavjesu i njom pokriju Kovčeg svjedočanstva. 6 Neka onda na nj stave pokrivalo od fine kože, a po njemu neka razastru platno, potpuno ljubičasto. Potom neka Kovčegu namjeste motke. 7 Po stolu prinošenja neka prostru ljubičasto platno. Onda neka na nj stave zdjele, žlice, krčage i vrčeve za ljevanice. Kruh neprekidnog prinošenja neka također bude na njemu. 8 To neka prekriju tamnocrvenim platnom, a preko njega neka prebace pokrivalo od fine kože. Potom neka stolu namjeste motke. 9 Neka zatim uzmu ljubičasto platno i pokriju svijećnjak za svjetlo i njegove svjetiljke, njegove usekače, njegove lugare i sve posude za ulje kojima se ono poslužuje. 10 Neka ga stave sa svim njegovim priborom na pokrivalo od fine kože pa polože na nosiljku. 11 Po zlatnom žrtveniku neka razastru ljubičasto platno i prekriju ga pokrivalom od fine kože. Potom neka mu namjeste motke. 12 Neka sad uzmu sav pribor što se upotrebljava za službu u Svetištu pa ga stave na ljubičasto platno i onda prekriju pokrivačem od fine kože. Zatim neka sve to polože na nosiljku. 13 Neka pometu pepeo sa žrtvenika i po njemu razastru crveno platno. 14 Na nj neka postave sav pribor što se upotrebljava za službu: kadionike, viljuške, lopatice i zdjele - sve posuđe za žrtvenik. Po njemu onda neka razastru pokrivalo od fine kože. Zatim neka namjeste motke. 15 Pošto Aron i njegovi sinovi završe pokrivanje Svetišta i svega svetog posuđa, u času kad imadne tabor krenuti na put, neka dođu potomci Kehatovi da to ponesu. No svetih se predmeta ne smiju doticati da ne poginu. To je dužnost Kehatovih potomaka u Šatoru sastanka. 16 A Eleazar, sin svećenika Arona, neka se brine za ulje svijećnjaka, za mirisni kad, za trajnu prinosnicu i za ulje pomazanja; neka se brine za sve Prebivalište, za sve što je u njemu - za Svetište i njegovo posuđe."
BKR(i) 4 Tato pak bude práce synů Kahat při stánku úmluvy svatyně svatých: 5 Když by se měla vojska hnouti s místa, přijde Aron s syny svými a sejmou oponu zastření, a přikryjí ní truhlu svědectví. 6 A na to dají přikrytí z koží jezevčích, a přistrou svrchu rouchem z samého postavce modrého, a provlekou sochory její. 7 Na stůl pak chlebů předložení prostrou roucho z postavce modrého, a dají na něj misy a kadidlnice a koflíky a přikryvadla k přikrývání; a chléb ustavičně na něm bude. 8 A prostrou na to roucho z červce dvakrát barveného, a přikryjí to přistřením z koží jezevčích, a provlekou sochory jeho. 9 Vezmou také roucho z postavce modrého, a přikryjí svícen světla a lampy jeho, i utěradla jeho, i nádoby k oharkům jeho, a všecky nádoby k oleji jeho, jichž při něm užívají. 10 A obvinou jej se všechněmi nádobami jeho přikrytím z koží jezevčích, a vloží na sochory. 11 Na oltář pak zlatý prostrou roucho z postavce modrého, a přikryjí jej přikrytím z koží jezevčích, a provlekou sochory. 12 Vezmou i všecky nádoby k službě, jimiž přisluhovali v svatyni, a zavinouce do roucha z postavce modrého, přikryjí je přikrytím z koží jezevčích, a vloží na sochory. 13 Vyprázdní i popel z oltáře, a prostrou na něj roucho šarlatové. 14 A vloží svrchu všecko nádobí jeho, jímž přisluhují na něm, nádoby k uhlí, vidličky, pometla, kotlíky a všecko nádobí oltáře, a přistrouce jej přikrytím z koží jezevčích, uvlekou sochory jeho. 15 A když to vykoná Aron s syny svými, a přikryje svatyni i všecka nádobí její, a již by se měla hýbati vojska, tedy přijdou synové Kahat, aby nesli; ale nedotknou se svatyně, aby nezemřeli. Ta jest práce synů Kahat při stánku úmluvy. 16 Eleazar pak, syn Arona kněze, pečovati bude o olej k svícení a kadění vonnými věcmi a obět ustavičnou i o olej pomazání, svěřený sobě maje všecken příbytek a všecky věci, kteréž v něm jsou, svatyni a nádoby její.
Danish(i) 4 Dette skal være Kahaths Børns Tjeneste ved Forsamlingens Paulun ved de højhellige Ting. 5 Naar Lejren rejser, da skulle Aron og hans Sønner komme og nedtage Dækkets Forhæng, og de skulle skjule Vidnesbyrdets Ark derudi. 6 Og de skulle lægge et Dække af Grævlingeskind derover og ubrede et helt Klæde af blaat uldent ovenover og lægge dens Stænger derved. 7 Og de skulle brede et Klæde af blaa uldent over Skuebordet og lægge derpaa Fadene og Skaalern Bægerne og Kanderne til Drikoffer og det bestandige Brød skal være derpaa. 8 Og de skulle brede et Skarlagens Klæde over dem og det med et Dække af Grævlingeskind, og de skulle lægge dets Stænger derved. 9 Saa skulle de tage et Klæde af blaat uldent og skjule Lysningens Lysestage og dens Lamper og dens Sakse og dens Tandekar og alle densOliekar, med hvilken skulle betjene den. 10 Og de skulle lægge den og alt dens Redskab et Dække af Grævlingeskind, og skulle lægge det paa Bærestænger 11 Og de skulle brede et Klæde af blaat uldent Klæde over Guldalteret og skjule det med et Dække af Grævlingeskind, og de skulle lægge dets Stænger derved. 12 Og de skulle tage al Tjenestens Redskaber, med hvilke de tjente i Helligdommen, og lægge dem i et Klæde af blaat uldent og skjule dem med et Dække af Grævlingeskind, og de skulle lægge dem paa Bærestænger. 13 De skulle og feje Asken af Alteret og brede et Purpurklæde derover. 14 Og de skulle lægge alle dets Redskaber, med hvilke de skulle betjene det, derpaa: Ildkarrene, Madkrogene og Skufferne og Skaalerne, alle Alterets Redskaber, og de skulle brede et Dække derover af Grævlingeskind og lægge dets Stænger derved. 15 Og naar og Aron og hans Sønner ere færdige med at tildække Helligdommen og Helligdommens Redskaber, naar Lejren rejser, saa skulle derefter Kathaths Børn komme at bære det, men ikke røre ved Helligdommen og dø. Dette er Kahaths Børns Byrde ved Forsamlingens Paulun. 16 Og Eleasars, Præsten Arons Søns, beskikkede Embede er med Olien til Lysningen og Røgelsen af de vellugtende Urter og det bestandige Madoffer og Salveolien, hans beskikkede Embede er ved det ganske Tablernakel og alt, hvad deri er, og som hører til Helligdommen og til dens Redskaber.
