Psalms 96:10 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  10 H559 Say H1471 among the heathen H3068 that the LORD H4427 reigns: H8398 the world H637 also H3559 shall be established H4131 that it shall not be moved: H1777 he shall judge H5971 the people H4339 righteously.

Psalms 2:8-12

  8 H7592 Ask H5415 of me, and I shall give H1471 you the heathen H5159 for your inheritance, H657 and the uttermost H776 parts of the earth H272 for your possession.
  9 H7489 You shall break H7626 them with a rod H1270 of iron; H5310 you shall dash H3335 them in pieces like a potter’s H3627 vessel.
  10 H7919 Be wise H6258 now H4428 therefore, O you kings: H3256 be instructed, H8199 you judges H776 of the earth.
  11 H5647 Serve H3068 the LORD H3374 with fear, H1523 and rejoice H7460 with trembling.
  12 H5401 Kiss H1248 the Son, H6435 lest H599 he be angry, H6 and you perish H1870 from the way, H3588 when H639 his wrath H1197 is kindled H4592 but a little. H835 Blessed H3605 are all H2620 they that put their trust in him.

Psalms 9:8

  8 H8199 And he shall judge H8398 the world H6664 in righteousness, H1777 he shall minister H1777 judgment H3816 to the people H4339 in uprightness.

Psalms 18:49

  49 H5921 Therefore H3651 H3034 will I give thanks H3068 to you, O LORD, H1471 among the heathen, H8034 and sing praises to your name.

Psalms 46:6

  6 H1471 The heathen H1993 raged, H4467 the kingdoms H4131 were moved: H5414 he uttered H6963 his voice, H776 the earth H4127 melted.

Psalms 46:10

  10 H7503 Be still, H3045 and know H430 that I am God: H7311 I will be exalted H1471 among the heathen, H7311 I will be exalted H776 in the earth.

Psalms 58:11

  11 H120 So that a man H559 shall say, H389 Truly H6529 there is a reward H6662 for the righteous: H389 truly H430 he is a God H8199 that judges H776 in the earth.

Psalms 59:13

  13 H3615 Consume H2534 them in wrath, H3615 consume H3045 them, that they may not be: and let them know H430 that God H4910 rules H3290 in Jacob H657 to the ends H776 of the earth. H5542 Selah.

Psalms 67:4

  4 H3816 O let the nations H8056 be glad H7442 and sing H8199 for joy: for you shall judge H5971 the people H4334 righteously, H5148 and govern H3816 the nations H776 on earth. H5542 Selah.

Psalms 93:1

  1 H3068 The LORD H4427 reigns, H3847 he is clothed H1348 with majesty; H3068 the LORD H3847 is clothed H5797 with strength, H247 with which he has girded H8398 himself: the world H389 also H3559 is established, H1077 that it cannot H4131 be moved.

Psalms 96:13-97:1

  13 H6440 Before H3068 the LORD: H935 for he comes, H935 for he comes H8199 to judge H776 the earth: H8199 he shall judge H8398 the world H6664 with righteousness, H5971 and the people H530 with his truth.

Psalms 98:9-99:1

  9 H6440 Before H3068 the LORD; H935 for he comes H8199 to judge H776 the earth: H6664 with righteousness H8199 shall he judge H8398 the world, H5971 and the people H4339 with equity.

Psalms 126:2

  2 H227 Then H6310 was our mouth H4390 filled H7814 with laughter, H3956 and our tongue H7440 with singing: H227 then H559 said H1471 they among the heathen, H3068 The LORD H6213 has done H1431 great things for them.

Isaiah 11:3-5

  3 H7306 And shall make him of quick understanding H3374 in the fear H3068 of the LORD: H8199 and he shall not judge H4758 after the sight H5869 of his eyes, H3808 neither H3198 reprove H4926 after the hearing H241 of his ears:
  4 H6664 But with righteousness H8199 shall he judge H1800 the poor, H3198 and reprove H4334 with equity H6035 for the meek H776 of the earth: H5221 and he shall smite H776 the earth H7626 : with the rod H6310 of his mouth, H7307 and with the breath H8193 of his lips H4191 shall he slay H7563 the wicked.
  5 H6664 And righteousness H232 shall be the girdle H4975 of his loins, H530 and faithfulness H232 the girdle H2504 of his reins.

