Hebrews 6:15 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  15 G2532 And G3779 so G3114 [G5660] , after he had patiently endured G2013 [G5627] , he obtained G1860 the promise.

Genesis 12:2-3

  2 H6213 [H8799] And I will make of thee H1419 a great H1471 nation H1288 [H8762] , and I will bless H1431 0 thee, and make H8034 thy name H1431 [H8762] great H1293 ; and thou shalt be a blessing:
  3 H1288 [H8762] And I will bless H1288 [H8764] them that bless H779 [H8799] thee, and curse H7043 [H8764] him that curseth H4940 thee: and in thee shall all families H127 of the earth H1288 [H8738] be blessed.

Genesis 15:2-6

  2 H87 And Abram H559 [H8799] said H136 , LORD H3069 God H5414 [H8799] , what wilt thou give H1980 [H8802] me, seeing I go H6185 childless H1121 H4943 , and the heir H1004 of my house H1931 is this H461 Eliezer H1834 of Damascus?
  3 H87 And Abram H559 [H8799] said H5414 [H8804] , Behold, to me thou hast given H3808 no H2233 seed H1121 : and, lo, one born H1004 in my house H3423 [H8802] is my heir.
  4 H1697 And, behold, the word H3068 of the LORD H559 [H8800] came to him, saying H3423 [H8799] , This shall not be thy heir H3318 [H8799] ; but he that shall come forth H4578 out of thy own loins H3423 [H8799] shall be thy heir.
  5 H3318 [H8686] And he brought him forth H2351 abroad H559 [H8799] , and said H5027 [H8685] , Look H8064 now toward heaven H5608 [H8798] , and count H3556 the stars H3201 [H8799] , if thou art able H5608 [H8800] to number H559 [H8799] them: and he said H3541 to him, So H2233 shall thy seed be.
  6 H539 [H8689] And he believed H3068 in the LORD H2803 [H8799] ; and he counted H6666 it to him for righteousness.

Genesis 17:16-17

  16 H1288 [H8765] And I will bless H5414 [H8804] her, and give H1121 thee a son H1288 [H8765] also by her: yea, I will bless H1471 her, and she shall be a mother of nations H4428 ; kings H5971 of people shall come from her.
  17 H85 Then Abraham H5307 [H8799] fell H6440 upon his face H6711 [H8799] , and laughed H559 [H8799] , and said H3820 in his heart H3205 [H8735] , Shall a child be born H3967 to him that is an hundred H8141 years H1121 old H8283 ? and shall Sarah H8673 , who is ninety H8141 years H1323 old H3205 [H8799] , bear?

Genesis 21:2-7

  2 H8283 For Sarah H2029 [H8799] conceived H3205 [H8799] , and bore H85 Abraham H1121 a son H2208 in his old age H4150 , at the set time H430 of which God H1696 [H8765] had spoken to him.
  3 H85 And Abraham H7121 [H8799] called H8034 the name H1121 of his son H3205 [H8737] that was born H8283 to him, whom Sarah H3205 [H8804] bore H3327 to him, Isaac.
  4 H85 And Abraham H4135 [H8799] circumcised H1121 his son H3327 Isaac H8083 being eight H3117 days H1121 old H430 , as God H6680 [H8765] had commanded him.
  5 H85 And Abraham H3967 was an hundred H8141 years H1121 old H1121 , when his son H3327 Isaac H3205 [H8736] was born to him.
  6 H8283 And Sarah H559 [H8799] said H430 , God H6213 [H8804] hath made H6712 me to laugh H8085 [H8802] , so that all that hear H6711 [H8799] will laugh with me.
  7 H559 [H8799] And she said H4448 [H8765] , Who would have said H85 to Abraham H8283 , that Sarah H3243 [H8689] shall nurse H1121 children H3205 [H8804] ? for I have borne H1121 him a son H2208 in his old age.

Exodus 1:7

  7 H1121 And the children H3478 of Israel H6509 [H8804] were fruitful H8317 [H8799] , and increased abundantly H7235 [H8799] , and multiplied H3966 , and became exceeding H6105 [H8799] mighty H776 ; and the land H4390 [H8735] was filled with them.

Habakkuk 2:2-3

  2 H3068 And the LORD H6030 [H8799] answered H559 [H8799] me, and said H3789 [H8798] , Write H2377 the vision H874 [H8761] , and make it plain H3871 upon tablets H7323 [H8799] , that he may run H7121 [H8802] that readeth it.
  3 H2377 For the vision H4150 is yet for an appointed time H7093 , but at the end H6315 [H8686] it shall speak H3576 [H8762] , and not lie H4102 [H8698] : though it may tarry H2442 [H8761] , wait H935 [H8800] for it; because it will surely H935 [H8799] come H309 [H8762] , it will not tarry.

Romans 4:17-25

  17 G2531 (As G1125 [G5769] it is written G3754 , G5087 [G5758] I have made G4571 thee G3962 a father G4183 of many G1484 nations G2713 ,) before G3739 him whom G4100 [G5656] he believed G2316 , even God G2227 [G5723] , who giveth life to G3498 the dead G2532 , and G2564 [G5723] calleth G5607 [G5752] those things which are G3361 not G5613 as though G5607 [G5752] they were.
  18 G3739 Who G3844 against G1680 hope G4100 [G5656] believed G1909 with G1680 hope G1519 , that G846 he G1096 [G5635] should become G3962 the father G4183 of many G1484 nations G2596 , according G2046 [G5772] to that which was spoken G3779 , So G2071 0 shall G4675 thy G4690 seed G2071 [G5704] be.
  19 G2532 And G3361 being not G770 [G5660] weak G4102 in faith G2657 [G5656] , he considered G3756 not G1438 his own G4983 body G2235 now G3499 [G5772] dead G5225 [G5723] , when he was G4225 about G1541 an hundred years old G2532 , neither yet G3500 the deadness G4564 of Sarah's G3388 womb:
  20 G1161   G1252 [G5681] He staggered G3756 not G1519 at G1860 the promise G2316 of God G570 through unbelief G235 ; but G1743 [G5681] was strong G4102 in faith G1325 [G5631] , giving G1391 glory G2316 to God;
  21 G2532 And G4135 [G5685] being fully persuaded G3754 that G3739 , what G1861 [G5766] he had promised G2076 [G5748] , he was G1415 able G2532 also G4160 [G5658] to perform.
  22 G2532 And G1352 therefore G3049 [G5681] it was imputed G846 to him G1519 for G1343 righteousness.
  23 G1161 Now G1125 0 it was G3756 not G1125 [G5648] written G1223 G846 for his sake G3440 alone G3754 , that G3049 [G5681] it was imputed G846 to him;
  24 G235 But G1223 for G2248 us G2532 also G3739 , to whom G3195 [G5719] it shall be G3049 [G5745] imputed G4100 [G5723] , if we believe G1909 on G1453 [G5660] him that raised G2424 Jesus G2257 our G2962 Lord G1537 from G3498 the dead;
  25 G3739 Who G3860 [G5681] was delivered G1223 for G2257 our G3900 offences G2532 , and G1453 [G5681] raised again G1223 for G2257 our G1347 justification.

Hebrews 6:12

  12 G3363 0 That G1096 [G5638] ye be G3363 not G3576 slothful G1161 , but G3402 followers G1223 of them who through G4102 faith G2532 and G3115 patience G2816 [G5723] inherit G1860 the promises.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.