1 What then shall we declare Abraham – our forefather according to the flesh (or: the first founder of our family, in line with natural descent) –
to have found? (or: What, consequently, will we say? Is Abraham found [as] our preferred father on the level or sphere of
2 You see, if Abraham was rightwised, placed in right relationship, and declared just and in accord with the Way, from out of [
works (or: made right, turned in the right direction and justified by actions; = included in covenant from [his] deeds),
he yet holds something to boast about (a ground or right for boasting),
but not toward (or: face to face with)
3 For what is the Scripture saying? "Now Abraham believed by, trusted in and was loyal to, God and it was considered for (reasonably concluded in; an account was put to)
him [
to have entered]
into a right relationship with behavior in accord with the Way pointed out (or: unto fairness and equity from being turned in the right direction; for properly-ordered living).
" (or: "So Abraham has faith by God, and he is counted into Righteousness and Rightwisedness [= covenant participation] by Him.") [
Gen. 15:6]
4 Now to (or: for; with)
the person habitually working (practicing a trade; accomplishing a work),
the wage (or: pay)
is not being logically considered (reckoned; put on an account)
as corresponding to (or: in accord with)
an undeserved, gratuitous gift (or: grace; a favor),
but on the contrary, as commensurate with and coming down from a debt (something owed; an obligation).
5 But to (or: for; with)
the person not habitually working, yet constantly believing (actively placing [his] trust and reliance)
upon the One [
Who is]
continuously making right the irreverent (or: the One habitually rightwising, pointing in the right direction, putting in right relationship, justifying, and placing the profane person in the midst of the [covenantal] Way pointed out),
his faith (trust; convinced, confidence and loyal allegiance)
is logically being considered (constantly reckoned and credited on account)
into (unto; for)
right behavior in accord with the Way pointed out (justice; fairness; right, equitable and well-ordered living).
6 Exactly as David also is telling of the happiness and blessedness of the person in whom (to whom; for whom)
God is constantly counting (reasonably concluding; logically considering)
rightwised existence in accord with the Way pointed out (justice; righteousness; solidarity; fair and equitable dealing),
apart from works (or: independent of [Law] activities):
7 "Happy and blessed [
the people whose lawlessnesses (transgressions; violations of the Law; lawless deeds)
were and are sent away (dismissed; discharged; divorced; pardoned)
and whose failures (errors; missings of the target; sins)
were and are covered over (concealed with a veil or lid)!
8 "Happy and blessed [
are the]
adult males of whom [other MSS: to whom; for whom]
the Lord (= Yahweh)
may by no means logically consider a failure (take into account or conclude a missed target; reasonably calculate or reckon a sin).
" [
Ps. 32:1-2]