2 Timothy 3

  1 G3778 But this G1097 know! G3754 that G1722 in G2078 the last G2250 days G1764 [3will be present G2540 2times G5467 1ill-tempered];
  2 G1510.8.6 [3will be G1063 1for G3588   G444 2men] G5367 fond of themselves, G5366 fond of money, G213 ostentatious, G5244 proud, G989 blasphemous, G1118 [2of parents G545 1resisting the persuasion], G884 ungracious, G462 unholy,
  3 G794 unaffectionate, G786 hostile, G1228 devilish, G193 immoderate, G434 untamed, G865 disliking good,
  4 G4273 betrayers, G4312 precipitous, G5187 being deluded, G5369 friends of pleasure G3123 rather G2228 than G5377 friends of God;
  5 G2192 having G3446 the appearance G2150 of piety, G3588   G1161 but G1411 [2its power G1473   G720 1denying]. G2532 Even G3778 these G665 turn away from!
  6 G1537 [2from out of G3778 3these G1063 1For] G1510.2.6 are G3588 the ones G1744 entering G1519 into G3588 the G3614 houses, G2532 and G162 capturing G3588 the G1133 vain women G4987 heaped G266 with sins, G71 being led G1939 [2desires G4164 1by various],
  7 G3842 at all times G3129 learning, G2532 and G3368 not at any time G1519 [3in G1922 4full knowledge G225 5of the truth G2064 2to come G1410 1being able].
  8 G3739 [2in which G5158 manner G1161 1And] G* Jannes G2532 and G* Jambres G436 opposed G* Moses, G3779 so G2532 also G3778 these G436 oppose G3588 the G225 truth; G444 men G2704 being corrupted G3588 in the G3563 mind, G96 unproved G4012 concerning G3588 the G4102 belief.
  9 G235 But G3756 they shall not progress G4298   G1909 unto G4183 more; G3588   G1063 for G454 their thoughtlessness G1473   G1552 will be evident G1510.8.3   G3956 to all, G5613 as G2532 also G3588   G1565 their's G1096 was.
  10 G1473 But you G1161   G3877 have closely followed G1473 my G3588   G1319 instruction G3588 in the G72 conduct, G3588 in the G4286 intention, G3588 in the G4102 belief, G3588 in the G3115 long-suffering, G3588 in the G26 love, G3588 in the G5281 endurance,
  11 G3588 in the G1375 persecutions, G3588 in the G3804 sufferings, G3634 such as G1473 happened to me G1096   G1722 in G* Antioch, G1722 in G* Iconium, G1722 in G* Lystra-- G3634 of such G1375 persecutions G5297 I endured. G2532 And G1537 from out of G3956 all G1473 [3rescued me G4506   G3588 1the G2962 2Lord].
  12 G2532 [2even G3956 3all G1161 1But] G3588 the ones G2309 wanting G2153 [2piously G2198 1to live] G1722 in G5547 Christ G* Jesus G1377 shall be persecuted.
  13 G4190 But wicked G1161   G444 men G2532 and G1114 impostors G4298 shall progress G1909 unto G3588 the G5501 worse, G4105 misleading, G2532 and G4105 being misled.
  14 G1473 But you G1161   G3306 abide G1722 in G3739 the things which G3129 you learned, G2532 and G4104 were trustworthy! G1492 knowing G3844 from G5100 whom G3129 you learned.
  15 G2532 And G3754 that G575 from G1025 a babe G3588 [2the G2413 3consecrated G1121 4writings G1492 1you knew], G3588 the ones G1410 being able G1473 to make you wise G4679   G1519 unto G4991 deliverance, G1223 through G4102 belief, G3588 of the one G1722 in G5547 Christ G* Jesus.
  16 G3956 Every G1124 scripture G2315 is God inspired, G2532 and G5624 beneficial G4314 for G1319 teaching, G4314 for G1650 reproof, G4314 for G1882 correction, G4314 for G3809 instruction-- G3588 the one G1722 in G1343 righteousness;
  17 G2443 that G739 [5complete G1510.3 4should be G3588 1the G3588   G2316 3of God G444 2man] G4314 for G3956 [2every G2041 4work G18 3good G1822 1accomplishing].
