Joshua 18:11-19:48

  11 H1486 And the lot H4294 of the tribe H1121 of the sons H1144 of Benjamin H5927 [H8799] came up H4940 according to their families: H1366 and the land H1486 of their lot H3318 [H8799] came forth H1121 between the sons H3063 of Judah H1121 and the sons H3130 of Joseph.
  12 H1366 And their border H6828 on the north H6285 side H3383 was from Jordan; H1366 and the border H5927 [H8804] went up H3802 to the side H3405 of Jericho H6828 on the north H5927 [H8804] side, and went up H2022 through the mountains H3220 westward; H8444 and the ends H4057 of it were at the wilderness H1007 of Bethaven.
  13 H1366 And the border H5674 [H8804] went over H3870 from there toward Luz, H3802 to the side H3870 of Luz, H1008 which is Bethel, H5045 southward; H1366 and the border H3381 [H8804] descended H5853 to Atarothadar, H2022 near the mountain H5045 that lieth on the south side H8481 of the lower H1032 Bethhoron.
  14 H1366 And the border H8388 [H8804] extended H5437 [H8738] from there, and went around H6285 the corner H3220 of the sea H5045 southward, H2022 from the mountain H6440 that lieth at the face of H1032 Bethhoron H5045 southward; H8444 and the ends H7154 of it were at Kirjathbaal, H7157 which is Kirjathjearim, H5892 a city H1121 of the sons H3063 of Judah: H3220 this was the west H6285 quarter.
  15 H5045 And the south H6285 quarter H7097 was from the end H7157 of Kirjathjearim, H1366 and the border H3318 [H8804] went out H3220 on the west, H3318 [H8804] and went out H4599 to the well H4325 of waters H5318 of Nephtoah:
  16 H1366 And the border H3381 [H8804] came down H7097 to the end H2022 of the mountain H6440 that lieth at the face of H1516 the valley H1121 of the son H2011 of Hinnom, H6010 and which is in the valley H7497 of the giants H6828 on the north, H3381 [H8804] and descended H1516 to the valley H2011 of Hinnom, H3802 to the side H2983 of Jebusi H5045 on the south, H3381 [H8804] and descended H5883 to Enrogel,
  17 H8388 [H8804] And extended H6828 from the north, H3318 [H8804] and went forth H5885 to Enshemesh, H3318 [H8804] and went forth H1553 toward Geliloth, H5227 which is opposite H4608 the ascent H131 of Adummim, H3381 [H8804] and descended H68 to the stone H932 of Bohan H1121 the son H7205 of Reuben,
  18 H5674 [H8804] And passed along H3802 toward the side H4136 opposite H6160 Arabah H6828 northward, H3381 [H8804] and went down H6160 to Arabah:
  19 H1366 And the border H5674 [H8804] passed along H3802 to the side H1031 of Bethhoglah H6828 northward: H8444 and the ends H1366 of the border H6828 were at the north H3956 bay H4417 of the salt H3220 sea H5045 at the south H7097 end H3383 of Jordan: H5045 this was the south H1366 border.
  20 H3383 And Jordan H1379 [H8799] was the border H6924 of it on the east H6285 side. H5159 This was the inheritance H1121 of the sons H1144 of Benjamin, H1367 by its borders H5439 all around, H4940 according to their families.
  21 H5892 Now the cities H4294 of the tribe H1121 of the sons H1144 of Benjamin H4940 according to their families H3405 were Jericho, H1031 and Bethhoglah, H6010 and the valley H7104 of Keziz,
  22 H1026 And Betharabah, H6787 and Zemaraim, H1008 and Bethel,
  23 H5761 And Avim, H6511 and Parah, H6084 and Ophrah,
  24 H3726 And Chepharhaammonai, H6078 and Ophni, H1387 and Gaba; H8147 H6240 twelve H5892 cities H2691 with their villages:
  25 H1391 Gibeon, H7414 and Ramah, H881 and Beeroth,
  26 H4708 And Mizpeh, H3716 and Chephirah, H4681 and Mozah,
  27 H7552 And Rekem, H3416 and Irpeel, H8634 and Taralah,
  28 H6762 And Zelah, H507 Eleph, H2983 and Jebusi, H3389 which is Jerusalem, H1394 Gibeath, H7157 and Kirjath; H702 H6240 fourteen H5892 cities H2691 with their villages. H5159 This is the inheritance H1121 of the sons H1144 of Benjamin H4940 according to their families.