CUV(i) 4 哥 轄 子 孫 在 會 幕 搬 運 至 聖 之 物 , 所 辦 的 事 乃 是 這 樣 : 5 起 營 的 時 候 , 亞 倫 和 他 兒 子 要 進 去 摘 下 遮 掩 櫃 的 幔 子 , 用 以 蒙 蓋 法 櫃 , 6 又 用 海 狗 皮 蓋 在 上 頭 , 再 蒙 上 純 藍 色 的 毯 子 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 7 又 用 藍 色 毯 子 鋪 在 陳 設 餅 的 桌 子 上 , 將 盤 子 、 調 羹 、 奠 酒 的 爵 , 和 杯 擺 在 上 頭 。 桌 子 上 也 必 有 常 設 的 餅 。 8 在 其 上 又 要 蒙 朱 紅 色 的 毯 子 , 再 蒙 上 海 狗 皮 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 9 要 拿 藍 色 毯 子 , 把 燈 臺 和 燈 臺 上 所 用 的 燈 盞 、 剪 子 、 蠟 花 盤 , 並 一 切 盛 油 的 器 皿 , 全 都 遮 蓋 。 10 又 要 把 燈 臺 和 燈 臺 的 一 切 器 具 包 在 海 狗 皮 裡 , 放 在 抬 架 上 。 11 在 金 壇 上 要 鋪 藍 色 毯 子 , 蒙 上 海 狗 皮 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 12 又 要 把 聖 所 用 的 一 切 器 具 包 在 藍 色 毯 子 裡 , 用 海 狗 皮 蒙 上 , 放 在 抬 架 上 。 13 要 收 去 壇 上 的 灰 , 把 紫 色 毯 子 鋪 在 壇 上 ; 14 又 要 把 所 用 的 一 切 器 具 , 就 是 火 鼎 、 肉 鍤 子 、 鏟 子 、 盤 子 , 一 切 屬 壇 的 器 具 都 擺 在 壇 上 , 又 蒙 上 海 狗 皮 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 15 將 要 起 營 的 時 候 , 亞 倫 和 他 兒 子 把 聖 所 和 聖 所 的 一 切 器 具 遮 蓋 完 了 , 哥 轄 的 子 孫 就 要 來 抬 , 只 是 不 可 摸 聖 物 , 免 得 他 們 死 亡 。 會 幕 裡 這 些 物 件 是 哥 轄 子 孫 所 當 抬 的 。 16 祭 司 亞 倫 的 兒 子 以 利 亞 撒 所 要 看 守 的 是 點 燈 的 油 與 香 料 , 並 當 獻 的 素 祭 和 膏 油 , 也 要 看 守 全 帳 幕 與 其 中 所 有 的 , 並 聖 所 和 聖 所 的 器 具 。
  4 H6955 哥轄 H1121 子孫 H4150 在會 H168 H6944 搬運至聖 H6944 之物 H5656 ,所辦的事乃是這樣:
  5 H5265 H4264 H175 的時候,亞倫 H1121 和他兒子 H935 要進去 H3381 摘下 H4539 遮掩 H6532 櫃的幔子 H3680 ,用以蒙蓋 H5715 H727 櫃,
  6 H8476 又用海狗 H5785 H5414 H6566 H4605 在上頭,再蒙上 H3632 H8504 藍色 H899 的毯子 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  7 H8504 又用藍色 H899 毯子 H6566 H6440 在陳設餅 H7979 的桌子 H7086 上,將盤子 H3709 、調羹 H5262 、奠酒 H7184 的爵 H4518 ,和杯 H5414 H8548 在上頭。桌子上也必有常設 H3899 的餅。
  8 H6566 在其上又要蒙 H8438 H8144 朱紅色 H899 的毯子 H3680 ,再蒙上 H8476 海狗 H5785 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  9 H3947 要拿 H8504 藍色 H899 毯子 H3974 ,把燈 H4501 H5216 和燈臺上所用的燈盞 H4457 、剪子 H4289 、蠟花盤 H8081 ,並一切盛油 H3627 的器皿 H3680 ,全都遮蓋。
  10 H3627 又要把燈臺和燈臺的一切器具 H5414 H8476 在海狗 H5785 H5414 裡,放 H4132 在抬架上。
  11 H2091 在金 H4196 H6566 上要鋪 H8504 藍色 H899 毯子 H3680 ,蒙上 H8476 海狗 H5785 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  12 H3947 又要把 H6944 聖所 H3627 H8335 用的一切器具 H5414 H8504 在藍色 H899 毯子 H8476 裡,用海狗 H5785 H3680 蒙上 H5414 ,放 H4132 在抬架上。
  13 H1878 要收去 H4196 H713 上的灰,把紫色 H899 毯子 H6566 鋪在壇上;
  14 H8334 又要把所用 H3627 的一切器具 H4289 ,就是火鼎 H4207 、肉鍤子 H3257 、鏟子 H4219 、盤子 H3627 ,一切屬壇的器具 H5414 都擺 H4196 在壇 H6566 上,又蒙上 H8476 海狗 H5785 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  15 H5265 將要起 H4264 H175 的時候,亞倫 H1121 和他兒子 H6944 把聖所 H6944 和聖所 H3627 的一切器具 H3680 遮蓋 H3615 完了 H6955 ,哥轄 H1121 的子孫 H935 就要來 H5375 H5060 ,只是不可摸 H6944 聖物 H4191 ,免得他們死亡 H4150 。會 H168 H6955 裡這些物件是哥轄 H1121 子孫 H4853 所當抬的。
  16 H3548 祭司 H175 亞倫 H1121 的兒子 H499 以利亞撒 H6486 所要看守 H3974 的是點燈 H8081 的油 H5561 與香 H7004 H8548 ,並當獻的 H4503 素祭 H4888 H8081 和膏油 H6486 ,也要看守 H4908 全帳幕 H6944 與其中所有的,並聖所 H3627 和聖所的器具。
CUVS(i) 4 哥 辖 子 孙 在 会 幕 搬 运 至 圣 之 物 , 所 办 的 事 乃 是 这 样 : 5 起 营 的 时 候 , 亚 伦 和 他 儿 子 要 进 去 摘 下 遮 掩 柜 的 幔 子 , 用 以 蒙 盖 法 柜 , 6 又 用 海 狗 皮 盖 在 上 头 , 再 蒙 上 纯 蓝 色 的 毯 子 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 7 又 用 蓝 色 毯 子 鋪 在 陈 设 饼 的 桌 子 上 , 将 盘 子 、 调 羹 、 奠 酒 的 爵 , 和 杯 摆 在 上 头 。 桌 子 上 也 必 冇 常 设 的 饼 。 8 在 其 上 又 要 蒙 朱 红 色 的 毯 子 , 再 蒙 上 海 狗 皮 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 9 要 拿 蓝 色 毯 子 , 把 灯 臺 和 灯 臺 上 所 用 的 灯 盏 、 剪 子 、 蜡 花 盘 , 并 一 切 盛 油 的 器 皿 , 全 都 遮 盖 。 10 又 要 把 灯 臺 和 灯 臺 的 一 切 器 具 包 在 海 狗 皮 里 , 放 在 抬 架 上 。 11 在 金 坛 上 要 鋪 蓝 色 毯 子 , 蒙 上 海 狗 皮 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 12 又 要 把 圣 所 用 的 一 切 器 具 包 在 蓝 色 毯 子 里 , 用 海 狗 皮 蒙 上 , 放 在 抬 架 上 。 13 要 收 去 坛 上 的 灰 , 把 紫 色 毯 子 鋪 在 坛 上 ; 14 又 要 把 所 用 的 一 切 器 具 , 就 是 火 鼎 、 肉 锸 子 、 铲 子 、 盘 子 , 一 切 属 坛 的 器 具 都 摆 在 坛 上 , 又 蒙 上 海 狗 皮 , 把 杠 穿 上 。 15 将 要 起 营 的 时 候 , 亚 伦 和 他 儿 子 把 圣 所 和 圣 所 的 一 切 器 具 遮 盖 完 了 , 哥 辖 的 子 孙 就 要 来 抬 , 只 是 不 可 摸 圣 物 , 免 得 他 们 死 亡 。 会 幕 里 这 些 物 件 是 哥 辖 子 孙 所 当 抬 的 。 16 祭 司 亚 伦 的 儿 子 以 利 亚 撒 所 要 看 守 的 是 点 灯 的 油 与 香 料 , 并 当 献 的 素 祭 和 膏 油 , 也 要 看 守 全 帐 幕 与 其 中 所 冇 的 , 并 圣 所 和 圣 所 的 器 具 。
