Leviticus 14:14-20

Matthew(i) 14 Then let the Preast take of the bloude of the trespace offryng, & put it vpon the typpe of the ryght eare of him that is clensed, and vpon the thombe of hys ryght hande, and vpon the great too of hys ryghte fote. 15 Then let the Preast take of the logge of oyle, and poure it into the palme of hys lefte hande, 16 & dyppe hys ryght fynger in the oyle that is in the palme of hys left hande, and let hym sprynkle it with hys fynger .vij. tymes before the Lord. 17 And of the rest of the oyle that is in hys hande, shal the preast put vpon the typpe of the ryghte eare of hym that is clensed, and vpon the thombe of hys ryght hand, and vpon the great too of hys ryght foote: euen vpon the bloud of the trespaceoffryng. 18 And the remnaunte of the oyle that is in the Preastes hande, he shal poure vpon the heed of hym that is cleansed: & so shal the Preaste make an attonement for hym before the Lorde. 19 Then let the Preast offer the sinneoffring and make an attonement for him that is clensed for his vnclennesse. And then let the burntoffryng be slayne, 20 and let the preast put both the burntoffrynge & the meatoffrynge vpon the alter: & make an attonement for him, and then he shalbe cleane.