  1 H8145 And the second H1486 lot H3318 [H8799] came forth H8095 to Simeon, H4294 even for the tribe H1121 of the sons H8095 of Simeon H4940 according to their families: H5159 and their inheritance H8432 was within H5159 the inheritance H1121 of the sons H3063 of Judah.
  2 H5159 And they had in their inheritance H884 Beersheba, H7652 and Sheba, H4137 and Moladah,
  3 H2705 And Hazarshual, H1088 and Balah, H6107 and Azem,
  4 H513 And Eltolad, H1329 and Bethul, H2767 and Hormah,
  5 H6860 And Ziklag, H1024 and Bethmarcaboth, H2701 and Hazarsusah,
  6 H1034 And Bethlebaoth, H8287 and Sharuhen; H7969 H6240 thirteen H5892 cities H2691 and their villages:
  7 H5871 Ain, H7417 Remmon, H6281 and Ether, H6228 and Ashan; H702 four H5892 cities H2691 and their villages:
  8 H2691 And all the villages H5439 that were around H5892 these cities H1192 to Baalathbeer, H7414 Ramath H5045 of the south. H5159 This is the inheritance H4294 of the tribe H1121 of the sons H8095 of Simeon H4940 according to their families.
  9 H2256 Out of the portion H1121 of the sons H3063 of Judah H5159 was the inheritance H1121 of the sons H8095 of Simeon: H2506 for the part H1121 of the sons H3063 of Judah H7227 was too much H1121 for them: therefore the sons H8095 of Simeon H5157 [H8799] had their inheritance H8432 within H5159 the inheritance of them.
  10 H7992 And the third H1486 lot H5927 [H8799] came up H1121 for the sons H2074 of Zebulun H4940 according to their families: H1366 and the border H5159 of their inheritance H8301 was to Sarid:
  11 H1366 And their border H5927 [H8804] went up H3220 toward the sea, H4831 and Maralah, H6293 [H8804] and reached H1708 to Dabbasheth, H6293 [H8804] and reached H5158 to the river H6440 that is at the face of H3362 Jokneam;
  12 H7725 [H8804] And turned H8301 from Sarid H6924 eastward H4217 H8121 toward the sunrising H1366 to the border H3696 of Chislothtabor, H3318 [H8804] and then goeth out H1705 to Daberath, H5927 [H8804] and goeth up H3309 to Japhia,
  13 H5674 [H8804] And from there passeth along H4217 H6924 on the east H1662 to Gittahhepher, H6278 to Ittahkazin, H3318 [H8804] and goeth out H7417 to Remmonmethoar H5269 to Neah;
  14 H1366 And the border H5437 [H8738] went around H6828 it on the north side H2615 to Hannathon: H8444 and the ends H1516 of it are in the valley H3317 of Jiphthahel:
  15 H7005 And Kattath, H5096 and Nahallal, H8110 and Shimron, H3030 and Idalah, H1035 and Bethlehem: H8147 H6240 twelve H5892 cities H2691 with their villages.
  16 H5159 This is the inheritance H1121 of the sons H2074 of Zebulun H4940 according to their families, H5892 these cities H2691 with their villages.
  17 H7243 And the fourth H1486 lot H3318 [H8804] came out H3485 to Issachar, H1121 for the sons H3485 of Issachar H4940 according to their families.
  18 H1366 And their border H3157 was toward Jezreel, H3694 and Chesulloth, H7766 and Shunem,
  19 H2663 And Hapharaim, H7866 and Shion, H588 and Anaharath,
  20 H7245 And Rabbith, H7191 and Kishion, H77 and Abez,
  21 H7432 And Remeth, H5873 and Engannim, H5876 and Enhaddah, H1048 and Bethpazzez;
  22 H1366 And the border H6293 [H8804] reacheth H8396 to Tabor, H7831 and Shahazimah, H1053 and Bethshemesh; H8444 and the ends H1366 of their border H3383 were at Jordan: H8337 H6240 sixteen H5892 cities H2691 with their villages.
  23 H5159 This is the inheritance H4294 of the tribe H1121 of the sons H3485 of Issachar H4940 according to their families, H5892 the cities H2691 and their villages.
  24 H2549 And the fifth H1486 lot H3318 [H8799] came out H4294 for the tribe H1121 of the sons H836 of Asher H4940 according to their families.
