Leviticus 14:14-20

  14 G2532 And G2983 [3shall take G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G575 from G3588 the G129 blood, G3588 of the one G3588 of the G4131.1 trespass offering, G2532 and G2007 [3shall place it G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G1909 upon G3588 the G3047.1 lobe G3588 of the G3775 ear G3588 of the G2511 one being cleansed -- G3588 the G1188 right, G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G206.1 thumb G3588   G5495 of his hand -- G1473   G3588 the G1188 right, G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G206.1 big toe G3588   G4228 of his foot -- G1473   G3588 the G1188 right.
  15 G2532 And G2983 [3taking G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G575 from G3588 the G2889.3 small cup G3588 of the G1637 olive oil, G2022 he shall pour G1909 upon G3588 the G5495 [2hand G3588 3of the G2409 4priest G3588   G710 1left].
  16 G2532 And G911 [3shall dip G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G3588   G1147 [3finger G1473 1his G3588   G1188 2right] G575 from G3588 the G1637 olive oil G3588   G1510.6 being G1909 in G3588   G5495 [3hand G1473 1his G3588   G710 2left]. G2532 And G4468.3 he shall sprinkle G575 from G3588 the G1637 olive oil G3588 with G1147 his finger G1473   G2034 seven times G1725 before G2962 the lord .
  17 G3588 And the G1161   G2641 left behind G1637 olive oil G3588   G1510.6 being G1722 in G3588   G5495 his hand, G1473   G2007 [3shall place G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G1909 upon G3588 the G3047.1 lobe G3588 of the G3775 [2ear G3588 3of the one G2511 4being cleansed G3588   G1188 1right], G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G206.1 thumb G3588   G5495 of his hand -- G1473   G3588 the G1188 right, G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G206.1 big toe G3588   G4228 of his foot -- G1473   G3588 the G1188 right, G1909 upon G3588 the G5117 place G3588 of the G129 blood G3588 of the G3588   G4131.1 trespass offering .
  18 G3588 And the G1161   G2641 left over G1637 olive oil G3588 that is G1909 upon G3588 the G5495 hand G3588 of the G2409 priest, G2007 [3shall place it G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G1909 upon G3588 the G2776 head G3588 of the G2511 one being cleansed, G2532 and G1837.2 [3shall atone G4012 4for G1473 5him G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G1725 before G2962 the lord .
  19 G2532 And G4160 [3shall offer G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G3588 the thing G4012 for G3588 the G266 sin offering, G2532 and G1837.2 [3shall atone G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G4012 for G3588 the G2511 one being cleansed G575 of G3588   G266 his sin. G1473   G2532 And G3326 after G3778 this G4969 [3shall slay G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G3588 the G3646 whole burnt-offering.
  20 G2532 And G399 [3shall offer G3588 1the G2409 2priest] G3588 the G3646 whole burnt-offering, G2532 and G3588 the G2378 sacrifice G1909 upon G3588 the G2379 altar G1725 before G2962 the lord; G2532 and G1837.2 [3shall atone G4012 4for G1473 5him G3588 1the G2409 2priest], G2532 and G2511 he shall be cleansed.
  14 G2532 και G2983 λήψεται G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G575 από G3588 του G129 αίματος G3588 του G3588 της G4131.1 πλημμελείας G2532 και G2007 επιθήσει G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G1909 επί G3588 τον G3047.1 λοβόν G3588 του G3775 ωτός G3588 του G2511 καθαριζομένου G3588 του G1188 δεξιού G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 το G206.1 άκρον G3588 της G5495 χειρός αυτού G1473   G3588 της G1188 δεξιάς G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 το G206.1 άκρον G3588 του G4228 ποδός αυτού G1473   G3588 του G1188 δεξιού
  15 G2532 και G2983 λαβών G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G575 από G3588 της G2889.3 κοτύλης G3588 του G1637 ελαίου G2022 επιχεεί G1909 επί G3588 την G5495 χείρα G3588 του G2409 ιερέως G3588 την G710 αριστεράν
  16 G2532 και G911 βάψει G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G3588 τον G1147 δάκτυλον G1473 αυτού G3588 τον G1188 δεξιόν G575 από G3588 του G1637 ελαίου G3588 του G1510.6 όντος G1909 επί G3588 της G5495 χειρός G1473 αυτού G3588 της G710 αριστεράς G2532 και G4468.3 ρανεί G575 από G3588 του G1637 ελαίου G3588 τω G1147 δακτύλω αυτού G1473   G2034 επτάκις G1725 έναντι G2962 κυρίου
  17 G3588 το δε G1161   G2641 καταλειφθέν G1637 έλαιον G3588 το G1510.6 ον G1722 εν G3588 τη G5495 χειρί αυτού G1473   G2007 επιθήσει G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G1909 επί G3588 τον G3047.1 λοβόν G3588 του G3775 ωτός G3588 του G2511 καθαριζομένου G3588 του G1188 δεξιού G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 το G206.1 άκρον G3588 της G5495 χειρός αυτού G1473   G3588 της G1188 δεξιάς G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 το G206.1 άκρον G3588 του G4228 ποδός αυτού G1473   G3588 του G1188 δεξιού G1909 επί G3588 τον G5117 τόπον G3588 του G129 αίματος G3588 του G3588 της G4131.1 πλημμελείας
  18 G3588 το δε G1161   G2641 καταλειφθέν G1637 έλαιον G3588 το G1909 επί G3588 της G5495 χειρός G3588 του G2409 ιερέως G2007 επιθήσει G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G1909 επί G3588 την G2776 κεφαλήν G3588 του G2511 καθαρισθέντος G2532 και G1837.2 εξιλάσεται G4012 περί G1473 αυτού G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G1725 έναντι G2962 κυρίου
  19 G2532 και G4160 ποιήσει G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G3588 το G4012 περί G3588 της G266 αμαρτίας G2532 και G1837.2 εξιλάσεται G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G4012 περί G3588 του G2511 καθαριζομένου G575 από G3588 της G266 αμαρτίας αυτού G1473   G2532 και G3326 μετά G3778 τούτο G4969 σφάξει G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G3588 το G3646 ολοκαύτωμα
  20 G2532 και G399 ανοίσει G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G3588 το G3646 ολοκαύτωμα G2532 και G3588 την G2378 θυσίαν G1909 επί G3588 το G2379 θυσιαστήριον G1725 έναντι G2962 κυρίου G2532 και G1837.2 εξιλάσεται G4012 περί G1473 αυτού G3588 ο G2409 ιερεύς G2532 και G2511 καθαρισθήσεται
    14 G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-3S λημψεται G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSN του G129 N-GSN αιματος G3588 T-GSN του G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF πλημμελειας G2532 CONJ και G2007 V-FAI-3S επιθησει G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASM τον   N-ASM λοβον G3588 T-GSN του G3775 N-GSN ωτος G3588 T-GSM του G2511 V-PPPGS καθαριζομενου G3588 T-GSN του G1188 A-GSN δεξιου G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN ακρον G3588 T-GSF της G5495 N-GSF χειρος G3588 T-GSF της G1188 A-GSF δεξιας G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN ακρον G3588 T-GSM του G4228 N-GSM ποδος G3588 T-GSM του G1188 A-GSM δεξιου
    15 G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-AAPNS λαβων G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF κοτυλης G3588 T-GSN του G1637 N-GSN ελαιου G2022 V-FAI-3S επιχεει G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G5495 N-ASF χειρα G3588 T-GSM του G2409 N-GSM ιερεως G3588 T-ASF την G710 A-ASF αριστεραν
    16 G2532 CONJ και G911 V-FAI-3S βαψει G3588 T-ASM τον G1147 N-ASM δακτυλον G3588 T-ASM τον G1188 A-ASM δεξιον G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSN του G1637 N-GSN ελαιου G3588 T-GSN του G1510 V-PAPGS οντος G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G5495 N-GSF χειρος G3588 T-GSF της G710 A-GSF αριστερας G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3S ρανει G2034 ADV επτακις G3588 T-DSM τω G1147 N-DSM δακτυλω G1725 PREP εναντι G2962 N-GSM κυριου
    17 G3588 T-ASN το G1161 PRT δε G2641 V-APPAS καταλειφθεν G1637 N-ASN ελαιον G3588 T-ASN το G1510 V-PAPAS ον G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G5495 N-DSF χειρι G2007 V-FAI-3S επιθησει G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASM τον   N-ASM λοβον G3588 T-GSN του G3775 N-GSN ωτος G3588 T-GSM του G2511 V-PPPGS καθαριζομενου G3588 T-GSN του G1188 A-GSN δεξιου G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN ακρον G3588 T-GSF της G5495 N-GSF χειρος G3588 T-GSF της G1188 A-GSF δεξιας G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το   A-ASN ακρον G3588 T-GSM του G4228 N-GSM ποδος G3588 T-GSM του G1188 A-GSM δεξιου G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASM τον G5117 N-ASM τοπον G3588 T-GSN του G129 N-GSN αιματος G3588 T-GSN του G3588 T-GSF της   N-GSF πλημμελειας
    18 G3588 T-ASN το G1161 PRT δε G2641 V-APPAS καταλειφθεν G1637 N-ASN ελαιον G3588 T-ASN το G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G5495 N-GSF χειρος G3588 T-GSM του G2409 N-GSM ιερεως G2007 V-FAI-3S επιθησει G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την G2776 N-ASF κεφαλην G3588 T-GSM του G2511 V-APPGS καθαρισθεντος G2532 CONJ και   V-FMI-3S εξιλασεται G4012 PREP περι G846 D-GSM αυτου G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G1725 PREP εναντι G2962 N-GSM κυριου
    19 G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-FAI-3S ποιησει G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G3588 T-ASN το G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-GSF της G266 N-GSF αμαρτιας G2532 CONJ και   V-FMI-3S εξιλασεται G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G4012 PREP περι G3588 T-GSM του G169 A-GSM ακαθαρτου G3588 T-GSM του G2511 V-PPPGS καθαριζομενου G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSF της G266 N-GSF αμαρτιας G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G3326 PREP μετα G3778 D-ASN τουτο G4969 V-FAI-3S σφαξει G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G3588 T-ASN το G3646 N-ASN ολοκαυτωμα
    20 G2532 CONJ και G399 V-FAI-3S ανοισει G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G3588 T-ASN το G3646 N-ASN ολοκαυτωμα G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASF την G2378 N-ASF θυσιαν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G2379 N-ASN θυσιαστηριον G1725 PREP εναντι G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2532 CONJ και   V-FMI-3S εξιλασεται G4012 PREP περι G846 D-GSM αυτου G3588 T-NSM ο G2409 N-NSM ιερευς G2532 CONJ και G2511 V-FPI-3S καθαρισθησεται
HOT(i) 14 ולקח הכהן מדם האשׁם ונתן הכהן על תנוך אזן המטהר הימנית ועל בהן ידו הימנית ועל בהן רגלו הימנית׃ 15 ולקח הכהן מלג השׁמן ויצק על כף הכהן השׂמאלית׃ 16 וטבל הכהן את אצבעו הימנית מן השׁמן אשׁר על כפו השׂמאלית והזה מן השׁמן באצבעו שׁבע פעמים לפני יהוה׃ 17 ומיתר השׁמן אשׁר על כפו יתן הכהן על תנוך אזן המטהר הימנית ועל בהן ידו הימנית ועל בהן רגלו הימנית על דם האשׁם׃ 18 והנותר בשׁמן אשׁר על כף הכהן יתן על ראשׁ המטהר וכפר עליו הכהן לפני יהוה׃ 19 ועשׂה הכהן את החטאת וכפר על המטהר מטמאתו ואחר ישׁחט את העלה׃ 20 והעלה הכהן את העלה ואת המנחה המזבחה וכפר עליו הכהן וטהר׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  14 H3947 ולקח shall take H3548 הכהן And the priest H1818 מדם of the blood H817 האשׁם of the trespass offering, H5414 ונתן shall put H3548 הכהן and the priest H5921 על upon H8571 תנוך the tip H241 אזן ear H2891 המטהר of him that is to be cleansed, H3233 הימנית of the right H5921 ועל and upon H931 בהן the thumb H3027 ידו hand, H3233 הימנית of his right H5921 ועל and upon H931 בהן the great toe H7272 רגלו foot: H3233 הימנית׃ of his right
  15 H3947 ולקח shall take H3548 הכהן And the priest H3849 מלג of the log H8081 השׁמן of oil, H3332 ויצק and pour H5921 על into H3709 כף the palm H3548 הכהן of his own H8042 השׂמאלית׃ left hand:
  16 H2881 וטבל shall dip H3548 הכהן And the priest H853 את   H676 אצבעו finger H3233 הימנית his right H4480 מן in H8081 השׁמן the oil H834 אשׁר that H5921 על in H3709 כפו hand, H8042 השׂמאלית his left H5137 והזה and shall sprinkle H4480 מן of H8081 השׁמן the oil H676 באצבעו with his finger H7651 שׁבע seven H6471 פעמים times H6440 לפני before H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD:
  17 H3499 ומיתר   H8081 השׁמן of the oil H834 אשׁר that H5921 על in H3709 כפו his hand H5414 יתן put H3548 הכהן shall the priest H5921 על upon H8571 תנוך the tip H241 אזן ear H2891 המטהר of him that is to be cleansed, H3233 הימנית of the right H5921 ועל and upon H931 בהן the thumb H3027 ידו hand, H3233 הימנית of his right H5921 ועל and upon H931 בהן the great toe H7272 רגלו foot, H3233 הימנית of his right H5921 על upon H1818 דם the blood H817 האשׁם׃ of the trespass offering:
  18 H3498 והנותר And the remnant H8081 בשׁמן of the oil H834 אשׁר that H5921 על in H3709 כף hand H3548 הכהן the priest's H5414 יתן he shall pour H5921 על upon H7218 ראשׁ the head H2891 המטהר of him that is to be cleansed: H3722 וכפר shall make an atonement H5921 עליו for H3548 הכהן and the priest H6440 לפני him before H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD.
