Psalms 32:7 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  7 H5643 Thou art my hiding place H5341 ; thou shalt preserve [H8799]   H6862 me from trouble H5437 ; thou shalt compass [H8779]   H7438 me about with songs H6405 of deliverance H5542 . Selah.

Exodus 15:1-3

  1 H7891 Then sang [H8799]   H4872 Moses H1121 and the children H3478 of Israel H7892 this song H3068 unto the LORD H559 , and spake [H8799]   H559 , saying [H8800]   H7891 , I will sing [H8799]   H3068 unto the LORD H1342 , for he hath triumphed [H8804]   H1342 gloriously [H8800]   H5483 : the horse H7392 and his rider [H8802]   H7411 hath he thrown [H8804]   H3220 into the sea.
  2 H3050 The LORD H5797 is my strength H2176 and song H3444 , and he is become my salvation H2088 : he H410 is my God H5115 , and I will prepare him an habitation [H8686]   H1 ; my father's H430 God H7311 , and I will exalt [H8787]   him.
  3 H3068 The LORD H376 is a man H4421 of war H3068 : the LORD H8034 is his name.

Judges 5:1

  1 H7891 Then sang [H8799]   H1683 Deborah H1301 and Barak H1121 the son H42 of Abinoam H3117 on that day H559 , saying [H8800]  ,

2 Samuel 22:1

  1 H1732 And David H1696 spake [H8762]   H3068 unto the LORD H1697 the words H7892 of this song H3117 in the day H3068 that the LORD H5337 had delivered [H8689]   H3709 him out of the hand H341 of all his enemies [H8802]   H3709 , and out of the hand H7586 of Saul:

Psalms 5:12

  12 H3068 For thou, LORD H1288 , wilt bless [H8762]   H6662 the righteous H7522 ; with favour H5849 wilt thou compass [H8799]   H6793 him as with a shield.

Psalms 9:9

  9 H3068 The LORD H4869 also will be a refuge H1790 for the oppressed H4869 , a refuge H6256 in times H6869 of trouble.

Psalms 18:5

  5 H2256 The sorrows H7585 of hell H5437 compassed me about [H8804]   H4170 : the snares H4194 of death H6923 prevented [H8765]   me.

Psalms 27:5

  5 H3117 For in the time H7451 of trouble H6845 he shall hide [H8799]   H5520 me in his pavilion H5643 : in the secret H168 of his tabernacle H5641 shall he hide [H8686]   H7311 me; he shall set me up [H8787]   H6697 upon a rock.

Psalms 31:20

  20 H5641 Thou shalt hide [H8686]   H5643 them in the secret H6440 of thy presence H7407 from the pride H376 of man H6845 : thou shalt keep them secretly [H8799]   H5521 in a pavilion H7379 from the strife H3956 of tongues.

Psalms 32:10

  10 H7227 Many H4341 sorrows H7563 shall be to the wicked H982 : but he that trusteth [H8802]   H3068 in the LORD H2617 , mercy H5437 shall compass [H8779]   him about.

Psalms 40:3

  3 H5414 And he hath put [H8799]   H2319 a new H7892 song H6310 in my mouth H8416 , even praise H430 unto our God H7227 : many H7200 shall see [H8799]   H3372 it, and fear [H8799]   H982 , and shall trust [H8799]   H3068 in the LORD.

Psalms 91:1

  1 H3427 He that dwelleth [H8802]   H5643 in the secret H5945 place of the most High H3885 shall abide [H8698]   H6738 under the shadow H7706 of the Almighty.

Psalms 98:1

  1 H4210 A Psalm H7891 . O sing [H8798]   H3068 unto the LORD H2319 a new H7892 song H6213 ; for he hath done [H8804]   H6381 marvellous things [H8737]   H3225 : his right hand H6944 , and his holy H2220 arm H3467 , hath gotten him the victory [H8689]  .

Psalms 119:114

  114 H5643 Thou art my hiding place H4043 and my shield H3176 : I hope [H8765]   H1697 in thy word.

Psalms 143:9

  9 H5337 Deliver [H8685]   H3068 me, O LORD H341 , from mine enemies [H8802]   H3680 : I flee unto thee to hide [H8765]   me.

Jeremiah 36:26

  26 H4428 But the king H6680 commanded [H8762]   H3396 Jerahmeel H1121 the son H4429 of Hammelech H8304 , and Seraiah H1121 the son H5837 of Azriel H8018 , and Shelemiah H1121 the son H5655 of Abdeel H3947 , to take [H8800]   H1263 Baruch H5608 the scribe [H8802]   H3414 and Jeremiah H5030 the prophet H3068 : but the LORD H5641 hid [H8686]   them.

Colossians 3:3

  3 G1063 For G599 ye are dead [G5627]   G2532 , and G5216 your G2222 life G2928 is hid [G5769]   G4862 with G5547 Christ G1722 in G2316 God.

Revelation 7:10

  10 G2532 And G2896 cried [G5723]   G3173 with a loud G5456 voice G3004 , saying [G5723]   G4991 , Salvation G2257 to our G2316 God G3588 which G2521 sitteth [G5740]   G1909 upon G2362 the throne G2532 , and G721 unto the Lamb.

Revelation 15:2-3

  2 G2532 And G1492 I saw [G5627]   G5613 as it were G2281 a sea G5193 of glass G3396 mingled [G5772]   G4442 with fire G2532 : and G3528 them that had gotten the victory [G5723]   G1537 over G2342 the beast G2532 , and G1537 over G846 his G1504 image G2532 , and G1537 over G846 his G5480 mark G1537 , and over G706 the number G846 of his G3686 name G2476 , stand [G5761]   G1909 on G2281 the sea G5193 of glass G2192 , having [G5723]   G2788 the harps G2316 of God.
  3 G2532 And G103 they sing [G5719]   G5603 the song G3475 of Moses G1401 the servant G2316 of God G2532 , and G5603 the song G721 of the Lamb G3004 , saying [G5723]   G3173 , Great G2532 and G2298 marvellous G4675 are thy G2041 works G2962 , Lord G2316 God G3841 Almighty G1342 ; just G2532 and G228 true G4675 are thy G3598 ways G935 , thou King G40 of saints.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.