Acts 15:9 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  9 G1252 And put G3762 no G1252 difference G3342 between G2511 us and them, purifying G2588 their hearts G4102 by faith.

Acts 10:15

  15 G5456 And the voice G3825 spoke to him again G1208 the second G3739 time, What G2316 God G2511 has cleansed, G2840 that call G2840 not you common.

Acts 10:28

  28 G5346 And he said G1987 to them, You know G5613 how G111 that it is an unlawful G435 thing for a man G2453 that is a Jew G2853 to keep G2853 company, G2228 or G4334 come G246 to one of another G246 nation; G2316 but God G1166 has showed G3004 me that I should not call G3367 any G444 man G2839 common G2228 or G169 unclean.

Acts 10:34

  34 G1161 Then G4074 Peter G455 opened G4750 his mouth, G2036 and said, G225 Of a truth G2638 I perceive G2316 that God G3756 is no G4381 respecter G4381 of persons:

Acts 10:43-44

  43 G3956 To him give all G4396 the prophets G3140 witness, G1223 that through G3686 his name G3956 whoever G3588 G4100 believes G2983 in him shall receive G859 remission G266 of sins.
  44 G4074 While Peter G2089 yet G2980 spoke G5023 these G4487 words, G40 the Holy G4151 Ghost G1968 fell G1909 on G3956 all G191 them which heard G3056 the word.

Acts 11:12

  12 G4151 And the Spirit G2036 bade G4905 me go G3367 with them, nothing G1252 doubting. G1161 Moreover G3778 these G1803 six G80 brothers G2064 accompanied G4862 G1525 me, and we entered G1519 into G435 the man’s G3624 house:

Acts 14:1

  1 G1096 And it came G2430 to pass in Iconium, G1525 that they went G2596 both together G1519 into G4864 the synagogue G2453 of the Jews, G3779 and so G2980 spoke, G4183 that a great G4128 multitude G5037 both G2453 of the Jews G2532 and also G1672 of the Greeks G4100 believed.

Acts 14:27

  27 G3854 And when they were come, G4863 and had gathered G1577 the church G4863 together, G312 they rehearsed G3745 all G2316 that God G4160 had done G455 with them, and how he had opened G2374 the door G4102 of faith G1484 to the Gentiles.

Romans 3:9

  9 G5101 What G3767 then? G4284 are we better G3756 than they? No, G3843 in no G3843 wise: G2192 for we have G4256 before G4256 proved G5037 both G2453 Jews G1672 and Gentiles, G3956 that they are all G5259 under G266 sin;

Romans 3:22

  22 G1161 Even G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God G4102 which is by faith G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G3956 to all G3956 and on all G4100 them that believe: G3756 for there is no G1293 difference:

Romans 3:29-30

  29 G2316 Is he the God G2453 of the Jews G3440 only? G2532 is he not also G1484 of the Gentiles? G3483 Yes, G1484 of the Gentiles G2532 also:
  30 G1897 Seeing G1520 it is one G2316 God, G3739 which G1344 shall justify G4061 the circumcision G4102 by faith, G203 and uncircumcision G1223 through G4102 faith.

Romans 4:11-12

  11 G2983 And he received G4592 the sign G4061 of circumcision, G4973 a seal G1343 of the righteousness G4102 of the faith G3588 which G1722 he had yet being uncircumcised: G3588 G203 G3962 that he might be the father G3956 of all G4100 them that believe, G1223 though G203 they be not circumcised; G1343 that righteousness G3049 might be imputed G2532 to them also:
  12 G3962 And the father G4061 of circumcision G3588 to them who G4061 are not of the circumcision G3440 only, G3588 but who G2532 also G4748 walk G2487 in the steps G4102 of that faith G3962 of our father G11 Abraham, G1722 which he had being yet uncircumcised.

Romans 9:24

  24 G2532 Even G3739 us, whom G2564 he has called, G2453 not of the Jews G3440 only, G2532 but also G1484 of the Gentiles?

Romans 10:11-13

  11 G1124 For the scripture G3004 said, G3956 Whoever G3588 G4100 believes G1909 on G2617 him shall not be ashamed.
  12 G3756 For there is no G1293 difference G2453 between the Jew G1672 and the Greek: G846 for the same G2962 Lord G3956 over all G4147 is rich G3956 to all G1941 that call on him.
  13 G3956 For whoever G1941 shall call G3686 on the name G2962 of the Lord G4982 shall be saved.

