Leviticus 13

  1 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses H175 and Aaron H559 [H8800] , saying,
  2 H120 When a man H5785 shall have in the skin H1320 of his flesh H7613 a swelling H5597 , a scab H934 , or bright spot H5785 , and it be in the skin H1320 of his flesh H5061 like the plague H6883 of leprosy H935 [H8717] ; then he shall be brought H175 to Aaron H3548 the priest H259 , or to one H1121 of his sons H3548 the priests:
  3 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5061 on the plague H5785 in the skin H1320 of the flesh H8181 : and when the hair H5061 in the plague H2015 [H8804] is turned H3836 white H5061 , and the plague H4758 in sight H6013 is deeper H5785 than the skin H1320 of his flesh H5061 , it is a plague H6883 of leprosy H3548 : and the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H2930 [H8765] on him, and pronounce him unclean.
  4 H934 If the bright spot H3836 is white H5785 in the skin H1320 of his flesh H4758 , and in sight H6013 not deeper H5785 than the skin H8181 , and the hair H2015 [H8804] of it not turned H3836 white H3548 ; then the priest H5462 [H8689] shall shut H5061 up him that hath the plague H7651 seven H3117 days:
  5 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H7637 on him the seventh H3117 day H5061 : and, behold, if the plague H5869 in his sight H5975 [H8804] is at a stay H5061 , and the plague H6581 [H8804] spreadeth H5785 not in the skin H3548 ; then the priest H5462 [H8689] shall shut H7651 him up seven H3117 days H8145 more:
  6 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H8145 on him again H7637 the seventh H3117 day H5061 : and, behold, if the plague H3544 is somewhat dark H5061 , and the plague H6581 [H8804] spreadeth H5785 not in the skin H3548 , the priest H2891 [H8765] shall pronounce him clean H4556 : it is but a scab H3526 [H8765] : and he shall wash H899 his clothes H2891 [H8804] , and be clean.
  7 H4556 But if the scab H6581 H6581 [H8800] shall spread much H5785 in the skin H310 , after H7200 [H8736] he hath been seen H3548 by the priest H2893 for his cleansing H7200 [H8738] , he shall be seen H3548 by the priest H8145 again:
  8 H3548 And if the priest H7200 [H8804] shall see H4556 that, behold, the scab H6581 [H8804] spreadeth H5785 in the skin H3548 , then the priest H2930 [H8765] shall pronounce him unclean H6883 : it is a leprosy.
  9 H5061 When the plague H6883 of leprosy H120 is in a man H935 [H8717] , then he shall be brought H3548 to the priest;
  10 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall see H7613 him: and, behold, if the swelling H3836 is white H5785 in the skin H2015 [H8804] , and it hath turned H8181 the hair H3836 white H4241 , and there is living H2416 raw H1320 flesh H7613 in the swelling;
  11 H3462 [H8737] It is an old H6883 leprosy H5785 in the skin H1320 of his flesh H3548 , and the priest H2930 [H8765] shall pronounce him unclean H5462 [H8686] , and shall not shut H2931 him up: for he is unclean.
  12 H6883 And if a leprosy H6524 H6524 [H8799] shall break out H5785 in the skin H6883 , and the leprosy H3680 [H8765] shall cover H5785 all the skin H5061 of him that hath the plague H7218 from his head H7272 even to his foot H3548 , wherever the priest H4758 H5869 looketh;
  13 H3548 Then the priest H7200 [H8804] shall consider H6883 : and, behold, if the leprosy H3680 [H8765] hath covered H1320 all his flesh H2891 [H8765] , he shall pronounce him clean H5061 that hath the plague H2015 [H8804] : it is all turned H3836 white H2889 : he is clean.
  14 H3117 But when H2416 raw H1320 flesh H7200 [H8736] appeareth H2930 [H8799] in him, he shall be unclean.
  15 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall see H2416 the raw H1320 flesh H2930 [H8765] , and pronounce him to be unclean H2416 : for the raw H1320 flesh H2931 is unclean H6883 : it is a leprosy.