  19 H6213 ועשׂה shall offer H3548 הכהן And the priest H853 את   H2403 החטאת the sin offering, H3722 וכפר and make an atonement H5921 על for H2891 המטהר him that is to be cleansed H2932 מטמאתו from his uncleanness; H310 ואחר and afterward H7819 ישׁחט he shall kill H853 את   H5930 העלה׃ the burnt offering:
  20 H5927 והעלה shall offer H3548 הכהן And the priest H853 את   H5930 העלה the burnt offering H853 ואת   H4503 המנחה and the meat offering H4196 המזבחה upon the altar: H3722 וכפר shall make an atonement H5921 עליו for H3548 הכהן and the priest H2891 וטהר׃ him, and he shall be clean.
  14 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H1818 some of the blood H817 of the guilt offering, H3548 and the priest H5414 [H8804] shall put H8571 it upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot:
  15 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H3849 some of the log H8081 of oil, H3332 [H8804] and pour H3709 it into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand:
  16 H3548 And the priest H2881 [H8804] shall dip H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 palm, H5137 [H8689] and shall sprinkle H8081 of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD:
  17 H3499 And of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his palm H3548 shall the priest H5414 [H8799] put H8571 upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot, H1818 upon the blood H817 of the guilt offering:
  18 H3498 [H8737] And the remnant H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 palm H5414 [H8799] he shall pour H7218 upon the head H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed: H3548 and the priest H3722 [H8765] shall make an atonement H6440 for him at the face of H3068 the LORD.
  19 H3548 And the priest H6213 [H8804] shall offer H2403 the sin offering, H3722 [H8765] and make an atonement H2891 [H8693] for him that is to be cleansed H2932 from his uncleanness; H310 and afterward H7819 [H8799] he shall kill H5930 the burnt offering:
  20 H3548 And the priest H5927 [H8689] shall offer H5930 the burnt offering H4503 and the meat offering H4196 upon the altar: H3548 and the priest H3722 [H8765] shall make an atonement H2891 [H8804] for him, and he shall be clean.
Vulgate(i) 14 adsumensque sacerdos de sanguine hostiae quae immolata est pro delicto ponet super extremum auriculae dextrae eius qui mundatur et super pollices manus dextrae et pedis 15 et de olei sextario mittet in manum suam sinistram 16 tinguetque digitum dextrum in eo et asperget septies contra Dominum 17 quod autem reliquum est olei in leva manu fundet super extremum auriculae dextrae eius qui mundatur et super pollices manus ac pedis dextri et super sanguinem qui fusus est pro delicto 18 et super caput eius 19 rogabitque pro eo coram Domino et faciet sacrificium pro peccato tunc immolabit holocaustum 20 et ponet illud in altari cum libamentis suis et homo rite mundabitur
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 14 Assumensque sacerdos de sanguine hostiæ, quæ immolata est pro delicto, ponet super extremum auriculæ dextræ ejus qui mundatur, et super pollices manus dextræ et pedis: 15 et de olei sextario mittet in manum suam sinistram, 16 tingetque digitum dextrum in eo, et asperget coram Domino septies. 17 Quod autem reliquum est olei in læva manu, fundet super extremum auriculæ dextræ ejus qui mundatur, et super pollices manus ac pedis dextri, et super sanguinem qui effusus est pro delicto, 18 et super caput ejus. 19 Rogabitque pro eo coram Domino, et faciet sacrificium pro peccato: tunc immolabit holocaustum, 20 et ponet illud in altari cum libamentis suis, et homo rite mundabitur.
Wycliffe(i) 14 And the preest schal take of the blood of sacrifice which is offrid for trespas, and schal putte on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym which is clensid, and on the thumbis of the riyt hond and foot. 15 And he schal putte of the sextarie of oyle in to his left hond, 16 and he schal dippe the riyt fyngur therynne, and schal sprynge seuensithis bifor the Lord. 17 Sotheli he schal schede that that is residue of the oile in the left hond, on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym which is clensid, and on the thombis of the riyt hond and foot, and on the blood which is sched for trespas, 18 and on the heed `of hym. 19 And the preest schal preye for hym bifor the Lord, and schal make sacrifice for synne; thanne he schal offre brent sacrifice, 20 and schal putte it in the auter with hise fletynge sacrifices, and the man schal be clensid riytfuli.
Tyndale(i) 14 Than lett the preast take of the bloude of the trespaceofferynge, and put it apo the typpe of the right eare of him that is clensed, and apon the thombe of his righte hande and apon the greate too of his righte fote. 15 Then let the preast take of the logge of oyle and poure it in to the palme of his lefte hande, 16 ad dippe his right finger in the oyle that is in the palme of his lefte hand, ad let him sprinkle it with his fynger vij. tymes before the Lorde. 17 And of the rest of the oyle that is in his hande, shall the preast put apon the typpe of the righte eare of him that is clensed, and apon the thombe of his righte hande, and apon the great too of his righte fote: eue apon the bloude of the trespaceofferynge. 18 And the remnaunte of the oyle that is in the preastes hande, he shall poure apon the heede off hym that is clensed: and so shall the preaste make an attonement for him before the Lorde, 19 Then let the preast offer the synneofferynge, ad make an attonement for him that is clensed for his vnclenesse. And tha let the burntoffrynge be slayne, 20 ad let the preast put both the burntofferynge and the meateoffrynge apo the alter: ad make an attonement for him, ad tha he shalbe cleane.
Coverdale(i) 14 And the prest shall take of the bloude of the trespace offerynge, and put it vpon the typpe of ye right eare of him that is clesed, and vpon the thombe of his right hande, and vpon the greate too of his right fote. 15 Afterwarde shall he take of the oyle out of the Logg, and poure it in to his awne left hande, 16 and dyppe his right fynger in the oyle that is in his left hande, and sprenkle the oyle with his fynger seuen tymes before the LORDE. 17 As for the remnaunt of the oyle in his hande, he shall put it vpon the typpe of the right eare of him that is clensed, and vpon the thombe of his right hande, & vpon the greate too of his right fote, euen aboue vpon the bloude of the trespace offerynge. 18 But the remnaunt of the oyle in his hande, shall he poure vpon the heade of him that is clensed, and make an attonement for him before the LORDE. 19 And he shall make the synofferynge, and reconcyle him that is clesed, because of his vnclennesse. And afterwarde shall he sleye the burntofferynge, 20 and shal offre it vpon the altare with the meatofferynge, and make an attonement for him, & than is he cleane.
MSTC(i) 14 "Then let the priest take of the blood of the trespass offering, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 15 Then let the priest take of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his left hand, 16 and dip his right finger in the oil that is in the palm of his left hand, and let him sprinkle it with his finger seven times before the LORD. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand, shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot: even upon the blood of the trespass offering. 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand, he shall pour upon the head of him that is cleansed: and so shall be priest make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 "Then let the priest offer the sin offering, and make an atonement for him that is cleansed for his uncleanness. And then let the burnt offering be slain, 20 and let the priest put both the burnt offering and the meat offering upon the altar; and make an atonement for him, and then he shall be clean.
Matthew(i) 14 Then let the Preast take of the bloude of the trespace offryng, & put it vpon the typpe of the ryght eare of him that is clensed, and vpon the thombe of hys ryght hande, and vpon the great too of hys ryghte fote. 15 Then let the Preast take of the logge of oyle, and poure it into the palme of hys lefte hande, 16 & dyppe hys ryght fynger in the oyle that is in the palme of hys left hande, and let hym sprynkle it with hys fynger .vij. tymes before the Lord. 17 And of the rest of the oyle that is in hys hande, shal the preast put vpon the typpe of the ryghte eare of hym that is clensed, and vpon the thombe of hys ryght hand, and vpon the great too of hys ryght foote: euen vpon the bloud of the trespaceoffryng. 18 And the remnaunte of the oyle that is in the Preastes hande, he shal poure vpon the heed of hym that is cleansed: & so shal the Preaste make an attonement for hym before the Lorde. 19 Then let the Preast offer the sinneoffring and make an attonement for him that is clensed for his vnclennesse. And then let the burntoffryng be slayne, 20 and let the preast put both the burntoffrynge & the meatoffrynge vpon the alter: & make an attonement for him, and then he shalbe cleane.
Great(i) 14 And the preaste shall take of the bloude of the trespace offrynge, & put it vpon the typpe of the ryght eare of hym that is to be clensed, & vpon the thombe of hys ryght hande, and vpon the great too of hys ryghte foote. 15 The preaste shall take of the logge of oyle, & powre it into the palme of hys lefte hande, 16 and dyppe hys ryght fynger in the oyle that is in hys left hande, and sprynkle of the oyle wyth hys fynger seuen tymes before the Lorde. 17 And of the rest of the oyle that is in hys hande, shall the Preaste put vpon the typpe of the ryghte eare of hym that is for to be clensed, and vpon the thombe of hys ryghte hande, and vpon the great too of hys ryghte fote: euen vpon the bloude of the trespace offrynge. 18 And the remnaunte of the oyle that is in the Preastes hande, he shall powre vpon the heed of hym that is for to be clensed: and the Preaste shall make an attonement for hym before the Lorde. 19 And the Preaste shall offer the synne offrynge, and make an attonement for hym that is to be clensed, for hys vnclennesse. And then shall he kyll the burntoffrynge, 20 and the Preaste shall offre the burntoffrynge and the meatoffrynge vpon the alter: & the preste shall make an attonement for hym, and he shalbe cleane.
Geneva(i) 14 So the Priest shall take of the blood of the trespasse offring, and put it vpon the lappe of the right eare of him that shalbe clensed, and vpon the thumbe of his right hand, and vpon the great toe of his right foote. 15 The Priest shall also take of ye pint of oyle, and powre it into the palme of his left hand, 16 And the Priest shall dip his right finger in the oyle that is in his left hand, and sprinkle of the oyle with his finger seuen times before the Lord. 17 And of the rest of the oyle that is in his hand, shall the Priest put vpon the lap of the right eare of him that is to bee clensed, and vpon the thumbe of his right hand, and vpon the great toe of his right foote, where the blood of the trespasse offring was put. 18 But the remnant of the oyle that is in the Priests hand, he shall powre vpon the head of him that is to be clensed: so the Priest shall make an atonement for him before the Lord. 19 And the Priest shall offer the sinne offring and make an atonement for him that is to bee clensed of his vncleannesse: then after shall he kill the burnt offring. 20 So the Priest shall offer ye burnt offring and the meat offring vpon ye altar and the Priest shall make an atonement for him: so he shalbe cleane.
Bishops(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespasse offering, and put it vpon the tippe of the ryght eare of hym that is to be clensed, and vpon the thumbe of his right hande, and vpon the great toe of his ryght foote 15 The priest shall take of the logge of oyle, and powre it into the paulme of his left hande 16 And he shall dippe his ryght finger in the oyle that is in his left hande, and sprinckle of the oyle with his finger seuen tymes before the Lorde 17 And of the rest of the oyle that is in his hande, shall the priest put vpon the tippe of the ryght eare of hym that is for to be clensed, and vpon the thumbe of his ryght hande, and vpon the great toe of his ryght foote, euen vpon the blood of the trespasse offeryng 18 And the remnaunt of the oyle that is in the priestes hande, he shal powre vpo the head of hym that is for to be clensed: and the priest shall make an attonement for hym before the Lorde 19 And the priest shall offer the sinne offeryng, and make an attonement for hym that is to be clensed from his vncleannesse, and then shall he kyll the burnt offeryng 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offeryng and the meate offeryng vpon the aulter: and the priest shall make an attonement for hym, & he shalbe cleane
DouayRheims(i) 14 And the priest taking of the blood of the victim that was immolated for trespass, shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand and the great toe of his right foot. 15 And he shall pour of the sextary of oil into his own left hand, 16 And shall dip his right finger in it, and sprinkle it before the Lord seven times. 17 And the rest of the oil in his left hand, he shall pour upon the tip of the right ear of him that is cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand and the great toe of his right foot, and upon the blood that was shed for trespass: 18 And upon his head. 19 And he shall pray for him before the Lord, and shall offer the sacrifice for sin. Then shall he immolate the holocaust. 20 And put it on the altar with the libations thereof: and the man shall be rightly cleansed.
KJV(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot: 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD: 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering: 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering: 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meat offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot: 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD: 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering: 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering: 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meat offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
  14 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take [H8804]   H1818 some of the blood H817 of the trespass offering H3548 , and the priest H5414 shall put [H8804]   H8571 it upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed [H8693]   H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot:
  15 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take [H8804]   H3849 some of the log H8081 of oil H3332 , and pour [H8804]   H3709 it into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand:
  16 H3548 And the priest H2881 shall dip [H8804]   H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand H5137 , and shall sprinkle [H8689]   H8081 of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the LORD:
  17 H3499 And of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H3548 shall the priest H5414 put [H8799]   H8571 upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed [H8693]   H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot H1818 , upon the blood H817 of the trespass offering:
  18 H3498 And the remnant [H8737]   H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 hand H5414 he shall pour [H8799]   H7218 upon the head H2891 of him that is to be cleansed [H8693]   H3548 : and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement [H8765]   H6440 for him before H3068 the LORD.
  19 H3548 And the priest H6213 shall offer [H8804]   H2403 the sin offering H3722 , and make an atonement [H8765]   H2891 for him that is to be cleansed [H8693]   H2932 from his uncleanness H310 ; and afterward H7819 he shall kill [H8799]   H5930 the burnt offering:
  20 H3548 And the priest H5927 shall offer [H8689]   H5930 the burnt offering H4503 and the meat offering H4196 upon the altar H3548 : and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement [H8765]   H2891 for him, and he shall be clean [H8804]  .
Thomson(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him who is cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot. 15 Then taking some of the cotulus of oil, the priest shall pour it into his own left hand, 16 and he shall dip his right finger into the oil which is in his left hand, and sprinkle it with his finger before the Lord seven times. 17 And the rest of the oil which is in his left hand the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him who is cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot on the place of the blood of the trespass offering. 18 And the oil still left in his hand the priest shall put on the head of him who is cleansed. So shall the priest make atonement for him before the Lord. 19 Then the priest shall prepare the sin offering, and make atonement for him who is cleansed, with his sin offering, and after that the priest shall kill the whole burnt offering. 20 And the priest shall offer up the whole burnt offering, and the sacrifice of flour, on the altar. So shall the priest make atonement for him, and he shall be cleansed.
