1 Kings 22:2-35

  2 H7992 And it came to pass in the third H8141 year, H3092 that Jehoshaphat H4428 the king H3063 of Judah H3381 came down H4428 to the king H3478 of Israel.
  3 H4428 And the king H3478 of Israel H559 said H5650 unto his servants, H3045 Know H7433 you that Ramoth H1568 in Gilead H2814 is ours, and we be still, H3947 and take H3027 it not out of the hand H4428 of the king H758 of Syria?
  4 H559 And he said H3092 unto Jehoshaphat, H3212 Will you go H4421 with me to battle H7433 to Ramoth–gilead? H3092 And Jehoshaphat H559 said H4428 to the king H3478 of Israel, H3644 I am as you H5971 are, my people H5971 as your people, H5483 my horses H5483 as your horses.
  5 H3092 And Jehoshaphat H559 said H4428 unto the king H3478 of Israel, H1875 Inquire, H1697 I pray you, at the word H3068 of the Lord H3117 to day.
  6 H4428 Then the king H3478 of Israel H6908 gathered H5030 the prophets H6908 together, H702 about four H3967 hundred H376 men, H559 and said H3212 unto them, Shall I go H7433 against Ramoth–gilead H4421 to battle, H2308 or shall I forbear? H559 And they said, H5927 Go up; H136 for the Lord H5414 shall deliver H3027 it into the hand H4428 of the king.
  7 H3092 And Jehoshaphat H559 said, H5030 Is there not here a prophet H3068 of the Lord H5750 besides, H1875 that we might inquire of him?
  8 H4428 And the king H3478 of Israel H559 said H3092 unto Jehoshaphat, H259 There is yet one H376 man, H4321 Micaiah H1121 the son H3229 of Imlah, H1875 by whom we may inquire H3068 of the Lord: H8130 but I hate H5012 him; for he does not prophesy H2896 good H7451 concerning me, but evil. H3092 And Jehoshaphat H559 said, H4428 Let not the king H559 say so.
  9 H4428 Then the king H3478 of Israel H7121 called H259 an H5631 officer, H559 and said, H4116 Hasten H4321 here Micaiah H1121 the son H3229 of Imlah.
  10 H4428 And the king H3478 of Israel H3092 and Jehoshaphat H4428 the king H3063 of Judah H3427 sat H376 each H3678 on his throne, H3847 having put on H899 their robes, H1637 in a void place H6607 in the entrance H8179 of the gate H8111 of Samaria; H5030 and all the prophets H5012 prophesied H6440 before them.
  11 H6667 And Zedekiah H1121 the son H3668 of Chenaanah H6213 made H7161 him horns H1270 of iron: H559 and he said, H559 Thus says H3068 the Lord, H5055 With these shall you push H758 the Syrians, H3615 until you have consumed them.
  12 H5030 And all the prophets H5012 prophesied H559 so, saying, H5927 Go up H7433 to Ramoth–gilead, H6743 and prosper: H3068 for the Lord H5414 shall deliver H4428 it into the king's H3027 hand.
  13 H4397 And the messenger H1980 that was gone H7121 to call H4321 Micaiah H1696 spoke H559 unto him, saying, H1697 Behold now, the words H5030 of the prophets H2896 declare good H4428 unto the king H259 with one H6310 mouth: H1697 let your word, H1697 I pray you, be like the word H259 of one H1696 of them, and speak H2896 that which is good.
  14 H4321 And Micaiah H559 said, H3068 As the Lord H2416 lives, H3068 what the Lord H559 says H1696 unto me, that will I speak.
  15 H935 So he came H4428 to the king. H4428 And the king H559 said H4321 unto him, Micaiah, H3212 shall we go H7433 against Ramoth–gilead H4421 to battle, H2308 or shall we forbear? H559 And he answered H5927 him, Go, H6743 and prosper: H3068 for the Lord H5414 shall deliver H3027 it into the hand H4428 of the king.
  16 H4428 And the king H559 said H6471 unto him, How many times H7650 shall I adjure H1696 you that you tell H571 me nothing but that which is true H8034 in the name H3068 of the Lord?
  17 H559 And he said, H7200 I saw H3478 all Israel H6327 scattered H2022 upon the hills, H6629 as sheep H7462 that have not a shepherd: H3068 and the Lord H559 said, H113 These have no master: H7725 let them return H376 every man H1004 to his house H7965 in peace.
