G3530 Νικόδημος - Strong's Greek Lexicon Number

Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin.
victorious among his people; Nicodemus, an Israelite
Derivation: from G3534 and G1218;

KJV Usage: Nicodemus.

G3534 G1218
Νικόδημος, -ου, ὁ
Refs Jhn.3:1, 4 3:9 7:50 19:39
1) a member of the Sanhedrin who took the part of Jesus
Literal: Nicodemus = "conqueror"

From G3534 and G1218; victorious among his people; Nicodemus, an Israelite

KJV Usage: Nicodemus.

View how G3530 Νικόδημος is used in the Bible

5 occurrences of G3530 Νικόδημος

John 3:1 Nicodemus,
John 3:4 Nicodemus
John 3:9 Nicodemus
John 7:50 Nicodemus
John 19:39 Nicodemus,

Distinct usage

3 Nicodemus
2 Nicodemus,

Related words

G3530 Νικόδημος

G3534 νῖκος

From G3529; a conquest (concretely), that is, (by implication) triumph

KJV Usage: victory.

G408 Ἀνδρόνικος
From G435 and G3534; man of victory; Andronicos, an Israelite

KJV Usage: Andronicus.

G3532 Νικόλαος
From G3534 and G2004; victorious over the people; Nicolaus, a heretic

KJV Usage: Nicolaus.

G3533 Νικόπολις
From G3534 and G4172; victorious city; Nicopolis, a place in Macedonia

KJV Usage: Nicopolis.

G5380 φιλόνεικος
From G5384 and νεῖκος neikos (a quarrel; probably akin to G3534); fond of strife, that is, disputatious

KJV Usage: contentious.

G1218 δῆμος

From G1210; the public (as bound together socially)

KJV Usage: people.

G590 ἀπόδημος
From G575 and G1218; absent from one’s own people, that is, a foreign traveller

KJV Usage: taking a far journey.

G1215 δημηγορέω
From a compound of G1218 and G58; to be a people gatherer, that is, to address a public assembly

KJV Usage: make an oration.

G1217 δημιουργός
From G1218 and G2041; a worker for the people, that is, mechanic (spoken of the Creator)

KJV Usage: maker.

G1219 δημόσιος
From G1218; public; (feminine singular dative as adverb) in public

KJV Usage: common, openly, publickly.

G1553 ἐκδημέω
From a compound of G1537 and G1218; to emigrate, that is, (figuratively) vacate or quit

KJV Usage: be absent.

G1736 ἐνδημέω
From a compound of G1722 and G1218; to be in one’s own country, that is, home (figuratively)

KJV Usage: be at home (present).

G1739 ἐνδόμησις
From a compound of G1722 and a derivative of the base of G1218; a housing in (residence), that is, structure

KJV Usage: building.

G1927 ἐπιδημέω
From a compound of G1909 and G1218; to make oneself at home, that is, (by extension) to reside (in a foreign country)

KJV Usage: [be] dwelling (which were) there, stranger.

G2992 λαός
Apparently a primary word; a people (in general; thus differing from G1218, which denotes one’s own populace)

KJV Usage: people.