Webster(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand, shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass-offering. 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin-offering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt-offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt-offering, and the meat-offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
  14 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H1818 some of the blood H817 of the trespass offering H3548 , and the priest H5414 [H8804] shall put H8571 it upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot:
  15 H3548 And the priest H3947 [H8804] shall take H3849 some of the log H8081 of oil H3332 [H8804] , and pour H3709 it into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand:
  16 H3548 And the priest H2881 [H8804] shall dip H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand H5137 [H8689] , and shall sprinkle H8081 of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the LORD:
  17 H3499 And of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H3548 shall the priest H5414 [H8799] put H8571 upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H931 , and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand H931 , and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot H1818 , upon the blood H817 of the trespass offering:
  18 H3498 [H8737] And the remnant H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 hand H5414 [H8799] he shall pour H7218 upon the head H2891 [H8693] of him that is to be cleansed H3548 : and the priest H3722 [H8765] shall make an atonement H6440 for him before H3068 the LORD.
  19 H3548 And the priest H6213 [H8804] shall offer H2403 the sin offering H3722 [H8765] , and make an atonement H2891 [H8693] for him that is to be cleansed H2932 from his uncleanness H310 ; and afterward H7819 [H8799] he shall kill H5930 the burnt offering:
  20 H3548 And the priest H5927 [H8689] shall offer H5930 the burnt offering H4503 and the meat offering H4196 upon the altar H3548 : and the priest H3722 [H8765] shall make an atonement H2891 [H8804] for him, and he shall be clean.
Brenton(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of the person under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the cup of oil, and shall pour it upon his own left hand. 16 And he shall dip with the finger of his right hand into some of the oil that is in his left hand, and he shall sprinkle with his finger seven times before the Lord. 17 And the remaining oil that is in his hand, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him that is under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the trespass-offering. 18 And the remaining oil that is on the hand of the priest, the priest shall put on the head of the cleansed leper, and the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord. 19 And the priest shall sacrifice the sin-offering, and the priest shall make atonement for the person under purification to cleanse him from his sin, and afterwards the priest shall slay the whole-burnt-offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the whole-burnt-offering, and the sacrifice upon the altar before the Lord; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be cleansed.
Brenton_Greek(i) 14 Καὶ λήψεται ὁ ἱερεὺς ἀπὸ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ τῆς πλημμελείας, καὶ ἐπιθήσει ὁ ἱερεὺς ἐπὶ τὸν λοβὸν τοῦ ὠτὸς τοῦ καθαριζομένου τοῦ δεξιοῦ, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἄκρον τῆς χειρὸς τῆς δεξιᾶς, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἄκρον τοῦ ποδὸς τοῦ δεξιοῦ. 15 Καὶ λαβὼν ὁ ἱερεὺς ἀπὸ τῆς κοτύλης τοῦ ἐλαίου, ἐπιχεεῖ ἐπὶ τὴν χεῖρα τοῦ ἱερέως τὴν ἀριστεράν. 16 Καὶ βάψει τὸν δάκτυλον τὸν δεξιὸν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐλαίου τοῦ ὄντος ἐπὶ τῆς χειρὸς αὐτοῦ τῆς ἀριστερᾶς· καὶ ῥανεῖ τῷ δακτύλῳ ἑπτάκις ἔναντι Κυρίου. 17 Τὸ δὲ καταλειφθὲν ἔλαιον τὸ ὂν ἐν τῇ χειρὶ, ἐπιθήσει ὁ ἱερεὺς ἐπὶ τὸν λοβὸν τοῦ ὠτὸς τοῦ καθαριζομένου τοῦ δεξιοῦ, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἄκρον τῆς χειρὸς τῆς δεξιᾶς, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἄκρον τοῦ ποδὸς τοῦ δεξιοῦ, ἐπὶ τὸν τόπον τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ τῆς πλημμελείας. 18 Τὸ δὲ καταλειφθὲν ἔλαιον τὸ ἐπὶ τῆς χειρὸς τοῦ ἱερέως, ἐπιθήσει ὁ ἱερεὺς ἐπὶ τὴν κεφαλὴν τοῦ καθαρισθέντος· καὶ ἐξιλάσεται περὶ αὐτοῦ ὁ ἱερεὺς ἔναντι Κυρίου. 19 Καὶ ποιήσει ὁ ἱερεὺς τὸ περὶ τῆς ἁμαρτίας, καὶ ἐξιλάσεται ὁ ἱερεὺς περὶ τοῦ καθαριζομένου ἀπὸ τῆς ἁμαρτίας αὐτοῦ· καὶ μετά τοῦτο σφάξει ὁ ἱερεὺς τὸ ὁλοκαύτωμα. 20 Καὶ ἀνοίσει ὁ ἱερεὺς τὸ ὁλοκαύτωμα, καὶ τὴν θυσίαν ἐπὶ τὸ θυσιαστήριον ἔναντι Κυρίου· καὶ ἐξιλάσεται περὶ αὐτοῦ ὁ ἱερεὺς, καὶ καθαρισθήσεται.
Leeser(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass-offering; and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. 16 And the priest shall dip his finger of the right hand in the oil that is in his left hand, and he shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the Lord. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass-offering. 18 And what is left of the oil that is in the priest’s hand, he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall thus make an atonement for him before the Lord. 19 And the priest shall prepare the sin-offering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward shall he kill the burnt-offering: 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt-offering and the meat-offering upon the altar; and the priest shall thus make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
YLT(i) 14 `And the priest hath taken of the blood of the guilt-offering, and the priest hath put on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot; 15 and the priest hath taken of the log of oil, and hath poured on the left palm of the priest, 16 and the priest hath dipped his right finger in the oil which is on his left palm, and hath sprinkled of the oil with his finger seven times before Jehovah. 17 `And of the residue of the oil which is on his palm, the priest putteth on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the blood of the guilt-offering; 18 and the remnant of the oil which is on the palm of the priest, he putteth on the head of him who is to be cleansed, and the priest hath made atonement for him before Jehovah. 19 `And the priest hath made the sin-offering, and hath made atonement for him who is to be cleansed from his uncleanness, and afterwards he doth slaughter the burnt-offering; 20 and the priest hath caused the burnt-offering to ascend, also the present, on the altar, and the priest hath made atonement for him, and he hath been clean.
JuliaSmith(i) 14 And the priest took from the blood of the trespass, and the priest gave upon the extremity of the right ear of him being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot 15 And the priest took from the measure of oil, and poured upon the priest's left hand. 16 And the priest dipped his right finger from the oil which upon his left hand, and he sprinkled from the oil with his finger, seven times before Jehovah. 17 And from the remainder of the oil which was upon his hand, the priest will give upon the extremity of the right ear of hint being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass. 18 And that remaining of the oil which was upon the priest's hand, he will give upon the head of him being cleansed, and the priest expiated for him before Jehovah. 19 And the priest did the sin, and expiated for him being cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterwards he will slaughter the burnt-offering. 20 And the priest brought up the burnt-offering and the gift upon the altar: and the priest expiated for him, and he was cleansed.
Darby(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the log of oil, and pour it into his, the priest`s, left hand; 16 and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before Jehovah. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass-offering. 18 And the remainder of the oil that is in the priest`s hand he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed, and the priest shall make atonement for him before Jehovah. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin-offering, and make atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterwards shall he slaughter the burnt-offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt-offering and the oblation upon the altar; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
ERV(i) 14 and the priest shall take of the blood of the guilt offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot: 15 and the priest shall take of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD: 17 and of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the guilt offering: 18 and the rest of the oil that is in the priest’s hand he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make atonement for him that is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering: 20 and the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meal offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
ASV(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand; 16 and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before Jehovah. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass-offering: 18 and the rest of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make atonement for him before Jehovah. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin-offering, and make atonement for him that is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness: and afterward he shall kill the burnt-offering; 20 and the priest shall offer the burnt-offering and the meal-offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
  14 H3548 and the priest H3947 shall take H1818 of the blood H817 of the trespass-offering, H3548 and the priest H5414 shall put H8571 it upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot.
  15 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take H3849 of the log H8081 of oil, H3332 and pour H3709 it into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand;
  16 H3548 and the priest H2881 shall dip H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand, H5137 and shall sprinkle H8081 of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 Jehovah:
  17 H3499 and of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H3548 shall the priest H5414 put H8571 upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot, H1818 upon the blood H817 of the trespass-offering:
  18 H3498 and the rest H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 hand H5414 he shall put H7218 upon the head H2891 of him that is to be cleansed: H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make atonement H6440 for him before H3068 Jehovah.
  19 H3548 And the priest H6213 shall offer H2403 the sin-offering, H3722 and make atonement H2891 for him that is to be cleansed H2932 because of his uncleanness: H310 and afterward H7819 he shall kill H5930 the burnt-offering;
  20 H3548 and the priest H5927 shall offer H5930 the burnt-offering H5930 and the meal-offering H4196 upon the altar: H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make atonement H2891 for him, and he shall be clean.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the guilt-offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the guilt-offering. 18 And the rest of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed; and the priest shall make atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin-offering, and make atonement for him that is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt-offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt-offering and the meal-offering upon the altar; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
Rotherham(i) 14 Then shall the priest take of the blood of the guilt–bearer, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed,––and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot; 15 and the priest shall take of the log of oil,––and shall pour it upon the palm of the priest’s left hand, 16 and the priest shall dip his right finger [and take] of the oil that is on the palm of his left hand,––and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times, before Yahweh: 17 and, of the remainder of the oil which is on the palm of his hand, shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot,––upon the blood of the guilt–bearer; 18 and, that which remaineth of the oil that is on the palm of the priest’s hand, he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed,––so shall the priest put a propitiatory–covering over him, before Yahweh. 19 Then shall the priest offer the sin–bearer, and shall put a propitiatory–covering over him that is to be cleansed, because of his uncleanness,––and, afterwards, shall he slay the ascending–sacrifice. 20 And the priest shall cause the ascending–sacrifice, and the meal–offering to ascend at the altar,––so shall the priest put a propitiatory–covering over him, and he shall be clean.
CLV(i) 14 The priest will take some of the blood of the guilt offering, and the priest will put it on the lobe of the right ear of the one cleansing himself, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 Then the priest will take some of the log of oil and pour it on the priest's left palm. 16 The priest will dip his right finger into the oil which is on his left palm and spatter some of the oil with his finger seven times before Yahweh. 17 Some of the oil which is left on his palm the priest shall put on the lobe of the right ear of the one cleansing himself, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot, over the blood of the guilt offering. 18 And the rest of the oil which is on the palm of the priest shall he put on the head of the one cleansing himself. Thus the priest will make a propitiatory shelter over him before Yahweh. 19 Then the priest will make the sin offering, make a propitiatory shelter over the one cleansing himself from his uncleanness, and afterward slay the ascent offering. 20 The priest will bring up the ascent offering and the approach present on the altar before Yahweh. When the priest makes a propitiatory shelter over him, then he will be clean.
BBE(i) 14 And let the priest take some of the blood of the offering for wrongdoing and put it on the point of the right ear of him who is to be made clean, and on the thumb of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot; 15 And take some of the oil and put it in the hollow of his left hand; 16 And let the priest put his right finger in the oil which is in his left hand, shaking it out with his finger seven times before the Lord; 17 And of the rest of the oil which is in his hand, the priest will put some on the point of the right ear of the man who is to be made clean, and on the thumb of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot, over the blood of the offering for wrongdoing; 18 And the rest of the oil in the priest's hand he will put on the head of him who is to be made clean; and so the priest will make him free from sin before the Lord. 19 And the priest will give the sin-offering, and take away the sin of him who is to be made clean from his unclean condition; and after that he will put the burned offering to death. 20 And the priest is to have the burned offering and the meal offering burned on the altar; and the priest will take away his sin and he will be clean.
MKJV(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take from the log of oil and pour into the palm of his own left hand. 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil in his left hand and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before Jehovah. 17 And of the rest of the oil in his hand, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on the blood of the trespass offering. 18 And the rest of the oil in the priest's palm he shall pour on the head of him that is to be cleansed. And the priest shall make an atonement for him before Jehovah. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness. And afterward he shall kill the burnt offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the food offering on the altar. And the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
LITV(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the guilt offering; and the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the log of oil and shall pour on the left palm of the priest. 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil on his left palm and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before Jehovah. 17 And of the rest of the oil on his palm, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on the blood of the guilt offering; 18 and the rest of the oil on the palm of the priest, he shall put on the head of him who is to be cleansed. And the priest shall make atonement for him before Jehovah. 19 And the priest shall make a sin offering, and shall atone for him who is to be cleansed from his uncleanness. And afterwards he shall slaughter the burnt offering; 20 and the priest shall offer the burnt offering, and the food offering, on the altar; and the priest shall make atonement for him; and he shall be clean.
ECB(i) 14 and the priest takes of the blood of that for the guilt and the priest gives it on the tip of the right ear of him to be purified - and on the great digit of his right hand and on the great digit of his right foot: 15 and the priest takes of the log of oil and pours it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 and the priest dips his right finger in the oil in his left palm and sprinkles of the oil with his finger seven times at the face of Yah Veh: 17 and of the remainder of the oil in his palm the priest gives on the tip of the right ear of him to be purified and on the great digit of his right hand and on the great digit of his right foot on the blood of that for the guilt: 18 and what remains of the oil in the palm of the priest he gives on the head of him to be purified: and the priest kapars/atones for him at the face of Yah Veh: 19 and the priest works that for the sin and kapars/atones for him to be purified from his foulness: and afterward he slaughters the holocaust: 20 and the priest holocausts the holocaust and the offering on the sacrifice altar: and the priest kapars/atones for him and he purifies.