  16 H2416 Or if the raw H1320 flesh H7725 [H8799] shall turn again H2015 [H8738] , and be changed H3836 into white H935 [H8804] , he shall come H3548 to the priest;
  17 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall see H5061 him: and, behold, if the plague H2015 [H8738] is turned H3836 into white H3548 ; then the priest H2891 [H8765] shall pronounce him clean H5061 that hath the plague H2889 : he is clean.
  18 H1320 The flesh H3588 also, in which H5785 , even in the skin H7822 of it, was a boil H7495 [H8738] , and is healed,
  19 H4725 And in the place H7822 of the boil H3836 there shall be a white H7613 swelling H934 , or a bright spot H3836 , white H125 , and somewhat reddish H7200 [H8738] , and it be showed H3548 to the priest;
  20 H3548 And if, when the priest H7200 [H8804] seeth H4758 it, behold, it is in sight H8217 lower H5785 than the skin H8181 , and the hair H2015 [H8804] of it is turned H3836 white H3548 ; the priest H2930 [H8765] shall pronounce him unclean H5061 : it is a plague H6883 of leprosy H6524 [H8804] broken H7822 out of the boil.
  21 H3548 But if the priest H7200 [H8799] shall look H3836 on it, and, behold, there are no white H8181 hairs H8217 in it, and if it is not lower H5785 than the skin H3544 , but somewhat dark H3548 ; then the priest H5462 [H8689] shall shut H7651 him up seven H3117 days:
  22 H6581 H6581 [H8800] And if it hath spread much H5785 in the skin H3548 , then the priest H2930 [H8765] shall pronounce him unclean H5061 : it is a plague.
  23 H934 But if the bright spot H5975 [H8799] shall stay H6581 [H8804] in its place, and not spread H6867 , it is a burning H7822 boil H3548 ; and the priest H2891 [H8765] shall pronounce him clean.
  24 H1320 Or if there is any flesh H5785 , in the skin H784 of which there is a hot H4348 burning H4241 , and the live H4348 flesh that burneth H3836 hath a white H934 bright spot H125 , somewhat reddish H3836 , or white;
  25 H3548 Then the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H8181 upon it: and, behold, if the hair H934 in the bright spot H2015 [H8738] is turned H3836 white H4758 , and it is in sight H6013 deeper H5785 than the skin H6883 ; it is a leprosy H6524 [H8804] broken H4348 out of the burning H3548 : therefore the priest H2930 [H8765] shall pronounce him unclean H5061 : it is the plague H6883 of leprosy.
  26 H3548 But if the priest H7200 [H8799] shall look H3836 on it, and, behold, there is no white H8181 hair H934 in the bright spot H8217 , and it is no lower H5785 than the other skin H3544 , but is somewhat dark H3548 ; then the priest H5462 [H8689] shall shut H7651 him up seven H3117 days:
  27 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H7637 upon him the seventh H3117 day H6581 H6581 [H8800] : and if it is spread much H5785 in the skin H3548 , then the priest H2930 [H8765] shall pronounce him unclean H5061 : it is the plague H6883 of leprosy.
  28 H934 And if the bright H934 spot H5975 [H8799] shall stay H6581 [H8804] in its place, and not spread H5785 in the skin H3544 , but be somewhat dark H7613 ; it is a swelling H4348 of the burning H3548 , and the priest H2891 [H8765] shall pronounce him clean H6867 : for it is an inflammation H4348 of the burning.
  29 H376 If a man H802 or woman H5061 shall have a plague H7218 upon the head H2206 or the beard;
  30 H3548 Then the priest H7200 [H8804] shall see H5061 the plague H4758 : and, behold, if it is in sight H6013 deeper H5785 than the skin H6669 ; and there is in it a yellow H1851 thin H8181 hair H3548 ; then the priest H2930 [H8765] shall pronounce him unclean H5424 : it is a dry scall H6883 , even a leprosy H7218 upon the head H2206 or beard.