  1 G3778 τούτο δε G1097 γίνωσκε G3754 ότι G1722 εν G2078 εσχάταις G2250 ημέραις G1764 ενστήσονται G2540 καιροί G5467 χαλεποί
  2 G1510.8.6 έσονται G1063 γαρ G3588 οι G444 άνθρωποι G5367 φίλαυτοι G5366 φιλάργυροι G213 αλαζόνες G5244 υπερήφανοι G989 βλάσφημοι G1118 γονεύσιν G545 απειθείς G884 αχάριστοι G462 ανόσιοι
  3 G794 άστοργοι G786 άσπονδοι G1228 διάβολοι G193 ακρατείς G434 ανήμεροι G865 αφιλάγαθοι
  4 G4273 προδόται G4312 προπετείς G5187 τετυφωμένοι G5369 φιλήδονοι G3123 μάλλον G2228 η G5377 φιλόθεοι
  5 G2192 έχοντες G3446 μόρφωσιν G2150 ευσεβείας G3588 την G1161 δε G1411 δύναμιν αυτής G1473   G720 ηρνημένοι G2532 και G3778 τούτους G665 αποτρέπου
  6 G1537 εκ G3778 τουτων G1063 γαρ G1510.2.6 εισιν G3588 οι G1744 ενδύνοντες G1519 εις G3588 τας G3614 οικίας G2532 και G162 αιχμαλωτεύοντες G3588 τα G1133 γυναικάρια G4987 σεσωρευμένα G266 αμαρτίαις G71 αγόμενα G1939 επιθυμίαις G4164 ποικίλαις
  7 G3842 πάντοτε G3129 μανθάνοντα G2532 και G3368 μηδέποτε G1519 εις G1922 επίγνωσιν G225 αληθείας G2064 ελθείν G1410 δυνάμενα
  8 G3739 ον G5158 τρόπον G1161 δε G* Ιαννής G2532 και G* Ιαμβρής G436 αντέστησαν G* Μωϋσει G3779 ούτω G2532 και G3778 ούτοι G436 ανθίστανται G3588 τη G225 αληθεία G444 άνθρωποι G2704 κατεφθαρμένοι G3588 τον G3563 νουν G96 αδόκιμοι G4012 περί G3588 την G4102 πίστιν
  9 G235 αλλ΄ G3756 ου προκόψουσιν G4298   G1909 επί G4183 πλείον G3588 η G1063 γαρ G454 άνοια αυτών G1473   G1552 έκδηλος έσται G1510.8.3   G3956 πάσιν G5613 ως G2532 και G3588 η G1565 εκείνων G1096 εγένετο
  10 G1473 συ δε G1161   G3877 παρηκολούθηκάς G1473 μου G3588 τη G1319 διδασκαλία G3588 τη G72 αγωγή G3588 τη G4286 προθέσει G3588 τη G4102 πίστει G3588 τη G3115 μακροθυμία G3588 τη G26 αγάπη G3588 τη G5281 υπομονή
  11 G3588 τοις G1375 διωγμοίς G3588 τοις G3804 παθήμασιν G3634 οίά G1473 μοι εγένετο G1096   G1722 εν G* Αντιοχεία G1722 εν G* Ικονίω G1722 εν G* Λύστροις G3634 οίους G1375 διωγμούς G5297 υπήνεγκα G2532 και G1537 εκ G3956 πάντων G1473 με ερρύσατο G4506   G3588 ο G2962 κύριος
  12 G2532 και G3956 πάντες G1161 δε G3588 οι G2309 θέλοντες G2153 ευσεβώς G2198 ζην G1722 εν G5547 χριστώ G* Ιησού G1377 διωχθήσονται
  13 G4190 πονηροί δε G1161   G444 άνθρωποι G2532 και G1114 γόητες G4298 προκόψουσιν G1909 επί G3588 το G5501 χείρον G4105 πλανώντες G2532 και G4105 πλανώμενοι
  14 G1473 συ δε G1161   G3306 μένε G1722 εν G3739 οις G3129 έμαθες G2532 και G4104 επιστώθης G1492 ειδώς G3844 παρά G5100 τίνος G3129 έμαθες
  15 G2532 και G3754 ότι G575 από G1025 βρέφους G3588 τα G2413 ιερά G1121 γράμματα G1492 οίδας G3588 τα G1410 δυνάμενά G1473 σε σοφίσαι G4679   G1519 εις G4991 σωτηρίαν G1223 διά G4102 πίστεως G3588 της G1722 εν G5547 χριστώ G* Ιησού
