Joshua 14:6 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  6 H1121 Then the children H3063 of Judah H5066 drew H3091 nigh unto Joshua H1537 in Gilgal: H3612 and Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh H7074 the Kenizzite H559 said H3045 unto him, Thou knowest H1697 the thing H3068 that Jehovah H1696 spake H4872 unto Moses H376 the man H430 of God H182 concerning me H182 and concerning thee H6947 in Kadesh-barnea.

Numbers 12:7-8

  7 H5650 My servant H4872 Moses H539 is not so; he is faithful H1004 in all my house:
  8 H1696 with him will I speak H6310 mouth H6310 to mouth, H4758 even manifestly, H2420 and not in dark speeches; H8544 and the form H3068 of Jehovah H5027 shall he behold: H3372 wherefore then were ye not afraid H1696 to speak H5650 against my servant, H4872 against Moses?

Numbers 13:6

  6 H4294 Of the tribe H3063 of Judah, H3612 Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh.

Numbers 13:26

  26 H3212 And they went H935 and came H4872 to Moses, H175 and to Aaron, H5712 and to all the congregation H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel, H4057 unto the wilderness H6290 of Paran, H6946 to Kadesh; H7725 and brought back H1697 word H5712 unto them, and unto all the congregation, H7200 and showed H6529 them the fruit H776 of the land.

Numbers 14:6

  6 H3091 And Joshua H1121 the son H5126 of Nun H3612 and Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh, H8446 who were of them that spied H776 out the land, H7167 rent H899 their clothes:

Numbers 14:24

  24 H5650 but my servant H3612 Caleb, H6118 because H312 he had another H7307 spirit H310 with him, and hath followed H4390 me fully, H935 him will I bring H776 into the land H935 whereinto he went; H2233 and his seed H3423 shall possess it.

Numbers 14:30

  30 H518 surely ye shall not H935 come H776 into the land, H3027 concerning which I sware H7931 that I would make you dwell H3612 therein, save Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh, H3091 and Joshua H1121 the son H5126 of Nun.

Numbers 32:12

  12 H3612 save Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh H7074 the Kenizzite, H3091 and Joshua H1121 the son H5126 of Nun; H4390 because they have wholly H310 followed H3068 Jehovah.

Deuteronomy 1:36-38

  36 H2108 save H3612 Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh: H7200 he shall see H5414 it; and to him will I give H776 the land H834 that H1869 he hath trodden upon, H1121 and to his children, H4390 because he hath wholly H310 followed H3068 Jehovah.
  37 H3068 Also Jehovah H599 was angry H1558 with me for your sakes, H559 saying, H935 Thou also shalt not go H8033 in thither:
  38 H3091 Joshua H1121 the son H5126 of Nun, H5975 who standeth H6440 before H935 thee, he shall go in H2388 thither: encourage H3478 thou him; for he shall cause Israel H5157 to inherit it.

Deuteronomy 33:1

  1 H1293 And this is the blessing, H4872 wherewith Moses H376 the man H430 of God H1288 blessed H1121 the children H3478 of Israel H6440 before H4194 his death.

Deuteronomy 34:5

  5 H4872 So Moses H5650 the servant H3068 of Jehovah H4191 died H776 there in the land H4124 of Moab, H6310 according to the word H3068 of Jehovah.

Deuteronomy 34:10

  10 H6965 And there hath not arisen H5030 a prophet H5750 since H3478 in Israel H4872 like unto Moses, H3068 whom Jehovah H3045 knew H6440 face H6440 to face,

Joshua 4:19

  19 H5971 And the people H5927 came up H3383 out of the Jordan H6218 on the tenth H7223 day of the first H2320 month, H2583 and encamped H1537 in Gilgal, H4217 on the east H7097 border H3405 of Jericho.

