Acts 10:40 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  40 G5126 Him G2316 God G1453 raised up G5154 the third G2250 day, G2532 and G1325 showed G846 him G1096   G1717 openly;

Matthew 28:1-2

  1 G3796 At the end G4521 of the sabbath, G2020 as it began to dawn G1519 toward G1520 the first G4521 day of the week, G2064 came G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene G2532 and G243 the other G3137 Mary G2334 to see G5028 the tomb.
  2 G2532 And, G2400 behold, G1096 there was G3173 a great G4578 earthquake: G1063 for G32 the angel G2962 of the Lord G2597 descended G1537 from G3772 heaven, G4334 and came G617 and rolled back G3037 the stone G575 from G2374 the door, G2532 and G2521 sat G1883 upon G846 it.

Acts 2:24

  24 G3739 Whom G2316 God G450 has raised up, G3089 having loosened G5604 the pains G2288 of death: G2530 because G2258 it was G3756 not G1415 possible G2902 that G846 he G2902 should be held G5259 by G846 it.

Acts 13:30-31

  30 G1161 But G2316 God G1453 raised G846 him G1537 from G3498 the dead:
  31 G3739 And G3700 he was seen G4119 many G2250 days G4872 by them which came up with G846 him G575 from G1056 Galilee G1519 to G2419 Jerusalem, G3748 who G1526 are G846 his G3144 witnesses G4314 to G1909 the people.

Acts 17:31

  31 G1360 Because G2476 he has appointed G2250 a day, G1722 in G3739 which G3195 he will G2919 judge G3625 the world G1722 in G1343 righteousness G1722 by G435 that man G3739 whom G3724 he has ordained; G3930 whereof he has given G4102 assurance G3956 unto all G450 men, in that he has raised G846 him G1537 from G3498 the dead.

Romans 1:4

  4 G3724 And declared G5207 to be the Son G2316 of God G1722 with G1411 power, G2596 according G4151 to the spirit G42 of holiness, G1537 by G386 the resurrection G3498 from the dead:

Romans 4:24-25

  24 G235 But G1223 for G2248 us G2532 also, G3739 to whom G3195 it shall G3049 be imputed, G3588 if we G4100 believe G1909 on G1453 him that raised up G2424 Jesus G2257 our G2962 Lord G1537 from G3498 the dead;
  25 G3739 Who G3860 was delivered G1223 for G2257 our G3900 offenses, G2532 and G1453 was raised again G1223 for G2257 our G1347 justification.

Romans 6:4-11

  4 G3767 Therefore G4916 we are buried with G846 him G1223 by G908 baptism G1519 into G2288 death: G2443 that G5618 just as G5547 Christ G1453 was raised up G1537 from G3498 the dead G1223 by G1391 the glory G3962 of the Father, G3779 even so G2249 we G2532 also G4043 should walk G1722 in G2538 newness G2222 of life.
  5 G1063 For G1487 if G1096 we have been G4854 planted together G3667 in the likeness G846 of his G2288 death, G2071 we shall be G235   G2532 also G386 in the likeness of his resurrection:
  6 G1097 Knowing G5124 this, G3754 that G2257 our G3820 old G444 man G4957 is crucified with G2443 him, that G4983 the body G266 of sin G2673 might be destroyed, G3588 that G3371 henceforth G2248 we G1398 should G3371 not G1398 serve G266 sin.
  7 G1063 For G599 he that is dead G1344 is freed G575 from G266 sin.
  8 G1161 Now G1487 if G599 we are dead G4862 with G5547 Christ, G4100 we believe G3754 that G4800 we shall G2532 also G4800 live with G846 him:
  9 G1492 Knowing G3754 that G5547 Christ G1453 being raised G1537 from G3498 the dead G599 dies G3765 no more; G2288 death G2961 has G3765 no more G2961 dominion G846 over him.
  10 G1063 For G3739 in that G599 he died, G599 he died G266 unto sin G2178 once: G1161 but G3739 in that G2198 he lives, G2198 he lives G2316 unto God.
  11 G3779 Likewise G3049 consider G5210   G2532 also G1438 yourselves G1511 to be G3498 dead G3303 indeed G266 unto sin, G1161 but G2198 alive G2316 unto God G1722 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G2257 our G2962 Lord.