  4 H6955 哥辖 H1121 子孙 H4150 在会 H168 H6944 搬运至圣 H6944 之物 H5656 ,所办的事乃是这样:
  5 H5265 H4264 H175 的时候,亚伦 H1121 和他儿子 H935 要进去 H3381 摘下 H4539 遮掩 H6532 柜的幔子 H3680 ,用以蒙盖 H5715 H727 柜,
  6 H8476 又用海狗 H5785 H5414 H6566 H4605 在上头,再蒙上 H3632 H8504 蓝色 H899 的毯子 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  7 H8504 又用蓝色 H899 毯子 H6566 H6440 在陈设饼 H7979 的桌子 H7086 上,将盘子 H3709 、调羹 H5262 、奠酒 H7184 的爵 H4518 ,和杯 H5414 H8548 在上头。桌子上也必有常设 H3899 的饼。
  8 H6566 在其上又要蒙 H8438 H8144 朱红色 H899 的毯子 H3680 ,再蒙上 H8476 海狗 H5785 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  9 H3947 要拿 H8504 蓝色 H899 毯子 H3974 ,把灯 H4501 H5216 和灯臺上所用的灯盏 H4457 、剪子 H4289 、蜡花盘 H8081 ,并一切盛油 H3627 的器皿 H3680 ,全都遮盖。
  10 H3627 又要把灯臺和灯臺的一切器具 H5414 H8476 在海狗 H5785 H5414 里,放 H4132 在抬架上。
  11 H2091 在金 H4196 H6566 上要鋪 H8504 蓝色 H899 毯子 H3680 ,蒙上 H8476 海狗 H5785 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  12 H3947 又要把 H6944 圣所 H3627 H8335 用的一切器具 H5414 H8504 在蓝色 H899 毯子 H8476 里,用海狗 H5785 H3680 蒙上 H5414 ,放 H4132 在抬架上。
  13 H1878 要收去 H4196 H713 上的灰,把紫色 H899 毯子 H6566 鋪在坛上;
  14 H8334 又要把所用 H3627 的一切器具 H4289 ,就是火鼎 H4207 、肉锸子 H3257 、铲子 H4219 、盘子 H3627 ,一切属坛的器具 H5414 都摆 H4196 在坛 H6566 上,又蒙上 H8476 海狗 H5785 H905 ,把杠 H7760 穿上。
  15 H5265 将要起 H4264 H175 的时候,亚伦 H1121 和他儿子 H6944 把圣所 H6944 和圣所 H3627 的一切器具 H3680 遮盖 H3615 完了 H6955 ,哥辖 H1121 的子孙 H935 就要来 H5375 H5060 ,只是不可摸 H6944 圣物 H4191 ,免得他们死亡 H4150 。会 H168 H6955 里这些物件是哥辖 H1121 子孙 H4853 所当抬的。
  16 H3548 祭司 H175 亚伦 H1121 的儿子 H499 以利亚撒 H6486 所要看守 H3974 的是点灯 H8081 的油 H5561 与香 H7004 H8548 ,并当献的 H4503 素祭 H4888 H8081 和膏油 H6486 ,也要看守 H4908 全帐幕 H6944 与其中所有的,并圣所 H3627 和圣所的器具。
Esperanto(i) 4 Tio estas la servado de la Kehatidoj en la tabernaklo de kunveno, en la plejsanktejo. 5 Aaron kaj liaj filoj eniru, kiam la tendaro devos elmovigxi, kaj ili deprenu la kovrantan kurtenon kaj kovru per gxi la keston de atesto. 6 Kaj ili metu sur gxin tegon el antilopaj feloj, kaj ili sternu supre bluan tukon, kaj ili enmetu gxiajn stangojn. 7 Kaj sur la tablo de la panoj de propono ili sternu bluan tukon, kaj ili metu sur gxin la pladojn kaj la kulerojn kaj la tasojn kaj la pokalojn de la versxoferoj; kaj gxia konstanta pano estu sur gxi. 8 Kaj ili sternu sur tio rugxan tukon kaj kovru gxin per tego el antilopaj feloj, kaj ili enmetu gxiajn stangojn. 9 Kaj ili prenu bluan tukon kaj kovru la kandelabron de lumigado kaj gxiajn lucernojn kaj gxiajn prenilojn kaj gxiajn cindrujojn, kaj cxiujn gxiajn oleujojn, kiuj estas uzataj cxe gxi. 10 Kaj ili metu gxin kaj cxiujn gxiajn apartenajxojn en tegon el antilopaj feloj, kaj ili metu tion sur portilon. 11 Kaj sur la ora altaro ili sternu bluan tukon kaj tegu gxin per tego el antilopaj feloj, kaj ili enmetu gxiajn stangojn. 12 Kaj ili prenu cxiujn objektojn de servado, per kiuj oni servas en la sanktejo, kaj ili metu tion en bluan tukon kaj tegu tion per tego el antilopaj feloj kaj metu sur portilon. 13 Kaj ili purigu la altaron de la cindro kaj sternu sur gxi purpuran tukon. 14 Kaj ili metu sur gxin cxiujn gxiajn objektojn, per kiuj oni servas sur gxi, la karbujojn, la forkojn kaj la sxovelilojn kaj la kalikojn, cxiujn objektojn de la altaro, kaj ili sternu sur gxi tegon el antilopaj feloj, kaj ili enmetu gxiajn stangojn. 15 Kiam Aaron kaj liaj filoj finos la kovradon de la sanktejo kaj de cxiuj objektoj de la sanktejo cxe la elmovigxo de la tendaro, tiam venos la filoj de Kehat, por porti; sed ili ne ektusxu la sanktajxon, por ke ili ne mortu. Tio estas la portajxo de la filoj de Kehat cxe la tabernaklo de kunveno. 16 Sub la gardado de Eleazar, filo de la pastro Aaron, estas la oleo por la lumigado kaj la bonodoraj incensoj kaj la konstanta farunofero kaj la oleo de sanktigado, la gardado de la tuta tabernaklo, kaj de cxio, kio estas en gxi, de la sanktejo kaj de gxiaj objektoj.
