Mark 4:8 Cross References - new

  8 G2532 { And G243 other G4098 [G5627] fell G1519 on G2570 good G1093 ground, G2532 and G1325 [G5707] yielded G2590 fruit G305 [G5723] that sprang up G2532 and G837 [G5723] increased; G2532 and G5342 [G5707] brought forth, G1520 some G5144 thirty, G2532 and G1520 some G1835 sixty, G2532 and G1520 some G1540 an hundred.}

Genesis 26:12

  12 H3327 Then Isaac H2232 [H8799] sowed H776 in that land, H4672 [H8799] and received H8141 in the same year H3967 H8180 an hundredfold: H3068 and the LORD H1288 [H8762] blessed him.

Isaiah 58:1

  1 H7121 [H8798] Call H1627 with the throat, H2820 [H8799] spare H7311 [H8685] not, lift H6963 up thy voice H7782 like a shofar, H5046 [H8685] and show H5971 my people H6588 their revolt, H1004 and the house H3290 of Jacob H2403 their sins.

Jeremiah 23:29

  29 H1697 Is not my word H3541 like H784 a fire? H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD; H6360 and like a hammer H6327 0 that breaketh H5553 the rock H6327 [H8787] in pieces?

Matthew 13:8

  8 G1161 { But G243 others G4098 [G5627] fell G1909 into G2570 good G1093 ground, G2532 and G1325 [G5707] brought forth G2590 fruit, G3739 G3303 some G1540 an hundredfold, G1161   G3739 some G1835 sixtyfold, G1161   G3739 some G5144 thirtyfold.}

Matthew 13:23

  23 G1161 { But G4687 [G5651] he that received seed G1909 into G2570 the good G1093 ground G2076 [G5748] is G3778 he G191 [G5723] that heareth G3056 the word, G2532 and G4920 [G5723] understandeth G3739 it; who G1211 also G2592 [G5719] beareth fruit, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] bringeth forth, G3739 G3303 some G1540 an hundredfold, G1161   G3739 some G1835 sixty, G1161   G3739 some G5144 thirty.}

Mark 4:20

  20 G2532 { And G3778 these G1526 [G5748] are G4687 [G5651] they who are sown G1909 on G2570 good G1093 ground; G3748 such as G191 [G5719] hear G3056 the word, G2532 and G3858 [G5736] receive G2532 it, and G2592 [G5719] bring forth fruit, G1520 some G5144 thirtyfold, G2532 G1520 some G1835 sixty, G2532 and G1520 some G1540 an hundred.}

Luke 8:8

  8 G2532 { And G2087 other G4098 [G5627] fell G1909 on G18 good G1093 ground, G2532 and G5453 [G5651] sprang up, G4160 [G5656] and bore G2590 fruit G1542 an hundredfold. G3004 [G5723] } And when he had said G5023 these things, G5455 [G5707] he cried, G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 ears G191 [G5721] to hear, G191 [G5720] let him hear.}

Luke 8:15

  15 G1161 { But G1722 that on G2570 the good G1093 ground G1526 [G5748] are G3778 they, G3748 who G1722 in G2570 an honest G2532 and G18 good G2588 heart, G191 [G5660] having heard G3056 the word, G2722 [G5719] keep G2532 it, and G2592 [G5719] bring forth fruit G1722 with G5281 endurance.}

John 1:12-13

  12 G1161 But G3745 as many as G2983 [G5627] received G846 him, G846 to them G1325 [G5656] he gave G1849 authority G1096 [G5635] to become G5043 the children G2316 of God, G3588 even the ones G4100 [G5723] believing G1519 on G846 his G3588   G3686 name:
  13 G3739 Who G1080 [G5681] were born, G3756 not G1537 from out of G129 bloods, G3761 nor G1537 from out of G2307 the will G4561 of the flesh, G3761 nor G1537 from out of G2307 the will G435 of man, G235 but G1537 from out of G2316 God.