Isaiah 49:8

  8 H3541 Thus H559 said H3068 the LORD, H7522 In an acceptable H6256 time H6030 have I heard H3117 you, and in a day H3444 of salvation H5826 have I helped H5341 you: and I will preserve H5414 you, and give H1285 you for a covenant H5971 of the people, H6965 to establish H776 the earth, H5157 to cause to inherit H8076 the desolate H5159 heritages;

Daniel 2:44

  44 H3118 And in the days H581 of these H4430 kings H426 shall the God H8065 of heaven H6966 set H4437 up a kingdom, H1768 which H5957 shall never H3809 H2255 be destroyed: H4437 and the kingdom H7662 shall not be left H321 to other H5972 people, H1854 but it shall break H5487 in pieces and consume H3606 all H459 these H4437 kingdoms, H6966 and it shall stand H5957 for ever.

Malachi 1:11

  11 H4217 For from the rising H8121 of the sun H3996 even to the going H8034 down of the same my name H1419 shall be great H1471 among the Gentiles; H3605 and in every H4725 place H6999 incense H5066 shall be offered H8034 to my name, H2889 and a pure H4503 offering: H8034 for my name H1419 shall be great H1471 among the heathen, H559 said H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.

Malachi 1:14

  14 H779 But cursed H5230 be the deceiver, H3426 which H5739 has in his flock H2145 a male, H5087 and vows, H2076 and sacrifices H136 to the LORD H7843 a corrupt H1419 thing: for I am a great H4428 King, H559 said H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts, H8034 and my name H3372 is dreadful H1471 among the heathen.

Matthew 3:2

  2 G3004 And saying, G3340 Repent G932 you: for the kingdom G3772 of heaven G1448 is at G1448 hand.

Acts 17:31

  31 G1360 Because G2476 he has appointed G2250 a day, G3739 in the which G3195 he will G2919 judge G3625 the world G1343 in righteousness G435 by that man G3739 whom G3724 he has ordained; G3930 whereof he has given G4102 assurance G3956 to all G450 men, in that he has raised G3498 him from the dead.

Romans 2:5-6

  5 G2596 But after G4643 your hardness G279 and impenitent G2588 heart G2343 treasure G4572 up to yourself G3709 wrath G1722 against G2250 the day G3709 of wrath G602 and revelation G1341 of the righteous G1341 judgment G2316 of God;
  6 G3739 Who G591 will render G1538 to every G2596 man according G2041 to his deeds:

Romans 3:5-6

  5 G1487 But if G93 our unrighteousness G4921 commend G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God, G5101 what G2046 shall we say? G2316 Is God G94 unrighteous G3588 who G2018 takes G3709 vengeance? G3004 (I speak G444 as a man)
  6 G3361 God G1096 G3361 forbid: G1096 G4459 for then how G2316 shall God G2919 judge G2889 the world?

Galatians 1:16

  16 G601 To reveal G5207 his Son G2097 in me, that I might preach G1722 him among G1484 the heathen; G2112 immediately G4323 I conferred G4561 not with flesh G129 and blood:

Colossians 2:7

  7 G4492 Rooted G2026 and built G950 up in him, and established G4102 in the faith, G1321 as you have been taught, G4052 abounding G1722 therein G846 G2169 with thanksgiving.

Hebrews 1:3

  3 G541 Who being the brightness G1391 of his glory, G5481 and the express G5481 image G5287 of his person, G5342 and upholding G3956 all G4487 things by the word G1411 of his power, G1438 when he had by himself G4160 purged G2512 G266 our sins, G2523 sat G2523 down G1722 on G1188 the right G3172 hand of the Majesty G1722 on G5308 high:

Revelation 11:15

  15 G1442 And the seventh G32 angel G4537 sounded; G3173 and there were great G5456 voices G3772 in heaven, G3004 saying, G932 The kingdoms G5026 of this G2889 world G1096 are become G932 the kingdoms G2962 of our Lord, G5547 and of his Christ; G936 and he shall reign G165 for ever G165 and ever.

Revelation 19:6

  6 G191 And I heard G5456 as it were the voice G4183 of a great G3793 multitude, G5456 and as the voice G4183 of many G5204 waters, G5456 and as the voice G2478 of mighty G1027 thunder, G3004 saying, G239 Alleluia: G2962 for the Lord G2316 God G3841 omnipotent G936 reigns.

Revelation 19:11

  11 G1492 And I saw G3321 heaven G455 opened, G2400 and behold G3022 a white G2462 horse; G2521 and he that sat G2564 on him was called G4103 Faithful G228 and True, G1343 and in righteousness G2919 he does judge G4170 and make G4170 war.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.