1 Kings 20:20 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  20 H5221 [H8686] And they slew H376 every one H376 his man H758 : and the Syrians H5127 [H8799] fled H3478 ; and Israel H7291 [H8799] pursued H1130 them: and Benhadad H4428 the king H758 of Syria H4422 [H8735] escaped H5483 on an horse H6571 with the horsemen.

Leviticus 26:8

  8 H2568 And five H7291 [H8804] of you shall chase H3967 an hundred H3967 , and an hundred H7233 of you shall put ten thousand H7291 [H8799] to flight H341 [H8802] : and your enemies H5307 [H8804] shall fall H6440 before H2719 you by the sword.

Judges 7:20-22

  20 H7969 And the three H7218 companies H8628 [H8799] blew H7782 the trumpets H7665 [H8799] , and broke H3537 the pitchers H2388 [H8686] , and held H3940 the lamps H8040 in their left H3027 hands H7782 , and the trumpets H3225 in their right H3027 hands H8628 [H8800] to blow H7121 [H8799] with: and they cried H2719 , The sword H3068 of the LORD H1439 , and of Gideon.
  21 H5975 [H8799] And they stood H376 every man H5439 in his place around H4264 the camp H4264 : and all the host H7323 [H8799] ran H7321 [H8686] , and cried H5127 H5127 [H8799] , and fled.
  22 H7969 And the three H3967 hundred H8628 [H8799] blew H7782 the trumpets H3068 , and the LORD H7760 [H8799] set H376 every man's H2719 sword H7453 against his companion H4264 , even throughout all the host H4264 : and the host H5127 [H8799] fled H1029 to Bethshittah H6888 in Zererath H8193 , and to the border H65 of Abelmeholah H2888 , to Tabbath.

1 Samuel 14:13-15

  13 H3129 And Jonathan H5927 [H8799] climbed up H3027 upon his hands H7272 and upon his feet H5375 H3627 [H8802] , and his armourbearer H310 after H5307 [H8799] him: and they fell H6440 before H3129 Jonathan H5375 H3627 [H8802] ; and his armourbearer H4191 [H8789] slew H310 after him.
  14 H7223 And that first H4347 slaughter H3129 , which Jonathan H5375 H3627 [H8802] and his armourbearer H5221 [H8689] made H6242 , was about twenty H376 men H2677 , within as it were an half H4618 acre H7704 of land H6776 , which a yoke of oxen might plow.
  15 H2731 And there was trembling H4264 in the host H7704 , in the field H5971 , and among all the people H4673 : the garrison H7843 [H8688] , and the spoilers H2729 [H8804] , they also trembled H776 , and the earth H7264 [H8799] quaked H430 : so it was a very great H2731 trembling.

1 Samuel 30:16-17

  16 H3381 [H8686] And when he had brought him down H5203 [H8803] , behold, they were spread abroad H6440 upon all H776 the earth H398 [H8802] , eating H8354 [H8802] and drinking H2287 [H8802] , and dancing H1419 , because of all the great H7998 spoil H3947 [H8804] that they had taken H776 from the land H6430 of the Philistines H776 , and from the land H3063 of Judah.
  17 H1732 And David H5221 [H8686] smote H5399 them from the twilight H6153 even to the evening H4283 of the next day H4422 [H8738] : and there escaped H376 not a man H702 of them, except four H3967 hundred H5288 young H376 men H7392 [H8804] , who rode H1581 upon camels H5127 [H8799] , and fled.

2 Samuel 2:16

  16 H2388 [H8686] And they caught H376 every one H7453 his opponent H7218 by the head H2719 , and thrust his sword H7453 in his opponent's H6654 side H5307 [H8799] ; so they fell down H3162 together H4725 : therefore that place H7121 [H8799] was called H2521 Helkathhazzurim H1391 , which is in Gibeon.

2 Kings 7:6-7

  6 H136 For the Lord H4264 had made the army H758 of the Syrians H8085 [H8689] to hear H6963 a noise H7393 of chariots H6963 , and a noise H5483 of horses H6963 , even the noise H1419 of a great H2428 army H559 [H8799] : and they said H376 one H251 to another H4428 , Lo, the king H3478 of Israel H7936 [H8804] hath hired H4428 against us the kings H2850 of the Hittites H4428 , and the kings H4714 of the Egyptians H935 [H8800] , to come upon us.
  7 H6965 [H8799] Therefore they arose H5127 [H8799] and fled H5399 in the twilight H5800 [H8799] , and left H168 their tents H5483 , and their horses H2543 , and their donkeys H4264 , even the camp H5127 [H8799] as it was, and fled H5315 for their life.

2 Kings 19:36

  36 H5576 So Sennacherib H4428 king H804 of Assyria H5265 [H8799] departed H3212 [H8799] , and went H7725 [H8799] and returned H3427 [H8799] , and dwelt H5210 at Nineveh.

Psalms 33:16

  16 H4428 There is no king H3467 [H8737] saved H7230 by the multitude H2428 of an host H1368 : a mighty man H5337 [H8735] is not delivered H7230 by much H3581 strength.

Psalms 46:6

  6 H1471 The heathen H1993 [H8804] raged H4467 , the kingdoms H4131 [H8804] were moved H5414 [H8804] : he uttered H6963 his voice H776 , the earth H4127 [H8799] melted.

Ecclesiastes 9:11

  11 H7725 [H8804] I returned H7200 [H8800] , and saw H8121 under the sun H4793 , that the race H7031 is not to the swift H4421 , nor the battle H1368 to the strong H3899 , neither yet bread H2450 to the wise H6239 , nor yet riches H995 [H8737] to men of understanding H2580 , nor yet favour H3045 [H8802] to men of skill H6256 ; but time H6294 and chance H7136 [H8799] happeneth to them all.

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