1 Corinthians 1:2

  2 G1577 To the church G2316 of God G3588 which G1722 is at G2882 Corinth, G37 to them that are sanctified G5547 in Christ G2424 Jesus, G2822 called G40 to be saints, G3956 with all G3956 that in every G5117 place G1941 call G3686 on the name G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G2962 our Lord, G5037 both G2257 their’s and our’s:

1 Corinthians 7:18

  18 G5100 Is any G2564 man called G4059 being circumcised? G1986 let him not become G1986 uncircumcised. G5100 Is any G2564 called G203 in uncircumcision? G4059 let him not be circumcised.

Galatians 3:28

  28 G3756 There is neither G2453 Jew G3761 nor G1672 Greek, G3756 there is neither G1401 bond G3761 nor G1658 free, G3756 there is neither G730 male G3761 nor G2338 female: G3956 for you are all G1520 one G5547 in Christ G2424 Jesus.

Galatians 5:6

  6 G2424 For in Jesus G5547 Christ G3777 neither G4061 circumcision G2480 avails G5100 any G3777 thing, nor G203 uncircumcision; G4102 but faith G1754 which works G26 by love.

Ephesians 2:14-22

  14 G1515 For he is our peace, G3739 who G4160 has made G297 both G1520 one, G3089 and has broken G3320 down the middle G5418 wall of partition between us;
  15 G2673 Having abolished G4561 in his flesh G2189 the enmity, G3551 even the law G1785 of commandments G1378 contained in ordinances; G2936 for to make G1438 in himself G1417 of two G1520 one G2537 new G444 man, G4160 so making G1515 peace;
  16 G604 And that he might reconcile G297 both G2316 to God G1520 in one G4983 body G4716 by the cross, G615 having slain G2189 the enmity G1722 thereby:
  17 G2064 And came G2097 and preached G1515 peace G3588 to you which G3112 were afar G1451 off, and to them that were near.
  18 G1223 For through G297 him we both G2192 have G4318 access G1520 by one G4151 Spirit G3962 to the Father.
  19 G3767 Now G686 therefore G3765 you are no G3765 more G3581 strangers G3941 and foreigners, G4847 but fellow citizens G40 with the saints, G3609 and of the household G2316 of God;
  20 G2026 And are built G2310 on the foundation G652 of the apostles G4396 and prophets, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G848 himself G5607 being G204 the chief G204 corner stone;
  21 G3739 In whom G3956 all G3619 the building G4883 fitly G4883 framed G4883 together G837 grows G40 to an holy G3485 temple G2962 in the Lord:
  22 G3739 In whom G2532 you also G4925 are built G4925 together G2732 for an habitation G2316 of God G1722 through G4151 the Spirit.

Ephesians 3:6

  6 G1484 That the Gentiles G4789 should be fellow heirs, G4954 and of the same G4954 body, G4830 and partakers G1860 of his promise G5547 in Christ G2098 by the gospel:

Colossians 3:11

  11 G3699 Where G3756 there is neither G1672 Greek G2532 nor G2453 Jew, G4061 circumcision G2532 nor G203 uncircumcision, G915 Barbarian, G4658 Scythian, G1401 bond G1658 nor free: G5547 but Christ G3956 is all, G3956 and in all.

Hebrews 9:13-14

  13 G1487 For if G129 the blood G5022 of bulls G5131 and of goats, G4700 and the ashes G1151 of an heifer G4472 sprinkling G2840 the unclean, G37 sanctifies G2514 to the purifying G4561 of the flesh:
  14 G4214 How G4214 much G3123 more G129 shall the blood G5547 of Christ, G3739 who G1223 through G166 the eternal G4151 Spirit G4374 offered G1438 himself G299 without G299 spot G2316 to God, G2511 purge G5216 your G4893 conscience G3498 from dead G2041 works G3000 to serve G2198 the living G2316 God?

1 Peter 1:22

  22 G48 Seeing you have purified G5216 your G5590 souls G5218 in obeying G225 the truth G1223 through G4151 the Spirit G505 to unfeigned G5360 love G5360 of the brothers, G25 see that you love G240 one G240 another G2513 with a pure G2588 heart G1619 fervently:

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