Greek Synonym Index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strong's No. Definition No.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ G25} agapao { [G5914]}
{ G40} agios { [G5878]}
{ G51} agnoema { [G5879]}
{ G53} agnos { [G5878]}
{ G97} adolos { [G5880]}
{ G126} aidos { [G5801]}
{ G127} aidos { [G5882]}
{ G139} airesis { [G5916]}
{ G148} aischrologia { [G5881]}
{ G152} aischyne { [G5882]}
{ G154} aiteo { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G155} aitema { [G5883]}
{ G156} aitia { [G5884]}
{ G157} aitiama { [G5803]}
{ G165} aion { [G5921]}
{ G166} aionios { [G5801]}
{ G172} akakos { [G5880]}
{ G185} akeraios { [G5880]}
{ G213} alazon { [G5885]}
{ G214} alalazo { [G5804]}
{ G218} aleipho { [G5805]}
{ G243} allos { [G5806]}
{ G260} ama { [G5807]}
{ G262} amarantinos { [G5886]}
{ G263} amarantos { [G5886]}
{ G265} amartema { [G5879]}
{ G266} amartia { [G5879]}
{ G273} amemptos { [G5887]}
{ G283} amiantos { [G5896]}
{ G293} amphiblestron { [G5808]}
{ G299} amomos { [G5887]}
{ G342} anakainosis { [G5888]}
{ G364} anamnesis { [G5809]}
{ G372} anapausis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G410} anenkletos { [G5887]}
{ G417} anemos { [G5923]}
{ G423} anepileptos { [G5887]}
{ G425} anesis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G443} anthropoktonos { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G458} anomia { [G5879]}
{ G499} antitypos { [G5919]}
{ G500} antichristos { [G5890]}
{ G573} aplous { [G5880]}
{ G601} apokalypto { [G5812]}
{ G649} apostello { [G5813]}
{ G692} argos { [G5814]}
{ G737} arti { [G5815]}
{ G744} archaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G754} architelones { [G5942]}
{ G763} asebeia { [G5879]}
{ G766} aselgeia { [G5891]}
{ G786} aspondos { [G5892]}
{ G791} asteios { [G5893]}
{ G802} asynthetos { [G5892]}
{ G810} asotia { [G5891]}
{ G827} auge { [G5817]}
{ G840} austeros { [G5925]}
{ G862} aphthartos { [G5886]}
{ G887} achlys { [G5926]}
{ G898} bathmos { [G5818]}
{ G922} baros { [G5819]}
{ G970} bia { [G5820]}
{ G979} bios { [G5821]}
{ G991} blepo { [G5822]}
{ G994} boao { [G5823]}
{ G1006} bosko { [G5824]}
{ G1014} boulomai { [G5915]}
{ G1021} bradys { [G5814]}
{ G1097} ginosko { [G5825]}
{ G1105} gnophos { [G5926]}
{ G1108} gnosis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G1145} dakryo { [G5804]}
{ G1155} daneizo { [G5827]}
{ G1162} deesis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1163} dei { [G5829] [G5940]}
{ G1167} deilia { [G5835]}
{ G1175} deisidaimon { [G5895]}
{ G1189} deomai { [G5802]}
{ G1203} despotes { [G5830]}
{ G1209} dechomai { [G5877]}
{ G1212} delos { [G5812]}
{ G1213} deloo { [G5831]}
{ G1218} demos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G1238} diadema { [G5833]}
{ G1249} diakonos { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G1271} dianoia { [G5917]}
{ G1323} didrachmon { [G5941]}
{ G1325} didomi { [G5836]}
{ G1348} dikastes { [G5838]}
{ G1350} diktyon { [G5808]}
{ G1378} dogma { [G5918]}
{ G1380} dokeo { [G5837]}
{ G1389} doloo { [G5929]}
{ G1390} doma { [G5839]}
{ G1394} dosis { [G5839]}
{ G1401} doulos { [G5928]}
{ G1402} douloo { [G5834]}
{ G1411} dynamis { [G5820]}
{ G1431} dorea { [G5839]}
{ G1433} doreomai { [G5836]}
{ G1435} doron { [G5839]}
{ G1462} enklema { [G5803]}
{ G1484} ethnos { [G5927]}
{ G1492} eido { [G5825]}
{ G1506} eilikrines { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G1577} ekklesia { [G5897]}
{ G1605} ekplesso { [G5841]}
{ G1650} elenchos { [G5884]}
{ G1651} elencho { [G5884]}
{ G1653} eleeo { [G5842]}
{ G1656} eleos { [G5913]}
{ G1718} emphanizo { [G5831]}
{ G1753} energeia { [G5820]}
{ G1763} eniautos { [G5843]}
{ G1781} entellomai { [G5844]}
{ G1783} enteuxis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1785} entole { [G5918]}
{ G1791} entrope { [G5882]}
{ G1849} exousia { [G5820]}
{ G1922} epignosis { [G5894]}
{ G1932} epieikeia { [G5899]}
{ G1939} epithymia { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G1987} epistamai { [G5825]}
{ G2008} epitimao { [G5884]}
{ G2064} erchomai { [G5818]}
{ G2065} erotao { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G2087} eteros { [G5806]}
