2 Kings

  1 H4124 Then Moab H6586 [H8799] rebelled H3478 against Israel H310 after H4194 the death H256 of Ahab.
  2 H274 And Ahaziah H5307 [H8799] fell down H7639 through a lattice H5944 in his upper chamber H8111 that was in Samaria H2470 [H8799] , and was sick H7971 [H8799] : and he sent H4397 messengers H559 [H8799] , and said H3212 [H8798] to them, Go H1875 [H8798] , enquire H1176 of Baalzebub H430 the god H6138 of Ekron H2421 [H8799] whether I shall recover H2483 from this disease.
  3 H4397 But the angel H3068 of the LORD H1696 [H8765] said H452 to Elijah H8664 the Tishbite H6965 [H8798] , Arise H5927 [H8798] , go up H7125 [H8800] to meet H4397 the messengers H4428 of the king H8111 of Samaria H1696 [H8761] , and say H430 to them, Is it not because there is not a God H3478 in Israel H1980 [H8802] , that ye go H1875 [H8800] to enquire H1176 of Baalzebub H430 the god H6138 of Ekron?
  4 H559 [H8804] Now therefore thus saith H3068 the LORD H3381 [H8799] , Thou shalt not come down H4296 from that bed H5927 [H8804] on which thou art gone up H4191 [H8800] , but shalt surely H4191 [H8799] die H452 . And Elijah H3212 [H8799] departed.
  5 H4397 And when the messengers H7725 [H8799] returned H559 [H8799] to him, he said H2088 to them, Why have ye now H7725 [H8804] returned?
  6 H559 [H8799] And they said H5927 [H8804] to him, There came up H376 a man H7125 [H8800] to meet H559 [H8799] us, and said H3212 [H8798] to us, Go H7725 [H8798] , return H4428 to the king H7971 [H8804] that sent H1696 [H8765] you, and say H559 [H8804] to him, Thus saith H3068 the LORD H430 , Is it not because there is not a God H3478 in Israel H7971 [H8802] , that thou sendest H1875 [H8800] to enquire H1176 of Baalzebub H430 the god H6138 of Ekron H3381 [H8799] ? therefore thou shalt not come down H4296 from that bed H5927 [H8804] on which thou art gone up H4191 [H8800] , but shalt surely H4191 [H8799] die.
  7 H1696 [H8762] And he said H4941 to them, What manner H376 of man H5927 [H8804] was he who came up H7125 [H8800] to meet H1696 [H8762] you, and told H1697 you these words?
  8 H559 [H8799] And they answered H8181 him, He was an hairy H1167 H376 man H247 [H8803] , and girt H5785 with a leather H232 belt H4975 about his loins H559 [H8799] . And he said H452 , It is Elijah H8664 the Tishbite.
  9 H4428 Then the king H7971 [H8799] sent H8269 to him a captain H2572 of fifty H2572 with his fifty H5927 [H8799] . And he went up H3427 [H8802] to him: and, behold, he sat H7218 on the top H2022 of an hill H1696 [H8762] . And he spoke H376 to him, Thou man H430 of God H4428 , the king H1696 [H8765] hath said H3381 [H8798] , Come down.
  10 H452 And Elijah H6030 [H8799] answered H1696 [H8762] and said H8269 to the captain H2572 of fifty H376 , If I am a man H430 of God H784 , then let fire H3381 [H8799] come down H8064 from heaven H398 [H8799] , and consume H2572 thee and thy fifty H3381 [H8799] . And there came down H784 fire H8064 from heaven H398 [H8799] , and consumed H2572 him and his fifty.
  11 H7725 [H8799] Again H7971 [H8799] also he sent H312 to him another H8269 captain H2572 of fifty H2572 with his fifty H6030 [H8799] . And he answered H1696 [H8762] and said H376 to him, O man H430 of God H4428 , thus hath the king H559 [H8804] said H3381 [H8798] , Come down H4120 quickly.
  12 H452 And Elijah H6030 [H8799] answered H1696 [H8762] and said H376 to them, If I am a man H430 of God H784 , let fire H3381 [H8799] come down H8064 from heaven H398 [H8799] , and consume H2572 thee and thy fifty H784 . And the fire H430 of God H3381 [H8799] came down H8064 from heaven H398 [H8799] , and consumed H2572 him and his fifty.
  13 H7971 [H8799] And he sent H7725 [H8799] again H8269 a captain H7992 of the third H2572 fifty H2572 with his fifty H7992 . And the third H8269 captain H2572 of fifty H5927 [H8799] went up H935 [H8799] , and came H3766 [H8799] and fell H1290 on his knees H5048 before H452 Elijah H2603 [H8691] , and besought H1696 [H8762] him, and said H376 to him, O man H430 of God H5315 , I pray thee, let my life H5315 , and the life H2572 of these fifty H5650 thy servants H3365 [H8799] , be precious H5869 in thy sight.
  14 H3381 0 Behold, there came H784 fire H3381 [H8804] down H8064 from heaven H398 [H8799] , and burnt up H8147 the two H8269 captains H7223 of the former H2572 fifties H2572 with their fifties H5315 : therefore let my life H3365 [H8799] now be precious H5869 in thy sight.
  15 H4397 And the angel H3068 of the LORD H1696 [H8762] said H452 to Elijah H3381 [H8798] , Go down H3372 [H8799] with him: be not afraid H6440 of him H6965 [H8799] . And he arose H3381 [H8799] , and went down H4428 with him to the king.
  16 H1696 [H8762] And he said H559 [H8804] to him, Thus saith H3068 the LORD H7971 [H8804] , Forasmuch as thou hast sent H4397 messengers H1875 [H8800] to enquire H1176 of Baalzebub H430 the god H6138 of Ekron H430 , is it not because there is no God H3478 in Israel H1875 [H8800] to enquire H1697 of his word H3381 [H8799] ? therefore thou shalt not come down H4296 off that bed H5927 [H8804] on which thou art gone up H4191 [H8800] , but shalt surely H4191 [H8799] die.
  17 H4191 [H8799] So he died H1697 according to the word H3068 of the LORD H452 which Elijah H1696 [H8765] had spoken H3088 . And Jehoram H4427 [H8799] reigned H8147 in his stead in the second H8141 year H3088 of Jehoram H1121 the son H3092 of Jehoshaphat H4428 king H3063 of Judah H1121 ; because he had no son.
  18 H3499 Now the rest H1697 of the acts H274 of Ahaziah H6213 [H8804] which he did H3789 [H8803] , are they not written H5612 in the book H1697 H3117 of the chronicles H4428 of the kings H3478 of Israel?