Finnish(i) 4 Ja tämä pitää oleman Kahatin poikain virka todistuksen majassa, joka kaikkein pyhin on: 5 Koska leiriä siirretään, niin pitää Aaronin poikinensa tuleman ja ottaman esiripun alas, ja käärimän todistuksen arkin siihen, 6 Ja paneman peitteen sen päälle tekasjim-nahoista, ja hajoittamaan kokonansa sinisen vaatteen sen ylitse, ja paneman sen korennot siallensa. 7 Niin myös pitää heidän hajoittaman näkypöydälle sinisen vaatteen, ja paneman sen päälle vadit, lusikat, maljat ja kannut, joilla ulos ja sisälle kaadetaan, ja ne alinomaiset leivät pitää sen päällä oleman. 8 Ja heidän pitää hajoittaman niiden päälle tulipunaisen vaatteen, ja peittämän tekasjim-nahkaisella peitteellä, ja paneman sen korennot siallensa. 9 Ja heidän pitää ottaman sinisen vaatteen, ja käärimän valkeuden kynttiläjalan sen sisälle, ja sen lamput, niistimet ja sammutusastiat, ja kaikki öljyastiat, joilla palvelusta siinä tehdään. 10 Ja tämän ja kaikkein näiden kaluin ympäri pitää heidän paneman peitteen tekasjim-nahasta, ja paneman ne korentoin päälle. 11 Niin myös pitää heidän hajoittaman kultaisen alttarin päälle sinisen vaatteen, ja peittämän sen tekasjim-nahkaisella peitteellä, ja paneman sen korennot siallensa. 12 Kaikki astiat, joilla he palvelevat pyhässä, pitää heidän ottaman ja levittämän niiden ylitse sinisen vaatteen, ja peittämän sen tekasjim-nahkaisella peitteellä, ja paneman ne korentoin päälle. 13 Heidän pitää myös käväisemän tuhan alttarilta ja hajoittaman purppuraisen vaatteen sen päälle, 14 Ja paneman sen päälle kaikki astiat, joilla he siinä palvelevat, hiilipannut, hangot, lapiot ja maljat, ja kaikki alttarin astiat; heidän pitää myös hajoittaman sen ylitse tekasjim-nahkaisen peitteen, ja paneman korennot siallensa. 15 Koska Aaron ja hänen poikansa nämät toimittaneet ovat ja peittäneet pyhän ja kaikki pyhät astiat, ja leiriä siirretään, niin pitää sitte Kahatin lapset menemän ja kantaman niitä, ja ei pidä rupeeman pyhään, ettei he kuolisi. Nämät pitää oleman Kahatin lasten taakat seurakunnan majassa. 16 Ja Eleatsarilla, papin Aaronin pojalla, pitää oleman tämä virka: toimittaa öljyä valaistukseksi, ja yrttejä suitsutukseksi, ja alinomaista ruokauhria, ja voidellusöljyä, niin että hän toimittaa koko Tabernaklin ja kaikki, mitä siinä on, pyhän ja hänen astiansa.
FinnishPR(i) 4 Kehatin poikien palvelustehtävänä ilmestysmajassa olkoon tämä: huolenpito korkeasti-pyhistä. 5 Ja leirin liikkeelle lähtiessä menkööt Aaron ja hänen poikansa ja päästäkööt alas esiripun sekä peittäkööt sillä lain arkin; 6 sitten he pankoot sen päälle sireeninnahkapeitteen ja levittäkööt päällimmäiseksi vaatteen, kokonaan punasinisistä langoista tehdyn, ja asettakoot paikoilleen sen korennot. 7 Ja näkyleipäpöydälle he levittäkööt punasinisen vaatteen ja pankoot sen päälle vadit ja kupit, maljat ja juomauhrikannut; ja ainainen leipä olkoon myös sen päällä. 8 Sitten he levittäkööt näiden päälle helakanpunaisen vaatteen ja peittäkööt sen sireeninnahkapeitteellä ja asettakoot paikoilleen sen korennot. 9 Ja he ottakoot punasinisen vaatteen ja peittäkööt seitsenhaaraisen lampun lamppuineen, lamppusaksineen, karstakuppeineen ja kaikkine öljyastioineen, joita sen hoitamisessa käytetään. 10 Ja he käärikööt sen ja kaiken sen kaluston sireeninnahkapeitteeseen ja pankoot kantopaareille. 11 Ja kultaiselle alttarille he levittäkööt punasinisen vaatteen ja peittäkööt sen sireeninnahkapeitteellä ja asettakoot paikoilleen sen korennot. 12 Ja he ottakoot kaiken jumalanpalveluskaluston, jota pyhäkössä käytetään, ja käärikööt sen punasiniseen vaatteeseen ja peittäkööt sen sireeninnahkapeitteellä ja pankoot kantopaareille. 13 Ja he puhdistakoot tuhasta alttarin sekä levittäkööt sen päälle purppuranpunaisen vaatteen 14 ja pankoot sen päälle kaiken kaluston, jota alttarilla käytetään: hiilipannut, haarukat, lapiot ja maljat, kaiken alttarikaluston; ja levittäkööt sen päälle sireeninnahkapeitteen ja asettakoot paikoilleen sen korennot. 15 Ja kun leirin lähtiessä liikkeelle Aaron ja hänen poikansa ovat valmiiksi peittäneet pyhäkön ja pyhäkön kaiken kaluston, niin tulkoot Kehatin pojat kantamaan, mutta älkööt koskeko pyhäkköön, etteivät kuolisi. Tämä on ilmestysmajasta se, mikä on Kehatin poikien kannettava. 16 Ja Eleasar, pappi Aaronin poika, pitäköön huolen seitsenhaaraisen lampun öljystä, hyvänhajuisesta suitsukkeesta, jokapäiväisestä ruokauhrista ja voiteluöljystä; hän pitäköön huolen koko asumuksesta ja kaikesta, mitä siinä on, pyhäköstä ja sen kalustosta."
