Mark 7:6-14

  6 G1161 He G611 answered G3754 them, G2573 "Well G4395 did G2268 Isaiah G4395 prophesy G4012 of G5216 you G5273 hypocrites, G5613 as G1125 it is written, G3778 ‘This G2992 people G5091 honors G3165 me G5491 with G5491 their lips, G1161 but G846 their G2588 heart G568 is G4206 far G575 from G1700 me.
  7 G1161 But G3155 in vain G4576 do they worship G3165 me, G1321 teaching G1319 as doctrines G1778 the commandments G444 of men.'
  8 G1063 "For G863 you set aside G1785 the commandment G2316 of God, G2902 and hold G3862 tightly to the tradition G444 of men— G909 the washing G3582 of pitchers G2532 and G4221 cups, G2532 and G4160 you do G4183 many G243 other G5108 such G3946 things."
  9 G2532 He G3004 said G846 to them, G2573 "Full well G114 do you reject G1785 the commandment G2316 of God, G2443 that G5083 you may keep G5216 your G3862 tradition.
  10 G1063 For G3475 Moses G2036 said, G5091 ‘Honor G4675 your G3962 father G2532 and G4675 your G3384 mother;' G2532 and, G2551 ‘He who speaks evil G3962 of father G2228 or G3384 mother, G5053 let him be put G5053 to death.'
  11 G1161 But G5210 you G3004 say, G1437 ‘If G444 a man G2036 tells G3962 his father G2228 or G3384 his mother, G1437 "Whatever G5623 profit G1537 you might have received G1537 from G1700 me G2878 is Corban, G3739 that G2076 is to say, G1435 given to God;"'
  12 G2532 then G3765 you no longer G863 allow G846 him G4160 to do G3762 anything G3962 for G846 his G3962 father G2228 or G846 his G3384 mother,
  13 G208 making G208 void G3056 the word G2316 of God G5216 by your G3862 tradition, G3739 which G3860 you have handed G2532 down. You G4160 do G4183 many G3946 things G4160 like this."
  14 G2532 He G4341 called G3956 all G3793 the multitude G3004 to himself, and said G846 to them, G191 "Hear G3450 me, G3956 all G2532 of you, and G4920 understand.