  16 G3956 πάσα G1124 γραφή G2315 θεόπνευστος G2532 και G5624 ωφέλιμος G4314 προς G1319 διδασκαλίαν G4314 προς G1650 έλεγχον G4314 προς G1882 επανόρθωσιν G4314 προς G3809 παιδείαν G3588 την G1722 εν G1343 δικαιοσύνη
  17 G2443 ίνα G739 άρτιος G1510.3 η G3588 ο G3588 του G2316 θεού G444 άνθρωπος G4314 προς G3956 παν G2041 έργον G18 αγαθόν G1822 εξηρτισμένος
    1 G5124 D-ASN τουτο G1161 CONJ δε G1097 [G5720] V-PAM-2S γινωσκε G3754 CONJ οτι G1722 PREP εν G2078 A-DPF εσχαταις G2250 N-DPF ημεραις G1764 [G5695] V-FDI-3P ενστησονται G2540 N-NPM καιροι G5467 A-NPM χαλεποι
    2 G2071 [G5704] V-FXI-3P εσονται G1063 CONJ γαρ G3588 T-NPM οι G444 N-NPM ανθρωποι G5367 A-NPM φιλαυτοι G5366 A-NPM φιλαργυροι G213 N-NPM αλαζονες G5244 A-NPM υπερηφανοι G989 A-NPM βλασφημοι G1118 N-DPM γονευσιν G545 A-NPM απειθεις G884 A-NPM αχαριστοι G462 A-NPM ανοσιοι
    3 G794 A-NPM αστοργοι G786 A-NPM ασπονδοι G1228 A-NPM διαβολοι G193 A-NPM ακρατεις G434 A-NPM ανημεροι G865 A-NPM αφιλαγαθοι
    4 G4273 N-NPM προδοται G4312 A-NPM προπετεις G5187 [G5772] V-RPP-NPM τετυφωμενοι G5369 A-NPM φιληδονοι G3123 ADV μαλλον G2228 PRT η G5377 A-NPM φιλοθεοι
    5 G2192 [G5723] V-PAP-NPM εχοντες G3446 N-ASF μορφωσιν G2150 N-GSF ευσεβειας G3588 T-ASF την G1161 CONJ δε G1411 N-ASF δυναμιν G846 P-GSF αυτης G720 [G5768] V-RNP-NPM ηρνημενοι G2532 CONJ και G5128 D-APM τουτους G665 [G5732] V-PMM-2S αποτρεπου
    6 G1537 PREP εκ G5130 D-GPM τουτων G1063 CONJ γαρ G1526 [G5748] V-PXI-3P εισιν G3588 T-NPM οι G1744 [G5723] V-PAP-NPM ενδυνοντες G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-APF τας G3614 N-APF οικιας G2532 CONJ και G163 [G5723] V-PAP-NPM αιχμαλωτιζοντες G1133 N-APN γυναικαρια G4987 [G5772] V-RPP-APN σεσωρευμενα G266 N-DPF αμαρτιαις G71 [G5746] V-PPP-APN αγομενα G1939 N-DPF επιθυμιαις G4164 A-DPF ποικιλαις
    7 G3842 ADV παντοτε G3129 [G5723] V-PAP-APN μανθανοντα G2532 CONJ και G3368 ADV μηδεποτε G1519 PREP εις G1922 N-ASF επιγνωσιν G225 N-GSF αληθειας G2064 [G5629] V-2AAN ελθειν G1410 [G5740] V-PNP-APN δυναμενα
    8 G3739 R-ASM ον G5158 N-ASM τροπον G1161 CONJ δε G2389 N-NSM ιαννης G2532 CONJ και G2387 N-NSM ιαμβρης G436 [G5627] V-2AAI-3P αντεστησαν G3475 N-DSM μωυσει G3779 ADV ουτως G2532 CONJ και G3778 D-NPM ουτοι G436 [G5731] V-PMI-3P ανθιστανται G3588 T-DSF τη G225 N-DSF αληθεια G444 N-NPM ανθρωποι G2704 [G5772] V-RPP-NPM κατεφθαρμενοι G3588 T-ASM τον G3563 N-ASM νουν G96 A-NPM αδοκιμοι G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-ASF την G4102 N-ASF πιστιν
    9 G235 CONJ αλλ G3756 PRT-N ου G4298 [G5692] V-FAI-3P προκοψουσιν G1909 PREP επι G4119 A-ASN-C πλειον G3588 T-NSF η G1063 CONJ γαρ G454 N-NSF ανοια G846 P-GPM αυτων G1552 A-NSM εκδηλος G2071 [G5704] V-FXI-3S εσται G3956 A-DPM πασιν G5613 ADV ως G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G1565 D-GPM εκεινων G1096 [G5633] V-2ADI-3S εγενετο
