Isaiah 34:10 Cross References - new

  10 H3518 [H8799] It shall not be quenched H3915 night H3119 nor day; H6227 the smoke H5927 [H8799] of it shall ascend H5769 to the age: H1755 from generation H1755 to generation H2717 [H8799] it shall lie waste; H5674 [H8802] none shall pass through H5331 it for ever H5331 and ever.

Isaiah 1:31

  31 H2634 And the strong H5296 shall be as a wick, H6467 and its maker H5213 as a spark, H8147 and they shall both H1197 [H8804] burn H3162 together, H3518 [H8764] and none shall quench them.

Isaiah 13:20

  20 H5331 It shall never H3427 [H8799] be inhabited, H7931 [H8799] neither shall it be dwelt H1755 in from generation H1755 to generation: H6163 neither shall the Arabian H167 [H8762] pitch tent H7462 [H8802] there; neither shall the shepherds H7257 [H8686] make their fold there.

Isaiah 24:1

  1 H3068 Behold, the LORD H776 maketh the earth H1238 [H8802] empty, H1110 [H8802] and annihilateth it, H5753 [H8765] and turneth H6440 it upside down, H6327 [H8689] and scattereth abroad H3427 [H8802] its inhabitants.

Isaiah 66:24

  24 H3318 [H8804] And they shall go forth, H7200 [H8804] and look H6297 upon the carcases H582 of the men H6586 [H8802] that have transgressed H8438 against me: for their worm H4191 [H8799] shall not die, H784 neither shall their fire H3518 [H8799] be quenched; H1860 and they shall be an aversion H1320 to all flesh.

Jeremiah 7:20

  20 H559 [H8804] Therefore thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H639 Behold, my anger H2534 and my hot anger H5413 [H8737] shall be poured out H4725 upon this place, H120 upon man, H929 and upon beast, H6086 and upon the trees H7704 of the field, H6529 and upon the fruit H127 of the soil; H1197 [H8804] and it shall burn, H3518 [H8799] and shall not be quenched.

Ezekiel 20:47-48

  47 H559 [H8804] And say H3293 to the forest H5045 of the south, H8085 [H8798] Hear H1697 the word H3068 of the LORD; H559 [H8804] Thus saith H136 the Sovereign H3069 LORD; H3341 [H8688] Behold, I will kindle H784 a fire H398 [H8804] in thee, and it shall devour H3892 every green H6086 tree H3002 in thee, and every dry H6086 tree: H3852 the blazing H7957 flame H3518 [H8799] shall not be quenched, H6440 and all faces H5045 from the south H6828 to the north H6866 [H8738] shall be burned in it.
  48 H1320 And all flesh H7200 [H8804] shall see H3068 that I the LORD H1197 [H8765] have kindled H3518 [H8799] it: it shall not be quenched.

Ezekiel 29:11

  11 H7272 No foot H120 of man H5674 [H8799] shall pass through H7272 it, nor foot H929 of beast H5674 [H8799] shall pass through H3427 [H8799] it, neither shall it be inhabited H705 forty H8141 years.

Malachi 1:3-4

  3 H8130 [H8804] And I hated H6215 Esau, H7760 [H8799] and laid H2022 his mountains H5159 and his inheritance H8077 waste H8568 for the dragons H4057 of the wilderness.
  4 H123 Though Edom H559 [H8799] saith, H7567 [H8795] We are impoverished, H7725 [H8799] but we will return H1129 [H8799] and build H2723 the dry places; H559 [H8804] thus saith H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts, H1129 [H8799] They shall build, H2040 [H8799] but I will throw down; H7121 [H8804] and they shall call H1366 them, The border H7564 of wickedness, H5971 and, The people H3068 against whom the LORD H2194 [H8804] hath foamed at the mouth H5704 for H5769 ever.

Mark 9:43-48

  43 G2532 { And G1437 if G4675 thy G5495 hand G4624 0 causeth G4571 thee G4624 [G5725] to stumble, G609 0 cut G846 it G609 [G5657] off: G2076 [G5748] it is G2570 better G4671 for thee G1525 G1519 [G5629] to enter G2222 life G2948 maimed, G2228 than G2192 [G5723] having G1417 two G5495 hands G565 [G5629] to go G1519 into G3588 the G1067 Valley of the Son of Hinnom, G1519 into G3588 the G4442 fire G3588   G762 that never shall be quenched:}
  44 G3699 { Where G846 their G4663 worm G5053 [G5719] dieth G3756 not, G2532 and G4442 the fire G4570 0 is G3756 not G4570 [G5743] quenched.}
  45 G2532 { And G1437 if G4675 thy G4228 foot G4624 0 causeth G4571 thee G4624 [G5725] to stumble, G609 0 cut G846 it G609 [G5657] off: G2076 [G5748] it is G2570 better G4671 for thee G1525 [G5629] to enter G5560 lame G1519 into G2222 life, G2228 than G2192 [G5723] having G1417 two G4228 feet G906 [G5683] to be cast G1519 into G3588 the G1067 Valley of the Son of Hinnom, G1519 into G3588 the G4442 fire G3588   G762 that never shall be quenched:}
  46 G3699 { Where G846 their G4663 worm G5053 [G5719] dieth G3756 not, G2532 and G4442 the fire G4570 0 is G3756 not G4570 [G5743] quenched.}
  47 G2532 { And G1437 if G4675 thy G3788 eye G4624 0 causeth G4571 thee G4624 [G5725] to stumble, G1544 0 pluck G846 it G1544 [G5628] out: G2076 [G5748] it is G2570 better G4671 for thee G1525 [G5629] to enter G1519 into G932 the kingdom G2316 of God G3442 with one eye, G2228 than G2192 [G5723] having G1417 two G3788 eyes G906 [G5683] to be cast G1519 into G3588 the G1067 Valley of the Son of Hinnom G3588   G4442 fire:}
  48 G3699 { Where G846 their G4663 worm G5053 [G5719] dieth G3756 not, G2532 and G4442 the fire G4570 0 is G3756 not G4570 [G5743] quenched.}

Revelation 14:10-11

  10 G846 G2532 The same G4095 [G5695] shall drink G1537 of G3631 the wine G2372 of the rage G2316 of God, G3588 which G2767 [G5772] is poured out G194 without mixture G1722 into G4221 the cup G846 of his G3709 wrath; G2532 and G928 [G5701] he shall be tormented G1722 with G4442 fire G2532 and G2303 brimstone G1799 in the presence G40 of the holy G32 messengers, G2532 and G1799 in the presence G721 of the Lamb:
  11 G2532 And G3588 the G2586 smoke G3588   G846 of their G929 torment G305 [G5719] ascendeth up G1519 into G165 ages G165 of ages: G2532 and G2192 [G5719] they have G3756 no G372 rest G2250 day G2532 nor G3571 night, G3588 who G4352 [G5723] worship G3588 the G2342 beast G2532 and G846 his G1504 image, G2532 and G1536 whoever G2983 [G5719] receiveth G3588 the G5480 mark G846 of his G3686 name.

Revelation 18:18

  18 G2532 And G2896 [G5707] cried G3708 [G5723] when they saw G2586 the smoke G846 of her G4451 burning, G3004 [G5723] saying, G5101 What G3664 city is like G3173 this great G4172 city!

Revelation 19:3

  3 G2532 And G1208 again G2046 [G5758] they said, G239 Hallelujah. G2532 And G846 her G2586 smoke G305 [G5719] rose up G1519 into G3588 the G165 ages G3588 of the G165 ages.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.