Haitian(i) 4 Men travay pitit gason Keyat yo va fè nan Tant Randevou a, kote yo mete apa nèt pou Seyè a. 5 Lè lè a rive pou pèp la ranmase zafè yo pou yo deplase, Arawon ak pitit gason l' yo va antre nan kay Bondye a, y'a desann rido ki devan Bwat Kontra a, y'a kouvri bwat la ak li. 6 Y'a mete yon premye gwo nap an po bazann sou li, epi y'a kouvri l' ak yon dezyèm nap an twal ble. Apre sa, y'a pase manch pou pote bwat la nan gwo bag yo. 7 Y'a kouvri tab pou pen yo ofri bay Bondye a ak yon dra ble. Y'a mete asyèt, tas, kafetyè ak bòl yo sèvi nan sèvis pou mwen yo sou li. Pen yo ofri bay Seyè a va toujou rete sou li tou. 8 Y'a voye yon dra wouj sou li, y'a kouvri tout ak yon nap fèt ak po bazann, epi y'a pase manch pou pote tab la nan gwo bag yo. 9 Y'a pran yon dra tou ble, y'a kouvri gwo lanp sèt branch lan ak tout ti lanp li yo, pensèt li yo, plat li yo ak veso pou lwil yo. 10 Y'a vlope yo ansanm nan yon nap an po bazann, epi y'a mete l' sou yon branka pou pote l'. 11 Apre sa, y'a mete yon dra ble sou lotèl an lò a, y'a kouvri l' nèt ak yon nap an po bazann, epi y'a pase manch pou pote lotèl la nan bag yo. 12 Y'a pran tout bagay yo sèvi nan kote ki apa nèt pou Seyè a, y'a mete yo nan yon dra ble, y'a vlope yo nan yon nap an po bazann, epi y'a mete yo sou yon branka pou pote yo. 13 Y'a wete sann ki sou lotèl la, epi y'a kouvri lotèl la ak yon dra wouj. 14 Y'a pran tout bagay ki mache ak lotèl la: recho, pèl, fouchèt, plat pou resevwa sann, y'a mete yo sou lotèl la. Apre sa, y'a kouvri l' ak yon nap an po bazann, epi y'a pase manch pou pote lotèl la. 15 Lè lè a va rive pou pèp la leve lamach, lè Arawon ak pitit gason l' yo va fin kouvri tout mèb ki nan kote ki apa nèt pou Seyè a, ansanm ak tout bagay ki mache ak yo a, se lè sa a gason moun Keyat yo va vin pran mèb yo pou pote yo. Moun Keyat yo pa gen dwa manyen bagay yo mete apa nèt pou Seyè a. Si yo fè sa, y'ap mouri. Se tout reskonsablite moun Keyat yo sa, lè y'ap deplase Tant Randevou a. 16 Eleaza, pitit gason Arawon, prèt la, va reskonsab kontwole lwil lanp yo, lansan santi bon an, pen yo toujou ofri bay Seyè a ak lwil pou mete moun apa a. Wi, l'a kontwole tout kay Bondye a nèt ak tou sa ki ladan l', menm kote ki apa nèt pou Seyè a ak bagay ki ladan l' yo.
Hungarian(i) 4 Ez a tisztök Kéhát fiainak a gyülekezet sátorában: a legszentségesebbekrõl [való gondviselés]. 5 Áron és az õ fiai pedig, mikor indulni akar a tábor, menje[nek] be, és vegyék le a takaró függönyt, és takarják be azzal a bizonyság ládáját. 6 És tegyenek arra borzbõrbõl csinált takarót, és borítsák azt be egészen kékszínû ruhával felülrõl, és dugják belé a rúdjait is. 7 A szent [kenyerek] asztalát is borítsák be kékszínû ruhával, azon felül tegyék rá a tálakat, a csészéket, a kelyheket, és az italáldozathoz való kancsókat, és ama szüntelen való kenyér is rajta legyen. 8 Azután borítsanak azokra karmazsinszínû ruhát, és takarják be azt borzbõrbõl való takaróval, és dugják belé a rúdjait is. 9 Vegyenek azután kékszínû ruhát, és takarják be a világításra való gyertyatartót és annak mécseit, hamvvevõit, hamutartóit és minden olajos edényét, a melyekkel szolgálnak körülte. 10 És tegyék azt és minden edényét borzbõrbõl csinált takaróba, és tegyék saroglyára. 11 Az arany oltárt is borítsák be kékszínû ruhával, és takarják be borzbõrbõl csinált takaróval, és dugják belé a rúdjait [is]. 12 Vegyék elõ azután a szolgálatnak minden eszközét, a melyekkel szolgálni fognak a szenthelyen, és tegyék kékszínû ruhába, és takarják be azokat borzbõrbõl csinált takaróval, és tegyék a saroglyára. 13 Azután takarítsák el a hamvat az oltárról, és borítsanak arra bíborpiros színû ruhát. 14 És tegyék rá arra minden õ eszközét, a melyekkel szolgálnak azon: a szenes serpenyõket, a villákat, a lapátokat és a medenczéket, az oltárnak minden eszközét; és borítsanak arra borzbõrbõl csinált takarót, és dugják belé a rúdjait [is]. 15 Ha pedig elvégezi Áron és az õ fiai a szenthelynek és a szenthely minden edényének betakarását, mikor el akar indulni a tábor: akkor jöjjenek el Kéhát fiai, hogy elvigyék azokat; de ne illessék a szenthelynek [semmi edényét], hogy meg ne haljanak. Ezek Kéhát fiainak terhei a gyülekezet sátorában. 16 Eleázárnak pedig, az Áron pap fiának tiszte: a világító olajra, a füstölõ szerekre, a szüntelen való ételáldozatra és a kenetnek olajára; az egész hajlékra és mindenre, a mi abban van, mind a szenthelyre, mind annak edényeire való gondviselés.
Indonesian(i) 4 Pekerjaan mereka ialah mengurus barang-barang yang mahasuci. 5 TUHAN memberi kepada Musa peraturan ini: Kalau sudah waktunya membongkar perkemahan, Harun dan anak-anaknya harus masuk ke Kemah TUHAN, menurunkan tirai di depan Peti Perjanjian, dan menutupi Peti itu dengan kain itu. 6 Sesudahnya, mereka harus menutupinya lagi dengan sehelai kulit halus, lalu membentangkan sehelai kain biru di atasnya, dan memasang kayu pengusung Peti itu. 7 Mereka harus membentangkan sehelai kain biru di atas meja tempat roti sajian untuk TUHAN, dan di atas meja itu harus mereka letakkan pinggan, baki tempat dupa, baki tempat persembahan, dan kendi untuk persembahan air anggur. Roti sajian harus selalu ada di meja itu. 8 Mereka harus menutupi semuanya itu dengan sehelai kain merah, lalu membentangkan sehelai kulit halus di atasnya, dan memasang kayu pengusung meja itu. 9 Mereka harus mengambil sehelai kain biru dan menutupi kaki lampu serta lampu-lampunya, alat untuk membersihkan sumbu pelita dan penadahnya, dan semua tempat minyak zaitun. 10 Kaki lampu dan seluruh perlengkapannya harus mereka bungkus dengan sehelai kulit halus lalu menaruhnya di atas tempat pengusungan. 11 Sesudah itu mereka harus membentangkan sehelai kain biru di atas mezbah dari emas itu, dan menutupinya dengan sehelai kulit halus, lalu memasang kayu pengusung mezbah itu. 12 Segala peralatan yang dipakai di dalam Ruang Suci harus mereka ambil dan bungkus dengan sehelai kain biru. Lalu mereka harus menutupinya dengan sehelai kulit halus, dan menaruhnya di atas usungan. 