  25 H1366 And their border H2520 was Helkath, H2482 and Hali, H991 and Beten, H407 and Achshaph,
  26 H487 And Alammelech, H6008 and Amad, H4861 and Misheal; H6293 [H8804] and reacheth H3760 to Carmel H3220 westward, H7884 and to Shihorlibnath;
  27 H7725 [H8804] And turneth H4217 H8121 toward the sunrising H1016 to Bethdagon, H6293 [H8804] and reacheth H2074 to Zebulun, H1516 and to the valley H3317 of Jiphthahel H6828 toward the north side H1025 of Bethemek, H5272 and Neiel, H3318 [H8804] and goeth out H3521 to Cabul H8040 on the left hand,
  28 H5683 And Hebron, H7340 and Rehob, H2540 and Hammon, H7071 and Kanah, H7227 even to great H6721 Zidon;
  29 H1366 And then the border H7725 [H8804] turneth H7414 to Ramah, H4013 and to the strong H5892 city H6865 Tyre; H1366 and the border H7725 [H8804] turneth H2621 to Hosah; H8444 and the ends H3220 of it are at the sea H2256 from the border H392 to Achzib:
  30 H5981 Ummah H663 also, and Aphek, H7340 and Rehob: H6242 twenty H8147 and two H5892 cities H2691 with their villages.
  31 H5159 This is the inheritance H4294 of the tribe H1121 of the sons H836 of Asher H4940 according to their families, H5892 these cities H2691 with their villages.
  32 H8345 The sixth H1486 lot H3318 [H8804] came out H1121 to the sons H5321 of Naphtali, H1121 even for the sons H5321 of Naphtali H4940 according to their families.
  33 H1366 And their land H2501 was from Heleph, H438 from Allon H6815 to Zaanannim, H129 and Adami, H5346 Nekeb, H2995 and Jabneel, H3946 to Lakum; H8444 and its ends H3383 were at Jordan:
  34 H1366 And then the border H7725 [H8804] turneth H3220 westward H243 to Aznothtabor, H3318 [H8804] and goeth out H2712 from there to Hukkok, H6293 [H8804] and reacheth H2074 to Zebulun H5045 on the south side, H6293 [H8804] and reacheth H836 to Asher H3220 on the west side, H3063 and to Judah H3383 upon Jordan H4217 H8121 toward the sunrising.
  35 H4013 And the fortified H5892 cities H6661 are Ziddim, H6863 Zer, H2575 and Hammath, H7557 Rakkath, H3672 and Chinnereth,
  36 H128 And Adamah, H7414 and Ramah, H2674 and Hazor,
  37 H6943 And Kedesh, H154 and Edrei, H5877 and Enhazor,
  38 H3375 And Iron, H4027 and Migdalel, H2765 Horem, H1043 and Bethanath, H1053 and Bethshemesh; H8672 H6240 nineteen H5892 cities H2691 with their villages.
  39 H5159 This is the inheritance H4294 of the tribe H1121 of the sons H5321 of Naphtali H4940 according to their families, H5892 the cities H2691 and their villages.
  40 H7637 And the seventh H1486 lot H3318 [H8804] came out H4294 for the tribe H1121 of the sons H1835 of Dan H4940 according to their families.
  41 H1366 And the land H5159 of their inheritance H6881 was Zorah, H847 and Eshtaol, H5905 and Irshemesh,
  42 H8169 And Shaalabbin, H357 and Ajalon, H3494 and Jethlah,
  43 H356 And Elon, H8553 and Thimnathah, H6138 and Ekron,
  44 H514 And Eltekeh, H1405 and Gibbethon, H1191 and Baalath,
  45 H3055 And Jehud, H1139 and Beneberak, H1667 and Gathrimmon,
  46 H4313 And Mejarkon, H7542 and Rakkon, H1366 with the border H4136 opposite H3305 Japho.
  47 H1366 And the border H1121 of the sons H1835 of Dan H3318 [H8799] went out H1121 too little for them: therefore the sons H1835 of Dan H5927 [H8799] went up H3898 [H8735] to fight H3959 against Leshem, H3920 [H8799] and took H5221 [H8686] it, and smote H6310 it with the edge H2719 of the sword, H3423 [H8799] and possessed H3427 [H8799] it, and dwelt H7121 [H8799] in it, and called H3959 Leshem, H1835 Dan, H8034 after the name H1835 of Dan H1 their father.
  48 H5159 This is the inheritance H4294 of the tribe H1121 of the sons H1835 of Dan H4940 according to their families, H5892 these cities H2691 with their villages.