{ G2094} etos { [G5843]}
{ G2124} eulabeia { [G5835]}
{ G2126} eulabes { [G5895]}
{ G2152} eusebes { [G5895]}
{ G2160} eutrapelia { [G5881]}
{ G2169} eucharistia { [G5883]}
{ G2171} euche { [G5883]}
{ G2217} zophos { [G5926]}
{ G2222} zoe { [G5821]}
{ G2226} zoon { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2233} egeomai { [G5837]}
{ G2235} ede { [G5815]}
{ G2270} esychazo { [G5847]}
{ G2275} ettema { [G5879]}
{ G2281} thalassa { [G5931]}
{ G2300} theaomai { [G5848]}
{ G2305} theiotes { [G5849]}
{ G2309} thelo { [G5915]}
{ G2318} theosebes { [G5895]}
{ G2320} theotes { [G5849]}
{ G2324} therapon { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G2334} theoreo { [G5848]}
{ G2342} therion { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2347} thlipsis { [G5907]}
{ G2352} thrauo { [G5850]}
{ G2354} threneo { [G5804] [G5932]}
{ G2357} threskos { [G5895]}
{ G2359} thrix { [G5851]}
{ G2366} thyella { [G5923]}
{ G2397} idea { [G5933]}
{ G2411} ieros { [G5878]}
{ G2428} iketeria { [G5883]}
{ G2440} imation { [G5934]}
{ G2441} imatismos { [G5934]}
{ G2479} ischys { [G5820]}
{ G2513} katharos { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G2537} kainos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G2540} kairos { [G5853]}
{ G2549} kakia { [G5855]}
{ G2556} kakos { [G5908]}
{ G2564} kaleo { [G5823]}
{ G2570} kalos { [G5893]}
{ G2585} kapeleuo { [G5929]}
{ G2608} katagnymi { [G5850]}
{ G2723} kategoreo { [G5803]}
{ G2730} katoikeo { [G5854]}
{ G2753} keleuo { [G5844]}
{ G2766} keramos { [G5858]}
{ G2778} kensos { [G5941]}
{ G2799} klaio { [G5804]}
{ G2812} kleptes { [G5856]}
{ G2830} klydon { [G5857]}
{ G2851} kolasis { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G2864} kome { [G5851]}
{ G2873} kopos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G2875} koptomai { [G5932]}
{ G2889} kosmos { [G5921]}
{ G2894} kophinos { [G5939]}
{ G2896} krazo { [G5823]}
{ G2897} kraipale { [G5937]}
{ G2904} kratos { [G5820]}
{ G2905} kraugazo { [G5823]}
{ G2923} krites { [G5838]}
{ G2949} kyma { [G5857]}
{ G2962} kyrios { [G5830]}
{ G2970} komos { [G5937]}
{ G2978} lailaps { [G5923]}
{ G2983} lambano { [G5877]}
{ G2992} laos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G3027} lestes { [G5856]}
{ G3076} lypeomai { [G5932]}
{ G3115} makrothymia { [G5861]}
{ G3163} mache { [G5938]}
{ G3178} methe { [G5937]}
{ G3338} metamellomai { [G5862]}
{ G3339} metamorpeoo { [G5863]}
{ G3340} metanoeo { [G5862]}
{ G3345} metaschematizo { [G5863]}
{ G3392} miaino { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3396} mignymi { [G5858]}
{ G3435} molyno { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3444} morphe { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G3449} mochthos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G3473} morologia { [G5881]}
{ G3501} neos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G3507} nephele { [G5866]}
{ G3509} nephos { [G5866]}
{ G3543} nomizo { [G5837]}
{ G3551} nomos { [G5918]}
{ G3563} nous { [G5917]}
{ G3568} nyn { [G5815]}
{ G3576} nothros { [G5814]}
{ G3591} onkos { [G5819]}
{ G3602} odyrmos { [G5804]}
{ G3610} oiketes { [G5928]}
{ G3614} oikia { [G5867]}
{ G3624} oikos { [G5867] [G5944]}
{ G3628} oiktirmos { [G5842] [G5913]}
{ G3632} oinophlygia { [G5937]}
{ G3633} oiomai { [G5837]}
{ G3674} omou { [G5807]}
{ G3708} orao { [G5822]}
{ G3715} orexis { [G5906]}
{ G3730} orme { [G5906]}
{ G3741} osios { [G5878]}
{ G3784} opheilei { [G5940]}
{ G3793} ochlos { [G5927]}
{ G3806} pathos { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G3808} paidarion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3813} paidion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3814} paidiske { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3816} pais { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3820} palaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G3824} palingenesia { [G5888]}
{ G3831} panegyris { [G5897]}
{ G3847} parabasis { [G5879]}
{ G3853} parangello { [G5844]}
{ G3876} parakoe { [G5879]}
{ G3892} paranomia { [G5879]}
{ G3900} paraptoma { [G5879]}