13 Mereka harus membersihkan mezbah itu dari abu, lalu membentangkan sehelai kain ungu di atasnya. 14 Dan di atas itu harus mereka letakkan semua peralatan yang dipakai dalam ibadat pada mezbah itu: tempat api, garpu, penyodok, dan baskom. Lalu mereka harus menutupi semuanya itu dengan sehelai kulit halus dan memasang kayu pengusungnya. 15 TUHAN berkata kepada Musa dan Harun, "Pada waktu kamu membongkar perkemahan, Harun dan anak-anaknya harus masuk ke dalam Kemah-Ku dan menutupi semua barang dan perlengkapan yang ada di situ. Baru sesudah itu, orang-orang Kehat boleh datang untuk memikulnya. Tetapi mereka tak boleh melihat, mendekati atau menyentuh benda-benda itu, karena sudah dikhususkan untuk-Ku. Kalau mereka melakukannya juga, mereka akan mati. Jadi, supaya orang-orang Kehat itu jangan terhapus dari suku Lewi, Harun dan anak-anaknya harus menugaskan masing-masing di antara mereka apa yang harus mereka bawa. Itulah tugas orang Kehat pada waktu Kemah-Ku dipindahkan. Eleazar, anak Harun, bertanggung jawab atas seluruh Kemah-Ku, minyak lampu, dupa, kurban gandum untuk sajian tetap, minyak upacara dan semua yang ada di dalam Kemah-Ku itu." 16 (4:15)
Italian(i) 4 Questo è il servizio de’ figliuoli di Chehat, nel Tabernacolo della convenenza, nelle cose santissime. 5 Quando il campo si moverà, vengano Aaronne ed i suoi figliuoli, e pongan giù la Cortina che si tende davanti all’Arca, e copre l’Arca della Testimonianza. 6 Poi mettanvi sopra una coverta di pelli di tasso, e stendano disopra un drappo tutto di violato; e mettano le stanghe all’Arca. 7 Poi stendano sopra la Tavola di presenza un drappo di violato; e mettano sopra essa i piattelli, e le scodelle, e le coppe, e i nappi da fare gli spargimenti; sia parimente sopra essa il pane continuo. 8 E stendano sopra quelle cose un drappo di scarlatto, e coprano quello con una coverta di pelli di tasso; poi mettano le stanghe alla Tavola. 9 Poi prendano un drappo di violato, e copranne il Candelliere della lumiera, e le sue lampane, e i suoi smoccalatoi, e i suoi catinelli, e tutti i vaselli dell’olio di esso, co’ quali si fanno i suoi servigi. 10 Poi mettano il Candelliere, con tutti i suoi strumenti, in una coverta di pelli di tasso; e mettanlo sopra un par di stanghe. 11 Poi stendano un drappo di violato sopra l’Altare d’oro; e copranlo con una coverta di pelli di tasso; poi mettano le stanghe all’Altare. 12 Poi prendano tutti gli arredi del servigio, co’ quali si fa il servigio nel Santuario, e mettanli dentro un drappo di violato, e copranli con una coverta di pelli di tasso; e mettanli sopra un par di stanghe. 13 Poi tolgano le ceneri dall’Altare, e stendano sopra esso un drappo di scarlatto. 14 E mettano sopra esso tutti i suoi strumenti, co’ quali si fa il servigio sopra esso, le cazze, le forcelle, le palette, i bacini, e tutti gli altri strumenti dell’Altare; e stendanvi sopra una coverta di pelli di tasso; poi mettano le stanghe all’Altare. 15 E, dopo che Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli avranno finito di coprire il Santuario, e tutti gli arredi di esso, quando il campo si moverà; vengano i figliuoli di Chehat, per portar quelle cose; e non tocchino il Santuario, che non muoiano. Queste son le cose che i figliuoli di Chehat devono portare, del Tabernacolo della convenenza. 16 E abbia Eleazaro, figliuolo del Sacerdote Aaronne, il carico dell’olio della lumiera, e del profumo aromatico, e dell’offerta continua, e dell’olio dell’Unzione; oltre alla sopraintendenza sopra tutto il Tabernacolo, e tutto ciò ch’è in esso, per lo Santuario, e per li suoi arredi.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 4 Questo è il servizio che i figliuoli di Kehath avranno a fare nella tenda di convegno, e che concerne le cose santissime. 5 Quando il campo si moverà, Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli verranno a smontare il velo di separazione, e copriranno con esso l’arca della testimonianza; 6 poi porranno sull’arca una coperta di pelli di delfino, vi stenderanno sopra un panno tutto di stoffa violacea e vi metteranno al posto le stanghe. 7 Poi stenderanno un panno violaceo sulla tavola dei pani della presentazione, e vi metteranno su i piatti, le coppe, i bacini, i calici per le libazioni; e vi sarà su anche il pane perpetuo; 8 e su queste cose stenderanno un panno scarlatto, e sopra questo una coperta di pelli di delfino, e metteranno le stanghe alla tavola. 9 Poi prenderanno un panno violaceo, col quale copriranno il candelabro, le sue lampade, le sue forbici, i suoi smoccolatoi e tutti i suoi vasi dell’olio destinati al servizio del candelabro; 10 metteranno il candelabro con tutti i suoi utensili in una coperta di pelli di delfino, e lo porranno sopra un paio di stanghe. 11 Poi stenderanno sull’altare d’oro un panno violaceo, e sopra questo una coperta di pelli di delfino; e metteranno le stanghe all’altare. 12 E prenderanno tutti gli utensili di cui si fa uso per il servizio nel santuario, li metteranno in un panno violaceo, li avvolgeranno in una coperta di pelli di delfino e li porranno sopra un paio di stanghe. 13 Poi toglieranno le ceneri dall’altare, e stenderanno sull’altare un panno scarlatto; 14 vi metteranno su tutti gli utensili destinati al suo servizio, i bracieri, i forchettoni, le palette, i bacini, tutti gli utensili dell’altare e vi stenderanno su una coperta li pelli di delfino; poi porranno le stanghe all’altare. 15 E dopo che Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli avranno finito di coprire il santuario e tutti gli arredi del santuario, quando il campo si moverà, i figliuoli di Kehath verranno per portar quelle cose; ma non toccheranno le cose sante, che non abbiano a morire. Queste sono le incombenze de’ figliuoli di Kehath nella tenda di convegno. 16 Ed Eleazar, figliuolo del sacerdote Aaronne, avrà l’incarico dell’olio per il candelabro, del profumo fragrante, dell’offerta perpetua e dell’olio dell’unzione, e l’incarico di tutto il tabernacolo e di tutto ciò che contiene, del santuario e de’ suoi arredi".