John 3:19-21

  19 G1161 { And G3778 this G2076 [G5748] is G2920 the judgment, G3754 that G5457 light G2064 [G5754] is come G1519 into G2889 the world, G2532 and G444 men G25 [G5656] have loved G4655 darkness G3123 rather G2228 than G5457 light, G1063 because G846 their G2041 deeds G2258 [G5713] were G4190 evil.}
  20 G1063 { For G3956 every one G4238 [G5723] practicing G5337 heedlessly G3404 [G5719] hateth G5457 the light, G2532 G3756 neither G2064 [G5736] cometh G4314 to G5457 the light, G3363 lest G846 his G2041 deeds G1651 [G5686] should be reproved.}
  21 G1161 { But G4160 [G5723] he that doeth G225 truth G2064 [G5736] cometh G4314 to G5457 the light, G2443 that G846 his G2041 deeds G5319 [G5686] may be made manifest, G3754 that G2076 [G5748] they are G2038 [G5772] wrought G1722 in G2316 God.}

John 7:17

  17 G1437 { If G5100 any man G2309 [G5725] will G4160 [G5721] do G846 his G2307 will, G1097 [G5695] he shall know G4012 concerning G1322 the teaching, G4220 whether G2076 [G5748] it is G1537 from G2316 God, G2228 or G1473 whether I G2980 [G5719] speak G575 from G1683 myself.}

John 15:5

  5 G1473 { I G1510 [G5748] am G288 the vine, G5210 ye G2814 are the branches: G3306 [G5723] He that abideth G1722 in G1698 me, G2504 and I G1722 in G846 him, G3778 the same G5342 [G5719] bringeth forth G4183 much G2590 fruit: G3754 for G5565 without G1700 me G1410 [G5736] ye can G4160 [G5721] do G3756 G3762 nothing.}

Acts 17:11

  11 G1161   G3778 These G2258 [G5713] were G2104 more noble G1722 than those in G2332 Thessalonica, G3748 in that they G1209 [G5662] received G3056 the word G3326 with G3956 all G4288 readiness of mind, G350 [G5723] and examined G1124 the scriptures G2250 G2596 daily, G1487 whether G5023 those things G2192 [G5722] were G3779 so.

Philippians 1:11

  11 G4137 [G5772] Being filled G2590 with the fruits G1343 of righteousness, G3588 of the ones G1223 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed, G1519 unto G1391 glory G2532 and G1868 high praise G2316 of God.

Colossians 1:6

  6 G3588 Which G3918 [G5752] is come G1519 to G5209 you, G2531 G2532 as G1722 it is in G3956 all G2889 the world; G2532 and G2076 G2592 [G5748] bringeth forth fruit, G2531 as G2532 it doth also G1722 in G5213 you, G575 from G3739 the G2250 day G191 [G5656] ye heard G2532 of it, and G1921 [G5627] knew G5485 the grace G2316 of God G1722 in G225 truth:

Hebrews 4:1-2

  1 G5399 0 Let us G3767 therefore G5399 [G5680] fear, G3379 lest, G1860 a promise G2641 [G5746] being left G1525 [G5629] us of entering G1519 into G846 his G2663 rest, G5100 any G1537 of G5216 you G1380 [G5725] should seem G5302 [G5760] to come short of it.
  2 G1063 For G2532 even G2070 0 we are G2097 [G5772] having good news announced G2070 [G5748] to us, G2509 exactly as G2548 to them: G235 but G3588 the G3056 word G189 which they heard G5623 0 did G3756 not G5623 [G5656] profit G1565 them, G3361 not G4786 [G5772] being mixed together G3588 with G4102 faith G3588 in them G191 [G5660] having heard it.

James 1:19-22

  19 G5620 Therefore, G3450 my G27 beloved G80 brethren, G2077 0 let G3956 every G444 man G2077 [G5749] be G5036 swift G1519 to G191 [G5658] hear, G1021 slow G1519 to G2980 [G5658] speak, G1021 slow G1519 to G3709 wrath:
  20 G1063 For G3709 the wrath G435 of man G2716 [G5736] worketh G3756 not G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God.
  21 G1352 Therefore G659 [G5642] put away G3956 all G4507 filthiness G2532 and G4050 superabundance G2549 of wickedness, G1209 [G5663] and receive G1722 with G4240 meekness G1721 the engrafted G3056 word, G3588 which G1410 [G5740] is able G4982 [G5658] to save G5216 your G5590 breaths.
  22 G1161 But G1096 [G5737] be ye G4163 doers G3056 of the word, G2532 and G3361 not G202 hearers G3440 only, G3884 [G5740] deceiving G1438 your own selves.

1 Peter 2:1-3

  1 G3767 Therefore G659 [G5642] laying aside G3956 all G2549 malice, G2532 and G3956 all G1388 guile, G2532 and G5272 hypocrisies, G2532 and G5355 envies, G2532 and G3956 all G2636 evil speakings,
  2 G5613 As G738 newborn G1025 babes, G1971 [G5657] desire G3588 the G3050 rational G97 guileless G1051 milk, G2443 that G837 [G5686] ye may grow G1722 in G846 it:
  3 G1512 If indeed G1089 [G5662] ye have tasted G3754 that G2962 the Lord G5543 is gracious.

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