Mark 9:5 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  5 G2532 And G4074 Peter G611 [G5679] answered G3004 [G5719] and said G2424 to Jesus G4461 , Master G2076 [G5748] , it is G2570 good G2248 for us G1511 [G5750] to be G5602 here G2532 : and G4160 [G5661] let us make G5140 three G4633 tabernacles G3391 ; one G4671 for thee G2532 , and G3391 one G3475 for Moses G2532 , and G3391 one G2243 for Elijah.

Exodus 33:17-23

  17 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H4872 to Moses H6213 [H8799] , I will do H1697 this thing H1696 [H8765] also that thou hast spoken H4672 [H8804] : for thou hast found H2580 grace H5869 in my sight H3045 [H8799] , and I know H8034 thee by name.
  18 H559 [H8799] And he said H4994 , I beseech thee H7200 [H8685] , show H3519 me thy glory.
  19 H559 [H8799] And he said H2898 , I will make all my goodness H5674 [H8686] pass H7121 [H8804] before thee, and I will proclaim H8034 the name H3068 of the LORD H6440 before H2603 [H8804] thee; and will be gracious H2603 [H8799] to whom I will be gracious H7355 [H8765] , and will show mercy H7355 [H8762] on whom I will show mercy.
  20 H559 [H8799] And he said H3201 [H8799] , Thou canst H7200 [H8800] not see H6440 my face H120 : for there shall no man H7200 [H8799] see H2425 [H8804] me, and live.
  21 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H4725 , Behold, there is a place H5324 [H8738] by me, and thou shalt stand H6697 upon a rock:
  22 H3519 And it shall come to pass, while my glory H5674 [H8800] passeth by H7760 [H8804] , that I will put H5366 thee in a cleft H6697 of the rock H5526 [H8804] , and will cover H3709 thee with my hand H5704 while H5674 [H8800] I pass by:
  23 H5493 [H8689] And I will take H3709 away my hand H7200 [H8804] , and thou shalt see H268 my back parts H6440 : but my face H7200 [H8735] shall not be seen.

Psalms 62:2-3

  2 H6697 He only is my rock H3444 and my salvation H4869 ; he is my defence H7227 ; I shall not be greatly H4131 [H8735] moved.
  3 H2050 [H8779] How long will ye imagine mischief H376 against a man H7523 [H8792] ? ye shall be slain H5186 [H8803] all of you: as a bowing H7023 wall H1760 [H8803] shall ye be, and as a tottering H1447 fence.

Psalms 84:10

  10 H3117 For a day H2691 in thy courts H2896 is better H505 than a thousand H977 [H8804] . I had rather H5605 [H8705] be a doorkeeper H1004 in the house H430 of my God H1752 [H8800] , than to dwell H168 in the tents H7562 of wickedness.

Matthew 23:7

  7 G2532 { And G783 greetings G1722 in G58 the markets G2532 , and G2564 [G5745] to be called G5259 by G444 men G4461 , Rabbi G4461 , Rabbi.}

John 14:8-9

  8 G5376 Philip G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to him G2962 , Lord G1166 [G5657] , show G2254 us G3962 the Father G2532 , and G714 [G5719] it sufficeth G2254 us.
  9 G2424 Jesus G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to him G1510 [G5748] , { Have I been G5118 so long G5550 time G3326 with G5216 you G2532 , and yet G1097 0 hast thou G3756 not G1097 [G5758] known G3165 me G5376 , Philip G3708 [G5761] ? he that hath seen G1691 me G3708 [G5758] hath seen G3962 the Father G2532 ; and G4459 how G3004 [G5719] sayest G4771 thou G1166 [G5657] then, Show G2254 us G3962 the Father?}

John 14:21-23

  21 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3450 my G1785 commandments G2532 , and G5083 [G5723] keepeth G846 them G1565 , he G2076 [G5748] it is G25 [G5723] that loveth G3165 me G1161 : and G25 [G5723] he that loveth G3165 me G25 [G5701] shall be loved G5259 by G3450 my G3962 Father G2532 , and G1473 I G25 [G5692] will love G846 him G2532 , and G1718 [G5692] will reveal G1683 myself G846 to him.}
  22 G2455 Judas G3756 , not G2469 Iscariot G3004 [G5719] , saith G846 to him G2962 , Lord G5101 , how G1096 [G5754] is it G3754 that G3195 [G5719] thou wilt G1718 [G5721] reveal G4572 thyself G2254 to us G2532 , and G3780 not G2889 to the world?
  23 G2424 Jesus G611 [G5662] answered G2532 and G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him G1437 , { If G5100 a man G25 [G5725] loveth G3165 me G5083 [G5692] , he will keep G3450 my G3056 words G2532 : and G3450 my G3962 Father G25 [G5692] will love G846 him G2532 , and G2064 [G5695] we will come G4314 to G846 him G2532 , and G4160 [G5692] make G3438 our abode G3844 with G846 him.}

Philippians 1:23

  23 G1063 For G4912 [G5743] I am in a strait G1537 between the G1417 two G2192 [G5723] , having G1939 a desire G1519 to G360 [G5658] depart G2532 , and G1511 [G5750] to be G4862 with G5547 Christ G4183 G3123 ; which is far G2908 better:

1 John 3:2

  2 G27 Beloved G3568 , now G2070 [G5748] are we G5043 the sons G2316 of God G2532 , and G5319 0 it doth G3768 not yet G5319 [G5681] appear G5101 what G2071 [G5704] we shall be G1161 : but G1492 [G5758] we know G3754 that G1437 , when G5319 [G5686] he shall appear G2071 [G5704] , we shall be G3664 like G846 him G3754 ; for G3700 [G5695] we shall see G846 him G2531 as G2076 [G5748] he is.

Revelation 22:3-4

  3 G2532 And G2071 [G5704] there shall be G3756 no G2089 G3956 more G2652 curse G2532 : but G2362 the throne G2316 of God G2532 and G721 of the Lamb G2071 [G5704] shall be G1722 in G846 it G2532 ; and G846 his G1401 servants G3000 [G5692] shall serve G846 him:
  4 G2532 And G3700 [G5695] they shall see G846 his G4383 face G2532 ; and G846 his G3686 name G1909 shall be in G846 their G3359 foreheads.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.