Romans 8:11

  11 G1161 But G1487 if G4151 the Spirit G1453 of him that raised up G2424 Jesus G1537 from G3498 the dead G3611 lives G1722 in G5213 you, G1453 he that raised up G5547 Christ G1537 from G3498 the dead G2227 shall G2532 also G2227 quicken G5216 your G2349 mortal G4983 bodies G1223 by G846 his G4151 Spirit G1774 that dwells G1722 in G5213 you.

Romans 14:9

  9 G1063 For G1519 to G5124 this end G5547 Christ G2532 both G599 died, G2532 and G450 rose, G2532 and G326 revived, G2443 that G2961 he might be Lord G2532 both G3498 of the dead G2532 and G2198 living.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

  3 G1063 For G3860 I delivered G5213 unto you G1722   G4413 first of all G3739 that which G3880 I G2532 also G3880 received, G3754 how that G5547 Christ G599 died G5228 for G2257 our G266 sins G2596 according to G1124 the scriptures;
  4 G2532 And G3754 that G2290 he was buried, G2532 and G3754 that G1453 he rose again G5154 the third G2250 day G2596 according to G1124 the scriptures:

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

  12 G1161 Now G1487 if G5547 Christ G2784 be preached G3754 that G1453 he rose G1537 from G3498 the dead, G4459 how G3004 say G5100 some G1722 among G5213 you G3754 that G2076 there is G3756 no G386 resurrection G3498 of the dead?
  13 G1161 But G1487 if G2076 there is G3756 no G386 resurrection G3498 of the dead, G3761 then G1453 is G5547 Christ G3761 not G1453 risen:
  14 G1161 And G1487 if G5547 Christ G1453 is G3756 not G1453 risen, G686 then G2257 is our G2782 preaching G2756 vain, G1161 and G5216 your G4102 faith G2532 is also G2756 vain.
  15 G1161 Yes, G2532 and G2147 we are found G5575 false witnesses G2316 of God; G3754 because G3140 we have testified G2596 of G2316 God G3754 that G1453 he raised up G5547 Christ: G3739 whom G1453 he raised G3756 not G1453 up, G1512 if so G686 be that G3498 the dead G1453 rise G3756 not.
  16 G1063 For G1487 if G3498 the dead G1453 rise G3756 not, G3761 then G1453 is G3761 not G5547 Christ G1453 raised:
  17 G1161 And G1487 if G5547 Christ G1453 is G3756 not G1453 raised, G5216 your G4102 faith G3152 is vain; G2075 you are G2089 yet G1722 in G5216 your G266 sins.
  18 G686 Then G3588 they G2532 also G2837 which have fallen asleep G1722 in G5547 Christ G622 have perished.
  19 G1487 If G1722 in G3778 this G2222 life G3440 only G2070 we have G1679 hope G1722 in G5547 Christ, G2070 we are G3956 of all G444 men G1652 most miserable.
  20 G1161 But G3570 now G5547 is Christ G1453 risen G1537 from G3498 the dead, G1096 and become G536 the firstfruits G3588 of them G2837 that sleep.

2 Corinthians 4:14

  14 G1492 Knowing G3754 that G3588 he which G1453 raised up G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G1453 shall raise up G2248 us G2532 also G1223 by G2424 Jesus, G2532 and G3936 shall present G4862 us with G5213 you.

Hebrews 13:20

  20 G1161 Now G2316 the God G1515 of peace, G321 that brought again G1537 from G3498 the dead G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus, G3173 that great G4166 shepherd G4263 of the sheep, G1722 through G129 the blood G166 of the everlasting G1242 covenant,

1 Peter 1:21

  21 G3588 Who G1223 by G846 him G4100 do believe G1519 in G2316 God, G3588 that G1453 raised G846 him G1453 up G1537 from G3498 the dead, G2532 and G1325 gave G846 him G1391 glory; G5620 that G5216 your G4102 faith G2532 and G1680 hope G1511 might be G1519 in G2316 God.

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