Leviticus 16:14 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  14 H3947 [H8804] And he shall take H1818 of the blood H6499 of the bull H5137 [H8689] , and sprinkle H676 it with his finger H3727 upon the mercy seat H6924 eastward H6440 ; and before H3727 the mercy seat H5137 [H8686] shall he sprinkle H1818 of the blood H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times.

Leviticus 4:5-6

  5 H3548 And the priest H4899 that is anointed H3947 [H8804] shall take H6499 of the bull's H1818 blood H935 [H8689] , and bring H168 it to the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation:
  6 H3548 And the priest H2881 [H8804] shall dip H676 his finger H1818 in the blood H5137 [H8689] , and sprinkle H1818 of the blood H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the LORD H6440 , before H6532 the veil H6944 of the sanctuary.

Leviticus 4:17

  17 H3548 And the priest H2881 [H8804] shall dip H676 his finger H1818 in some of the blood H5137 [H8689] , and sprinkle H7651 it seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the LORD H6440 , even before H6532 the veil.

Leviticus 8:11

  11 H5137 [H8686] And he sprinkled H4196 part of it upon the altar H7651 seven H6471 times H4886 [H8799] , and anointed H4196 the altar H3627 and all its vessels H3595 , both the laver H3653 and its foot H6942 [H8763] , to sanctify them.

Romans 3:24-26

  24 G1344 [G5746] Being justified G1432 freely G846 by his G5485 grace G1223 through G629 the redemption G1722 that is in G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ:
  25 G3739 Whom G2316 God G4388 [G5639] hath set forth G2435 to be a propitiation G1223 through G4102 faith G1722 in G846 his G129 blood G1519 , to G1732 declare G846 his G1343 righteousness G1223 for G3929 the remission G265 of sins G4266 [G5761] that are past G1722 , through G463 the forbearance G2316 of God;
  26 G4314 To G1732 declare G1722 , I say, at G3568 this G2540 time G846 his G1343 righteousness G1519 : that G1511 [G5750] he may be G1342 just G2532 , and G1344 [G5723] the justifier G846 of him G4102 who believeth G1537 in G2424 Jesus.

Hebrews 9:7

  7 G1161 But G1519 into G1208 the second G749 went the high priest G3441 alone G530 once G1763 every year G3756 , not G5565 without G129 blood G3739 , which G4374 [G5719] he offered G5228 for G1438 himself G2532 , and G51 for the errors G2992 of the people:

Hebrews 9:13

  13 G1063 For G1487 if G129 the blood G5022 of bulls G2532 and G5131 of goats G2532 , and G4700 the ashes G1151 of an heifer G4472 [G5723] sprinkling G2840 [G5772] the unclean G37 [G5719] , sanctify G4314 to G2514 the purifying G4561 of the flesh:

Hebrews 9:25

  25 G3761 Nor G2443 yet that G4374 [G5725] he should offer G1438 himself G4178 often G5618 , as G749 the high priest G1525 [G5736] entereth G1519 into G39 the holy place G2596 every G1763 year G1722 with G129 blood G245 of others;

Hebrews 10:4

  4 G1063 For G102 it is not possible G129 that the blood G5022 of bulls G2532 and G5131 of goats G851 [G5721] should take away G266 sins.

Hebrews 10:10-12

  10 G1722 By G3739 that G2307 will G2070 [G5748] we are G37 [G5772] sanctified G1223 through G4376 the offering G4983 of the body G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G2178 once for all.
  11 G2532 G3303 And G3956 every G2409 priest G2476 [G5707] standeth G2596 G2250 daily G3008 [G5723] ministering G2532 and G4374 [G5723] offering G4178 often G846 the same G2378 sacrifices G3748 , which G1410 [G5736] can G3763 never G4014 [G5629] take away G266 sins:
  12 G1161 But G846 this man G4374 [G5660] , after he had offered G3391 one G2378 sacrifice G5228 for G266 sins G1519 for G1336 ever G2523 [G5656] , sat down G1722 on G1188 the right hand G2316 of God;

Hebrews 10:19

  19 G2192 [G5723] Having G3767 therefore G80 , brethren G3954 , boldness G1519 to G1529 enter G39 into the holiest G1722 by G129 the blood G2424 of Jesus,

Hebrews 12:24

  24 G2532 And G2424 to Jesus G3316 the mediator G3501 of the new G1242 covenant G2532 , and G129 to the blood G4473 of sprinkling G2980 [G5723] , that speaketh G2909 better things G3844 than G6 that of Abel.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.