John 9:4 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  4 G1691 I G1163 must [G5748]   G2038 work [G5738]   G2041 the works G3992 of him that sent [G5660]   G3165 me G2193 , while G2076 it is [G5748]   G2250 day G3571 : the night G2064 cometh [G5736]   G3753 , when G3762 no man G1410 can [G5736]   G2038 work [G5738]  .

Ecclesiastes 9:10

  10 H3027 Whatsoever thy hand H4672 findeth [H8799]   H6213 to do [H8800]   H6213 , do [H8798]   H3581 it with thy might H4639 ; for there is no work H2808 , nor device H1847 , nor knowledge H2451 , nor wisdom H7585 , in the grave H1980 , whither thou goest [H8802]  .

Isaiah 38:18-19

  18 H7585 For the grave H3034 cannot praise [H8686]   H4194 thee, death H1984 can not celebrate [H8762]   H3381 thee: they that go down [H8802]   H953 into the pit H7663 cannot hope [H8762]   H571 for thy truth.
  19 H2416 The living H2416 , the living H3034 , he shall praise [H8686]   H3117 thee, as I do this day H1 : the father H1121 to the children H3045 shall make known [H8686]   H571 thy truth.

Luke 13:32-34

  32 G2532 And G2036 he said [G5627]   G846 unto them G4198 , Go ye [G5679]   G2036 , and tell [G5628]   G5026 that G258 fox G2400 , Behold [G5628]   G1544 , I cast out [G5719]   G1140 devils G2532 , and G2005 I do [G5719]   G2392 cures G4594 to day G2532 and G839 to morrow G2532 , and G5154 the third G5048 day I shall be perfected [G5743]  .
  33 G4133 Nevertheless G3165 I G1163 must [G5748]   G4198 walk [G5738]   G4594 to day G2532 , and G839 to morrow G2532 , and G2192 the day following [G5746]   G3754 : for G3756 it cannot be G1735   [G5736]   G4396 that a prophet G622 perish [G5641]   G1854 out of G2419 Jerusalem.
  34 G2419 O Jerusalem G2419 , Jerusalem G3588 , which G615 killest [G5723]   G4396 the prophets G2532 , and G3036 stonest [G5723]   G649 them that are sent [G5772]   G4314 unto G846 thee G4212 ; how often G2309 would [G5656]   G1996 I have gathered G4675 thy G5043 children G1996 together [G5658]   G3739 , as G5158   G3733 a hen G1438 doth gather her G3555 brood G5259 under G4420 her wings G2532 , and G2309 ye would [G5656]   G3756 not!

John 4:34

  34 G2424 Jesus G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto them G1699 , My G1033 meat G2076 is [G5748]   G2443 to G4160 do [G5725]   G2307 the will G3992 of him that sent [G5660]   G3165 me G2532 , and G5048 to finish [G5661]   G846 his G2041 work.

John 5:19

  19 G3767 Then G611 answered [G5662]   G2424 Jesus G2532 and G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto them G281 , Verily G281 , verily G3004 , I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G5207 , The Son G1410 can [G5736]   G3756   G4160 do [G5721]   G3762 nothing G575 of G1438 himself G3362 , but G5100 what G991 he seeth [G5725]   G3962 the Father G4160 do [G5723]   G1063 : for G3739 what things soever G302   G1565 he G4160 doeth [G5725]   G5023 , these G2532 also G4160 doeth [G5719]   G5207 the Son G3668 likewise.

John 5:36

  36 G1161 But G1473 I G2192 have [G5719]   G3187 greater G3141 witness G2491 than that of John G1063 : for G2041 the works G3739 which G3962 the Father G1325 hath given [G5656]   G3427 me G2443 to G5048 finish [G5661]   G846   G846 , the same G2041 works G3739 that G1473 I G4160 do [G5719]   G3140 , bear witness [G5719]   G4012 of G1700 me G3754 , that G3962 the Father G649 hath sent [G5758]   G3165 me.

John 10:32

  32 G2424 Jesus G611 answered [G5662]   G846 them G4183 , Many G2570 good G2041 works G1166 have I shewed [G5656]   G5213 you G1537 from G3450 my G3962 Father G1223 ; for G4169 which G846 of those G2041 works G3034 do ye stone [G5719]   G3165 me?

John 10:37

  37 G1487 If G4160 I do [G5719]   G3756 not G2041 the works G3450 of my G3962 Father G4100 , believe [G5720]   G3427 me G3361 not.

John 11:9-10

  9 G2424 Jesus G611 answered [G5662]   G1526 , Are there [G5748]   G3780 not G1427 twelve G5610 hours G2250 in the day G1437 ? If G5100 any man G4043 walk [G5725]   G1722 in G2250 the day G4350 , he stumbleth [G5719]   G3756 not G3754 , because G991 he seeth [G5719]   G5457 the light G5127 of this G2889 world.
  10 G1161 But G1437 if G5100 a man G4043 walk [G5725]   G1722 in G3571 the night G4350 , he stumbleth [G5719]   G3754 , because G2076 there is [G5748]   G3756 no G5457 light G1722 in G846 him.

John 12:35

  35 G3767 Then G2424 Jesus G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto them G2089 , Yet G3398 a little G5550 while G2076 is [G5748]   G5457 the light G3326 with G5216 you G4043 . Walk [G5720]   G2193 while G2192 ye have [G5719]   G5457 the light G3363 , lest G4653 darkness G2638 come upon [G5632]   G5209 you G2532 : for G4043 he that walketh [G5723]   G1722 in G4653 darkness G1492 knoweth [G5758]   G3756 not G4226 whither G5217 he goeth [G5719]  .

John 17:4

  4 G1473 I G1392 have glorified [G5656]   G4571 thee G1909 on G1093 the earth G5048 : I have finished [G5656]   G2041 the work G3739 which G1325 thou gavest [G5758]   G3427 me G2443 to G4160 do [G5661]  .

Acts 4:20

  20 G1063 For G2249 we G3756 cannot G1410   [G5736]   G3361 but G2980 speak [G5721]   G3739 the things which G1492 we have seen [G5627]   G2532 and G191 heard [G5656]  .

Galatians 6:10

  10 G5613 As G2192 we have [G5719]   G686 therefore G3767   G2540 opportunity G2038 , let us do [G5741]   G18 good G4314 unto G3956 all G1161 men, especially G3122   G4314 unto G3609 them who are of the household G4102 of faith.

Ephesians 5:16

  16 G1805 Redeeming [G5734]   G2540 the time G3754 , because G2250 the days G1526 are [G5748]   G4190 evil.

Colossians 4:5

  5 G4043 Walk [G5720]   G1722 in G4678 wisdom G4314 toward G1854 them that are without G1805 , redeeming [G5734]   G2540 the time.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.