Mark 10:43 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  43 G1161 But G2071 it G3756 shall not G2071 be G3779 so G1722 among G5213 you, G235 but G1437   G3739 whoever G2309 wants G1096 to become G3173 great G1722 among G5213 you G1096 shall be G5216 your G1249 servant.

Matthew 20:26-27

  26 G2071 It shall G3756 not G2071 be G3779 so G1722 among G5213 you, G235 but G3739 whoever G2309 desires to become G3173 great G1722 among G5213 you G2309 shall be G5213 your G1249 servant.
  27 G3739 Whoever G2309 desires G1511 to be G4413 first G1722 among G5213 you G1511 shall be G5213 your G1401 bondservant,

Matthew 23:8-12

  8 G1161 But G3361 don't G5210 you G2564 be G2564 called G4461 ‘Rabbi,' G1063 for G1520 one G2076 is G5216 your G2519 teacher, G5547 the Christ, G1161 and G3956 all G5210 of you G2075 are G80 brothers.
  9 G2564 Call G3361 no G1909 man on G1093 the earth G5216 your G3962 father, G1063 for G1520 one G2076 is G5216 your G3962 Father, G3588 he who is G1722 in G3772 heaven.
  10 G3366 Neither G2564 be called G2519 masters, G1063 for G1520 one G2076 is G5216 your G2519 master, G5547 the Christ.
  11 G1161 But G3187 he who is greatest G5216 among you G2071 will be G5216 your G1249 servant.
  12 G3748 Whoever G5312 exalts G1438 himself G5013 will be humbled, G1161 and G3748 whoever G5013 humbles G1438 himself G5312 will be exalted.

Mark 9:35

  35 G2532 He G2523 sat down, G2532 and G5455 called G1427 the twelve; G2532 and G3004 he said G846 to them, G1487 "If G5100 any man G1511 wants to be G4413 first, G2071 he shall be G2078 last G3956 of all, G2532 and G1249 servant G3956 of all."

Luke 9:48

  48 G2532 and G2036 said G846 to them, G3739 "Whoever G1437   G1209 receives G5124 this G3813 little child G1909 in G3450 my G3686 name G1209 receives G1691 me. G2532   G3739 Whoever G1437   G1209 receives G1691 me G1209 receives G649 him who sent G3165 me. G1063 For G5225 whoever is G3398 least G1722 among G5213 you G3956 all, G3778 this one G2071 will be G3173 great."

Luke 14:11

  11 G3754 For G3956 everyone G5312 who exalts G1438 himself G5013 will be humbled, G2532 and G3588 whoever G5013 humbles G1438 himself G5312 will be exalted."

Luke 18:14

  14 G3004 I tell G5213 you, G3778 this man G2597 went down G1519 to G846 his G3624 house G1344 justified G2228 rather than G1565 the other; G3754 for G3956 everyone G3588 who G5312 exalts G1438 himself G5013 will be humbled, G1161 but G3588 he who G5013 humbles G1438 himself G5312 will be exalted."

John 13:13-18

  13 G5210 You G5455 call G3165 me, G1320 ‘Teacher' G2532 and G2962 ‘Lord.' G5210 You G3004 say G2573 so correctly, G1063 for G1510 so I am.
  14 G1487 If G1473 I G3767 then, G2962 the Lord G2532 and G1320 the Teacher, G3538 have washed G5216 your G4228 feet, G5210 you G2532 also G3784 ought G3538 to wash G240 one another's G4228 feet.
  15 G1063 For G1325 I have given G5213 you G5262 an example, G2443 that G5210 you G2532 also G4160 should do G2531 as G1473 I G4160 have done G5213 to you.
  16 G281 Most G281 certainly G3004 I tell G5213 you, G1401 a servant G2076 is G3756 not G3187 greater G846 than his G2962 lord, G3761 neither G652 one who is sent G3187 greater G3992 than he who sent G846 him.
  17 G1487 If G1492 you know G5023 these things, G3107 blessed G2075 are you G1437 if G4160 you do G846 them.
  18 G3756 I don't G3004 speak G4012 concerning G3956 all G5216 of you. G1473 I G1492 know G3739 whom G1586 I have chosen. G235 But G2443 that G1124 the Scripture G4137 may be fulfilled, G3588 ‘He who G5176 eats G740 bread G3326 with G1700 me G1869 has lifted up G846 his G4418 heel G1909 against G1691 me.'

John 18:36

  36 G2424 Jesus G611 answered, G1699 "My G932 Kingdom G2076 is G3756 not G1537 of G5127 this G2889 world. G1487 If G1699 my G932 Kingdom G2258 were G1537 of G5127 this G2889 world, G1698 then my G5257 servants G302 would G75 fight, G2443 that G3860 I wouldn't G3361   G3860 be delivered G2453 to the Jews. G1161 But G3568 now G1699 my G932 Kingdom G2076 is G3756 not G1782 from here."

Romans 12:2

  2 G2532   G3361 Don't G4964 be G4964 conformed G165 to G5129 this G165 world, G235 but G3339 be transformed G342 by the renewing G3563 of G5216 your G3563 mind, G1519 so that G5209 you G1381 may prove G5101 what G2307 is the G18 good, G2532   G2101 well-pleasing, G2532 and G5046 perfect G2307 will G2316 of God.

1 Corinthians 9:19-23

  19 G1063 For G5607 though I was G1658 free G1537 from G3956 all, G1402 I brought G1683 myself G1402 under bondage G3956 to all, G2443 that G2770 I might gain G4119 the more.
  20 G2532 To G2453 the Jews G1096 I became G5613 as G2453 a Jew, G2443 that G2770 I might gain G2453 Jews; G3588 to those who are G5259 under G3551 the law, G5613 as G5259 under G3551 the law, G2443 that G2770 I might gain G3588 those who are G5259 under G3551 the law;
  21 G459 to those who are without law, G5613 as G459 without law G3361 (not G5607 being G459 without law G2316 toward God, G235 but G1772 under law G5547 toward Christ), G2443 that G2770 I might win G459 those who are without law.
  22 G772 To the weak G1096 I G5613 became as G772 weak, G2443 that G2770 I might gain G772 the weak. G1096 I have become G3956 all things G3956 to all G2443 men, that G4982 I may G3843 by all means G4982 save G5100 some.
  23 G1161 Now G4160 I do G5124 this G1223 for G2098 the sake G2443 of the Good News, that G1096 I may be G846 a joint G4791 partaker of it.

Galatians 5:13

  13 G1063 For G5210 you, G80 brothers, G2564 were called G1063 for G1657 freedom. G3440 Only G3361 don't G1657 use your freedom G1519 for G874 gain G4561 to the flesh, G235 but G1223 through G26 love G1398 be servants G240 to one another.

1 Peter 5:5-6

  5 G3668 Likewise, G240 you G3501 younger G5293 ones, be subject G4245 to the elder. G1161 Yes, G3956 all G1463 of you clothe yourselves with G5012 humility, G5293 to subject yourselves to one another; G3754 for G2316 "God G498 resists G5244 the proud, G1161 but G1325 gives G5485 grace G5011 to the humble."
  6 G5013 Humble yourselves G3767 therefore G5259 under G2900 the mighty G5495 hand G2316 of God, G2443 that G5312 he may exalt G5209 you G1722 in G2540 due time;

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