ACV(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before LORD. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand the priest shall put upon the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering. 18 And the rest of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall put upon the head of him who is to be cleansed, and the priest shall make atonement for him before LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make atonement for him who is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness, and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meal offering upon the altar, and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
WEB(i) 14 The priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 The priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. 16 The priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle some of the oil with his finger seven times before Yahweh. 17 The priest shall put some of the rest of the oil that is in his hand on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering. 18 The rest of the oil that is in the priest’s hand he shall put on the head of him who is to be cleansed, and the priest shall make atonement for him before Yahweh. 19 “The priest shall offer the sin offering, and make atonement for him who is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness. Afterward he shall kill the burnt offering; 20 then the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meal offering on the altar. The priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
  14 H3548 The priest H3947 shall take H1818 some of the blood H817 of the trespass offering, H3548 and the priest H5414 shall put H8571 it on the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him who is to be cleansed, H931 and on the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and on the big toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot.
  15 H3548 The priest H3947 shall take H3849 some of the log H8081 of oil, H3332 and pour H3709 it into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand.
  16 H3548 The priest H2881 shall dip H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand, H5137 and shall sprinkle H8081 some of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 Yahweh.
  17 H3548 The priest H5414 shall put H3499 some of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H8571 on the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him who is to be cleansed, H931 and on the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and on the big toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot, H1818 upon the blood H817 of the trespass offering.
  18 H3498 The rest H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 hand H5414 he shall put H7218 on the head H2891 of him who is to be cleansed, H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make atonement H6440 for him before H3068 Yahweh.
  19 H3548 "The priest H6213 shall offer H2403 the sin offering, H3722 and make atonement H2891 for him who is to be cleansed H2932 because of his uncleanness: H310 and afterward H7819 he shall kill H5930 the burnt offering;
  20 H3548 and the priest H5927 shall offer H5930 the burnt offering H4503 and the meal offering H4196 on the altar. H3548 The priest H3722 shall make atonement H2891 for him, and he shall be clean.
NHEB(i) 14 The priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 The priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. 16 The priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle some of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD. 17 The priest shall put some of the rest of the oil that is in his hand on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering. 18 The rest of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall put on the head of him who is to be cleansed, and the priest shall make atonement for him before the LORD. 19 "The priest shall offer the sin offering, and make atonement for him who is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness: and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering; 20 and the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meal offering on the altar. The priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
AKJV(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot: 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD: 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the blood of the trespass offering: 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall pour on the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering: 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meat offering on the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
  14 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take H1818 some of the blood H817 of the trespass H3548 offering, and the priest H5414 shall put H8571 it on the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and on the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and on the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot:
  15 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take H3849 some of the log H8081 of oil, H3332 and pour H5921 it into H3709 the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left H8042 hand:
  16 H3548 And the priest H2881 shall dip H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand, H5137 and shall sprinkle H8081 of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the LORD:
  17 H3499 And of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H3548 shall the priest H5414 put H8571 on the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and on the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and on the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot, H1818 on the blood H817 of the trespass offering:
  18 H3498 And the remnant H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest’s H3709 hand H5414 he shall pour H7218 on the head H2891 of him that is to be cleansed: H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H6440 for him before H3068 the LORD.
  19 H3548 And the priest H6213 shall offer H2403 the sin H3722 offering, and make an atonement H2891 for him that is to be cleansed H2932 from his uncleanness; H310 and afterward H7819 he shall kill H5930 the burnt offering:
  20 H3548 And the priest H5927 shall offer H5930 the burnt H4503 offering H4196 and the meat offering on the altar: H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H2891 for him, and he shall be clean.
KJ2000(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot: 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle some of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD: 17 And some of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering: 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering: 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the grain offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
UKJV(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot: 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD: 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering: 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering: 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the food offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean.
  14 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take H1818 some of the blood H817 of the trespass offering, H3548 and the priest H5414 shall put H8571 it upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot:
  15 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take H3849 some of the log H8081 of oil, H3332 and pour H3709 it into the palm H3548 of his own H8042 left hand:
  16 H3548 And the priest H2881 shall dip H3233 his right H676 finger H8081 in the oil H8042 that is in his left H3709 hand, H5137 and shall sprinkle H8081 of the oil H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H6440 before H3068 the Lord:
  17 H3499 And of the rest H8081 of the oil H3709 that is in his hand H3548 shall the priest H5414 put H8571 upon the tip H3233 of the right H241 ear H2891 of him that is to be cleansed, H931 and upon the thumb H3233 of his right H3027 hand, H931 and upon the great toe H3233 of his right H7272 foot, H1818 upon the blood H817 of the trespass offering:
  18 H3498 And the remnant H8081 of the oil H3548 that is in the priest's H3709 hand H5414 he shall pour H7218 upon the head H2891 of him that is to be cleansed: H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H6440 for him before H3068 the Lord.
  19 H3548 And the priest H6213 shall offer H2403 the sin offering, H3722 and make an atonement H2891 for him that is to be cleansed H2932 from his uncleanness; H310 and afterward H7819 he shall kill H5930 the burnt offering:
  20 H3548 And the priest H5927 shall offer H5930 the burnt offering H4503 and the food offering H4196 upon the altar: H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H2891 for him, and he shall be clean.
EJ2000(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the expiation for the guilt, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of the one that is to be purified and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot. 15 Likewise the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand; 16 and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD. 17 And of that which is left of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of the one that is to be purified and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the expiation for the guilt; 18 and that which is left of the oil that is in the priest’s hand, he shall pour upon the head of the one that is to be purified; and thus shall the priest reconcile him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin and reconcile the one that is to be purified from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering. 20 And the priest shall cause the burnt offering and the present to be lifted upon the altar, and thus shall the priest reconcile him, and he shall be clean.
CAB(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of the person under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the cup of oil, and shall pour it upon his own left hand. 16 And he shall dip with the finger of his right hand into some of the oil that is in his left hand, and he shall sprinkle with his finger seven times before the Lord. 17 And the remaining oil that is in his hand, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him that is under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the trespass-offering. 18 And the remaining oil that is on the hand of the priest, the priest shall put on the head of the cleansed leper, and the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord. 19 And the priest shall sacrifice the sin-offering, and the priest shall make atonement for the person under purification to cleanse him from his sin, and afterwards the priest shall slay the whole burnt offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the whole burnt offering, and the sacrifice upon the altar before the Lord; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be cleansed.
LXX2012(i) 14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of the person under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot. 15 And the priest shall take of the cup of oil, and shall pour it upon his own left hand. 16 And he shall dip with the finger of his right hand [into] some of the oil that is in his left hand, and he shall sprinkle with his finger seven times before the Lord. 17 And the remaining oil that is in his hand, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him that is under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the trespass-offering. 18 And the remaining oil that is on the hand of the priest, the priest shall put on the head of the cleansed [leper], and the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord. 19 And the priest shall sacrifice the sin-offering, and the priest shall make atonement for the person under purification [to cleanse him] from his sin, and afterwards the priest shall kill the whole burnt offering. 20 And the priest shall offer the whole burnt offering, and the sacrifice upon the altar before the Lord; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be cleansed.
NSB(i) 14 »The priest will take some of the blood from the guilt offering and put it on the right ear lobe, on the right thumb, and on the big toe of the right foot of the one to be cleansed. 15 »The priest will also take some of the olive oil and pour it into his own left hand. 16 »He will dip his right finger in the oil in his left hand, and with his finger sprinkle some of the oil seven times in Jehovah’s presence. 17 »The priest will put some of the oil that is still in his hand on the right ear lobe, on the right thumb, and on the big toe of the right foot of the one to be cleansed. These are the same places he had put the blood of the guilt offering. 18 »The priest will put the rest of the oil in his hand on the head of the one to be cleansed. So he will pay compensation for wrongdoing and make peace with Jehovah for that person in Jehovah’s presence. 19 »The priest will also sacrifice the offering for sin to make peace with Jehovah for the one who is being cleansed from his impurity. After that, he will slaughter the burnt offering. 20 »He will sacrifice the burnt offering and the grain offering on the altar. So the priest will pay compensation for the wrong and make peace with Jehovah for that person. The person who had the skin disease will be clean.
ISV(i) 14 “Then the priest is to take some of the blood from the guilt offering and place it on the right earlobe of the person to be cleansed, on his right thumb, and on his right great toe. 15 Then the priest is to take some of the log of olive oil and pour it into his own left hand. 16 The priest is to dip his right finger in the olive oil that is in his left palm and sprinkle some of the olive oil with his finger seven times in the LORD’s presence.
17 “As to the remainder of the olive oil in his palm, he is to place some on the right earlobe of the person to be cleansed, on his right thumb, on his right great toe, and on the blood of the guilt offering. 18 Then he is to place the rest of the oil in his palm on the head of the person to be cleansed, thus making atonement for him in the LORD’s presence. 19 This is how the priest is to present the sin offering to make atonement for the person being cleansed of his impurity. After this, he is to slaughter the whole burnt offering. 20 The priest is to offer both the whole burnt and the grain offerings on the altar. After the priest makes atonement for him, he will be clean.”
LEB(i) 14 And the priest shall take some of* the guilt offering's blood, and the priest shall put it* on the right ear's lobe of the one who presents himself for cleansing and on his right hand's thumb and on his right foot's big toe. 15 And the priest shall take some of* the log of oil, and he shall pour it* on his* left palm; 16 and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is on his left palm, and he shall spatter some of* the oil with his finger seven times before* Yahweh. 17 Then* the priest shall put some of* the remaining oil, which is on his palm, on the right ear's lobe of the one to be cleansed and on his right hand's thumb and on his right foot's big toe, on top of the guilt offering's blood.* 18 And the remaining oil that is on the priest's palm he shall put on the head of the one who presents himself for cleansing, and the priest shall make atonement for him before* Yahweh. 19 Thus* the priest shall sacrifice* the sin offering, and he shall make atonement for the one who presents himself for cleansing from his uncleanness, and afterward he shall slaughter the burnt offering. 20 Then* the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the grain offering on the altar, and the priest shall make atonement for him, and so he shall be clean.
BSB(i) 14 The priest is to take some of the blood from the guilt offering and put it on the right earlobe of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 Then the priest shall take some of the log of olive oil, pour it into his left palm, 16 dip his right forefinger into the oil in his left palm, and sprinkle some of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD. 17 And the priest is to put some of the oil remaining in his palm on the right earlobe of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on top of the blood of the guilt offering. 18 The rest of the oil in his palm, the priest is to put on the head of the one to be cleansed, to make atonement for him before the LORD. 19 Then the priest is to sacrifice the sin offering and make atonement for the one to be cleansed from his uncleanness. After that, the priest shall slaughter the burnt offering 20 and offer it on the altar, with the grain offering, to make atonement for him, and he will be clean.
MSB(i) 14 The priest is to take some of the blood from the guilt offering and put it on the right earlobe of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 Then the priest shall take some of the log of olive oil, pour it into his left palm, 16 dip his right forefinger into the oil in his left palm, and sprinkle some of the oil with his finger seven times before the LORD. 17 And the priest is to put some of the oil remaining in his palm on the right earlobe of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on top of the blood of the guilt offering. 18 The rest of the oil in his palm, the priest is to put on the head of the one to be cleansed, to make atonement for him before the LORD. 19 Then the priest is to sacrifice the sin offering and make atonement for the one to be cleansed from his uncleanness. After that, the priest shall slaughter the burnt offering 20 and offer it on the altar, with the grain offering, to make atonement for him, and he will be clean.
MLV(i) 14 And the priest will take of the blood of the trespass offering and the priest will put it upon the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot.
15 And the priest will take of the log of oil and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. 16 And the priest will dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand and will sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before Jehovah. 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand the priest will put upon the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering. 18 And the rest of the oil that is in the priest's hand he will put upon the head of him who is to be cleansed and the priest will make atonement for him before Jehovah.
19 And the priest will offer the sin offering and make atonement for him who is to be cleansed because of his uncleanness and afterward he will kill the burnt offering. 20 And the priest will offer the burnt offering and the meal offering upon the altar and the priest will make atonement for him and he will be clean.
VIN(i) 14 The priest will take some of the blood of the guilt offering, and the priest will put it on the lobe of the right ear of the one cleansing himself, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot. 15 The priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. 16 "He will dip his right finger in the oil in his left hand, and with his finger sprinkle some of the oil seven times in the LORD's presence. 17 The priest shall put some of the rest of the oil that is in his hand on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering. 18 and the rest of the oil on the palm of the priest, he shall put on the head of him who is to be cleansed. And the priest shall make atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the priest shall offer the sin-offering, and make atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterwards shall he slaughter the burnt-offering. 20 And put it on the altar with the libations thereof: and the man shall be rightly cleansed.
Luther1545(i) 14 Und der Priester soll des Bluts nehmen vom Schuldopfer und dem Gereinigten auf den Knorpel des rechten Ohrs tun und auf den Daumen seiner rechten Hand und auf den großen Zehen seines rechten Fußes. 15 Danach soll er des Öls aus dem Log nehmen und in seine (des Priesters) linke Hand gießen, 16 und mit seinem rechten Finger in das Öl tunken, das in seiner linken Hand ist, und sprengen mit seinem Finger das Öl siebenmal vor dem HERRN. 17 Das übrige Öl aber in seiner Hand soll er dem Gereinigten auf den Knorpel des rechten Ohrs tun und auf den rechten Daumen und auf den großen Zehen seines rechten Fußes, oben auf das Blut des Schuldopfers. 18 Das übrige Öl aber in seiner Hand soll er auf des Gereinigten Haupt tun und ihn versöhnen vor dem HERRN. 19 Und soll das Sündopfer machen und den Gereinigten versöhnen seiner Unreinigkeit halben; und soll danach das Brandopfer schlachten 20 und soll es auf dem Altar opfern samt dem Speisopfer und ihn versöhnen, so ist er rein.
  14 H3548 Und H1818 der Priester soll des Bluts H3947 nehmen H817 vom Schuldopfer H3548 und H2891 dem Gereinigten H8571 auf den Knorpel H3233 des rechten H241 Ohrs H5414 tun H931 und auf den Daumen H3233 seiner rechten H3027 Hand H3233 und auf den großen Zehen seines rechten H7272 Fußes .