  31 H3548 And if the priest H7200 [H8799] shall look H5061 on the plague H5424 of the scall H4758 , and, behold, it is not in sight H6013 deeper H5785 than the skin H7838 , and no black H8181 hair H3548 in it; then the priest H5462 [H8689] shall shut H5061 up him that hath the plague H5424 of the scall H7651 seven H3117 days:
  32 H7637 And in the seventh H3117 day H3548 the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5061 on the plague H5424 : and, behold, if the scall H6581 [H8804] spreadeth H6669 not, and there is in it no yellow H8181 hair H5424 , and the scall H4758 is not in sight H6013 deeper H5785 than the skin;
  33 H1548 [H8694] He shall be shaven H5424 , but the scall H1548 [H8762] shall he not shave H3548 ; and the priest H5462 [H8689] shall shut H5424 up him that hath the scall H7651 seven H3117 days H8145 more:
  34 H7637 And in the seventh H3117 day H3548 the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5424 on the scall H5424 : and, behold, if the scall H6581 [H8804] is not spread H5785 in the skin H4758 , nor is in sight H6013 deeper H5785 than the skin H3548 ; then the priest H2891 [H8765] shall pronounce him clean H3526 [H8765] : and he shall wash H899 his clothes H2891 [H8804] , and be clean.
  35 H5424 But if the scall H6581 [H8799] shall spread H6581 [H8800] much H5785 in the skin H310 after H2893 his cleansing;
  36 H3548 Then the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5424 on him: and, behold, if the scall H6581 [H8804] is spread H5785 in the skin H3548 , the priest H1239 [H8762] shall not seek H6669 for yellow H8181 hair H2931 ; he is unclean.
  37 H5424 But if the scall H5869 shall be in his sight H5975 [H8804] at a stay H7838 , and there is black H8181 hair H6779 [H8804] grown H5424 in it; the scall H7495 [H8738] is healed H2889 , he is clean H3548 : and the priest H2891 [H8765] shall pronounce him clean.
  38 H376 If a man H802 also or a woman H5785 shall have in the skin H1320 of their flesh H934 bright spots H3836 , even white H934 bright spots;
  39 H3548 Then the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H934 : and, behold, if the bright spots H5785 in the skin H1320 of their flesh H3544 are darkish H3836 white H933 ; it is a freckled spot H6524 [H8804] that groweth H5785 in the skin H2889 ; he is clean.
  40 H376 H3588 And the man H4803 [H8735] whose hair hath fallen H7218 off his head H7142 , he is bald H2889 ; yet is he clean.
  41 H4803 [H8735] And he that hath his hair fallen H6285 off from the part H7218 of his head H6440 toward his face H1371 , he is forehead bald H2889 : yet is he clean.
  42 H7146 And if there is in the bald head H1372 , or bald forehead H3836 , a white H125 reddish H5061 sore H6883 ; it is a leprosy H6524 [H8802] sprung H7146 up on his bald head H1372 , or his bald forehead.
  43 H3548 Then the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H7613 upon it: and, behold, if the swelling H5061 of the sore H3836 is white H125 reddish H7146 on his bald head H1372 , or on his bald forehead H6883 , as the leprosy H4758 appeareth H5785 in the skin H1320 of the flesh;
  44 H6879 [H8803] He is a leprous H376 man H2931 , he is unclean H3548 : the priest H2930 [H8763] shall pronounce him utterly H2930 [H8762] unclean H5061 ; his plague H7218 is in his head.
  45 H6879 [H8803] And the leper H5061 in whom the plague H899 is, his clothes H6533 [H8803] shall be torn H7218 , and his head H6544 [H8803] bare H5844 [H8799] , and he shall put a covering H8222 upon his upper lip H7121 [H8799] , and shall cry H2931 , Unclean H2931 , unclean.
