Hebrews 10:34 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  34 G4834 For you had compassion G1199 of me in my bonds, G4327 and took G3326 joyfully G5479 G724 the spoiling G5216 of your G5224 goods, G1097 knowing G1438 in yourselves G2192 that you have G3772 in heaven G2909 a better G3306 and an enduring G5223 substance.

Matthew 5:11-12

  11 G3107 Blessed G3752 are you, when G3679 men shall revile G1377 you, and persecute G2036 you, and shall say G3956 all G4190 manner of evil G4487 G2596 against G5574 you falsely, G1752 for my sake.
  12 G5463 Rejoice, G21 and be exceeding glad: G4183 for great G5216 is your G3408 reward G3772 in heaven: G3779 for so G1377 persecuted G4396 they the prophets G3588 which G4253 were before you.

Matthew 6:19-20

  19 G5213 Lay not up for yourselves G2344 treasures G1093 on earth, G3699 where G4597 moth G1035 and rust G853 does corrupt, G3699 and where G2812 thieves G1358 break G1358 through G2813 and steal:
  20 G5213 But lay up for yourselves G2344 treasures G3772 in heaven, G3699 where G3777 neither G4597 moth G3777 nor G1035 rust G853 does corrupt, G3699 and where G2812 thieves G1358 do not break G1358 through G3761 nor G2813 steal:

Matthew 19:21

  21 G2424 Jesus G5346 said G1487 to him, If G2309 you will G5046 be perfect, G5217 go G4453 and sell G5224 that you have, G1325 and give G4434 to the poor, G2192 and you shall have G2344 treasure G3772 in heaven: G1204 and come G190 and follow me.

Luke 10:42

  42 G1520 But one G5532 thing is needful: G3137 and Mary G1586 has chosen G18 that good G3310 part, G3748 which G851 shall not be taken G851 away from her.

Luke 12:33

  33 G4453 Sell G5224 that you have, G1325 and give G1654 alms; G4160 provide G1438 yourselves G905 bags G3822 which wax G3822 not old, G2344 a treasure G3772 in the heavens G413 that fails G3699 not, where G3756 no G2812 thief G1448 approaches, G3761 neither G4597 moth G1311 corrupts.

Acts 5:41

  41 G4198 And they departed G4383 from the presence G4892 of the council, G5463 rejoicing G2661 that they were counted G2661 worthy G818 to suffer G818 shame G3686 for his name.

Acts 21:33

  33 G5119 Then G5506 the chief G5506 captain G1448 came G1448 near, G1949 and took G2753 him, and commanded G1210 him to be bound G1417 with two G254 chains; G4441 and demanded G5101 who G5101 he was, and what G4160 he had done.

Acts 28:20

  20 G5026 For this G156 cause G3767 therefore G3870 have I called G1492 for you, to see G4354 you, and to speak G1063 with you: because G1680 that for the hope G2474 of Israel G4029 I am bound G5026 with this G254 chain.

2 Corinthians 5:1

  1 G1492 For we know G1437 that if G1919 our earthly G3614 house G3588 of this G4636 tabernacle G2647 were dissolved, G2192 we have G3619 a building G2316 of God, G3614 an house G886 not made G886 with hands, G166 eternal G3772 in the heavens.

Ephesians 3:1

  1 G5127 For this G5484 cause G3972 I Paul, G1198 the prisoner G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G1484 for you Gentiles,

Ephesians 4:1

  1 G3767 I therefore, G1198 the prisoner G2962 of the Lord, G3870 beseech G4043 you that you walk G516 worthy G2821 of the vocation G3739 with which G2564 you are called,

Ephesians 6:20

  20 G3739 For which G4243 I am an ambassador G254 in bonds: G1722 that therein G846 G3955 I may speak boldly, G1163 as I ought G2980 to speak.

Philippians 1:7

  7 G2531 Even G1342 as it is meet G5426 for me to think G5124 this G3956 of you all, G1223 because G2192 I have G2588 you in my heart; G1909 inasmuch G3745 G5037 as both G1199 in my bonds, G627 and in the defense G951 and confirmation G2098 of the gospel, G3956 you all G4791 are partakers G5485 of my grace.

Colossians 1:5

  5 G1680 For the hope G3588 which G606 is laid G3772 up for you in heaven, G3739 whereof G4257 you heard G4257 before G3056 in the word G226 of the truth G2098 of the gospel;

Colossians 3:2-4

  2 G5426 Set G5426 your affection G507 on things above, G1909 not on G1093 things on the earth.
  3 G599 For you are dead, G5216 and your G2222 life G2928 is hid G5547 with Christ G2316 in God.
  4 G3752 When G5547 Christ, G2222 who is our life, G5319 shall appear, G5119 then G2532 shall you also G5319 appear G1391 with him in glory.

1 Timothy 6:19

  19 G597 Laying G597 up in store G1438 for themselves G2570 a good G2310 foundation G1519 against G3195 the time G3195 to come, G1949 that they may lay G1949 hold G1949 on G166 eternal G2222 life.

2 Timothy 1:16

  16 G2962 The Lord G1325 give G1656 mercy G3624 to the house G3683 of Onesiphorus; G4178 for he oft G404 refreshed G1870 me, and was not ashamed G254 of my chain:

2 Timothy 2:9

  9 G1722 Wherein G3757 G2553 I suffer G2553 trouble, G2557 as an evil G2557 doer, G1199 even to bonds; G3056 but the word G2316 of God G1210 is not bound.

2 Timothy 4:8

  8 G3063 From now on G606 there is laid G4735 up for me a crown G1343 of righteousness, G3739 which G2962 the Lord, G1342 the righteous G2923 judge, G591 shall give G1722 me at G2250 that day: G3440 and not to me only, G3956 but to all G2532 them also G25 that love G2015 his appearing.

Hebrews 11:16

  16 G3570 But now G3713 they desire G2909 a better G2032 country, that is, an heavenly: G1352 why G2316 God G1870 is not ashamed G1941 to be called G2316 their God: G2090 for he has prepared G4172 for them a city.

Hebrews 13:3

  3 G3403 Remember G1198 them that are in bonds, G4887 as bound G2558 with them; and them which suffer G2558 adversity, G5607 as being G846 yourselves G2532 also G4983 in the body.

James 1:2

  2 G80 My brothers, G2233 count G3956 it all G5479 joy G3752 when G4045 you fall G4164 into divers G3986 temptations;

1 Peter 1:4

  4 G2817 To an inheritance G862 incorruptible, G283 and undefiled, G268 and that fades G5083 not away, reserved G3772 in heaven for you,

1 John 3:2

  2 G27 Beloved, G3568 now G5043 are we the sons G2316 of God, G3768 and it does not yet G5319 appear G5101 what G1492 we shall be: but we know G1437 that, when G5319 he shall appear, G3664 we shall be like G3700 him; for we shall see him as he is.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.