    10 G4771 P-2NS συ G1161 CONJ δε G3877 [G5656] V-AAI-2S παρηκολουθησας G3450 P-1GS μου G3588 T-DSF τη G1319 N-DSF διδασκαλια G3588 T-DSF τη G72 N-DSF αγωγη G3588 T-DSF τη G4286 N-DSF προθεσει G3588 T-DSF τη G4102 N-DSF πιστει G3588 T-DSF τη G3115 N-DSF μακροθυμια G3588 T-DSF τη G26 N-DSF αγαπη G3588 T-DSF τη G5281 N-DSF υπομονη
    11 G3588 T-DPM τοις G1375 N-DPM διωγμοις G3588 T-DPN τοις G3804 N-DPN παθημασιν G3634 R-NPN οια G3427 P-1DS μοι G1096 [G5633] V-2ADI-3S εγενετο G1722 PREP εν G490 N-DSF αντιοχεια G1722 PREP εν G2430 N-DSN ικονιω G1722 PREP εν G3082 N-DPN λυστροις G3634 K-APN οιους G1375 N-APM διωγμους G5297 [G5656] V-AAI-1S υπηνεγκα G2532 CONJ και G1537 PREP εκ G3956 A-GPM παντων G3165 P-1AS με G4506 [G5673] V-ANI-3S ερρυσατο G3588 T-NSM ο G2962 N-NSM κυριος
    12 G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NPM παντες G1161 CONJ δε G3588 T-NPM οι G2309 [G5723] V-PAP-NPM θελοντες G2198 [G5721] V-PAN | ζην G2153 ADV ευσεβως G2153 ADV | ευσεβως G2198 [G5721] V-PAN ζην G1722 PREP | εν G5547 N-DSM χριστω G2424 N-DSM ιησου G1377 [G5701] V-FPI-3P διωχθησονται
    13 G4190 A-NPM πονηροι G1161 CONJ δε G444 N-NPM ανθρωποι G2532 CONJ και G1114 N-NPM γοητες G4298 [G5692] V-FAI-3P προκοψουσιν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G5501 A-ASN χειρον G4105 [G5723] V-PAP-NPM πλανωντες G2532 CONJ και G4105 [G5746] V-PPP-NPM πλανωμενοι
    14 G4771 P-2NS συ G1161 CONJ δε G3306 [G5720] V-PAM-2S μενε G1722 PREP εν G3739 R-DPN οις G3129 [G5627] V-2AAI-2S εμαθες G2532 CONJ και G4104 [G5681] V-API-2S επιστωθης G1492 [G5761] V-RAP-NSM ειδως G3844 PREP παρα G5101 I-GPM τινων G3129 [G5627] V-2AAI-2S εμαθες
    15 G2532 CONJ και G3754 CONJ οτι G575 PREP απο G1025 N-GSN βρεφους G3588 T-APN | | " τα " G2413 A-APN | ιερα G1121 N-APN γραμματα G1492 [G5758] V-RAI-2S οιδας G3588 T-APN τα G1410 [G5740] V-PNP-APN δυναμενα G4571 P-2AS σε G4679 [G5658] V-AAN σοφισαι G1519 PREP εις G4991 N-ASF σωτηριαν G1223 PREP δια G4102 N-GSF πιστεως G3588 T-GSF της G1722 PREP εν G5547 N-DSM χριστω G2424 N-DSM ιησου
    16 G3956 A-NSF πασα G1124 N-NSF γραφη G2315 A-NSF θεοπνευστος G2532 CONJ και G5624 A-NSM ωφελιμος G4314 PREP προς G1319 N-ASF διδασκαλιαν G4314 PREP προς G1650 N-ASM ελεγμον G4314 PREP προς G1882 N-ASF επανορθωσιν G4314 PREP προς G3809 N-ASF παιδειαν G3588 T-ASF την G1722 PREP εν G1343 N-DSF δικαιοσυνη
    17 G2443 CONJ ινα G739 A-NSM αρτιος G5600 [G5753] V-PXS-3S η G3588 T-NSM ο G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος G4314 PREP προς G3956 A-ASN παν G2041 N-ASN εργον G18 A-ASN αγαθον G1822 [G5772] V-RPP-NSM εξηρτισμενος
  1 G5124 This G1097 know [G5720]   G1161 also G3754 , that G1722 in G2078 the last G2250 days G5467 perilous G2540 times G1764 shall come [G5695]  .