  46 H3117 All the days H5061 in which the plague H2930 [H8799] shall be in him he shall be defiled H2931 ; he is unclean H3427 [H8799] : he shall dwell H910 alone H2351 ; outside H4264 the camp H4186 shall his habitation be.
  47 H899 The garment H5061 also that the plague H6883 of leprosy H6785 is in, whether a woollen H899 garment H6593 , or a linen H899 garment;
  48 H8359 Whether in the warp H6154 , or woof H6593 ; of linen H6785 , or of woollen H5785 ; whether in a skin H4399 , or in any thing made H5785 of skin;
  49 H5061 And if the plague H3422 is greenish H125 or reddish H899 in the garment H5785 , or in the skin H176 , either H8359 in the warp H6154 , or in the woof H3627 , or in any thing H5785 of skin H5061 ; it is a plague H6883 of leprosy H7200 [H8717] , and shall be shown H3548 to the priest:
  50 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5061 upon the plague H5462 [H8689] , and shut H5061 up that which hath the plague H7651 seven H3117 days:
  51 H7200 [H8804] And he shall look H5061 on the plague H7637 on the seventh H3117 day H5061 : if the plague H6581 [H8804] is spread H899 in the garment H8359 , either in the warp H6154 , or in the woof H5785 , or in a skin H4399 , or in any work H6213 [H8735] that is made H5785 of skin H5061 ; the plague H3992 [H8688] is an active H6883 leprosy H2931 ; it is unclean.
  52 H8313 [H8804] He shall therefore burn H899 that garment H8359 , whether warp H6154 or woof H6785 , in woollen H6593 or in linen H3627 , or any thing H5785 of skin H5061 , in which the plague H3992 [H8688] is: for it is an active H6883 leprosy H8313 [H8735] ; it shall be burnt H784 in the fire.
  53 H3548 And if the priest H7200 [H8799] shall look H5061 , and, behold, the plague H6581 [H8804] is not spread H899 in the garment H176 , either H8359 in the warp H176 , or H6154 in the woof H176 , or H3627 in any thing H5785 of skin;
  54 H3548 Then the priest H6680 [H8765] shall command H3526 [H8765] that they wash H5061 the thing in which the plague H5462 [H8689] is, and he shall shut H7651 it up seven H3117 days H8145 more:
  55 H3548 And the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5061 on the plague H310 , after H3526 [H8718] it is washed H5061 : and, behold, if the plague H2015 [H8804] hath not changed H5869 its colour H5061 , and the plague H6581 [H8804] hath not spread H2931 ; it is unclean H8313 [H8799] ; thou shalt burn H784 it in the fire H6356 ; it eateth away H7146 inward, whether it is bare within H1372 or without.
  56 H3548 And if the priest H7200 [H8804] shall look H5061 , and, behold, the plague H3544 is somewhat dark H310 after H3526 [H8718] the washing H7167 [H8804] of it; then he shall rend H899 it out of the garment H5785 , or out of the skin H8359 , or out of the warp H6154 , or out of the woof:
  57 H7200 [H8735] And if it shall appear H5750 still H899 in the garment H8359 , either in the warp H6154 , or in the woof H3627 , or in any thing H5785 of skin H6524 [H8802] ; it is a spreading H8313 [H8799] plague: thou shalt burn H5061 that in which the plague H784 is with fire.
  58 H899 And the garment H8359 , either warp H6154 , or woof H3627 , or whatever thing H5785 of skin H3526 [H8762] it is, which thou shalt wash H5061 , if the plague H5493 [H8804] hath departed H3526 [H8795] from them, then it shall be washed H8145 the second H2891 [H8804] time, and shall be clean.
  59 H8451 This is the law H5061 of the plague H6883 of leprosy H899 in a garment H6785 of woollen H6593 or linen H8359 , either in the warp H6154 , or woof H3627 , or any thing H5785 of skins H2891 [H8763] , to pronounce it clean H2930 [H8763] , or to pronounce it unclean.