{ G3939} paroikeo { [G5854]}
{ G3965} patria { [G5944]}
{ G3967} patrikos { [G5869]}
{ G3971} patroos { [G5869]}
{ G3989} pelagos { [G5931]}
{ G3992} pempo { [G5813]}
{ G3993} penes { [G5870]}
{ G3996} pentheo { [G5932]}
{ G4151} pneuma { [G5923]}
{ G4157} pnoe { [G5923]}
{ G4158} poderes { [G5934]}
{ G4160} poieo { [G5871\ [G5911]}
{ G4165} poimaino { [G5824]}
{ G4171} polemos { [G5938]}
{ G4189} poneria { [G5855]}
{ G4190} poneros { [G5908]}
{ G4192} ponos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G4198} poreuomai { [G5818]}
{ G4224} potos { [G5937]}
{ G4236} praotes { [G5898] [G5899]}
{ G4238} prasso { [G5871] [G5911]}
{ G4335} proseuche { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G4422} ptoeo { [G5841]}
{ G4434} ptochos { [G5870]}
{ G4486} regnymi { [G5850]}
{ G4522} sagene { [G5808]}
{ G4559} sarkikos { [G5912]}
{ G4560} sarkinos { [G5912]}
{ G4586} semnos { [G5878]}
{ G4601} sigao { [G5847]}
{ G4607} sikarios { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G4623} siopao { [G5847]}
{ G4642} skleros { [G5925]}
{ G4648} skopeo { [G5822]}
{ G4655} skotos { [G5926]}
{ G4678} sophia { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G4680} sophos { [G5872]}
{ G4711} spyris { [G5939]}
{ G4727} stenazo { [G5804]}
{ G4730} stenochoria { [G5907]}
{ G4735} stephanos { [G5833]}
{ G4749} stole { [G5934]}
{ G4832} symmorphos { [G5873]}
{ G4864} synagoge { [G5897]}
{ G4907} synesis { [G5826]}
{ G4908} synetos { [G5872]}
{ G4920} syniemi { [G5825]}
{ G4964} syschematizo { [G5873]}
{ G4976} schema { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G4978} schisma { [G5916]}
{ G4997} sophrosyne { [G5882]}
{ G5012} tapeinophrosyne { [G5898]}
{ G5021} tasso { [G5844]}
{ G5043} teknon { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5056} telos { [G5941]}
{ G5057} telones { [G5942]}
{ G5083} tereo { [G5874]}
{ G5098} timoria { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G5117} topos { [G5875]}
{ G5141} tremo { [G5841]}
{ G5179} typos { [G5919]}
{ G5197} ybristes { [G5885]}
{ G5207} yios { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5215} ymnos { [G5876]}
{ G5244} yperephanos { [G5885]}
{ G5257} yperetes { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G5280} ypomnesis { [G5809]}
{ G5281} ypomone { [G5861]}
{ G5316} phaino { [G5837]}
{ G5319} phaneroo { [G5812]}
{ G5337} phaulos { [G5908]}
{ G5338} phengos { [G5817]}
{ G5368} phileo { [G5914]}
{ G5398} phoberos { [G5835]}
{ G5399} phobeo { [G5841]}
{ G5406} phoneus { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G5411} phoros { [G5941]}
{ G5413} phortion { [G5819]}
{ G5428} phronesis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G5429} phronimos { [G5872]}
{ G5442} phylasso { [G5874]}
{ G5443} phyle { [G5944]}
{ G5457} phos { [G5817]}
{ G5509} chiton { [G5934]}
{ G5511} chlamys { [G5934]}
{ G5531} chrao { [G5827]}
{ G5534} chre { [G5829]}
{ G5548} chrio { [G5805]}
{ G5550} chronos { [G5853]}
{ G5561} chora { [G5875]}
{ G5562} choreo { [G5818]}
{ G5564} chorion { [G5875]}
{ G5568} psalmos { [G5876]}
{ G5580} pseudochristos { [G5890]}
{ G5591} psychikos { [G5912]}
{ G5603} ode { [G5876]}
{ G5611} oraios { [G5893

Synonyms See Definition for demos { [G1218]}
See Definition for laos { [G2992]}

In classical Greek
1218-denotes the people as organised into a body politic
2992-an unorganised people at large
In Biblical Greek
1218-the chosen people of God
2992-the people of a heathen city.

People, Nation. See Definition for laos { [G2992]}
See Definition for ethnos { [G1484]}
See Definition for demos { [G1218]}
See Definition for ochlos { [G3793]}

laos is a word which is usually limited in use to the chosen people,

ethnos in the singular is a general term for nation, applied to any
nation, even to the Jews. In the plural it ordinarily denotes all
mankind aside from the Jews and in contrast with them, the Gentiles.

demos is a people, especially organized and convened together, and
exercising their rights as citizens.

ochlos is a crowd, an unorganized multitude, especially composed
of those who have not the rights and privileges of free citizens.