  18 H4428 And the king H3478 of Israel H559 said H3092 unto Jehoshaphat, H559 Did I not tell H5012 you that he would prophesy H2896 no good H7451 concerning me, but evil?
  19 H559 And he said, H8085 Hear H1697 you therefore the word H3068 of the Lord: H7200 I saw H3068 the Lord H3427 sitting H3678 on his throne, H6635 and all the army H8064 of heaven H5975 standing H3225 by him on his right hand H8040 and on his left.
  20 H3068 And the Lord H559 said, H6601 Who shall persuade H256 Ahab, H5927 that he may go up H5307 and fall H7433 at Ramoth–gilead? H559 And one said H3541 on this manner, H559 and another said H3541 on that manner.
  21 H3318 And there came forth H7307 a spirit, H5975 and stood H6440 before H3068 the Lord, H559 and said, H6601 I will persuade him.
  22 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H559 unto him, With Which? And he said, H3318 I will go forth, H8267 and I will be a lying H7307 spirit H6310 in the mouth H5030 of all his prophets. H559 And he said, H6601 You shall persuade H3201 him, and prevail H3318 also: go forth, H6213 and do so.
  23 H3068 Now therefore, behold, the Lord H5414 has put H8267 a lying H7307 spirit H6310 in the mouth H5030 of all these your prophets, H3068 and the Lord H1696 has spoken H7451 evil concerning you.
  24 H6667 But Zedekiah H1121 the son H3668 of Chenaanah H5066 went near, H5221 and struck H4321 Micaiah H3895 on the cheek, H559 and said, H335 Which way H5674 went H7307 the Spirit H3068 of the Lord H1696 from me to speak unto you?
  25 H4321 And Micaiah H559 said, H7200 Behold, you shall see H3117 in that day, H935 when you shall go H2315 into an inner H2315 chamber H2247 to hide yourself.
  26 H4428 And the king H3478 of Israel H559 said, H3947 Take H4321 Micaiah, H7725 and carry him back H526 unto Amon H8269 the governor H5892 of the city, H3101 and to Joash H4428 the king's H1121 son;
  27 H559 And say, H559 Thus says H4428 the king, H7760 Put H1004 this fellow in the prison, H398 and feed H3899 him with bread H3906 of affliction H4325 and with water H3906 of affliction, H935 until I come H7965 in peace.
  28 H4321 And Micaiah H559 said, H7725 If you return H7725 at all H7965 in peace, H3068 the Lord H1696 has not spoken H559 by me. And he said, H8085 Listen, H5971 O people, every one of you.
  29 H4428 So the king H3478 of Israel H3092 and Jehoshaphat H4428 the king H3063 of Judah H5927 went up H7433 to Ramoth–gilead.
  30 H4428 And the king H3478 of Israel H559 said H3092 unto Jehoshaphat, H2664 I will disguise H935 myself, and enter H4421 into the battle; H3847 but put you on H899 your robes. H4428 And the king H3478 of Israel H2664 disguised H935 himself, and went H4421 into the battle.
  31 H4428 But the king H758 of Syria H6680 commanded H7970 his thirty H8147 and two H8269 captains H7393 that had rule over his chariots, H559 saying, H3898 Fight H6996 neither with small H1419 nor great, H4428 save only with the king H3478 of Israel.
  32 H8269 And it came to pass, when the captains H7393 of the chariots H7200 saw H3092 Jehoshaphat, H559 that they said, H4428 Surely it is the king H3478 of Israel. H5493 And they turned aside H3898 to fight H3092 against him: and Jehoshaphat H2199 cried out.
  33 H8269 And it came to pass, when the captains H7393 of the chariots H7200 perceived H4428 that it was not the king H3478 of Israel, H7725 that they turned back H310 from pursuing him.
  34 H376 And a certain man H4900 drew H7198 a bow H8537 at a venture, H5221 and struck H4428 the king H3478 of Israel H1694 between the joints H8302 of the harness: H559 why he said H7395 unto the driver of his chariot, H2015 Turn H3027 your hand, H3318 and carry me out H4264 of the army; H2470 for I am wounded.
  35 H4421 And the battle H5927 increased H3117 that day: H4428 and the king H5975 was stayed up H4818 in his chariot H5227 against H758 the Syrians, H4191 and died H6153 at even: H1818 and the blood H3332 ran out H4347 of the wound H2436 into the middle H7393 of the chariot.