  15 H8081 Danach soll er des Öls H3849 aus dem Log H3947 nehmen H3548 und H3548 in seine [des Priesters H3709 ] linke Hand H3332 gießen,
  16 H3548 und H3233 mit seinem rechten H676 Finger H8081 in das Öl H8042 tunken, das in seiner linken Hand H7651 ist, und H5137 sprengen H3709 mit seinem Finger H8081 das Öl H6440 siebenmal vor H3068 dem HErrn .
  17 H3499 Das übrige H8081 Öl H3709 aber in seiner Hand H3027 soll er H2891 dem Gereinigten H8571 auf den Knorpel H3233 des rechten H241 Ohrs H5414 tun H3548 und H3233 auf den rechten H931 Daumen H3233 und auf den großen Zehen seines rechten H7272 Fußes H1818 , oben auf das Blut H817 des Schuldopfers .
  18 H3498 Das übrige H8081 Öl H3709 aber in seiner Hand H3548 soll er H6440 auf H2891 des Gereinigten H7218 Haupt H5414 tun H3548 und H3722 ihn versöhnen H3068 vor dem HErrn .
  19 H3548 Und H2403 soll das Sündopfer H6213 machen H310 und H2891 den Gereinigten H3722 versöhnen H2932 seiner Unreinigkeit H5930 halben; und soll danach das Brandopfer H7819 schlachten
  20 H3548 und H5930 soll es H5927 auf H4196 dem Altar H4503 opfern samt dem Speisopfer H3548 und H3722 ihn versöhnen H2891 , so ist er rein .
Luther1912(i) 14 Und der Priester soll von dem Blut nehmen vom Schuldopfer und dem Gereinigten auf den Knorpel des rechten Ohrs tun und auf den Daumen seiner rechten Hand und auf die große Zehe seines rechten Fußes. 15 Darnach soll er von dem Log Öl nehmen und es in seine, des Priesters, linke Hand gießen 16 und mit seinem rechten Finger in das Öl tauchen, das in seiner linken Hand ist, und sprengen vom Öl mit seinem Finger siebenmal vor dem HERRN. 17 Vom übrigen Öl aber in seiner Hand soll er dem Gereinigten auf den Knorpel des rechten Ohrs tun und auf den rechten Daumen und auf die große Zehe seines rechten Fußes, oben auf das Blut des Schuldopfers. 18 Das übrige Öl aber in seiner Hand soll er auf des Gereinigten Haupt tun und ihn versöhnen vor dem HERRN. 19 Und soll das Sündopfer machen und den Gereinigten versöhnen seiner Unreinigkeit halben; und soll darnach das Brandopfer schlachten 20 und soll es auf dem Altar opfern samt dem Speisopfer und ihn versöhnen, so ist er rein.
  14 H3548 Und der Priester H1818 soll von dem Blut H3947 nehmen H817 vom Schuldopfer H2891 und dem Gereinigten H8571 auf den Knorpel H3233 des rechten H241 Ohrs H5414 tun H931 und auf den Daumen H3233 seiner rechten H3027 Hand H931 und auf die große Zehe H3233 seines rechten H7272 Fußes .
  15 H3947 Darnach soll H3849 er von dem Log H8081 Öl H3947 nehmen H3548 und es in seine H3548 , des Priesters H8042 H3709 , linke Hand H3332 gießen
  16 H3548 und mit seinem H3233 rechten H676 Finger H8081 in das Öl H2881 tauchen H8042 , das in seiner linken H3709 Hand H5137 ist, und sprengen H8081 vom Öl H676 mit seinem Finger H7651 H6471 siebenmal H6440 vor H3068 dem HERRN .
  17 H3499 Vom übrigen H8081 Öl H3709 aber in seiner Hand H3548 soll er H2891 dem Gereinigten H8571 auf den Knorpel H3233 des rechten H241 Ohrs H5414 tun H3233 und auf den rechten H931 H3027 Daumen H931 und auf die große Zehe H3233 seines rechten H7272 Fußes H1818 , oben auf das Blut H817 des Schuldopfers .
  18 H3498 Das übrige H8081 Öl H3548 aber in seiner H3709 Hand H2891 soll er auf des Gereinigten H7218 Haupt H5414 tun H3722 und ihn versöhnen H6440 vor H3068 dem HERRN .
  19 H6213 Und soll H2403 das Sündopfer H6213 machen H2891 und den Gereinigten H3722 versöhnen H2932 seiner Unreinigkeit H310 halben; und soll darnach H5930 das Brandopfer H7819 schlachten
  20 H5927 und soll H4196 es auf dem Altar H5930 H5927 opfern H4503 samt dem Speisopfer H3548 H3722 und ihn versöhnen H2891 , so ist er rein .
ELB1871(i) 14 Und der Priester nehme von dem Blute des Schuldopfers, und der Priester tue es auf das rechte Ohrläppchen dessen, der zu reinigen ist, und auf den Daumen seiner rechten Hand und auf die große Zehe seines rechten Fußes. 15 Und der Priester nehme von dem Log Öl und gieße es in seine linke Hand; 16 und der Priester tauche seinen rechten Finger in das Öl, das in seiner linken Hand ist, und sprenge von dem Öle mit seinem Finger siebenmal vor Jehova. 17 Und von dem Übrigen des Öles, das in seiner Hand ist, soll der Priester auf das rechte Ohrläppchen dessen tun, der zu reinigen ist, und auf den Daumen seiner rechten Hand und auf die große Zehe seines rechten Fußes, auf das Blut des Schuldopfers. 18 Und das Übrige des Öles, das in der Hand des Priesters ist, soll er auf das Haupt dessen tun, der zu reinigen ist; und der Priester soll Sühnung für ihn tun vor Jehova. 19 Und der Priester soll das Sündopfer opfern und Sühnung tun für den, der von seiner Unreinheit zu reinigen ist; und danach soll er das Brandopfer schlachten. 20 Und der Priester soll das Brandopfer und das Speisopfer auf dem Altar opfern. Und so tue der Priester Sühnung für ihn; und er ist rein.
ELB1905(i) 14 Und der Priester nehme von dem Blute des Schuldopfers, und der Priester tue es auf das rechte Ohrläppchen dessen, der zu reinigen ist, und auf den Daumen seiner rechten Hand und auf die große Zehe seines rechten Fußes. 15 Und der Priester nehme von dem Log Öl und gieße es in seine linke Hand; W. des Priesters; so auch [V. 26] 16 und der Priester tauche seinen rechten Finger in das Öl, das in seiner linken Hand ist, und sprenge von dem Öle mit seinem Finger siebenmal vor Jahwe. 17 Und von dem Übrigen des Öles, das in seiner Hand ist, soll der Priester auf das rechte Ohrläppchen dessen tun, der zu reinigen ist, und auf den Daumen seiner rechten Hand und auf die große Zehe seines rechten Fußes, auf das Blut des Schuldopfers. 18 Und das Übrige des Öles, das in der Hand des Priesters ist, soll er auf das Haupt dessen tun, der zu reinigen ist; und der Priester soll Sühnung für ihn tun vor Jahwe. 19 Und der Priester soll das Sündopfer opfern und Sühnung tun für den, der von seiner Unreinheit zu reinigen ist; und danach soll er das Brandopfer schlachten. 20 Und der Priester soll das Brandopfer und das Speisopfer auf dem Altar opfern. Und so tue der Priester Sühnung für ihn; und er ist rein.
  14 H3548 Und der Priester H817 nehme von dem Blute des Schuldopfers H3548 , und der Priester H3233 tue es auf das rechte H2891 Ohrläppchen dessen, der zu reinigen H3947 ist H931 , und auf den Daumen H3233 seiner rechten H3027 Hand H3233 und auf die große Zehe seines rechten H7272 Fußes .
  15 H3548 Und der Priester H3947 nehme H3849 von dem Log H8081 Öl H3332 und gieße H3709 es in seine linke Hand;
  16 H3548 und der Priester H2881 tauche H3233 seinen rechten H676 Finger H8081 in das Öl H8042 , das in seiner linken Hand H5137 ist, und sprenge H6440 von H3709 dem Öle mit seinem Finger H7651 siebenmal H3068 vor Jehova .
  17 H3499 Und von dem Übrigen H3709 des Öles, das in seiner Hand H2891 ist H3548 , soll der Priester H3233 auf das rechte H5414 Ohrläppchen dessen tun H931 , der zu reinigen ist, und auf den Daumen H3233 seiner rechten H3027 Hand H3233 und auf die große Zehe seines rechten H7272 Fußes H1818 , auf das Blut H817 des Schuldopfers .
  18 H3498 Und das Übrige H3709 des Öles, das in der Hand H3548 des Priesters H2891 ist H6440 , soll er auf H7218 das Haupt H5414 dessen tun H3548 , der zu reinigen ist; und der Priester H3722 soll Sühnung H3068 für ihn tun vor Jehova .
  19 H310 Und H3548 der Priester H2403 soll das Sündopfer H3722 opfern und Sühnung H6213 tun H2932 für den, der von seiner Unreinheit H2891 zu reinigen ist H5930 ; und danach soll er das Brandopfer H7819 schlachten .
  20 H3548 Und der Priester H5930 soll das Brandopfer H4503 und das Speisopfer H5927 auf H4196 dem Altar H3548 opfern. Und so tue der Priester H3722 Sühnung H2891 für ihn; und er ist rein .
DSV(i) 14 En de priester zal van het bloed des schuldoffers nemen, hetwelk de priester doen zal op het lapje van het rechteroor desgenen, die te reinigen is, en op den duim zijner rechterhand, en op den groten teen zijns rechtervoets. 15 De priester zal ook uit den log der olie nemen, en zal ze op des priesters linkerhand gieten. 16 Dan zal de priester zijn rechtervinger indopen, nemende van die olie, die in zijn linkerhand is, en zal met zijn vinger van die olie zevenmaal sprengen, voor het aangezicht des HEEREN. 17 En van het overige van die olie, die in zijn hand zal zijn, zal de priester doen op het lapje van het rechteroor desgenen, die te reinigen is, en op den duim zijner rechterhand, en op den groten teen zijns rechtervoets, boven op het bloed des schuldoffers. 18 Dat nog overgebleven zal zijn van die olie, die in de hand des priesters geweest is, zal hij doen op het hoofd desgenen, die te reinigen is; zo zal de priester over hem verzoening doen voor het aangezicht des HEEREN. 19 De priester zal ook het zondoffer bereiden, en voor hem, die van zijn onreinigheid te reinigen is, verzoening doen; en daarna zal hij het brandoffer slachten. 20 En de priester zal dat brandoffer en dat spijsoffer op het altaar offeren; zo zal de priester de verzoening voor hem doen, en hij zal rein zijn.
  14 H3548 En de priester H1818 zal van het bloed H817 des schuldoffers H3947 H8804 nemen H3548 , hetwelk de priester H5414 H8804 doen zal H8571 op het lapje H3233 H241 van het rechteroor H2891 H8693 desgenen, die te reinigen is H931 , en op den duim H3233 H3027 zijner rechterhand H931 , en op den groten teen H3233 H7272 zijns rechtervoets.
  15 H3548 De priester H3849 zal ook uit den log H8081 der olie H3947 H8804 nemen H3548 , en zal ze op des priesters H3709 H8042 linkerhand H3332 H8804 gieten.
  16 H3548 Dan zal de priester H3233 H676 zijn rechtervinger H2881 H8804 indopen H8081 , [nemende] van die olie H8042 H3709 , die in zijn linkerhand H676 is, en zal met zijn vinger H8081 van die olie H7651 H6471 zevenmaal H5137 H8689 sprengen H6440 , voor het aangezicht H3068 des HEEREN.
  17 H3499 En van het overige H8081 van die olie H3709 , die in zijn hand H3548 zal zijn, zal de priester H5414 H8799 doen H8571 op het lapje H3233 H241 van het rechteroor H2891 H8693 desgenen, die te reinigen is H931 , en op den duim H3233 H3027 zijner rechterhand H931 , en op den groten teen H3233 H7272 zijns rechtervoets H1818 , boven op het bloed H817 des schuldoffers.
  18 H3498 H8737 Dat nog overgebleven zal zijn H8081 van die olie H3709 , die in de hand H3548 des priesters H5414 H8799 geweest is, zal hij doen H7218 op het hoofd H2891 H8693 desgenen, die te reinigen is H3548 ; zo zal de priester H3722 H8765 over hem verzoening doen H6440 voor het aangezicht H3068 des HEEREN.
  19 H3548 De priester H2403 zal ook het zondoffer H6213 H8804 bereiden H2932 , en voor hem, die van zijn onreinigheid H2891 H8693 te reinigen is H3722 H8765 , verzoening doen H310 ; en daarna H5930 zal hij het brandoffer H7819 H8799 slachten.
  20 H3548 En de priester H5930 zal dat brandoffer H4503 en dat spijsoffer H4196 op het altaar H5927 H8689 offeren H3548 ; zo zal de priester H3722 H8765 de verzoening voor hem doen H2891 H8804 , en hij zal rein zijn.
Giguet(i) 14 Le prêtre prendra du sang de la victime pour le délit, et il en mettra sur l’oreille droite du purifié et sur l’extrémité de sa main droite, et sur l’extrémité de son pied droit. 15 Ensuite le prêtre, ayant pris la mesure d’huile, en versera dans sa main gauche; 16 Il trempera le doigt de la main droite dans l’huile de la main gauche, et il fera sept aspersions devant le Seigneur. Quant à l’huile restée dans sa main gauche, 17 Il en mettra sur le lobe de l’oreille droite du purifié, et sur l’extrémité de sa main droite, et sur l’extrémité de son pied droit, comme il a mis du sang de la victime. 18 Puis, il répandra le reste de l’huile qu’il aura dans la main sur la tête du purifié, et il priera pour lui devant le Seigneur. 19 Après cela, le prêtre fera le sacrifice pour le péché, et il priera pour celui qui est purifié de son péché. Et le prêtre égorgera l’holocauste; 20 Il portera l’holocauste et le sacrifice sur l’autel devant le Seigneur; et il priera pour l’homme, et celui-ci sera purifié.
