Mark 8:6 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  6 G3853 And he commanded G3793 the people G377 to sit G377 down G1909 on G1093 the ground: G2983 and he took G2033 the seven G740 loaves, G1325 and gave G2168 thanks, G2806 and broke, G1325 and gave G3101 to his disciples G3908 to set G3908 before G3908 them; and they did set G3908 them before G3793 the people.

1 Samuel 9:13

  13 H935 As soon as you be come H5892 into the city, H3651 you shall straightway H4672 find H2962 him, before H5927 he go H1116 up to the high H398 place to eat: H5971 for the people H398 will not eat H5704 until H935 he come, H3588 because H1288 he does bless H2077 the sacrifice; H310 and afterwards H3651 H398 they eat H7121 that be bidden. H6258 Now H5927 therefore get H3117 you up; for about this time H4672 you shall find him.

Matthew 14:18-19

  18 G2036 He said, G5342 Bring G5602 them here to me.
  19 G2753 And he commanded G3793 the multitude G347 to sit G347 down G1909 on G5528 the grass, G2983 and took G4002 the five G740 loaves, G1417 and the two G2486 fishes, G308 and looking G3772 up to heaven, G2127 he blessed, G2806 and broke, G1325 and gave G740 the loaves G3101 to his disciples, G3101 and the disciples G3793 to the multitude.

Matthew 15:35-36

  35 G2753 And he commanded G3793 the multitude G377 to sit G377 down G1909 on G1093 the ground.
  36 G2983 And he took G2033 the seven G740 loaves G2486 and the fishes, G1325 and gave G2168 thanks, G2806 and broke G1325 them, and gave G3101 to his disciples, G3101 and the disciples G3793 to the multitude.

Matthew 26:26

  26 G2068 And as they were eating, G2424 Jesus G2983 took G740 bread, G2127 and blessed G2806 it, and broke G1325 it, and gave G3101 it to the disciples, G2036 and said, G2983 Take, G5315 eat; G5124 this G4983 is my body.

Mark 6:39-44

  39 G2004 And he commanded G347 them to make G3956 all G347 sit G347 down G4849 by companies G5515 on the green G5528 grass.
  40 G377 And they sat G377 down G4237 in ranks, G1540 by hundreds, G4004 and by fifties.
  41 G2983 And when he had taken G4002 the five G740 loaves G1417 and the two G2486 fishes, G308 he looked G3772 up to heaven, G2127 and blessed, G2622 and broke G740 the loaves, G1325 and gave G3101 them to his disciples G3908 to set G3908 before G1417 them; and the two G2486 fishes G3307 divided G3956 he among them all.
  42 G3956 And they did all G5315 eat, G5526 and were filled.
  43 G142 And they took G1427 up twelve G2894 baskets G4134 full G2801 of the fragments, G2486 and of the fishes.
  44 G5315 And they that did eat G740 of the loaves G5616 were about G4000 five G4000 thousand G435 men.

Luke 9:14-15

  14 G5616 For they were about G4000 five G4000 thousand G435 men. G2036 And he said G3101 to his disciples, G2625 Make G2625 them sit G2625 down G4004 by fifties G2828 in a company.
  15 G4160 And they did G3779 so, G347 and made G537 them all G347 sit G347 down.

Luke 12:37

  37 G3107 Blessed G1565 are those G1401 servants, G3739 whom G2962 the lord G2064 when he comes G2147 shall find G1127 watching: G281 truly G3004 I say G4024 to you, that he shall gird G347 himself, and make G347 them to sit G347 down G3928 to meat, and will come G3928 forth G1247 and serve them.

Luke 24:30

  30 G1096 And it came G2625 to pass, as he sat G2625 at G2983 meat with them, he took G740 bread, G2127 and blessed G2806 it, and broke, G1929 and gave to them.

John 2:5

  5 G3384 His mother G3004 said G1249 to the servants, G3748 Whatever G302 G3004 he said G4160 to you, do it.

John 6:10-11

  10 G2424 And Jesus G2036 said, G4160 Make G444 the men G377 sit G377 down. G1161 Now G4183 there was much G5528 grass G5117 in the place. G3767 So G435 the men G377 sat G377 down, G706 in number G5616 about G4000 five G4000 thousand.
  11 G2424 And Jesus G2983 took G740 the loaves; G2168 and when he had given thanks, G1239 he distributed G3101 to the disciples, G3101 and the disciples G345 to them that were set G345 down; G3668 and likewise G3795 of the fishes G3745 as much G2309 as they would.

John 6:23

  23 G1161 (However, G2064 there came G243 other G4142 boats G5085 from Tiberias G1451 near G5117 to the place G3699 where G5315 they did eat G740 bread, G2962 after that the Lord G2168 had given thanks:)

Romans 14:6

  6 G5426 He that regards G2250 the day, G5426 regards G2962 it to the Lord; G5426 and he that regards G2250 not the day, G2962 to the Lord G5426 he does not regard G2068 it. He that eats, G2068 eats G2962 to the Lord, G2316 for he gives God G2168 thanks; G2068 and he that eats G2962 not, to the Lord G2068 he eats G2316 not, and gives God G2168 thanks.

1 Corinthians 10:30-31

  30 G1487 For if G5485 I by grace G3348 be a partaker, G5101 why G987 am I evil G987 spoken G3739 of for that for which G2168 I give thanks?
  31 G1535 Whether G3767 therefore G2068 you eat, G1535 or G4095 drink, G1535 or G5100 whatever G4160 you do, G4160 do G3956 all G1391 to the glory G2316 of God.

Colossians 3:17

  17 G3956 And whatever G4160 you do G3056 in word G2228 or G2041 deed, G4160 do G3956 all G3686 in the name G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus, G2168 giving thanks G2316 to God G3962 and the Father by him.

1 Timothy 4:3-5

  3 G2967 Forbidding G1060 to marry, G567 and commanding to abstain G1033 from meats, G3739 which G2316 God G2936 has created G3336 to be received G2169 with thanksgiving G4103 of them which believe G1921 and know G225 the truth.
  4 G3956 For every G2938 creature G2316 of God G2570 is good, G3762 and nothing G579 to be refused, G2983 if it be received G2169 with thanksgiving:
  5 G37 For it is sanctified G3056 by the word G2316 of God G1783 and prayer.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.