Korean(i) 4 고핫 자손의 회막 안 지성물에 대하여 할 일은 이러하니라 5 행진할 때에 아론과 그 아들들이 들어가서 간 막는 장을 걷어 증거궤를 덮고 6 그 위에 해달의 가죽으로 덮고 그 위에 순청색 보자기를 덮은후에 그 채를 꿰고 7 또 진설병의 상에 청색 보자기를 펴고 대접들과, 숟가락들과, 주발들과, 붓는 잔들을 그 위에 두고 또 항상 진설하는 떡을 그 위에 두고 8 홍색 보자기를 그 위에 펴고 그것을 해달의 가죽 덮개로 덮은후에 그 채를 꿰고 9 또 청색 보자기를 취하여 등대와, 그 등잔들과, 그 불집게들과, 불똥 그릇들과, 그 쓰는 바 모든 기름 그릇을 덮고 10 등대와 그 모든 기구를 해달의 가죽 덮개 안에 넣어 메는 틀위에 두고 11 또 금단 위에 청색 보자기를 펴고 해달의 가죽 덮개로 덮고 그 채를 꿰고 12 또 성소에서 봉사하는 데 쓰는 모든 기명을 취하여 청색 보자기에 싸서 해달의 가죽 덮개로 덮어 메는 틀 위에 두고 13 또 단의 재를 버리고 그 단 위에 자색 보자기를 펴고 14 봉사하는 데 쓰는 모든 기구 곧 불 옮기는 그릇들과, 고기 갈고리들과, 부삽들과, 대야들과, 단의 모든 기구를 두고 해달의 가죽 덮개를 그 위에 덮고 그 채를 꿸 것이며 15 행진할 때에 아론과 그 아들들이 성소와 성소의 모든 기구 덮기를 필하거든 고핫 자손이 와서 멜 것이니라 그러나 성물은 만지지 말지니 죽을까 하노라 회막 물건 중에서 이것들은 고핫 자손이 멜 것이며 16 제사장 아론의 아들 엘르아살의 맡을 것은 등유와, 분향할 향품과, 항상 드리는 소제물과, 관유며, 또 장막의 전체와, 그 중에 있는 모든 것과, 성소와, 그 모든 기구니라
Lithuanian(i) 4 Tokios bus kehatų pareigos Susitikimo palapinėje ir Švenčiausiojoje. 5 Aaronas ir jo sūnūs, prieš iškeliaujant, nuims uždangą, kabančią prieš Švenčiausiąją, ir ja apdengs Liudijimo skrynią, 6 ant viršaus užties opšrų kailiais ir mėlynu audiniu, ir įvers kartis. 7 Taip pat padėtinės duonos stalą apdengs mėlyna drobe, sudės smilkytuvus ir indus, taures ir puodelius geriamosioms aukoms pilti, o padėtinę duoną uždės viršuje, 8 užties raudona drobe, kurią apdengs opšrų kailių uždangalu, ir įvers kartis. 9 Ims mėlyną audinį, juo apdengs žvakidę, lempas, gnybtuvus, indus nuognaiboms ir visus aliejaus indus; 10 tai įvynios į opšrų kailių uždangalą ir įvers kartis. 11 Auksinį aukurą apdengs mėlyna drobe, užties opšrų kailių uždangalu ir įvers kartis. 12 Visus apeigoms naudojamus daiktus įvynios į mėlyną audinį, ant viršaus užties opšrų kailių uždangalu ir uždės ant neštuvų. 13 Iš aukuro išims pelenus ir jį apdengs violetine drobe. 14 Sudėję visus reikmenis, kurie vartojami prie aukuro: indus anglims, šakutes, semtuvėlius ir dubenis, užties opšrų kailių uždangalu ir įvers kartis. 15 Aaronui ir jo sūnums apdengus šventyklą ir visus jos daiktus, keliantis stovyklai, kehatai atėję juos paims. Jiems negalima prisiliesti prie šventų daiktų, kad nemirtų. Tai yra kehatų pareiga Susitikimo palapinėje. 16 Kunigo Aarono sūnus Eleazaras rūpinsis aliejumi lempoms, kvapniais smilkalais, padėtine duona, patepimo aliejumi ir viskuo, ko reikia šventyklos apeigoms, taip pat visais šventykloje esančiais daiktais”.
PBG(i) 4 Tać będzie powinność synów Kaatowych przy namiocie zgromadzenia, przy miejscu najświętszem; 5 I przyjdzie Aaron z synami swymi, gdy się będzie miał ruszyć obóz, a zdejmą oponę zasłony, i okryją nią skrzynię świadectwa; 6 A włożą na nię przykrycie z borsukowych skór, i przykryją z wierzchu wszystko oponą hijacyntową, i założą drążki jej. 7 Także stół chlebów pokładnych przykryją oponą hijacyntową, a położą na nim misy, i przystawki, i kubki, i czasze do nalewania; a chleb ustawicznie na nim będzie. 8 I rozciągną na tem oponę szarłatową, a przykryją to przykryciem skór borsukowych, i założą drążki do niego. 9 Wezmą też oponę hijacyntową, którą nakryją świecznik do świecenia z lampami jego, i nożyczki jego, i kaganki jego, i wszystkie naczynia do oliwy jego, których używają przy nim: 10 I uwiną go ze wszystkiem naczyniem jego w przykrycie z skór borsukowych, i włożą na drążki. 11 Na ołtarz także złoty rozpostrzą oponę hijacyntową, a włożą nań przykrycie z skór borsukowych, i założą drążki jego. 12 Pobiorą też wszystkie naczynia usługi, któremi służą w świątnicy, a obwinąwszy oponą hijacyntową, przykryją je przykryciem z skór borsukowych, i włożą na drążki. 13 Do tego zmiotą popiół z ołtarza, a na nim rozpostrzą oponę szarłatową; 14 I włożą nań wszystkie naczynia jego, któremi usługują przy nim, to jest łopaty, widły, i miotły, i kociełki, i wszystkie naczynia ołtarzowe, i rozpostrzą na nim przykrycie z skór borsukowych, i założą drążki jego. 15 A gdy to wykona Aaron z synami swymi, że przykryje świątnicę ze wszystkiem naczyniem świątnicy, a będzie się miał ruszyć obóz, tedy potem przyjdą synowie Kaatowi, aby one rzeczy nieśli; ale się nie będą dotykali świątnicy, aby nie pomarli. Tać jest posługa synów Kaatowych, przy namiocie zgromadzenia. 16 Staranie zasię Eleazara, syna Aarona kapłana, będzie o oliwie do świecenia, o kadzeniu wonnem, o ofierze śniednej ustawicznej, i o olejku pomazywania, doglądanie przybytku, i wszystkiego, co w nim jest, i świątnicy z naczyniami jej.
Portuguese(i) 4 Este será o serviço dos filhos de Coate; na tenda da revelação, no tocante as coisas santíssimas: 5 Quando partir o arraial, Arão e seus filhos entrarão e, abaixando o véu do reposteiro, com ele cobrirão a arca do testemunho; 6 pôr-lhe-ão por cima uma coberta de peles de golfinhos, e sobre ela estenderão um pano todo de azul, e lhe meterão os varais. 7 Sobre a mesa dos pães da proposição estenderão um pano de azul, e sobre ela colocarão os pratos, as colheres, as tigelas e os cântaros para as ofertas de libação; também o pão contínuo estará sobre ela. 8 Depois estender-lhe-ão por cima um pano de carmesim, o qual cobrirão com uma coberta de peles de golfinhos, e meterão à mesa os varais. 9 Então tomarão um pano de azul, e cobrirão o candelabro da luminária, as suas lâmpadas, os seus espevitadores, os seus cinzeiros, e todos os seus vasos do azeite, com que o preparam; 10 e o envolverão, juntamente com todos os seus utensílios, em uma coberta de peles de golfinhos, e o colocarão sobre os varais. 11 Sobre o altar de ouro estenderão um pano de azul, e com uma coberta de peles de golfinhos o cobrirão, e lhe meterão os varais. 12 Também tomarão todos os utensílios do ministério, com que servem no santuário, envolvê-los-ão num pano de azul e, cobrindo-os com uma coberta de peles de golfinhos, os colocarão sobre os varais. 13 E, tirando as cinzas do altar, estenderão sobre ele um pano de púrpura; 14 colocarão nele todos os utensílios com que o servem: os seus braseiros, garfos, as pás e as bacias, todos os utensílios do altar; e sobre ele estenderão uma coberta de peles de golfinhos, e lhe meterão os varais. 15 Quando Arão e seus filhos, ao partir o arraial, acabarem de cobrir o santuário e todos os seus móveis, os filhos de Coate virão para levá-lo; mas nas coisas sagradas não tocarão, para que não morram; esse é o cargo dos filhos de Coate na tenda da revelação. 16 Eleazar, filho de Arão, o sacerdote, terá a seu cargo o azeite da luminária, o incenso aromático, a oferta contínua de cereais e o óleo da unção; isto é, terá a seu cargo todo o tabernáculo, e tudo o que nele há, o santuário e os seus móveis.