DarbyFR(i) 14 Et le sacrificateur prendra du sang du sacrifice pour le délit, et le sacrificateur le mettra sur le lobe de l'oreille droite de celui qui doit être purifié, et sur le pouce de sa main droite, et sur le gros orteil de son pied droit. 15 Et le sacrificateur prendra du log d'huile, et en versera dans la paume de sa main gauche, à lui, le sacrificateur; 16 et le sacrificateur trempera le doigt de sa main droite dans l'huile qui est dans sa paume gauche, et fera aspersion de l'huile avec son doigt, sept fois, devant l'Éternel. 17 Et du reste de l'huile qui sera dans sa paume, le sacrificateur en mettra sur le lobe de l'oreille droite de celui qui doit être purifié, et sur le pouce de sa main droite, et sur le gros orteil de son pied droit, sur le sang du sacrifice pour le délit; 18 et le reste de l'huile qui sera dans la paume du sacrificateur, il le mettra sur la tête de celui qui doit être purifié; et le sacrificateur fera propitiation pour lui devant l'Éternel. 19 Et le sacrificateur offrira le sacrifice pour le péché, et fera propitiation pour celui qui doit être purifié de son impureté; et après, il égorgera l'holocauste. 20 Et le sacrificateur offrira l'holocauste et le gâteau sur l'autel; et le sacrificateur fera propitiation pour celui qui doit être purifié, et il sera pur.
Martin(i) 14 Et le Sacrificateur prendra du sang de l'offrande pour le délit, et le mettra sur le mol de l'oreille droite de celui qui doit être nettoyé, et sur le pouce de sa main droite, et sur le gros orteil de son pied droit. 15 Puis le Sacrificateur prendra de l'huile du log, et en versera dans la paume de sa main gauche. 16 Et le Sacrificateur trempera le doigt de sa main droite en l'huile qui est dans sa paume gauche, et fera aspersion de l'huile avec son doigt sept fois devant l'Eternel. 17 Et du reste de l'huile qui sera dans sa paume, le Sacrificateur en mettra sur le mol de l'oreille droite de celui qui doit être nettoyé, et sur le pouce de sa main droite, et sur le gros orteil de son pied droit, sur le sang pris de l'offrande pour le délit. 18 Mais ce qui restera de l'huile sur la paume du Sacrificateur, il le mettra sur la tête de celui qui doit être nettoyé; et ainsi le Sacrificateur fera propitiation pour lui devant l'Eternel. 19 Ensuite le Sacrificateur offrira l'offrande pour le péché, et fera propitiation pour celui qui doit être nettoyé de sa souillure; puis il égorgera l'holocauste. 20 Et le Sacrificateur offrira l'holocauste et le gâteau sur l'autel, et fera propitiation pour celui qui doit être nettoyé; et il sera net.
Segond(i) 14 Le sacrificateur prendra du sang de la victime de culpabilité; il en mettra sur le lobe de l'oreille droite de celui qui se purifie, sur le pouce de sa main droite et sur le gros orteil de son pied droit. 15 Le sacrificateur prendra du log d'huile, et il en versera dans le creux de sa main gauche. 16 Le sacrificateur trempera le doigt de sa main droite dans l'huile qui est dans le creux de sa main gauche, et il fera avec le doigt sept fois l'aspersion de l'huile devant l'Eternel. 17 Le sacrificateur mettra de l'huile qui lui reste dans la main sur le lobe de l'oreille droite de celui qui se purifie, sur le pouce de sa main droite et sur le gros orteil de son pied droit, par-dessus le sang de la victime de culpabilité. 18 Le sacrificateur mettra ce qui lui reste d'huile dans la main sur la tête de celui qui se purifie; et le sacrificateur fera pour lui l'expiation devant l'Eternel. 19 Puis le sacrificateur offrira le sacrifice d'expiation; et il fera l'expiation pour celui qui se purifie de sa souillure. Ensuite il égorgera l'holocauste. 20 Le sacrificateur offrira sur l'autel l'holocauste et l'offrande; et il fera pour cet homme l'expiation, et il sera pur.
  14 H3548 Le sacrificateur H3947 prendra H8804   H1818 du sang H817 de la victime de culpabilité H3548  ; il H5414 en mettra H8804   H8571 sur le lobe H241 de l’oreille H3233 droite H2891 de celui qui se purifie H8693   H931 , sur le pouce H3027 de sa main H3233 droite H931 et sur le gros orteil H7272 de son pied H3233 droit.
  15 H3548 Le sacrificateur H3947 prendra H8804   H3849 du log H8081 d’huile H3332 , et il en versera H8804   H3709 dans le creux H3548 de sa main H8042 gauche.
  16 H3548 Le sacrificateur H2881 trempera H8804   H676 le doigt H3233 de sa main droite H8081 dans l’huile H3709 qui est dans le creux de sa main H8042 gauche H676 , et il fera avec le doigt H7651 sept H6471 fois H5137 l’aspersion H8689   H8081 de l’huile H6440 devant H3068 l’Eternel.
  17 H3548 Le sacrificateur H5414 mettra H8799   H8081 de l’huile H3499 qui lui reste H3709 dans la main H8571 sur le lobe H241 de l’oreille H3233 droite H2891 de celui qui se purifie H8693   H931 , sur le pouce H3027 de sa main H3233 droite H931 et sur le gros orteil H7272 de son pied H3233 droit H1818 , par-dessus le sang H817 de la victime de culpabilité.
  18 H3548 Le sacrificateur H5414 mettra H8799   H3498 ce qui lui reste H8737   H8081 d’huile H3709 dans la main H7218 sur la tête H2891 de celui qui se purifie H8693   H3548  ; et le sacrificateur H3722 fera pour lui l’expiation H8765   H6440 devant H3068 l’Eternel.
  19 H3548 Puis le sacrificateur H6213 offrira H8804   H2403 le sacrifice d’expiation H3722  ; et il fera l’expiation H8765   H2891 pour celui qui se purifie H8693   H2932 de sa souillure H310 . (14-20) Ensuite H7819 il égorgera H8799   H5930 l’holocauste.
  20 H3548 Le sacrificateur H5927 offrira H8689   H4196 sur l’autel H5930 l’holocauste H4503 et l’offrande H3548  ; et il H3722 fera pour cet homme l’expiation H8765   H2891 , et il sera pur H8804  .
SE(i) 14 Y tomará el sacerdote de la sangre de la expiación por la culpa, y pondrá el sacerdote sobre la ternilla de la oreja derecha del que se purifica, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el pulgar de su pie derecho. 15 Asimismo tomará el sacerdote del log de aceite, y echará sobre la palma de su mano izquierda, 16 y mojará su dedo derecho en el aceite que tiene en su mano izquierda, y esparcirá del aceite con su dedo siete veces delante del SEÑOR. 17 Y de lo que quedare del aceite que tiene en su mano, pondrá el sacerdote sobre la ternilla de la oreja derecha del que se purifica, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el pulgar de su pie derecho, sobre la sangre de la expiación por la culpa; 18 y lo que quedare del aceite que tiene en su mano, pondrá sobre la cabeza del que se purifica; y así lo reconciliará el sacerdote delante del SEÑOR. 19 Y hará el sacerdote la expiación y purificará al que se ha de purificar de su inmundicia, y después degollará el holocausto. 20 Y hará subir el sacerdote el holocausto y el presente sobre el altar, y así lo reconciliará el sacerdote, y será limpio.
ReinaValera(i) 14 Y tomará el sacerdote de la sangre de la víctima por la culpa, y pondrá el sacerdote sobre la ternilla de la oreja derecha del que se purifica, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el pulgar de su pie derecho. 15 Asimismo tomará el sacerdote del log de aceite, y echará sobre la palma de su mano izquierda: 16 Y mojará su dedo derecho en el aceite que tiene en su mano izquierda, y esparcirá del aceite con su dedo siete veces delante de Jehová: 17 Y de lo que quedare del aceite que tiene en su mano, pondrá el sacerdote sobre la ternilla de la oreja derecha del que se purifica, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el pulgar de su pie derecho, sobre la sangre de la expiación por la culpa: 18 Y lo que quedare del aceite que tiene en su mano, pondrá sobre la cabeza del que se purifica: y hará el sacerdote expiación por él delante de Jehová. 19 Ofrecerá luego el sacerdote el sacrificio por el pecado, y hará expiación por el que se ha de purificar de su inmundicia, y después degollará el holocausto: 20 Y hará subir el sacerdote el holocausto y el presente sobre el altar. Así hará el sacerdote expiación por él, y será limpio.
JBS(i) 14 Y tomará el sacerdote de la sangre de la expiación por la culpa, y pondrá el sacerdote sobre el lóbulo de la oreja derecha del que se purifica, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el pulgar de su pie derecho. 15 Asimismo tomará el sacerdote del log de aceite, y lo echará sobre la palma de su mano izquierda, 16 y mojará su dedo derecho en el aceite que tiene en su mano izquierda, y esparcirá del aceite con su dedo siete veces delante del SEÑOR. 17 Y de lo que quedare del aceite que tiene en su mano, pondrá el sacerdote sobre el lóbulo de la oreja derecha del que se purifica, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el pulgar de su pie derecho, sobre la sangre de la expiación por la culpa; 18 y lo que quedare del aceite que tiene en su mano, pondrá sobre la cabeza del que se purifica; y así lo reconciliará el sacerdote delante del SEÑOR. 19 Y ofrecerá el sacerdote el pecado y reconciliará al que se ha de purificar de su inmundicia, y después degollará el holocausto. 20 Y hará subir el sacerdote el holocausto y el presente sobre el altar, y así lo reconciliará el sacerdote, y será limpio.
Albanian(i) 14 Prifti do të marrë pak gjak nga flijimi i riparimit dhe do ta vërë në skajin e veshit të djathtë të atij që duhet të pastrohet, mbi gishtin e madh të dorës së tij të djathtë dhe mbi gishtin e madh të këmbës së tij të djathtë. 15 Pastaj prifti do të marrë pak vaj nga logu dhe do ta derdhë mbi pëllëmbën e dorës së tij të majtë; 16 pastaj prifti do të ngjyejë gishtin e dorës së tij të djathtë në vajin që ka në dorën e majtë dhe me gishtin do të spërkatë shtatë herë pak vaj përpara Zotit. 17 Dhe nga mbetja e vajit që ka në dorë, prifti do të vërë pak në skajin e veshit të djathtë të atij që duhet të pastrohet, mbi gishtin e madh të dorës së tij të djathtë dhe mbi gishtin e madh të këmbës së tij të djathtë, në vendin ku ka vënë gjakun e flijimit të riparimit. 18 Mbetjen e vajit që ka në dorë, prifti do ta vërë mbi kokën e atij që duhet të pastrohet; kështu prifti do të bëjë për të shlyerjen përpara Zotit. 19 Pastaj prifti do të ofrojë flijimin për mëkatin dhe do të bëjë shlyerjen për atë që do të pastrohet nga papastërtia e tij; pas kësaj do të therë olokaustin. 20 Prifti do të ofrojë olokaustin dhe blatimin e ushqimit mbi altar; kështu ai do të ketë mundësi të bëjë për të shlyerjen dhe ai do të jetë i pastër.
RST(i) 14 и возьмет священник крови жертвы повинности, и возложит священник на край правого уха очищаемого и на большой палец правой руки его и на большой палец правой ноги его; 15 и возьмет священник из лога елея и польет на левую свою ладонь; 16 и омочит священник правый перст свой в елей, который на левой ладони его, и покропит елеем с перста своего семь раз пред лицем Господа; 17 оставшийся же елей, который на ладони его, возложит священник на край правого уха очищаемого, на большой палец правой руки его и на большой палец правой ноги его, на места, где кровь жертвы повинности; 18 а остальной елей, который на ладони священника, возложит он на голову очищаемого, и очистит его священник пред лицем Господа. 19 И совершит священник жертву за грех, и очиститочищаемого от нечистоты его; после того заколет жертву всесожжения; 20 и возложит священник всесожжение и приношение хлебное на жертвенник; и очистит его священник, и он будет чист.
Arabic(i) 14 ويأخذ الكاهن من دم ذبيحة الاثم ويجعل الكاهن على شحمة اذن المتطهّر اليمنى وعلى ابهام يده اليمنى وعلى ابهام رجله اليمنى. 15 ويأخذ الكاهن من لجّ الزيت ويصبّ في كف الكاهن اليسرى 16 ويغمس الكاهن اصبعه اليمنى في الزيت الذي على كفه اليسرى وينضح من الزيت باصبعه سبع مرات امام الرب. 17 ومما فضل من الزيت الذي في كفّه يجعل الكاهن على شحمة اذن المتطهّر اليمنى وعلى ابهام يده اليمنى وعلى ابهام رجله اليمنى على دم ذبيحة الاثم. 18 والفاضل من الزيت الذي في كفّ الكاهن يجعله على راس المتطهّر ويكفّر عنه الكاهن امام الرب. 19 ثم يعمل الكاهن ذبيحة الخطية ويكفّر عن المتطهّر من نجاسته. ثم يذبح المحرقة 20 ويصعد الكاهن المحرقة والتقدمة على المذبح ويكفّر عنه الكاهن فيطهر
Bulgarian(i) 14 И свещеникът да вземе от кръвта на жертвата за вина и свещеникът да я сложи на края на дясното ухо на онзи, който се очиства, на палеца на дясната му ръка и на палеца на десния му крак. 15 След това свещеникът да вземе от лога маслинено масло и да го излее в дланта на лявата си ръка, 16 и свещеникът да натопи десния си пръст в маслото, което е в лявата му длан, и да поръси седем пъти с пръста си от маслото пред ГОСПОДА. 17 И от останалото масло, което е в дланта му, свещеникът да сложи на края на дясното ухо на този, който се очиства, на палеца на дясната му ръка и на палеца на десния му крак, върху кръвта на жертвата за вина. 18 А останалото масло, което е в дланта на свещеника, да сложи на главата на този, който се очиства; и свещеникът да направи умилостивение за него пред ГОСПОДА. 19 И свещеникът да принесе жертвата за грях и да направи умилостивение за този, който се очиства от нечистотата си. И после да заколи всеизгарянето; 20 и свещеникът да принесе всеизгарянето и хлебния принос на олтара. Така свещеникът да направи умилостивение за него, и той ще бъде чист.