Joshua 10:43

  43 H3091 And Joshua H7725 returned, H3478 and all Israel H4264 with him, unto the camp H1537 to Gilgal.

Joshua 14:14

  14 H2275 Therefore Hebron H5159 became the inheritance H3612 of Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh H7074 the Kenizzite H3117 unto this day; H4390 because that he wholly H310 followed H3068 Jehovah, H430 the God H3478 of Israel.

Joshua 15:17

  17 H6274 And Othniel H1121 the son H7073 of Kenaz, H251 the brother H3612 of Caleb, H3920 took H5414 it: and he gave H5915 him Achsah H1323 his daughter H802 to wife.

Judges 13:6-8

  6 H802 Then the woman H935 came H559 and told H376 her husband, H559 saying, H376 A man H430 of God H935 came H4758 unto me, and his countenance H4758 was like the countenance H4397 of the angel H430 of God, H3966 very H3372 terrible; H7592 and I asked H5046 him not whence he was, neither told H8034 he me his name:
  7 H559 but he said H2030 unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, H3205 and bear H1121 a son; H7941 and now drink H3196 no wine H8354 nor strong drink, H398 and eat H2932 not any unclean H5288 thing; for the child H5139 shall be a Nazirite H430 unto God H990 from the womb H3117 to the day H4194 of his death.
  8 H4495 Then Manoah H6279 entreated H3068 Jehovah, H559 and said, H994 Oh, H3068 Lord, H4994 I pray thee, let H376 the man H430 of God H7971 whom thou didst send H935 come again H3384 unto us, and teach H6213 us what we shall do H5288 unto the child H3205 that shall be born.

1 Kings 13:1

  1 H935 And, behold, there came H376 a man H430 of God H3063 out of Judah H1697 by the word H3068 of Jehovah H1008 unto Beth-el: H3379 and Jeroboam H5975 was standing H4196 by the altar H6999 to burn incense.

1 Kings 13:14

  14 H3212 And he went H310 after H376 the man H430 of God, H4672 and found H3427 him sitting H424 under an oak; H559 and he said H376 unto him, Art thou the man H430 of God H935 that camest H3063 from Judah? H559 And he said, I am.

2 Kings 4:9

  9 H559 And she said H376 unto her husband, H3045 Behold now, I perceive H6918 that this is a holy H376 man H430 of God, H5674 that passeth H8548 by us continually.

2 Kings 4:16

  16 H559 And he said, H4150 At this season, H6256 when the time H2416 cometh round, H2263 thou shalt embrace H1121 a son. H559 And she said, H113 Nay, my lord, H376 thou man H430 of God, H3576 do not lie H8198 unto thy handmaid.

2 Kings 4:42

  42 H935 And there came H376 a man H1190 from Baal-shalishah, H935 and brought H376 the man H430 of God H3899 bread H1061 of the first-fruits, H6242 twenty H3899 loaves H8184 of barley, H3759 and fresh ears of grain H6861 in his sack. H559 And he said, H5414 Give H5971 unto the people, H398 that they may eat.

2 Kings 8:7

  7 H477 And Elisha H935 came H1834 to Damascus; H1130 and Benhadad H4428 the king H758 of Syria H2470 was sick; H5046 and it was told H559 him, saying, H376 The man H430 of God H935 is come H2008 hither.

2 Kings 8:11

  11 H5975 And he settled H6440 his countenance H7760 stedfastly H954 upon him, until he was ashamed: H376 and the man H430 of God H1058 wept.

Psalms 90:1

  1 H136 A Prayer of Moses the man of God.
H4583 thou hast been our dwelling-place H1755 In all H1755 generations.

1 Timothy 6:11

  11 G1161 But G4771 thou, G5599 O G444 man G2316 of God, G5343 flee G5023 these things; G1161 and G1377 follow after G1343 righteousness, G2150 godliness, G4102 faith, G26 love, G5281 patience, G4236 meekness.

2 Timothy 3:17

  17 G2443 That G444 the man G2316 of God G5600 may be G739 complete, G1822 furnished G4314 completely unto G3956 every G18 good G2041 work.

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