Norwegian(i) 4 Det som Kahats barn skal stelle med ved sammenkomstens telt, det er de høihellige ting. 5 Når leiren bryter op, skal Aron og hans sønner gå inn og ta ned det dekkende forheng og bre det over vidnesbyrdets ark. 6 De skal legge et dekke av takasskinn over den og over dette igjen bre et klæde, helt igjennem av blå ull, og så sette inn bærestengene. 7 Over skuebrøds-bordet skal de bre et klæde av blå ull, og på det skal de legge fatene og skålene og begerne og drikkoffer-kannene, og det stadige brød* skal også ligge der. / {* skuebrødene.} 8 Over alt dette skal de bre et klæde av karmosinrød ull og legge et dekke av takasskinn om det og sette inn bærestengene. 9 Så skal de ta et klæde av blå ull og med det dekke lysestaken og dens lamper og lysesaksene og brikkene og alle oljekarene som brukes til tjenesten ved den. 10 Og de skal legge den og alt som hører til den, i et dekke av takasskinn og legge det på en bærebør. 11 Over det gullklædde alter skal de bre et klæde av blå ull og legge et dekke av takasskinn om det og sette inn bærestengene. 12 Så skal de ta alle de redskaper som brukes til tjenesten i helligdommen, og legge dem i et klæde av blå ull og dekke dem til med et dekke av takasskinn og legge dem på en bærebør. 13 Alteret* skal de rense for asken og bre et klæde av purpurrød ull over det. / {* brennoffer-alteret.} 14 og på det legge alle de redskaper som brukes til tjenesten ved alteret: fyrfatene, kjøttgaflene og ildskuffene og skålene til å sprenge blod med, alle alterets redskaper; de skal bre et dekke av takasskinn over og sette inn bærestengene. 15 Når så Aron og hans sønner ved leirens opbrudd er ferdig med å dekke over helligdommen og alle helligdommens redskaper, så skal Kahats barn komme og bære; men de må ikke røre ved helligdommen, forat de ikke skal dø. Dette er det Kahats barn har å bære av det som hører til sammenkomstens telt. 16 Men Eleasar, sønn til Aron, presten, skal ha opsynet med oljen til lysestaken og den velluktende røkelse og det stadige matoffer og salvingsoljen, og opsynet med hele tabernaklet og alt som i det er av hellige ting og redskaper som hører til.
Romanian(i) 4 Iată slujbele fiilor lui Chehat, în cortul întîlnirii: ele privesc Locul prea sfînt. 5 La pornirea taberii, Aaron şi fiii lui să vină să dea jos perdeaua dinlăuntru, şi să acopere cu ea chivotul mărturiei; 6 să pună deasupra ei o învelitoare de piele de viţel de mare, şi să întindă pe deasupra un covor făcut în întregime din materie albastră; apoi să pună drugii chivotului. 7 Să întindă un covor albastru peste masa pînilor pentru punerea înainte, şi deasupra să pună străchinile, căţuile, ceştile şi potirele pentru jertfele de băutură; deasupra să fie şi pînea care se pune necurmat înaintea Domnului; 8 peste toate aceste lucruri să întindă un covor cărmiziu, şi să -l acopere cu o învelitoare de piele de viţel de mare; apoi să pună drugii mesei. 9 Să ia un covor albastru, şi să acopere sfeşnicul, candelele lui, mucările lui, cenuşarele lui şi toate vasele lui pentru untdelemn, cari se întrebuinţează pentru slujba lui; 10 să -l pună cu toate uneltele lui într'o învelitoare de piele de viţel de mare; apoi să -l pună pe targă. 11 Peste altarul de aur să întindă un covor albastru, şi să -l acopere cu o învelitoare de piele de viţel de mare; apoi să -i pună drugii. 12 Să ia apoi toate uneltele întrebuinţate pentru slujbă în sfîntul locaş, şi să le pună într'un covor albastru, şi să le acopere cu o învelitoare de piele de viţel de mare; apoi să le pună pe targă. 13 Să ia cenuşa din altar, şi să întindă peste altar un covor de purpură; 14 să pună deasupra toate uneltele pentru slujba lui, tigăile pentru cărbuni, furculiţele, lopeţile, ligheanele, toate uneltele altarului, şi deasupra să întindă o învelitoare de piele de viţel de mare; apoi să -i pună drugii. 15 Dupăce Aaron şi fiii lui vor isprăvi de acoperit sfîntul locaş şi toate uneltele sfîntului locaş, fiii lui Chehat să vină, la pornirea taberii, ca să le ducă; dar să nu se atingă de lucrurile sfinte, ca să nu moară. Acestea sînt lucrurile pe cari au să le ducă fiii lui Chehat din cortul întîlnirii. 16 Eleazar, fiul preotului Aaron, să aibă subt privigherea lui untdelemnul pentru sfeşnic, tămîia mirositoare, darul de pîne de toate zilele şi untdelemnul pentru ungere; să aibă în grija lui tot cortul şi tot ce cuprinde el, sfîntul locaş şi uneltele lui.``
Ukrainian(i) 4 Оце служба Кегатових синів у скинії заповіту: носити Святеє Святих. 5 Коли табір рушатиме, то ввійде Аарон та сини його, та й здіймуть завісу заслони, і покриють нею ковчега свідоцтва. 6 І дадуть на нього шкуряне тахашеве накриття, і розкладуть згори покривало, усе з блакиті, і накладуть держаки його. 7 А на столі показних хлібів розкладуть блакитну шату, і дадуть на нього миски, і ложки, і чаші, і кухлі на лиття, і хліб повсякчасний буде на ньому. 8 І розкладуть на них шату з червені, і покриють її шкуряним тахашевим покриттям, і накладуть держаки його. 9 І візьмуть блакитну шату, і покриють свічника освітлення, і лямпадки його, і щипці його, і його лопатки на вугіль, і всі посудини для оливи його, якими служать при ньому, 10 і покриють його і ввесь посуд його шкуряним тахашевим покриттям, і покладуть на держаки. 11 А на золотий жертівник розкладуть блакитну шату, і покриють його шкуряним тахашевим покриттям, і вкладуть його держаки. 12 І візьмуть увесь посуд служення, що ним служать у святині, і дадуть до блакитної шати, і покриють їх шкуряним тахашевим покриттям, і покладуть на держаки. 13 І заберуть попіл із жертівника, і розкладуть на ньому шату пурпурову, 14 і покладуть на нього ввесь посуд його, що ним служать на ньому: лопатки на вугіль, видельця, і шуфлі, і кропильниці, ввесь посуд жертівника; і розкладуть на ньому шкуряне тахашеве покриття, і вкладуть держаки його. 15 І скінчить Аарон та сини покривати святиню та ввесь святий посуд, коли табір рушає, а потім увійдуть Кегатові сини, щоб нести але не доторкнуться до святого, щоб не повмирати. 16 А догляд Елеазара, сина священика Аарона, олива освітлення, і кадило пахощів, і повсякчасна хлібна жертва, і олива помазання, догляд усієї скинії та всього, що в ній, у святині та в речах її.