Croatian(i) 14 Potom neka svećenik uzme krvi od žrtve naknadnice, pa neka njome namaže resicu desnoga uha, palac desne ruke i palac desne noge onoga koji se čisti. 15 Poslije toga neka uzme log s uljem i izlije na dlan svoje lijeve ruke. 16 Zamočivši svećenik svoj desni prst u ulje na svojoj lijevoj ruci, neka uljem sa svoga prsta obavi škropljenje pred Jahvom sedam puta. 17 Od ulja što mu preostane u ruci neka svećenik, po krvi od žrtve naknadnice, pomaže resicu desnoga uha, palac desne ruke i palac desne noge onoga koji se čisti. 18 Ostatak ulja sa svoje ruke neka svećenik metne na glavu onoga koji se čisti. Tako će svećenik nad njim izvršiti obred pomirenja pred Jahvom. 19 Neka svećenik poslije toga prinese žrtvu okajnicu i nad onim koji se čisti neka obavi obred pomirenja za njegovu nečistoću. Napokon neka zakolje žrtvu paljenicu, 20 a onda neka svećenik žrtvu paljenicu i žrtvu prinosnicu podigne na žrtvenik. Kad tako svećenik nad njim obavi obred pomirenja, neka je čist.
BKR(i) 14 I vezme kněz krve z oběti za hřích, a pomaže jí kraje ucha pravého člověka toho, kterýž se očišťuje, a palce ruky jeho pravé, a palce nohy jeho pravé. 15 Vezme také kněz z té mírky oleje, a naleje na ruku svou levou. 16 A omoče prst svůj pravý v tom oleji, kterýž má na ruce své levé, pokropí z něho prstem svým sedmkrát před Hospodinem. 17 Z ostatku pak oleje toho, kterýž má na ruce své, pomaže kněz kraje ucha pravého člověka toho, kterýž se očišťuje, a palce pravé ruky jeho, a palce pravé nohy jeho, na krev oběti za vinu. 18 Což pak zůstane oleje, kterýž jest v ruce kněze, pomaže tím hlavy toho, kterýž se očišťuje; a tak očistí jej kněz před Hospodinem. 19 Učiní také kněz obět za hřích, a očistí očišťujícího se od nečistoty jeho. A potom zabije obět zápalnou. 20 I bude obětovati kněz tu obět zápalnou, i obět suchou na oltáři; a tak očistí jej, i bude čistý.
Danish(i) 14 Og præsten skal tage af Skyldofrets Blod, og Præsten skal komme deraf paa den højre Ørelæp af ham, som lader sig rense, og paa hans højre Tommelfinger og paa hans højre Tommeltaa. 15 Og Præsten skal tage af den Log Olie og øse i sin venstre Haand. Og Præsten skal venstre Haand. 16 Og Præsten skal dyppe sin højre Finger i Olien, som er i hans venstre Haand, og han skal stænke af Olien med sin Finger syv Gange for HERRENS Ansigt. 17 Men af den Olie, som er til overs i hans Haand, skal Præsten komme paa den højre Ørelæp af ham, som lader sig rense, og paa hans højre Tommelfinger og paa hans højre Tommeltaa, oven paa Skyldofrets Blod. 18 Men det, som er blevet tilovers af Olien, som er i Præstens Haand, skal han komme paa dens Hoved, som renses, og Præsten skal gøre Forligelse for ham, for HERRENS Ansigt. 19 Og Præsten skal lave Syndofret og gøre Forligelse for ham, som lader sig rense for sin Urenhed, og siden skal han slagte Brændofret. 20 Og Præsten skal ofre Brændofret og Madofret paa Alteret, og Præsten skal gøre Forligelse for ham, saa er han ren.
CUV(i) 14 祭 司 要 取 些 贖 愆 祭 牲 的 血 , 抹 在 求 潔 淨 人 的 右 耳 垂 上 和 右 手 的 大 拇 指 上 , 並 右 腳 的 大 拇 指 上 。 15 祭 司 要 從 那 一 羅 革 油 中 取 些 倒 在 自 己 的 左 手 掌 裡 , 16 把 右 手 的 一 個 指 頭 蘸 在 左 手 的 油 裡 , 在 耶 和 華 面 前 用 指 頭 彈 七 次 。 17 將 手 裡 所 剩 的 油 抹 在 那 求 潔 淨 人 的 右 耳 垂 上 和 右 手 的 大 拇 指 上 , 並 右 腳 的 大 拇 指 上 , 就 是 抹 在 贖 愆 祭 牲 的 血 上 。 18 祭 司 手 裡 所 剩 的 油 要 抹 在 那 求 潔 淨 人 的 頭 上 , 在 耶 和 華 面 前 為 他 贖 罪 。 19 祭 司 要 獻 贖 罪 祭 , 為 那 本 不 潔 淨 、 求 潔 淨 的 人 贖 罪 ; 然 後 要 宰 燔 祭 牲 , 20 把 燔 祭 和 素 祭 獻 在 壇 上 , 為 他 贖 罪 , 他 就 潔 淨 了 。
  14 H3548 祭司 H3947 要取 H817 些贖愆祭牲 H1818 的血 H5414 ,抹在 H2891 求潔淨人 H3233 的右 H241 H8571 垂上 H3233 和右 H3027 H931 的大拇指上 H3233 ,並右 H7272 H931 的大拇指上。
  15 H3548 祭司 H3849 要從那一羅革 H8081 H3947 中取 H3332 些倒在 H8042 自己的左手 H3709 掌裡,
  16 H3233 把右手 H676 的一個指頭 H2881 蘸在 H8042 H3709 H8081 的油 H3068 裡,在耶和華 H6440 面前 H676 用指頭 H5137 H7651 H6471 次。
  17 H3709 將手裡 H3499 所剩的 H8081 H5414 H2891 在那求潔淨人 H3233 的右 H241 H8571 H3233 上和右 H3027 H931 的大拇指上 H3233 ,並右 H7272 H931 的大拇指 H817 上,就是抹在贖愆祭牲 H1818 的血上。
  18 H3548 祭司 H3709 手裡 H3498 所剩的 H8081 H5414 要抹在 H2891 那求潔淨人 H7218 的頭上 H3068 ,在耶和華 H6440 面前 H3722 為他贖罪。
  19 H3548 祭司 H6213 要獻 H2403 贖罪祭 H2932 ,為那本不潔淨 H2891 、求潔淨的人 H3722 贖罪 H310 ;然後 H7819 要宰 H5930 燔祭牲,
  20 H5930 把燔祭 H4503 和素祭 H5927 獻在 H4196 壇上 H3722 ,為他贖罪 H2891 ,他就潔淨了。
CUVS(i) 14 祭 司 要 取 些 赎 愆 祭 牲 的 血 , 抹 在 求 洁 净 人 的 右 耳 垂 上 和 右 手 的 大 拇 指 上 , 并 右 脚 的 大 拇 指 上 。 15 祭 司 要 从 那 一 罗 革 油 中 取 些 倒 在 自 己 的 左 手 掌 里 , 16 把 右 手 的 一 个 指 头 蘸 在 左 手 的 油 里 , 在 耶 和 华 面 前 用 指 头 弹 七 次 。 17 将 手 里 所 剩 的 油 抹 在 那 求 洁 净 人 的 右 耳 垂 上 和 右 手 的 大 拇 指 上 , 并 右 脚 的 大 拇 指 上 , 就 是 抹 在 赎 愆 祭 牲 的 血 上 。 18 祭 司 手 里 所 剩 的 油 要 抹 在 那 求 洁 净 人 的 头 上 , 在 耶 和 华 面 前 为 他 赎 罪 。 19 祭 司 要 献 赎 罪 祭 , 为 那 本 不 洁 净 、 求 洁 净 的 人 赎 罪 ; 然 后 要 宰 燔 祭 牲 , 20 把 燔 祭 和 素 祭 献 在 坛 上 , 为 他 赎 罪 , 他 就 洁 净 了 。
  14 H3548 祭司 H3947 要取 H817 些赎愆祭牲 H1818 的血 H5414 ,抹在 H2891 求洁净人 H3233 的右 H241 H8571 垂上 H3233 和右 H3027 H931 的大拇指上 H3233 ,并右 H7272 H931 的大拇指上。
  15 H3548 祭司 H3849 要从那一罗革 H8081 H3947 中取 H3332 些倒在 H8042 自己的左手 H3709 掌里,
  16 H3233 把右手 H676 的一个指头 H2881 蘸在 H8042 H3709 H8081 的油 H3068 里,在耶和华 H6440 面前 H676 用指头 H5137 H7651 H6471 次。
  17 H3709 将手里 H3499 所剩的 H8081 H5414 H2891 在那求洁净人 H3233 的右 H241 H8571 H3233 上和右 H3027 H931 的大拇指上 H3233 ,并右 H7272 H931 的大拇指 H817 上,就是抹在赎愆祭牲 H1818 的血上。
  18 H3548 祭司 H3709 手里 H3498 所剩的 H8081 H5414 要抹在 H2891 那求洁净人 H7218 的头上 H3068 ,在耶和华 H6440 面前 H3722 为他赎罪。
  19 H3548 祭司 H6213 要献 H2403 赎罪祭 H2932 ,为那本不洁净 H2891 、求洁净的人 H3722 赎罪 H310 ;然后 H7819 要宰 H5930 燔祭牲,
  20 H5930 把燔祭 H4503 和素祭 H5927 献在 H4196 坛上 H3722 ,为他赎罪 H2891 ,他就洁净了。
Esperanto(i) 14 Kaj la pastro prenos iom el la sango de la kulpofero, kaj la pastro metos tion sur la malsupran randon de la dekstra orelo de la purigato kaj sur la dikan fingron de lia dekstra mano kaj sur la dikan fingron de lia dekstra piedo. 15 Kaj la pastro prenos iom el la log�o da oleo kaj versxos sur sian maldekstran manplaton. 16 Kaj la pastro trempos sian dekstran fingron en la oleo, kiu estos sur lia maldekstra manplato, kaj li aspergos per la oleo de sia fingro sep fojojn antaux la Eternulo. 17 Kaj el la restajxo de la oleo, kiu estos sur lia manplato, la pastro metos iom sur la malsupran randon de la dekstra orelo de la purigato kaj sur la dikan fingron de lia dekstra mano kaj sur la dikan fingron de lia dekstra piedo, sur la sangon de la kulpofero. 18 Kaj la restajxon de la oleo, kiu estos sur la manplato de la pastro, cxi tiu metos sur la kapon de la purigato; kaj la pastro pekliberigos lin antaux la Eternulo. 19 Kaj la pastro plenumos la pekoferon, kaj li pekliberigos la purigaton koncerne lian malpurecon, kaj poste li bucxos la bruloferon. 20 Kaj la pastro metos la bruloferon kaj la farunoferon sur la altaron; kaj la pastro pekliberigos lin, kaj li estos pura.
Finnish(i) 14 Ja papin pitää ottaman vikauhrin verta ja sivuman puhdistetun oikian korvan lehteen, niin myös oikian käden peukaloon, ja oikian jalan isoon varpaaseen. 15 Ja papin pitää ottaman öljylogista ja vuodattaman papin vasempaan käteen. 16 Ja papin pitää kastaman oikian kätensä sormen öljyyn, joka hänen vasemmassa kädessänsä on, ja priiskottaman öljyä sormellansa seitsemän kertaa Herran edessä. 17 Vaan käteensä jääneestä öljystä pitää papin paneman puhdistetun oikian korvan lehteen, ja oikiaan peukaloon, ja oikian jalan isoon varpaaseen, vikauhrin veren päälle. 18 Käteensä jääneen öljyn, pitää papin paneman puhdistetun pään päälle, ja papin pitää sovittaman häntä Herran edessä. 19 Ja papin pitää tekemän rikosuhrin, ja sovittaman puhdistetun hänen saastaisuudestansa, ja sen jälkeen teurastaman polttouhrin. 20 Ja papin pitää uhraaman polttouhrin ja ruokauhrin alttarilla, ja papin pitää sovittaman häntä, niin hän on puhdas.
FinnishPR(i) 14 Ja pappi ottakoon vikauhrin verta ja sivelköön sitä puhdistettavan oikeaan korvanlehteen sekä oikean käden peukaloon ja oikean jalan isoonvarpaaseen. 15 Senjälkeen pappi ottakoon öljyä loog-mitasta ja kaatakoon sitä vasempaan käteensä, 16 ja pappi kastakoon oikean kätensä etusormen öljyyn, jota on hänen vasemmassa kädessään, ja pirskoittakoon öljyä sormellansa seitsemän kertaa Herran edessä. 17 Ja käteensä jäänyttä öljyä pappi sivelköön puhdistettavan oikeaan korvanlehteen sekä oikean käden peukaloon ja oikean jalan isoonvarpaaseen vikauhrin veren päälle. 18 Ja käteensä vielä jääneen öljyn pappi sivelköön puhdistettavan päähän; näin pappi toimittakoon hänelle sovituksen Herran edessä. 19 Sitten pappi uhratkoon syntiuhrin ja toimittakoon puhdistettavalle sovituksen hänen saastaisuudestansa, ja senjälkeen hän teurastakoon polttouhriteuraan. 20 Ja pappi uhratkoon polttouhrin ja ruokauhrin alttarilla, ja kun pappi näin on toimittanut hänelle sovituksen, on hän puhdas.
