1 Timothy 3:8 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  8 G5615 Likewise G1249 must the deacons G4586 be grave G3361 , not G1351 doubletongued G3361 , not G4337 given [G5723]   G4183 to much G3631 wine G3361 , not G146 greedy of filthy lucre;

Leviticus 10:9

  9 H8354 Do not drink [H8799]   H3196 wine H7941 nor strong drink H1121 , thou, nor thy sons H935 with thee, when ye go [H8800]   H168 into the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H4191 , lest ye die [H8799]   H2708 : it shall be a statute H5769 for ever H1755 throughout your generations:

Psalms 5:9

  9 H3559 For there is no faithfulness [H8737]   H6310 in their mouth H7130 ; their inward H1942 part is very wickedness H1627 ; their throat H6605 is an open [H8803]   H6913 sepulchre H2505 ; they flatter [H8686]   H3956 with their tongue.

Psalms 12:2

  2 H1696 They speak [H8762]   H7723 vanity H376 every one H7453 with his neighbour H2513 : with flattering H8193 lips H3820 and with a double H3820 heart H1696 do they speak [H8762]  .

Psalms 50:19

  19 H7971 Thou givest [H8804]   H6310 thy mouth H7451 to evil H3956 , and thy tongue H6775 frameth [H8686]   H4820 deceit.

Psalms 52:2

  2 H3956 Thy tongue H2803 deviseth [H8799]   H1942 mischiefs H3913 ; like a sharp [H8794]   H8593 razor H6213 , working [H8802]   H7423 deceitfully.

Ezekiel 44:21

  21 H3548 Neither shall any priest H8354 drink [H8799]   H3196 wine H935 , when they enter [H8800]   H6442 into the inner H2691 court.

Acts 6:3-6

  3 G3767 Wherefore G80 , brethren G1980 , look ye out [G5663]   G1537 among G5216 you G2033 seven G435 men G3140 of honest report [G5746]   G4134 , full G40 of the Holy G4151 Ghost G2532 and G4678 wisdom G3739 , whom G2525 we may appoint [G5692]   G1909 over G5026 this G5532 business.
  4 G1161 But G2249 we G4342 will give ourselves continually [G5692]   G4335 to prayer G2532 , and G1248 to the ministry G3056 of the word.
  5 G2532 And G3056 the saying G700 pleased [G5656]   G1799   G3956 the whole G4128 multitude G2532 : and G1586 they chose [G5668]   G4736 Stephen G435 , a man G4134 full G4102 of faith G2532 and G40 of the Holy G4151 Ghost G2532 , and G5376 Philip G2532 , and G4402 Prochorus G2532 , and G3527 Nicanor G2532 , and G5096 Timon G2532 , and G3937 Parmenas G2532 , and G3532 Nicolas G4339 a proselyte G491 of Antioch:
  6 G3739 Whom G2476 they set [G5627]   G1799 before G652 the apostles G2532 : and G4336 when they had prayed [G5666]   G2007 , they laid G5495 their hands G2007 on [G5656]   G846 them.

Romans 3:13

  13 G846 Their G2995 throat G455 is an open [G5772]   G5028 sepulchre G846 ; with their G1100 tongues G1387 they have used deceit [G5707]   G2447 ; the poison G785 of asps G5259 is under G846 their G5491 lips:

Philippians 1:1

  1 G3972 Paul G2532 and G5095 Timotheus G1401 , the servants G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G3956 , to all G40 the saints G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G5607 which are [G5752]   G1722 at G5375 Philippi G4862 , with G1985 the bishops G2532 and G1249 deacons:

1 Timothy 3:3

  3 G3361 Not G3943 given to wine G3361 , no G4131 striker G3361 , not G146 greedy of filthy lucre G235 ; but G1933 patient G269 , not a brawler G866 , not covetous;

1 Timothy 3:12

  12 G2077 Let G1249 the deacons G2077 be [G5749]   G435 the husbands G3391 of one G1135 wife G4291 , ruling [G5734]   G5043 their children G2532 and G2398 their own G3624 houses G2573 well.

1 Timothy 5:23

  23 G5202 Drink G3371 no longer G5202 water [G5720]   G235 , but G5530 use [G5737]   G3641 a little G3631 wine G1223 for G4675 thy G4751 stomach's sake G2532 and G4675 thine G4437 often G769 infirmities.

Titus 1:7

  7 G1063 For G1985 a bishop G1163 must [G5748]   G1511 be [G5750]   G410 blameless G5613 , as G3623 the steward G2316 of God G3361 ; not G829 selfwilled G3361 , not G3711 soon angry G3361 , not G3943 given to wine G3361 , no G4131 striker G3361 , not G146 given to filthy lucre;

Titus 2:3

  3 G4247 The aged women G5615 likewise G1722 , that they be in G2688 behaviour G2412 as becometh holiness G3361 , not G1228 false accusers G3361 , not G1402 given [G5772]   G4183 to much G3631 wine G2567 , teachers of good things;

James 3:10

  10 G1537 Out of G846 the same G4750 mouth G1831 proceedeth [G5736]   G2129 blessing G2532 and G2671 cursing G3450 . My G80 brethren G5023 , these things G5534 ought [G5724]   G3756 not G3779 so G1096 to be [G5738]  .

1 Peter 5:2

  2 G4165 Feed [G5657]   G4168 the flock G2316 of God G1722 which is among G5213 you G1983 , taking the oversight [G5723]   G3361 thereof, not G317 by constraint G235 , but G1596 willingly G3366 ; not G147 for filthy lucre G235 , but G4290 of a ready mind;

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.