Ruth 4

  1 H1162 Then Boaz H5927 [H8804] went up H8179 to the gate, H3427 [H8799] and sat down H1350 [H8802] there: and, behold, the kinsman H1162 of whom Boaz H1696 [H8765] spoke H5674 [H8802] came H559 [H8799] by; to whom he said, H1945 Ho, H6423 such H492 an one! H5493 [H8798] turn aside, H3427 [H8798] sit down H5493 [H8799] here. And he turned aside, H3427 [H8799] and sat down.
  2 H3947 [H8799] And he took H6235 ten H582 men H2205 of the elders H5892 of the city, H559 [H8799] and said, H3427 [H8798] Sit ye down H3427 [H8799] here. And they sat down.
  3 H559 [H8799] And he said H1350 [H8802] to the kinsman, H5281 Naomi, H7725 [H8804] that hast come again H7704 out of the country H4124 of Moab, H4376 [H8804] selleth H2513 a parcel H7704 of land, H251 which was our brother H458 Elimelech's:
  4 H559 [H8804] And I thought H1540 H241 [H8799] to tell H559 [H8800] thee, saying, H7069 [H8798] Buy H3427 [H8802] it before the inhabitants, H2205 and before the elders H5971 of my people. H1350 [H8799] If thou wilt redeem H1350 [H8798] it, redeem H1350 [H8799] it: but if thou wilt not redeem H5046 [H8685] it, then tell H3045 [H8799] me, that I may know: H1350 [H8800] for there is none to redeem H2108 it besides H310 thee; and I am after H559 [H8799] thee. And he said, H1350 [H8799] I will redeem it.
  5 H559 [H8799] Then said H1162 Boaz, H3117 What day H7069 [H8800] thou buyest H7704 the field H3027 of the hand H5281 of Naomi, H7069 [H8804] thou must buy H7327 it also of Ruth H4125 the Moabitess, H802 the wife H4191 [H8801] of the dead, H6965 [H8687] to raise up H8034 the name H4191 [H8801] of the dead H5159 upon his inheritance.
  6 H1350 [H8802] And the kinsman H559 [H8799] said, H3201 [H8799] I cannot H1350 [H8800] redeem H7843 [H8686] it for myself, lest I decay H5159 mine own inheritance: H1350 [H8798] redeem H1353 thou my right H3201 [H8799] to thyself; for I cannot H1350 [H8800] redeem it.
  7 H6440 Now this was the manner in former time H3478 in Israel H1353 concerning redeeming H8545 and concerning changing, H6965 [H8763] for raising H1697 all things; H376 a man H8025 [H8804] took off H5275 his shoe, H5414 [H8804] and gave H7453 it to his neighbour: H8584 and this was a testimony H3478 in Israel.
  8 H1350 [H8802] Therefore the kinsman H559 [H8799] said H1162 to Boaz, H7069 [H8798] Buy H8025 [H8799] it for thyself. So he drew off H5275 his shoe.
  9 H1162 And Boaz H559 [H8799] said H2205 to the elders, H5971 and to all the people, H5707 Ye are witnesses H3117 this day, H7069 [H8804] that I have bought H458 all that was Elimelech's, H3630 and all that was Chilion's H4248 and Mahlon's, H3027 of the hand H5281 of Naomi.
  10 H7327 Moreover Ruth H4125 the Moabitess, H802 the wife H4248 of Mahlon, H7069 [H8804] have I purchased H802 to be my wife, H6965 [H8687] to raise up H8034 the name H4191 [H8801] of the dead H5159 upon his inheritance, H8034 that the name H4191 [H8801] of the dead H3772 [H8735] be not cut off H5973 from among H251 his brethren, H8179 and from the gate H4725 of his place: H5707 ye are witnesses H3117 this day.
  11 H5971 And all the people H8179 that were in the gate, H2205 and the elders, H559 [H8799] said, H5707 We are witnesses. H3068 The LORD H5414 [H8799] make H802 the woman H935 [H8802] that hath come H1004 into thy house H7354 like Rachel H3812 and like Leah, H8147 which two H1129 [H8804] built H1004 the house H3478 of Israel: H6213 [H8798] and do H2428 thou worthily H672 in Ephratah, H7121 H8034 [H8798] and be famous H1035 in Bethlehem:
  12 H1004 And let thine house H1004 be like the house H6557 of Pharez, H8559 whom Tamar H3205 [H8804] bore H3063 to Judah, H2233 of the seed H3068 which the LORD H5414 [H8799] shall give H5291 thee of this damsel.
  13 H1162 So Boaz H3947 [H8799] took H7327 Ruth, H802 and she was his wife: H935 [H8799] and when he went in H3068 to her, the LORD H5414 [H8799] gave H2032 her conception, H3205 [H8799] and she bore H1121 a son.
  14 H802 And the women H559 [H8799] said H5281 to Naomi, H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 be the LORD, H7673 [H8689] who hath not left H3117 thee this day H1350 [H8802] without a kinsman, H8034 that his name H7121 [H8735] may be famous H3478 in Israel.
  15 H7725 [H8688] And he shall be to thee a restorer H5315 of thy life, H3557 [H8771] and a nourisher H7872 of thy old age: H3618 for thy daughter in law, H157 [H8804] who loveth H2896 thee, who is better H7651 to thee than seven H1121 sons, H3205 [H8804] hath borne him.
  16 H5281 And Naomi H3947 [H8799] took H3206 the child, H7896 [H8799] and laid H2436 him in her bosom, H539 [H8802] and became his nurse.
  17 H7934 And the women her neighbours H7121 [H8799] gave H8034 him a name, H559 [H8800] saying, H1121 There is a son H3205 [H8795] born H5281 to Naomi; H7121 [H8799] and they called H8034 his name H5744 Obed: H1 he is the father H3448 of Jesse, H1 the father H1732 of David.
  18 H8435 Now these are the generations H6557 of Pharez: H6557 Pharez H3205 [H8689] begat H2696 Hezron,
  19 H2696 And Hezron H3205 [H8689] begat H7410 Ram, H7410 and Ram H3205 [H8689] begat H5992 Amminadab,
  20 H5992 And Amminadab H3205 [H8689] begat H5177 Nahshon, H5177 and Nahshon H3205 [H8689] begat H8009 Salmon,
  21 H8012 And Salmon H3205 [H8689] begat H1162 Boaz, H1162 and Boaz H3205 [H8689] begat H5744 Obed,
  22 H5744 And Obed H3205 [H8689] begat H3448 Jesse, H3448 and Jesse H3205 [H8689] begat H1732 David.