Haitian(i) 14 Apre sa, prèt la va pran ti gout nan san ti mouton an, l'a pase l' sou pwent tete zòrèy dwat moun ki te malad la, sou gwo pous men dwat li ak sou gwo zòtèy pye dwat li. 15 Prèt la va pran ti gout lwil nan boutèy la, l'a vide l' nan pla men gòch li. 16 L'a tranpe yon dwèt men dwat li nan lwil ki nan pla men gòch li a. Avèk dwèt la, l'a voye ti gout lwil sèt fwa devan lotèl Bondye a. 17 L'a pran ti gout nan lwil ki nan pla men gòch li a, l'a mete l' menm kote li te mete san ti mouton an, ki vle di sou pwent tete zòrèy dwat moun lan, sou gwo pous men dwat li ak sou gwo zòtèy pye dwat li. 18 Lèfini, l'a vide rès lwil ki nan pla men l' lan sou tèt moun lan. Se konsa prèt la va fè sèvis pou mande Bondye padon devan lotèl Seyè a. 19 Apre sa, prèt la va fè ofrann pou peye sa moun lan fè ki mal. L'a fè sèvis pou mande Bondye padon pou moun ki te malad la. L'a touye bèt pou yo boule nèt la. 20 L'a mete l' sou lotèl la ansanm ak farin ble melanje ak lwil la. Se konsa prèt la va fè sèvis pou mande padon pou moun lan, epi moun lan va nan kondisyon ankò pou l' fè sèvis Bondye.
Hungarian(i) 14 És vegyen a pap a vétekért való áldozatnak vérébõl, és kenje meg azzal a megtisztulandó ember jobb fülének czimpáját, és az õ jobb kezének hüvelykét, és jobb lábának hüvelykét. 15 Vegyen a pap a lóg olajból is, és töltsön a papnak a bal tenyerére. 16 És mártsa be a pap az õ jobb kezének újját az olajba, mely az õ bal tenyerén van, és hintsen az olajból az újjával hétszer az Úr elõtt. 17 A maradék olajból pedig, a mely az õ tenyerén van, kenje meg a pap a megtisztulandó ember jobb fülének czimpáját, a jobb kezének hüvelykét és a jobb lábának hüvelykét a vétekért való áldozat vérén felül. 18 És a mi megmarad az olajból, a mely a pap tenyerén van, kenje a megtisztulandó ember fejére; így szerezzen néki engesztelést a pap az Úr elõtt. 19 Azután készítsen a pap bûnért való áldozatot, és szerezzen engesztelést a tisztátalanságából megtisztulónak; azután ölje meg az égõáldozatot. 20 És vigye fel a pap az égõáldozatot és az ételáldozatot az oltárra; így szerezzen néki engesztelést a pap, és tiszta lesz.
Indonesian(i) 14 Imam harus mengambil sedikit darah anak domba lalu mengoleskannya pada cuping telinga kanan, pada ibu jari tangan kanan dan pada ibu jari kaki kanan orang yang akan dinyatakan bersih. 15 Kemudian imam mengambil sedikit minyak zaitun dan menuangkannya ke telapak tangannya sendiri yang kiri. 16 Sesudahnya ia mencelupkan jari tangan kanannya ke dalam minyak, dan memercikkannya tujuh kali di dalam Kemah TUHAN. 17 Lalu sedikit minyak yang ada di tangannya harus dioleskan pada tempat-tempat yang sudah diolesi darah, yaitu pada cuping telinga kanan, pada ibu jari tangan kanan, dan ibu jari kaki kanan orang yang akan dinyatakan bersih. 18 Minyak selebihnya harus dituangkan ke atas kepala orang itu. Dengan demikian imam mengadakan upacara penyucian bagi orang itu di hadapan TUHAN. 19 Kemudian imam harus mempersembahkan kurban pengampunan dosa supaya orang yang najis itu menjadi bersih. Sesudahnya ia harus menyembelih binatang untuk kurban bakaran 20 dan mempersembahkannya bersama kurban sajian di atas mezbah. Dengan demikian imam mengadakan upacara penyucian bagi orang itu, dan ia menjadi bersih.
Italian(i) 14 E prenda il sacerdote del sangue del sacrificio per la colpa, e mettalo in sul tenerume dell’orecchia destra di colui che si purificherà, e in sul dito grosso della sua man destra, e in sul dito grosso del suo piè destro. 15 Poi prenda il sacerdote dell’olio di quel log, e versine sopra la palma della sua man sinistra. 16 E intinga il dito della sua man destra, in quell’olio che sarà sopra la palma della sua man sinistra; e col dito spruzzi di quell’olio sette volte nel cospetto del Signore. 17 E del rimanente dell’olio, ch’egli avrà in su la palma della mano, mettane in sul tenerume dell’orechhia destra di colui che si purificherà; e in sul dito grosso della sua man destra e in sul dito grosso del suo piè destro, sopra il sangue del sacrificio per la colpa. 18 E metta il sacerdote il rimasto dell’olio, ch’egli avrà in mano, in sul capo di colui che si purificherà. E così faccia il sacerdote il purgamento per lui, davanti al Signore. 19 Poi offerisca il sacerdote il sacrificio per lo peccato; e faccia il purgamento per colui che si purificherà della sua immondizia; e poi appresso scanni l’olocausto. 20 E offerisca l’olocausto, insieme con l’offerta di panatica, sopra l’Altare. Così faccia il sacerdote purgamento per colui, ed egli sarà netto.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 14 E il sacerdote prenderà del sangue del sacrifizio di riparazione e lo metterà sull’estremità dell’orecchio destro di colui che si purifica, sul pollice della sua man destra e sul dito grosso del suo piedi destro. 15 Poi il sacerdote prenderà dell’olio del log, e lo verserà nella palma della sua mano sinistra; 16 quindi il sacerdote intingerà il dito della sua destra nell’olio che avrà nella sinistra, e col dito farà sette volte aspersione di quell’olio davanti all’Eterno. 17 E del rimanente dell’olio che avrà in mano, il sacerdote ne metterà sull’estremità dell’orecchio destro di colui che si purifica, sul pollice della sua man destra e sul dito grosso del suo piede destro, oltre al sangue del sacrifizio di riparazione. 18 Il resto dell’olio che avrà in mano, il sacerdote lo metterà sul capo di colui che si purifica; e il sacerdote farà per lui l’espiazione davanti all’Eterno. 19 Poi il sacerdote offrirà il sacrifizio per il peccato, e farà l’espiazione per colui che si purifica della sua impurità; quindi, scannerà l’olocausto. 20 Il sacerdote offrirà l’olocausto e l’oblazione sull’altare; farà per quel tale l’espiazione, ed egli sarà puro.
Korean(i) 14 제사장은 그 속건제 희생의 피를 취하여 정결함을 받을 자의 우편 귓부리와, 우편 손 엄지가락과, 우편 발 엄지가락에 바를 것이요 15 제사장은 또 그 한 록의 기름을 취하여 자기 좌편 손바닥에 따르고 16 우편 손가락으로 좌편 손의 기름을 찍어 그 손가락으로 그것을 여호와 앞에 일곱번 뿌릴 것이요 17 손에 남은 기름은 제사장이 정결함을 받는 자의 우편 귓부리와, 우편 손 엄지가락과, 우편 발 엄지가락 곧 속건제 희생의 피 위에 바를 것이며 18 오히려 그 손에 남은 기름은 제사장이 그 정결함을 받는 자의 머리에 바르고 여호와 앞에서 제사장은 그를 위하여 속죄하고 19 또 제사장은 속죄제를 드려 그 부정함을 인하여 정결함을 받으려는 자를 위하여 속죄하고 그 후에 번제 희생을 잡을 것이요 20 제사장은 그 번제와 소제를 단에 드려 그를 위하여 속죄할 것이라 그리하면 그가 정결하리라 !
Lithuanian(i) 14 Kunigas, ėmęs aukos už kaltę kraują, pateps juo apvalomojo dešinę ausį ir dešinės rankos ir kojos nykščius. 15 Iš aliejaus logo dalį įsipils į savo kairiosios rankos delną 16 ir, padažęs jame dešinės rankos rodomąjį pirštą, pašlakstys Viešpaties akivaizdoje septynis kartus. 17 Likusį kairės rankos delne aliejų išlies ant apvalomojo dešinės ausies, ant dešinės rankos ir kojos nykščių 18 ir ant jo galvos. Ir kunigas sutaikins jį su Viešpačiu. 19 Po to kunigas, atlikdamas sutaikinimą, aukos auką už nuodėmę ir deginamąją auką, 20 padėdamas ją ant aukuro kartu su duonos auka; taip žmogus bus sutaikintas ir apvalytas.
PBG(i) 14 I weźmie kapłan krwi z ofiary za występek, i pomaże kapłan koniec ucha prawego onemu, który się oczyszcza; także palec wielki u prawej ręki jego i palec wielki u prawej nogi jego. 15 Weźmie też kapłan z onej miarki oliwy, a naleje na dłoń swoję lewą; 16 A omoczy palec swój prawy w oliwie, która jest na lewej dłoni jego, i pokropi oliwą z palca swego siedem kroć przed obliczem Pańskiem. 17 A z ostatku oliwy, która jest na dłoni jego, pomaże kapłan koniec ucha prawego onemu, który się oczyszcza, i wielki palec prawej ręki jego, także wielki palec prawej nogi jego z onejże krwi, która jest ofiarą za występek. 18 A coby zostało oliwy, która jest na dłoni kapłanowej, pomaże tem głowę onego, który się oczyszcza; i tak go oczyści kapłan przed obliczem Pańskiem. 19 Uczyni także kapłan ofiarę za grzech, i oczyści tego, który się oczyszcza, od nieczystości jego, a potem zabije ofiarę całopalenia. 20 I ofiarować będzie kapłan ofiarę całopalenia, i ofiarę śniedną na ołtarzu; tak oczyści go kapłan, i czystym będzie.
Portuguese(i) 14 Então o sacerdote tomará do sangue da oferta pela culpa e o porá sobre a ponta da orelha direita daquele que se há de purificar, e sobre o dedo polegar da sua mão direita, e sobre o dedo polegar do seu pé direito. 15 Tomará também do logue de azeite, e o derramará na palma da sua própria mão esquerda; 16 então molhará o dedo direito no azeite que está na mão esquerda, e daquele azeite espargirá com o dedo sete vezes perante o Senhor. 17 Do restante do azeite que está na sua mão, o sacerdote porá sobre a ponta da orelha direita daquele que se há de purificar, e sobre o dedo polegar da sua mão direita, e sobre o dedo polegar do seu pé direito, por cima do sangue da oferta pela culpa; 18 e o restante do azeite que está na sua mão, pô-lo-á sobre a cabeça daquele que se há de purificar; assim o sacerdote fará expiação por ele perante o Senhor. 19 Também o sacerdote oferecerá a oferta pelo pecado, e fará expiação por aquele que se há de purificar por causa a sua imundície; e depois imolará o holocausto, 20 e oferecerá o holocausto e a oferta de cereais sobre o altar; assim o sacerdote fará expiação por ele, e ele será limpo.
Norwegian(i) 14 Så skal presten ta av skyldofferets blod og stryke på den høire ørelapp på den som lar sig rense, og på hans høire tommelfinger og på hans høire stortå. 15 Og presten skal ta av den tilhørende log olje og helle i sin venstre hånd 16 og så dyppe sin høire pekefinger i oljen som han har i sin venstre hånd, og sprenge av oljen med sin finger syv ganger for Herrens åsyn. 17 Og av resten av oljen som er i hans hånd, skal presten stryke noget på den høire ørelapp på den som lar sig rense, og på hans høire tommelfinger og på hans høire stortå, ovenpå blodet av skyldofferet. 18 Og det som enda er tilovers av oljen som presten har i sin hånd, skal han helle på hodet på den som lar sig rense. Og således skal presten gjøre soning for ham for Herrens åsyn. 19 Så skal presten ofre syndofferet og gjøre soning for den som lar sig rense for sin urenhet; og derefter skal han slakte brennofferet. 20 Og presten skal ofre brennofferet og matofferet på alteret og således gjøre soning for ham, så er han ren.
Romanian(i) 14 Preotul să ia din sîngele jertfei de ispăşire; să pună pe marginea urechii drepte a celui ce se curăţeşte, pe degetul cel mare dela mîna dreaptă a lui, şi pe degetul cel mare dela piciorul drept. 15 Preotul să ia untdelemn din log, şi să toarne în palma mînii stîngi. 16 Preotul să-şi moaie degetul mînii drepte în untdelemnul din palma mînii stîngi, şi să stropească din untdelemn de şapte ori cu degetul înaintea Domnului. 17 Din untdelemnul care -i mai rămîne în mînă, preotul să pună pe (moalele) marginea urechii drepte a celui ce se curăţeşte, pe degetul cel mare al mînii drepte şi pe degetul cel mare al piciorului drept, deasupra sîngelui dela jertfa pentru vină. 18 Iar untdelemnul care -i mai rămîne în mînă, preotul să -l pună pe capul celui ce se curăţeşte; şi preotul să facă ispăşire pentru el înaintea Domnului. 19 Apoi preotul să aducă jertfa de ispăşire; şi să facă ispăşire pentru cel ce se curăţeşte de întinăciunea lui. În urmă să junghie arderea de tot. 20 Preotul să aducă pe altar arderea de tot şi darul de mîncare; şi să facă ispăşire pentru omul acesta, şi va fi curat.
Ukrainian(i) 14 І візьме священик крови жертви за провину, та й дасть священик на пипку правого вуха очищуваного, і на великого пальця правої руки його та на великого пальця правої ноги його. 15 І візьме священик з лоґу оливи, та й виллє на ліву долоню свою. 16 І вмочить священик правого пальця свого в оливу, що на лівій долоні його, і покропить з оливи пальцем своїм сім раз перед Господнім лицем. 17 А з решти оливи, що на долоні його, священик дасть на пипку правого вуха очищуваного, і на великого пальця правої руки його та на великого пальця правої ноги його на кров жертви за провину. 18 А позостале з оливи, що на долоні священиковій, дасть на голову очищуваного. І священик очистить його перед Господнім лицем. 19 І вчинить священик жертву за гріх, і очистить очищуваного з нечистоти його, а потім заріже цілопалення. 20 І зложить священик те цілопалення та ту хлібну жертву на жертівнику, і священик очистить його, і стане він чистий.