  2 G1063 For G444 men G2071 shall be [G5704]   G5367 lovers of their own selves G5366 , covetous G213 , boasters G5244 , proud G989 , blasphemers G545 , disobedient G1118 to parents G884 , unthankful G462 , unholy,
  3 G794 Without natural affection G786 , trucebreakers G1228 , false accusers G193 , incontinent G434 , fierce G865 , despisers of those that are good,
  4 G4273 Traitors G4312 , heady G5187 , highminded [G5772]   G5369 , lovers of pleasures G3123 more G2228 than G5377 lovers of God;
  5 G2192 Having [G5723]   G3446 a form G2150 of godliness G1161 , but G720 denying [G5768]   G1411 the power G846 thereof G2532 : from G5128 such G665 turn away [G5732]  .
  6 G1063 For G1537 of G5130 this sort G1526 are they [G5748]   G1744 which creep [G5723]   G1519 into G3614 houses G2532 , and G162 lead captive [G5723]   G1133 silly women G4987 laden [G5772]   G266 with sins G71 , led away [G5746]   G4164 with divers G1939 lusts,
  7 G3842 Ever G3129 learning [G5723]   G2532 , and G3368 never G1410 able [G5740]   G2064 to come [G5629]   G1519 to G1922 the knowledge G225 of the truth.
  8 G3739   G1161 Now G5158 as G2389 Jannes G2532 and G2387 Jambres G436 withstood [G5627]   G3475 Moses G3779 , so G436 do G3778 these G2532 also G436 resist [G5731]   G225 the truth G444 : men G2704 of corrupt [G5772]   G3563 minds G96 , reprobate G4012 concerning G4102 the faith.
  9 G235 But G4298 they shall proceed [G5692]   G3756 no G1909 further G4119   G1063 : for G846 their G454 folly G2071 shall be [G5704]   G1552 manifest G3956 unto all G5613 men, as G1565 theirs G2532 also G1096 was [G5633]  .
  10 G1161 But G4771 thou G3877 hast fully known [G5758]   G3450 my G1319 doctrine G72 , manner of life G4286 , purpose G4102 , faith G3115 , longsuffering G26 , charity G5281 , patience,
  11 G1375 Persecutions G3804 , afflictions G3634 , which G1096 came [G5633]   G3427 unto me G1722 at G490 Antioch G1722 , at G2430 Iconium G1722 , at G3082 Lystra G3634 ; what G1375 persecutions G5297 I endured [G5656]   G2532 : but G1537 out of G3956 them all G2962 the Lord G4506 delivered [G5673]   G3165 me.
  12 G1161 Yea G2532 , and G3956 all G2309 that will [G5723]   G2198 live [G5721]   G2153 godly G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G1377 shall suffer persecution [G5701]  .
  13 G1161 But G4190 evil G444 men G2532 and G1114 seducers G4298 shall wax [G5692]   G1909 worse and worse G5501   G4105 , deceiving [G5723]   G2532 , and G4105 being deceived [G5746]  .
  14 G1161 But G3306 continue [G5720]   G4771 thou G1722 in G3739 the things which G3129 thou hast learned [G5627]   G2532 and G4104 hast been assured of [G5681]   G1492 , knowing [G5761]   G3844 of G5101 whom G3129 thou hast learned [G5627]   them;
  15 G2532 And G3754 that G575 from G1025 a child G1492 thou hast known [G5758]   G2413 the holy G1121 scriptures G3588 , which G1410 are able [G5740]   G4679 to make G4571 thee G4679 wise [G5658]   G1519 unto G4991 salvation G1223 through G4102 faith G3588 which G1722 is in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus.
  16 G3956 All G1124 scripture G2315 is given by inspiration of God G2532 , and [G5624] is profitable G4314 for G1319 doctrine G4314 , for G1650 reproof G4314 , for G1882 correction G4314 , for G3809 instruction G1722 in G1343 righteousness:
  17 G2443 That G444 the man G2316 of God G5600 may be [G5753]   G739 perfect G1822 , throughly furnished [G5772]   G4314 unto G3956 all G18 good G2041 works.
ERV(i) 1 But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; 5 holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof: from these also turn away. 6 For of these are they that creep into houses, and take captive silly women laden with sins, led away by divers lusts, 7 ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 And like as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also withstand the truth; men corrupted in mind, reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be evident unto all men, as theirs also came to be. 10 But thou didst follow my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, patience, 11 persecutions, sufferings; what things befell me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: and out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yea, and all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and impostors shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But abide thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 and that from a babe thou hast known the sacred writings which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 Every scripture inspired of God [is] also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: 17 that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work.